Iori - Orochi Picnic

Description: Yamazaki and Iori have a picnic. A punching picnic. And then went to see a punch parade. Basically there's a lot of punching.

Chinatown. The winter weather lends to a decrease of population lining the streets here today as the winter winds whip through. It's snowing today, though the fall is slow and light at best, frost lining the sidewalks and making certain areas a bit more slick. People are bundled up to protect themselves from the cold today, keeping arms wrapped close to them as they shiver their way through the streets. But then, not everyone is dressed so protectively. Such wear is only meant for the weak and the worthless. And Iori Yagami has certainly never been either of those.
The most protection the last of the Yagami line wears today is a long, dark red coat that is worn loose and open around his body, his standard outfit beneath. Hands in his pants pockets, shoulders slumped, Yagami looks particularly calm and tranquil today; that is to say, Iori looks a little less completely pissed off than he usually does. His fight with the 'God of Battle,' Shenwoo, helped to eaze his nerves even if only a little. And now, the Yagami scion is content to simply wander the streets and think about events as of late.
Which is exactly why he's in Chinatown today. Breathe expelling in white vapors as he walks, Iori pays little attention to wear he goes, bumping roughly into passing bystanders as he goes. Some turn as if to begin to argue, but the look in the man's eyes makes them think better of it; a wise decision. He might be a bit more complacent today, but that hot temper is still there. No amount of venting can take that away.

Ironic that Iori would end up here, so soon after fighting with Shenwoo. The very same person that's taken to considering Shenwoo a bit of a personal rival for the time being, one of the few people that seems to enjoy the fight about as much as he does.. for different reasons, perhaps, but that doesn't matter. Ryuji Yamazaki intends to set up another rematch with the self-proclaimed God of Battle soon enough. For the meantime, though, Ryuji has business to take care of. The snow crunches underneath his feet as he trudges along the main street of Chinatown, and his choice in clothing has changed... well, not at all, to adjust for the weather. The white fur coat is draped across his shoulders, typical black semi-formal outfit underneath. Most of the street-walkers look up as he walks by, some even offer a respectful nod to the Orochi-blooded Enforcer.. some just get a slightly sour look on their face.

For a moment, Yamazaki stops in front of one of the booths. A brief conversation is had in Chinese before money is passed to the shopkeep, who passes a small, non-descript brown bag back to Ryuji. Once that transaction is done, he turns and starts to walk up the street...

.. only to be the next victim in the long line of people that've been bumped into by the Yagami scion. Yamazaki almost barks out something, but stops as that little sixth sense in the back of his head starts to tingle... and a grin turns at the corner of his lips. "The hell, Yagami. You just come walkin' through here like you're King Shit, bump into me like I'm just gonna let you walk away? Like fuck, you get your skinny ass back here."

Coincidences like this are oftentimes considered by some to be a bit more than that. Running into Ryuji Yamazaki of all people so soon after his rather messy confrontation with Geese Howard -- many people might consider it fate, especially when taking into consideration Yamazaki's own unique bloodline. Iori, though?
He just sees it as a massive, bothersome inconvenience.
Iori Yagami doesn't pay any mind to those he runs into on his path through the crowds. He doesn't care about them; they could be the richest man in the world, but if they're in his way, well... they're in his way, and nothing more than that other than a complete idiot for not moving. Even if that person happens to be the Orochi-blooded enforcer for one of the most powerful men in the world -- both in terms of influence and personal strength. Iori's shoulder shoves into Yamazaki without even pausing to look behind him. However -- it's the voice that makes Iori pause, just as he is about to take another step. A single foot lifted into the air, Iori's brows furrow, his lips twist down to a distinct frown.
"... is there some sort of month-long holiday going on for idiots, or something?"
Iori doesn't even turn. Instead, he keeps his back rudely presented to Yamazaki hands pulling out of his pockets as he looks behind him at the other man. "Are you really trying to start something with me? Try and use your brain for once. If you think I've got time to waist with a reject like you..." And then Yagami will start walking again, after a cruel laugh issues from him, "... you're a bigger joke than I thought." No, it seems he's intent on walking. But he's no idiot. Those hands are out of their pockets for a reason. After all... when Yamazaki wants a fight, he usually gets it, no matter what.

COMBATSYS: Iori has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Iori             0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Yamazaki has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Yamazaki         0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0             Iori

COMBATSYS: Iori focuses on his next action.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Yamazaki         0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0             Iori

The Southsynd enforcer just smirks as Iori walks by. "Feh. It's not even worth taunting you." He turns, then starts to stalk off, right behind the strolling Yagami. "I could insult you all the fuck I want, all you're gonna fuckin' do is roll your eyes" Yamazaki slips his right hand into its pocket, and a low chuckle starts to rumble in the back of his throat. "You think I'm just gonna let you walk just because you think you're the biggest shit in town?" The fingers of his left hand flex, knuckles popping before settling into a fist.

"I heard about the fight between you and Kane. Don't give a shit about that." He continues walking, a little faster now. "Heard about you beatin' up Howard. Don't give a shit about that, either. Their business ain't my business right now." Once Iori is within arm's range, Yamazaki's right hand slips from its pocket, then he reaches to grab the Yagami scion and spin him around, then his left hand comes up as he just aims to pop him one right in the mouth.

"Fuck, you just got the most punchable face I've ever seen."

COMBATSYS: Yamazaki successfully hits Iori with Quick Punch.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Yamazaki         0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0             Iori

Not much of any preparations can ready Iori for the speed and brutality in which Yamazaki moves. Dark eyes blinking as he's spun, he has little time to reaction -- in truth, he was just going to take the punch anyway. But Ryuji moves too fast for the Yagami to even steel himself, and the punch sends Iori's head whipping to the side. It's not enough to really send him staggering; however, blood oozes from the corner of Iori's mouth. It's certainly going to leave a mark. "... think I'm the biggest shit in town?" A pause, "At the very least --"
Iori's hands burst into violet fire as he clasps them together, the fires increasing dramatically. "--I'M BIGGER THAN YOU! GUUOOOH!!" As the Yagami heir bellows, his body whips around, arms swinging violently. His aim is to strike Ryuji solidly in the side of the head with those flaming fists, with such force that the plume of flames explode to launch Yamazaki straight into the air.

COMBATSYS: Iori successfully hits Yamazaki with Tsumagushi.

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Yamazaki         0/-------/---====|===----\-------\0             Iori

Yamazaki takes a couple short steps back, shaking his hand off.. left a little tingle in his knuckles. He settles his right hand back into its pocket as he watches Iori's recovery. "Feh." The fingers of his hand relax, then clench again, popping his knuckles once more while Iori starts to whip himself about... as the fiery arms come up, Yamazaki brings his arms up to absorb the brunt of the strike, but the scion's flames overwhelm him in short order. He is, indeed, knocked straight into the air, doing a full backwards flip from the impact... but his eyes snap open while he's spinning about, and Ryuji just starts laughing. Loudly. "You think so!? PROVE IT, ASSHOLE!" And, with that, in mid-descent, one of those big leather-clad hands snaps down, attempting to get a good, firm grip right on Iori's face.

COMBATSYS: Iori interrupts Guillotine from Yamazaki with Yumebiki.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Yamazaki         0/-------/----===|====---\-------\0             Iori

Once he feels his hand get a good grip on Iori's face, gravity does the rest, and Yamazaki extends his arm out to the fullest. He shoves Iori to the ground just from the force of all his weight coming down on the scion's head and neck, then slams the back of his head against the concrete. He pushes hard off his back leg, then starts to drag Iori across the concrete when one of those long arms of Yagami's comes up to slash a claw right across his stomach. That, in return, just makes Yamazaki laugh that much louder. "Fuckin' feisty, ain't you?" He releases his hand, only to straighten back up and lift his right leg up. That foot is a blur as it slams into Iori's midsection over and over again, stomping on him a good six or seven times amidst hyena-like cackling before he slams a good, hard kick into his ribcage. "Good! You'd just piss me off even more if you didn't fight back!"

Now see, them's fighting words. And at the declaration to prove his superiority, all Iori can do... is /laugh/, viciously. Condescendingly. Iori even goes so far as to grip his head and stretch /backwards/ as Yamazaki comes flying at him, seemingly intent to do little more save to stand there and wait patiently for the Orochi-blooded enforcer to come flying at him. "Prove it?! Fine! It won't BE THAT HARD TO DO!" Grasped by the face, Iori gives way to the momentum that Ryuji has already built up. Why not go along for the ride? After all -- he's got a plan.
A plan that involves being dragged viciously across the concrete sidewalk, it seems. The hard ground is churned up beneath the sheer force of Ryuji's strength, but it is just as he is in mid-drag that Yagami lashes out with one powerful, clawed hand, ripping those deadly talons across Ryuji's midsection. He cuts through clothes and flesh in a delightfully satisfying spray of blood, and almost to match Ryuji's laughing, as the brawler starts to kick Iori... the young man lets out a blood-curtling howl.
The moment that Yamazaki lets up in his kicking, Iori is quick to leap back onto his feet. And just as suddenly... he TWISTS once more, his left hand coming out in a vicious and humiliating backhand to floor Yamazaki. "Hit HARDER, you little pansy! STOP WASTING MY TIME!"

As he starts to straighten back up again, Iori's back on his feet even quicker... when that backhand comes in, it collides solidly with the side of Yamazaki's head... and the thug doesn't budge. His head lashes back from the impact, but the grin only widens on his face. "The fuck, you say, hit harder." His left hand comes up, swatting Iori's limb away before he rights his head again. "For all the noise you make, I'd thought you woulda knocked me out by now." He chuckles low in the back of his throat, then shakes his head a little. "Dunno what the fuck it is about you, Yagami, but somethin' in the back of my head just makes me want to punch you in the goddamn face until your teeth are lodged in the back of your throat." As he's talking, he slowly shifts his body so that his left shoulder is leading. His left arm drops down, hanging lifelessly in front of him as he laughs again. Then, he just spits right at Iori's feet. "Less noise, fuckhead. Come on, I'll even give you a free shot."

COMBATSYS: Yamazaki focuses on his next action.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Yamazaki         0/-------/----===|====---\-------\0             Iori

And Yamazaki is still talking, even as Iori leaps backward calmly. Cracking his neck with his right hand, his other slides easily into his pants pocket, watching the thug with an apathetic stare. "And for all the talking you do, you'd think we were having a discussion over drinks or something." Yagami spits this out, shaking concrete rubble from his body as his right hand lifts higher. His visible, crimson brow furrows as a deep frown tugs at his lips. "Hasn't anyone taught you yet..." Purple tongues of flame lick across the slender fingers of Iori's hand, expanding outward and growing more intense. "... not to /talk so fucking much/?!" It's one simple motion that sends Iori thrusting his hand forward as if he were throwing something. Yet the something he throws doesn't fly through the air -- instead, it explodes from the ground, a gout of purple fire that carves through the concrete as it races a path straight for Ryuji. "/GO TO HELL/!"

COMBATSYS: Yamazaki reflects Yami Barai from Iori with Bai Gaeshi.
- Power hit! -

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Yamazaki         0/-------/---====|====---\-------\0             Iori

It's a similarly simple motion that brings Yamazaki's left arm down. He crouches down, and his fingers scrape against the concrete.. and he, quite literally, picks Iori's fire right up from the ground. The flames flicker as they're cupped into his palm. "I offered you a free hit, you nancy-wristed little bastard, not more of your flames. If you're too fucking stupid to discern the difference.." Ryuji shakes his head, then chuckles again before that chuckling rolls into full-on laughter. "Oh, I'll be going to hell, Yagami, this is nothing new! But you won't send me there that easily!" He clenches his left hand into a fist, and the flames are absorbed into his arm. Wispy, gaseous purple chi immediately surrounds Yamazaki's entire left arm as he brings it up and across his body, then that hand slashes down diagonally. He releases his grip halfway through, and the flames are sent right back at Iori in the form of a fiery purple ball.

COMBATSYS: Iori endures Yamazaki's Reflected Yami Barai.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Yamazaki         0/-------/-======|=====--\-------\0             Iori

Now that's not something you see every day. But Iori? He just scoffs at it, eyes twitching as he falls low to the ground again. "Don't you listen? Maybe you're just retarded." Iori opts for that opinion as he races forward towards Yamazaki, straight into those incoming whisps of chi that come flying straight towards him. He charges headfirst /into/ that chi, simply brushing it aside as he batters through it. It tingles, but that's about it; it hardly even stops Yagami from rushing across the ground. And as soon as he's close enough, he intends to /thrust/ his clawed fingers RIGHT into Ryuji's gut. "SHUT. UP." With the declaration made, Iori's talons RIP out of Yamazaki's stomach; first upwards, before his hands will snap /backwards/ with a spray of blood. "HUWAAAAARGH!"

COMBATSYS: Yamazaki fails to counter Sakahagi from Iori with Sadomazo.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Yamazaki         1/-------/=======|=======\-------\0             Iori

[OOC] Yamazaki damn.

"You tell me to shut up, and you keep talkin', Yagami. It ain't even worth the time for me to explain how fuckin' stupid that makes you sound." An eyebrow is quirked as Iori comes rushing right through the return-fire, then he braces his left leg back behind him. Not quite fast enough, however, as he gets a handful of claws in the stomach. But when they tear into his gut? Yamazaki just laughs. Right in Iori's face. "Go fuck yourself." Then, the release of the claws from his gutmeat, and he staggers backwards a couple steps. There's a fairly decent amount of blood dripping from that wound in his stomach, but he just straightens right back up again. "Come on, you pussy. Come end it, then. I don't think you've got the sac to take me out once and for all."

"YOU JUST. KEEP. TALKING." Iori bellows this out /slowly/ so that Yamazaki can understand it. In stark contrast, Yagami seems to be doing a bit more actual acting than talking as his clawed fingers rip through Yamazaki's belly; whatever Ryuji had planned isn't exactly happening, it seems, as Iori tears bloodied hands from the man. He's done talking. He's really not even listening to Ryuji at this point. Instead -- he seems rather intent on making Yamazaki shut up. He's sure that this next blow isn't going to finish off the other man, but that's not the point. Because even as Ryuji straightens, before he finishes his final statement, Iori is snapping forward a single hand to grab the Southsynd thug by the collar. If the grip holds true, he'll YANK Yamazaki forward before just PUNCHING him in the jaw over, and over, and over again, with no intention of actually stopping until he hears bones start to snap or Ryuji breaks free. "UUUAAAAAH!!"

COMBATSYS: Yamazaki blocks Iori's Strong Punch.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Yamazaki         1/------=/=======|=======\-------\0             Iori

The grip, does, indeed, hold true. But Yamazaki lets himself get pulled forward, crossing his arms across his face in mid-pull to let the blows rain down against his forearms. He'll continue to let those blows slam against his arms as his laughter starts to pick up, getting louder and louder as time passes until Ryuji just... gets tired of dealing with it. Both arms come up, then, swatting Iori's arm off to the side before that same hand cocks back. "FUCK. YOU." And from that cocked-back position, he brings his hand up and over in an attempt to just drive his fist underneath Iori's chin and lift him off the ground with one hard, fierce uppercut.

COMBATSYS: Iori interrupts Yondan Drill from Yamazaki with Strong Punch.

[                        \\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Yamazaki         0/-------/--=====|=======\=------\1             Iori

Now see, when Iori sets his mind to something, and he's in a frenzy, he usually intends to see it through to the bitter end. Case in point; as Ryuji blocks the majority of Iori's attacks with his forearms, he doesn't stop punching. And even when he swats the last of the Yagami's arm off to the side, the red-headed fighter is not done. While Ryuji insults, Iori... "GUOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!!" Well, Iori howls, loudly, right in Yamazaki's face. And just as Yamazaki's fist impacts Iori's chin, the Orochi-blooded young man lashes out with one single, brutal right hook, intent on SMASHING Ryuji across the jaw with titanic force even as he himself goes staggering back painfully, crashing into a nearby light pole.

Though he'll never admit to it, he knows when the fight is over. When Iori's fist slams into his face, he staggers backwards, slamming into a wall and knocking a bit of the brickwork loose. He just remains there for a moment, then chuckles underneath his breath once more. "Heh. Meh, time for this to end, one way or another." He pushes hard off the back of the wall, then dashes forward as his right hand slips free from its pocket. The butterfly knife clicks as the blade is bared, and.. at this point, he expects absolutely nothing. All his force is put into the brutal repeated slashings of the knife, however, a quick series of four slashes; forehand slice, then backhanded, then forehand, then the final backhand slash of the knife, all aimed for Iori's chest and stomach.

COMBATSYS: Iori interrupts Sabaki no Aikuchi from Yamazaki with Oniyaki.

[                                < >  ///////////                   ]
Yamazaki         1/----===/=======|=======\===----\1             Iori

If Yamazaki was seeking to piss Iori off until he completely flipped out on the other man, then, well, he's succeeded. Iori is beyond the point of conversation; right now, all he cares about is pounding Ryuji into a bloody smear on the ground, and he's not going to stop until that's accomplished. So much so, in fact, that as soon as the thug comes dashing forward, Iori just /charges/ headfirst like a maniac towards the other man. One slash connects, and then another, and in a spray of bright red blood -- "HUWWWWWAAAAAARGH!!" Iori simply LEAPS into the air, his hands exploding into an inferno of tainted purple fire as he slashes clawed hands into Ryuuji over and over, smashing one into his jaw with such force as to send him flying straight through the air as those purple flames make a morbidly beautiful double helix pattern around the last of the Yagami before he lands, panting, angry, and ready to keep on punching.

It's an odd mixture of claws and k nives slashing this way and that, but eventually, it's the fists of the Yagami scion that win out. Yamazaki is knocked straight into the air, and his eyes flutter closed for a moment, teetering on the verge of conciousness after that vicious strike.. but sheer instinct wills his eyes open again. He forces his body back around while he's in mid-air, guiding his feet back underneath him. He lands hard, and crouches down onto his haunches for a moment.. and it almost looks like the Orochi-blooded thug was going to just up and pass out.. but then he shoves hard off the balls of his feet, and that knife comes up for one more hard stab aimed for Iori's guts. Should that stab connect, he'll throw all his weight against Yagami, barreling him down to the ground.. and while this isn't quite the typical use of the technique, he'll just pin Iori down to the ground. With no energy left to stomp, a rain of headbutts will slam down against Iori's face, just headbutting the last Yagami over and over and over again, a good dozen or so times. Regardless of whether or not the technique connects, however, the end result will be the same; Yamazaki collapsing on the concrete.

COMBATSYS: Yamazaki can no longer fight.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  <
Iori             1/---====/=======|

COMBATSYS: Iori interrupts Nightmare - then Darkness from Yamazaki with Ya Otome.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  <
Iori             0/-------/------=|

Yamazaki's not done? Good, because Iori still has a lot of rage to vent off on this pompous blowhard. And as the Southsynd thug comes running in a dead charge... /Iori/ comes rushing at /Yamazaki/, intent on making the force of his tackle overpower Ryuji's. And it does; the strike hurts more than a little bit for Iori, but it hardly matters. His mind overwhelms the pain with sheer adrenaline as, with a wide, maniacal grin, Yagami gets to work.
There is a flurry of blows that come afterwards, all unnaturally fast and all aimed at simply beating the SHIT out of Yamazaki. It starts with one uppercut, and then a second, both delivered with shattering strength before being followed by a brutal gut punch. This is followed up by a vicious headbutt and two cross-sweeps of the Yagami scion's deadly claws across Ryuji's chest. "CRY!!" The blows are all brutal, but combined, they are devestating; and it's not over. A series of bodyblows follow before Yagami SLAMS Yamazaki into the ground, and then? Pound his fists right into the man's chest over, and over, and over again. "SCREAM! AND THEN...." And then... Iori's hands explode with purple flames, reaching out and grabbing Yamazaki by the head with a strong grip; his clawed fingers digging ruthlessly into the flesh of the other man's face. "DIIEE!!"
With that holler, those violet flames explode outward like a beautiful but shortlived inferno, meant to utterly consume Ryuji's face before Iori pulls back.
"... hah... you shithead."

COMBATSYS: Iori takes no action.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  <
Iori             0/-------/------=|

COMBATSYS: Iori has ended the fight here.

Log created by Iori, and last modified on 13:16:02 04/07/2007.