Description: Several days after his short-lived encounter with Southtown Syndicate's #1 henchman, Billy Kane, Iori is paid a rather unexpected visit by the leader of the Southsynd himself, Geese Howard. Pleasantries are exchanged, and after pushing his luck too far, Iori decides to teach Geese a lesson in respect.

Daytime at the Southtown boardwalk is typically heavily populated. It was today; the weather was just warm enough, with a refreshing cool breeze, that the reprieve from the bitter cold brought many, both citizens and tourists alike. But the formula goes exactly as it always does; the later the day draws, more and more people leave. By six in the evening, the crowds had begun to dwindle from their prime. And now in the dead of night, save for a few unsavory characters, the boardwalk is all but dead. The air is colder now that there's no sun to provide warmth; the breeze is much sharper and more vicious. Not many people like to be out here in such weather.
Which is why it's ideal for Iori Yagami.
The days had been thankfully uneventful since Billy's rude interruption of his mall roamings. Iori's savored the quiet; having to fight people is a bother, and he detests it. He much prefers this quiet time, time he's used to train and -- during times like this -- relax. Or at least, as much as a person like Iori Yagami /can/ relax. He arrived in the boardwalk the moment people really started to filter out. Everyone had stayed out of his way, as per usual, and Iori found himself a comfortable place to sit back and relax for the night.
Currently, the last of the Yagami is sitting languidly at a bench. His bass in hand, he strums a few notes with long, slender fingers. Their absent at best; his dark eyes are focused on the vacant streets and booths beyond, looking almost thoughtful as he plucks away at his guitar. It's nice. It's quiet. It's a refreshing change. But Iori knows better than anyone how quickly that can change.

Great blues masters are few and far between. Great emo rock masters, even rarer. So somehow it's all too easy to draw in rambling, woesome lyrics to Iori's haphazard, absentminded pickings. Alright, so maybe Geese isn't the greatest lyricist, but the Yagami scion sitting alone on the boardwalk wistfully staring out to sea and lamenting via apathetic bass notes is something even Howard can appreciate. The Syndicate boss approaches alone, at least as alone as he ever truly is out and about in Southtown, fine leather business shoes sounding softly on the wooden surface as he casually but confidently strolls over towards Iori.
"You're a difficult man to get ahold of, Yagami." Geese Howard observes coolly as he nears. It's not the whole truth... Geese has been aware of some of Iori's actions and movements for some time. He probably could have arranged a meeting earlier, much the way his associate, Mr. Kane, arranged a bit of a vengeance attempt. For better or worse, "The way you behave, the places you frequent. One might almost conclude you're trying to hide from something." Howard finds this a mainstay among people who've made deals with devils, but that part can stay unspoken. Still, the Syndicate boss has more than a passing acquaintance with powers ancient and powerful... and he does seem to have some knowledge of Iori himself, doesn't he?
There's a calm, almost smug smile as Geese regards the Yagami scion.... Iori is dangerous, but Geese isn't concerned by that. No, there are secrets here, and he's nearly gathered them all. Only a few more pieces now, and understanding the dwindling but magnificently strong Yagami line is the next step.

The slow, sporadic thrums of the bass slowly begin to dwindle as a voice cuts through the night air. It's only vaguely familiar to the Yagami heir, but it's familiar /enough/ that it brings an annoyed scowl across the red-haired man's lips. The breeze whips through a bit stronger at that point -- rustling the sleeves of his white shirt as his fingers settle against the strings of the guitar. He doesn't deign to look at the source of the voice just yet. He doesn't need to, really. The scowl lingers, "Che." He hates being interrupted. But it's not like it's really unexpected, and so the scowl slowly fades, and those dark eyes lift to look at--
"Geese Howard." He smiles wryly, head cocking to the side as he considers the other man. "Come to pay me a visit since your doggy can't even deliver messages properly?" Or at least, that's what he assumes. That Billy would actually think he could get vengeance on Iori of all people is a laughable notion to the last Yagami. But... any amusement on his face quickly cuts out to annoyance at Geese's words, letting out a snort of derision as he turns to look away from the Southsynd crimelord. "... Whatever. I don't have to hide from anything, Howard. Cut the crap." He doesn't need some old geezer acting like he knows Iori. Not in the slightest.
A break of silence lingers for a moment. Iori knows the dangers of dealing with a man like Geese -- and knows that the man himself is undeniably dangerous -- but that really doesn't stop him from being as blunt as possible. "What the hell do you want? Come to settle Billy's score for him?" The idea makes him laugh. Billy Kane. What a joke.

Oh good, Iori is getting even -more- emo. Geese's smile only widens slightly. No doubt the last Yagami will write a song about this when it's all over. At least, if Howard has his way. And Iori's hands aren't broken, "It seemed more prudent to come personally than to send someone else for you to vent your rage on, hmm?" Geese muses, more for witty repartee than out of any apparent hostility, "But no, if you think I care about some tournament..." King of Fighters. 'Some Tournament'. "You're sorely mistaken." Geese is still impeccably calm, direct, even relaxed... an odd demeanor considering the nature of the meeting, but then Howard is nothing if not a bit eccentric. To him, all these grand world titles and magnificent, malevolent tests are the same game... and a distraction from true power.
A game for his amusement, while the real tests are passed elsewhere. The real sources of power, "But I think you have everything to hide from, Iori Yagami. People in your family.... it's almost like you're... cursed, isn't it?" Geese muses aloud, as though the idea had just now come to him. The Syndicate boss taps his chin slowly, "Something powerful enough to rend an entire bloodline.... through the ages." Geese gives a low, quiet sort of 'hmmm', still 'pondering' this new idea, "You certainly aren't going to outrun your legacy through karma, are you Iori? So tell me, what -do- you want?" The smug expression is still in place. The guy thinks he has it all figured out, and scarily, that seems to be partly true.

Some tournament. At least Iori and Geese can agree about that. Those tournaments are only useful for one thing -- Kyo frequents them. "Just tell your little buddy that the next time he tries to interrupt me, I really will kill him." That's all Iori has to say about that. He returns his attentions to his guitar, beginning to strum out a soft, haunting tune. Pulling up a leg to rest his foot on the seat of the bench, Iori hardly even looks back to Geese as he explains himself. Rather, he just smiles bitterly, plucking at the chords of his bass. "You think you're a detective now, Howard? You rich people really do need to find better ways to occupy your time." Cursed. It hits a bit too close to home but, fortunately, it's not one of those things that sting Yagami so badly he can't look it over. Instead, he maintains that almost condescending smile as his eyes focus downward towards the ground. "You should probably look for something else to investigate, though."
The strumming continues, the song picking up pace and volume as Iori tilts his head backwards, staring up to the sky. He knows why Geese is here. Same reason they all are. "It's pretty obvious what you want. And you'll probably fuck up just like everyone else before you. Guys like you are so arrogant." And so stupid. His fingers stop plucking, resting against the guitar as his eyes turn back towards Geese. "What do /I/ want? ... I want you to leave me the hell alone. Think you can do that, Howard?"

"Yes..." Geese considers, "I can understand your trepidation. In your situation, I would hesitate too. I would be quite bitter." Geese sympathizes, 100%. He absolutely can relate to what Iori's going through. At least that's what his tone of voice says, in a mockery of a motivational speaker that knows the audience is never going to give a shit about a word he says, "After all, your ancestors actually tried to make a pact." Geese -laughs- now, darkly, "What's funniest is this is the part there's the best record of." Howard has teams in remote locations all over the -globe- scouring for remains of the sorts of secrets he's after. Secrets like Iori's, secrets like Ryu's, secrets like so many others... the Orochi may be special, but as far as Howard can tell, it is not unique, "People do -love- their fallen heroes, don't they Yagami? Yes, I would be quite bitter. After all, you were supposed to be a key figure for good in the coming storm, weren't you?" Geese mulls over prophetical bullshit with an almost sardonic air, "Now you'll be lucky to see twenty-six. And unless your 'apocalypse' comes soon, it's several agonizing decades for absolutely nothing, isn't it?" The guy's in pain. Geese just wants to help.
"I assure you, I am not Rugal... my goals are my own, and my goal now is simply knowledge. One way or another, I will have it. Kusanagi cannot stop me, and that Yata Priestess is an absolute joke. And don't think I do not realize what waits beyond." Oh no, Geese recently had a -very- enlightening heart to heart. Now, more than ever, he realizes what he's dealing with... and that makes care all the more valuable, because the reward... well, let's face it, it's massive. At least if he can work out the 'kinks', "You can either help me, or I can grant your request. I understand if your lot in life has left you with little will but to seek hermitage until you die." He manages this with a perfectly straight face, but it's impossible to keep the bite out of his words, and the smile is gone. One way or another, Iori is -not- going to be a problem here. Geese already saw to Kyo.

And Geese keeps talking. Iori rests his hands against his guitar, his single, visible dark eye focusing on Geese almost thoughtfully. His brows furrow, his lips pursing into a frown. Maybe he's actually listening to Geese. Maybe Geese is getting through to him, connecting with Yagami's poor, sad, pathetic lot in life. Perhaps --
"Do you have a listening problem, jackass?"
Yagami stands, shaking out his locks of crimson hair as if trying to get some invisible dirt out. Slinging his guitar strap over his shoulder, the Yagami heir doesn't even do so much as provide Howard a second glance. "I could have sworn I told you I wanted you to leave me the hell alone, Howard. Not try to sell me lines of your pathetic crap." A hand waves through the air almost dismissively as the red-headed Yagami scion lets out another bark of harsh laughter. Geese can search and search all he wants. Eventually he's just going to find that he's bitten off a lot more than he can chew. Just like every other power-hungry idiot out there. "You seem to have come under the impression that I care about any of the things you're trying to use to appeal to me. Here's a newsflash for you - and I'll say it slowly so you can understand - I. Don't. Give. A. Shit." Iori's starting to get a good idea of just why Geese's employees are all so dumb.
Yet -- Howard isn't a stupid man. And he's not weak, either. He saw what he did to Kyo. And likely, he won't accept Iori just walking away. Still... Yagami can't find anything of interest that Geese could provide him. And he has no interest in providing information to some ass like Geese, so he starts to walk. "Kusanagi is my problem to deal with. You're dealing in territory that you don't have any right to deal with. Take my advice and just give it up. I'm not going to tell you shit."

"I heard you." Geese remarks, no less flippantly. This guy, "You're taking option 'b'." The whole turning tail and sniveling until he melts to death or meets an otherwise bloody and violent end thing. Geese can accept that. At least partially. The Syndicate boss doesn't seem inclined to -stop- Iori... no, the cursed little soldier can march on, as far as Howard is concerned. His smug smirk returns as he watches Iori pace away, but the Syndicate boss can't really resist rubbing the Yagami scion's nose in it a bit, "For what it's worth, I hope you do manage to kill Kusanagi. It would do the world a favor." Geese muses once more, lifting a hand to straighten one platinum cufflink, then the other, fixing his custom-tailored business suit a bit more.
"Near as I can tell, both of your families are basically wasting oxygen as it is." Hmph. All this power, and so little potency. Geese is -not- impressed.

Option 'B'? "As if you could help me with my 'problem' anyway. People like you are full of promises that never mean anything. I hate that." Yagami continues to walk, shoes slapping against the solid ground as he makes his way further from Howard, much to Yagami's own satisfaction. He's a little surprised; after his meeting with Billy, he had thought this encounter would have been a little bit more violent than it was, especially given his final comment to Billy. Maybe the British thug didn't complain enough. Iori is, of course, slightly /grateful/ for this. He'd rather not fight --
-- But then... Geese just says the right things to piss a man off. So much so, that Iori slowly stops in his walking, turns, and stares at Geese.
"... What?"
He doesn't care about the well-wishes. He doesn't even really care that Geese insulted his clan. It's just that, in doing so, knowing Iori is the last -- "And you think you're any better than us?" He's insulting Iori. What gall. "Some punk sitting on top of his big tower thinks he's so great?" Iori let's the question linger as he turns back around to face Geese, setting his guitar down. He's angry -- the rage is starting to boil to the surface now, just as flames simmer with life around his hands. Distinctly violet flames. "You know what I think?" He asks, brow quirking.
"I think jackasses like you are the ones wasting my oxygen. You're no better than that idiot Vega." The flames grow, but they're not used yet. Geese is such a big, smart man, he should be able to tell what's about to come.

COMBATSYS: Iori has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Iori             0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Geese has joined the fight here on the right meter side.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Iori             0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0            Geese

Oh, Billy would undoubtedly -love- for Geese to absolutely pound Iori. The question is one of cost analysis, really.. sure Yagami is uncooperative, but there are -levels- of uncooperative. Of course, Yagami is also disrespectful and standoffish, which are negative marks in the Geese beatdownometer. So Howard isn't too disappointed when the last Yagami turns, "That's right Yagami. No one can help you, and no one understands the pain or woe." Geese outright grins now, a predatory and derisive light to both the gesture, and his cold blue eyes, "You only wallow and rave the way you do because -we're- all crazy and useless."
Geese hmphs, and shrugs out of his suit jacket, loosens his ties, and tosses both off to the side, to land flawlessly on one of the closed vendor stands. He unbuttons the top two buttons of his fine white shirt, and just keeps smirking at Iori, "Come on Yagami, get it all out. Rant and rage against one of the few people in the world who might be capable of uncovering what's really going on with you and your 'legacy'. Or do you just want it to end with you? Is that the point of all this?"

COMBATSYS: Geese focuses on his next action.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Iori             0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0            Geese

"You really think /you/ know /shit/ about how to solve any of /my/ problems?" Iori's question is rhetorical, really. The answer should be obvious; the last Yagami heir is positive not only could Geese /not/ be able to uncover the truth or even figure out how to remove the taint, but that he wouldn't. He's just like Rugal. In the end, all he wants -- "You want this, right?" Iori lifts his right hand into the air, violet fire consuming it. It burns with a distinct feeling of animosity, an almost disgusting, wrenching sensation that intermingles with the corrupted flames. "But you're not gonna get it. This is a kind of power that's always going to be out of your reach."
And then Geese continues to talk. Yet as he does, Yagami's legs tense... and then spring. He launches himself FIRMLY at Geese, violet flames swirling around his right hand as he closes the distance between himself and Howard with remarkable speed. "I... don't care..." His hand snaps forward; his intent is to grasp Geese firmly by the head and lift, consuming the other man's face and head with violet power before rocketing him away with an explosion of tainted power. "... about /CRAP LIKE 'LEGACY'/! GUUUOHH!!"

COMBATSYS: Geese interrupts Koto Moon Negative from Iori with Shippuken.

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Iori             0/-------/----===|=====--\-------\0            Geese

"A power that sears me every time I use it? That drives me to carry on like a rabid dog?" Geese smirks. Iori doesn't understand, and so the pair are at an impasse. At least, a conflict... Yagami races full on in at Howard, and Geese just stands there, waiting. He takes the hit more or less full on... and it definitely -hurts-... the explosion of power launches Geese up and away, but even as the release begins, the feint of being taken by surprise becomes apparent...
Howard's palm thrusts out, slightly downward, at Iori even as Yagami's flames blast forth, and a sheer tumult of vibrantly luminescent blue-white chi blasts forth in a veritable mushroom cloud of sheer force, with a fiercely intoned, "SHIPPUKEN!!" ... the momentary blast is enough to not only envelope Iori and rather abruptly reverse his offensive... but it also launches Geese gracefully skyward, to land lightly on his feet a short span away, smirk returning, "I already have better. But you are tied to something greater than either of us. And while you may not care, it... certainly... does."

Not entirely unexpected, but painful nonetheless. Dark eyes bulge wide in surprise at the sudden burst of blue-white chi; the force and power of it burn Iori's skin and sends him flying through the air. Body smoking, he still artfully recovers, landing if not gracefully, than efficiently on his feet with a 'thump' and an exhalation of pain and frustration from his breath. It hurt, but -- he's hardly going to let it stop him.
There's no real time for words. Iori doesn't like to waste time talking during a fight, either; as soon as he lands, he is springing again. The distance to cover is greater this time, but he hardly even hesitates as he leaps about mid-way through his charge, intent on bringing his left foot to impact directly against Geese's face. If he finds solid ground there, he'll literally push off the other man's face and launch him towards the ground, intent on flipping back and landing just a small distance away from Howard. "So, what? You think you can control that something?" The way Iori asks is incredulous at very best.

COMBATSYS: Geese fails to counter Light Kick from Iori with Joudan Atemi Nage.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Iori             0/-------/---====|=======\-------\0            Geese

Hmph. Geese's phone rings, a difficult to place classic rock riff due to the speed with which he draws it from his pocket upon landing, putting it momentarily to his ear, "You and I both." Geese muses into the receiver, before hanging up and slipping it away... a red moto razr to support AIDS treatment in Africa, 'cause Geese is a nice man... just in time to turn back to the charging Iori, and his question.
Geese thinks he has this all wrapped up, but Yagami comes in too fast, and too hard, and the impact slams Howard backwards into a sharp, forced crouch, dragging painfully along the boardwalk as he raises a hand to his face, and rises slowly, smirk coming once more. No, he's still not phased, it seems. That did hurt, though, "Control it? As near as I can tell, the entire point of the power is that it controls -you-. A deal with the devil, hmm? But it's there, and the first rule of strength is that you understand the power of everything and everyone that's out there. And when the answer isn't clear... you dig for it. Come on Iori, don't tell me you haven't wondered how different things could be. You've already dismissed your 'destiny', why not change more than Kyo's?"

Talking on the phone? Well, it seems that kind of arrogance has costed Geese quite a bit. Whatever he had planned is clearly not going through, and Iori finds a solid footfall that he can sprinboard off of, slamming feet into the ground as soon as he lands. Spiderweb cracks form along the concrete as Iori drops once more into his fighting stance, his only initial response to Geese being a deep frown. "... only idiots and weaklings wish they could be something else." Wondered how things /could/ be? What would the point of that be? All it is... is a waste of Yagami's time.
"And whatever you think... I'm NEITHER of those things." Geese is crouched, and Iori isn't about to stop pressing the offensive. Purple fires roar with life as the Yagami heir tears forward, bellowing out a loud, "HUUUAAARGH!!" His hands clasp together, flames intensifying as Yagami whips around brutally. The intent is to SMASH both his fists against the side of Geese's head, accompanied by the deafening BOOM of an explosion of brilliant, morbidly beautiful violet fires.

COMBATSYS: Geese fails to counter Tsumagushi from Iori with Joudan Atemi Nage.

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////                 ]
Iori             0/-------/-======|=======\=------\1            Geese

Well, maybe Geese was hoping Iori would listen to reason and cooperate... or maybe the enraged Yagami's cursed power is just more than the Syndicate boss is ready to deal with. Whichever instance it may be, before he can fully right his stance, even, Iori is on him. Geese comes up into a defensive counter, reaching upwards and seeking to intercept those swinging arms at the perfect moment... a moment which passes in a brutal instant as both of Iori's fists collide with the side of Geese's skull, sending him reeling off to one side into a slumping crash on the boardwalk. He tumbles briefly and comes up in a crouch, the side of his head bleeding slowly.
Shaking his head briskly, Howard nonetheless seeks to recover his fighting edge... that wasn't the plan, but he's not done just yet, "We all strive for something greater. At least those of us who have not accepted the embrace of apathy and self pity." Geese smiles through a slight bloodstain, "All you prove is the depth to which you are a slave to this power. You show me how right I was about you."

The blow connects with a most satisfying and resounding *CRACK* as a plume of fire envelops the space between Geese and Iori. Twisting solidly on a single foot, Yagami is instantly turning upon Howard, watching with an almost smug nonchalance as the leader of the Southsynd tumbles and falls back into a crouch. And yet he still has the nerve, the arrogance, to try and taunt Iori. "I'm not the one trying to find it's secrets, Howard. I'm not the pathetic old geezer desperately seeking out secrets he'll never be privileged enough to know." Iori's smile is cruel as he stretches, "The only thing that's going to be better than how badly I beat you into the ground right now..." Those flames at Iori's hands burn him, and he winces, extinguishing them in all but a moment.
"... Is watching these secrets you think can learn all about, destroy you."
He rushes across the ground once more, intent on bringing his left hand upward in a fist, swinging it in a single, vicious left hook to smash across the side of Howard's face. It's followed up quickly by a sudden, right uppercut, before those hands clasp in the air above Iori... "UUAAGH!" And come DOWN on the back of Geese's head in a vicious hammer blow. Slave to power. Geese can bite him.

COMBATSYS: Geese blocks Iori's Aoi Hana.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
Iori             0/-------/-======|=======\==-----\1            Geese

Geese is definitely battered... Geese has definitely has better days... and any intimidation factor he might have been able to glean is definitely squandered thus far. But Howard is not a man who gives up easily, and he doesn't bother to debate Iori's words. It's entirely possible, after all. But Geese has tasted true immortality... he holds more of the secrets of the ancient fighting world than most would think exist. Of course that just yields more puzzles. Geese doesn't shrink from a challenge, though. The hook-uppercut is met by a deflecting right forearm, which aligns perfectly to blast both the searing flames and the devestating hits aside. The hammerblow is me by crossed forearms, as Geese forcibly -shoves- back to his full height, against Iori's protesting fists.
Gritting his teeth, Howard lets his focus go entirely to Yagami... there's no retort worth making, nothing worth saying, except to seek to -haul- Iori up by his emoboi threads... and if successful? Geese would -heave- him around about two-hundred twenty degrees in one sudden whirl that would black out an astronaut, before releasing him full velocity into one of the abandoned stands. Like a little, red-haired cannonball.

COMBATSYS: Geese successfully hits Iori with Rebound Throw.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
Iori             1/-----==/=======|=======\===----\1            Geese

Fast, sudden. Completely vicious. Geese's assault takes Iori totally off-guard. He had, in fact, intended to simply take the blow and show Geese just how pathetic he actually is, but it seems that's not QUITE on the menu today. Instead, Yagami is rocketed through the air, flipped around with the large Howard's solid and rough grasp on his clothes. It's intense, and the actual throw ITSELF is even worse, sending the last of the Yagami flying through the air and SMASHING into the nearby stand. Wood splinters, blasting out in a weak bout of schrapnel that falls down all around them in a rain. It hurts. A lot. And Geese proves in that moment just how terribly powerful he can really be. But, as strong as the blow is...
... It doesn't keep Iori down for long.
LEAPING out of the rubble, multiple cuts and lacerations appear all over the red-headed berserker's body. There's even a chunk of wood sticking out of his left shoulder, but he doesn't seem to notice or care. Instead, he rushes towards Geese in a blinding motion of speed, swiping out with his right hand. It's not the hand Geese should worry about, though -- it's the furious inferno of flames that follow it, to whip the man across the face. That, however, is a distraction... because as soon as it happens, Iori rears back, hands aflame...
And POUNDS his fists into the ground.
A pillar of violet, corrupted fire erupts soon afterwards from the ground beneath Yagami. Accompanied by the red-heads terrible laughter, it seems that he's intent on completely consuming Howard in the wake of the flames before spitting him out -- quite brutally, and all too suddenly.

COMBATSYS: Iori successfully hits Geese with Yami Sugi.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////                          ]
Iori             0/-------/------=|=======\======-\1            Geese

[OOC] Geese says, "Mind if I act and pose based on your reaction?"

[OOC] Iori says, "Sure."

COMBATSYS: Geese can no longer fight.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Iori             0/-------/------=|

COMBATSYS: Iori interrupts Deadly Rave from Geese with Yumebiki.

[                     \\\\\\\\\  <
Iori             1/-------/=======|

Hah. Geese smiles, and draws a deep, deep breath as Yagami goes soaring away. Ah, but that's satisfying. Of course, the scion is still going to come out swinging, but Geese has a few options left to leave his own impression. At least... that's the initial idea. In the end, it comes out a -lot- more brutal than the elegant conception, but hey... it's definitely effective. Howard is -enveloped- by the geyser of chi Iori summons, the searing flames ravaging him head to toe, writhing on his feet and nearly falling backwards midway through. But at some point Howard makes the -decision- not to fall. Considerable will comes to this conclusion, but in the end, it brings the utterly -ravaged- Geese roaring through the column of fire, his suit absolutely ruined, and his left elbow leading for Iori's face.
Crack. There's one sound hit, after another, after another, as Howard drives the last Yagami back under a brutal combination of strikes. A right cross leads into a reversing palmstrike to Iori's midsection, his right elbow then snapping up harshly into the staggering scion's jaw. Of course, haggard as he is, it's more a show of defiance than anything. Iori has the advantage, he has the win... but Howard makes him suffer for it. Makes him work. Leaves a -mark- with two brutal verses.

Just too fargone to care anymore. That'd be the best way to describe Iori in this moment. His fury has completely taken hold. If he notices or even cares that Geese has weathered the storm of his rage, it doesn't show. Blood oozes freely from Yagami's shoulder as he RIPS out that chunk of wood, probably making that wound all the worse. He lets it clatter across the ground, just in time to see... Geese is still standing.
And then he's interrupted. Solidly. Chi-laced blows wreck Iori's world as his head snaps violently downwards toward the ground; the punch to his midsection eliciting the Yagami heir to choke up blood as he stumbles backward. His jaw snaps in a sickening display, and though it doesn't break, it certainly looks like it's going to hurt to move it for a while. But does that stop him from doing so?
"Are... hah... you... ARE YOU RETARDED?!"
And that's when Iori's clawed fingers RAKE into Geese's midsection, intending to tear through cloth and muscle in deed, bloody gauges.
One, vicious spin, and the red-haired Yagami scion drives a single, meaty fist into the side of Geese's face. It's a single, bloody and brutal backhand. All delivered with Yagami's hollering chant of 'DIE' before he crouches over, blood dripping from his mouth, and expression haggard. "Think you're... so much better than me... now?"

COMBATSYS: Iori has ended the fight here.

Beaten, but far from dead, Geese is ravaged once more by the sudden and violent stop that's put to his own all-out rage. A blody gash is torn through his muscular gut, and he staggers backwards, once more thrown to the ground by Yagami's vicious backhand. He skids, rolls, but doesn't fall, coming up out of the impact once more, and going so far as to laugh. He lifts his eyes to Iori, and doesn't bother to right himself immediately, "This was never about... superiority. As for my life, well... you can try." Geese smiles darkly, "Frankly, you don't look all that ready to finish the job, Yagami. You want to die in peace, so be it. I've seen all I wanted to see from you." An experiment Howard is apparently ready and willing to discard... even if he's not quite willing to admit defeat to Iori. Not yet. There's more to the war than one battle.
"Just make sure to kill that little Kusanagi prick before you go." Howard pushes himself back to his feet, and doesn't bother to fix anything about his thoroughly tattered and seared shirt, "It's too bad really. You would have found me a most capable ally. From what I've seen you could do with better company." Now it's Howard's turn to leave, and that's just what he attempts to do. Unless Iori -really- wants to see what happens when battered titans go into extra rounds.

"Hah... hah..." He's panting, but at the same time -- Iori Yagami is laughing as well. He gathers his breath, standing up straight as he shoves hands into his pockets. The reprieve from the fight and that vicious beating is more than enough to let him die down from his berserker high. Leaning back on his heel, Yagami gets comfortable -- at least, as comfortable as he /can/, given the situation and just how battered he really is. "... hmph. I don't care enough about you to kill you." It's decided solidly as Iori turns on his heel, back presented to Geese. Iori doesn't feel threatened. After all, he's won this particular battle. Instead, he simply swoops down, and picks up his guitar, slinging it over his shoulder with a wince. He only pauses in his preparations at Howard's request, a vicious smile splitting across his lips.
"Kyo? ... are you kidding? I'm going to rip him apart."
And that's that. Iori starts to walk; apparantly, the conversation is over now. However, as Geese speaks again, his stride slowly comes to a pause. He shifts, looking behind him at the form of the Syndicate's leader; his expression is genuinely thoughtful for the first time during their entire conversation. "... Hn." And that's it. He'll consider Geese's words later. Right now, he needs to be heading back. He's fairly certain his cat could use some food anyway.

Log created by Iori, and last modified on 01:16:15 02/22/2007.