Iori - Hardcorefestacular


Winter still graces the city of Southtown with its cold touch; and while the sun beats down from above in the cloudless sky, the strong winds that whisper through the city offset any heat it could really provide. It's not a pleasant day; many people who walk to and from their places of work find themselves heavily bundled in jackets, gloves, long sleeved shirts -- anything to get away from the cold. However, despite the cold, if anything Southtown is an unnatural place with unnatural people -- and there's more than one person out there who does not seek shelter from the cold.
One such person is a certain red-haired man who finds himself seated at a bench towards the edge of downtown Southtown. A hamburger in one hand, Iori Yagami seems rather content to just absently chew away at his sandwich while lifting a large cup of strawberry slurpie goodness to his lips. If his eyes seem to indicate he's on edge, or irritable, it's probably because he is; that typically happens when you learn the person you've trained yourself all your life to defeat is nothing more than a massive joke. Some people become sad, lose their purpose and perhaps, their reason for living.
Iori Yagami just angrily sips his slurpie.
The daytime is quiet today thanks to the cold. And many people who recognize Iori for who he is avoid him like the plague. He could care less, really. His hamburger is really just too good for him to pay attention to the morons out there. Though... "Hmph. Needs more ketchup." Somehow the last of the Yagami still finds a reason to complain.

Plenty of people don't seem to be that bothered by the cold, among the ranks of the fighters who congregate in Southtown for all the opportunities to be found there; though some, mostly French, fighters are even /more/ weak against the cold than normal folks. Luckily, the man who calls himself Shenwoo isn't French. Or normal, either... Though he does wear a leather jacket, the barest of concessions to the cold weather. Which, when one sees him out and about with his roommate, makes Ash Crimson's heavy bundling look all the more ridiculous.

Luckily, Ash isn't here today.

Instead, Shen is quite by himself, making his way though downtown, looking for something. That 'something' is almost certainly a fight, given the tall blond man's hobbies, which would be why he seems to grin perpetually despite the drearyness of the weather. Indeed, not far away from where Yagami is sitting and not particularly enjoying his hamburger. "Damn, look at /you/," says the 'God of Battle', loudly, as he sees the state Iori seems to be in. "Aren't you just the sorriest looking bastard in the whole city. Somebody run over your dog, Yagami?" Sure, most people would say Iori seems more 'angry' than 'depressed', but if anybody understands how interchangeable those things are, it's Crazy McYellsalot over here.

"..." Oh, of all the people-- Iori's dark gaze doesn't even turn up as Shenwoo loudly announces himself. In fact, the only sign that the Yagami heir even acknowledges the man's existance is in the twitch of one of his eyebrows as he takes another bite of his delicious hamburger that Shenwoo has now managed to make not so delicious. Iori chews once, twice, and then pauses. Those dark eyes rotate towards Shenwoo, and he observes him silently for a few moments. And then? He drinks his slurpee and looks back down with a bitter, almost dryly amused scoff.
"Go to hell, moron."
There's another brief pause in Iori's enjoyment of his meal as he considers the battlemongerers words. Silently, he drags himself up out of his seat, putting down his hamburger and slurpee calmly on the bench beneath him. "I'd ask if you're itching for a fight, but the answer to that'd be too obvious." But the thing is -- Iori is looking for one too. Even if not as actively or diligently as the God of Battle. "How about you scurry along, and I won't have to snap your spine and make you look like an idiot in public?" Of course he knows that Shenwoo won't listen. In fact... he's banking on that. He needs to vent.

What? Shenwoo /listen/? Surely you jest. In fact, as he gets told off not once but /twice/ by the last Yagami, the brawler's broad slash of a mouth just pulls into a wider grin, and he makes a decidedly amused sound. So that would be a no on him going to hell or scurrying along. "You're just plain unfriendly, aren't you?" the man from Shanghai says, tilting his head to one side and watching as Iori stands up. Of course, this is the guy who beat the hell out of his own teammates on live television the past weekend, so who is he to criticise anybody about friendliness?

"Still, if you're gonna be like that, I guess I /will/ just leave," Shen says, shrugging his broad shoulders and turning around... Before suddenly twisting and throwing a foot up and backwards, hoping that his pretty amateurish deception is enough to give him an opening to kick Iori right in the face. Yeah, he's not very good at being subtle. Shut up!

COMBATSYS: Shenwoo has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Shenwoo          0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Iori has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Shenwoo          0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0             Iori

COMBATSYS: Shenwoo successfully hits Iori with Fusen Kyaku.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Shenwoo          0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0             Iori

Well -- that's the last time Iori believes anything Shenwoo says. Not that he really did -- in fact, the Yagami heir had intended to just take what was clearly an intent at a suckerpunch -- or suckerkick -- head on and probably punch Shenwoo across the street or something equally unpleasant. But it seems he's not quite prepared enough in time; because as Shenwoo twists and kicks Iori in the face... he goes /tumbling/ backwards, a small splurt of blood flying from his mouth as he staggers back and /clutches/ onto the nearby arm of the bench. That hit... a /lot/ harder than he anticipated. And, as he looks up, any apathy or nonchalance is gone from his eyes. It's on.
"GUWAAAARGH!!" Iori hardly wastes any time as he leaps forward; his goal is quite straightforward. A single, clawed hand seeks to snap ahead of him and grasp Shenwoo solidly by the face. Those talons will sink into the God of Battle's face before a plume of violet fire EXPLODES from the Yagami's grasp, seeking to completely engulf Shenwoo in the inferno before blowing up with concussive force meant to knock the other man away. He wants to fight? /Good./ So does Iori.

COMBATSYS: Iori successfully hits Shenwoo with Koto Moon Negative.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Shenwoo          1/-------/=======|====---\-------\0             Iori

Ow dude, claws? That's not nice at all. Bloodied by Yagami's talons, and then, well, /set on fire/, Shenwoo is blasted back, rolling along the ground to put out the flames, before ending up in a crouch some distance away. He didn't even /try/ to avoid that one. "Hey, hey. Don't hold back so much, Yagami!" the brawler laughs, but ow... That hurt! Dark eyes wide and wild, Shen springs out of that low crouch, running headlong at Iori again, heedless of any danger... As usual.

Getting closer, the self-styled 'God of Battle' pulls back his left fist, and almost seems to coast towards Iori, pouring on more speed, his very form blurring as he rushes at his opponent, and when Shen throws his fist forward in a punch, he's surrounded by a shockwave of energy centered on that fist, adding still more force to the blow. "SHYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!"

COMBATSYS: Iori fails to interrupt Zetsu Gekiken from Shenwoo with Yumebiki.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Shenwoo          0/-------/-------|====---\-------\0             Iori

Well. It could be said that Iori isn't even paying attention to Shenwoo at this point; and it'd be very easy to believe. Panting with rage, fires billow out from his hand before he snuffs them out with the simple clench of his fist. And as Shenwoo rushes toward him, so very fast and powerfully? "HUUUWARGH!!" Iori rushes RIGHT at him. Yagami becomes just as much a blur as the God of Battle, but he's just a few seconds too slow -- because, just as his right hand snaps out, that chi-empowered fist SMASHES into the side of his face.
He's felt this before. It stings a little, sending Yagami tumbling backwards once more. His skin burns from the force of the chi, but other than that... he maintains his footing, staring at Shenwoo with a dangerous grin. "You call that a HIT? It's gonna take a HELL OF A LOT MORE THAN THAT!"

It must be nice, having flames. Everybody Shenwoo's fought who had them was quite strong... And they all seemed to enjoy throwing fiery pain around. "Heh," he chuckles, as Iori is able to keep his footing after the attack. Of course, he /knows/ Yagami is stronger than he is... That's what makes this fun. "You sure your head's really in this?" Shen wonders, surprisingly perceptive for a big punchy goon. "Seems like you're somewhere else. Guess I'd better make sure you've gotta pay attention to the here and now," he says, still grinning wildly.

Rushing at Iori again to close up the distance between the two of them, he actually passes by the bench on which the flame-tosser was previously seated, pausing there to snatch up the forgotten slurpee. Oh no, he's not going to? Not seriously?

Yes, he seriously is. First he takes a drink of it, and then Shenwoo tosses the slurpee right at Iori's face, because clearly the best way to get a crazy man to pay attention is to totally ruin his drink. "Heads up!"

COMBATSYS: Shenwoo successfully hits Iori with Thrown Object.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Shenwoo          0/-------/-------|====---\-------\0             Iori

Oh--oh no. Oh no, Shenwoo did NOT just do that. But he did -- he literally through Iori's own slurpee right at his face. Iori has every intention of moving out of the way and grasping the cup before it can crash into the ground, but it doesn't quite /work/ like that. Instead -- the drink crashes right against his face. It doesn't hurt nearly enough to even cause Iori to move, but that's not the point. He had been looking forward to that slurpee all day. And now... now it's all over his face.
"..." Slowly, Iori licks cherry-flavored slush around his mouth. His right hand lifts, wiping away most of the remnants. He looks down at the red slush covering his hand. "... die." He mutters. His hand explodes into flames, the slushee remnants evaporating into nothing from exposure to the intensity of that cursed fire. And then?
He HURLS that hand forward, and in that motion, a large plume of violet fire bursts from the ground on a straight path towards Shenwoo, intent on enveloping him and knocking him /straight/ off his feet.
He REALLY wanted that slushee.

COMBATSYS: Iori successfully hits Shenwoo with Yami Barai.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Shenwoo          0/-------/--=====|======-\-------\0             Iori

Unless Shenwoo is very much mistaken, he'd have to say that he just managed to piss Iori off. Which was totally his plan, so: Jackpot. The purple flame racing along the ground towards him is kind of a problem, though... Shen, being Shen, actually runs right /at it/. His plan had some more steps to it, but they will forever remain a mystery due to miscalculation, as the brawler is indeed set on fire quite painfully.

But that doesn't stop him.

"WEAK!" Shenwoo shouts, still barreling right at Iori despite /being on fire/. "If you're just gonna give me that weak crap... THEN YOU'LL DIE FIRST!!" Yeah, he's totally talking out of his ass here, but it makes him feel better. What will also make him feel better is if what he tries next ends up working, as he tries to grab Iori by the front of his shirt, and wheel him around before flinging him headfirst into the bench from before. Which might ruin his burger to. "GRAAAH!!"

COMBATSYS: Iori interrupts Strong Throw from Shenwoo with Oniyaki.

[                        \\\\\\  < >  /////////////                 ]
Shenwoo          1/----===/=======|=======\-------\0             Iori

The God of Battle certainly has hit the jackpot. Because ruining Iori's all-different-kinds-of-berry slurpee has just pissed the man off to no end. Of course -- factors outside this little meeting effect this, but it's very clear that Iori's just been shoved way off the edge and hit raging, blood-thirsty insanity /hard./ Which is why as Shenwoo continues to run at him... Iori RUSHES towards Shenwoo at breakneck speed, howling something completely incoherent before making a single declaration:
Shenwoo barrels into Iori a bit earlier than he might have expected. The force of the collision stings a little, but Shenwoo is bound to be in far more pain soon enough. As the God of Battle collides with Iori, he might notice... the man's hands are brightly on fire again. "You don't STAND A CHANCE! GUUUOOOH!!" And then he leaps. His body spins rapidly, his arms swinging with ruthless speed and power as he catches Shenwoo with a brutal, flaming claw. He hits him several more times as he leaps into the air, that violet inferno trailing around his body in a double helix as he knocks Shenwoo high into the air. And then... he lands in a crouch, huffing and growling. "... Don't you /get it/?"

Pain, pain... Fire, pain. It's all about usual, really. Landing moments after Iori does, Shenwoo hits the ground and lands in a heap, battered and burnt and clearly he wasn't doing all that well. But... He grins broadly, and he pushes himself up to his feet, wobbling. "You think that's the point, stupid?" he wonders, shakily. "You're the one who doesn't get it!" And then, somehow, impossibly... Shenwoo rushes at Iori again - though it's more of a stumble, by this point.

Shen's left fist lashes out at Iori as he gets closer, trying to clock the redhead in the face again; if that hits, he gets closer and unleashes a few more punches at Iori's kidneys, before grabbing the other fighter /by the hair/, and then smashing his forehead against the other's, as hard as he can. "Ha ha ha ha! HAAA HA HA HA HAHA!!!"

COMBATSYS: Iori endures Shenwoo's Kohyou Rengeki.

[                        \\\\\\  < >  ////////                      ]
Shenwoo          0/-------/-----==|=======\=------\1             Iori

The scion of the Yagami clan stands firm as Shenwoo rushes towards him, blinking almost incomprehensibly as the man gets up again. He can still /fight/? Yagami stares almost in /disbelief/ at the God of Battle as he rushes forward. And as the Shanghai brawler swings... Iori takes each and every punch head on, staggering back once, twice, three times -- each blow sends Iori reeling backwards, but there's almost too much give. And as Shenwoo gets a fistful of redhair and brings that powerful, devestating forehead down to bear on the Yagami...
Iori does not stumble. Instead, arms flaring with violet energy, he SLAMS his fists down /straight/ into the ground with devestating speed and efficiency. There is only a moment's pause before a geyser of extremely hot, powerful, violet flames EXPLODE from the ground beneath the pair, intent on completely consuming Shenwoo in its wrath without hesitation. "DIE! DIE ALREADY!!"

COMBATSYS: Shenwoo parries Iori's Yami Sugi!

[                        \\\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Shenwoo          0/-------/----===|=------\-------\0             Iori

"I told you already, didn't I?!" Shenwoo says, already moving in the aftermath of knocking aside Iori's flames, reaching out to grab the other fighter by the hair again, to repeat the headbutt from just moments earlier, before using that same grip on Yagami's red hair to swing him into the nearest solid object - probably the bench, maybe a car. Who knows! By this point, Shenwoo could hardly care less. He's having too much fun!

COMBATSYS: Shenwoo successfully hits Iori with Saikouhou-Geki EX.

[                        \\\\\\  < >  ///////                       ]
Shenwoo          0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0             Iori

Headbutt again, and chucked, Iori has little choice but to just go with the flow. He's taken much more of a beating than he had already anticipated taking -- and he's already drawing close to the edge. Seeing Shenwoo so thoroughly dismiss his sudden onslaught, Iori is a bit too surprised to react much more than to attempt to defend himself against the other man. It fails, and he goes flying and crashing with a solid 'OOPH' as he hits a nearby car. The metal dents, glass shatters, but does it keep Iori down?
Of /course not/.
Almost instantly, Yagami is back on his feet, making a dead rush at the God of Battle. He moves surprisingly fast, long legs closing the distance all too quickly before he THRUSTS a single hand forward, intent on scraping it straight across Shenwoo's gut brutally. "GUUUOOOH!!" Past the point of coherent conversation, the Yagami heir seeks to simply twist around... and then brutally backhand Shenwoo, straight into the ground. Pissed off can hardly describe him at this point. But at the very least... this is an excellent way to vent.

COMBATSYS: Shenwoo endures Iori's Yumebiki.

[                            \\  < >  //////                        ]
Shenwoo          0/-------/-======|==-----\-------\0             Iori

And Shen... Doesn't even try to get out of the way, getting slashed with Iori's nails, and then backhanded indeed, but rather than fall, the brawler /forces/ himself to stay afoot. Kicking off of the sidewalk, he lunges at Yagami with all the speed he can still muster, feeling his strength ebbing out... He's pretty much done, and he knows that. But it's not like Shenwoo is going to just lie down and give up. He started this fight... He might as well make sure Iori ends up out with him!

"Ha ha ha ha!!" Shenwoo laughs again, clasping his hands together over his head in an axehandle position, and swinging them down, hard, intent on striking Iori and forcing him to bow his head a little... Before he'll then swing his hands back /up/, to smash them right into the other man's face as hard as he can. "THIS IS GREAT!!" But, succeed or fail, Shenwoo's done... Out of the fight, but not unconscious.

COMBATSYS: Shenwoo can no longer fight.

[                        \\\\\\  <
Iori             0/-------/-----==|

COMBATSYS: Shenwoo successfully hits Iori with Kouryuu-Geki.
- Power hit! -

[                             \  <
Iori             0/-------/---====|

It's a painful experience -- not the individual blows themselves, but rather everything stacked up. Iori hadn't expected Shenwoo to pack quite a punch or succeed over such odds as much as he did, and the Yagami ends up underestimating the God of Battle -- a fact that costs him quite a bit now that he finds himself so weak. But this is just the kind of vent he needs. And, as Shenwoo comes at him, fists blazing... Iori attempts to leap to the side, unsuccessfully at that. The punches hit, all in succession, harder than Iori had anticipated. He staggers, smashes against a car, but much like Shenwoo... he doesn't fall. The fight might be out of him, but consciousness isn't.
"Hah... hah..." The Yagami heir breathes heavily, shaking his head to get back to his senses. Pushing himself up the dented and ruined car, he only has one thing to say:
"... you owe me a fucking slushee."

COMBATSYS: Iori takes no action.

COMBATSYS: Iori can no longer fight.

People do that a lot, you know... Underestimating Shenwoo, and it's generally to their detriment. One time, he tackled Kyo off of a roof for understimating him. Good thing there was an expensive car to break their fall! The berserker's own breath is just as laboured by now, leaning over and putting his hands on his legs to keep himself upright. Eventually, though, he's able to force himself to stand up straight, still grinning. Yeah, he had fun, and to him... That's what matters.

But, a slushee? "Heh, whatever you say," Shenwoo says, shrugging a bit, by way of an agreement. It's not like it bothers him to have to pay for a slushee... He's rich! Though Ash does seem to enjoy spending all of his money in an attempt to make him less rich, that moocher.

Besides, he could use a slushee too, now.

Log created by Iori, and last modified on 13:08:01 04/07/2007.