Description: Rolento has taken it upon himself to start a recruiting drive, Justice High and its students being the first on the list. What he finds is neither.
A sharp contrast to the more relaxed atmosphere of Taiyo High, Justice lent itself to the austerity it's name suggested. From architecture to the assiduous compliance of the students to the rules bequeathed to them, this sea of uniformity might be unsettling to those accustomed to the freedom to do as they pleased. A young man set himself apart from the regular flock merely by dress alone, though far from a stranger to the school's grounds. Kyosuke hadn't come here looking for a fight or absolvement of some whispering doubt, he came here for discussion. As the chairman of the Morals Committee, he had certain obligations...
That and his own personal desires coloured his decisions. Besides, a visit to his brother was something he'd neglected of late, far be it for him to be remiss in reminding the elder twin of what he had redescovered. That and apparently he was voted the best diplomat to deal with Hyo Imawano. Something about being able to finagle an agreement out of him more easily than any of the others...One could almost believe he was being used!
Not that Kyosuke was worried about that, the thought amused him more than anything else. He took his time walking along through the main walkway, his gaze wandering almost idly about him as he did. A sachel was slung casually across his chest with a couple books for reading later, other than that, he was alone.
Yet the aura of calm compliance might be upset by the sound of rotor blades, rushing above. A helicopter; The passage of such might be far from a significant event in most circumstances, a mundane background noise dismissed by any jaded city dweller in a place as large as Southtown. But the commotion of those outside belay such notions, Kyosuke mayhaps catching note of a couple pointing up. Flowing around the perimeter of the school, the vehicle appears to then hover directly above the main courtyard. An overt disturbance of some sort, further aggravated given a figure descends from a long black line. Powerfully built and in yellow garb, mistaking the obvious age of Rolento Schugerg for weakness has been a fatal mistake for many. Disengaging it to land in a deft crouch, Rolento almost languidly rises with a creak of his neck in either direction. His viciously scarred visage takes in all those visible.
"Hrrmph." His baton remains sheathed, but with the myriad grenades settled on his bandolier his presence is nothing if not hostile. "I request an assessment from the greatest combatant presently within this school!" Rolento's voice echoes of both command and authority, somehow rising above the drone of his helicopter again rising. Few people merely descend from the heavens to make decrees, and Rolento has always held a powerful charisma. A man who irrevocably draws attention.
Nobody seems fit to come and confront him, however. Which seems to incite little more then a smirk. Most learned students have recognized the commando, as one of the world's most renowned criminals, terrorists, and a threat to nations themselves. Not many people lay siege successfully upon America's largest city, and assemble an army from the remnants of society cast aside...
It was the end of Kyosuke's school day, what with Taiyo's leeway else if he had to return for something important...he may have been less inclined to pay attention to the descending helicopter. Instead what ears had picked up long before his eyes bothered to lift skyward made it's presence prominantly known. Curiousity stayed his feet, a hand hooking onto the strap of his satchel with an almost lazy air. His expression remained astutely keen on who would have enough pull to not only use such transportation so casually, but with apparent disregard for the grounds not being a heliport.
He wasn't to be disappointed. That face, that uniform-- recent headlines flitted through his mental files as both were matched to an infamous persona. And he was here, of all places...Kyosuke's impassiveness interrupted itself with a brief frown. Of concern. No one seemed to want to take up the call, the resounding voice easily filling the area-- claims of deafness were obviously false.
A moment or two passed in the quiet of Rolento's calling wake...and then the student in white stepped foward, carefully adjusting his glasses as he studied the older man. "And for what reason would this be?" No introductions, no fear in placing himself in the crosshairs of an unforiving terrorist. Kyosuke held his own,
The irony wouldn't be lost to the younger Imawano twin either. Neither being from this school, nor in his opinion...the greatest combatant it had. That, that title he would quicker leave to his brother, yet no one seemed eager to correct any false misconceptions that might be gathered.
Kyosuke might find that Rolento's white eyes were already upon him, before his approach even became overt. Seeming to have perceived some transient quality, or mayhaps recognition. Twisting with a fluid movement at only the feet, swivel an obvious show of endless discipline and training, the commando observes the minisculy shorter form. Although the difference in weight and physique is considerably more pallettable. One could almost see the shift of proverbial gears in Rolento's head, processing the opposing face. The others in the school are likely keeping a comfortable distance. Explosions and mayhem tend to follow this particular U.S.P.L. commander in chief..
"Kyosuke Kagami. You have attended Saturday Night Fight a few times. An upcoming fighter of extraordinary talent." There's no compliment to this, only a sort of mental reciting. Raw fact. So somewhere in this man's internal database there's a storehouse for the incognito Imawano. "More importantly, you do not attend this facility!! I am assessing the combative potential of the strongest school within Southtown. You do not qualify!!" There's an almost dismissive twist anew, Rolento no longer even facing in the young fighter.
His helicopter has risen to a considerable altitude, beginning a lazy patrol far enough away to only be an annoying hum that, within the buildings at least, wouldn't be very audible.
The pallid gaze was enough to put off many people, arguably there was just something inhuman about the stare. If it had any effect on Kyosuke, he wouldn't deign to show it. One couldn't afford the luxery of showing weakness, any at all to a dangerous individual such as Rolento. What he did do was lift his brow a hairsbreath when the military man not only addressed him by name, but had picked him out from another interlude-- one where he had no knowledge of being privately assessed. He should be flattered.
Rather Kyosuke read it for what it was, a poignant sign that the commander knew far more than he might believe he did... and a warning that he was tredding ground that may be beyond his present capabillites. Little words like 'upcoming' were salient markers of what lay between the lines. As if the dismissal in the man's words weren't clear enough, he was nolonger of consequence to even look at. Swift and brusque.
Kyosuke didn't scamper off, instead of all things he offered up a somber smile, ignoring the depature of the other's transportation. He really should do what he came here to do...but the truth was-- he'd seen Rolento's handy work. Many of the newschannels thrived on the ratings his chaos attracted, here was an oppourtunity that didn't knock very often...He could settle several birds, with that one proverbial stone. His brother would have to wait.
"And what basis did you use to come up with such a conclusion?" A challenge entering that deceptively calm voice. "It sounds like if you're making the rounds, will the other high schools be next?" Questions he could use answers too, but more importantly--"Ofcourse, be that the could save yourself sometime. I'm here right now, as Taiyo's representation." A pause, the hmph a teasing taunt. "However I wouldn't presume to point out the efficiency in this, to a person as experienced as yourself Commander Schugerg."
...Expect that there was no kissing up, the flattery was tainted with sarcasm. The listener would recognise it for what it was. Bold, perhaps. Foolhardy, time would tell.
Is he still being addressed? Rolento's head turns once more towards Kyosuke, a very dangerous edge tracing the furrowed valleys of his weather-worn features. It seems that he doesn't appreciate the sustained interruption in the slightest. "And what care is it of yours, civilian?!" There's a snap like a whip in his tone, nuanced almost in violence. Worst then the most harsh of teachers, or strictest of drill sergeants. "My agenda is my own. I have little reason to examine the lesser schools!" Yet then there's that backtalk. Slowly, with almost impossible smoothness, Rolento takes a few steps towards Kyosuke. Each boot clacks with perfect rhythm on the ground, free half-gloved hand clenching in a fist with a creak of leather. The commando would come to rest only a meter away, to stare down at Kyosuke with an obvious vehemence that is almost tangible. "...You would do well to watch your tongue. But your opportunity is accepted...
With blazing speed, the baton is yanked free from the harness on his back, and /snapped/ forward. Trying to strike Kyosuke in the stomach, and double him over the weapon. Attempting to knock the breath from him, thoroughly.
"...To prove why Taiyo is unworthy of my appraisal!" It looks like he just made the first move. It's not exactly enough to incite a fight; If Kyosuke wished to, he could suck it up and leave. But chances of that are likely minimal, aren't they?
COMBATSYS: Rolento has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rolento 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Kyosuke has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Kyosuke 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Rolento
COMBATSYS: Kyosuke endures Rolento's Medium Strike.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Kyosuke 0/-------/-----==|-------\-------\0 Rolento
Perhaps Batsu is rubbing off on him, which is why he dared challenge and teeter on the cusp of retaining his manners when addressing the commander. Ofcourse, he had his own vein of stubborness to blame, but he had his reasons for pressing this encounter. One his body may protest thereafter everything was over, but he was willing to accept all the same. Rolento's ire is accepted instride, as was the thickening hostility. Who knew someone could turn the word 'civilian' into something more along the lines insult with such ease.
Rolento accepted, but there was no suprise in that. The man was fast, the space between his words and action nearly non-existant, before he could do much more than sight the freeing of the is already there. A deserving punishment for his earlier behaviour, no? Pain exploded and his breath escaped him as he reflexively bowed with the attack, he grit his teeth pushing it all aside...and stepped back one. Maybe he was about to bow, offer his apologies and slink off...
But that wasn't the fighter he had seen. "You may try." He allowed his actions to back up his words, his left hand curled their fingers and struck foward for the other's chest, using the other's proximity to his advantage.
COMBATSYS: Rolento blocks Kyosuke's Shadow Breaker.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Kyosuke 0/-------/----===|==-----\-------\0 Rolento
There's certainly a look of satisfied smugness on Rolento's face as his baton finds thorough purchase, remaining where he is while twirling it a single time. But the man's reciprocation is assuredly quick as well, inciting a stiffening and mild retreat. Rolento hefts up his baton, catching to striking hand and driving it away with a snarl. The arc of chi still sizzles and crackles along his vest, but the majority of the pain was avoided. Although his reaction to such is peculiar. Suddenly the commando is rolling backwards in a tight ball, flipping away to get about ten meters between himself and the Taiyo student. Only to launching himself high from that crouch, at the apex hurling a thick knife. It sizzles through the air with surprising speed, aiming to imbed itself to the hilt in Kyosuke's shoulder. A somewhat dirty tactic, but likely not unexpected. So heavy was the throw that it actually launches Rolento backwards slightly, stalling his descent once more to the ground. "Your fighting style is peculiar, yet hardly insurmountable." Said with smooth fact, of course. His helicopter seems to have noticed the disturbance, curving to begin hovering directly overhead at a shorter altitude.
COMBATSYS: Kyosuke dodges Rolento's Stinger.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Kyosuke 0/-------/----===|=------\-------\0 Rolento
Rolento had managed to catch Kyosuke with the abruptness of his first attack, the point of impact would no doubt leave the skin either tender or lightly bruised when all was said and done. But one hit alone didn't mean that was how the entire fight would pan out...There was bound to be moments that he might be able to win some respect-- if this man's respect was desirable.
There was disappointment as he was blocked, his hand swinging away right back to his side, he pressed foward...only to find his oppoinent placing a widened gap between them. Rather than rush foward foolhardedly, Kyosuke tensed, bending at his knees as if bracing for the next blow to land. His arms fanned out before him, fingers lifted as if to invite the older man's next appraisal in the form of an attack. And it came.
The difference this time was that he'd been more prepared, expectant almost of something that could close the distance...he was familiar personally with such a tactic, which is why he spun and twisted to the side out of the way from that vicious blade. It clove instead into the concrete ground of Justice High, rather than the flesh of his shoulder.
"Peculiar, perhaps, surmountable, I'm sure...but whether or not you'll find it simple to do so is another matter, isn't it." He remained where he was, inhaling deeply, his gaze unrelenting on his target, yet he didn't launch yet another attack immeadiately, it was as if he were waiting.
COMBATSYS: Kyosuke focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Kyosuke 0/-------/----===|=------\-------\0 Rolento
"Tch. You are no fool who fights with blind passion and instinct. Respectable. That may grant unreliable strength, but my foundation is on precision and consistency." Rolento still sounds little amused, but the respect portion might have already been managed, Kyosuke actually had been on his list, yet a sharp tongue requires swift discipline in any fashion. After all, his signature attack was crafted due to a single smart-alec remark from a soldier. Strangling a man to death before the rest of his squad tends to create a resonating impact on following orders. "...Relenting the offense to me?" This is offered when the heartbeats between the pair are noticed, the crouched figure allowing a grim smile. "You are not the only one with patience." This is probably boring to the majority of onlookers. After a furious second, where Kyosuke was impacted, rebounded, only to evade a knife, they are oogling each other with a considerable distance between. ...Yet in many ways, this is just as much a tactical battle of the minds.
COMBATSYS: Rolento focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Kyosuke 0/-------/----===|=------\-------\0 Rolento
"Blind instinct and passion are neither traits that I can use with seamless success on their own." Despite the commander's failings, there were snippets of him that for all he may find the majority detestable...interesting enough that he may have enjoyed sitting down to have a discussion. A debate that used words as sure blades, and the challenge was strictly that of the mind. As Rolento had sensed in him a likened soul who favoured thought over rash instances, Kyosuke could the same in him. An omnious quality, for the other had many more years experience than he.
He was however, an Imawano, and he couldn't afford to blatantly shame himself before the onlookers...and his brother. He'd fight, and make any victory a difficult one. "I'll be the judge of how unrealiable it may be." That said, he snapped his arms foward, slicing through the air in a sissors like manuver. Icy blue-white arrows that trailed not unlike minature commets seared into existance...tracing not a linear path, but a mirrored motion to his arms drawn together at a point...that point being where the commander stood.
COMBATSYS: Rolento negates Cross Cutter from Kyosuke with Grenadier.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Kyosuke 0/-------/----===|-------\-------\0 Rolento
"Hrrmph!" Rolento snorts, sliding up and yanking two grenades from his harness. The pins clatter to the ground, flicking one of the green orbs to his other hand. Tracing the curve of the opposing projectiles, they are then hurled through the air with a snarl. Directly between, they meet. This alone should prove the incredible precision that Rolento has, the twin flashes of flame and shrapnel causing most viewers to recoil, as the pinnacle of human chi and human war battle for dominance. It turns out to be a tie this time, mere blackened smoke settling over the area in response. "Impressive." This is admitted rather openly. "Your insubordination was calculated, I anticipate. You desired this engagement. Why is that?" Conversational, as the commando slips back to his feet and rolls a shoulder.
The spectators surely got what was worth the entire wait, the resulting smoke threatened to obscure the area in a light haze as it slowly dissipated. Rolento took this time to speak, a pause that the younger Kyosuke didn't allow to waste. His voice had given away his position, unmoved from where sights had placed him last, and the red-haired 'wonder' of Taiyo High darted foward, cutting through the smoke like an arrow...
"Simple, I wanted to fight you." Before leaping into the air, twisting his body with cat-like grace as he sailed backwards. His foot lashed upwards into an arc with the saumersault. Though truely a simple answer, the meaning behind it was far from it. There were layers of reasoning behind this instigation-- a fight that Rolento's compatriots would have a fine view of overhead.
COMBATSYS: Rolento interrupts Shadow Cut Kick from Kyosuke with Mekong Delta.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Kyosuke 0/-------/-======|===----\-------\0 Rolento
"Tch. You should know I am as ruthless a combatant as there is..." Rolento seems completely prepared as Kyosuke arcs himself forward, remaining crouched in a manner that seems less then conducive to defense or rapid movement. But as the flash of chi slashes out, it only grazes a shoulder rather then finding stout purchase. Given that Rolento is now rolling backwards at a frenzied speed, impacting the ground with the end of his baton and, with a flex, vaulting himself forward aided by a powerful kick. As Kyosuke lands, he'd be unable to react to the sudden onslaught, baton striking out like a coiled viper and impacting him within the right collarbone with incredible force. "Hnnngh!" Rolento lands thereafter, but instantly backflips in an attempt to clear some distance between himself and the erstwhile opponent. Such acrobatics and unpredictable movements are likely what has molded this man into the dangerous fighter he is...
The commander is indeed a fearsome adversary...there isn't the satisfaction that comes from a solid strike from his attack, and Kyosuke when he landed was faced not with a staggering opponent. No, Rolento was already slinging a response back at him, and for the first time his brows lifted this time in true suprise. It was already too late to avoid any part of it, and that snake sank its fangs into the nape of his neck. Whether or not that snap was the sound of a bone breaking, or his foot skidding back in an effort to regain traction...Kyosuke is forced to take what precious seconds he could assess the damage, and catch his breath.
This fight was starting to wear him down, and his breaths whilst not shallower, were deeper and quicker than it had been at the outset. His muscles protested, but obeyed. Still, he wouldn't dare allow Rolento to regain distance again if he could, chasing on after him, he held one arm close to his chest...the right one, whilst the other lashed foward in a jabbing motion for his cheek when he landed.
COMBATSYS: Rolento fails to interrupt Quick Punch from Kyosuke with Weapon Jab.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Kyosuke 0/-------/=======|====---\-------\0 Rolento
There was an attempt to snap out the baton in tune with the seeking fist, but Kyosuke finds purchase and manages to repel the commando, who lands before skipping backwards. It was a fairly solid strike, but hardly about to decide the outcome. "We seem to be dead even." Rolento offers, slipping backwards again. Although in actuality the other man has an edge, if minute. Blood leaks from the corner of a mouth, rubbed with a gloved hand. The resurgence of strength and willpower is noticed, and might make a war of attrition more difficult. So he as well utilizes quick breaths and a smooth, almost languid relaxation. That atrophy and burn in his own muscles drains away, visibly. The cloud of people continue to observe however, and this fight might not be soon forgotten. "So tell me, Kyosuke Kagami. What are your ambitions?"
"If that is what you have decided." The young man replied evenly. The conviction in his voice that he thought this to be true was absent. He did this to let the commander know that he wasn't so foolish to be emboldened into thinking that these two were truely 'dead' even. Perhaps temporarily at an impasse, but Kyosuke was aware of the odds before he had even set about instigating this fight.
Kyosuke doesn't immeadiately follow this time, appearing to be content to so as the other had, allow his body to snatch what it could by way of recovery-- allowing the pain to lessen into a throb verses seizing cramp, or tolerable verses excrutiating when moving. His right arm was hampered a bit due to the injury to his collar bone.
COMBATSYS: Kyosuke gains composure.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Kyosuke 0/-------/--=====|====---\-------\0 Rolento
It isn't only the commander who might be interested in hearing the answer, but those who crowded-- not too closely, watching. It was a private sort of inquery, more order lacing it than any kind of true open question. Well aware that Rolento wanted a forthcoming reply, Kyosuke gave what he saw fit. "I will...change Japan." And then a smiled, the act failing to reach his gaze. As vague as it was, it was very much true. How it was taken wasn't his problem, change it for good, or bad...the subtle implication was that it wasn't a question of if, but of when.
The future had already been charted out, it only needed to be traversed...that was what he implied. Overconfident Kyosuke? Hard to tell.
"Negative. We have exchanged blows to an even level. My marginal advantage has already faded." Rolento proclaims, remaining back as well. Although the answer seems to intrigue the commando, head inclining to the side with something of a smirk tracing his own lips. Equally humorous. "And I wish to change the world..." Every bit of willpower and determination that Kyosuke might held would be seen echoed, like some mirror of both contrasts and comparisons, in every nuance of Rolento's body language and features. "I am of the belief that world governments are a detriment. Smothering and restricting the common man. Economics favor the wealthy, while the weak are left to suffer and die. Do you know what I have seen, scouting this world...?" Yet they are also in the midst of a fight, even if it's fallen mayhaps to more of a spar then anything else. Rolento has started to roll again, forward this time, unfurling violently and sweeping up his baton. It's spiraling madly, attempting to catch Kyosuke in a whirlwind assault. Before two more lunges follow, each punctuated by a second swipe and almost animalistic sound -- the last a sweeping uppercut, intended to send his opponent flying away.
COMBATSYS: Kyosuke blocks Rolento's Patriot Circle.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Kyosuke 0/-------/-======|====---\-------\0 Rolento
What was marginal may yet shift within the blink of an eye between combatants such as these. Were experience weighted one side, where and when it would swing into play and to its owners benefit was unpredictable. Unpredictable consistent, if one were to believe such a term existed. Kyosuke could feel his body responding positively to the brief break he had offered to it-- a good sign for things to come.
"The World...your ambitions surely surpass my own." He hmphed softly, "Your methods are clear enough to me, the news enjoys covering it with relish. But are these your only reasons?" The temptation of power that would come hand in hand to invoke such drastic changes was a sirens sweet song. Kyosuke wasn't convinced that this man could resist its corruption, even himself...It was nice to think otherwise.
Thus far Kyosuke hasn't exactly been attempting to overly antagonise nor aggravate the millitant, other than an occasional subtle verbal jap, the young man was curious as to what not only motivated Rolento...but the logistics of what moved the finer pieces of machinery that lurked and comprised the man's mind. Some may hazard to call the uniformed individual a madman, often Kyosuke found them to be misunderstood. Even 'madmen' who failed to follow that which society preset could maintain their cold analytical airs.
...Distincts had to be drawn.
Yet again the larger of the pair foiled his repercussive response, and decisively delivered his own. Caught with one his hand firmly latched onto the baton, it was the weaker right wrist that Rolento managed to sieze. The force and strength of that grip was like a premonition of the pain to come-- and he responsed using what he could within his resources.
No flashy display, no explosive earth trembling attacks...Rather Rolento'd find a black satchel with those hardcover books flying for his head. Shrugged off his shoulder, he'd snatched it from whence it flapped against his waist...and tossed it with enough force to startle someone. Like into not throwing them. The jolt however only further worsened future use of his right arm, and he hissed lowly in pain. Improvise, improsvise.
"One battle doesn't mean that you have succeeded, your tatics may just serve to worsen it. Such actions threaten a unified world government." And force alone to incite change...Kyosuke already made up his mind on that. It was like deja vu all over again, except this man wasn't his brother, and neither would he care. "Are you prepared for that eventuality?"
Well, there's no longer the slightest doubt that Kyosuke is incredibly adaptive in combat. The bookbag does hit as desired, and prevent the dislocating strike that would of doubtlessly incited the majority of injury. But Rolento seems to recover startlingly quick from that heavy weight, bringing up a foot in a brutal strike attempting to impact Kyosuke in the stomach and send him stumbling backwards with any luck, Rolento at best dazed by that particular onslaught. "Do you hear nothing?! It is the unified world government that is destroying humanity! Yet such is hardly my primary goal." There's that spark of fire being coaxed to life within the older man again. "I shall create a utopia, a free military state where civilians fear nothing of oppression. A soldier's paradise! And any who oppose it shall be burned down." Destroying world economy can come secondary to that, but he shouldn't be TOO overt about his more anarchistic ideals...
COMBATSYS: Kyosuke interrupts Light Kick from Rolento with Cross Cutter.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Kyosuke 1/------=/=======|===----\-------\0 Rolento
"HRRRGH!" Kyosuke didn't listen earlier. When you piss off Rolento, he goes INSANE. And right now, taking the time to talk even a sentence was a poor, poor decision. By the time the strike is attempted, the rather crazed commando is lunged forward enough to brush it aside, and brutally kick the other man backwards. Rolento looks to be barely grazed, yet this is only the onset. "SILENCE!" is demanded, the grenade in hand then hucked like a baseball right towards the staggered fighter. And at the moment of contact, KABOOM. The detonation is rather remarkable, flaring in a hiss of fire and shrapnel; So close is Rolento that he's singed, shrapnel gouging into a cheek, but the crazed look in his eye has not fallen in the slightest. He merely rushes forward once more, crouching down in preparation to continue this onslaught. Someone nearby is down, apparently hit in the gut by a wayward piece of metal. People are screaming and scattering. Oh, this is bad.
Even the greatest of experiments, no matter how well thought out or plotted would have wedged within the nidus of error. Where it lay was key for how badly they would affect the outcome, perhaps it was that in this one...Kyosuke had miscalculated. Not the response from Rolento, but rather the timing of it. The commander was every bit ready to do precisely what his taunt had urged.
By the time Kyosuke had managed to recover from the wickedly swift kick, he'd only be able to wided his eyes as the grenade lazily lofted itself through the air in slow motion. A pity he was unable to tear himself out of the mollasses like morass, the concussive force knocked him off of his feet and sent him flying backwards.
His pristine white atire nolonger ascribed to the meticulously wrought fashion ensemble-- but suffered majorly from rips, missing bits burnt away and from a splash of rich crimson. This made his collarbone injury and his right arm look like mere scratches. His inner shirt already had a gleam to it as if drenched with blood, and his face was smeared with thick ash and a gash scored his temple, bleeding freely. Yet somehow his glasses remained intact.
Touche, your physical rebuttal was far more versatile than your verbal.
He hurt, and his breathing came shallow now. Rolento was far from finish with him, not that they could carry on a great conversation now, he was half deaf. Kyosuke fought to roll back onto his feet, the ground beneath him painted with the same bright claret...Rolento was charging after him, and he exhaled, slowly.
COMBATSYS: Kyosuke focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Kyosuke 1/--=====/=======|=====--\-------\0 Rolento
"FIRE!" Rolento calls towards the air. The helicopter whirls around, suddenly facing Kyosuke. The sound of a chaingun warming up is heard before it unleashes a barrage, raking the ground towards Kyosuke with deceptive speed and a myriad of .50 shells. This blankets an area easily ten feet wide, but the arc of the helicopter's shift doesn't bother compensating for civilians. It sweeps past a clump of Justice students who aren't quite quick enough, and it's only the greatest of luck none were killed or grazed. Someone /will/ be at this rate, and the egress is far too chaotic to be guided at this point. Kyosuke's best chance is going to be just to put Rolento down, before he blows himself and half the school to smithereens. Speaking of the commando he's rolling backwards, almost as if in preparation for something so far unseen...
COMBATSYS: Kyosuke blocks Rolento's Large Thrown Object.
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Kyosuke 1/=======/=======|=====--\-------\0 Rolento
And here he'd hoped that helicopter was just there for placing bets and observing. While it would have been nice to hold onto such a naive outlook, Rolento would be far from accomodating. He saw his opponent slip away and instead forced to deal with of all things... a hail of metallic rain. The bullets pocked and chipped the ground on a direct path towards Kyosuke. Back on his feet, he felt light headed from the loss of blood and the ringing in his ears drowned out much of the screams and valkyrie's screech from overhead.
Still. Standing there wasn't an option, so he literally plunged on ahead, attempting the best he could to navigate through the hail, the flap of his jacket earned aeration it had never been meant for, as did the bullets find the overstressed flesh of muscle beneath it. Mostly flesh wounds where they bit, once through he stumbled and barely caught himself...facing off directly with Rolento again. He snapped himself back, his arms gracefully arcing before him, sissoring as if directing some hidden orchestra...
A nimbus coalesced feeding into a quintent of smaller comet-tailed energy projectiles, urged on by his rising yell Kyosuke sent them on ahead. Not just the pair, but five this time. And should they meet before striking...
COMBATSYS: Rolento slows Super Cross Cutter from Kyosuke with Grenadier.
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > //////// ]
Kyosuke 0/-------/--=====|=====--\-------\0 Rolento
"YOUR INTERFERENCE IS LAUGHABLE!" Rolento reaches into his vest, and literally unleashes an /onslaught/ of grenades. Four of them flash through the air with pins spiraling away, melding into the onslaught of chi before exploding. This happens a bit too close to Rolento, sending him skidding backwards to fall back in a crouch. But the result is far more then just a beautiful display, as these happen to be Anti-Personnel. More shrapnel rains on the area, although harmlessly to the likes of Hyo and Rolento. At least many of the bystanders are probably out of the way. Any moment a hail of teachers and Raizo himself might fly out to beat the holy shit out of Rolento, but the fight isn't going to last more then another ten seconds at most. "IT IS TIME TO END THIS!" And then Rolento begins to charge forward, a stumble that turns into a rush. His staff is raised, gripped in both hands. His own broken, battered and exhausted form tempered by a manic willpower, no small portion of which might be genuine insanity...
They really are a sight, the pair of them, Kyosuke and Rolento by some twist of fate have managed to meet each other on almost equal footing. The conclusion would no doubt be forthcoming, and this kind of disturbance wouldn't last unnoticed either by the faculty. There were those who thought flying sharpnel wasn't the kind of nasty they wanted to deal with today, so they fled the spectacular display in true ratting out efficiency. Kyosuke shored up the last of his reserves, and waited for the other to approach.
One arm hung limp at his side, the other deceptively relaxed. He had managed to hear Rolento this time, what with his booming timbre-- not to mention reading lips wasn't that difficult. Once he was near enough, it would be like a slap to the face...attempting to time it just write, the snaking length of harnessed lightning like energy tore upwards, overheating the air.
COMBATSYS: Kyosuke successfully hits Rolento with Lightning Uppercut.
[ \\\\\\\\ < > //// ]
Kyosuke 0/-------/-======|=======\-------\1 Rolento
Rolento was charging like a crazy man. And he merely attempts to endure the flash of lightning, but instead is consumed by it. There's a terrible sound as it sizzles across his yellow uniform, scorching his beret and causing a snarl of pain. But suddenly Kyosuke would find... it stopped Rolento, about two meters away. He's standing still, as the helicopter peels away in a rush of wind that flickers across the ground in a heavy wave. What lingering smoke remains dissipates into the air in a flush, Rolento starting to snicker. Then it turns into a laugh, completely crazed and insane, thrusting his arms apart and wildly staring into the sky. "THIS FIGHT HAS CONCLUDED!! I SHALL GIVE YOU A FINAL DEMONSTRATION!!" Rolento yanks out a literal handful of knives, each impossibly long and heavy, shifting out his baton and balancing them all upon it. Nobody should be able to do this, let alone in his state. "READY?! GO!" And then Rolento merely... flings all of the knives high into the air, enough they are lost to sight. Apparently at random. A black line trails past from the helicopter, and the commando grips it as it passes. Offering a salute, as a literal rain of blades falls no matter where Kyosuke shifted to, in a thick blanket. He's far from out of range to further attack... But it might be better to just let him leave!
COMBATSYS: Kyosuke blocks Rolento's Steel Rain.
[ \\\\\ < > /// ]
Kyosuke 1/-------/=======|-------\-------\0 Rolento
For the first time since this started, Kyosuke allowed himself a bit of satisfaction when the commander stepped into the range of the uppercut's blast. The other's arrogance far outweighed his own, and slowly throughout this confrontation...he wasn't just battling to gather more information, he wanted to prove a point. A point that was so reviled and denied-- admittedly it was likely to be entirely lost on Rolento.
Kyosuke bit back what might have been the beginnings of a curse, instead gritting back the pain as he sluggishly kickstarted his body to respond. Ready, go? Just who did he think he was...clearly this fiasco had run past what he had initially intended to expend in energy. It hadn't been something he could afford to skimp however, Rolento was a fearsome adversary.
But there was that point. That point to discredit.
What had begun here would spread to the other schools, his precious Taiyo one of them. Kyosuke wanted no part that the commander wanted to offer, no, force upon them and those he held dear...the price of his actions may already have been writ. So much to consider, so many choices. And Rolento was leaving--
Running after him to finish him off through that hail of knives wasn't an option he particularly was enamoured with. As it was, he wasn't escaping this unscathed-- a particularly foward blade landed solidly into his leg, and he stumbled foward.
"Yes..." He grated out, pulling out the knife as he cast a look over his shoulder-- measuring distance, measuring the interferrance. "Go." And he flung it. The need to secure their commander would override finishing him off-- would it not? How best to get rid of the hail of steel.
As for that 'point'. Were his plan not flawed, shouldn't he have suceeded here again aswell.
COMBATSYS: Rolento overcomes Thrown Object from Kyosuke with Stinger.
[ \\\\\ < > // ]
Kyosuke 1/-------/=======|-------\-------\0 Rolento
Rolento begins to fly into the air, glancing backwards and noticing that Kyosuke is unleashing another assault of his own. The hail of knives didn't quite drop him? Although the man's hand feels leaden, Rolento shakily yanks out another. And hurls it right back. Sadly, the commando has infinitely more precision with these weapons, cleanly deflecting the makeshift knife and continuing on. The intent this time is to impact down to the hilt in Kyosuke's chest, trying to stagger him back. "YOUR RESISTANCE IS MEANINGLESS!" Rolento snarls, continuing to ascend into the sky on his line. It looks like he believes he got the last laugh!
COMBATSYS: Kyosuke negates Stinger from Rolento with Cross Cutter.
[ \\\\ < > // ]
Kyosuke 1/-------/=======|-------\-------\0 Rolento
Kyosuke is if anything, tenacious once he has set his mind upon is likely he wouldn't have lasted much longer if this fight had continued. His parting attack wouldn't be his last, as much as he would have hoped. Instead not only does the commander escape further injury, but he whips back a return. Resistence is meaningless? Digging deeply, he drew forth one more energy attack-- its range wasn't long enough to impact upon the rapidly ascending helicopter, but it was enough to knock off course the blade from settling into his chest. This done he fell to his knees, his left hand bracing against the ground. His eyes remained locked on retreating helicopter, his expression grim.
Log created by Kyosuke, and last modified on 17:40:58 03/02/2007.