Description: Filled with a need to snuff out Shadaloo, Cammy visits Thailand... and runs into the Big Boss(tm) himself...
Thailand, late evening.
Remote areas are always the best for Shadaloo bases. They allow for little police oversight, few raids from the arms or drugs cartel memebers that are compete with Shadaloo for the money of the addicts and idiots of the world. They do require quite a lot of maintenance, though - and a steady eye to watch over them. Nominally, Vega would leave this to an underling - but the last week or two has been full of raid after raid on these bases, and he is uninterested in letting a lesser person lose /another/ resource of his so soon. So, when the time comes, he moves to this base himself, carried in his VTOL.
Eventually, he simply stands before the base, listening boredly as the commander tells him how there hadn't been any trouble, and the man foolishly belives there will /be/ no trouble, and worse still, that he can handle it, his men will be prepared if there is any issue or problem with invaders or attackers. Vega is growing closer and closer to a breaking point, wanting nothing more than to drag the commander into a training room and showing him that his officiousness means nothing compared to Psycho Power. But for now, he just seethes, and prepares his critique of the base. Decimating the man mentally will be just as satisfactory - and perhaps he'll end up with someone who can do the job afterwards.
It is perhaps to be considered unfortunate that Cammy is here, at this moment, at this time. Partially due to an encounter with Rolento not a few days ago, partially due to just a couple of good tips, and out of a need to know for herself, Cammy had taken it upon herself to visit Thailand personally. Finding the Shadaloo base... well, it's both difficult and pretty easy; an operational base of Shadaloo's is almost impossible -not- to find, the country has been compromised so thoroughly.
But she didn't expect to find Vega -himself- here. The VTOL is unmistakable though... there are very few like it in the world, and Cammy's attuned, danger-heightened senses can practically feel the man's presence. It is entirely possible that it is due entirely to Vega that she makes a rare slipup...
And that slipup is what causes the alarms to go off, while Cammy is amidst the base... too close to simply slip out, not yet so buried deep into the base that it's impossible. But she's been spotted, and now men are shouting. It's a mistake she may well curse for the rest of her life. However long that may be.
See, if the man's base hadn't come under attack /while/ he was telling Vega it was impossible, he might live. But the look of dumbfounded surprise on the officer is quickly blown away with a sweep of a giant hand, sending him sprawling against a wall, crumpled into a heap. Vega turns his gaze to the next subordinate, and growls out under his breath. "...You are in charge now, Viers. Find that intruder before I do, or suffer /his/ fate." It's a subtle reference to the crumpled mass of flesh that his superior now is, perhaps - and an excellent motivating tool.
As everyone hustles off, men swarming the compound in a desperate attempt to flush the intruder out, Vega starts to walk slowly inwards. He's reaching out with that power he has, using it to search through the fear and anxiety of his soldiers, looking for something out of place. Something too calm and determined for the general panic and clamor that's around now. That, more likely than not, will lead him towards the interloper's hiding spot. And slowly, he moves - starting to move in that direction, with more certainty.
If his senses don't go off immediately... they will in just a moment. There's an unmistakable flare of Psycho Power--felt, if not seen--as Cammy powers her way through a group of thugs. Left, right, forward... it's like a maze, a maze filled with the possibility of a truly deadly encounter. The thugs are of no mind to Cammy; she simply mows them down with her unique, speedy ways. But she can -feel- Vega's presence. It's like a shark, circling... and somehow she feels she's being driven right into the shark's jaws. Unless she can get out. She turns right--the way out. And it is blocked, a morass of guards and obstacles making it impractical to get through, even with her skills; if she gets tied up there it could be all the worse for her.
So she turns left, seeking a better exit... all the while feeling that aura closing in. Her movements become more desperate; her long-buried fears of Vega are rising to the top, cooking out the closer he comes...
Would that it were true! At first, he's a blind man searching for something by throwing his hands out and seeking a gap in a path full of thorns. Annoyances all, none of them what he seeks or seems to find. And then, he's given luck - pain and fear exploding through minion after minion in a line, a path - something that he can track down and /follow/. As soon as he's made this realization, his awareness centers there, and he leaps into motion. Feet digging up concrete with each step, he starts to 'cheat' his way through the base, displays of psychic teleportation that no mortal should have ever had. Much like the hound chases the fox with determination and eagerness, now does Vega hunt Cammy, the scent of blood in his nose, the trepidations she feels like sweet honey in his mouth.
Knowing the base, he manages to find one of the exits she'd stumble upon - and places himself between where she will be, and where it is. With that, he waits - arms folded against his chest, standing tall and impassive as the Titiwangsa mountains. He's not going anywhere, no, no he isn't. Instead, he's going to make her come right to his arms.
Right where she belongs.
COMBATSYS: Vega has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Vega 0/-------/-------|
There's a certain realization Cammy makes; it comes just after she uses those magnificent thighs of hers to break a guard's neck. She can feel Vega, see? And she knows he's searching for her. In other words--
She's not getting out of here without confronting Vega. And once she knows that, she decides... it has to be done, one way or the other. She can't continue to avoid this duty... this... destiny. So she turns... and once again runs forward. Into the fight. Towards Vega. To see where her destiny lies. Is it to be free? Or to be the pawn of this man?
COMBATSYS: Cammy has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Vega 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Cammy
Vega doesn't /know/ it's Cammy - it's a feeling at this point, a simple sensation made all the more real thanks to his psychic powers. After all, he /is/ one of the strongest psychics in the world, so when he 'feels' something, it's usually almost as good as knowing. He's made preperations for himself, readying himself for this interloper, whoever it may be - and he's pleasantly rewarded when he sees a flash of blonde hair rounding one of the corners, coming towards Vega like a bullet train. This day could not be much better for Vega now, could it?
"Welcome /home/, Killer Bee!" Shadaloo's Lord exclaims, a feral grin growing wide on his face. The realization that the girl has come back, even if it was to infiltrate and destroy, warms the cold hackles of Vega's black heart. So she /does/ still seek that confrontation, enough to place herself in danger of her life and soul? Excellent! From his standing position, Vega simply flips forwards, both boots coming up off the ground and then aiming back down at her head, to drive her down to the ground, to the dirt - to put her on her knees in front of Lord Vega. After all - it is where she should be, serving him!
[OOC] Cammy, 'bout to be hobeat.
COMBATSYS: Cammy blocks Vega's Somersault Skull Diver.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Vega 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Cammy
While it may warm Vega's heart to see Cammy again, for her it's entirely the opposite reaction. Some call it 'arachnid reaction'--an instinctive repulsion felt when seeing something so... so alien. For while Vega has a human form, there's very little that's human about him in any way.
"Home?!?" cries Cammy, fighting that niggling voice in the back of her head that's telling her he may be right... "This is NOT my home!! You aren't anything more than an obstacle to me, /Vega/!" Brave words... or foolhardy ones. Cammy doesn't stop her headlong rush; but she does throw her gauntleted hands up to catch those stomping feet, and the slighter build of Cammy proves to be more sturdy than might be expected. It's only while Vega's on the rebound that she turns, suddenly pushing off to throw herself up at the dictator in a spiraling tumble... aiming to catch him by the shoulders, twirl over, and redirect his momentum.
Into the -GROUND-.
COMBATSYS: Cammy successfully hits Vega with Cross Scissor Pressure.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Vega 0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0 Cammy
As his feet impact against Cammy's bracers, he has a moment to think about her words. Is she right? Is this truly no longer home for her? Even if it isn't, well - there's nothing that a large amount of time in a brainwashing place won't cure. He starts to respond to her, held in midair, and then sent sprawling ignomiously by her throw, face dug into the concrete of the base's road. Rubble sprays outwards from the impact, and Vega's body vanishes in a wave ofpurple energy. A few feet away, he gathers himself and recovers, drawing his hand back and then thrusting it into the ground, launching himself heavenwards again.
This time, he tries to crush his knees against Cammy's body, to drive her down and back into a subservient position. And perhaps, if he's lucky, he'll avoid the eating pavement part again. As he leaps, he taunts, just a bit - feeding on those insecurities. "I can feel that fear, you know. You're afraid to lose who you are, to become /mine/ again. I'll make it painles - and when it's done, you won't have to fear /any/ more..!!"
COMBATSYS: Cammy fails to interrupt Double Knee Press from Vega with Cannon Spike.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Vega 0/-------/----===|=====--\-------\0 Cammy
This -isn't- her home. And she -won't- be going to her knees in front of Vega! ... this is of course because she's in midair when he impacts, and that impact sends her tumbling, thrown across the ground in a hard tumble that isn't of her choosing. She had attempted to impact Vega out of his knee press... and she failed.
No time for love, Dr. White, however; Cammy rolls to her knees, then to her feet, gasping with pain, but the fire of defiance still burns in her eyes...
And she even uses the techniques he taught against him! How very sweet! Vega's grin grows even wider as she's sent spiraling away, the Shadaloo man starting to advance again upon her, fingers clenching and unclencing in a way that makes sinew and joints pop and crackle. His voice is darker now, more menacing - and his aura starts to thicken within the area, choking it.
"I put you together, once. It's only fitting that I take you apart, piece by piece, Killer Bee." His hands come up, and he swipes at .. not at her, but beneath her, ripping an arm sized hunk of pavement from the ground. He balances it there, then swings it up and chucks it at her chest, trying to knock her further back. As the fight moves further from the exit, further from escape, Vega's troops retreat as well - always giving them a respectful distance. They don't want to incur his wrath! Better to let that focus on Cammy!
COMBATSYS: Cammy overcomes Thrown Object from Vega with Large Thrown Object.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Vega 0/-------/----===|=====--\-------\0 Cammy
Unh... Still dizzy, is Cammy, from that failed attempt at a counterattack... but she's woozy, not out. She looks up in time to see Vega bodily tear a chunk out of the ground and -huck- it at her. Wow. She knew he was impressively powerful, but...
Hey! No time to admire! Cammy scrambles backwards, her hands grasping behind her--and then she finds a barrel. There's always barrels around her.... and it's open! So she grabs the barrel... twists around to swing it to -catch- the chunk of concrete... then spins around one more time to huck the barrel (plus concrete) right back at Vega.
She shouts wordlessly, a manner of focusing herself enough to let go of the barrel at the right time... and not get thrown along with it.
COMBATSYS: Vega blocks Cammy's Large Thrown Object.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Vega 0/-------/----===|=====--\-------\0 Cammy
Adaptive. Fast. Smart. Tactically sound.
Is it any wonder Vega wants to brainwash the hell out of Cammy and put her back in the Doll Project as it's 'brains'? Sure, they'd be stone-washed or acid-washed brains, but brains nonetheless. Vega watches her handily deal with the barrel, and then cackles as it comes back towards him. He smashes it aside with the wave of one hand, denting the metal and causing the concrete inside to explode, peppering his body with dust and rubble. And then, he begins to walk forwards, again, still keeping himself between Cammy and the exit. No easy escape for her today, oh no. "What's the matter, Bee... Does a cat have your tongue? Show me how much you hate me!"
COMBATSYS: Vega focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Vega 0/-------/----===|=====--\-------\0 Cammy
Hate... how much she hates him? Cammy isn't sure she can even put that to words; she snarls instead. What's better than words to express such a thing? Why, there's only one thing. Action.
Cammy launches herself on her swift legs, running straight at the Emperor of Shadaloo--the Lord--whatever--leaping straight up as she reaches him, converting her momentum, redirecting it, seeking to kick Vega right in the face... then wrap her ankles around his head and twist to drive it into the ground.
"How much I -hate- you?!?" she finally grinds out, finding her voice. "THIS is how much I hate you! You--you took away--" she can't even say it... can't even remember it. And that just makes her all the angrier. She -had- something.. a childhood... friends... and they're gone now.
COMBATSYS: Vega interrupts Combo Throw from Cammy with Psycho Wave.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Vega 0/-------/---====|=======\-------\1 Cammy
That foot comes so close - so /very/ close. Only to barely skim the sudden wide white grin of Shadaloo's leader. And then, well - things go wrong. Purple psychopower flares out from his hands, and he sweeps them high up, soaking in that anger and hate that Cammy seems to have for him, savoring it and throwing it back in her face, multiplied tenfold. A hundred fold even, to batter at her will and her intet to fight.
"That much hate.. It will be a /pleasure/ to see it turned to blank acceptance, Killer Bee. To see you become what you should have always been." He takes a step back after the explosive display of power, recentering himself - this fight isn't over yet, that much is definitely for certain. He'll have to remain on his guard, or else he may fall victim to the ego he's been holding in check... And today, he wants /nothing/ more than to win. Perhaps even enough to sacrifice his body, if need be - as long as the one before him is still salvageable as his eventual own.
Suddenly, her world is purple.
Suddenly, she's awash in pain and Psycho Power.
Suddenly her chances aren't looking that good.
But that won't make Cammy give up. Not ever. "This hate is mine! You have no idea what it means... Am I scared of you? Of course I am! You want--you want obscene things. Things no man should ever want! But I stand against you! I will _ALWAYS_ stand against you!" Cammy dashes forward, despite the pain in her body, and looks to rock Vega's body with another boot, this one launched very much like her Cannon Spike... simply lacking the Psycho Power. An impressive display of flexibility.
COMBATSYS: Vega fails to interrupt Strong Kick from Cammy with Head Press.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Vega 0/-------/---====|=======\=------\1 Cammy
"Stand? You will /fall/, Killer Bee! Watch and Learn!"
Vega leaps into the air at the same time that Cammy moves to try and impact him with the giant boot of doom. He's slow, though, his leap into the Head Press putting his thigh at boot level when Cammy's kick comes in, the wind knocked out of his 'sails' as he takes the boot right to his ... midsection. Yeah, midsection.
She'll get the satisfaction of impact, of knocking Vega out of his attack, and the sight of him on his knees, for at least a second. He's already starting to recover, to get back to one knee, then another. He'll be standing shortly, and well, after that, he'll quite probably be in for another attack. Will she give him the chance to recuperate and recover, or is his efforts to stand only an enticement to further attack!?
You'd have to be crazy to think Cammy would even consider letting up for a moment. She utters another wordless cry as she lunges for Vega again; despite her small stature, she appears to be reaching for his shoulders...
And if she gets that grip then she'll flip over Vega, touch down behind him, and use all her gained momentum, plus a touch of Psycho Power, to rebound him off the goddamned concrete, her cry turning into a snarling yell borne of anger, fear... negative emotions all. Thank god she's no Jedi.
COMBATSYS: Vega blocks Cammy's Rebound Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Vega 0/-------/---====|=======\==-----\1 Cammy
Vega is kind enough to allow Cammy's hands to touch his person, to feel the might of his form when she tries to grasp him. As she hurls him over her shoulders, he pivots - the throw sending him away instead of downwards, landing on the concrete a few feet back. Still, he's in her way. Still, he's barring her from exiting the base - and the anger in his eyes shows that there are very few ways she'll make her escape, should she even want to.
"Your heart misses being here, you know - Killer Bee, you belong here, at my side. One way or another, you /are/ staying!" With that, he holds his hand out to the side, one of the mobile jeeps near the battle engulfed in a violet-blue aura and starting to roll. It picks up speed, and then just races right at Cammy, attempting to run her over much like he might use a Mack Truck to run over Ryu. Except, as soon as the jeep is close, he detonates it's gas tank with his psychopower, an exploding fireball of doooooom!
COMBATSYS: Cammy blocks Vega's Large Thrown Object.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Vega 0/-------/--=====|=======\===----\1 Cammy
The actual Jeep would've been harder to deal with than the explosion; Cammy, already tensed to jump out of the way, is in the air when it explodes, thus able to withstand the impact of the shockwave with little problems.
Other than, of course, being driven further into the complex. Still and all... she is -not- prepared to surrender yet. Vega ought to appreciate that; after all, Cammy's tenacity is something she had -before- she broke free...
Then again, he might not appreciate it, because Cammy's coming at him still, charging forward to again attempt to land a combination attack on him, throwing herself upwards with a two-fisted uppercut that, if it connects, will shift to Cammy looping her arms around Vega's neck and attempting to pull him down into a bulldog, to ram her shoulder into his throat.
COMBATSYS: Vega dodges Cammy's Combo Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Vega 0/-------/--=====|=======\===----\1 Cammy
You'd think the chin was easy to hit, wouldn't you? That it just stood out there, as if begging to be caught with fists, knives, boots, what-have-you. But instead, it's met with nothingness - Vega simply moving the least amount possible to avoid the attack. As he does so, he laughs out loud - tenacious indeed. This battle's taxed him, drawn energy from reserves he had been trying to save, and in the end, he's realizing that he's going to have to work harder to take down his Bee. To bring her back into the fold may be more effort than he has within him.
"Good! Harder, try /harder/!" he says out loud, slid enough so that Cammy's missed punch sails away, and then moving into the attack without any more holding back. As she is so close, he tries to grapple her as well, to twist her and chuck her down into the concrete, to bury her underneath his mass. Squashing her like a bug, etcetera, etcetera!
COMBATSYS: Vega successfully hits Cammy with Medium Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////// ]
Vega 0/-------/--=====|=======\======-\1 Cammy
Ugh. Ew, stinky Shadaloo rank sweat. Cammy is grabbed, yelping briefly before being -slammed- pavement-wards... and yeah, she doesn't like that one bit. In fact, she's avoided using Psycho Power this fight--her reasoning being that it's very much useless against the man that's currently smothering her. But there's a time for everything--including desperation--and so she suddenly seems to burst with that power, literally -screaming- as she bucks hard, throwing Vega's body off her--and in a split-second flash she's launching herself at him, foot-first, her entire body awash in her blue-white version of the psionic powers which she was gifted with...
COMBATSYS: Vega just-defends Cammy's Killer Bee Assault!
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////// ]
Vega 0/-------/--=====|=------\-------\0 Cammy
Up into the air, up and away from Cammy - fair enough, he needs to give her her space. After all, crushing her will be near impossible if he can't find her flopped beneath him. He gets his bearings as he's flipped upwards, seeing the foot come in, wreathed in that energy that she uses, that Psycho Power of brilliant blue white. And then he does something that she may not have expected that he do, that he /could/ do. He reaches out towards that boot with one extended hand, lets his aura meet her own, dark violet and white clashing.
And then he snuffs hers out like a light.
"You can only use what I taught you so long against me before I grow bored, Killer Bee. If you haven't learned anything new in your time away from Shadaloo.. I suggest you return to me for /training/." He pushes her boot down and to the side, the energy she threw at him only seeming to have made him faster, stronger - and all the more dangerous. He's angry now, and much like a benevolent father sometimes has to swat a child on the rear, Vega is now aiming to put a heaping helping of hurt on the Shadaloo runaway. "Now... Stay /down/!" As he yells out the last word, he brings a hand down and around, the arcing aura of psychic energy swelling from his fingers, trying to bend her senseless with his will and with his own speed. She can't withstand him for much longer - at least, that's his hope. If she does, the tables may turn again - they're too evenly matched for it not to happen.
COMBATSYS: Vega successfully hits Cammy with Psycho Vanish.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //// ]
Vega 0/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0 Cammy
And again... she feels the pain of Vega's Psycho Power. His will, imposing on her own. She falls, disbelieving... she had put her all into that final attack. And then she lands... the darkness closing around her. But she fights. She must. It is... who she is.
"No," she groans, shakily rising to her feet.
"No... not here... not like this," she spits, blood trailing from the corners of her mouth... as she mounts a final assault, trying to clear Vega from her sight so that she can get free...
COMBATSYS: Cammy can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Vega 0/-------/=======|
COMBATSYS: Vega just-defends Cammy's Rebound Throw!
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Vega 0/-------/=======|
"Like here."
Vega's hand catches Cammy from mid-air, the throw she tried to do stopped before it can truly begin. He draws her in, carefully, holding her as she fights for conciousness. He cradles her then, and looks down at her impassively, the emotion raging through his mind being shunted away, stuffed back down so that the onlookers cannot see it. He walks with her towards the VTOL. She'll escape the base - but not in the way she had hoped. His voice her only companion, until they reach the /real/ base - where just quite possibly, the Doll Project awaits.
"Like this."
Log created by Cammy, and last modified on 11:05:21 02/19/2007.