Description: Feilong and Roberto vs Billy in a Charity match for Cancer Research at the Howard Arena.
Geese has organized another benefit fight with the proceeds going to cancer research. Seeing as Geese is known to donate money to various charities this is no surprise to anyone. It's only when you look at the fight card do people begin to do double takes.
While Roberto walked out on the last charity event, Geese for some odd reason chose to invite the soccer star to this one. Even with what the news reports dubbed a 'temper tantrum' Roberto has still managed to hold on to his following and even managed to gain some more fans. So once he's given word that no outside interference will be allowed in this match Roberto quickly agreed. Besides after the SNF at Taiyo he's a bit hesitant to return to the Dome Arena for any charity events. Damn soccer hooligans sneaking in.
Roberto walks out to the ring, not a lot of waving to the crowd and carrying a mesh bag full of soccer balls. He goes up the steps, into the ring, and dumps all but one of the soccer balls onto the floor and then kicks the ball in the mesh bag into the crowd with a safe chip shot giving a random fan a pair of nice souvenirs of the event. Maybe the soccer balls used in the match will be auctioned off with the proceeds further being donated to cancer research. That's completely up to Geese.
Who else was invited in on the Charity event? Why a man known for charity events himself, Fei Long. The Chinese Action Movie Star has not been involved in one of Geese's events before. The Chinese Star walks out to the ring, wearing a button down shiert, a pair of loose fitting pants and a very expensive set of sunglasses. The Kung Fu star flashes the Peace sign to the crowd as he approaches.
Charity fights Billy is actually more then willing to help out with; Although Mr. Big, Duke and Yamazaki are the darker aspects, the Brit has always been the proverbial champion. The showboating former King of Fighters. And he has no real intent of aiming for a win in this battle -- the better the show the more money is made, and somewhere within his long-crafted husk of detached punk is enough compassion to care. How much pride will shift this balance shall be seen depending on his performance. Billy's entrance is with his already completed staff twirling overhead, turning to take in as many of the fans as possible. And boy does he have a lot of them. "HEY HEY HEY!" is called out, almost skipping into the ring thereafter. He's got something of a smirk on his features, wearing his standard blue leather ensemble with no shirt. The red and white bandana billows behind, and hopefully the cameras pick up his opinion about smoking plastered on his jacket. NO MA'AM. "Well, well! Looks like I'm up against a kid and... Whoa, Fei Long! Haha, meetin' an /actual/ star! Don't expect any special effects in this fight though..." And then he twirls the weapon downwards, holding it in both hands while leaning forward in a combative stance. "I'll give you underdogs the first move. Show me what you got!"
COMBATSYS: Billy has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Billy 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Billy takes no action.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Billy 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Billy has joined the fight here on the right meter side.
> //////////////////////////////]
|-------\-------\0 Billy
COMBATSYS: Roberto has joined the fight here on the left meter side.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Roberto 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Billy
COMBATSYS: Feilong has joined the fight here on the left meter side.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Roberto 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Billy
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Feilong 0/-------/-------|
Roberto shrugs at being called a kid and an underdog but he's here to perform and so the soccer player moves to one of the numerous soccer balls and begins to weave around the other soccer balls litered about the arena as he makes his approach towards the staff wielder. After of a few of his intricate step overs he fakes his usual start-up move of kicking a soccer ball at his opponent and instead swings his glowing foot past the ball and upwards to ideally knock the Brit off his feet before performing a spin move to give him a bit more space.
The Movie Star will casually go about unbuttoning his button down shirt. He will slide the garment off expertly and hold it in one hand. The Chinese Star will smile that winning Movie star smile as he tosses it out of the fighting area. His feet slide underneath him and Fei Long gets into his fighting stance. By the time he is within his stance, it looks like his partner in crime for this match is already on the move. He gives an amused grunt and starts to sidestep to the side to find a better angle to attack from. As he moves, he's watching Billy and the Soccar Star.
COMBATSYS: Feilong focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Roberto 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Billy
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Feilong 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Billy fails to counter Thrust Kick from Roberto with Fire Dragon Pursuit Cane.
- Power fail! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Roberto 0/-------/------=|=------\-------\0 Billy
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Feilong 0/-------/-------|
Indeed, Billy had been anticipating an incoming soccer ball, and shifted somewhat evasively. But when instead there's a glowing foot arcing in his direction, he's not quick enough to interpose his staff. It impacts resoundingly upon his face, sending Billy staggering backwards with a look of rather thorough discomfort. "Ow..." Agitation creases his features, hands tightening on the bo a moment before he relaxes with a grin. "... Not bad." is admitted, but more then anything it was embarrassing. Such a base feint wouldn't usually get him. Fei Long is given the time necessary to focus himself, as Billy retreats unwantedly. It's for cancer, Billy! And not in the bad way! Going nutso and savagely beating these two are BAD for public relations!
After gaining room for himself, the soccer genius begins to juggle his soccer ball as he thinks out his next attack. He hops on top of the ball with one foot spinning on top of it before breaking into a full run dribbling as if playing chicken with Billy. At the last moment he gives him a soccer style tackle and in otherwords pushes Billy with his shoulder as he moves by him before skidding to a stop. It's up to Billy if the soccer star skidding on his feet or skidding in a horizontal orientation.
With enough time to guage what he is up against, Fei Long is ready for this! He flashes another one of his smiles as he starts to hop back and forth from one foot to the other. The Action Star does what he does best, he leaps into action! The vertically challenged Action Star will rush towards his Bo wielding opponent. When in striking range he will thrust out a hand, "WAI!" Then sudden;y another thrust strike, this time a hooking blow, "HAI!" then finally a faster thrust comes from the short Star, this time it's a quick closed fist meant for his opponent's cheek, "WAAAHAAAAI!"
COMBATSYS: Roberto successfully hits Billy with Quick Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Roberto 0/-------/------=|==-----\-------\0 Billy
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Feilong 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Billy blocks Feilong's Rekkaken.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Roberto 0/-------/------=|==-----\-------\0 Billy
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Feilong 0/-------/-------|
The peculiar antics of Roberto once more managed to pierce Billy's defense, and he's struck upon the side with a sound of obvious annoyance -- not exactly pain, but he felt it. The Syndicate's attention turns in Fei Long's direction thereafter, catching each of the thrusts with the back of his forearm before suddenly lunging in the actor's direction while ducking the punch. "C'mere!" Billy then attempts to slither around Fei Long with incredible speed, lowering his bo to catch him by the throat from behind and deliver a rather vicious strangle. And something best akin to a cackle, to boot. If such manages, Fei Long will be kicked away with a grunt, Billy once more hopping away. His showing, so far, is not particular good!
COMBATSYS: Feilong blocks Billy's Strong Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Roberto 0/-------/------=|===----\-------\0 Billy
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Feilong 0/-------/-----==|
Roberto, figuring that he might as well entertain the soccer fans with this, flips the soccer ball up to his head and begins to bounce it off his head a few times before letting drop towards the ground again before catching and holding the soccer ball on his foot as he brings it up high into the air. After a quick release he leans forward and holds the soccer ball on the back of his neck. After moving closer to Billy he flips it up again before swinging his foot at Billy's torso. Ideally after the kick he'll stop the ball before hits the ground.
One of Fei Long's patented techniques gets deflected quite casually by Billy. That is most unfortunate, especially for Fei Long. The Action Star's eyes go wide and he raises both of his arms kind of through instinct as Billy approaches him. As the Bo is positioned to go around his neck, his forearms are there to block it from really putting the choke on him. Fei Long slips underneath and rolls forward. He will bounce back upwards and twist to look back towards Billy. With his body facing Billy in a perpindicular fashion, Fei Long will hop towards his opponent and thrust out a measured side-kick meant for Billy's upper torso.
COMBATSYS: Billy blocks Feilong's Medium Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Roberto 0/-------/------=|===----\-------\0 Billy
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Feilong 0/-------/-----==|
COMBATSYS: Billy counters Heavy Kick from Roberto with Fire Dragon Pursuit Cane.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Roberto 1/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0 Billy
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Feilong 0/-------/-----==|
Fei Long displays his impressive flexibility, but as he slithers out and the foot arcs up it doesn't catch the man off-guard. He strikes the attempted blow aside, just in time to find Roberto again rushing forward to meet him. "Not this time, kid..." The upwards flip is stopped dead by the held bo staff, and during that moment of vulnerability Billy more or less unloads. Disassembling the staff into three parts connected by chain, he batters the youth while laughing in a manic fashion, the final strike intending to hurl him backwards to skid along the ground. Catching his ball is likely going to be impossible. "Don't be underestimating me... This is a show, but I'm not in it to lose!"
Roberto finds his body skipping on the floor like a pebble skipping along the surface of a pond before coming to a dead stop. If Roberto was a real bastard, he'd say something like Kain hits harder but Roberto is a nice guy and doesn't think he wants to tick Billy off quite yet, especially at a charity affair. Instead the soccer star is going to slowly get back to his feet and clear the cobwebs from his head.
COMBATSYS: Roberto focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Roberto 1/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0 Billy
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Feilong 0/-------/-----==|
The Movie Star feels resistance against his kick. Fei Long will swiftly retract his leg and hop backwards away from Billy before a retaliatory strike is issued from Billy against the Chinese Action Star. He will move his head and glance over towards Roberto. That glance only lasts a moment before Fei Long twists his gaze back towards Billy. He flashes him a smile, "Putting on a good show!" he comments before advancing on Billy again. If Roberto is going to hold back, Fei Long will at least entertain the crowd! He makes a leap into the air and comes crashing down with a drop kick. If he collides with one leg, he will pump his other leg down and follow up with a stomp!
COMBATSYS: Feilong successfully hits Billy with Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Roberto 1/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0 Billy
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Feilong 0/-------/----===|
The dropkick seems to work, as an attempt to shift to the side fails. Fei Long impacts Billy cleanly in the chest, inciting a hiss of pain even if he's not exactly staggered. Sliding back with a grimace, the enforcer cracks his head to either side before beginning to spin his long bo staff in a fierce manner. It kicks up a rather healthy array of sparks and flashes of fire, his grin predatory to say the least. "Not bad... not bad!! But not good enough!" Shimmering with heat, it's apparent that Billy intends to do something imminently painful. Whether such is prudent to a low-key charity gig or not remains another matter entirely.
COMBATSYS: Billy gathers his will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Roberto 1/-------/=======|=======\=------\1 Billy
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Feilong 0/-------/----===|
Roberto after getting himself together he moves towards a soccer ball as fast as he can. He's seen something similar to this enough times to know that this doesn't bode well and so he traps it and dribbles to the next soccer ball just as fast before making a quick turn and firing off his signature move, a soccer ball to Billy Kane's face.
Fei Long would have sprung off of Billy after completing his leaping stomp. He will flip through the air and land gracefully a few feet away from Billy. Fei Long will spin around and again raise his hands into a fighting position. Fei Long sees the Soccer Star make his move, so Fei Long decides to move along with him. Moving several strides slower than Roberto, Fei Long hopes that the Soccer player distracts Billy for his own signature attack. Fei Long will thrust a leg forward in a roundhouse style kick. However as it spins towards its intended target, it ignites into chi flames. Fei Long will shout, "WAAAAAAAAI!" And his roundhouse kick becomes a rising, flaming whirlwind kick of doom.
COMBATSYS: Billy blocks Roberto's Long Shot.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Roberto 1/------=/=======|=======\==-----\1 Billy
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Feilong 0/-------/------=|
COMBATSYS: Feilong successfully hits Billy with Shien Kyaku.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Roberto 1/------=/=======|=======\==-----\1 Billy
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Feilong 0/-------/-----==|
A soccer ball kick is still just a soccer ball kick, and it is swatted aside by Billy's free hand, not seeming to do /anything/ in the slightest. "Knock it off." It does seem that the attempt to distract worked however, as Billy is struck right across the face in the flaming roundhouse, stumbling backwards. But he still seems to be scarcely staggered, grumbling in apparent annoyance. "You two really are a chore..." But with a sudden whirl Billy flashes out his staff, launching it in Fei Long's direction. It disconnects into three pieces in the motion, sizzling like a serpent and aiming to hit him in the stomach. If he is indeed doubled over, upon snapping it back the other man would literally burst into flames, if only for a split second, as the weapon twirls back into his hand.
The problem with switching to a distance tactic is that he can't put himself in the way of Billy's attack on Fei Long. However he still does have a soccer ball with him and so he's going to take advantage of it and continue to harass Billy from a far. This time when he takes a kick he's not actually going for a landed shot but instead is hoping that shot either throws the staff wielder's attack off or allows the movie star to better deliver a response to the Brit. After that Roberto's moving to yet another soccer ball.
COMBATSYS: Roberto assists Feilong.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Roberto 1/------=/=======|=======\==-----\1 Billy
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Feilong 0/-------/-----==|
COMBATSYS: Billy successfully hits Feilong with Blazing Cane Thrust.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Roberto 1/------=/=======|=======\====---\1 Billy
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Feilong 0/-------/=======|
The Shien Kyaku is successful, once again. Fei Long likes pulling off his signature move. It always gets the fans and onlooker's pumped up. Fei Long will land gracefully back within his fighting stance. He flashes a peace sign towards the crowd before turning to regard Billy. His eyes go wide as the segmented cane is sent careening towards him. Even with Roberto's assistance, the Blazing Cane Thrust collides with the Action Star. The firey blaze envelopes him as he bends forward, clutching his stomach. He kneels down and rolls to the side to deal with the flames. When he's back on his feet, he will stand erect despite the pain he is feeling. Once again he gets into his fighting stance. Fei Long will lurch forward and start to advance on Billy once again. When he gets within striking range, he lunges forward with both hands. He attempts to strike Billy with a pair of opened palms in his chest and midsection, attempting to drive the wind from his opponents lungs.
COMBATSYS: Billy counters Medium Punch from Feilong with Ifrit Crisis.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Roberto 1/------=/=======|====---\-------\0 Billy
[ \\\\\\\\ <
Feilong 1/=======/=======|
Well, the ball bounces off the side of Billy's head with what looks to be mild aggravation, yet it's obviously not helped the pair much. "That kid's annoying, but you aren't bad..." is offered by Billy towards Feilong, twirling his staff after it retracts. And as the other man advances, that crimson weapon is reared back and hurled in the fighting star's direction. It misses by a mile, which makes Billy widen his eyes and start to cower with literal shivers, eyes scrunched shut like some schoolyard kid waiting for a beating to get over with. But that doesn't come to pass. The moment the two fists impact him, Billy snaps his eyes open, reaches into his vest, and /snaps/ out another collapsed bo. It assembles in the same flick of a wrist that strikes Fei Long within the chest, swarthing with intense fire. But this stagger is only the beginning, as Billy proceeds to go /apeshit/ on the other fighter. Beating him in a frenzy, each strike of his weapon bolstered with chi. Before snapping back his staff, blooming it into a myriad impossibly-long segments connected by chain, still smoldering with fire. "YEAH!" is incited, a sweeping uppercut tearing up the concrete ground as it knocks his opponent into the air, whirling around again into an overhead strike to /smack/ the man right back down, likely into a crater. Thereafter the staff rescinds into a single entity, impacting on the ground beside while Billy's other hand rests on a hip. "Whew. Not quite good enough, though!"
Roberto pretty much goes screw it. After all Billy's one of the many to get annoyed by Roberto's fighting style and so he goes after Billy again in a slow cautious approach. When he's satisfied. He leaps up attempting to grab Billy in a goalie style save with his hands glowing as he rises in the air. "Let's see if I can become more than an annoyance." If he gets a grab on him, he'll push the stick fighter to the ground with a burst of chi.
Fei Long doesn't get a chance to react. He doesn't get a chance to do much else other than feel pain. Lots and lots of pain. One moment Fei Long is reaching out to deliver a strong and measured blow meant to lead into another attack... the next though? He's laying in the ground of the arena. His body did create a minor impact crater when he made his less than graceful landing. Billy's words fall on deaf ears, all Fei Long can hear is ringing. His head shakes and the Movie Star attempts to focus himself and his senses.
COMBATSYS: Feilong focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Roberto 1/------=/=======|====---\-------\0 Billy
[ \\\\\\\\ <
Feilong 1/=======/=======|
COMBATSYS: Roberto successfully hits Billy with Shining Save.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////// ]
Roberto 1/-----==/=======|======-\-------\0 Billy
[ \\\\\\\\ <
Feilong 1/=======/=======|
Well, Billy sure as hell did ignore Roberto, and he glances over his shoulder way too late to do much. "Wh--" He's gripped, and with a burst of chi impacts the ground hard enough to permanently imprint his face. He keeps a good hold of his staff however, pushing back to his feet while brushing away the rubble. Although Roberto hit him about as hard as he could ever hope, there's still an air that -- well, it's not doing a whole lot. "I'm sick... of little punks getting so lucky..." Billy's no longer amused. Oh, heavens no. Feilong doesn't qualify, as he's both an awesome action star and actually has significant skill, but Roberto's continued sneak attacks... Grr! Billy doesn't attack just yet, merely wiping blood from his mouth. Spreading his arms, invitingly, with a masochistic air. "Well. Come on. You both look ready... Why don't you try to end it?!"
COMBATSYS: Billy gains composure.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Roberto 1/-----==/=======|=====--\-------\0 Billy
[ \\\\\\\\ <
Feilong 1/=======/=======|
Well then... Billy has thrown down the gauntlet and looks like he's planning on responding. This time there are no sneak attacks, no diversionary tactics. He wants to get some respect out of Mr. Kane before this fight is over. Still he's going to be intelligent about his approach and isn't going to reckless about it. It still is possible he won't be able to get it through but no matter the result getting some respect is ideal goal.
With this in mind he kicks Billy around like soccer ball to and fro, kick after attempting to find it's pass the stick fighter's guard and if he gets all of them through, he's going to kick Billy into Fei Long's general direction with a loud grunt.
Fei Long has had a chance to get a clear head, Roberto has been distracting Billy. He stands up and shakes his head. He forces a smile on his face, for the benefit of the people watching this match. Fei Long will drop the smile after setting his gaze on Billy. He starts to advance on his powerful opponent. He's always a showman and he wants to at least put on a good show, even while in a large amount of pain. He approaches Billy and thrusts out a palm, "HAI!" He shouts before thrusting again, this time a jabbing strike, "WAI!" A very fast backhand strike is launched, "YAI!" Followed by a pair of other quick close fisted blows, "WAI! HAI!"
COMBATSYS: Billy endures Roberto's Pass and Shoot!
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////// ]
Roberto 0/-------/-----==|======-\-------\0 Billy
[ \\\\\\\\ <
Feilong 0/-------/=======|
COMBATSYS: Billy fails to counter Rekka Shinken from Feilong with Water Dragon Pursuit Cane.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///// ]
Roberto 0/-------/-----==|=====--\-------\0 Billy
[ \\\\\\\\ <
Feilong 0/-------/=======|
It would seem that Billy's rather okay with the prospect of being kicked in Feilong's direction, actually bursting forward as the kid manages. Feilong is thus matched head to head, the result settled on a coin flip. The staff in hand twirls, before shifting upwards. FAIL. Feilong is just slightly quicker, and manages to impact him in the stomach. There's a hiss of pain, the rest of the onslaught completing and sending him flying backwards. Having taken two upper-decker assaults to the jaw, one would think Billy would be down for the count. But no, he rolls over and with impossible slowness draws back to his feet. "...Tch. ...See? Didn't even keep me down." It's probably imminent now, but there's no plans to make the grand finale easy!!
As Roberto watches as the attacks land hard and cringes in sympathy. That cringe fades as he decides to press the advantage, rushing in and swinging his foot at Billy again. Sure it's not tactically sound to repeat the same move twice but he's swinging for the fences. "Uuuuragh!!!"
Fei Long's fist meets the torso and jaw of Billy's. After the last strike, he side steps and spins backwards to attempt to gain a bit of distance in case his one-two-five punch didn't do the trick. Fei Long is lucky he has a partner in this fight, as Billy managed to somehow survive both of their assaults. There is no cringe of sympathy from the Movie Star. Fei Long's been beaten pretty bad. He just wants to end this now and come out victorious. Victorious for Cancer Research of course. Fei Long takes a few steps forward and launches himself up and forward. He comes crashing down towards Billy, performing a simply and quick Axe Kick.
COMBATSYS: Billy dodges Roberto's Thrust Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///// ]
Roberto 0/-------/-----==|=====--\-------\0 Billy
[ \\\\\\\ <
Feilong 0/-------/=======|
COMBATSYS: Feilong successfully hits Billy with Chokka Rakutei.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /// ]
Roberto 0/-------/-----==|======-\-------\0 Billy
[ \\\\\\\ <
Feilong 1/-------/=======|
This time Billy stumbles away almost drunkenly from the sweeping kick, but this is enough to make any potential evasion from Fei Long almost impossible. The kick cracks against his shoulder, dropping Billy to his knees. "Hrrgh..." But he still manages to twirl around his bo staff, and unleash a final assault upon the moviestar! It shoots out, attempting to hit him in the throat trailed by segments and chain. Yet after an attempted yank to incite that burst of flame, the weapon collapses on the ground. "Hrrgh... Alright! That's enough." Billy thuds back into a sit, rubbing the side of his head. In a bad mood, thoroughly, but he's becoming jadedly used to poor luck in these sort of fights! And at least it was a rather spectacular showing, to say the least...
COMBATSYS: Billy can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Roberto 0/-------/-----==|
[ \\\\\\\ <
Feilong 1/-------/=======|
COMBATSYS: Roberto reflects Blazing Cane Thrust from Billy with Shining Clutch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Roberto 0/-------/----===|
[ \\\\\\\ <
Feilong 1/-------/=======|
When Roberto sees the staff flying out for the movie star, Roberto changes his tactics from what could be considered a striker's tactic of moving the ball around, kicking the ball which sometimes included using Billy as said soccer ball, to more goalie like tactics.
Letting his goalie reflexes take over, the Taiyo high student dives in front of Fei Long with hands glowing as he moves his hand in front of it. The staff and the fire that was previously engulfing gets redirected and sent aside, the chi sent off in a column of flames before the young goalie hits the ground. He doesn't get up and in fact looks up towards the movie star. If he doesn't have a future in professional soccer, or the fight circuit, Roberto may have a future as a body guard. Who knows? Before we answer that question Roberto will take this time to catch his breath.
Fei Long will land from his kick and quickly try to hop backwards to avoid anything coming from Billy. However he's not hopping fast enough. He's tired and he's hurt. The Blazing Cane Thrust careens through the air towards him and Fei Long's eyes go wide as he tenses. He's preparing to dodge... or preparing to block... or preparing to do something as the attack comes flying his way. Fei Long moves his arms up in an effort to brace for impact... an impact that does not come? Fei Long will look up after it's taken too longer to feel the pain. His gaze starts out at Billy and then over towards Roberto. He flashes that practiced and perfect smile of his.
There's definitely a look of annoyance from Billy. He didn't manage to drop either of the fighters. "Goddamnit." He sounds more agitated then impressed, but manages to grip the end of his staff somewhat feebly and retract it with a yank. Using that as a prop, he pushes back to his feet. "Well, looks like charity's the real winner today!" Some kind of wave, if it could be called such, is offered towards the pair before he starts limping off. His ego took a hit for sure, but he put up a good show. And that, at least, will be what imminently cools him off.
COMBATSYS: Feilong has left the fight here.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Roberto 0/-------/----===|
COMBATSYS: Roberto has ended the fight here.
Log created by Feilong, and last modified on 07:12:47 03/06/2007.