Description: Billy Kane searches out Kyosuke with a message for his older brother, but before that some questions need to be answered.
Evening, the chatter and bustle of students had long since faded from this part of Taiyo High. The auditorium used today for a brief meeting of sorts had completed, the other members of the Morals Committee involved had likewise filtered out to go on about their activities. Not everyone had time to dedicate to the functioning of a smooth student body, much less the academics life being all that there was. Family, friends-- these awaited many outside of these grounds. Relationships were strengthened by the bonds of family when sitting about the table for dinner.
The auditorium wasn't quite empty however. The sky painted a rather picturesq scene across the oceanic view. Reds, oranges, the whole gamut splashed across and seeded with vibrant clouds. One could almost hazard that in the glow cast across the stands and stage, it carried a romatic air. Instead of a couple marvelling at the view, a young man in white lay stretched out a row of seats, his head resting on the back of a stack of books, an arm tossed lightly across his chest.
Kyosuke was catching a quick nap, and the peaceful silence had been too good to pass up. His day wasn't over yet, there were still some reports to write up about the events that transpired. Not to mention he'd been concerned over what had happened recently-- unable to get in touch with his brother for a private had all had to wait. His injuries had come along nicely, most of the bandages removed and only a vague soreness lingering. What had thought to have been a fracture had only been a hairline and sprain.
Still, he'd been passed out for a goodly hour and truely should get moving again.
Billy Kane's been angry. Finding out that Hyo, one of the most notorious students in the Justice scandal, has been rather viciously and routinely interrogating the people within his slice of Southside business, would have been bad enough. To directly confront and be repelled by the youth amidst enormous collateral damage to the Rising Dragon escalated the incident to one of his top priorities. On a manhunt to prove himself as a vital asset at least within the criminal organization means that such has to be violently snipped in the bud. Yet Hyo is enormously clever, a master ninja, and has that peculiar mental jutsu. But his brother Kyosuke... That's another matter entirely, isn't it? A brilliant fighter and tactician, but nowhere near the level of a former King of Fighters. And might very well be privy to all of his brother's secrets and plans...
Thusly, Billy Kane has decided to visit the highschool, dressed in a black leather jacket and pants in a shift of colors from standard. His white and red bandana is settled atop his head, either hand stuffed within pockets and posture a bit meek to better dismiss notice outside the contrast of his attire with the uniforms. Many students likely recognized him from the corner of the vision, but his scoping and quick, sharp interrogation lead him to find that Kyosuke last attended his meeting for the Moral Commitee. How cute.
Slithering within the serenely quiet auditorium, there wouldn't be a mote of sound to give off the presence of a potentially malignant person. Footsteps quiet as a cat. The first hint Billy is present would be a sudden eclipse of shadow over the youth, and a vicious strike to the base of the seat beneath Kyosuke's head with one booted foot to insure he's awake.
"Hey, 'Kagami.'" The latter has a rather peculiar tone to it. As if knowing it's fate. Rolento might of been memorable with thought. Billy Kane should be memorable in a heartbeat. "I think we gotta talk."
At the height of his exhaustion, it was possible a boot to the chair making a loud clatter would have been necessary to haul the younger Imawano twin out of his slumber. Instead he'd been merely resting lightly, readying himself to get up and carry on his duties as required before heading back to the mansion...the cast shadow ensured that his eyes flicked open. Their earthen tones were confused before recognition set in immeadiately. The rough vibration had been dulled after being absorbed by the stack of books-- and almost as if to irritate the rude interruption...Kyosuke made no rush to rise, instead taking his time like if this had been his intent all along. The cat-like superiority wasn't entirely feigned, his nature wasn't unlike a feline...down to its lazy habits.
"Billy Kane." His voice measured though not altogether readible. Even then it shouldn't be too hard to figure out that the teenager was curious, and wary. One as perceptive as he didn't fail to notice the tag to his own last name, the knowledge that 'Kagami' was false wasn't something commonly known to everyone in the school...much less out of it. This alone was a warning.
"To what do I owe this honour." Was he being sarcastic? Hard to tell. Billy was an individual who was respectable in his own right, a fighter of literal world renoun...people his age transpired all the time to attain his level of skill in combat, much less those who'd been training unsuccessfully for years. And he was here, needing to 'talk'. Kyosuke had had no contact with him at all, and the general feel of this meeting didn't sit well with him.
...This all without factoring in the rumoured ties Kane had with the Syndicate. Not so much rumour.
"Wow, someone actually recognizes me. I was thinking I wasn't so much a celebrity these days." Billy sounds to be joking, but in a sort of malicious manner. He's certainly got a rather intimidating aura around him, and for a man of his build and size such is oddly powerful and prevalent. He might not have a large physical presence, dwarfed even by Geese Howard, yet such has never been a perquisite. A hand shoots out, trying to do two things. One, grasp Kyosuke by his shoulder and make quite sure he doesn't get up. And two, display his own rather otherworldly speed. Kyosuke's far from bottom level, but Billy's on another tier. One within sight of the Imawano most assuredly... but not there /yet./ "No need to get up. Like I said, we need to have a little chat..." Billy leans forward, tone conspiratorial and hushed despite the fact none remain within who might hear it. "About your better half, Hyo Iwamano. You two are pretty tight, aren't you?" In a way, this disgusts Billy. But he's not going after Kyosuke to hurt Hyo. It's to find out what Hyo is up to, or Kyosuke knows. Biting the bullet though has always been his speciality, and he is in this business for keeps. "Why don't you tell me why he is snooping around Southtown, sticking his nose where it doesn't belong?" The nuances admit that Billy's in some kind of criminal pie, but it's not directly incriminating. And if he managed to get hold of the youth's shoulder, he'd give it a rather harsh and painful squeeze... "You don't look to be in any shape to put up a fight. So let's not make this any worse then it has to be."
There was little as this unanticipated meeting proceeded that suggested this was going to be some amicable chat. Right from the onset it had been skewed, and with each passing second, Kyosuke's opinion further cemented. To his credit, he remained unphased in the face of a dangerous celebrity, knowing he was outclassed when it came to one on one combat. They were all alone here, if things got would remain so. No collateral damage to his fellow students, but neither would he have the helpful back up of Batsu or Hinata.
Billy was quick, he was in mid-rise when his shoulder was caught. He didn't immeadiately lay back down, but he didn't press the issue just yet. Instead he narrowed his eyes, a lack of anything friendly in there-- especially when he mentioned his 'better half' brother. Like a clench to the gut, he listened in silence for the man to finish. Relief, hidden that it wasn't some sort of message that he'd been hurt or captured-- instead...Kyosyke frowned.
"Southtown is where we go to school isn't it? I wasn't aware that there were limitations on where students could and couldn't go." A mild tone of voice, seems he wasn't about to be helpful. "You should also know, since your information is accurate thus far...that you're wasting your time." They were 'pretty tight'. Infact, Kyosuke would hardly betray his brother to this known, but unknown man for something so lesser. Whether or not he knew what Billy was referring too--Kyosuke wasn't his brother's keeper twenty four seven.
He hissed lowly at the sudden pressure, the look shifted immeadiately to something a lot less friendly. "I don't respond well to coersion." With the other's hand right there, he'd seek to grab it to pull the other off-balance over him. A well placed foot to the gut would aid in this toss that might well fling the other a couple rows down if successful.
COMBATSYS: Kyosuke has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kyosuke 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Billy has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Billy 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Kyosuke
COMBATSYS: Billy interrupts Quick Throw from Kyosuke with Quick Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Billy 0/-------/------=|==-----\-------\0 Kyosuke
"Don't play coy with me, you little shit." Billy states through clenched teeth, not seeming to be in any mood for clever plays of words or denial. His grip remains irrevocable, intent on not allowing Kyosuke the opportunity to get free without a significant struggle. It's not a fight yet, but Kyosuke would be the one to escalate it. The Southside Syndicate bodyguard is merely the catalyst for such. "If you know something, I'm going to get it out of you." Most of this is bluff, but it's not evident. Billy won't beat Kyosuke with a pipe until he's crippled to get a confession, but he's well within the bounds of beating him with a pipe until he can't get up.
But when the younger fighter shifts to get a hold of Billy, the reaction is immediate. Although the foot is placed and pressure began, with a rather vicious show of strength -- Billy just HAULS Kyosuke through the air, by his gripped shoulder. He'd be flung sidelong like a ragdoll, to spiral over the very seats that the other fighter intended to send /him/, aiming for a painful impact.
"So that's how you want it to be, huh?! Alright, fine!" Reaching into his black leather jacket, Billy pulls out his collapsed crimson staff, rasp of chain heard as it clicks together into a long bo. He's the best in the world with this weapon by a huge margin, and plans to prove it. "Your funeral!!"
Sad to say, that this might well be truely a waste of time...because whatever it was that Billy so dearly wanted to know, Kyosuke couldn't tell him. Not only because he was stubborn and on principle he wouldn't betray the confidence of his brother to him, but because in all honesty-- other than theories he had nothing concrete. Visiting the hospital again was going to be such a chore. One supposes he could write his reports there if his hands weren't both broken. Hyo, when you returned to Japan and Southtown, he was seriously going to have to talk to you.
It wasn't just fluke, the man who'd been looming above him was as formidable as his reputation. He'd hoped to take him ofguard, not so this case. Suddenly Kyosuke was not only forcibly lifted from his laying position, feet barely managing to scrap the ground before he cast aside. The world tumbled, the pretty sky cartwheeling before it slammed back into position.
Sprawled partly over a lower row, the small of his back had a seat digging most uncomfortable into it. Kyosuke groaned inspite of himself, his old injuries flaring to life again in reminder. No, this isn't how he wanted it, but already he could tell its where it would have ended up. Almost gingerly he extracated himself, and slowly pushed the bridge of his glasses back into place where they'd slid partly down his nose. The distance that seperated them was too wide to fire off a punch or kick-- so he would do his best otherwise.
Hesitation in this fight would cost him, and he couldn't afford to play it overly safe. Hit hard, hit fast, then find a way to retreat. Gathering the force of his chi, he focused, and before he stood fully upright again to face Billy and his bo, he snapped his hands foward. Cross cutter. The pair of energy arrow heads streaked on up after him. He had nothing to say to Billy.
COMBATSYS: Billy overcomes Cross Cutter from Kyosuke with Blazing Cane Thrust.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Billy 0/-------/------=|==-----\-------\0 Kyosuke
COMBATSYS: Kyosuke blocks Billy's Blazing Cane Thrust.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Billy 0/-------/------=|===----\-------\0 Kyosuke
He thought to show him, but when his cross cutter attack is so easily and effortlessly dissipated, Kyosuke allowed a flicker of suprise to dart across his face. The distance in strength was wider than he had anticipated. Almost mesmerisingly Billy's weapon fragmented, their parts moving sinuously. It was easy to get distracted, but he wasn't one to just stand there oggling. His arm came up to block at an angle, effectively deflecting the first strike so that it grazed by his cheek, slicing through the skin there. The second was much harder to avoid by its nature, and instead he was forced to suffer the burn of the heat...for as long as it took for him to leap foward-- bolting over one of the rows that seperated them in a bid to start closing the distance.
Another jacket'd be ruined by this, and his skin grew flushed by having to get rid of the heat. In some places he had a couple light burns, but nothing compared to the explosive blast from the Commander. "There is nothing I have to say to you regarding my brother, and likewise nothing you can do that will change my mind. I'm not one of those you can beat into submission, the sooner you realise this..." The better for them both?
COMBATSYS: Kyosuke focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Billy 0/-------/------=|===----\-------\0 Kyosuke
"Sigh..." Billy actually leans forward enough that he stares a moment at the ground, shifting his bo staff and arcing it over his shoulders. Such iron will is respectable most certainly, but incites measures the Brit doesn't enjoy taking. It's a moment of vulnerability, but not easily capitalized on this distance given the earlier display of Billy's ease in dissipating a ranged assault. "Something tells me you gotta resolve that isn't gonna break that easy." Bracing himself, Billy suddenly rushes forward. The distance between the pair is cleared by loping along the tops of the seats like makeshift steps to pass the chasm of rows, arcing back his weapon while leaning low. "But sorry if I'm not gonna let you off on word alone--!!" And then Billy sweeps his weapon upwards, attempting to suddenly catch Kyosuke in a whirlwind of his staff. The hapless student would rise a good fifteen feet, before at the apex with a cackle his staff ignites; And there's a huge pinwheel of fire, cracking with explosive force and attempting to send his opponent flying away! One of his signature assaults, that has managed to break more then one fighter in Billy's illustrious career alone.
COMBATSYS: Billy successfully hits Kyosuke with Red Lotus Requiem.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Billy 0/-------/-----==|=======\-------\1 Kyosuke
Kyosuke's will was near insurmountable. A pit in this case he was unable to somehow turn this alone in what he needed to not only endure this fight, but to win it. He had resigned himself to injury, but he'd do his best to reduce it as much as he could. Not even his read of the fight however was enough to truely set himself up for avoiding these blitzing attacks as he would like. He saw what was coming, but physically he was unable to answer his mind's demands. This knowledge was more than irritating. It hurt.
His foot had barely cleared the row of chairs, landing on the seat when Billy appeared, the shifty-weapon of his stabbing foward and up before he could respond. The impact strained his ribs, but that was the least of his worries. Rather when he was forcibly hefted skyward, the sudden explosion of fire and invisible near psionic force was the trouble. The chair-smashing, wood-splintering trouble that ploughed him on through atleast three rows of chairs on the slope downwards.
There he lay for what seemed like an eternity, eyes closed and the world a roar in his head. A broken doll, his clothing smeared with dust, ash, and yes that tell tale crimson...and it wasn't just the lining of his jacket. Was it over? A jerking movement denied this assessment, and inspite of the beating he just took, Kyosuke was still very much conscious. "Suit...yourself." And he had a bit of sass remaining to make light of his depressing situation.
The taste of blood remained in the back of his throat as he coughed a couple times, and he lurched and stumbled partly onto his feet again, his hand gripping onto a partially snapped chair-back. A smirk tugged at the edge of his mouth as he turned his gaze onto the European. Truth be told, he needed a moment to gather himself. Who wouldn't.
COMBATSYS: Kyosuke focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Billy 0/-------/-----==|=======\-------\1 Kyosuke
"You had enough yet?!" Billy comments, smoothly landing while looking over the trail of shattered chairs that leads to the seemingly broken Kyosuke. He had truly hoped that the fight would conclude with that exchange, but it seems to not be the case. There's an exasperated sound again, Billy sounding to not quite be so utterly malicious this time around. "Damn. You can really take a beating." But he doesn't press the assault now, instead simply twirling his staff overhead while spreading his stance. Motes of flame and sparks trail around him, body shimmering with what appears to be almost tangible heat as the well of chi in his body is tapped. "Come on, then! Finish your useless defiance!" Definitely a cry of challenge, Billy seeming to intend to end this conflict now with resolute finality. He's almost certain that the goal of this meeting isn't going to take place... but, as bitter a taste as it leaves, he can at least make use of it to underline his point...
COMBATSYS: Billy gathers his will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Billy 0/-------/-======|=======\-------\1 Kyosuke
Frankly? The answer would have to be yes. Only a fool would readily accept this kind of injury willingly-- and what he was doing wasn't truely willingly. It was as he saw it, necessary. One supposed he could lie, or admit to ignorance but then Kyosuke had too much pride for that. He wouldn't bow to this man, and if he failed which he likely was, he would atleast have his resolve and defiant will. Small comfort that would be when he was in the hospital again, but it was something.
"The question is, if whether you have." Kyosuke pushed up off of the support he'd found in the chair next to him, straightning to his full height...which was actually taller than Billy. And no, he wasn't crazy. That upturn to his lips remained in place, silent laughter at the frustration identified in the other. "If it is you have delt with my brother, verily this should be no suprise." The lilt to his words would allude that Billy was an idiot if he'd missed it. Missed that interrogating him would be useless. Billy'd said it himself. The twins were close.
He slid his foot infront of him, his hands coming up in a ready stance-- then he sprinted and leapt foward. He arched his back, using his earlier momentum to spiral himself into a series of saumersaults. His foot flashed out twice before the third rotation ended with an intense gathering of chi whose impact alone would have enough force for atleast four blows. His last form would be with his arms outstretched, knees bent-- not unlike a crane in flight.
COMBATSYS: Billy counters Super Shadow Cut Kick from Kyosuke with Water Dragon Pursuit Cane.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////// ]
Billy 0/-------/----===|====---\-------\0 Kyosuke
"...You better watch your tongue." Billy states, scathingly, as the insult isn't lost. There's a difference between being uneducated and being an idiot. Despite the rather one-sided beating it's apparent that Kyosuke is just as much thoroughly strong of will, and probably would not break to physical interrogation that Billy, frankly, is not entirely willing to inflict. Although when Kyosuke shifts forward to begin his vicious onslaught, so does Billy. He breaks the energies starting to flow through himself, letting out a snarl and thrusting forward his staff, gripping either end tightly. The first kick is as far as Kyosuke gets; The momentum stops dead, completely absorbed by that red weapon. The youth would have a heartbeat to try to fathom how such was managed, flare of cutting chi dissipating in air too far to make contact with the bodyguard, before the bo staff collapses again to three pieces connected by chain. With a cackle, Billy unleashes a vicious one-two strike, both blows aimed to hit Kyosuke across the face and send him backwards, preferably to the floor. "You're a rank amateur. Haven't even hit me once. Come on. I knew you were second fiddle to your brother... but I didn't think you were such a damn liability!" Billy's weapon impacts the ground beside himself, slipping his free hand into a pocket and raising his head to sneer downwards. Somewhere, in the little demon put to sleep by Lilly's birth... he's starting to enjoy this. And that's a rather ominous sign.
There wasn't even time to widen his eyes, time stood still long enough for him to find himself not only halted, but his attack fast on the way to becoming countered. And not in a nice way for him. Just how the other had managed it was something he couldn't come up with immeadiately, but he was being sent into another world of pain so it would have to wait.
Each impact hit home, his vision blacking out into a flash of static-white. Part of his face was already painted red from the gash earlier, there'd be some pretty blue bruises to follow shortly after. Decisively Kyosuke was swatted from the air, landing not only backwards, but hard upon the debris strewned ground. He lay there for a couple seconds before struggling to rise to his hands and knees. He spat on the ground, blood-- the assault this time not merely physical, but a tirade of verbal hits that in a combo hit home.
Amature. Second fiddle to Hyo...but most harsh, a liability. The latter was something he never wanted to be, though he had come to accept the first two. Accept and overcome-- but this fight was different than his quest to redeem his errant brother.
"That may be true." Kyosuke started to speak quietly. He doesn't try to deny it? Reaching out, he tried to use any nearby debris for support, attempting to regain his feet. He hurt, and by the hazy line-streaked vision he had, his lenses were also cracked and dirtied. Still, he forged on ahead. "I may lose this fight, but you're the one who'll have to deal with failing it." Watch his tongue? It was clear Billy wasn't going to let him walk away now. The faster he finished this...he was sure though, that neither did the blond want him dead.
Not quite finished yet, Kyosuke spun foward and slashed his hand skywards. His chi manifested itself, that signature move of his. The pillar of crackling ice-blue energy was weighted heavily on whether or not he could get close enough...not to mention speed. Sheer stubborness pressed him to continue.
COMBATSYS: Kyosuke successfully hits Billy with Lightning Uppercut.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////// ]
Billy 0/-------/---====|====---\-------\0 Kyosuke
Mayhaps foolishly, Billy merely remains where he is, mildly leaning upon his staff and watching the now almost lethargic rise of his broken and battered opponent. Fish in a barrel at this point, more then anything else. Although it's apparent that Kyosuke received more then one strike from the lastest tirade, ergo such he doesn't feel bad about. The truth can hurt, after all. "Good to see you are grounded in reality, huh?" Billy is leaning forward, almost asking for it. Which turns out to be a bad idea. Although that fades at the commentary, inciting a look of sharp annoyance. "You think just since you aren't gonna talk this fight was a waste of time?!" A staff raised, shimmering with fire in an attempt to deflect the airborne bolt of lightning, but is insufficient. The assault flashes by, scorching Billy with a hiss of pain and sending him stumbling backwards. Although he appears mostly unhurt by the onslaught, jacket more singed then anything. "Alright, you little... This fight's over!!" With that Billy rushes forward, attempting to get within point-blank range. To start spinning his staff in a frantic manner, letting out a cackle. A veritable onslaught of battering strikes, aiming to suck in Kyosuke before hurling him aside in a flick at the conclusion.
COMBATSYS: Kyosuke blocks Billy's Whirlwind Cane.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////// ]
Billy 0/-------/--=====|======-\-------\0 Kyosuke
Being lulled into a sloppy sense of security around Kyosuke was the lesson Billy could definately walk away from this encounter with. Don't do it. If he was going to finish the teenager, he should do it without doing foolish things like shooting off his mouth without paying attention...ofcourse. The damage is nigh negligable, so he could do as he pleased if that was all it was going to amount too. And Kyosuke doesn't have that much left within him...not nearly enough.
"That was my conclusion." What else could he seek to gain by doing this-- that thought making him frown. Surely...
No time to ponder that. Kyosuke was forced to launch himself into an utterly defensive series of manuvers to avoid as Billy put it 'fight over'. His hands wove as his body twisted with his footwork, seeking to remain grounded...and not as Billy had framed it. Some got through, most were blocked, each serving to only further drain him.
With the blond this close however, Kyosuke sought to take advantage of that...never fully backing off of the shortened range, he pressed off of the ground, drawing his hand back into a fist-- a blue crackle gathered along its length and he yelled as he literally peeled it down towards the other's head.
COMBATSYS: Billy fails to counter Shadow Breaker from Kyosuke with Water Dragon Pursuit Cane.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////// ]
Billy 0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\0 Kyosuke
Actually, the primary danger within this fight is that Billy has literally exhausted himself beating the crap out of Kyosuke. That last strike of his was oddly draining, and the reciprocation seemed to be tinged with some amount of desperation. His gambit to finish off the bothersome cockroach failed, and as such he's too slow to interpose the weapon anew. The vicious fist impacts Billy cleanly, sending him stumbling backwards in a spray of blood and a look of rather considerable disorientation. He bumps into a chair heavily, spreading his stance and rubbing sweat from his brow. "I'm going to wear myself out putting you down, you know." This is more bemused then anything else, but Billy didn't want to relent his offensive. Such seems irrevocable now, as he's just going to become a feeble kitten if such progresses any further, liable to be overcome by overexertion. "Anyway, let's end this. I don't get much fun outta slapping around a kid who can't fight back. If I hadn't screwed around with you, you'd already be down and out. Sound good?"
By comparison, Kyosuke was a lot less exhausted than Billy-- the man's last series of insults had done wonders to urge the teenager into a railing type of vindication it may be otherwise. Perhaps that had been the blond's mistake. Kyosuke is on the other hand, far more injured even with the last two attacks that landed, and this couldn't be regathered as easily. He would try to make use of the breather he was offered, attempting to compose himself. His breathing came rapidly but remained deep.
...The sight of the other's blood did subconsciously add further steel to his will. "A poor tactic on your part." Apparently he wasn't about to curb his tongue, this wasn't some show of being merciful, if Billy could have ended it violently earlier, he would have. Kyosuke disagreed about not being able to fight back, but at the same time neither was he about to be foolish enough to battle on till he was knocked out. He wasn't so full of himself to think he could win this even after what just occured. That offer...if Billy was giving it. He would reluctantly take it.
"You came here looking for answers, if you'll leave here without them-- I wont stop you." Kyosuke replied, by no means lowering his guard yet-- but Billy struck him as being different in nature to his last foe...not nearly so drively insane.
COMBATSYS: Kyosuke gains composure.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////// ]
Billy 0/-------/--=====|======-\-------\0 Kyosuke
"I'm not a tactician. You can analyze all you want, but that's not gonna change shit. You are pretty much garbage who got on a lucky streak before I put you down like a dog." Billy snorts out the latter, actually taking the time to sit within the chair behind, raising one foot to rest upon his knee and let out an almost too contentful sigh. "But I'm not a cruel man. Nah. This ain't even sporting, is it? Sure, I could beat you to an inch of your life to give Hyo a lesson... But that would just make him more mad, won't it? I think you see just how serious I am." Billy laces his fingers behind his head, seeming reasonable in a somewhat arrogant and almost aggravating fashion. "You tell your brother this. Let sleeping dogs lie. He's free now, and there's some things too big for even him to try taking a bite out of. And sure as hell it isn't the casino's and gambling. If he sticks his nose in again... He touches another person and we hear about it... I won't be the one to investigate it. Trust me... Of all the people who could of came to meet you..." Billy grins, in a very toothy and rather violent manner. "...I'm the nicest!"
COMBATSYS: Billy drops his guard to recover.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////// ]
Billy 0/-------/--=====|======-\-------\0 Kyosuke
Unfortunately, Billy was again correct. No matter how well he could think out this fight, from start to long as he lacked the required experience and strength, he would be unable to use to its full potential anything he sought to contrive. Were he standing on the other side of this fence, Kyosuke facing himself with Billy's strength, would have demolished him without this need to break. He was sure of it.
The younger of the twins said nothing at first, instead letting out a curt 'hmph' sound. He found an unsullied finger, and lightly brushed it over the lenses of his glasses, before adjusting them on his face. It would appear his brother has been a very busy bee. Kyosuke be damned if he helped further verbally fuel Billy's arrogance though. He ignored the tidbits about 'sporting', 'inch of life' and 'garbage'. Were this Batsu, Billy'd have a fist of Guts in his face by now. Instead...
"I'll pass on the message." Remaining standing after a fashion and not rising to the earlier insults. "What he chooses to do, is something that will be decided by him alone." Kyosuke wouldn't try to weight it, not this. "You may cast your threats, but know he's not a person to be taken lightly." Some pride in that, he almost smiled. "This is our country." A soft warning of his own, "And it will remain so."
COMBATSYS: Kyosuke gains composure.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Billy 0/-------/--=====|====---\-------\0 Kyosuke
"There we go. See? Coulda saved yourself a beating if you woulda been more straightforward!" Billy seems almost cheerful, pushing himself out of his chair and raising with a sigh. He makes no motion to approach Kyosuke, instead disassembling his staff in a fluid and somewhat beautiful movement to once more become stored within his jacket. "You think what you want. Just remember what I said. This is your only warning. Interfere in our affairs again..." Billy now looks dangerous, something almost transient and borderline murderous creasing his features as he stares towards the Imawano. "And you've got a war." Straightforward and blunt. Raising one hand, not to wave but instead to flip Kyosuke off, Billy moves to walk along the remaining row of chairs for the main aisle; Intending to then saunter off with a lazy whistle and both hands back in his jacket, leaving the wounded Kyosuke to do what he will. All he got was a singed jacket and stout sock to the jaw from this. And that, to Kane, is barely foreplay.
COMBATSYS: Billy gains composure.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Billy 0/-------/---====|====---\-------\0 Kyosuke
Saved himself? Not really. Were Kyosuke the type to fold under pressure and do as he was forced, maybe...but Billy had approached him all wrong. And well, admittedly the teenager suffered the most of it. He wouldn't go back and try to undo what he'd done though, his bruises and injuries he wore with the pride of one who accepted the consequences of his convictions. It wasn't pretty, he was sure he looked like yet another disaster had hit him. Another reason to dislike Billy. Any idea how many meetings and paperwork he'd have to run through to explain the damage to the auditorium?
As if having to answer to Justice High hadn't been bad enough...Raizo, uncle or no wasn't a pushover just because they were related!
Kyosuke watched him go, his lips thinning in their turn downards. A war was the last thing they needed or wanted, but if it was to be a fight for bettering Japan, removing the plague that infested was a war that Kyosuke would fight in readily. His brother would have to clear up everything that remained in the shadow here-- but when he did...He'd come to his own decision.
Kyosuke wasn't the only Imawano who didn't respond well to forceful coersion. Neither did Hyo, his brother.
COMBATSYS: Kyosuke has left the fight here.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Billy 0/-------/---====|
COMBATSYS: Billy has ended the fight here.
Log created by Kyosuke, and last modified on 22:11:04 03/05/2007.