Description: While minding her own business, Miu is ambused again by the ever-eager Nanako Yanagimura! Insisting they fight, things end on a particularly interesting note. Also, Yurika gets distracted while reading her dirty romance novels.
It's been a little while-- since her defeat in her first Saturday Night Fight event, a little more recent, her crushing defeat at the hands of Iori Yagami. But the girl's moved on since then-- beyond her fifteen minutes of fame and the burst of rumors and stories that've come forth after the former event and her fifteen minutes of celeberty.
With her coat patched up and repaired since the encounter with Yagami, Miu's exit from Seijyun and entrance to the park is done quietly, head tilted forward and eyes vacantly locked somewhere ahead of her on the paved path through the lush nature. Just far enough ahead to see what's in front of her, but low enough to not mistakenly make eye contact... not that it's an issue, with her stature.
Pulling the cracked walkman out of her pocket, Miu's thumb navigates to the broken 'stop' button and presses sharply, opening the swivel-out door and flipping the tape over. Snap close, hit play, and more zoning out to the low-volume music.
This is the depressed girl's zen.
This is how she can best separate herself from all the crap in her life.
No one can disturb her peace.
No one can disturb her peace.
No one, save for Nanako Yanagimura.
Since Miu's SNF stint, however, she has gained considerable attention from the other Psi fighter. So, the girl is making her way into the scene as well? Is she trying to train herself against other fighters, too? Is she trying to improve her talents? All signs seem to point to yes for Nanako.
As Miu walks along listening to music in her clearly dated walkman, Nanako is trailing behind her, off the beaten path. In fact, she's sneaking around in the bushes lining the path of the park trail. Green-yellow eyes are wide and curious as she trails behind the depressed girl in her zen state.
Only as she nears a corner does the girl suddenly LEAP out of the bushes, landing with a slap of flat soles against the weathered path that snakes through the park. "HAH!!" Thrusting a finger forward, the girl exclaims, "Found you again! You and I...have unfinished business!"
And what's that, precisely?
Easing into a stance, the girl puts up her dukes, hopping lightly in place. "Ready yourself, kiddo!!"
COMBATSYS: Nanako has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Nanako 0/-------/-------|
But why is she training herself? Why is she trying to break into the world-wide circuit? Why would she bother, aside from improving her talents and harnessing the psi-energy that literally overflows from her very touch? The question's plagued Miu ever since she had signed up for that first bout.
But even as Nanako leaps out, makes her vocal proclamation to the sullen Seijyun student, the girl fails to look up at all. In fact, she gets a little closer than she'd like before the body (minus head) becomes remotely familiar. Looking up and realizing just who it is as she draws to a halt, Miu's eyes widen but slightly, her shoulders jerking back and arms pulling away. She keeps her footing, but steps back just a little with wide eyes. "Wh-- What??"
'... ou an I ... unfini... busin...'
Miu reaches into her pocket and turns off the walkman with an excessively loud *CLACK* of the button and the damaged gears grinding to a halt inside the device.
"What, this again...?" she asks, pulling off her headphones.
Lifting the flap of her messenger bag, she tucks the walkman and the headphones into the bag, unshouldering it and dropping the mass on the sidewalk. "I'm really not in the mood for this today." Though she says that, the psi-energy within her begins to build up, drawing her eyes to a dangerous narrow...
COMBATSYS: Miu has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Nanako 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Miu
COMBATSYS: Miu focuses on her next action.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Nanako 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Miu
In due time Miu will discover the intentions behind her actions when she opted to sign up for SNF! For now, however, she has to contend with the chipper and fight-ready Nanako Yanagimura! Who leaps out and is left ignored for a moment, drawing a rather confused expression from her as she stands with a finger extended. One might surmise she is unaware that Miu's got headphones on.'s probably true. Nanako inhales deeply.
"I SAID--!!!" she begins, yelling quite loudly at the other fighter. However, when Miu reaches up and pulls her headphones off, Nanako's features falter, eyes flickering to the walkman at her side. "Man, that's ghetto," she muses aloud, rubbing lightly at her chin.
Oh YEAH. "Yeah! This again!" Whatever she's talking about! Hopping into her stance, the girl waits patiently for the other fighter. "And get in the mood, ‘cause trouble is about to come your way, missy!" Not that Nanako is any trouble. Without further ado she squeals loudly and leaps into the air before she comes down at Miu with a kick aimed for her chest. "HOAAAH!"
COMBATSYS: Nanako successfully hits Miu with Light Kick.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Nanako 0/-------/-------|==-----\-------\0 Miu
"Well, sorry. It's not like all of us can afford the new stuff."
But it seems like no matter what, the two of them are now ready-- as much as she wants to do this or not. The foot travels in at her swiftly, and once again Miu feels what it's like to be kicked square in the middle of the chest. Her left leg stays prone, the right skidding out to her side and wide to drop into a low, bow-legged stance to keep from falling flat on her back. Hand at her chest, Miu gasps, her other hand tightening up into a fist.
Drawing her left leg back up as quickly as possible, Miu whirls around once, her hand sweeping low and casting off a single black feather at Nanako. At the height of her step, she reverses directions, palm turning up as she swipes out and casts a second feather. "Take this!" she calls, voice in an oddly emotional tone.
COMBATSYS: Miu successfully hits Nanako with Kakure Amagakeri.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Nanako 0/-------/----===|===----\-------\0 Miu
And wouldn't you know it, Miu and Nanako aren't the only two about the park.. Well, aside from the obvious casual dwellers and jogging nuts, but also about the area is Yurika Kirishima, whom had decided to stray from the school gates in favor of reading a compelling romance novel about forbidden love. Clad in her usual student attire plus a white mantle over her shoulders, and a matching parasol in hand to keep the sunlight under control, she reads on with pink cheeks, so drawn in by the well written tale. However, suddenly things were getting quite loud, forcing her to look up from her tale toward the two combatants. What a pain!
"So save your money! JEEZ! You fought in SNF didn't you!? Well, use your talent to make some money! DUH!"
Lifting a finger, Nanako points it to her temple as she sticks her tongue out at Miu, looking comically retarded...not literally so. Because Nanako's not retarded, despite what some people MIGHT argue! She's pretty smart, in fact! So smart she makes first move, leaping up and planting that foot square against her chest. Using Miu as a springboard, Nanako leaps off and back, rotating midair to land gracefully a few feet away. "Wah ha ha!"
t was funny until Miu threw a feather at her. That psi-feather strikes Nanako square in HER chest, a loud ‘OOF' escaping her as she staggers back. "Ooooh!!!" Clenching her hands into fists, the ground beneath her bursts into light, motes of pink energy rising up around her as unseen wind whips her skirt and pigtails about. "You're gonna pay, kiddo!!" So what if Yurika is annoyed! She'll just have to put up with it while reading her dirty romance novels!!
COMBATSYS: Nanako gathers her will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Nanako 0/-------/=======|===----\-------\0 Miu
The first burst-- bam! And the second connects just as well. Miu fails to crack a smile, fails to show much of any emotion save the same neutrality and coldness that seems to simply radiate from her almost all the time. Almost-- but there were times where it wasn't so. Still, her pose resumes, her arms hanging limply at her sides, her fingers fanned out and thumbs nearly overtaken by the slack and excess of her thick turtleneck's sleeves.
"Don't take me lightly!"
While Nanako stands there, Miu continues to move. Casting off her beaten and repaired winter's coat, the young Kurosaki doesn't seem to want to let Nanako take her time and build her strength, instead running ahead to close the gap between them. Reaching ahead, feathers trail from her fingers as she reaches to grab the loud psi-user by the wrist and pull her arm taut-- followed with a smooth twist, a thrusting check from her small hip, and sharp tug over her shoulder, intending on splaying Nanako out in a pseudo-Judo style.
COMBATSYS: Nanako blocks Miu's Quick Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Nanako 1/-------/=======|===----\-------\0 Miu
They connect and they smart for some weird reason! Furrowing her brows, Nanako absently rubs the point of impact before she flares up, looking comically upset and annoyed by this turn of events. How dare she hit her! Nanako's not supposed to get hit! She's supposed to conquer all! Or...something. Yeah, that's the ticket!
Don't take HER lightly? "Hey, that's MY LINE!" Nanako cries, lifting her arms up as she comes blazing forward, to grab her and attempt to hip-check her. Nanako, however, lifts her arms and slaps the girl's hands away, keeping her ground with sheer determination and will. "Not today!" she cries, before she attempts to do in kind to Miu; reaching out, she attempts to pick her up by the collar and chuck her over HER shoulder!
COMBATSYS: Miu dodges Nanako's Quick Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Nanako 1/-------/=======|===----\-------\0 Miu
Yurika is in a troubling situation.. Her notes have suggested that interfering in ones match is bad fighters ettiquete. However, she never did note what if a fight was interfereing with her own pleasures! Especially that obnoxiously loud schoolgirl.
She tries to blank it out...
And Juliet looked to the shirtless man, tears in her eyes, no words escaped her lips.. Her throat was parched, dry as the desert sands.
"Juliet," Jaque whispered, his hawk-like gaze piercing her heart, words as gentle as fallen snow, "The truth is.. that's MY LINE! Not today!!"
Yurika drops her book immedietly, eyes closed and a vein buldging slightly from her forehead.
Her hands are harshly smacked downward, her attempt at a grip brought to nothing but failure. Then the spindly arms of Nanako reach out, ensnaring her own collar and attempting to throw her in virtually the same manner that she just tried. Miu's small frame is incredibly light-- easy enough for Nanako to go ahead and pitch. However, the throw is a little too easy-- pushing off from the balls of her feet, it's more of a 'guided jump' using the force Nanako controls as her means of control.
Miu's legs snap downward, landing with a loud click and clack of her shoes on the asphalt. Though at such short range, her right leg lifts and thrusts out despite the quiet protest and annoyance that radiates from her schoolmate. One short kick, aimed straight for the solar plexus. A bit more of a thrust, a bit more oomph in it.
Be there! For Jaque!
COMBATSYS: Nanako counters Medium Kick from Miu with Nyanko Super Destroyer.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Nanako 0/-------/-------|=======\-------\0 Miu
Oh ho! It would seem that the kid has made some improvement since last they fought! Grabbing Miu, she sends her flying, albeit with frightening ease, so much so the girl looks down at her hands afterwards, an expression of surprise on her face. "STRONG!" the girl exclaims, just before eyes sweep up to see what horrible mess Miu has left across the smooth path. sorely disappointed.
"Awwww." Frowning a bit, slender shoulders sag. "You're supposed to get hit!" she exclaims, as Jaque whispers that the truth is...his line. Yurika's story goes interrupted once more as the two girls trade blows.
Squaring her shoulders, Nanako prepares herself as the waifish Miu comes charging forward with the intent to kick her and make her FEEL it. "Not today!" she exclaims, grinning widely as she whips to one side before she whips forward again, a fist aimed for the girl's stomach. "NYANKOOOOO!" Blow after repeated blow is made into Miu's poor gut, her insides tenderize thoroughly. "SUPER!!!" Ducking low, Nanako tightly coils a fist at her side before she springs up and delivers unto her jaw an uppercut most mighty!
"DESTROYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEER! ...odelay!" What? She learned that one from a certain Canadian wrestler. And Beck.
Calm breaths, slow breaths. Really, Yurika has little idea why she's been so irritable lately.. Maybe it's because she can't read a book or practice violin without some manner of chaos going on, it's like a curse! Though really, it would be so bad if the spunkier student wasn't so damn loud. Her lips curling inward a moment, she kneels to pick up her book, and slightly red in the face, she cries, "*EXCUSE ME*, I suppose I will find someplace else to read my book without fear of some uncouth hooligan screaming their head off like a baboon! Thank you very much!"
She huffs, her nose slightly tilted in the air, and heads in the direction opposite of the school ground with the intent of leaving the park. She's got your number, Nanako. You will pay for ruining the most climatic part of her book.
Her kick is perfect-- flawless. A smooth thrust, her heel put into it. If it connected where it was supposed to, it would've stunned her, knocked the wind right out of her.
But unfortunately, nothing really -is- perfect.
She knows that hooking fist well, the arc it moves in at and the subsequent assault-- that rain of punches.
On the final uppercut, she sprawls into the sky, arcing high and landing with a thud as she hits the cold grass rather than the path itself.
Laying there for a moment, Miu rubs her throbbing jaw with a deep breath, slowly rolling over and pushing herself up onto all fours. Slowly rising, her knuckles drag across her chin and her bitten lip, only ... this time, she seems to be grinning. It's faint, but it's damn well there.
"I feel like my head is clearer."
Leaping into the air, a hand thrusts down to hold her skirt in place as she executes a rather well-manuvered flip into the air and comes down at Nanako, her arm arcing back as her eyes open wide and alert-- and giving Nanako a rather fierce stare. Rather than a jabbing punch or a swift kick, her body -rocks- into a spin, a white feather flitting out over the back of her hand. The attack is swift, fierce, and coming in from on high-- perhaps not the usual way she uses it, but effective none the less. White light momentarily trails from the slash, indicating just how much of her power is flowing through her fist...
COMBATSYS: Miu successfully hits Nanako with Shubatsu.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Nanako 0/-------/----===|=======\=------\1 Miu
Aw yeah! There's nothing better than the sound of one's opponent's jaw cracking soundly, the stinging feel of one's knuckles after a successful display of pure, unadulterated AWESOME. Reveling in the moment, Nanako beams brightly before she drops her fist, looking at both hands brightly. "YEAH! That's the stuff!" Fortunately Miu hit the grass and not concrete. That brings SOME relief as she sweeps her attention toward the other girl.
"What?" Clearer head? Lifting a finger, Nanako scratches at her chin, brows knit in confusion. She'd be paying more attention to Miu, if Yurika hadn't barked out at her like some snooty little girl upset that her book has been ruined? Whipping her head aside, Nanako fumes AT Yurika as she prances off, crying, "I BET YOUR BOOK SUCKS!"
When she looks BACK, however, she's pelted harshly with two Psi feathers, sending the girl staggering back YET again, hand clutching futilely at her chest. "D-damn you!" she cries, waving a finger before she squints her eyes and glares. Oh, you're so going down, missy. SO. GOING. DOWN.
COMBATSYS: Nanako focuses on her next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Nanako 0/-------/----===|=======\=------\1 Miu
Sorry, friend... she's got more important things to worry about than a nice quiet place for you to read a book.
For example, the flight. The flight, the arc, the crash to the ground. And now, her own ascent, descent, and the overhead slash at Nanako. Landing in a crouch, the feather flutters out of her sleeve to continue in the arc as Nanako is busy talking on and on-- enough so that even two words set Miu's eyes to focus sharply on Nanako, her extended fist opening up into a rigid palm, fingers straight and together. "You started this, yet you're the one taking pause?"
This won't do. Rising to her feet, her arms stay low, but crooked slightly at the elbows. Her feet are spread a bit apart, torso twisted a bit to the side to stay square to Nanako. "If you insist on another battle, the least you could do is continue to assault!"
COMBATSYS: Miu focuses on her next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Nanako 0/-------/----===|=======\=------\1 Miu
"I'm not pausing!" Nanako insists, stomping a foot before she jerks a finger forward, right at the center of Miu's chest. "I'm taking a moment to formulate a plan and figure the best way to finally defeat you, my arch-nemesis!" What? WHAT? A vicious smirk follows, albeit the girl's face is comical at best, as usual.
"Believe ME!" she exclaims, jerking the thumb on her outstretched hand toward her chest. "I'm going to bring it, you just gotta be patient, y'hear? Nyahahahahaha!" And with that the girl SPRINTS forward, attempting to kick Miu in the gut before lashing out, to snag her and hopefully heft her up and throw her straight into the ground. "ODELAY!!" she screams again. Rylee, you horrible inspiration, you!
COMBATSYS: Miu interrupts Strong Throw from Nanako with Chou Yomosugara.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Nanako 1/-------/=======|=------\-------\0 Miu
"Arch-nemesis? Don't make me laugh. I'm just a nobody..."
It seems like she isn't listening to Nanako's boasts after that point, not listening to her plans or her inane cackle. Her right hand simply draws backward, her chin lowering and eyes closing. "Ghhh--"
The energy within her suddenly spikes-- hard-- and only continues to build. The feathers form at her fist, though they don't drop to the ground like they normally would-- instead forming at and around her fist, continuing to form and flow outward farther and farther from her body. With -that- much force building, even Nanako could sense the future. Miu's fist arcs back with a deep growl before thrusting ahead-- just before Nanako's grasp falls upon her.
The feathers suddenly become taut, sharp, and rotate in a violent manner, funneling around like a drill-- one brought about to slam squarely into Nanako's gut with all the force she can muster. It hurts-- damn well it does, even with Nanako's toe buried in her stomach. As the force propels forward and shoves against the other psi-user with great force, Miu leans forward and holds her stomach, the excess of energy still bleeding out into the air, still with feathers of varying black and white fluttering from her hand as it hangs low, at the angle she's at it's next to her knees.
"So stop pretending I'm anything otherwise..."
"You're NOT a nobody, you stupid idiot!"
What? Well, if she's not listening to Nanako, then so be it! Charging forward, Nanako is brazen in her display of POWER as she attempts to grab the Seijyun student and heft her up. Feathers are in her hands, but Nanako foolishly pays no mind; instead she charges onward without abandon. "HAAAAAAAAH!" Time almost slows down, like slowmotion as the two girls stand down. Then?
A blast of light blinds Nanako, blasting her with a burst of pain AND disorienting her as she's sent SOARING back. Landing with a harsh, unceremonious thud, Nanako stays on her back for some time, just breathing. With a huge grin on her face. Oh yeah. OH YEAH.
"WHATEVER," she cries, lifting a hand up and waving it about absently as she lay there for a moment. "You're such a fatalist! You need to believe more in yourself, you know."
COMBATSYS: Nanako gains composure.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Nanako 0/-------/-======|=------\-------\0 Miu
The sizzle and tingle of the psycho energies still permiate her hand, causing her fingers to twitch and tense at random while it siphons off, returns to the normal level of energy that she herself is used to. Nanako stands there to rest, and so does she-- catching her breath and slowly recovering from the assault and listening to the words yelled back to her-- and the hand waved at her in the air.
"What would you know about it?!!" she yells in retort, arm sweeping out to the side. "What would you know about any of it?! You don't have a clue who I am, but you keep chasing after me like I did something wrong! You, that Yagami-- I'm sick of it!!"
Marching toward Nanako, she looms over the girl with a sharp-edged feather held between her fingers. "You just get a kick out of harassing me like this, don't you?!" For once, Miu Kurosaki can't really tell -what- she wants to feel-- angry, frustrated, or to just run off crying. "I don't even know who the hell you are! How can you talk to me like you're my friend?!"
COMBATSYS: Miu takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Nanako 0/-------/-======|=------\-------\0 Miu
It would seem Nanako's struck a nerve. Frankly, she didn't necessarily mean to. Thus do green-yellow eyes blink owlishly as she stares up at the blue skies over head, lips pulling into a thin line across her face. Grunting softly, Nanako brings her legs up close to her gut before she rolls back, springing off the ground thereafter and landing daintily on her feet with a soft ‘oof!'
"Y'know, I dunno who or what a Yagami is, but you're bein' kind of silly." Lifting her arms, Nanako crosses them behind her head as she shifts her weight, grinning still, despite the obvious frustration on Miu's face. Even as the girl storms forward with a psi feather, Nanako doesn't seem concerned.
"And you know, I don't know much about you, but that doesn't MEAN you're a nobody." Tilting her head, the pigtailed Psion continues to beam. "I don't think it's really harassin' you, but if that's how you see it, fine! Maybe it is!" Dropping her arms, Nanako shrugs her shoulders languidly, exhaling loudly in a sound of defeat.
"THE NAME," she states boldly. "Is Nanako Yanagimura. But since I happen to find you entertaining and fun to fight with, you can call me Nyanko, alright? Lifting a finger, she places it to her temple and leans in a bit. "Don't forget it, even when I'm gone. Okay?" Then she thrusts it forward. "Because when I come back, I want to know you've improved. ‘Cause I know you've got talent! You're a somebody, alright!" Beam! "And if you DON'T...I'm going to kick your butt ‘til you DO."
COMBATSYS: Nanako takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Nanako 0/-------/-======|=------\-------\0 Miu
Her chin still lowered and staring at the ground, Nanako's body fills the space. Though they're both short, she's still staring at her opponent's abdomen. She can't see the grin, but she can still hear the words. Silly? How could she think this is silly?
How could she think anything otherwise?
Fidgeting a little bit, her split lower lip draws in as she bites down on it a little bit, chin quivering while her opponent continues to talk. 'If that's how I want to see it,' she says? Her thoughts are sent into the rock tumbler now, trying to decide-- was blowing up at Nanako the right thing to do?
And she's fun?
Miu's close proximity results in her finger nearly being thrust into the tiny girl's chest, her head lifting to look at the other psi-user. Her eyes are a little red and watered, but the furious face seems to have stemmed out into something a little more calm and placid-- this is what she gets for bottling it up all the time. "Miu ... Kurosaki."
It's a start, right?
Rubbing her eyes with the sleeve covering the back of her hand, the girl manages her best stoic face, though it seems like she's trying to fight off a grin. "Why wait...?"
And from point blank range, her hand sweeps out swift and hard, hurling a small black feather at this point-blank range. "You still haven't finished this fight!!"
COMBATSYS: Miu successfully hits Nanako with Amagakeri.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Nanako 1/-------/=======|===----\-------\0 Miu
How can she think it's silly? Because Nanako has a positive outlook on life, and a sense of humor to boot! Or something. Either way, Nanako isn't upset or remotely offended by any of this. She's happy to find someone willing to fight. And Nanako didn't even make the first move!
But the silence that hangs upon Miu is a little daunting. There comes a silence from Nanako as well when all is said and done, her head slowly tilting to one side as she simply stands there, observing the raven-haired Seijyun student. Is she alright? "Umm?" When Miu looks up, Nanako looks momentarily stunned. Then she smiles brightly.
"Ah ha! I knew your name wasn't Kiddo!" she cries, bringing her hands together before her own chest. "Miu huh? Well, that's good to know! Miu! MIU! I like that name." Her hand drops from before her chest, giving Miu a hearty thumbs up. No need for tears, Miu! Nanako is your friend as far as she's concerned!
Why wait? "Bwah?" Seconds later there's a black feather slamming against her chest, causing Nanako to stagger back with a grunt. Ow, that kinda smarted. "Alright, Miu." she warns, wagging a finger. Then her hands come together at her chest, a sphere of pink forming between them. "You better look out, ‘cause here. It. COMES!" Thrusting her hands forward, that ball of energy sails right for Miu!
COMBATSYS: Nanako successfully hits Miu with Expelling Prayer.
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > ////////// ]
Nanako 1/------=/=======|====---\-------\0 Miu
'Kiddo' was going to drive her crazy, more than Nanako's fighting style and her rather vocal manner to her. Perhaps it's a bit of revenge or just desserts that she's managed to score a point-blank blow from the single black feather that was aimed at Nanako's stomach, but perhaps it's made even by the pink ball of psycho energy that sails toward her. Miu leans as if to start dodging to one side, but the blow catches her full-force in the chest.
Miu staggers back herself with a loud "oomph!!", but she can't feel too bad about it. Not it, not the strike that she dealt-- it all sort of felt good. The girl again closes the gap between them with a rush of small footsteps, reaching out to grab Nanako by the collar. If she can get that grip going, the girl pulls at her clothes to draw her close before thrusting both palms forward in a violent shove designed to take Nanako right off her feet! "Hah!"
COMBATSYS: Nanako counters Medium Throw from Miu with Incandescent Pulse.
[ \\\\\\\\ < > ///// ]
Nanako 1/----===/=======|=======\-------\1 Miu
That blob of energy strikes its target, drawing a surprised look from the tiny Taiyo student. Looking again to her hands, she curls them into fists, eyes drifting to the sky overhead. Pleased with herself, the girl pumps a fist to the heavens before she recoils it sharply at her side. "Yessss," she whispers softly to herself.
But, wuhoh. Here comes trouble. Nanako is READY to FACE IT!!
The moment Miu's hands lash out Nanako's out of sight. Where did she go? Why, she ducked low in front OF Miu, of course! Her other hand sweeps up, a burst of Psycho Power deflecting the girl's hands before it swings BACK around and lets the heel of her palm strike Miu. A burst of power erupts, sending her airborne. "HYOOOO! Here I come!" she cries as she springs from the ground, gaining height OVER Miu before planting her feet into her gut and crouching, to slam the girl flat against the path beneath them. "HAAAAH!"
It's to Miu's surprise that Nanako's suddenly become so nimble-- perhaps taking a page from the girl's own book. The small Kurosaki girl's eyes widen as they grasp the thin air above the Taiyo student's head, suddenly blasted into the air. Miu gasps, though she doesn't have all the time in the world to float and consider recovery before impact-- she's cut off by the feet that plow into her stomach so forcefully.
Her side-set ponytail lashing the whole way down, Miu hits the path with a wet smack, arms and legs splayed out on the ground as she lay there, completely stunned by the assault. It was harder than she was anticipating-- especially when combined with the earlier attacks from Nanako, from the interruptions and the tension and residual pain from the girl's forceful and unforgettable Nyanko Super Destroyer.
Miu breathes deep and heavily, hand reaching out and finally coming to rest on her forehead. Her small grin is gone, her face exempt of emotion while she gains her senses and tries to sit up despite the racking pain she feels ... well, all over.
"I-- no way..." she says, grunting and gasping as she rises. "U-Ugh-- T-That hurt... ow ow ow ow ow..."
COMBATSYS: Miu takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\ <
Nanako 1/----===/=======|
COMBATSYS: Miu can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\ <
Nanako 1/----===/=======|
Squealing all the way down, Nanako lodges poor Miu into the ground, feet first with a meaty thud. She doesn't particularly feel inclined to linger there; instead she hops off and lands a few feet back, still beaming as she touches down with a dainty ‘tap.' Nanako is pleased with herself. While her newfound technique didn't particularly pan out for her in the World Warrior, it did well against Miu!
Thereafter, however, Nanako lifts a hand to her forehead, the other akimbo on her thin hip as she peers at the felled Miu. Nanako, despite her chipper attitude, is barely hanging on herself. She's pushed herself pretty hard, and the other girl has definitely improved! "Ah, are you alright?" she asks, tilting her head lightly before she skips over and thrusts a hand out. "Get up! Let's go buy some sweets to feel better about kickin' each others' butts, huh?"
Ice cream and cake always makes things better in the end! Besides, Nanako wants to tell Miu ALL ABOUT her awesome trip planned for the end of the week!
COMBATSYS: Nanako has ended the fight here.
Log created by Nanako, and last modified on 11:45:36 03/01/2007.