Description: Kyokugen vs Breakdancing. Nuff said.
So the World Warrior is now in full swing and some of the matches have already been had. The tournament looks like it will be a tough one and who would have tought that Duck King would be one of the fighter's selected for such a tournament. It just goes to show passion can sometime make up for skill and get you places. Tonight the folks at The Duck Pond are being treated to Duck King's World Warrior Training Part DUEX! It looks like instead of getting someone like Leona to manhandle him tonight he got another World Warrior competetor in the youngest of the Sakazaki clan.
Of course the food tab is looking a dangerously like Ralf's booze tab when he is here. Of course he was promised the Garcia Foundation will be covering the bills so he isn't too worried about such things. He does have security clearing the dancefloor of the patrons so there is a good place to get the action going. "Hey kiddo. You ready for our fight? You'll need it to beat my best bud!" he calls out in reference to his tag team partner and living legend William H. Dansions, AKA: Dan Hibiki. He grins some and he casually lets his feet slide along the dance floor in a James Brown like manner while idly waiting for Yuri to finish her meal. Damn that girl can eat. Looks like Ralf isn't the only one with a tank.
COMBATSYS: Duck has started a fight here.
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Duck 0/-------/-------|
Despite her small size, Yuri can most certainly pack it away. It's like a black hole - infinitely small, yet containing infinite mass and thus is infinitely dense! ... wait, that's not how Yuri want's to describe herself, and yet it is. Still, money supplies for the Sakazaki clan have been slowly but surely emptying out since the last tournament and thus food supplies are also bottoming out. Getting tired of eating soba noodles day in and day out, Yuri was happy to accept Duck's offer for tonight. Gives her a chance to train, and to dine out! So while she manages to completely mangle another whole ham by her lonesome, she turns to Duck when she hears herself being referenced. She swallows most of the bite before replying, "Uh? Yeah yeah... sure... just gimme a moment..."
Gobble gobble, snarf, belch...
... such... frightening manners! After all she grew up without a mother, and Takuma is... well... Takuma. Great for training his kids how to fight, lousy when it comes to just about anything else. Finally finished, Yuri does daintily wipe her mouth with a nearby napkin before rising from the table. Stepping out onto the dance floor, she gives typical karate greeting, "Osu! Let's see what you got. Besides a stupid hair cut!"
Taunt number one is away!
COMBATSYS: Yuri has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Yuri 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Duck
Stupid cut!? Duck King rolls his eyes upwards and reaches up to smooth down the mohawk only to have the multicolored masterpiece jump back up to full height as soon as he lets go. "Nothing wrong with my hair." he states with a grin and pushes up on his shades which he still wears even in the somewhat darkened setting of the club. "All right kiddo. Lets see the might of Kyokugen." Which is something he has respect for. Afterall there is a reason why he invited Yuri instead of her dad or brother. He wanted a fight, not be a sacrafice to the fighting gods. With a snap of his fingers the music picks up and the movements of Duck King's feet become faster as he gives a bit of a grin and sticks his tongue out at the other fighter.
"Awl right! Time to get it on!" he calls out and the crowd cheers as the fight seems to begin. Duck is more than happy to start showing off his dancing skills by spinning about on one foot then pushing off of it to flip about in mid air with legs spread into a split as he brings one down right at Yuri's shoulder. "Yahoo!"
COMBATSYS: Yuri blocks Duck's Breakdance Spinkick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Yuri 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Duck
As the proprietor of the Pond comes flying towards her, it's a bit difficult to tell exactly where the attack is coming from. Spinning and flying through the air like that. Luckily though, Yuri is quickly able to see through the attack and raise her arms in time to deflect most of the damage from the kick. After impact, she takes a step back - shaking one arm in front of her before assuming her fighting posture. "Not bad, not bad! That's probably going to be a nasty bruise later. Of course, you're going to have to do more than that in order to beat me!"
... Captain Obvious, is she?
Still, soon enough she's doing her own little dance on the floor. Primarily moving her feet in and out, trying to confuse Duck as to where her attack is coming from. It certainly looks like she's about to throw a kick after all... until all of the sudden she leads up off the dance floor! Looks like she's going to try to smooth down Duck's hair herself, with a chi-imbued downward striking hammer directed towards his mohawk. "RAIOU KEN!"
COMBATSYS: Yuri successfully hits Duck with Raiou Ken.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Yuri 0/-------/------=|===----\-------\0 Duck
The kick doesn't land quite as planned and the King of Ducks is forced to compensate by trying to push off of the blocking arms and landing back on his feet. "I like your moxy." he says to her and then she makes the mistake of attacking the 'hawk. Oddly enough it works and even as she mushes it down there isn't much give in the hair and it soon spouts right back up to its normal style as if it is some sort of lifeform of its own. IT CANNOT BE DESTROYED!
Of course this also allows him to strike while the girl is nearby which involves him pushing off his feet and going skyward while bringing his fist upwards to uppercut the girl right in the chin while going upwards and spiralling. "DUCKYUKEN!" he cries out and then flips backwards while in the air and lands right on his his left hand and lets his arm keep the rest of his body up while he looks at the girl with head slightly cocked.
[OOC] Yuri says, "Duckyuken! XD"
COMBATSYS: Duck successfully hits Yuri with Strong Punch.
Glancing Blow
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Yuri 0/-------/----===|====---\-------\0 Duck
Attacking the 'hawk gave Yuri first-hand experience with the unnatural life it seems to possess. She stares at it, in shock, watching it seem to regenerate all the damage she had done to it. "Wha... what the Hell is it?! It can't possibly be natural. Ugh!" She quickly grabs up napkin from a nearby table and starts wiping her hand clean. Trying to get off whatever sludge managed to come in contact with her hands during that last attack. Of course, distracted as she is, she doesn't quite see the attack coming until it's too late. She manages to move out of the way and avoid most of the damage, but the fist clips her chin...
And still hurts like a bitch.
With a wince, Yuri holds her jaw and stares at Duck. Wait, that move seemed a little familiar. With her other hand, Yuri points towards Duck and accuses him "What are you doing, copying my moves?! Sure it's a little different, and not nearly as cool as mine, but still... now I'm mad!" She then, suddenly, pulls back her hand. Her entire body tightens up as she focuses all her physical strength into her hand for one blow. Then, with a yell, "Yuri Geist Knuckle!" she unleashes the attack, an incredible punch aimed directly at Duck's face.
... wait a minute, it's MUCH sloppier, and certainly a lot less impressive, but doesn't this attack look familiar?
COMBATSYS: Duck interrupts Strong Punch from Yuri with Neo Break Storm.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Yuri 1/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0 Duck
The most disturbing part is that hair seems all natural and isn't even covered in the naturally occuring grease that inhabits the hair of Robert and other Italians. Afterall....he's AMERICAN baby! Either way enough about the 'hawk. There is much more to worry about in the form of the approaching Yuri who seems to think it was her move he ripped off. "I learned it from Dan I swear!" he cries out and staggers back when she comes at him, almost screaming like a little girl.
That look of fear then turns into a grin right as Yuri gets near and he moves to kick Yuri in the leg to redirect her punch. It still clips his shoulder and stings, but it is much better than taking it in the mush. He keeps with the spin and a hand slaps Yuri right on the trunk to push her off balance even more before spinning about again and kicking her away and returning to his standing position. "Yahoo!"
Well that was certainly unexpected! She still hit him, yes. And this move is still 'under development', true. However, that's very limited comfort when he kicks her in the leg - causing her to trip and fall. That is, of course, right before he spins around and hits her in the chest with a vicious hand slap. Then that is followed with a kick that sends her flying backwards, and crashing into one of the tables sitting near to the dance floor! The resulting collateral damage sends a bowl of soup flying through the air, spinning just slightly... before finally landing soup-side-down right on top of her head.
Ugh... this stinks, both literally and figuratively. Yuri sits there for a bit, before finally reaching up to grab the bowl of soup and pulling it off her head and flinging it to the side. She plants both hands behind her, then pushes herself up quickly - jumping up and landing on her feet before returning to her normal fighting posture. "Alright! That was more like it..." ... and it hurt! "But I'm not done yet. Let's see how you do with a Ko'ou Ken!"
Pulling back her hand, there is a flash of light crimson chi as the attack comes to life. She then moves her hand forward, quickly flinging the ball in front of her before it explodes outwards - forming a wall of the crimson energy in front of her - and heading directly towards the Fowl Fuhrer.
COMBATSYS: Duck dodges Yuri's Ko'ou Ken.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Yuri 1/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0 Duck
That soup bowl goes flying and a waitress goes diving to save the item which the crowd gives a cheer to when she makes a awesome catch. A slight distraction to the fight that still goes on. It looks like the playfullness might be wearing off though and Yuri seems to be getting a more serious demeanor at least for a moment. And then it comes. Fireballs! One of his many weaknesses. At least it isn't a Rising Tackle. Then he would really have some issues with it.
He backpedals at first and then ends up dropping down to land right on his keister as the Ko'ou Ken sails overhead and grazes the top of his mohawk. That poor thing is just taking all kinds of punishment tonight. No wonder why it is so tough these days. Look at the torture it is forced to endure. He lets out a heavy sigh as he gets back to his feet and shakes his head. "Damn kid. You are scary." he says and then leaps forward to swing a leg at her to knock her off balance once again. "But I have to endure. I must give the fans what they want!"
Which is Duck beating on a girl? That is pretty sad.
COMBATSYS: Yuri fails to interrupt Light Kick from Duck with Yuri Chou Upper.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Yuri 1/------=/=======|======-\-------\0 Duck
And the hits just keep coming! Well, not for Yuri. Yuri misses yet again - or, actually, Duck dodges out of the way. That's right! It isn't her fault. Duck is just too slippery! That and the Ko'ou Ken has too short of a range. By the time it reaches Duck it's almost completely dispersed - only leaving a small portion of the cloud of chi to singe the top of his mohawk. Yuri tsks loudly, and quickly takes a defensive posture. She's clearly preparing for the coming onslaught...
Which is coming... now!
Seeing Duck coming towards her with a kick, Yuri crouches down. She's seen this before - just a simple kick right? Easy to interrupt, to overcome, and to turn against her opponent. She's done this a million times before, right?! ... well as she calls out, "Yuri Cho---GCHH?!" it's clear something has gone wrong. Her timing was off, yes. Tragically off. Somehow she managed to rise up just in time for her open mouth to intersect with Duck's foot. For Duck, there's not much pain - or even an indication of what happened. For Yuri, her head is flung backwards by the attack - sending her sprawling against the floor. She winces, and reaches up to her mouth - trying to make sure all her teeth are still in place, "Ow! I thought it hurt... but... the smell!"
The blow actually makes Duck King wince as he lands and he is about to check on the girl to make sure she is okay, until she insults him again. "What is your problem with me!? I'm down! I'm cool dammit!" he says while shaking his fist at her. Oh she will rue the day she insulted the Duck King in his own house of all places. If anything the crowd are getting quite a few laughs from the exchanges between the pair. It looks like the excitement of the fight has turned into standup happy hour.
With a slight harumph the King of Ducks just backs away from now. He knocked the girl pretty hard in the kisser even if she may deserve it the way she is insulting him. Yet he isn't going to kick her when she is down. This is a friendly match afterall and her dad might kick his ass if he roughs her up too much. "See if I ever give you free food again!" Wait, was that even free? Robert's credit card might want to argue that point if it were in the hands of its true owner.
COMBATSYS: Duck focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Yuri 1/------=/=======|======-\-------\0 Duck
Yuri's style is the kind that runs off of ego. And lots of it! Though her ego isn't completely invulnerable to this ass kicking she's getting. She's still rubbing the side of her jaw while Duck complains about giving her free food. Well, it was free for her! That's all that matters... right? Still, at least she didn't have to pay in teeth - as a kick like that might have made her a little gap toothed if she wasn't lucky.
Mmm, I wonder how Robert would react to that?
Still this might be a karma bitch slapping. After all, Yuri did insult Duck in front of all his fans - and most people in the Pond are most certainly his fans. At least he's giving her a breather. Or is he? She looks around for a second, trying to find something ... ah! It's that soup bowl from earlier! She picks it up and then flings it directly towards Duck's face, "Shuddup! I can get free food other places if I wanted to!"
Which is... true for her, not for Robert.
COMBATSYS: Duck overcomes Thrown Object from Yuri with Large Thrown Object.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Yuri 1/------=/=======|======-\-------\0 Duck
[OOC] Yuri TAT
The waitress was just finally getting to her feet when the bowl she saved gets taken back away only to possibly being broken again. She looks wide eyed as her trophy gets flung away by the young Sakazaki and sails across the dance floor. Once again things seem to go in slow motion and Duck King screams "Noooooooo!" in that deep tone that voices make when slowed down. He then jumps upwards while holding his hand up. "Leeeeeee!" he cries out as his DJ quickly flings a giant serving tray towards Duck. The hand snags it out of the air and he then spins about to knock the bowl away which sails in slow motion into the hands of a security guard and remains in one piece.
With the crisis averted things move back to real time and Duck lands on his feet then tosses the tray like it is a giant ass frisbee right at Yuri. "No damaging the property!" he cries out even though he is technically doing the same thing right now by throwing the tray at the girl.
COMBATSYS: Duck successfully hits Yuri with Large Thrown Object.
[ \\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Yuri 1/---====/=======|======-\-------\0 Duck
Fwip fwip fwip fwip... CLONK! That's the sound that everyone hears as the tray goes spinning through the air and smacks Yuri right in the face. Sure she tried to dodge out of her way. Tried every hard! However, from her sitting position, there wasn't much she could do. Now it's slowly... slowly sliding down her face... before hitting the floor with a clatter. Her nose. Her poor... poor nose. That thing has been abused so much the last few days. And now, now... once again, as she breathes, one can hear softly the sound...
What's the sound? It's something like a phwee. o/`
It's cute, to say the least. Which is nice since the red faced Yuri is looking a bit beaten up by now, and certainly less than cute. Perhaps pathetic is a better way to describe her now. She stands up again, slowly... her breathing becoming faster and faster.
o/`Phwee... Phwee... Phwee... Phwee Phwee Phwee PhweePhweePhweePhwee!
Oh... she all mad! You can tell from the way she clenches her fist, her face slightly lowered so that her bangs hide her eyes. "Why... you..." Then in a flash she breaks out in a mad dash, attempting to snag Duck! If successful... well, you'll see what happens.
COMBATSYS: Duck parries Yuri's Hyakuretsu Binta!
[ \\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Yuri 1/---====/=======|=======\-------\0 Duck
[OOC] Yuri o_O
It takes a few moments to realize that noise is coming from Yuri and Duck slowly blinks behind those shades before grinning in a very sheepish manner. "I got caught up in the moment?" he says before finding himself in the path of a charging bull. Well at least it is a cute one even if it is pissed all too hell. He screams again much like a little schoolgirl and then quickly spins about on one foot and reaches out to grasp at the back of Yuri's gi and her pants to not only stop her momentum, but to take a page out of his buddy's book. With that Duck attempts to fling the girl upwards and then catch her along his shoulders in a backbreaker before flipping her away. "Super Duckentine Backbreaker!" Now he is just getting carried away.
COMBATSYS: Yuri fails to interrupt Strong Throw EX from Duck with Hien Hou'ou Kyaku.
- Power fail! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Duck 1/------=/=======|
COMBATSYS: Yuri can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Duck 1/------=/=======|
Yuri tries to slip out of Duck's grip! She tries her best to use her momentum to slip from his grasp - even if that meant ripping her gi in the process. At least it would be the BACK of her gi being ripped, and not her front... as it happens sometimes (on national TV no less!) However in the end Duck's grip is too strong, and her struggle only gets her strangled by her own outfit before being pulled back and flung upwards! The increased momentum also means it hurts much more coming down... and if Duck listens closely he can almost hear her back CRACKING by the sheer force of the Super Duckentine Backbreaker!
The defeated Kyokugen disciple flops weakly to the floor. Wiggle your toes Yuri, wiggle your toes! Well... she can feel her toes wiggling in her shoes, so that's good. However, in the end all she can manage is to squeak out a "Oto-san Gomen!" before her head flops against the ground. That's it. She ain't moving anymore. Though ... she's not unconscious either.
... "Ugh... there went dinner..." Remember folks - fighting on a full stomach = bad times.
There is a large 'EWW' from the crowd and Duck King as well when the loss of food happens and he looks away while covering his mouth. Dammit he has a weak stomach, woman! A rather burley guy goes to clean up the mess while another goes to pull Yuri away to be tended to to make sure she isn't going to return home a little worse for wear. Oh that is all Duck King needs to see is a Tengu mask wearing Takuma busting through a wall with hands reaching out for his throat. The thought alone makes him pale some and he calls out. "Uh, make sure to give her some more food if she asks." and he sort of wanders off the opposite end of the dancefloor for a stiff drink. If he only knew what kind of danger his ducklings were in. And I don't mean P-chan.
So unlike round one of the training sessions this one looks to end in Duck King's favor and this concludes another chapter in the life of the gettinest down fighter that ever walked. Good fight and good night.
COMBATSYS: Duck has ended the fight here.
Log created by Duck, and last modified on 19:41:24 02/23/2007.