It's another cool, secluded sunday at Seijyun High... which, though quiet, is not as abandoned on the weekends. The groundspeople are about their tasks today, though, making sure the common grounds looks proper even in the dead of winter.
Meanwhile, Shinobu walks along with a little girl beside her. "Ahhh... look at all the pretty flowers!", the pigtailed little girl exclaims, peering inside. "Eh? They have flowers in there?!", exclaims Shinobu, before adding, "Why do they keep them locked up like that...?", tapping her cheek. The girl stares up at her, and sighs, "You never change, do you." Giggling nervously, Shinobu replies as she scratches her cheek. "Oh, well, I don't really worry about flowers very often, you know!..."
Students within the Garden proper isn't anything too out of the ordinary, even considering the season. A certain silver-haired student isn't very suprised these day, to see any sort of company wandering about this time of day. She couldn't blame them, considering it is quite amazing that even at this time of season, some flowers and plants are in bloom; but most of them are in the greenhouse, where Yurika resides.
She wasn't expecting any sort of company, however, so one could imagine her suprise when she sees not only a student, but someone much smaller as well? In her usual ensamble, Yurika walks to the glass door, unlocking the shutter and draws it open, a small, but somewhat cold smile on her lips, "You would get a much better view from inside," she offers quietly, stepping back a bit, "Feel free to come in, it's quite chilly out, isn't it?"
Shinobu says, "Huh? I guess it is!", muses Shinobu with a grin, and then steps inside as the smaller, more bundled child slips in after. The kid laughs, running over to have a closer look at the flowers, her black pigtails swinging around. "Are we really allowed in here?", muses Shinobu cluelessly as she looks to Yurika. Then, she says from side to side, as if examining her younger - though taller - schoolmate.
Yurika closes the door after the two come in, seemingly tired, dark, eyes following the smaller girl as she rushes over to the carefully potted flowers. The greenhouse looks much bigger from the inside, drawing down about a block, perhaps, shelves set up in a supermarket manner beyond the cleared out space of the entrance; of course completely filled with a variety of flowers and plants, some beautiful, others prickly, and some just plain unusual. It'd keep the small one busy for sure, especially with all of them marked by name with trivia notes below, "Not without a pass, no, but I am willing to take responsibility. A childs curiosity is important to indulge, after all. Is she a relative of yours?" she asks, gaze slowly drawing back to presumably her upperclassman.
She then seems slightly taken aback, raising a hand to her cheek, "Oh, ah.. I'm sorry, I didn't even introduce myself, I'm Yurika Kirishima, I'm assistant caretaker this week."
Straightening up, Shinobu mulls something over in her head, and then nods. "That's Asuka Ootsuka, she's a little sister of mine..." A pause, and then with embrassment, she realizes, "Oh, and I'm Shinobu Ootsuka! Nice to meet you!" She gives a quick bow, and then looks around with wide eyes. "You take care of all of these? Wow..." Asuka wanders about, looking closely at the flowers as she makes cheery exclamations. "... I'm just taking care of her for the day."
Yurika's gloved hand slips to her chin in thought, her gaze seeming to wander while Shinobu speaks.. Though she certainly is paying attention, there's no doubt she's a bit distracted, "A pleasure," she finally replies, returning the bow with a dainty curtsey. And the ghost-like smile returns as she nods her head, "Yes, it takes a couple of hours, but I don't find it very unpleasent. In fact, some may consider it an honor to have such a responsibility.. But I'm far from a genius about them, I just understand how to take care of them.."
Her attention on Shinobu still, she actually seems to be in slight recognition, "Oh, Ootsuka, I have heard a bit about you, I hear you're quite energetic.. Are you involved in any sports clubs?"
"I'd be no good with delicate things like this.", Shinobu admits, looking around. "I'd be like, *bam* grow faster!, and I guess that doesn't really work.", she adds, throwing up a fist for emphasis. She pauses, folding her arms again, and frowns a little. "I've tried to, but.." She huffs, shaking her head. "... they get on my case for breaking things and being too hard on players and... it's really annoying." Relaxing a bit, she looks after Asuka for a moment, keeping at least a wandering eye on her. "So do fighting, and people don't complain about it there."
[OOC] Shinobu says, "Er, 'so I do'."
Yurika can't help but look a little amused, her arms lowering so she can hold her hands behind her back, "No, it wouldn't work, I'm afraid, but if some species that is discovered can flourish in that manner, you'll be the first to know." However the silver-haired girl seems slightly worried; while it'd be safe to assume that Shinobu wouldn't break anything here, it somewhat matches the rumored wrecklessness she had heard about, "Ah, I think I can understand that. so then, you are a bit of a brawler, are you? And what about the little one?" she gestures to Asukas position, without even looking back over her shoulder, "Is she a brawler as well?"
"Brawler? I like 'fighter' better...", Shinobu protests mildly. "Eh? No, she doesn't have to do anything like that unless she wants to." Asuka waves, saying, "Come look, come look!", and Shinobu wanders away for a moment, looking at a large puff of blossoms before turning back to Yurika. "It's not really a family thing... I think."
".. Fighter. I see, I apologize I'm admittedly undereducated on the ettiquette and such for fighting in general.." Yurika helps herself to follow Shinobu, and smiles again, warmed by the interest of the little sister, "These are rare blossoms, the pronounciation of the type escapes me, but they're actually quite common in England. Because of our enviroment, they don't grow well naturally in Japan." she notes, and addresses Shinobu once more, "Do you, then, consider yourself well knowledged on the aspect of br- ah, I'm sorry, fighting?"
And it ends here. <----
Thinking that one over, Shinobu ponders, and then answers, "Nope!" She turns back to Asuka, watching her, and then says, "I know how to fight, but... I don't worry too much about how other people do it." She smiles, shruggging. "Unless it's something really cool! Like ninjas and things like that." Asuka tugs on her sweater, and Shinobu lets herself be led onward. "Most people worry too much about styles and forms and dumb things like that, when all that really matters are the fighters themselves, you know?"
Yurika listens, but she still seems skeptical, the confusion evident in her features, ".. I'm sorry, what?" she repeats, "No, I don't think I understand at all. But maybe that is because I was raised to think a certain way. It just doesn't make sense to me at all, but I admit that really my only concern is just improving myself. I know this may sound childish, but.. While I don't consider myself a 'professional' fighter or anything, I simply just do not like to lose. I thought, perhaps, you might be able to give me a tip." her gaze then shifts to the windows above, "A friend of mine told me that, it's simply all about practice; practice makes perfect, but.. I wondered if there was more to it than that. Or maybe it's just too deep a question?"
Shinobu stares back for a moment, looking confused in turn, and she says, "Well, practice is important, but...", she says, leaning back against one of the tables. "... you need a good sensei, too, to show you new things, too!... I thought I could get stronger just on my own, but I was wrong." She stands up straight, and raises her fist as if in challenge as she gives a fierce expression. Or, a least, as fierce as she can manage. "And Burning Spirit! helps too, but... you don't really seem like the type." She laughs nervously, before slipping around a counter to keep an eye on her sister.
"A sensei.. Well, I had one for quite some time, actually, and learning something 'new' is of no interest to me whatsoever. What my teacher has taught me is more than efficient for what I need to do, or.. Well, so I thought." the prissy girl raises her gloved hand to her lips to give a small chuckle, however, as she nods in agreement, not seeming offended in the least, "No, you're quite correct. I don't understand what 'Burning Spirit' is exactly, but you seem to have it. If you don't mind, I would like you to show me that.." beat, "It won't be for free, of course.. If you would have a match with me, I'd be more than happy to provide you and your sister with tea.. Using any tea leaf of Asuka's choice."
Folding her hands behind herself, Shinobu hmmmms. "Well, I never turn down a match... but I'll warn you, I don't really hold back." She smiles, though, looking around. "Ah... we should probably do this outside, though." She pauses, crouching down by Asuka. "I'm gonna go fight for a moment, so you stay here, okay?" Asuka blinks, saying, "Oh... okay. Can I watch!" Shinobu nods, and adds, "Sure!... as long as you stay in here." There's a "Awwww..." from the little girl as Shinobu stands up and looks to Yurika. "Okay!"
Yurika seems pleased enough with Shinobu's decision, "That is fine, I had no intention of holding back against you either, so it works out. And yes, outside would certainly be the preferable place to duel." she then looks to Asuka, "You should be able to see quite well from the front desk, it's all right for you to sit on it," she recommends, gesturingto a workdesk near the front of the house, where small, palm-tree like plants are littered around it.
And looking to Shinobu again, she gives another nod and leads the girl out of the greenhouse, to the stone path that leads a little closer to the garden itself. The sprinklers have turned on, but from a relativly safe distance away from getting the fighters wet. Not too disturbed by the cool climate, Yurika turns to face Shinobu, revealing that at some point, she had picked up her wooden violen and it's silver bow, the instrument raised to her shoulder where she rests her chin, and proceeds to tune it, "I'll be just a moment.." she notes.
COMBATSYS: Yurika has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Yurika 0/-------/-------|
Shinobu tilts her head as she steps out, walking down the trail some distance. "Hmmmm?", she ponders, looking at the violin. "You don't mind if that gets broken, right?" She crouches, doing some quick stretches with each leg. She springs up, stretching her arms over her head. "I mean, whatever you do... at least it's not a gun... man, that was annoying." She wrinkles her nose, intertwining her fingers and flexing her hands out.
COMBATSYS: Shinobu has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Shinobu 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Yurika
"Don't worry about it, it won't break," Yurika notes rather confidently, "Charlotte is quite resilient, we've dueled togeather quite a number of times. Though you are welcome to try." a light frown forms then on her lips.. A gun? "A firearm certainly does sound troublesome," she admits, "Well then, I suppose I shall start us off," and she does so, rushing forward and draws her bow up to the strings of her instrument. But once she's close, Yurika steps to the side, pirouettes, and attempts to smack her bow into Shinobu's side, and then her knee, the swipes followed by a pleasent chime as well as a blurr of a musical bar.
COMBATSYS: Shinobu blocks Yurika's Tragic Hesitation.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Shinobu 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Yurika
Shinobu doesn't move into a defensive stance, instead just swinging out an arm to catch the first blow almost haphazardly before swaying low and catching the other blow. She narrows her eyes, looking determined, and then springs back to her feet. Turning on the ball of her foot as she rises, she balls her left fist, and then shouts, "Here I come... yayayayayayaya!" With her cries, she throws out a flurry of left-handed punches, hooks, straight punches, backhands, and more blurring together in one quick, if careless combination.
COMBATSYS: Yurika dodges Shinobu's Rumble Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Shinobu 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Yurika
Yurika's expression has gotten a little more serious, her eyes remaining trained on her opponent.. She doesn't know what to expect from Shinobu, but she seems to prepared regardless, nodding her head in confirmation to Shinobu's call, and the flurry of punches is evaded with little more than a crouch and an evasion to position herself standing behind her fellow student. The carelessness is noted, and even a bit puzzling, but with her bow whipped outward again, she tries to catch Shinobu under her arm, in which she's lift the girl into the air just a bit, twist, and slams her back down onto the ground.
COMBATSYS: Yurika successfully hits Shinobu with Quick Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Shinobu 0/-------/-----==|-------\-------\0 Yurika
Shinobu is caught and sent to the ground before rolling back and coming to a crouch. "Good, but..." Springing forward, she doesn't hesitate, letting out a "Hah!" as she does a short hop forward, lashing out with a blurred straight kick in midair. It looks like she's trying to reverse the momentum of the fight by pressuring Yurika, despite the light pounding she's taken in the opening.
COMBATSYS: Yurika dodges Shinobu's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Shinobu 0/-------/-----==|-------\-------\0 Yurika
Yurika's gaze deadens a bit as her eyes draw a bit closed.. With Shinobu being on stone, it's just easier for her to understand Shinobu's movements, allowing her in turn to move alittle faster. It's clear though, that she's not feeling any pressure whatsoever, violin still held close, she falls into another crouch, letting the kick swing harmlessly over her head, and dances off to the side once again, "I think I am seeing what you were talking about earlier," she notes, ".. It seems rather troublesome, actually."
Bow brought to the ready, and keeping as close as she can, Yurika proceeds to play another melody, a rather serene one as she stays light on her feet and twirls in a circle. The twirl itself is compeltely harmless; however the sound takes a physical form, a multi-colored music bar ripps up from the ground and spirals about the musician- And if Shinobu isn't quick, will get caught up in the minature tornado as her body is assaulted by its waves.
COMBATSYS: Shinobu slows Tragic Lullaby from Yurika with Petite Pop.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Shinobu 0/-------/-----==|=------\-------\0 Yurika
Shinobu ducks low, cupping her hands together before forming a swirling mass of blue, flowing chi, but as she flings it... it just detonates in her face, throwing her back in a warble of liquid chi and sound waves. She tumbles across the trail, throwing up dust before slowly starting to get up again. "Man, you can really fight with that thing... I wasn't expecting anything like that..." Rubbing the back of her neck, she lets out an nervous laugh.
Oops? Yurika cringes just slightly in sympathy as something seems to have gone wrong with Shinobu's counter-attack, whatever that may have been. The smile she gives though, is more mysterious this time, "Thank you, though I'm certain this is just the beginning for you, I wonder what you will do next?" she offers in turn, the musician drawing forth once more, though this time doesn't strike with her bow, but rather with her foot, this time giving Shinobu a heel kick to the sternum to deal with, dress staying tastefully close to her legs.
COMBATSYS: Shinobu blocks Yurika's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Shinobu 0/-------/-----==|=------\-------\0 Yurika
Readying her defenses once more, Shinobu raises a hand, blocking with her palm. Raising her other arm with a "Ya-", she then swings downward quickly, throwing a haymaker that sweeps towards Yurika. "-TA!", she shouts, throwing the punch past Yurika... and into the ground, hard enough to create a localized shockwave! Pebbles and dust fly up into the air as she strikes, creating a small explosion from her striking point.
COMBATSYS: Yurika blocks Shinobu's Strong Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Shinobu 0/-------/----===|===----\-------\0 Yurika
It's a close call, but Yurika manages once again to keep her own defenses solid; but not with an evasion, but rather with the assistance of her musical abilities. Not understanding completely what the whiffs purpose was, her bow seems to help absorb the harmful impact of the explosion, which she then shakes out in a manner similar to how one shakes out a match. She then leaps upward, attempting to stand on Shinobu's shoulders, and if she can, flips off in a way that hopefully the momentum would have the energetic opponent kissing concrete once more.
COMBATSYS: Shinobu dodges Yurika's Quick Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Shinobu 0/-------/----===|===----\-------\0 Yurika
Shinobu is indeed knocked down - but only to her knees, instead doing a turnabout and springing after Yurika. "Not so fast!", she says, bringing her leg up in midair in an axe kick, bringing it down on the ground as Yurika lands, creating another shockwave as she actually tilts up one of the stones making up the path. Apparently, she's inclined to try and give the violinist a bad landing as she throws out another kiai of "Hah!", using what little environment she can to her advantage.
COMBATSYS: Yurika dodges Shinobu's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Shinobu 0/-------/----===|===----\-------\0 Yurika
Yurika's smile faulters a bit, as she murmurs to herself, ".. I'm quite glad you suggested moving this outside," after watching Shinobu dash the stone path a bit again. However Yurika's landing should likely be nothing like the student would expect; her shoes certainly do touch the explosion, but she seems to jump off of it as well, in a graceful backflip and lands delicately, bow raised once more, "But overall, I am impressed.. However, do try this," bow streaking off of the strings, another pleasent sound escapes her violin, though this time the sound that's emitted takes form of a ring, a string of multicolored musical notes wheels toward Shinobu, and threatens to not just impact, but knock her over while she herself leaps back!
COMBATSYS: Yurika successfully hits Shinobu with Tragic Serenade.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Shinobu 0/-------/--=====|====---\-------\0 Yurika
Shinobu gets nailed, tumbling back once more before managing to roll to a crouch, breathing heavily. She narrows her eyes, and slowly, unsteadily rises, and throws out a punch at the air. "Hahhhhh!", she shouts, before throwing out another, looking more fierce at this point as she actually raises her hands into a defensive position. "Maybe I should start using one of those! Hehe...", she quips, before lowering her brow to give Yurika a determined look.
COMBATSYS: Shinobu gathers her will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Shinobu 1/------=/=======|====---\-------\0 Yurika
Yurika stays put within her own position, lidded eyes sparkling a bit- A sign that she may be feeling overly proud of herself. She hadn't done quite this well in battle very often, it's both exciting and refreshing, "For you," she replies, "It would take quite some time. Though I suppose cymbols would be fitting. And now I present the solo," standing on her tip-toes, the volume of her playing seems to pick up, white light dancing about her feet as she closes her eyes, still her melody is serene, peaceful, in contrast to Shinobu's somewhat stormy nature. And it looks like she's leaving herself quite open in the process.
COMBATSYS: Yurika gathers her will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Shinobu 1/------=/=======|=======\-------\1 Yurika
Shinobu hmps softly, and starts to walk towards Yurika. "I think a guitar would be cooler, right?", she says, and raises her hand to her brow, brushing up her bangs. She slides her feet together, putting her hands behind herself as she leaves herself open, leaning from left to right and back again just as she did when she first saw Yurika. "Hmmmm... you need both hands to use that fully...", she softly says to herself.
COMBATSYS: Shinobu focuses on her next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Shinobu 1/------=/=======|=======\-------\1 Yurika
Yurika glances upward a moment, ".. Would it?" she asks, seeming uncertain. Be cool, that is. But she doesn't mull on the question very long, as another point is brought up that indeed she would need both hands- But really.. Fighting with a guitar, whom would ever do a silly thing like that? Her playing continuing on, her eyes open once more and meets Shinobu step for step like an odd little dance, and surely enough thinks she sees an opening. So Yurika moves forward a little faster now, sweeping a little low, then at a critical moment, the pillar of musical strings roar up from the ground again, seemingly from right below Shinobu- However unlike last time, Yurika leaps straight up into the air, twirling like a corkscrew as she intends to carry her opponent upward and assaulting her again with the body jarring assault of her music, "Now then, from the top!"
COMBATSYS: Yurika successfully hits Shinobu with Fatal Rondo.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Shinobu 1/---====/=======|-------\-------\0 Yurika
Shinobu gets battered about and launched of, slamming into the greenhouse and startling Asuka. She slowly gets up, wobbling, and grins sharply. "My turn!", she calls out, and then dashes at Yurika, rushing before throwing out a low sweep kick which spins into a powerful straight punch, aiming at Yurika's shoulder, trying to weaken her ability to use her weapon properly and throw her off balance. "Take... that!", she cries, skidding to a halt.
COMBATSYS: Yurika dodges Shinobu's Strong Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Shinobu 1/---====/=======|-------\-------\0 Yurika
Yurika hadn't forgotten about little Asuka; but she just assumed the girl had seen her older sister in fights through the good and bad. More or less like how she'd overseen her brother. But that aside, she just gives a curt nod to Shinobu, for a moment her play coming to a halt, and seeming a bit suprised at the tactic, it's not one she sees often. Her step to the side, legs crossing as she leans back is enough for the straight punch to barely graze her, and her counter-attack is anything but impressive, but hopefully effective as she tries to hit Shinobu in the chin with her elbow, "Close, I'm sure that wouldn't have been pleasent."
COMBATSYS: Shinobu counters Quick Punch from Yurika with Quick Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Shinobu 1/------=/=======|==-----\-------\0 Yurika
Shinobu steps forward, eyes narrowed as she leans back, swinging her arm up as if the elbow had been offered to lock arms with Yurika. Stopping the elbow just short of her face, she says, "This won't be, for sure!", and then unlocks her arm, elbowing Yurika in the chest. Breaking away, she breathes heavily, shaking her head. "Don't think you can take me down with an attack like that..."
Air is forced from Yurikas lungs not long after what arguably could be considered a dramatic pause when Shinobu stops her elbow. There's just no way to break free, the girl staggering back a few steps and holds her hand to the struck spot, "I- See.. Perhaps that was rather foolish of me," she replies, coughing lightly, and then regains her composure, ready to fight once more, "Very well, then how about this!" she takes a very small step back, and bending very slightly at the knees, she leaps forward in a flip, hoping to strike Shinobu right on the top of her noggin with the heel of her pink shoe, "Haah!"
COMBATSYS: Shinobu interrupts Light Kick from Yurika with Shinobu Rocket.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Shinobu 1/----===/=======|======-\-------\0 Yurika
Ducking back, Shinobu looks like she won't get out of the way this time, but suddenly she cries, "Shinobu!" And then there's an explosion like before, erupting from the point she launches off. The kick connects with Shinobu's shoulder, but she barrels onward with "Rocket!", throwing a punch as she goes into a near-horizontal flight, nailing Yurika once more. It bears all the earmarks of something like the Shoryuken - only bent down to a far more aggressive, if hazardous, angle. Shinobu lands in a crouch, skidding as she barely keeps her balance with the force of her launch. Looking over her shoulder, she starts to turn, trying to anticipate Yurika's next step.
Yurika blinks a bit in suprise, did she miss? She can't really tell, but she most certainly pays the price, a cry passing her lips as Shinobu's astonishing uppercut hits dead on, sending her into the air and tumbling onto the stone below. On her side, she sits herself up slowly, cringing, "W- Well, I suppose I deserved that," she admits, "Perhaps I've been getting careless."
She gets to her feet, takes in a short breath and doesn't bother pondering her next action. With a sprint to close in the distance, Yurika swipes her bow accross her violin, and then under Shinobu's chin, hoping to catch her under it to not just hoist her into the air, but in an arc to slam her back to the ground.
COMBATSYS: Shinobu blocks Yurika's Quick Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Shinobu 1/----===/=======|======-\-------\0 Yurika
Though caught, Shinobu flips over in midair, landing on her feet. She then points a finger. "I see now.", she says, grinning widely even through she wavers, looking about ready to fall over. "Your weakness - is your rhythm!", she says, pointing a finger. "You have music in your head when you fight, right?..." She scratches her cheek. "Man, I can't believe I didn't figure it out until now."
COMBATSYS: Shinobu focuses on her next action.
[ \\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Shinobu 1/----===/=======|======-\-------\0 Yurika
Yurika in the meantime is starting to look a little worn down herself, but she can't help but seem amused by Shinobu's conclusion. It's not a bad one, really, "In my head?" she asks, bow to her violin, "But it's in yours as well, Shinobu. But you may be on the right track," a slight curtsey, and then as if making that example, plays again, the notes clearly visable as they swirl about her, mysterious smile given once again, "This is my song for you, Shinobu, listen closely, because it has a tragic ending."
COMBATSYS: Yurika gathers her will.
[ \\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Shinobu 1/----===/=======|=======\==-----\1 Yurika
"Don't act like you know everything...", Shinobu says as she slides from side to side for a moment. "... because this isn't over yet!" Leaping into the air, she launches herself forward, making a fist. Halting into a slide, she throws a swift upward punch - but it's not at Yurika, once again. The target, instead, is the violin. Shinobu doesn't necessarily mean to break it per se, but... she does mean to try and throw it out-of-tune, at least.
COMBATSYS: Yurika blocks Shinobu's Strong Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Shinobu 1/----===/=======|=======\=====--\1 Yurika
Yurika's brows furrow slightly, she taking another small step back; it doesn't seem to have an immediet purpose.. That is until Shinobu leaps into the air, and she replies, "It's not so much that I know everything, just how the song ends," she seems slightly suprised to where the punch is aimed, but judging how she makes every effort to protect the instrument, despite challenging Shinobu to break it, may say something. The blow is intercepted by her bow, redirecting the girls momentum, and with her eyes widened, points her wanna-be sword to her opponent, "This is it! The grande finale of our magnificent piece, Shinobu!" her playing becomes suddenly more furious as she stands on one foot and strides forward, almost like a flash of lightning, the notes clear in Shinobu's ears even as Yurika passes her, afterimages of a much large musical graph tracing behind her. Again, it seems harmless, until the sound she left behind catches up, and looks to assault Shino from the front in a barrage of visable musical notes.
COMBATSYS: Shinobu fails to counter Fatal Nocturne from Yurika with Spin Crasher.
[ \\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Shinobu 1/-======/=======|==-----\-------\0 Yurika
COMBATSYS: Shinobu has reached second wind!
[ \\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Shinobu 1/-======/=======|==-----\-------\0 Yurika
Shinobu actually lunges in at the point of impact, trying to grab Yurika... but she misses, and is battered for a good distances before crashing to the ground. There's a pause where any normal person would just fall over, and Asuka pops out through the front door, saying, "S-Sister!..." With that, slowly, Shinobu starts to pick herself off the ground. "I told you..." She looks pretty bad off, though, as she hefts herself back to a standing position. "... Don't act you know everything!", she says more angrily, and then gives a sharp grin. "The best always come back for an encore, after all!", she says with a weak giggle before wincing and bending over a little, clearly wounded by that attack.
Yurika was most certainly sure the end of the fight was right there. But when Asuka storms out of the grenhouse, her eyes open more in slight concern, wondering if perhaps she mad herself to look like some sort of bad girl, "She'll be fi-" she starts, pauseing only when Shinobu proceeds to get back up, ready to fight some more.
"... Impossible," Yurika says, shaking her head, "There's just no way, is that.. Burning spirit? .. No, that's Bull-headedness for sure. Very well, I am always available for requests." Yurika strides forward again, and with her bow raised, and expression nervous, she moves in close enough for her to seem like she's going for a strike, the serene sound of her violin makes it clear that it instead is another ring of her unusual musical chi to hopefully knock the opposing student down for good!
COMBATSYS: Shinobu dodges Yurika's Tragic Serenade.
[ \\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Shinobu 1/-======/=======|==-----\-------\0 Yurika
The note of sound rings out, and Shinobu "Get back in the Greenhouse, Asuka.", Shinobu says, and Asuka can barely voice her protest before Shinobu shoots a glare at her, giving only an "Eeep!" She then beams at her sister, saying, "I've had it worse than this, okay?" As her sister steps back inside, she shrugs. "Call it what you like... I never took music lessons, anyway." She then rushes forward, zigging and zagging a few times quickly, "How about this!" She then dives low, landing on her hands and spinning her body about them, doing a low double spin kick with both legs, stirring up her blue chi from earlier in a wide arc. Then, she twists, doing a handstand as she continues to spin, throwing out some inverted spin kicks as the blue energy starts to wind its way into a cyclone...
COMBATSYS: Yurika dodges Shinobu's The 37th Chamber.
[ \\\ < > ////////////// ]
Shinobu 0/-------/---====|==-----\-------\0 Yurika
Yurika purses her lips lightly.. She should learn from her past mistakes and try to keep as calm as possible, there's no doubt in her mind that Shinobu is about to be at her most dangerous, but how does one prepare? Likely by doing what one does best, listen and react. Though almost touching moment between sisters is ignored in favor of closing her eyes again, and turning sideways, bow drawn slowly along her violin, "Wreckless, but powerful.. I can tell in your footsteps," she murmurs, and once Shinobu is close, turns her back fully and leaps into the air in a graceful backflip over her opponent, bangs grazing a spin kick and she immedietly tails her opponent, careful not to get caugh in the upwind of energy, "Now!" she then declares, she herself spinning like a cyclone, her play causing once more to form a pillar of musical energy about her form, returning the favor with a cyclone of her own sound!
COMBATSYS: Shinobu dodges Yurika's Tragic Lullaby.
[ \\\ < > //////////// ]
Shinobu 0/-------/---====|==-----\-------\0 Yurika
Shinobu watches the turn, and then twists backwards in midair, avoiding the attack but landing in an ungainly heap, crashing to the ground. Forcing herself back up, she kneels, catching her breath as she puts her hand to her chest, and slowly gets back up. "Nice...!", she says with a grin, and stands up. "I think I'm really getting excited here!", she says, raising a fist. "C'mon, keep it coming!", she says with a near-maniacal grin.
COMBATSYS: Shinobu gains composure.
[ \\\\\\ < > //////////// ]
Shinobu 0/-------/----===|==-----\-------\0 Yurika
Yurika blinks in alarm, she looking around, but not seeing Shinobu where she expects to see the girl. She's showing amazing resiliance here, and it's really perplexing the musician, "It seems I'm being forced to eat my words," she confesses, "This isn't how the piece was supposed to end, not at all.. Then I shall improvise an ending you won't soon forget: First, the crescendo!" annoyance clear in her tone, Yurika charges forward, holding out her hand to weild her violin like a hammer, and straight up try to slam it over Shinobu's head.
COMBATSYS: Yurika successfully hits Shinobu with Strong Punch.
[ \ < > ///////////// ]
Shinobu 0/-------/-======|===----\-------\0 Yurika
Shinobu crashes down, and she looks like she's about as beat as they get... and then struggles back up, wobbling. "You're going to... have to do.. better than that...", she struggles out, but she doesn't look like she's in much shape for an immediate counterattack. But still, she gets up, staring Yurika in the face as blood runs down it. "... c'mon!"
COMBATSYS: Shinobu gains composure.
[ \\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Shinobu 0/-------/---====|===----\-------\0 Yurika
Yurika ends up getting a chip in poor Charlotte as a result of that attack, right there on the flat of it. Yurika looks horrified at first, then whimpers a little. She has no one to blame but herself after all! "What have I done? This is completely inconceivable!" what is she doing wrong here? She just keeps hitting Shinobu and she simply will not STAY DOWN. Taking in a calm breath, she shakily plays her violin to sooth herself- While at the same time building the power within, "Shinobu, I have a new ending for you, the morendo will be certain ending!" her legs cross, and the white energy dances about her feet, a slightly wild look in her eye, "Your insolence will be your end!"
COMBATSYS: Yurika gathers her will.
[ \\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Shinobu 0/-------/---====|=======\-------\0 Yurika
"Insolence? You're the one that asked for this, you know...", Shinobu says with a slight pout. Shaking her head, she steps back, and slips her feet together, folding her hands behind her back. Keeping her right hand behind her back, she raises a hand, gesturing in a 'c'mere' fashion. "Hehehe... let's see it!", she says with a wide grin, belying the bruises under her sweater and the blood on her face.
COMBATSYS: Shinobu gains composure.
[ \\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Shinobu 0/-------/----===|=======\-------\0 Yurika
Yurika furrows her brows lightly, and waves her bow dismissivly, "Yes, yes, but I asked for a fight, not for a personal punching bag! Are you even a human being?" she cries, slight distress in her tone, and she darts forward again, clearly having had enough of Shinobu's optimistic attitude. She leaps up into the air, her bell-like dress fluttering about her thighs, and twisting into the air, attempts to kick Shinobu right at her bleeding head!
COMBATSYS: Shinobu blocks Yurika's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Shinobu 0/-------/----===|=======\-------\0 Yurika
Shinobu turns her arm about in a high block, catching it with her forearm. "I trained with a demon in a red mask once... this is nothing compared to that!", she says with her grin more sharp this time around. "You get one more try, and then... you're gonna be sorry!", she says, retaining her position as hops back, and beckons once more.
COMBATSYS: Shinobu focuses on her next action.
[ \\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Shinobu 0/-------/----===|=======\-------\0 Yurika
Yurika oofs, bouncing back slightly from her kick, and looking clearly disappointed that it was still not enough to put Shinobu down for the count! She seems confused, though, and smiles weakly, "... Red masked.. Demon.. I'm certain.." Perhaps Shinobu's starting to lose it- Fitting, as she's near wits end herself, despite trying to be lady-like and proper through most of the ordeal. If what Shinobu says is true, she doesn't have the energy to use an exceptionally big attack, so what option does she have here? "... You're bluffing," she decides, bow once again held at the ready, and with a dash forward, sweeps low and tries to catch Shinobu under the chin again with her violin bow. Should she manage that, then again she'd attempt to fling the girl into the air, then leap up after to smack her back into the ground!
COMBATSYS: Yurika successfully hits Shinobu with Quick Throw.
[ \\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Shinobu 0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\0 Yurika
Shinobu flips up and down, smacking into the earth. She gets up unsteadily, and says, "Bluff? What's that? Well... here I come!" Wobbling forward and leaning towards Yurika's space, she then swings out with a wide arc of a backhand, apparently working harder on making her attack hard to avoid than aiming for anything in particular. As she does it, she stumbles back again, looking to be barely on her feet at all.
COMBATSYS: Yurika parries Shinobu's Strong Punch!
[ \\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Shinobu 0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\1 Yurika
Yurika does something similar to a sweatdrops, teeth lightly grit as she forces a smile on her lips.. Was this girl serious? "Wh- What's.. A bluff?" she stammers, absolutly shocked by the question. But she doesn't have time for a lecture, since Shinobu is running in and looking to flatten the girl out once and for all with a big haymaker. Which hits her dead on! So hard that it actually going right through her head, turning her into a technicolor blurr of sound.
More or less a page from her brothers book, Yurika actually is standing behind Shinobu as a result of her musical kawarimi, and Shinobu shouldn't be too suprised by what follows, she attempts to slam her bow into the girls back, which is followed by a few sword like slashes. And then a neck strike, a head strike, and the combination is finalized by an uppercut motion to launch the schoolgirl up into the air, "Fatal Requiem!!"
COMBATSYS: Shinobu dodges Yurika's Fatal Requiem EX.
[ \\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Shinobu 0/-------/--=====|-------\-------\0 Yurika
Shinobu bobs back and forth, avoiding the sword strikes - though the motions look almost accidental in nature. Then, she weaves back, her foot hitting the rock she knocked up earlier, and she nearly falls back, avoiding the last few strikes. She winces as she stands up straight, rubbing her head. "Ahhh... that was cool! I almost lost there." She grins again, and starts to throw a punch... but yelps partway through, buckling over a bit before standing up straight again. "Owowowow..."
COMBATSYS: Shinobu gains composure.
[ \\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Shinobu 0/-------/---====|-------\-------\0 Yurika
Yurika staggers back, after landing, breathing getting a little heavy, and falls into a light slouch as she shakes her head. It really has been a long time since she had to fight such a grueling match; her limits are being tested constantly, and finally she has to admit, "... Burning Spirit... Shouldn't be underestimated.." she straightens up, staring down at her opponent, and turns to her side once more, and grips Charlotte tightly, for some reasoning starting to speed up her breathing on purpose, "My style does not involve exhausting my opponent, it is useless to me. Even you cannot last forever, and music is never ending.."
COMBATSYS: Yurika focuses on her next action.
[ \\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Shinobu 0/-------/---====|-------\-------\0 Yurika
Shinobu brings up her fist again. "Hey, you're pretty good at avoiding my attacks too!" She steps forward, and then lunges in. "Well, I'm not giving up just yet!" As she says this, she skids into a crouch, trying to yank Yurika down to the ground behind her. It's a risky move knowing Yurika's agility, but... she's probably working hard enough getting off her attacks as it is!
COMBATSYS: Yurika fails to interrupt Quick Throw from Shinobu with Tragic Serenade.
[ \\\\\\\\ < > ////////// ]
Shinobu 0/-------/---====|==-----\-------\0 Yurika
Yurika nods her head slowly, "W- Well yes, but.." Yurika seems to actually be at a slight loss for words. But she shakes her head, manageing to shake off the feeling somehow; she was having trouble thinking clearly at this point anyway. She wipes off her forehead with the back of her head, and when Shinobu dashes forward, her bow raises to her violen... But nothing happens. It seems she was going ot try something a little different, and pays the price by suddenly impacting the floor quite hard, her eyes clenched shut as she rolls onto her stomach, her breathing still quick, grip starting to loosen on her violin, "M.. Most unfortunate..."
Shinobu rises with the same shakiness, and says, "Don't get that look!", with her loose grin. "This is fun!" She makes her fist, and then brings it downward. It's the same punch used to shake the earth before, and will probably have the same effect if it doesn't hit its mark - this time it's Yurika on the ground. Shinobu doesn't have time to be chivalrous at this point, given she can't depend on her body too much longer...
COMBATSYS: Yurika dodges Shinobu's Strong Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\ < > ////////// ]
Shinobu 0/-------/---====|==-----\-------\0 Yurika
Yurika frowns.
And not so much because of the first comment, but she seems both angered and perplexed by the comment, "What is with you people? Why do you think that fighting is.. If *fun*? There is nothing fun about it!" she declares, shooting aglare over her shoulder, and with her body running on a bit of adrenaline, she manages to push herself off to the side, again just barely managing to escape while getting a bit of rockchalk in her face, "A duel is just that! A battle, a test of superiority, a winner and a loser! What can possibly be so fun about it!" delivered somewhat dramatically, and she raises her bow in the air, swinging it down like a fly swatter into Shinobu's face.
COMBATSYS: Yurika successfully hits Shinobu with Quick Punch.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Shinobu 0/-------/-======|==-----\-------\0 Yurika
Getting smacked by the bow, Shinobu stumbles nearly to the ground, dropping to one knee and hand. "B-because... with every fight, I get stronger, I see new things, I meet new people..." She forces herself into a standing position. "... and if you don't enjoy fighting, you should just quit!", she says, jabbing a finger at Yurika. "There are lots of things to do, aren't there? I'm just not very good at much else..." She laughs weakly, but suddenly, she stops, giving Yurika a determined expression. Then, she rushes, charging forward, and lashes out into a flying kick with the last of her strength. Or so it seems, anyway...
COMBATSYS: Shinobu can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ <
Yurika 0/-------/-----==|
COMBATSYS: Yurika blocks Shinobu's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\ <
Yurika 0/-------/---====|
Yurika seems slightly taken aback, somehow Shinobu's words should pierce her heart but.. It doesn't. Being told to quit, for some reason doesn't bother her in the least. She stares at her bow for a moment, opening her mouth a moment but actually finds herself at a loss for words.
But her bow almost moves on its own accord; as Shinobu leaps toward her, the foot meets her weapon, touches the ankle, and redirects the attack completely with her expression still blank, "..." And then it would seem that it's over? Yurika doesn't even look back to check, her dark gaze staring out at nothing as her arm lowers, and she finally replies, "It isn't fun to me.. But if I stop my brother will leave me.."
COMBATSYS: Yurika takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\\ <
Yurika 0/-------/---====|
COMBATSYS: Yurika has ended the fight here.
Shinobu rolls over to look up a the the sky. Asuka finally comes on out. "Shinobu!", she says, shooting a glare up at Yurika, and Shinobu raises her hand to poke her. "It's okay, don't look at her like that." She starts to get up, but it's a lot of strain and not much movement, so she just flops back. "I started fighting because of my brother too, but... I found other reasons, too." She looks up at the stars. "I think a brother should want his sister to be happy, though...", she says, closing her eyes.
Yurika meets Asuka's gaze and at that very moment, her blank stare becomes softened, her hand raised to her chest as she nods apologeticly to the girl. Her attention then back to Shinobu, she seems somewhat intrugied, but.. Is just too stressed out to ponder so much after such an exhausting battle, "I don't know," is the most honest answer she can come up with. And with that she heads back to the greenhouse, where she needs to resume her duties, but in fact is going to do some serious meditation, a slight stagger in each step.
She'll likely send a letter of apology to Shinobu later.
Log created by Yurika, and last modified on 20:29:35 02/26/2007.