Yurika - COOKIES

Description: By means of hilarity, Azrael ends up in a match versus Yurika to help gather customers for Girl Scout cookies. It seems a lot sillier actually seeing it typed out, but the important thing is that the fight is for a good cause.

As one may expect, it's a pretty nice day considering it's still the chilly chilly season of winter. And since it isn't freezing out, the few people about are doing their afternoon jog. But it's a special day for one student in Seijyun, whom, at the request of a schoolmate, was asked to help in a promotional match for her younger sibling Kate.
Kate is a girl scout, and she and her friends seem to be having trouble selling off their cookies. Somehow, someway, it'd seem that Azrael had received an invitation as well. The plan: This fight should draw a crowd and get some business, right? Well, perhaps only if Azrael is interested in fighting for some girl scouts. Yurika herself, adorn in her usual blue dress, with her pink jacket and matching scarf, sits in a fold-up chair, reading a romance novel as she awaits her opponent.

[OOC] Azrael says, "Err, is there an obvious setup here?"

[OOC] Yurika says, "Oh right.. Well there's a table and some chairs set up in the grass; presumably the match is to happen on the pathway."

[OOC] Azrael says, "That'd be enough :D"

Azrael is somewhat under the impression that the note was delivered to the wrong person. He has no idea who 'Kate' is, and has never before been involved with the girl scouts. Sure enough, though, it's his name on the invitation. His name is uncommon enough that it can't be a coincidence, but perhaps someone just looked in the Taiyo school roster and just pointed a finger?
As he enters the park another thought dawns on him. He had had a little sparring session with a teacher from Gedo the day before, one Niesje, in this very park. Someone must have overheard his name or recognized him from school and decided that since he fights he'd be good in an exhibition match. ...that has to be it.
And so he approaches what appears to be the area the fight is to be held at, noticing the girl scout cookies sitting on a table. There's one slight problem, however. Who is supposed to fight him? There are girl scouts and a girl in a dress lounging. He approaches and looks about, and simply stands there, saying nothing.

Azrael indeed hit that one right on the noggin, a name -was- buzzed around after this Niesje incident, but... The Azrael they were looking for wasn't supposed to be a male! But them's the breaks, right?
Yurika glances up from her novel, expression fairly blank, until one of the girl scouts points to the young man, "There's Azrael!"
"WHAT??" Kate and her companion yell in suprise, while Yurika's book falls from her hand at that very moment. Oops! The rather prim looking student gets to her feet, seeming slightly disappointed then, but shakes it off easily enough. Despite the plan going awry, the man did show up, so she had felt responsibility to give him a match regardless,
"Good day, I'm Yurika," she says with light curtsey, and sets foot onto the pathway, "I will be your opponent in this match. That is, if you are still interested?"

COMBATSYS: Yurika has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Yurika           0/-------/-------|

Azrael was supposed to be a girls name? Now that's just crazytalk. If they'd wanted a female fighter they should have asked someone from Seijyun, they couldn't miss there. He looks questioningly at the group as there are exclamations and confusion upon his arrival and recognition. He continues forward, and looks to Yurika, giving her a look over. Don't worry, it's the fighter kind not the lecher kind. "I'm interested, if you can fight. I don't mean to insult you, but I've never seen a fighter wear clothing like that in combat." He gives a small bow to her curtsy, "I'm Azrael, you are..?"

Actually there was a reason for that, "I apologize for having brought you out here, but my last match against a Seijyun student .. Well. It did not end very well at all. I asked them to find me an outside opponent, but I didn't quite expect this." she gives the man a small, almost mysterious smile, "Yurika Kirishima, of Seijyun, of course. And it's quite all right, I'm new to the whole 'fighters ettiquette' and such, so I've yet to figure out how to gain a fighters presence. But my talents may astonish you."
It's not just cookies on the table, there's also a violin, deep brown in color, with a bow, both picked up, the instrument rested on her shoulder as she takes a couple of steps back, "Hmmn, oh yes 'Please, do your best'." she then adds. Unfortunatly it sounds rather scripted.

COMBATSYS: Azrael has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Azrael           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Yurika

"There's no need to apologize, since you seem to wish to honor the arrangements stated on the note I was given." Azrael is still somewhat confused as to what the problem actually is. No one told him he was supposed to be a girl, after all. "If you feel like you're able to fight me then I see no reason for anything to be wrong at all."
He walks out away from the walkway, and certainly away from the stand, and then turns to face Yurika, reaching behind himself and pulling on a strap that releases his weapon, pulling it around in front of himself. He holds it with one hand, "Good luck to you as well." Black energy begins emerging from his body, wispy and ghostlike. It comes as a trickle at first but builds quickly to become a swirling vortex of negative energy. "I'm ready."

COMBATSYS: Azrael gathers his will.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Azrael           0/-------/---====|-------\-------\0           Yurika

Yurika has to supress a chuckle; if Azrael hadn't figured it out, then that's fine with her and it seems the other girlscouts, despite one having screwed up, are fine with the arrangement as well.
Now for the fight. Yurika studies her opponent, not having thought Azrael was doing anything lecherous, since she's mimicing his actions, but can't really understand what the point was. Alas. The dark energy actually seems to sooth her a bit, eyebrows raising slightly from being impressed, and then takes that as a signal that the match is beginning. The girl rushes forward, bow raised to her instrument, and once close, she begins to play what can only be described as a serene sound. The end result is that the sound rips upward from the ground, taking physical form of a music string that spirals about her form; but in the process attempts to catch the young man within the whirlwind and launch him upward and batter from the inside.

COMBATSYS: Azrael blocks Yurika's Tragic Lullaby.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Azrael           0/-------/=======|-------\-------\0           Yurika

Azrael isn't quite sure what's going to happen by playing music, but it becomes readily apparent when the sound comes tearing up from the ground. He braces himself against the energy, eyes widening at the pain of it despite the fact he's managed to properly defend against it. He takes a few steps back and quickly twirls his razorlance a few times once the whirlwind ceases, "You're far more dangerous than you look. You might not want to give yourself the air of a fighter at all just so people underestimate you as I did." He narrows his eyes a little, trying to find a weakness more intently now that he's sure of her power.

COMBATSYS: Azrael focuses on his next action.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Azrael           0/-------/=======|-------\-------\0           Yurika

Yurika straightens her stance a bit, looking a little puzzled by Azraels reaction at first, but only a moment of thought help bring the pieces togeather, causing her to give that small smile again, ".. Oh, I see. That is rather helpful advice, thank you." She'd kindly return the favor by giving him as enchanting a match as possible, also known as, beating him senseless. As she moves in to attack again, though, this time she uses her bow alone, arm raised into the air, and makes a chopping motion right toward the mans neckline. If if connects, there is a cracking sound, but not because the thing broke- It's more or less acting like a kendo stick.

COMBATSYS: Yurika successfully hits Azrael with Quick Punch.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Azrael           1/------=/=======|=------\-------\0           Yurika

Perahps he gave his opponent helpful advice, but he doesn't intend to go easy on her because of it. She rushes in at him, and he tries to step forward and make use of her commitment, but ends up getting smacked in the neck for it, stumbling to the side and losing any small advantage he would have gained. But, now it's finally his turn to attack, done preparing himself and hopefully having found a weakness. He takes a tentative step forward while spinning his weapon and makes a feinting jab, and then crouches down and tries to leap over Yurika, inverting the spin of his blade and slashing, perhaps cruelly, at her face. He attempts to make his jump right over the top of her before whipping around and spinning his weapon ferociously to slash multiple times into her back with the whirling blades.

COMBATSYS: Yurika dodges Azrael's Nihilist Extinction.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Azrael           1/------=/=======|=------\-------\0           Yurika

Yurika didn't seem to respond to that weapon, did she? Despite the way her opponent is swinging it about, she doesn't seem worried, or nervous in the least. Is she that confident in her ability? Or maybe she just isn't considering the fact it could cut her fair skin open? Her dark, almost hidden eyes barely shift as the man moves, and as he leaps into the air, she almost seems to hover back within the same motion, not only nulling his effort, but causing him to land right in front of her again, "So you intend to cut with that? It wouldn't be good for possible customers appetites," she replies in a tone that very well could just be teasing. The attack that follows is anything but, bending slightly at the knees and tries to hit Azrael in the chin with a backflip kick.

COMBATSYS: Azrael fails to interrupt Light Kick from Yurika with Jubilant Inhumation.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Azrael           0/-------/----===|=------\-------\0           Yurika

Azrael gives a small shrug, "Perhaps, but this is the way I fight. If you need to fight people who use more... appetizing techniques, you may wish to research your opponents more carefully." That said, Azrael jumps straight up into the air, raising quickly and then falling just as fast. It looks like he's attempting to spear her with it as he comes down... but misses and instead lands right onto her rising foot, getting juggled back up and then falling to the ground with a thump. He picks himself up slowly a moment later and turns to face Yurika. He's not pleased with his performance so far. Not pleased at all.

Yurika responds with a light giggle, bow-wielding hand brought to her lips as she lands delicatly, and gives a small shake of her head, "That's an amusing term, I'll remember that one, Azrael. But you are correct, if I had any intention of allowing you to touch me with a filthy weapon, then yes, I should have done more research," And so the mystery is somewhat solved. Sort of.
"But you are welcome to continue trying," Yurika moves forward steadily, bow again raised to her instrument and then her arm whips out and upward, again targeting under the chin with her swing. But if it connects, some sort of momentum lifts him right off his feet, allowing her to hop up and swing down to slam him over the head with her bow and back to the ground.

COMBATSYS: Yurika successfully hits Azrael with Quick Throw.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Azrael           0/-------/--=====|==-----\-------\0           Yurika

Azrael doesn't respond to this next question comment, trying to do his best to focus on combat rather than dialogue. He tries to duck back away from the bow and fails, getting smacked in the chin and launched up before getting slammed straight into the ground, a grunt of pain escaping him. Starting to get just slightly annoyed, he decides to simply stay on the ground for the moment, wielding his weapon like a spear and stabbing forward, trying to catch Yurika in the stomach.

COMBATSYS: Yurika parries Azrael's Medium Strike!

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Azrael           0/-------/--=====|===----\-------\0           Yurika

Yurika again lands lightly on her feet, her eyes closed for a moment as her weapon is held at the ready. And when they open, for a moment Azrael could swear there is a flash of her own annoyance in her expression as the spear is stabbed forward once again. To be gutted like a fish, most likely, and surely enough it meets her mark, shoving right through her belly and turning her into a technicolor blurr that eventually snows down in a flurry of quarter notes.
"Behind," though in fact, Yurika is standing behind the older fighter as a result of her musical kawarimi, her arm raised then swung low to sweep Azrael right off of his feet, and then crouches to slam the weapon a second time into the presumably downed fighters stomach.

COMBATSYS: Azrael endures Yurika's Tragic Hesitation EX.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Azrael           1/-------/=======|===----\-------\0           Yurika

It's somewhat hard to knock the legs out from someone who's laying down, but you can use a maneuver that would do that to smack them in the head instead. Azrael doesn't seem to be even trying to defend against the attack this time, and as she crouches down to smack him with the bow his arm lashes out, trying to grab hold of her wrist and hold her in place. If he manages it he's going to be a bit more brutal than he was earlier, stabbing hard and aiming for the chest, knowing he needs to make up for massive amounts of lost ground.

COMBATSYS: Yurika blocks Azrael's Fierce Strike.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Azrael           1/-------/=======|====---\-------\0           Yurika

COMBATSYS: Yurika has saved the state of this fight.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Azrael           1/-------/=======|====---\-------\0           Yurika

Yurika is anticipating that Azrael will react that way; while she is more of a mistress of sound, she understands some of the psychology of fighting as well; not to say she's underestimating the male student, but rather, in the understanding that now things are going to be even more dangerous. He does get the hold of her gloved wrist, her eyes slightly widening again as she cries, "Ew!!"
Her violin comes into play, the weapon so close to her chest, and she cringes as it clashes into the instrument, but in the process is pushed away, redirected to graze her shoulder.
Her gaze grows more cold, as she hisses, "How *dare* you," and what follows is a nasty assault. First she tries to slam Azrael over the head with her violin, jerking her hand back and stabbing it forward to catch him by the shirt and forcefully bring him to his feet. What then follows are three 'x' like slashes at the chest, another strike to the neck, and fially twirls around, an uppercut like motion launching the boy upward once more.. Assuming it connects at all.

COMBATSYS: Azrael endures Yurika's Fatal Requiem.

[                         \\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Azrael           1/---====/=======|=------\-------\0           Yurika

Azrael frowns a little at the reaction to getting hit once. Weakly. How can be so strong and have such a powerful aversion to being hit? He doesn't have very much time to think about it, however, because soon she's coming at him and battering him with the violin and bow, getting smashed again and again. But there's something that doesn't ring quite true to the hits, they're hitting hard for sure, but not having quite the thrust that they should. The final motion snaps his head back, but at the same moment he retaliates in nearly the exact same motion, slashing hard in an underhand fashion and trying to smash her straight up into the air...

COMBATSYS: Azrael has reached second wind!

[                       \\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Azrael           0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0           Yurika

COMBATSYS: Azrael successfully hits Yurika with Death Wish.

[                       \\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Azrael           0/-------/-------|======-\-------\0           Yurika

A large aura of black energy surges around Azrael, and he jumps up after Yurika when she's knocked into the air. He begins spinning his blade around quickly and trails of energy flow behind the blades, telling of the energy imbued within them. He spins and twists, all adding to the speed of the blade as he viciously cuts into Yurika, slashing all over the front of her fifteen times before raising his weapon and axe chopping her with it, sending her straight into the ground. The energy holding him up is released and he falls quickly, nearly hitting the ground hard before releasing a large blast of negative energy straight down into Yurika, the blast strong enough to slow his fall to the point that he lands gently on the ground.

Yurika made the mistake of believeing that Azrael was finished, and it wasn't so much that she had a problem of being hit, so much as actually getting touched. She's just glad she had her gloves on. His retaliation, was clearly unexpected, and she lets out another yelp as she's knocked straight up into the air, helpless to the assault upon her that follows. It's almost a masterpiece in it's own right, if she were able to witness rather than be the victim and witness, she could admire it's precision, weak groans escaping her and her vision for amoment a blurr. With the chop slamming her back down onto the ground, a small cloud of dust kicks up and then the blast of energy being the exclamation point of the attack.
It takes a moment for her to get back up, but she does, face and clothing smudged in dirt, her coat slashed open, and the slashes along her poor dress at least keeps her decent, though stains lightly in red, "... That," she huffs, brushing her hair back, ".. Is most certainly what I get." bow held out like a fencing sword, she at least seems to still have plenty of energy, the girl stabs forward, not really tryig to pierce him, but should theblow connect, it's more than staggering. This is following with a clubbing blow to the side, finalized with yet another attempt to sweep him off his legs as she pants a bit, not yet realizing what a mess she is.

COMBATSYS: Azrael dodges Yurika's Tragic Minuet.

[                       \\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Azrael           0/-------/-------|======-\-------\0           Yurika

Azrael definitely seems to have some fight left in him. Rather than trying to block the stab or simply take it like he has been, he steps to the side and allows it to brush past him, deftly avoiding the follow-ups should they come. That accomplished, he speaks in a soft voice, "I apologize for my previous performance; I'll do my best to redeem myself." Which means, quite simply, that she was beating the hell out of him and he's going to try and return the favor. Rather than try anything fancy he probes her defenses, stepping in fast and sending a single slice towards her arm, the one that holds the bow.

COMBATSYS: Azrael successfully hits Yurika with Weapon Jab.

[                       \\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Azrael           0/-------/-------|=======\-------\0           Yurika

Yurika's lip curls upward very slightly.. It most definatly seems that Azrael is in some sort of 'turbo' mode, just as she had suspected. But it doesn't look like there is much she can do about it in the process, she *feels* all right, yet she can't seem to move as quickly as she had at the fights beginning, "Very well," and the quick slash proves efficient, while her arm does jerk back, it's not quite enough, and the slice is evident in her glove. The girl winces, her arm falling limp for that moment. Well his strategy was clear, but what good would that do for her she wonders. Luckily for her she can do some kicks in the meantime, she leaping at Azrael much how a ballerina leaps forward with their legs outstretched. But should her foot contact his stomach, it would prove to be more than just for looks.

COMBATSYS: Azrael fails to interrupt Light Kick from Yurika with Light Kick.

[                          \\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Azrael           0/-------/----===|=======\-------\0           Yurika

Azrael can kick as well, and when she comes forward he pivots his hips to the side and attempts to trade kicks with her. He apparently needs more practice with his timing, though, as he hasn't extended his foot fully by the time she reaches him, his leg buckling at the knee and easily allowing her to plow into his stomach with her foot, sending him rolling backwards because of his lost balance. He picks himself up and twirls his blade a little, not letting his failure get to him. He's not done yet.

".. *huff*" Yurika glances to her arm, and again looks visably annoyed. Not nearly as furious as last time, but that distraction may have been the opening Azrael needed to get in another blow!
Well.. Maybe not, but you never really know, kids these days.
Her dark eyes shift back to her opponent, rolling her wrist and drawing her arm in and out as she walks toward him once more, and picks up in pace, bow drawn back to her violen and once more is slashed out at the last possible moment. She's actually aiming to meet the twirling blade, because if she does, the moment the bow touches the weapon, she assists in twirling it sharply in the opposite spinning direction. Ideally the momentum would just make him end up flipping himself twice in the air before crashing to the ground.

COMBATSYS: Yurika successfully hits Azrael with Melancholy Air.
- Power hit! -

[                                < >  //////////////                ]
Azrael           0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\1           Yurika

Azrael hunkers down in an attempt to get away from the jab, but doesn't make it in time, the bow striking his weapon and using his powerful grip against him, sending him spinning and smacking into the ground. He gets up very, very slowly, and then makes one more attempt to slash at Yurika, first firing out a small ball of black energy to stun her before stepping forward and slashing towards her midsection. He'll likely collapse after the attempt; he can't possibly go on, can he?

COMBATSYS: Azrael has reached third wind!

[                          \\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Azrael           0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\1           Yurika

It seems he can.

COMBATSYS: Yurika interrupts Necrotic Slash from Azrael with Fatal Requiem.

[                                < >  ///////////                   ]
Azrael           1/-----==/=======|=------\-------\0           Yurika

Yurika is already pale.. But there is a lesson she's learning here. It's not just spunky Seijyun girls that won't stay down, or come back miraculously by finishing attacks.
Outside fighters seem to be just as spirited as fellow students; making her come to the conclusion that like it or not, she's going to have to deal with breaking some spirit. This day, she lifts her ban on fighting her classmates. The black energy seems to hit her spot on, but it isn't enough to stun her completely, the slash but grazing her, he's rewarded with another barrage of strikes, blows, and smacks, and this time instead of finalizing with a slash upward, comes down with what she believes to be the finishing blow, one more slam over the head with her violin, the girl panting afterward, "... Th- There. That has to be it."

Azrael is helpless to fend off the attacks as Yurika manages to land them in the middle of getting cut up. The final one sends him smashing hard into the ground, blood coming out of his mouth from a bit tongue. He wobbles a little, and slowly begins pushing himself back up again, somehow managing the strength to continue for at least one more attack. Once he's staggered back to his feet Azrael takes two steps forward and picks up all the speed he can and plants one end of his weapon into the ground, using it to fling himself high into the air while maintaining his grip on it. Once he reaches the top of his arc he raises his weapon and attempts to land on Yurika with one of the sharp blades, knocking her to the ground and slashing at her as she remains helpless.

COMBATSYS: Azrael can no longer fight.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  <
Yurika           0/-------/------=|

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  <
Yurika           0/-------/------=|

Yurika doesn't want to get cut up anymore, Azrael, she's had about enough of that. Luckily for her though, the young man seems to be so battle worn that it makes it extremely easy for her to stand and watch as he comes down at her, then crouch ever so slightly to rush gracefully under the attack and let him collapse to the ground. Her back to the man, she's finally forced to slouch and rest one hand on her knee as she tries to catch her breath. No mention of congratulations, and certainly no offer to help him stand. Though the second isn't because of her lack of fighting etiquette, she just doesn't want to touch him.

Now seeing a frail looking girl beat around a boy seems to have drawn interest with a few people; but Azraels display of exhuberance and the possibility of him stripping the girl down had drawn in a considerably larger crowd. How many of them will actually stick around to buy some cookies, however, is a mystery that will never be solved.

Azrael comes careening down out of the sky and smashes straight into the ground, luckily not impaling himself on his own weapon. That smack he takes from the impact forces the air from his lungs for a moment, and he's certainly not getting back up to attack any more. He's taken an incredible amount of punishment over the course of the fight, and it's all coming back to him now, aches and pains suddenly rolling over him now that the adrenaline is wearing off. He's not walking away from this one, or at least, not until he has a nice hour rest.

Yurika straightens again, her hand smoothing out her hair best she can, but to no avail. It's going to take at least an hour to get it back into it's normal condition! She glances to the gathering that has formed, and despite looking rather tired, her eyes seem to darken further, a creepy smile forming on her lips as she murmurs, "If you enjoyed the match, please, feel free to redirect your donations toward making purcheses to the table behind me."
There's no pause, a good number of people actually do make a rush toward the younger girls sitting at their table, in fear that Yurika may kill them where they stand if they don't. But she wouldn't do that.. Er. Would she?
And finally, her attention directed back to the fallen man, she says to his downed form, "I appreciate your cooperation, if I fight you again, however, it will be too soon." She'll leave her romance novel behind; she's going back to school to fix her hair and change her clothes. At least a couple of the spectators at least try to help the man up if he's conscious.

COMBATSYS: Yurika takes no action.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  <
Yurika           0/-------/------=|

COMBATSYS: Yurika has ended the fight here.

Log created by Yurika, and last modified on 16:50:25 02/20/2007.