Description: A battle between the lord of Shadaloo and the assassin for hire in Thailand. What may look to be a one sided battle soon becomes one where both men are doing their best to land that final blow that will down their opponent for good. PS: Ninja are hardcore.
Thailand just seems to be the place where everything is happening these days. At least if you know the workings of the underworld and the like. Shadaloo just seems to keep attracting more and more enemies. Of course really Eiji could care less about Vega and his organization. They have never had a use for his services so in the end they are of little concern to the ninja. That is until he was hired by Rolento. The militant has a rather strong dislike for the organization so for the time being that means the ninja shall call them his enemy as well.
That leads to one of the small depots that exist all over Thailand itself. It is all about information gathering this evening, but a little fun can be had as well given the fact that the men guarding the area are considered expendable. Peace and quiet may fill the area now, but before long there is a scream from one of the guards from the outer perimeter that raises all alarms. It is time to strike.
COMBATSYS: Eiji has started a fight here.
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Eiji 0/-------/-------|
Expendable and worthless. The dregs of society are usually a lower quality in battle and in life when compared to well-trained soldiers. And unfortuantely for Vega, his 'well-trained' soldiers are mostly protecting the truly important bases, leaving this one to.. well.. scrubs. N00bs. And people that, when the alarm comes, spend time hustling in panic instead of in formation and with a plan. Easy pickings, at least on the outside.
In the inside, however - things may be slightly different. Earlier today, a VTOL had landed and lifted off - it's cargo left behind. That cargo is precious to Shadaloo, important in the same way that a person claims that their brain is important when you try to remove it with a rusty knife and a hacksaw. That cargo is none other than Vega himself, checking on the base's defenses in light of Rolento's attack of just a day or two ago. Sheer coincidence, or part of a greater plan that when he hears the alarm, he instantly assumes the worst. "Go. Guard this room with your life." he tells the soldiers - knowing that after decimating his minions, whoever is out there will probably assume this is the most valuable building on the compound, by the sheer number of bodies around it.
And then, he waits. While his men most likely die outside - 'For the Glory of Shadaloo', of course.
COMBATSYS: Vega has joined the fight here.
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Eiji 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Vega
Screams continue to happen outside of the compound along with the sound of gunfire. Such a bore that none of the men seem to be able to put up a decent fight. He had expected more well trained men like the ones a person may encounter when attacking Strolheim. The outside goes dead silent once again as the last of the men outside apparently are disposed by the ninja. Has he stopped his attack and refuses to enter? Or perhaps it is just the fact he waits to see if he can make the men inside of the compound more nervous of what may come.
They don't have to wait long as a body sails over the fence and lands with a heavy thud on the ground now far from where Vega stands. The landing of the corpse leads to a loud explosion on one side of the compound and a the small ninja holding another body over his head that appears to have a few grenades attached to it ready to explode as he tosses it right towards Vega and his men. "Well what a surprise. How lucky of me. Allow me to give you a welcoming gift Lord Vega."
COMBATSYS: Vega dodges Eiji's Large Thrown Object.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Eiji 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Vega
Trying to make Vega nervous is a difficult thing at best. The small force of men that stayed behind pretending to be there 'To Guard Lord Vega' are tolerated for only a brief moment - he can feel /their/ fear quite easily, and in a way, they do help him, giving him a bit more power to work from. It's short-lived, though - a brief flare that fades away, much like themselves. That part, however - is not his fault in the least. The body that lands nearby draws startlement from the others, but not from Vega - he can see the grenades, and he knows what they mean. As he steps /towards/ the body, it explodes in fire and smoke. Half-hidden behind the screams and the sights of Vega's guards being ripped to shreds is the fact that Vega simply seems to go insubstantial, like a ghost, wrapped up in that bluish-purple aura of his power. As the smoke settles, he throws his head back and laughs, long and loud.
"Your gift is... amusing, boy. You've chosen an interesting way to die."
With that, Vega launches into the offensive, his body blurring again as he tries to move faster than Eiji can see, to get behind the man and hurl him with the power of his psycho energy, to launch him towards the far wall. ".. But first, I'll know who you work for - and then, I'll take my /time/ in breaking you!"
COMBATSYS: Eiji dodges Vega's Psycho Fall.
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Eiji 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Vega
Vega does have a good amount of speed, but trying to move faster than someone who has trained his entire life to be faster than his opponents will make this harder on the Shadaloo lord may think. There is a light 'Tch' that comes from Eiji as his explosion seems to do nothing to his target, but if anything it sent the troops into some form of disarray to make sure they do not interrupt this battle. "For once a true challenge. I was hoping you or one of your elites would have been here." he murmurs while moving with a rather quick speed as well to avoid Vega as he comes right at him. The ninja quickly whips about to strike at the backside of Vega as he sails by, his hand lighting up with red chi as he moves to slash right down the backside of the Shadaloo boss.
[OOC] Billy says, "go for the ass eiji C_C"
[OOC] Eiji says, "Eww. :<"
COMBATSYS: Eiji successfully hits Vega with Mist Slash.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Eiji 0/-------/------=|=------\-------\0 Vega
And /again/, the Shadaloo Leader gets caught with his pants down..figuratively speaking. The impact of the attack smashing down his back jostles him forwards, already off-balance from missing his throw. And in the back of his head, he wonders. /Is/ he a true challenge? Or is this a sign that his time may have come, that he is no longer the warrior he once thought he was?
Those thoughts last less than a second, shoved away by ego and by anger. Of /course/ he is strong - the dirty ninja merely snuck in a glancing blow. It didn't even hurt all that much, really! And after he destroys the man, he'll see him hung up against the wall with his guts hanging out for all to see that Vega is supreme...! "Very well.. If you wish a /challenge/, you shall have it!" he growls, and swings his hand around behind him, attempting to swat Eiji away from him like a man hits at an annoying insect that flutters and flops uselessly nearby. Except in this case, the flyswatter moves incredibly fast, and it's wreathed in dark, dark energy!
COMBATSYS: Vega successfully hits Eiji with Jab Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Eiji 0/-------/----===|=------\-------\0 Vega
It isn't often that Eiji is blessed with a fight against someone that is as quick as he is. Oh how he shall have fun with this one. Win or lose he will be sure to make Lord Vega not forget him. He starts to rush forward himself, but the quick strike by Vega seems to catch the ninja off guard enough to slam him right in the face and stop his forward momentum. He staggers back a few steps and shakes his head to get rid of the fuzziness of having his senses rattled. It'll take more than punches to stop him from his assault though. With a rather large grin he rushes forward again, ducking low and then leaping forward to slam his foot right into the midsection of the Shadaloo leader before twisting about in midair to let his body sail past Vega and land behind him in a crouch.
COMBATSYS: Vega blocks Eiji's Heavy Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Eiji 0/-------/-----==|=------\-------\0 Vega
Getting back to his feet, Vega takes a closer look at Eiji, trying to decide his powers, his strenghts and weaknesses. As he focuses that attention on Eiji, the room may seem to grow dark, as he pokes and prods with his psychic powers in an attempt to find chinks in the man's mental armor, ways he can affect the ninja with the strongest force he can bring to bear - his will. The grin is surprising - few seem to live for death as much as this man boldly attacking him. One or two others, their death wishes sealed long ago. No matter, in the end, Vega will give him something to deal with.
He catches the kick with his knee, foot echoing off the metal leg-plate he has, his only concession to 'armor'. As Eiju tries to bound away, Vega spins in time, hands clawing through the air. He tries to give Eiji a soft landing spot, then. A landing spot full of a wave of Psycho Power, a veritable storm of the stuff. "... Dodge THIS!"
COMBATSYS: Vega successfully hits Eiji with Psycho Wave.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Eiji 1/-------/=======|==-----\-------\0 Vega
So this is the power of Vega. An energy much different than the own power that Eiji wields. The wave comes too quickly, even as Eiji leaps back he is overcome by the power of the energy that is thrown his way and it knocks him further back to create a great distance between himself and his opponent. He lands in a roll and comes out of it to rest on one knee while looking forward at Vega with eyes narrowed. "Don't hold back. Show me what kind of pain you can really inflict." he murmurs and then slowly rises.
He starts forward at a slow walk before breaking into a run, his body igniting with the energy he wields as it engulfts his entire being. "I expect you to act like the monster you claim to be!" he calls out and barrels right forward into Vega. He becomes a flurry of strikes that intend to cut up the Shadaloo boss before a final blast that releases all his chi at once will hopefully throw Lord Vega back and away from him.
Talia has arrived.
COMBATSYS: Eiji successfully hits Vega with Dark Hunter.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Eiji 0/-------/------=|===----\-------\0 Vega
Is Vega holding back? Okay, maybe just a little. A teeny tiny bit. He'll have to work on that. He has that self-preservation thing going on, and it can sometimes bite him on the behind when the truly impressive things come calling. Things like, oh.. Eiji's newest attack. He hesitates for a second before stepping /into/ Eiji's attack, and whatever tactical advantage he may have gotten is stuffed by the moment of weakness, of doubt. Rocked by blow after blow, he puts up no defense, just takes attack after attack, each one knocking him further back on his heels - the final blast of chi sending him spiraling towards one of the walls. His landing, however, is perfect, both feet together, legs ram-rod straight, arms crossed at his chest, and a look of dissapointment on his face.
"I do not need to /be/ a monster to defeat you, weakling. Consider this a lesson."
With that, he leaps forwards again, attempting to do the same sort of rapid series of light strikes, each one tinged with that power of his, bent on breaking the man before him like a twig.
COMBATSYS: Eiji dodges Vega's Fierce Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Eiji 0/-------/------=|===----\-------\0 Vega
The quick assault is something that leaves Eiji panting a bit heavily, though his mask is creased to show that he is grinning right behind it. So he is being underestimated. That is just fine with him. Many people have done that in the past and have regretted it. Vega obviously is much more talented than any of them, but none the less Eiji will show that he is making a dire mistake in calling him a weakling. "Call me what you want. When I defeat you then we will see how you feel." he murmurs in response. He reaches into his gi and leaps upwards and back as he quickly flicks his wrist and sends a few shuriken flying right at Vega. It isn't something that can defeat Vega, but it looks like Eiji is buying time for something in doing this.
COMBATSYS: Vega interrupts Thrown Object from Eiji with Psycho Wave.
[ \\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Eiji 0/-------/=======|====---\-------\0 Vega
[OOC] Eiji says, "IT LIVES"
Defeat? Vega? Impossible! Unpossible? Something! Vega isn't aware that Eiji is using 'strategy' - after all, the man has been going all out before, and /now/ he hangs back and throws metal at Vega? Silly, silly man. Vega steps forwards again, and as those metal pieces fly, he cackles out in triumph, as if he's already won.
"Fool! Your defeat comes today, not mine!"
Bold words, backed up by strong action. Again, a wave of that psychic energy rockets out of Vega's hands, and he pushes into and through the blasts of shuriken's taking one in the shoulder, melting the others into slag that bounces off his chest. Eiji, well - finds himself in the middle of /another/ wave of Psychic Energy, fueled this time by Vega's own steely will. No doubt, no confusion. No, now Vega is quite sure that he's going to give Eiji the proverbial 'what for'.
Sagat has arrived.
It doesn't seem like his attack had the desired reaction, but that is a small matter. He does his best to change his path in mid air to avoid the waves heading for him, but once again that dark energy overcomes the ninja and throws him back and to the ground in a rather harsh manner. He lays there for a good long time before there is actually a chuckle that comes from the prone body. "You still hold back on me." he finally says while pushing himself up onto a kneeling position. "Has your ego gotten the best of you? You're nothing to me." he says once finally back to his feet. It is a wonder that he can even stand at this point. It looks like sheer willpower alone is why he can still move given his body looks battered and his gi is torn in several places.
"Stop playing around and get serious!" Eiji yells in a tone not often used by the usually soft spoken assassin. He rushes forward again, though at a much slower pace than he has previously. His body looks like it may give out at any moment, but for now it still has the strength to strike as the ninja summons up the energy within him again and swings his arms quickly downwards, sending waves of his own energy right at Vega.
COMBATSYS: Eiji successfully hits Vega with Steel Wave Slasher.
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Eiji 0/-------/----===|=====--\-------\0 Vega
Serious!? Get Serious?! Vega is /always/ serious! Er, unless he's toying with someone. Or being worked really hard. In which case, he can lose his seriousness, and either lash out like a wounded animal or gloat. He's not gloating, but he's not lashing out just yet, either. Not just yet. Very soon, though - very very soon, he's going to probably start just throwing psychic energy anywhere in the building that he can, in an attempt to hit that deadly dodger. He attempts to gain position, speed, by stepping into the attack, letting the waves of chi bounce him into a better angle on the man, but it fails - the energy too strong to stand against for long enough to do what he needs. He's left still standing, but in a non-advantageous position, far from Eiji, too far to easily attack the speedy ninja.
"You hold back as well - or perhaps you are truly just not strong enough to make a difference in this world." is his reply towards the ninja, even as he takes a stand. His boots dig into the concrete, stone breaking, shattering as he roots himself into the ground. A defiant challenge to Eiji, his cape moving in the sudden psychic wind that explodes around him. Blue and purple shadows fill the room, all focusing on their creator, Lord Vega - and he growls under his breath, then throws a direct challenge. "Are you strong enough, then? If you wish to see my power - ATTACK ME NOW!"
Of course, it /could/ be a trap. . .
COMBATSYS: Vega gathers his will.
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Eiji 0/-------/----===|=======\=------\1 Vega
So he wishes to have the ninja charge at him? I lesser man may have fallen for such a ploy, but Eiji has spent many a year doing one thing which is surviving. He remains standing after the attack and he keeps his ground while watching Vega closely. "I do not care to make a difference in this world. I care about money and making people suffer." he replies, his tone going back to a more quiet one when he speaks. "There is also a difference between strength and idiocy. I will not attack you on your terms, Lord Vega." he responds while taking a deep breath and then falling back into his fighting stance, his hands slowly starting to glow red as he waits. For now it will be a standoff. The fight has drawn out long and the next strike could be what ends it. He has to be ready and remain aware of his surroundings.
COMBATSYS: Eiji focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Eiji 0/-------/----===|=======\=------\1 Vega
Okay, okay, so it /was/ a trap. And Vega had kind of thought that Eiji wouldn't fall for it - but it also gave him the breathing room he needed to refocus, and recenter. Those shapes and shadows flicker and die, fading out as they're seemingly absorbed into Vega's form. Sucked in, swallowed up and savored like a fine wine, a three course dinner, or the defeated remains of an enemy crushed into dust beneath giant fingertips.
"Very well then, boy. I've seen your terms.. and I ACCEPT!"
Vega is tired of waiting, tired of being on defensive, tired of expecting Eiji to come to him. This time, he's going straight for the man, his body cocooning itself in purple psychopower, the energy warping, twisting the area it inhabits, lifting him from the ground. Held there, he cackles madly, and then just flies, straight at Eiji, intent on putting his hands right through Eiji's chest. And maybe the wall behind him. And possibly the ground behind that. There's a blaze of energy, and a dramatic moment where he simply screams out the attack..
COMBATSYS: Eiji fails to reflect Psycho Crusher' from Vega with Bone Cutter.
- Power fail! -
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Vega 0/-------/-----==|
COMBATSYS: Eiji can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Vega 0/-------/-----==|
That grin returns behind the Eiji's mask as he soon finds that it is Vega that ends up being the less impatient one of the two. His hands ignite brightly as he stays his ground, his stance firm as he prepares for the impact. He lets out a loud yell as he steps forward and attempts to use his own strike to break through the defenses of the shadaloo boss to give a fatal strike. He never manages to do that though and his own defenses are knocked away as he feels the Vega slam into his chest which causes ribs to crack and brings Eiji off his feet. The sheer speed seems to rip Eiji right in two as both halves of his body fall away before the wall is impacted. Too close. That was almost enough that it might have killed Eiji if he wasn't able to escape fast enough. Cracked ribs will take some time to heal, but he won't forget this fight.
"Just let this be a lesson that you aren't as strong as you think. Beware the time that I am actually being paid to end your life." Eiji's voice echos about as both halves of the rended body turn to smoke and climb up into the dark skies of the evening. Next time he won't allow for this many mistakes. Next time it will be much more personal.
In the end, Vega is left with a unsatisfied feeling. He's won - but the taunt at the end was all too real. He'd have to beware that time, and kill Eiji well before any contract could be made. He walks back into the room, where the makeshift throne was set up for himself, for his pleasure when he arrived, and he sits in it's half-destroyed remains. His chin rests in one clenched hand - and he just seems sullen. Silent..
COMBATSYS: Vega takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Vega 0/-------/-----==|
Log created by Eiji, and last modified on 11:21:17 02/18/2007.