Description: After school, Nanako happens across Shingo Yabuki, and promptly challenges the famous Taiyo fighter to a fight! As expected, she loses, but that's okay! There's a moral victory in there...somewhere.
The school bell rings.
That's always a good thing.
And what it means for young Yabuki is a long walk out the front of the school with its towering heights, with his bag slung over one shoulder and his shirt already untucked. He's on his way home, or so he thinks--what naturally happens, for a boy as famous as him (but thoroughly overshadowed by Taiyo's greatest, his mentor), is that there's the usual procession of people attempting to pick a fight with him after school. The first to step into his path opens his mouth, and that's all he gets to do. A fist crashes into his mouth, carrying him off to the side as Shingo barely loses a beat in his stride.
"Sorry, I'm not exactly in the mood for a fight!" the nice guy apologies profusely, with a soft laugh. He sheepishly scratches at the back of his head, where his headband runs beneath his brown hair.
It was a one-hit KO. The other kid, a junior, is out like a light.
The strike brings a cheer from the crowd, who continue to shadow him as he makes his way towards the exit of the school grounds, the gates that lead on to the rest of the world.
A shrill cry erupts from Nanako Yanagimura as she blazes out of the school's front doors, her leather satchel flying like a kite behind the girl. People hurriedly duck and dive out of her way as she charges forward, and those less-fortunate are merely leapt over. No patience, that girl!
Unfortunately for the KO'd junior, Nanako just steps on him. He's not even noticed, though she does offer a loud "EW" and skitters just a bit to check the bottom of her shoe. Did she step in dog poop? It sure was squishy, and that's never a good thing!
Also unfortunate is the way the girl bumps right into Shingo's back as he exits the school grounds. It's rather clumsy and awkward, and has enough force to maybe stir him a little. As scrawny as the youngest Yanagimura is, however, she lacks enough force to ground him. Instead she rebounds and staggers.
"Wuugh." Shaking her head, Nanako looks up --wouldn't you know it! "SHINGO!" she cries, hopping back and pointing a finger at the other, far more famous fighter. "You! You're pretty popular, and folks say you're a good fighter! Guess what that means?" It doesn't mean anything good for him, that's for sure.
In fact, she hops back again and eases into a fighting stance, but not before peeling off her bookbag and tossing it aside. "C'MON Yabuki! Let's fight! I need some practice anyway!" Especially after losing in the World Warrior tournament.
COMBATSYS: Nanako has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Nanako 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Shingo has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Nanako 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Shingo
COMBATSYS: Nanako focuses on her next action.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Nanako 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Shingo
Just when he was about to make it out with minimal fuss and only one casualty for the day! The bump isn't really expected, and it makes Shingo miss a beat. He nearly trips on his laces, his backpack falling off his shoulder and hitting the ground in front of him. The young adult's hands spread wide, his balance barely kept as he teeters there on the street curb.
Swiftly, the boy collects his bag--right as a large street cleaner whizzes by, the boy barely losing his head to it at as well.
He straightens, unaware, to turn and look down at the smaller girl. The... much smaller girl. He kind of squints at her. It's the longest squint in the world, as his brown eyes bore right into her soul. There he is; the boy who was a solo entrant in the King of Fighters tournament, and he did pretty well--he's got the fame, he's clearly got some potential, and god knows he's wearing the gloves that belong to the winner of one of those tournaments. His mouth opens--his red tongue twists within;
"Who are you again?"
Shingo cuts to the quick. The crowd gathers around the pair, thick and chanting. FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT. The boy sighs, looking for an escape--but their fellow students have closed the ring, surrounding them entirely.
He unzips his jacket and casts it aside, moving on to unbutton the top button of his uniform. "Guess I've got no choice..." he laments, offering the girl a weak smile and a thumbs-up.
"I'll go easy on you!"
COMBATSYS: Shingo takes no action.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Nanako 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Shingo
Indeed; the girl is particularly tiny - in stature as well as height - in comparison to the famous Shingo Yabuki, solo entrant to the King of Fighters tournament. She's just some overly excitable young girl with a penchant for picking the most obscene fights with others, despite often being outmatched and out-skilled. She's been in a few SNF's, and her brief stint in World Warrior is likely unmemorable. Nanako Yanagimura is a nobody to someone like Shingo.
Does that STOP her from trying?
No, never.
"WHO AM I??" the girl bellows, hands finding purchase on her bony hips as she stands there, chest puffed up. Why, the very NERVE. How can he NOT know who she is? They go to the same school, and her reputation is a touch notorious! "I'm Nanako Yanagimura, heiress to the Shitenno Kobujutsu style and creator of Nyanko Devastating Arts!" Her finger lifts from her side, jutting sharply ahead, pointing square at the center of Shingo's chest. The cheers of ‘Fight' by their peers are unheard.
"Don't you dare go easy on me!" she barks, just as her hands draw together, close to her chest. A swell of pink energies bursts to life, swirling and churning between her smooth palms. "You'll regret it!"
Thrusting her hands forward quiet suddenly, that sphere of gathered power goes sailing right at Shingo. "HAAAAAAAAH!"
COMBATSYS: Nanako successfully hits Shingo with Expelling Prayer.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Nanako 0/-------/------=|=------\-------\0 Shingo
Wait, wait--this is the notorious little Nanako Yanagimura? Wait, wait--is he meant to know that? "Sorry, sorry! I've been touring too frequently the last year, I'm not up with all of the new students..." Shingo attempts to apologize, wise enough to know that he's piqued her ire by not knowing her face, let alone her name. He decides not to comment any further on that--it's probably for the best! Yet he's made a claim that he'll go easy on her, and...
Well now, that'd be the problem with taking things so lightly, now wouldn't it? The sphere of energy that she directs at him, he hadn't been expecting--not with such ferocity, anyway. And just as he attempts to raise his arms to block the unexpected projectile, it hits him square in the chest.
Knocked back, a loud 'Oooooh' is drawn from the crowd as Yabuki stumbles backwards. He would have fallen clear over, if not for the sudden support of the crowd. They prevent him from falling--and shove him back into the impromptu ring the two combatants are in.
"Wow, I've got to hand it to you," the solo entrant states, almost sounding impressed as he gathers himself. A gloved hand rubs at his chest--his shirt seems more pressed than before, perhaps lightly singed. "I wasn't expecting that! Maybe there's more to you than meets the eyes..."
All the same, he does have somewhat of a reputation to uphold--but can he really bring himself to hit such a young girl? There she is, in the prime of her life! A delicate flower, about to bloom! Can he trample her growth?
His fist says yes.
COMBATSYS: Nanako dodges Shingo's Medium Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Nanako 0/-------/------=|=------\-------\0 Shingo
"Sorry doesn't cut it, buster!" the girl barks, gathering and pooling those energies before her. To most it would seem like any other generic fireball; to a fighter as ‘seasoned' as Shingo, however, he may very well know it as ‘Psycho Power,' a veritable antithesis of raw chi energies most fighter utilize. And most chi-wielders will tell you one thing: Psycho Power hurts.
Shingo experiences this first-hand. For all his defenses, her attack proves to be much faster and intense. His block breached, the blast plants itself against his chest, knocking the equally-spirited youth back. Spectators add their two-cents, of course. But they are still otherwise ignored by Nanako.
Is that a compliment? "Wow, thanks!" she chimes, bouncing in place, pigtails bobbing about. "Like I said, kid!" Kid? "Don't underestimate me!" She beams, her smile as bright as the sun in the western half of the blue skies overhead.
Can he hit a girl? Really? Shingo charges forward, and green-yellow eyes are wide and very much waiting in anticipation. "HUP!" Ducking and weaving to the side, Nanako avoids that fist before she stands upright, still close and at his side. A hand lashes out, to snag him by the collar and, should fingers make purchase, push him toward the ground as her foot jerks out, to sweep him off his feet.
COMBATSYS: Shingo counters Quick Throw from Nanako with Tsuki Hiji.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Nanako 0/-------/--=====|===----\-------\0 Shingo
Unfortunately, there's nothing in his little notebook to cover exuberant little girls in school uniforms who throw psycho-powered balls at him--wait, there probably is! Unfortunately, with his backpack off to the side, he's actually running without the book! How silly of him!
Mentally berating himself does no good, particularly as Shingo launches his counteroffensive. "Don't call me a kid, kid!" he advises her as his fist launches--only for it to cause the air to whimper in agony as the petite moves in past his strike. His open collar is grabbed, the lapel of his uniform creased-but he can't have any of that! His mother irons his shirts, she'll kill him if he returns them crumpled!
"Not so fast!" he warns, grabbing her wrist in turn--and promptly raising his knee up into her midriff to send her driving back. It's pretty damn cold of him by comparison, but he's pulling his hits--he doesn't want to hurt her. He hopes she's made of sturdier stuff.
"You alright?" Yabuki questions after landing the strike, keeping the atmosphere jovial, a training match--a spar between would-be friends, perhaps. He dances on the spot, hands poised, the tails of his headband flaring out behind him.
"Hope that didn't hurt too much! You left yourself open when you made the grab."
It's very likely Shingo would ear a rant or berating or three from Nanako if he resorted to his notebook! This is a fight that's meant to be done without aid! A test of talent between two capable fighters! ...even if one is smaller and clearly outmatched. No matter, though. He doesn't seem to need it.
The moment her fingers make contact it seems things go south. Her wrist is seized, and the look on Nanako's face drops from an exuberant one to an expression of utter disbelief. Did he just..? "N-no way!" she yaps, just before a knee is planted something fierce against her gut. She yelps upon impact, ribs aching as she's sent flying back before she rolls and tumbles, head over heels.
"O-ooooow," Groaning, Nanako rises to her feet, lightly rubbing her stomach. Green-yellow eyes lift thereafter, peering with mild disbelief at the fighting prodigy and celebrity of Taiyo. No wonder he's so damn famous. He smarts.
"I'M FINE!!" she bellows, wagging a fierce finger at the young man. "And stop criticizing me, you hear!? I ain't out yet, so don't go thinkin' you're going to win this fight, alright! JEEZ!" Flustered, the girl's feet slide to either side, shoulders squaring a bit as she draws her eyes shut. Pigtails begin to flap around her head as her fists curl, pink motes of light rising up from her feet as she pools her energy. "I'll show you what I can do!" she promises.
COMBATSYS: Nanako gathers her will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Nanako 1/------=/=======|===----\-------\0 Shingo
Resting on his laurels after the strike, Shingo spends a moment shifting from foot to foot, clearly indulgent in this fight. Everything she's done so far has helped to reinforce his initial claim;
He's going to take it easy on her.
With her groan of pain though, the dancing pauses, and he almost looks about ready to walk over and help her back up--but her sudden bellow cuts him short, and he instead takes two steps back just in case! "No need to shout! And hey, I'm just offering advice!
"I mean, the way I figure it? We're all gonna be on the fighting circuit, right? So we gotta be pals! Help each other out! That kind of thing!" The crowd eat it up; they love it, the suggestion that he's so gracious as to think that the whole circuit is like one big happy family. His supporters are numerous it seems, even if he thinks they'd be better off worshipping someone else! They voice their support. 'That kind of thing!' 'You're so cool Shingo!' 'Leave my girlfriend alone!'
Likewise, it seems that Shingo ignores them. As she begins channelling her energy though--visibly so--the crowd takes on a quiet hush. Even her opponent seems to settle a touch, poised in another defensive stance, waiting for what she's going to throw at him. His ready grin appears;
"Alright... show me what you've got, little Nanako!"
COMBATSYS: Shingo takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Nanako 1/------=/=======|===----\-------\0 Shingo
"I don't need your advice!" she reassures, eyes drawing to a huffy close as she stands her ground. Fists are tightly balled at her sides, lips pulled in a wide, thin line spread evenly across her round face. Oh, she's a little riled up now. How dare he think she is so uncoordinated and in need of a tutor! She has her father to train her, and she's a good fighter in her own right, too!
That Psycho Power pools around her feet, rising up as she gathers her thoughts and energy, giving Shingo time to catch his breath or do...whatever. Eventually, however, her eyes open, catching sight of the young man across from her as he rambles and prattles on. "Pals? What are you talking about?!" she barks, her head tilting to the side in confusion and mild annoyance. "We're fightin' is what! Less talking and standing by idly and more fightin', got IT?!" And if not, she lifts a finger and points it at her temple.
Just when she's about to charge in, he goes and says it. He calls her ‘little.'
Now, see. There are a few people in this wonderful world her can get away with it. Relatives, her family and, if by some stroke of luck God put another like her on this earth to be her one and only, a boyfriend. People who are strangers, on the other hand, do not have this right.
"Oh, that's IT!" Looking around, the girl spots a nearby garbage can. In her ANGER (which is actually kind of comical and amusing) she hefts it up high overhead before she chucks it with frightening ease towards Shingo.
"STOP PATRONIZING ME, JERK!!!" This is serious business, here!
COMBATSYS: Shingo dodges Nanako's Large Thrown Object.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Nanako 1/------=/=======|===----\-------\0 Shingo
Is she sure she doesn't need his advice? He is, after all, considered somewhat famous due to his debut as a solo entrant-wouldn't it be wise for her to heed his advice, and take it on board?
Clearly that isn't the case. The young girl is a ball of rage after being put down, and it only worsens as she attempts to channel her chi--and when that fateful word leaves his mouth. Her prior talk of him doing less standin' and more fightin' earns no response...
But when she hefts a garbage can up over her head, spilling the contents to the side as her anger boils forth, it causes outright worry in Shingo. He gulps audibly, shaking in his boots as she heaves it at him--and a shrill scream leads to him bending over backwards, bending at the knee as he rather neatly, and perhaps by sheer dance, ducks right out of the projectile's path.
It careens right into the face of an onlooker, sending a few of the crowd tumbling. Crowd participation is a must at Taiyo High. "I-I'm not patronizing you at all!" Shingo responds as he straightens, reminding himself to Google the word later so he understands what she means. It sounds like something he should deny though! "You're pretty little you know. I can't help it if you're like the size of a pipsqueak!"
He means it all in jest. He's not the best with girls. All the same, he can't just stand there. The crowd wants him to do something, and while he's not the type to give into peer pressure, he does just this once. Advancing, he throws a neat roundhouse kick at her upper body.
COMBATSYS: Nanako fails to counter Medium Kick from Shingo with Incandescent Pulse.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Nanako 1/--=====/=======|====---\-------\0 Shingo
Nanako is stubborn like that. She believes completely in herself and her skills, and possesses quite an abundance of confidence, perhaps overly so. She needs no advice from Shingo Yabuki! Even if he may be famous in the fighting world. His reputation means little to the girl. Right now, she just wants to fight and prove to herself she's not THAT awful!
Focusing on her frustrations, the girl wields a garbage can and chucks it with frightening efficiency at the other Taiyo student. Quick thinking sends him out of harm's way as he bends back, the can itself slamming into an onlooker. But that doesn't matter to the girl. She's fired up! She's ready to fight! She's angry! LOOK OUT WORLD! THE WRATH OF NANAKO IS UPON YOU!
"Oh that's bull!" she snaps, wagging a finger as he insists he's doing quite the opposite! And then he calls her little again. "I'M NOT LITTLE YOU JERK!!" Her voice could shatter eardrums. Her hand glows pink as he advances, a wide sweeping motion made with her hand; however, his foot proves faster and clocks her upside the head, sending her rolling and tumbling off to the side.
The world may tremble, but there's no fear from Shingo as he rather neatly launches himself into a roundhouse kick. She receives it rather cleanly, her action halted as Shingo's school boot comes into contact with the side of her head.
Landing rather neatly, he blinks in surprise. The crowd is eating it all up--they love a good fight, and clearly Yabuki is in good standing with his peers. Yet his surprise is not for that-it's the way the girl goes down so easily. He's after her in a moment, crouching down near her to poke at her with a finger. In the shoulder, of course.
"Hey, hey! You alright? I didn't think that was going to catch you that badly..." Concern for his opposing combatant? What is this? The crowd's cheers die off into a concerned murmur. 'Is something wrong with Nanako?' 'Did that monster hurt her?' 'Whose hand is that?'
COMBATSYS: Shingo takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Nanako 1/--=====/=======|====---\-------\0 Shingo
Yes, Nanako lands most unceremoniously, her form limp for a moment's time as she lay on cold, unforgiving concrete. How cruel and heartless of Shingo, to hit a girl of her obviously weak and pathetic stature! How dare he harm her so! Even his peers seem a touch surprised! How could he! Oh, the nerve.
Oh Shingo. Don't you know you shouldn't taunt Happy Fun Ball?
Her form flickers, a pink haze around her seemingly limp form slowly crawling over her. Shoulders rise and fall, a low, breathy chuckle rising up from her throat. "Ho ho ho," Her head turns slowly, green-yellow eyes devilish(ly cute, that is) as she glances at him. "That was your big mistake!"
Then, explosion. The ground BURSTS forth with a furious cyclone of Psycho Power, a pink twister rising up from her form as it pillars high into the sky, looking to take poor Shingo out by knocking him high into the air and juggling him mercilessly!
COMBATSYS: Nanako successfully hits Shingo with Purifying Light of Dawn.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Nanako 0/-------/------=|=======\-------\1 Shingo
Clearly the Happy Fun Ball has more to her than meets the eyes; he hadn't expected such guile from her, and suffice it to say, his concern--his niceness--lures him in like honey to a bee. That's you for me.
"My big mis-" Shingo doesn't get anything more out than that. In a moment, her cyclone is released, the rest of what he WOULD have said caught up in the sudden myriad of energy that courses out from the ground. Caught up in it, he can do nothing but ride it out as it rips at his body, the torrent of vile psycho power tearing at his clothing--much to the delight of a certain section of the crowd.
When he lands--when she finally stops juggling him like the cheap bitch that she is--Yabuki lands with an awful thud. And then there's a groan of his own. It seems the momentum of the match up has changed in her favor; the crowd cheer her successful strike, and a little area start cheering her on.
Better her than me, Shingo thinks. He hates his fans--they should honestly cheer Kyo on. But he's not at school these days--these two combatants are, and there's still the matter of this match.
Mentally apologizing to his idol for being drawn in like that, the boy spins back to his feet, staring Nanako down. "Alright... that was pretty good, Nanako! But you've got a lot to learn! Here, let me show you something that I learned from Kyo..." That name sends a hushed murmur through the crowd. They're expecting something super.
And sure enough, it comes as he dashes forward, leaping into the air for a series of continuous kicks at the girl. He's taking her more seriously now!
COMBATSYS: Nanako fails to counter Ge Shiki - Kake Hourin from Shingo with Auspicious Hand.
[ \\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Nanako 0/-------/=======|-------\-------\0 Shingo
The power swells high, carrying the hapless hero Shingo Yabuki in its oh-so painful embrace. Juggled like a ragdoll, the young man is forced to endure it's agony before he's sent falling to the ground with a nice little ‘splat.' Nanako, on the other hand, slowly peels herself from the ground, breathing heavily.
And, what's this now? He's PRAISING HER? Blinking owlishly, the tiny terror stares dumbfounded for a moment before she tilts her head, a less-than intelligent ‘huuuuh?' escaping her pink lips. "Uhhh, I guess?" she replies. Then it dawns on her. He's admitting she's good. "YEAH! YOU BETTER BELIEVE IT!" she cries, newfound confidence bubbling over as she points a finger at him.
Wait, Kyo? THE Kyo? "Oh crap." That's about all she can get out before he's coming at her. Try as she may to counter his assault the girl is kicked, sent sky high before SHE'S sent crashing to the ground with a squishy thud. Well, as squishy as a girl as scrawny as she can make. "Oof."
While he may have boosted her confidence vocally, it's what he follows it up with which serves to shatter it. Leaping into the air, he connects his left foot with her middle, then juggles her with the right and then the left again. Casting her to the floor, he lands neatly nearby, standing over her fallen body.
"Now that? That took me ages to figure out. You see, Kyo and I... we came to a little arrangement as far as my training goes..." Where's he going with this? "You've got potential, brat!" He nears, a hand thrusting out towards her prone body.
Is he... is he?!
His hand heads straight for her hair, as he attempts to deliver a vicious, VICIOUS noogie!
"Maybe I'll train you one day!"
COMBATSYS: Shingo successfully hits Nanako with Jab Punch.
[ \\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Nanako 1/------=/=======|-------\-------\0 Shingo
Standing over her? The girl turns her head, peeling it up from the concrete as she slowly turns an eye his way. Is he talking? She can't really hear him right now, as she's a little dizzy and her head is pounding. Argh, why does she have such awful luck lately? "N-nothin' big," she tells herself, planting her hands on the ground as she slowly eases herself up.
"I d-don't care!" she stammers, looking considerably huffy as she glowers at the Kusanagi scion's protege. She doesn't care about what training he's had, or who all his friends are, or where he got his moves. She just wants to prove to herself she's not a bad fighter!! "Argh!"
His hand lashes out and the other reaches in, offering a noogie fiercely against her head with his knuckles. She flails for a moment before a glint catches her eye. Is that? No way. Is SHE going to??
You bet your sweet behind!
"TASTE SWEET AGONY!! AAAHHHH!" With a shrill and girly battlecry, Nanako lashes out against Shingo with a fist, attempting to trigger a series of most uncomfortable events for him!
COMBATSYS: Nanako can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Shingo 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Shingo endures Nanako's Nyanko Super Destroyer!
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Shingo 0/-------/-----==|
One, two, three - a series of brutal punches pound the guy in his gut as the girl stands before him. "NYANKOOOO!" They stop briefly, only to allow her to crouch low, a hand coiling at her side. "SUPER!!!!" Oh, you asked for it now. You just SO asked for it now, Shingo. Prepare to face...Nyanko's ultimate wrath!!!
Her legs shoot up, the girl's fist coming into contact with Shingo's chin as she launches a nice, smarting uppercut to his jaw. "DESTROOOOYER!!!!"
And when it's over she kind of just sags to her knees like a wuss. Yes, she's very much exhausted from that last bit.
"Taste sweet wha-" Clearly, Shingo doesn't know the meaning of the word 'agony,' but that's hardy the only thing he ends up getting to know. He also, as she rises before him after he delivered that noogie to her head, pummels his abdominals with her girly sized fists in a vicious one-two-one combo. He grunts with each hit, driven back one step, two, three...
And then it happens. She calls it out--he knows too well, the power that one can draw by shouting out the name of one's attack!! He knows it, and he feels it as she drives her fist up under his chin, driving his open, gaping mouth shut with the crack of teeth meeting teeth.
He lifts off his feet. She follows through, and he's sent flying backwards into the crowd. He lands, toppling ten like bowling pins, and it's clear that Nanako has her strike.
There's a groan from Shingo as he slooooowly rises back to his feet, groggy to say the least. He reaches into his mouth, pushing and prodding at several teeth. "Oh man... I think I'm going to have to see a dentist!" he exclaims, before giving over to another groan as he clutches at his middle.
He takes several steps forward towards the sagging girl; it's clear that the fight is over. He knows the signs of it. As he nears, he stares down at her, those brown eyes boring into the depths of her soul... and then it happens.
Shingo delivers a thumbs-up!
"You did great!"
Log created by Nanako, and last modified on 18:00:21 03/01/2007.