Neo League 301 - #318: Iori vs Ryu

Description: The legendary Ryu and the infamous Iori Yagami square of in Ken Masters' Red Arena. What will win out, Ryu's smelly who-knows-how-old gi, or Iori's INCREDIBLY FASHIONABLE SHUT UP leg strap!? Clearly there can be... only ONE ANSWER. (Winner: Iori)

While Ryu's feeling towards the proprietor of the Howard arena were mixed at best, he had to admit the structure was very well-constructed, perhaps more so than any of the others he'd been too so far. Not that it hardly mattered it all; Any place could be a suitable arena, and what amenities and niceties were or were not provided had little effect on the wandering warrior. As long as an arena provided suitable place to fight with clear, open ground then it had done its job.
He hadn't done this kind of thing for a while, but considering the Neo League was Ken's idea and all he'd figured it would be worth a shot. He'd signed up some time ago and was contacted (Through whatever means you could use to get a hold of someone as luddite as Ryu) once his fight had been arranged. A person by the name of Iori Yagami, he could recall no face to attach that name to, although the family name seemed almost familiar, as if something someone may have mentioned at one point, just beyond the cusp of memory, but he'll not tarry on it. Whatever the case, he arrives in the arena right on time, neither hurried no straggled. Whether his opponent is already there, just arriving or not even presen will tell him a good deal about them before the fight even starts.

Ryu. The World Warrior. Some people would consider this such a great and amazing honor, to be able to fight a legend like him.
Iori Yagami really couldn't care less.
In the end, a face is a face is a face to beat on. Fighting legends, men of great renown, hold no significant difference to Iori than some punk-ass on the street trying to make a name for himself by beating up the infamous Iori Yagami, or the power-hungry idiots trying to learn the secrets of his cursed bloodline do. In the end, they're all the same. The only difference is how much each manages to piss him off. And when Yagami gets too upset... he has to vent. And hence why they're here today.
There is no pressing concern for Iori to arrive on time today. So what if the camera crew and the reporters are all waiting? So what if the stands are lined with fans waiting to see what is sure to be an epic fight? Iori has earned infamy in the fighting world not because of his family, but because of his brutality, and even moreso, his distinct apathy in obeying the 'rules' and arrangements. And that is exactly why Iori is not on time; it's about five minutes after Ryu arrives that Yagami enters from the opposite side of the arena, looking around him at the cameras, the fans, and the announcer with a deep frown of dissatisfaction.
"... che."
Iori strides through the forested area of the Red Arena, form concealed until he emerges on the opposite end, his single, visible eye staring at Ryu with a bland expression. "You're Ryu? ... You don't look like anything special." Iori is, in fact, disappointed with this revelation. And so his shoulders just lift in a shrug, hands slipping into his pockets. "I guess even 'great fighting legends' look like chumps. Let's start already."

COMBATSYS: Iori has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Iori             0/-------/-------|

Cameras, lights, screaming fans...Ryu learned to put all those things aside long ago and focus solely on the person across from him..or well, the person who -should- be across for him. All those distractions however have been tuned out the moment the vagabond entered the stadium. To him it might as well be empty.
When Iori does arrive, Ryu shows no hint of disapproval or derision at such flagrant flaunting of the appointed time, merely offering a nod in recognition. So this was who he was going to fight? He looked a bit like the type Ken would call a 'no-good punk-ass', at least he certainly dressed the part. The fighter has no intention of making too many assumptions about Iori based on his appearance however, he'd let their fight tell him all he needed to know.
"You must be Iori, then?" He'll say before the Yagami heir's caustic response, shrugging his shoulders, "I'm not anything special." Reaching to tighten his headband in a long established pre-fight ritual, he'll settle into his hallmark fighting stance, "I'm just one martial artist testing his strength against anyone who's willing." A rare smirk surfaces, "Same as you." Okay, maybe he'll assume a little.
"Have it your way.." As soon as Iori states his desire to start the fight immediately the ansatsuken practitioner shall take initiative, closing the distance between them with uncanny speed, throwing a quick, straight punch towards his opponent's jaw. After all, he waited for that long, only fair he takes first strike!

COMBATSYS: Ryu has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Iori             0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0              Ryu

COMBATSYS: Iori endures Ryu's Light Kick.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Iori             0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0              Ryu

No-good punk-ass Iori might be, but it could be worse. He could be like the hundreds of pompous, thick-headed fighters out there who think they're so much better than Iori because they adhere to some vague moral code. Thankfully, Ryu doesn't seem to be that type. Which doesn't make Iori any less irritable; it just doesn't further increase that irritation any more than it already is.
The humble responses on Ryu's part receive nothing but silence. Apparantly Iori is disinterested in continuing the conversation. He didn't join the Neo League to engage in boring, piss-poor conversation with bums, after all. He came here to fight. And so he simply waits, hands in pockets, until Ryu comes at him.
Thankfully that time comes in relatively short order. As soon as Ryu sprints across the distance between them, Iori's lips twist into a brief smile. His hands slide out of his pockets almost /casually/, clasping together as Ryu starts to get dangerously close. And as soon as Ryu whips out with that kick? Iori is SPINNING, such that the strike hits the side of his head rather than his jaw. He doesn't even stagger as he twists, pivoting on a heel as his hands WHIP out. And it's then that Ryu might notice that those hands are /burning/ with strange, violet fire that are accompanied with a distinct feeling of ill-will. "GUUUWOOAARGH!!" Those blazing hands whip through the air, intent to smash into the side of Ryu's head. Wherever they connect, though, they are followed soon after by a brilliant explosion of fire to knock Ryu into the ground.

COMBATSYS: Ryu blocks Iori's Tsumagushi.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Iori             0/-------/-----==|=------\-------\0              Ryu

Ryu's not much for talk himself, with rare exceptions. Now that the fight's started he intends to say very little else
The fact that Iori remains still right up until the moment the fighter launches his attack tells him that the red-haired youth is either very skilled, very overconfident or some mix of both. Aware his kick hasn't quite hit the intended mark as soon as it connects, he can at least rule out part of that equation. As Iori spins Ryu is quick the counterspin himself in the reverse, clearing up some space for his next attack, but the Yagami heir is already on the offensive.
The burst of ill-will, the sense of hate within that chi catches the warrior off guard. It's strong..and what's more, it seems -familiar-. The flames, the attack itself, it seems very, -very- familiar...oh, and it's also coming straight at him, gotta take care of that.
He'd lost too much time on those however brief inner thoughts to dodge, but not so much that he's just going to take the hit. Iori's hit will connect, but with Ryu's quick to act forearm instead of his head. The flames burn as they will and the ensuing explosion knocks that martial artist back a few steps, but he keeps his balance. His arm's a little worse for the way, but it would've been worse had Iori's aim been true.
Not one to slouch, Ryu goes back on the offensive almost immediately with quick flurry of fists. Quick and light, they're intended not to damage but distract as the herald of hadou channels his chi into his feet, extending one leg and leaping with a powerful gust of wind at the apex of his assault in a furious advancing spin, "Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku!" A less famous trademark move, but a trademark none the less.

COMBATSYS: Iori blocks Ryu's Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Iori             0/-------/----===|=------\-------\0              Ryu

Mystical, cursed fire snuff out the moment that flames plume around a strong guard instead of the intended, slightly weaker skull-area. There is a little lingering pain from merely manifesting those flames, but Iori copes with it as he always does. Ryu's not sloppy, at least, which is a good thing. The Yagami would hate to have to fight someone who was all reputation and nothing but flashy moves. This might be fun after all.
Rather htan leap back to gain more room between himself and Ryu, Iori instead holds his ground, keeping up with the flow of his attacks. Ryu comes at him fast, but the redheaded Yagami scion is just a touch faster; a hand jerks upwards, intercepting each of those blows with little physical harm to his person, simply letting out a grunt before taking another step back to gain distance. Both the burst of wind and Ryu's rather helpful exclamation clue Iori in to the next maneuver, and just as that strong leg comes to bear on Yagami, a single forearm lifts to intercept. It stings, but Iori doesn't budge, doesn't give any room. Instead, he frowns, curls a fist...
... and attacks. His next maneuver comes quick, and in the form of a single clawed hand lancing out to impale Ryu by the gut and get a firm hold. If successful, Iori /YANKS/ forward to pull Ryu TOWARDS him... right in the way of a sudden snap kick to the former World Warrior's head. "HUUWAGH!!"

COMBATSYS: Iori successfully hits Ryu with Light Kick.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Iori             0/-------/----===|===----\-------\0              Ryu

Ryu wasn't as well known for his speed as several other famous fighters, but his attacks weren't sluggish by any measure. The fact that Iori can keep up and react, dancing just beyond the impact of his blows make no small impression on the vagabond. Whoever was responsible for the match-ups had chosen this one well.
Can't spend too much time giving silent respect though, he certainly wasn't going to be afforded a relent for that luxury! He's at a disadvantage in the first place, still in the air and with Iori having elected to stand his ground to be in a better position to counter attack. Ryu sees his arm coming, tries to twist out of it's way, but he's neither acrobatic or quick enough about it to avoid. The jab into his stomach knocks a bit of wind out of him, but the real kicker (No pun intended) makes it's mark squarely on his head. His ears ringing, Ryu maintains his faculties just enough to jump back in reaction to the Yagami heir's successful gambit. Okay, he was fast. Faster than him, probably. But Ryu was willing to bit he hit harder, it was just a matter of landing one on him.
Never one to stand and conjecture, a half-second is all the wanderer needs to put himself back in the fight, advancing with zeal towards the red-haired one with a powerful overhead a punch aimed at his head. One good turn deserves another, no?

COMBATSYS: Iori interrupts Fierce Punch from Ryu with Yumebiki.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Iori             0/-------/----===|=====--\-------\0              Ryu

The thing with betting on assumptions is... they have a tendency to make you look like an idiot. And Yagami is more than happy to demonstrate this to Ryu. As soon as those claws make a firm grab, Iori is all too swift to bury that mighty foot into the side of Ryu's face, to send him spiralling most painfully before leaping /backwards/ and out of the way of any more of the Yagami's assaults. Which works out well for him -- after all, it gives him an ample amount of time to prepare another attack.
Iori doesn't plan on waiting forever, though, and even before Ryu comes running at Iori once more, the red-headed scion is rushing headlong towards the former World Warrior, hands jerking out to either side of him. "YOU'RE TOO SLOW!!" He bellows out, lips peeling back in a vicious, sadistic grin. He moves fast enough that Ryu's assault, that single, powerful punch, doesn't come nearly fast enough. It strikes Iori's shoulder, rather than his head, and it doesn't seem to do a single thing to the Yagami heir. But Ryu really shouldn't be worrying about /that/...
... he should be more concerned about the claws ripping through his gut ferociously.
"HWOOOOAAH!!" The blood-curdling yell rises above the sound of those unusually sharp fingernails TEARING across Ryu's stomach, ripping the man's gi and cutting through flesh and muscle with unparalleled savagery. There is a spray of red that splatters against the dirty ground below, but Iori is not done there. Moving with the momentum of the claw swing, Yagami spins in a 360 degree motion, his opposite hand jutting out to SMASH into the side of Ryu's head in a powerful and humiliating backhand, carrying with it enough force to send the man straight towards the ground below them.

Something's wrong, at least Ryu is pretty sure of that when his fist doesn't connect anywhere near where it was supposed to. The true depth is his folly, of course, will come when he feels those cruel claws tear straight into his gut. "Hurk!" The spurt of blood isn't just flung from Iori's attack, a good bit flies from Ryu's mouth as well at the moment of impact. Instinctively grabbing at his rended stomach leaves the vagabond even more unprepared for the insult added to injury, as if he hadn't been hit in the head enough already! Still, while the blow almost puts him on his knees, Ryu doesn't quite go down.
Staggering back a bit, the warriors regains clarity as soon as he can. It hurt, sure, it hurt like -hell- but he's had worse. Wasn't going to be the end of him anytime soon. White Gi and hands now well covered in blood, Ryu re-asserts his stance. Although he was accustomed to tuning fans out, he remembers what the fans would always chant out before he'd learned to do that. Might as well give them what they what they want.
He doesn't rush to Iori this time, instead crouching a bit low, holding his hands out behind him and cupped together. Flaring with a familiar blue aura and focusing his will, the wandering one focuses his chi into those hands which soon begin to glow. Yet it's not quite the familiar blue glow of Ryu's most well-known attack. No, this one is is distingly red-orance in hue, the crackly of energy much more intesnese, the -heat- fear greated. The blood that had accumulated on his hands begins to boil off as the energy coalesces into fiery sphere, even Iori might even start to feel the heat from where he's standing. "Shakunetsu.." The crowd begins to roar; It's what they've been waiting for, after all, "Hadouuken!" Extending his palms, Ryu hurls the the mass of fiery chi at Iori without hesitation, aimed squarely at his chest. Even the air retains a modicum of excess heat in the attack's fearsome wake.

COMBATSYS: Iori slows Shakunetsu Hadouken from Ryu with Yami Barai.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Iori             0/-------/----===|======-\-------\0              Ryu

Broadcasting his attacks like that is going to be the death of Ryu. As it stands, Iori simply sees fit to idly flick blood from his fingers as he takes several steps back from the gi-wearing martial artist, arching a brow as he staggers, but doesn't fall. Well, the man is /tenacious/ at least. But if that blow was enough to bring Ryu down than this fight wouldn't be all that fun, now would it?
Blood still drips from Iori's right, clawed hand as he runs a hand through crimson locks, waiting almost arrogantly for Ryu to attack once more. And when the man does... he does it with the tell-tale flare of sapphire chi. Yagami's lips purse in a moment of thought, but he knows what's coming even before the other man makes his announcement. And what does Iori do? He scoffs, and lifts his right hand, eyeing the blood on it. And within a moment... purple fire blooms across it, burning off the rest of that blood. "Hmph."
As soon as the call of Hadouuken! is made, Iori is already flinging his right hand foreward. The flames dissipate, save to explode across the ground once more in a sudden and brutal gout. The burst of fire runs quickly across the ground, before CRASHING into the firey mass of the hadouken. The two energies combat for a moment, before those cursed fires finally give way. Yet, the only thing that remains of that ball of chi is a few pathetic remnants of the former, supposedly glorious assault. It crashes into Iori, and burns skin and clothes, but he hardly even moves; instead, he cocks his head to the side, and smiles. He says nothing, but the message should be clear; that it?

Well, tradition is tradition! Besides, the preparation for a hadouken is so easy to see it wouldn't matter if they didn't cry it out or not. Regardless, Ryu doesn't intend to stand there gawking like a fool to see if his attack should hit or not. Anticipating Iori's likely response the wandering warrior rushes forward as soon as the two energies collide. He could feel the power..his was the stronger, but Iori's own attack was nothing to take lightly, and it would take most of the punch out of his own attack.
That just meant he'd have to add a little more.
Was the hadouken just a distraction to allow him to get closer unhindered? Was it all pre-emptively planned? Ryu wasn't the type to play those sorts of mind games in a fight, and he had no idea if Iori was the kind susceptible to that sort of thing either, but one supposed it -could- happen, however unintentional. Regardless, Iori's silence is met with mutual silence, save for sound Ryu plans to heard of his foot connecting with the Yagami heir's sternum in a deceptively fast, forward high kick.
No Iori, that was quite far from 'it'.

COMBATSYS: Iori endures Ryu's Joudan Sokutou Geri.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Iori             0/-------/--=====|======-\-------\0              Ryu

And there he comes. At least Ryu doesn't pause in his constant rush; that would make things boring. Instead, he rushes forward relentlessly, even as the two projectiles collide. Iori doesn't stand idly by, however. Just as Ryu rushes in, the Yagami, too, makes a deadrush towards Ryu, recklessly charging INTO the other man's attack -- the sole of Ryu's foot strikes SOLIDLY into Yagami's sternum with a sudden /crack/, yet despite it... Iori seems to simply press onwards, almost completely disregarding the pain.
In fact, just as Ryu makes that solid kick, Yagami is swinging with his right fist, to SLAM it across Ryu's jaw. If successful, it is followed up by an uppercut to the jaw, with enough force to send Ryu into the air. And if the second blow is successful, as Ryu is airborne, Iori LEAPS at the former World Warrior, hands clasping together before swinging DOWNWARDS at his gut in a vicious hammerblow. "GUOOOOOOOOH!!"

COMBATSYS: Ryu fails to interrupt Aoi Hana from Iori with Shoryuken.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Iori             0/-------/-======|=======\-------\1              Ryu

Ryu's eyes widen -just- a tad when Iori not only doesn't move, but the sound and -feel- of the crack registers with him. Did this guy just have a screw loose or something? The point of it all does become clear soon enough when the red-haired one's fist strikes Ryu solidly across the face. His recovery is quick however and he's set to to beat Iori to the punch with an uppercut of his own...except he doesn't. Iori's fist proves the swifter, and the World Warrior champion is sent flying into the air where he can do little save be at the mercy for the flame wielder's vicious finisher.
Impacting the arena floor with a rather disturbing *THUD* Ryu actually doesn't move quite at first. A few a second past, but he'll roll over and back on his feet soon enough, panting heavily. This wasn't good, he could tell...but he going after him like this wasn't going to do any good. He stands that, regaining his balance and waiting for Iori to make the next move.

Ryu had something planned, Iori can see that much when the man's arm tenses in preparation of what seems like an uppercut. Iori's body strains past that, however, moving stronger and faster and delivering a single, powerful uppercut straight into Ryu's jaw. The finisher leaves Ryu crashing against the ground, even as Iori falls off to the side easily enough, neck twisting as he stares at the Ansatsuken-user ruefully. "Get up." He demands. Yet Ryu takes his sweet time, which just irritates the Yagami heir even further. And when Ryu FINALLY gets back on his feet?
Iori doesn't wait a single second. Mercy, pausing, none of these are things that ever cross the man's mind. Instead, he twists his body /backwards/, left hand rearing back, before it THRUSTS forward. He goes for what seems to be a gut-punch, save for one catch; his fingers are extended, such that each of those clawed digits will IMPALE themselves into Ryu's already injured stomach in a swift, ruthless strike. "GUWAARGH!!"

COMBATSYS: Ryu blocks Iori's Quick Punch.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////                     ]
Iori             0/-------/-======|=======\-------\1              Ryu

Getting Iori irritated isn't exactly something Ryu's going to lose a lot of sleep over. But when the strikes comes, he's at least ready for it. Instead of his gut, those deadly digits will instead meet with the vagabonds first, drawing blood a plenty but not re-asserting themselves where they've done enough damage already.
But Ryu doesn't intend to stop there. His fist opens, clenching firmly around the Yagami heir's wrist while his other hand grabs at his collar, leaning back and using his momentum in an attempt to toss his opponent clear of him, "Hyaa!"

COMBATSYS: Ryu successfully hits Iori with Medium Throw.
- Power hit! -

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Iori             1/------=/=======|=======\=------\1              Ryu

Ryu probably should start caring about irritating Iori. Because it's only a matter of time before irritation becomes rage -- and in Iori's case, that point comes remarkably too fast. For example, as Ryu grabs Iori by the collar, the redhead attempts to move away. Yet, he's not quite fast enough, and the World warrior manages to chuck him quite solidly across the air, perhaps more fiercely than anticipated. Yagami lands roughly, bounces once, and then lands into a crouch. Yet, does that make him pause?
... certainly not. In fact, it only angers the Yagami further, feeds his rage -- to the point that the younger fighter simply DEADRUSHES at Ryu, leaping through the air midway through. His intention? Ryu might remember this move. Yagami's fists burst into flames as he flies through the air. As they clasp together, those flames grow increasingly in size as the tainted fighter rotates through the air like a blur, bringing those hands slinging out to strike the side of Ryu's skull with a vicious, powerful blow. If it connects, it is followed by a similar deafening BOOM of an explosion that nearly drowns out the Yagami's loud cry, "GUUWWOOAAGH!!"

COMBATSYS: Ryu interrupts Tsumagushi from Iori with Jab Punch.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////                       ]
Iori             1/----===/=======|=======\===----\1              Ryu

Maybe he should, if Ryu understood the depth to which anger and harted fueled the tainted Yagami's powers. As such, while he perhaps may have thrown Iori harder than he intended to, Ryu certainly can't find that a -bad- thing by any stretch of the imagination. His recovery is quicker than anticipated though, as is the speed with which he rushes at the vagabond with. Looks like someone's more than a little ticked off!
Taking a page from Iori's playbook, the martial artist rushes to meet the attack head on, leaping up as he descends, causing the attack to miss his head and land somewhere in the vicinity of either shoulder. The deafening sound can't be dodged however, causing Ryu to wince a little bit..but not enough to keep him from making -some- counterattack. A quick jab is all he takes, just enough to give Iori a bloody nose, -if- that. Certainly wasn't much to risk all that for, that's for sure. Maybe he just -wants- to make the guy mad.

If Ryu /wants/ to make Iori mad, than he's certainly doing a good job of it. Despite the fact that Ryu evades the majority of the Yagami's blow, that fire still burns, and the redhead can feel his clasped hands solidly strike the other man's shoulders. But, he lands... just in time for a simple pop on the nose. It's not enough to give Iori a bloody nose, sadly. And even though his head jerks backwards, it doesn't even send Yagami staggering backwards. Instead, he snaps his head forward, back to facing Ryu... and he snarls. Which is about when Ryu might feel the temperature all around them pick up at a terrifyingly fast speed.
It all happens in a single instant. In one, Iori stares at Ryu, his arms ablaze with terrible, violet flames. And in the next? He SLICES them forward through the air, towards Ryu... but not actually touching him. The flames dissapate, snuff out in the wind. There is silence for a split second, before, from the ground below Ryu... a literal GEYSER of cursed amethyst fire erupts , shooting diagonally through the air and setting fire to nearby trees and shrubbery with its intensity. "HWOOOOOOUGH!!" The intent is simple; to catch Ryu in the blast... and consume him in it, before it spits him into the air. Just as simple as that.

COMBATSYS: Ryu fails to interrupt Yami Sugi from Iori with Shin Shoryuken.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Iori             0/-------/----===|

COMBATSYS: Ryu can no longer fight.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Iori             0/-------/----===|

The entire fight, something has struck Ryu as odd about the way Iori fights, it's...well it's not -entirely- unlike the way Saishu fights, except for the different color of the flames and the hateful chi and all that. But the attacks, the attacks are all fairly familiar.
And when he sees what Iori does next, the ansatsuken fighter knows what's coming next. He'll need to be fast if he wants to do something about it, and while Iori didn't try to strike him, he's come juust close enough.

Rushing forward, Ryu's fist is just about to connect with the Yagami air's stomach, his mouth just opening to yell out in attack...when it's suddenly cut off by the erupting geyser of flame.
-That- was a faster than Saishu. So instead of Iori, it's Ryu who winds up blown if into the sky, his gi charred and smoking he spins head over heal to make yet -another- unhappy landing the arena's unforgiving floor.
Except this time, he doesn't get up.

There are marked similarities in the way Saishu and Iori fight. But that fact is something that's origins lie almost two millenia ago -- there are, of course, subtle difference. More vicious, with much more clawing, tearing, blood and pain. But that's just a personal preference of Yagami's, really.
The martial artist vagabond makes one final attempt at circumventing the bulk of Yagami's attack. Yet it's not meant to be; the geyser erupts just a second before Ryu's fist connects, and consumes him as Iori's condescending laughter rises above the roar of flames. It's unpleasant -- but not nearly as unpleasant as those corrupted Orochi flames must be.
In the aftermath, Ryu goes flying. Iori waits, as if expecting Ryu to get up again and continue fighting. He waits, and waits, his laughter dying and arrogant grin becoming a frown. And then? "... what? That's it? You're done already...?" A brief pause. And then? Iori spits the ground, blood mixing with his saliva as he turns, and gives a simple, disdainful snort.
"Some 'World Warrior' you are."
And that said, Yagami's hands slide into his pockets as he walks off. The announcer declares the winner, but when he does... the redhead is no longer there. He has better things to do with his time.

COMBATSYS: Iori takes no action.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Iori             0/-------/-----==|

COMBATSYS: Iori has ended the fight here.

Ryu doesn't have much in the way of talking ability while Iori's getting impatient. In fact, it's taking all his effort not to lose consciousness at the moment. Everything's a little hazy for a while, and by the time things have cleared up and he's at least able to pull to his feet, the Yagami heir is already long gone. Nonetheless, he'll make a slight bow towards where his opponent once stood and exit the arena on his own accord, intending to drop by to medical facilities to get patched up before going anywhere else.
No mistaking he'd lost, and decisively at that, but weighing more heavily on Ryu's mind was the disturbing power behind the Iori's strikes and the similarities to the fighting style of the Kusanagi clan. The next time he saw Saishu he'd have to ask him about that young man. For now though, Iori's certainly given him plenty to think about.

Log created by Iori, and last modified on 06:03:42 03/07/2007.