This is about as much excitement as the Outback has had since the birthing of the steakhouse of the same name and the release of Crocodile Dundee II combined! Way out in the middle of nowhere on a continent equally out in the boonies of the civilized world, all sorts of technology and comforts have been erected in the previously-sparse expanse of plain. The land is hilly, almost rocky in spots, and mostly dirt. Short, brown grass and dry, weed-like bushes of slightly healthier tone pockmark the natural arena. A fence marks its perimeter, but not really because there's any way to 'ring out'. Instead, it's to keep the dingos back.
The announcer, after dipping into his deep supply of Powerade (it's what plants want, you know--thirtsy people, too), starts the greetings for this match. The mindless chatter from those gathered quiets down, the listeners informed that this is a PRELIMINARY match. Only the toughest fighter would make it into the World Warrior tournament! Introduced first is the blue-collar brawler that men love and touchy women love to hate, one of the finalists in the last King of Fighters tournament: RALF. JONES!
Ralf is certainly dressed for the area: his pants are long and beige dungarees. Overalls, at that, only the front flap and suspenders are left undone to flap down before and behind him. Don't worry, though! A belt holds the things up. His shirt is white, but already soiled with sweat. It's HOT here, after all. It would help if he took off the sandy-colored flak vest, but there's just no chance. He might need it. His bandana no longer covers the top of his head, either. It's rolled up, soaking up the sweat above his brow. Both arms raise up, reciprocating the cheers, and then he squats, lifting one leg and dropping it in a sumo drop, then repeats with the other. His cheeks puff, and this showboating will last even into Megumi's introduction. However, he's in the 'ring', and close enough to his starting point!
Megumi arrives with little fanfare, dressed as usual and simply downing a bit of water as she approaches. She's not saying anything, not trying to play to the crowd...and sets the water-bottle down once she's near the fighting area, then steps up to her starting point. After a few seconds of stretching, she just nods to Ralf. The stretching isn't helping much; she looks tense...and angry, but keeping it controlled.
[OOC] Megumi says, "I'm guessing we roll off for first action?"
[OOC] Ralf says, "Explain this to me. :O"
[OOC] Megumi says, "From what I've seen, if both sides would want first action, they use the roll command; a d10 roll, highest total gets the first action."
[OOC] Ralf says, "Oh, wow. :D I've never seen that before. Why not!"
[OOC] ROLL: Megumi rolls 1d10: 7
[OOC] ROLL: Ralf rolls 1d10: 10
COMBATSYS: Megumi has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Megumi 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Ralf has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Ralf 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Megumi
Daedalus has arrived.
Ralf finally stops his clowning around long enough to turn and stand on his spot, back straight with his gloved hands on his hips. A huge grin is smeared on his face, and he can't QUITE seem to sit still! Whether he bounces on his feet, cants his head left and right, blinks, there's SOME movement. The difference between the two people is just night and day, almost palpable. Mirth versus Anger! "Been a long time!" His shoulders roll as he half-turns, digging his feet into the arid earth. The thought strikes him to ask how she's been, whether she's gotten tougher, but you know what? He'll see soon enough. When both fighters seem to be ready...the match begins!
And of course, Ralf is sprinting right out of the gates. Old habits do die hard, Leona! His right comes up in a strong straight to the girl's face; apparently, he hasn't yet learned to exercise mercy on The Ladies. If he hits, he won't let her stagger back, even. He'd grab for her shirt, and with his left, start pummeling her face with a short string of wild jabs, the impacts searing hot as well as outright crushing.
COMBATSYS: Megumi fails to counter Vulcan Punch from Ralf with Flood Reversal.
- Power fail! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Ralf 0/-------/-----==|====---\-------\0 Megumi
Megumi rushes headlong at Ralf, meeting him halfway and reaching for his right fist. She misses by centimeters, and is struck head-on, rocked back and dazed...and battered even harder by the follow-up strikes, falling to the ground in a heap a few feet away.
Ralf leans down and shakes his left fist; he obviously hadn't warmed it up enough! That, or spending the last few days punching trees didn't help him any. Ah, but the girl's down! And if Leona's warning was any indication, there's no reason to let her regain her senses and start beating him down. No, sir! Her attempt to reverse his beating was obvious, it would be suicidal to create any openings. So! He takes that single step needed to reach out and grip Megumi by the ankle. If he can pull her up in front of him, he'll try to grab her by the shoulder with the other hand and launch her skyward!
Man. The femnazis are going to HATE this.
COMBATSYS: Megumi blocks Ralf's Super Argentine Backbreaker.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Ralf 0/-------/----===|=====--\-------\0 Megumi
Megumi is still trying to get up by the time Ralf's upon her, and he'll easily get the grab...but. Just as she's thrown, her other leg manages to use Ralf as a sort of springboard, lightly kicking off of him. It won't let her land cleanly, but it does send her far enough away to avoid the backbreaker and 'just' roughly hit the ground; merely painful instead of a truly telling hit. Rolling to her feet, Megumi cups her hands in front of her and creates a head-sized, sparkling red ball of energy. It hovers in place, but a light push sends the sphere zooming toward Ralf.
COMBATSYS: Megumi successfully hits Ralf with Crimson Comet.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Ralf 0/-------/=======|=======\-------\0 Megumi
Now, it's been a while since good old Mister Jones has fought any of them thar fireball-slingers. Sure, some of these people have attacks that are SIMILAR, but a good, old-fashioned ball of whatsithoozits? He makes COMPLETELY the wrong sort of defense for it. He half-turns and curls up his right arm, as if to stop someone rushing at him, or a train, or something like that! He's just not prepared for the non-kinetic aspects, as he's just BLASTED back, skidding a good five or sick feet on the dirt...and ends up with his head right in one of those scraggly bushes. Ouch!
Getting up, Ralf rubs at his face with one hand, while his right reaches back under his jacket. From it, he pulls out one of the local favorites: a boomerang! And he's actually holding it correctly! "Don't fail me now, Lil' Jack," he murmurs, kissing the top of the makeshift weapon before slinging it at the distant girl.
COMBATSYS: Megumi overcomes Thrown Object from Ralf with Crimson Comet.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Ralf 0/-------/=======|=======\-------\0 Megumi
Megumi doesn't even seem satisfied with striking Ralf, still looking very tense...something that fades momentarily when she sees Ralf going for a weapon. Not immediately sure what it is, she creates another fireball, grabbing it. Now she can see that Ralf's got a boomerang, and goes back to a rather grim attitude before flinging her sphere at his weapon. They meet, and regardless of whether the boomerang is merely deflected or destroyed, it's not enough to stop her energy...which is continuing right for Ralf.
COMBATSYS: Ralf fails to interrupt Crimson Comet from Megumi with Ralf Tackle.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Ralf 1/-----==/=======|=======\=------\1 Megumi
Oh! Boomerang didn't come back! Charlie Drake was right after all. And really, what kind of a weapon is a boomerang, anyway? Spears are SO much better. Thankfully, spears are illegal in this fight. Er. He thinks. They SHOULD be, if they aren't!
Ralf's jaw simply drops when his weapon is knocked away. Well! "To hell with this!!" Jones takes a deep breath and flexes his arms, leans forward, and charges! He lets loose a loud yell as he stomps toward certain doom, meaning to plow right through the fireball and flatten Megumi like a cow in the middle of the railroad tracks.
Unfortunately, the only one flattened is him. The energy seeps directly into the man's brainpan, and it proves to be to omuch for his motor skills. The Tackle veers off-course, and he falls face-first into another bush. This is becoming an embarassing trend, here.
Megumi raises an eye when Ralf plans to slam right through to get to her, getting ready for what she thinks just might work for him. When he gets knocked off-course however, she settles in place and begins...breathing. Simply standing in place and alternating between inhaling and exhaling, trying to calm down. Whatever set her in a bad mood before the fight had even begun seems to still be on her mind, though; Megumi doesn't look relaxed at all despite her efforts.
COMBATSYS: Megumi gains composure.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Ralf 1/-----==/=======|=======\-------\0 Megumi
Ralf snaps up quickly, pulling himself off the dirt with a pushup. A second or two is taken to spit out the dirt caking his mush, yuck! He scrambles to his feet, still wiping off dust and bits of near-dead plant, turning to face the girl that just downed him TWICE. Not once! Twice! And, apparently, staying away from him. Smart, actually. Very smart. He can't fault her for that.
"What's got you all pissy, anyhow?" He wipes his mouth with the back of his arm, then pushes his bandana a little further up his brow. It helps keep his bangs out of his eyes. "If it's that time of the month, we always coulda rescheduled, right?" Well, no. He's just trying to raise her ire. That, and inviting more assassination attempts.
Without waiting for a reply, he dashes in again! About five feet away, he plants a foot and bends at the knee, looking as if to vault skyward! Instead, the jump is barely even 'hop' material: his other leg kicks out just before the first joins it, and two heavily-booted feet come careening toward Megumi's shins!
COMBATSYS: Megumi blocks Ralf's Ralf Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Ralf 1/------=/=======|=======\-------\1 Megumi
"You should know," Megumi's being rather cryptic and vague. "After all, you and your friends were the ones...back then. I didn't forget." Anything else she might say is cut off by Ralf making a low dropkick, which she tries to swipe away by kneeling and swinging a forearm...but doesn't quite have the muscle or momentum for it; she manages to make the kick land off-center, but that's still enough to make her stumble a little and hiss -- it hurt. But with Ralf right there, she reaches for one of his ankles and tries to raise that leg, then begin twisting the foot...a typical hold.
COMBATSYS: Ralf endures Megumi's Medium Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Ralf 1/----===/=======|=======\=------\1 Megumi
What, is she STILL mad about beating her up? It was a TOURNAMENT, and besides, she was controlled! Hell, the Ikaris probably saved her or something. But hey, sour grapes. It's nothing for Ralf to worry about at the moment. What he SHOULD worry about is the way his attempt to stand back up is impeded!
"Oi! OI, LEGGO DAMM--OW! HEY!!" Jones beats against the dirt, laying otherwise on his stomach, biting his lip at the pain! It's just like a real wrestling match! His eyes scrunch, and finally, he's had all he can stands, and he can't stands no more! He wrenches his body to flip onto his back, obviously turning WITH the twisting. He pulls hard on his captured leg while swinging the other out, hoping to yank Megumi in and boot her upside her head, just to get her off of him!
And hey, maybe it'll knock the wad out of her panties.
COMBATSYS: Megumi counters Heavy Kick from Ralf with Tornado Slam.
[ \\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Ralf 1/-======/=======|=------\-------\0 Megumi
Megumi was expecting a retaliation...and possibly hoping for it, as she suddenly releases Ralf's held leg, letting him pull it free and moving in with the motion...and catching his other foot. Then she begins spinning...managing to lift him up with the momentum. This continues for several seconds, then she bashes Ralf against the dirt and lets go, staggering back to catch her breath.
Iori has arrived.
Oh. OH. Ralf's world is spinning! No, it's just him. Actually, wait. No, everything's still spinning when he's finally let loose! He rolls lengthwise along the ground, finally coming to a stop on his back, arms all outspread. He has to blink a few times to make sure that he's REALLY stopped, and it's just his vision swimming. When he rises this time, it's a little slower, and he's holding his head. Actually, when he DOES stand, he's still leaned WAY over. Either he's charging up!!! or...he spits, and he's just gathering himself. His right fist hangs down the whole time, balled up in a fist. "God, guess this oughta get those wenches off my back, finally, huh?"
And then, without warning, he strikes! Well, he starts rushing in again, right fist pulled back and looking for all the world like he's gonna try to knock Megumi's head clean off! But when he gets within, and indeed past striking range...he's still running. He must want to knock Megumi to the ground. In Japan, that's just being friendly.
COMBATSYS: Megumi counters Umanori Vulcan Punch from Ralf with Flood Reversal.
[ \\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Ralf 1/-------/=======|==-----\-------\0 Megumi
Eiji has arrived.
"Maybe," is Megumi's very flat, cold 'agreement' with Ralf's sentiments. When he rushes in, she moves to meet him...and pre-emptively goes for his feinting fist. She catches it, spins out of the path of his body, and continues to twirl, bringing his arm behind his back...then spinning back in front of him, using her other arm to grab his neck and drive Ralf into the ground, releasing his arm just as she finishes this motion.
And again, Jones is down in the dirt! Is this Karma? Is this fate?! No! This is just a really hard ass-kicking, and the crowd (well, some of them) is loving it! It's like David and Goliath, only David is kind of...well, you know. And Goliath, he's taking hit after hit from Megumi's sling!
But still, Ralf gets up. He hasn't had NEARLY enough punishment! Another glob of saliva meets the ground and mixes with the dust to form a small bead. His left hand snaps up, though! It worked the first time, and now Ralf is looking to punish the girl for her transgressions! If his left hand grips her shirt, there's no escape. Bat all she wants, pull away, no. Ralf's fist is pulling back, and it'll be a BIG one.
COMBATSYS: Megumi counters Galactica Phantom' from Ralf with Gentle Redirection.
[ \\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Ralf 0/-------/------=|==-----\-------\0 Megumi
A grasp that wont land, as Megumi's hands join together at the fingers, creating an odd 'triangle' between them as the arms swing upward, striking Ralf's wrist and knocking his hand away, giving her a moment to backflip and get some distance. Not much, but enough to foil Ralf's attempt at a haymaker punch.
W--woah!! Ralf's 'haymaker' swings wide, and not only that, he himself spins on his heel. Not once, though! Twice! He finally has to slam his foot down and spread his arms out on either side of him to stabilize himself. You never know...once of these days, he might take off like a helicopter, and then, where would he be?
Mars. God damned MARTIANS.
Once he realizes that he's stopped, he slaps his cheeks and lets out a bellow! No more playing around for him, it seems! ...You know, if he was ever playing around to begin with. He takes one step forward, then another just at about leg's reach. His right leg comes up as he turns, a boot swinging up to try and catch her in the shoulder. Lovetap!
Maki has arrived.
COMBATSYS: Megumi endures Ralf's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Ralf 0/-------/------=|====---\-------\0 Megumi
What some people deem to be 'taps', others consider very significant blows...and Megumi does something very odd by standing up to Ralf head on, /letting/ him kick that high. Her shoulder is struck very hard, enough that she cries out and stumbles...even while spinning with the momentum, swinging a grasping arm at his neck. If she gets hold, her hand will pulse with sparkling red energy that detonates outward, hopefully sending Ralf into the air.
COMBATSYS: Megumi successfully hits Ralf with Accel Launch.
[ < > /////////// ]
Ralf 0/-------/-======|=======\-------\0 Megumi
...And up he goes. Megumi vaults into the air after Ralf, landing on him. And together they plummet, though Megumi's using him to cushion her landing...even as she reaches for an arm and begins bending the fingers in toward the back of Ralf's hand; a submission hold that she'll maintain even as they land with a slight puff of dust.
Billy has arrived.
Oh, MAN. The AGONY! The pain! Ralf hops once as his foot is stopped, arm up and already leaning in to try and pop Megumi one in the eats to keep her off her guard! But no, he leans forward too much, and his throat is caught...which is actually pretty impressive given that his neck is THICK and she's just got that lil' old hand. Thankfully, it's the explosion that sends him flying. She never could have picked him up one-handed! Oh, no. Wait, he'd have preferred that she tried that. It wouldn't end up with him landing on the ground, joints popping and letting him experience the wonderful feeling of having the wind knocked out of him. Even worse: he's pinned! Held, even! He struggles against this for a while, until he finally either wrenches free or throw the girl off of him. Off! OFF, he says!
And when he can rise--if indeed it can even be called that, given that it takes a couple of tries, he balls his fist up and stays bent at the knees. OH. No more of this! His breathing is deep and labored, but he's not giving up! Hell no! He's still got plenty of fight in him! With his sights set on Megumi, he jumps up high, more of an arched vault than anything. And then, he just...drops. Fist-first. It's like gravity suddenly decided to speed his decent to earth, and that punch looks mighty powerful. More than that, a large chunk of earth will be blasted away if it connects near it.
Megumi had better have really sturdy clothes on!
COMBATSYS: Ralf can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ <
Megumi 0/-------/=======|
COMBATSYS: Megumi counters Springing Dive Bomb Punch from Ralf with Gentle Redirection.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ <
Megumi 0/-------/-======|
Megumi doesn't have enough weight or strength to keep Ralf down, and he'll eventually manage to get back up for his last-ditch attack. She watches as Ralf leaps, bracing for the worst...and deflecting it. His descending punch is met by her 'triangle hand' arm formation, swinging up to push the attack just over her head, giving her the room to roll beneath and past him. Ralf certainly will tear up a lot of ground, but she's not in the radius. She rises tiredly, waiting. And it seems....he's done. Megumi visibly relaxes, panting for breath; Ralf hit hard, and kept her scrambling on the defensive most of the time. She's tired, even as she pumps one fist into the air in celebration.
COMBATSYS: Megumi has ended the fight here.
And, outside of the camera's view, obscured by the depression in the soil...Ralf is there. Well, in the hole. And unmoving. After there's been no retaliation for ten seconds, it's official. It's over! The crowd can start cheering as loudly as they want again!
Oh, and it takes two people to dig Ralf out of that hole and drag his prone body out of there. Someone needs to diet.
Megumi waits a few moments more to make sure it's official, then nods and turns around, walking off very slowly. There won't be much showboating here...she's too tired for that, just retrieving her water and departing, ready to get some rest and head home.
Log created by Megumi, and last modified on 18:09:32 02/26/2007.