Description: Aislinn gives Azrael his last combat evaluation before he's released from the NESTS compound.
It is not often that Aislinn is called back to NESTS outside of her routine checkups and tests. She's proved herself to a point, and as such she's been given more free reign over her days and nights. But... that isn't to say it -can't- happen. She'd received the communique last night, and had spent most of the morning on a private jet, flying across the world to come back to NESTS... it is a long, and arduous trip, but Aislinn knows there's always a reason for the recall.
That reason is what Aislinn is awaiting now... news of a 'new recruit' of sorts... probably another special project of NESTS' doing. Aislinn doesn't know, nor does she particularly care; NESTS is compartmented for just this reason. When she arrived, she was told to give the newbie a combat evaluation and was given his name... and then she was directed to the testing bay in which she now waits, standing with her feet shoulder-width across, hands clasped at the elbows, behind her back.
It's almost time. Azrael has been training long and hard for this day, the day when he would finally be declared fit to return to Southtown and await further orders. Now there's only his final combat evaluation to get an idea of what he should be assigned to and his current level of combat skill.
He's perfectly on time, stepping into the room only two minutes before the designated start of the exercise. He looks around the lab for a moment in a slow manner, and then turns to face Aislinn. He takes a few moments to study her, and then walks forward until he's left standing a few paces away. "You're Aislinn?" It's as much a statement as a question. "I'm Azrael, the one who's to be examined." He wasn't told if she was told his name.
Yes... she's Aislinn. Her head raises, her light purple eyes focusing on the young man in front of her with an unsettling intensity. She doesn't respond for a moment--as if she is considering the information she actually has on the new guy. It isn't much, really; just his name, and that he is being tested for field-viability.
"Yes. This is your combat assessment," she says, by way of answering his question and letting him know in no uncertain terms what he's here for, as if he didn't know already. Her arms unfold, brought around in front of her with the quiet creak of leather, and she ripple-folds her fingers in, popping joints as she forms tight fists. She even cracks her neck, left, then right, before sliding her right foot back and assuming a standard karate-style combat stance, leading with her left hand.
"I will evaluate whether you are fit to see field duty. The assessment begins... now."
And then she waits... wanting to see what he can do.
COMBATSYS: Aislinn has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Aislinn 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Azrael has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Aislinn 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Azrael
With a small nod and no words, Azrael reaches up behind himself and pulls a strap, his weapon falling into his hand. He brings it around in front of himself and spins it a few times, his body moving slightly as he switches it from hand to hand, the blades twirling slowly around in front of him. Good, his grip is perfect.
He makes no moves towards Aislinn, however, standing where he is and halting the motions of his weapon. He holds his arm out in front of himself with razorlance in hand, and a slow darkness begins to creep around him. Ghostly wisps of black energy begins to form, wavering around his body and growing into an aura of swirling black energy, delicate looking but powerful. He makes a small motion with his hand, as if beckoning as the energy flows through him.
COMBATSYS: Azrael gathers his will.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Aislinn 0/-------/-------|====---\-------\0 Azrael
A weapons-based fighter... interesting. There are a few at NESTS who use weapons; Candy and Foxy for two, and of course Igniz and Zero utilize their capes and have chains and other technological wonders. It's something Aislinn hadn't really considered before, however; weapons can be taken away, and so it's better, in her opinion, to have a strong unarmed base to work with. Still the appearance of the weapon raises an eyebrow on Aislinn... just one, though.
If Azrael hasn't been told before, Aislinn's popular nickname is 'The Silent Assassin' and that becomes apparent as she says absolutely nothing. Her fists tighten, however, and she decides that if the young man doesn't wish to attack... then it shall be on her.
Her body is suddenly launched forward, a quick-dash closing the distance regardless of that weapon, her left hand leading... and going into a quick two-punch sequence, a swift left hook followed with an uppercut, her arm pulling back only halfway between the first and second punches.
COMBATSYS: Azrael blocks Aislinn's Medium Punch.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Aislinn 0/-------/-------|=====--\-------\0 Azrael
Azrael doesn't seem to mind the lack of words. He knows that this is a demonstration of his abilities to fight, not of his abilities to answer questions and make smalltalk. He lowers himself slightly as Aislinn moves in, reaching forward with his other hand to grip the weapon. The first punch comes in and he lifts his weapon, the punch striking the pole between the blades. In a fast motion he twirls the weapon up and catches the uppercut on the flat of one of the blades, sliding backwards on the ground from the impact from the two strikes.
He raises himself up from his defensive position and his razorlance begins to spin, soon moving at an almost frantic pace. The weapon suddenly tilts in the direction of Aislinn and with little to no warning a small ball of energy streaks out to strike at her. He then lifts his weapon and strikes downward with it, the blades spinning ferociously and attempting to slice into the cyborg multiple times as it rotates, Azrael stepping forward to move closer and try and force himself past her guard.
COMBATSYS: Aislinn endures Azrael's Necrotic Slash.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Aislinn 0/-------/-----==|=======\-------\0 Azrael
It would be a good idea--if she were intent on -guarding-. But she isn't, not yet. She wants to know what kind of damage he can do, and so she sets herself to receive that spinning attack... does it hurt? Of course it hurts! She's a cyborg, not a robot. But there is no guard, and as such, nothing to break through.
It isn't -normal- to do this with an opponent with a bladed weapon, but Aislinn isn't normal. This close, she's suddenly spinning, her arms outstretched, taking on a high-speed attack as she attempts to batter down Azrael's guard with a barrage of lariat-like attacks.
COMBATSYS: Aislinn successfully hits Azrael with Whirlwind Lariat.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Aislinn 0/-------/---====|=======\===----\1 Azrael
Indeed it isn't wise to do something like that to someone who's completely intent on testing the damage of an attack rather than it's speed. Azrael realizes his mistake all too soon, the first lariat nearly knocking the weapon right out of his hands, the second one smashing into his head, and the last one choking him on the neck and pounding him straight into the ground, a pained choking sound coming out of him.
Time for Azrael to realize that some people are simply brutal in their combat styles, it appears. He picks himself up with a half stagger; head still ringing from the painful blows, and begins spinning his weapons again. He steps forward as if attempting to slash at her once in a hard motion, but the blade flies wide and he spins around, his right hand suddenly turning into a hard punch for her stomach.
COMBATSYS: Aislinn blocks Azrael's Fierce Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Aislinn 0/-------/--=====|=======\===----\1 Azrael
A worthy attempt; Aislinn is usually unstable after that technique, making a hit more likely. But not this time. This time Aislinn is ready; she brings her hands down and catches that hard punch, absorbing the impact in her palms and then pushing the hand off to the right again, to try and keep Azrael's guard open.
The reason soon becomes clear--Aislinn intends to execute one of her favorite techniques--a knee-thrust kick to Azrael's stomach followed by a twisting side-on kick, both from the left leg. Oh, and...
If she impacts, there'll be the shocking flare of her own chi, the red-white electricity she's known for, on both strikes.
COMBATSYS: Azrael endures Aislinn's Medium Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Aislinn 0/-------/-======|=======\=======\1 Azrael
Azrael spins back into a normal stance once his attack is blocked, his guard back up. It looks like it isn't going to matter, though, as Aislinn's foot kicks past his twirling weapon and kicks straight into his stomach. Pain registers fiercely on his chest and he jolts from the electric chi, but it's obvious there's something wrong when the next kick comes. Rather than staggering backwards he actually moves forward, the kick hitting him hard in the side.
Even before it hits, though, he grips his weapon like a golf club and sends a powerful underhand swings at Aislinn in an attempt to knock her clear into the air.
COMBATSYS: Azrael successfully hits Aislinn with Death Wish.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Aislinn 1/------=/=======|===----\-------\0 Azrael
When the weapon connects and Aislinn is thrown up into the air black energy suddenly erupts around Azrael and he jumps up after. His razorlance spins around madly and he hacks into her many times, dark chi trailing behind each motion and adding to the pain. He spins twists and twirls, bring the weapon to bear fully fifteen times before he lifts his weapon and does an axe chop for the final hit, sending her slamming into the ground. He then falls down himself quickly, but right before he hits energy pours out from him and tears into her again, the release enough to have slowed him enough to land gently on the ground. The energy of his is freezingly frigid cold, but not in the same way as Kula's ice. Instead it's as if it were drawing the very life energy out of your body.
Indeed... a powerful attack. Aislinn had attempted to stop the weapon--but unsuccessfully, and so she is subjected to the full brunt of the attack. When she lands, it is with a crunching, powerful thud, and for a moment, she doesn't move... is she out?
Not hardly; she rises to her feet again, looking worse for wear, but unconcerned about the rips and tears in her clothing. Her gaze is steady as she looks at Azrael.
"We have completed your appraisal. However, if you wish to find out your true potential..." She smiles, as she begins building energy, lightning crackling around her hands and feet.
"We can continue the test."
COMBATSYS: Aislinn gathers her will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Aislinn 1/-======/=======|===----\-------\0 Azrael
The young man nods as Aislinn stands, "I would appreciate it." Certainly a powerful attack, but seemingly not enough to keep someone at Aislinn's level from getting back up after being struck with it. Clearly he still needs to continue training, but he wonders what her evaluation is. Hopefully the smile is a good sign.
His eyes narrow slightly as the energy pours over Aislinn's body, recognizing the technique for what it is. She's preparing herself for something and drawing herself up at the same time. He chooses to keep his distance, quickly putting his weapon back in it's harness and forming two balls of dark energy in his hands. He then steps forward and throws them both across his body, each of them streaking around Aislinn once before suddenly veering into each other and colliding, an explosion of wispy dark forming where they connect.
COMBATSYS: Aislinn blocks Azrael's Nocturne Demise.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Aislinn 1/=======/=======|===----\-------\0 Azrael
So he wishes to continue... then either he has courage or he's stupid. Probably the former; NESTS doesn't build stupidity into their warriors. K' and K9999 and ... well, most of their warriors. Aislinn's smile fades to a smirk and she watches Azrael's projectiles incoming... and she simply raises her aura and lets them splash nearly harmlessly over her. It moves her back a step or two, but she doesn't seem concerned... instead she dashes forward, to make up the distance, leaping in midair and attempting to fire off a side-on kick into Azrael's head. Let's check his toughness, shall we?
COMBATSYS: Azrael interrupts Medium Kick from Aislinn with Fierce Strike.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////// ]
Aislinn 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|=====--\-------\0 Azrael
Azrael would probably have been kicked out of NESTS if he had been stupid. Even if his mother was a scientist, they'd have no use for an idiotic fighter; especially one that was born naturally, without any special DNA enhancements or robotic implants they're so fond of. Aislinn comes at him and he recognizes that he's not going to be able to get out of the way or stop the kick from doing harm. Because of this he shifts his stance slightly and moves forward into the blow, wielding his weapon like a spear and jabbing it hard towards her, catching her on it before her leg reaches his head. It allows him to get a nice hit in, and slows her enough that the kick doesn't hurt quite as badly as it would have if he had done nothing. To him that's mission accomplished.
Hnn! Another unexpected response. Aislinn recovers, rolling backwards as she lands from the interrupted kick, and while she isn't quite smiling... she does seem to approve. Not that she says so; she simply gets back into position, beckoning Azrael forward. It is time to end this, she thinks, one way or another... she bleeds, but it is all fixable, and fortunately the techs will take care of her after this.
COMBATSYS: Aislinn focuses on her next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////// ]
Aislinn 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|=====--\-------\0 Azrael
She's halted. Azrael takes a moment to decide upon his next course of action. He could attack here and force the issue, or he could try again to attack from afar. Another option would be to begin to study her the way she is studying him. But he takes none of these courses. He's injured, and she's more powerful than he. He's almost positive she's been holding back at least some; that lariat attack was incredibly powerful. Deciding to err on the side of caution, he moves into a defensive posture and simply prepares himself, taking a small breather to be able to withstand what's next.
COMBATSYS: Azrael gains composure.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Aislinn 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|====---\-------\0 Azrael
For the third time in this fight, Aislinn speaks, as she straightens up, planting her feet more securely, letting her weight settle a moment.
"If you do not attack, Azrael, I will surely gain the upper hand." It isn't said with an arrogant tone, or a mean one... it's simply the truth as she sees it. That said... she still isn't attacking him either, choosing to let herself prepare as well, though not in the same manner, as this time power flows around her invisibly...
COMBATSYS: Aislinn gathers her will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Aislinn 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|====---\-------\0 Azrael
"You're trying to draw me in." A simple statement of a perceived observation. Azrael considers this for a few moments and then nods to himself a little. He makes his decision and attacks, moving forward slowly, cautiously with his weapon spinning quickly. He then changes his movements at the last moment, rushing forward and aiming to jump right over the top of Aislinn, his weapon spinning backwards and trying to cleave into her head as he jumps past, spinning around and trying to cut into from behind.
COMBATSYS: Aislinn counters Nihilist Extinction from Azrael with Banishing Hammer.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///// ]
Aislinn 0/-------/=======|=======\-------\0 Azrael
Indeed. Azrael gets points for seeing through Aislinn's 'tactic'... and loses points for responding in an expected manner anyways. Aislinn makes no motion at all as Azrael advances... until he leaps, and then, suddenly, she backsteps, his blade slicing through the air where she was... and just as suddenly, Aislinn is back where she was, grabbing Azrael out of the air.
"You should have chosen a different method of attack," is all she says, before she proceeds with a brief, if savage--some might say brutal--beatdown, that consists of three powerful headbutts to leave Azrael stunned, followed by a right knee-to-thrust kick combination to finish the job. She was, in fact, setting him up for that.
Don't remove all the points! He did attack in a way that should have been much harder to stop normally. He's completely helpless as he's pulled out of the air, however, and stumbles backwards and lets out short cries of pain as he's beaten down into the ground. He winces painfully, when it's all over, in somewhat of a collapsed heap. He looks as if he's about to give up, but a small look of determination crosses his eyes, and he makes to stand back up, thrusting his weapon out like a spear again as he struggles.
COMBATSYS: Azrael has reached second wind!
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////// ]
Aislinn 0/-------/=======|=======\-------\0 Azrael
COMBATSYS: Aislinn counters Medium Strike from Azrael with Brutal Hammer.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > // ]
Aislinn 0/-------/=======|=======\===----\1 Azrael
Again--points for tenaciousness. Aislinn spins around, as Azrael rises once more, an almost-sympathetic smile playing across her lips for a brief moment... but that spear thrust is wobbly and she grabs it, forcing Azrael to stumble forward and into her grip once more... where he gets another headbutt for his pains.
"You have done well. Don't push your luck again," she warns... no kick-back to end this headbutt, but Ais isn't turning her back on Azrael again. He's passed, for sure... it remains to be seen if he can accept defeat when it is presented to him.
Crunch. Well, that wasn't pleasant. He winces with pain as he gets headbutted again, staggering backwards and falling flat on his ass. He shivers a bit, but once again stands up. The question is... will he walk away? The answer is no. He got back up the first time because he wanted to use his abilities to their maximum potential, and so far that hasn't been the case. He draws himself up fully.
"I acknowledge and accept the consequences of continuing this examination." That said, he begins spinning his weapon around in place, both hands moving furiously to cause the weapon to move faster. Dark energy begins suddenly trailing after the blades, and he levels the weapon at Aislinn, held to a perfect 90 degree angle compared to it's spin. The center of the weapon begins to emit darkness, intensifying rapidly. Then, suddenly, a large beam of black energy shoots out towards her, attempting to engulf her within death's loving embrace.
COMBATSYS: Aislinn just-defends Azrael's Darkness Reborn!
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > / ]
Aislinn 0/-------/=======|==-----\-------\0 Azrael
Engulfed within death's loving embrace? Aislinn considers this for a moment, and then, suddenly, she is awash in death energies. Normally this would be a bad thing...
But when you're a NESTS cyborg, death is job number one... in some cases. Aislinn thrusts her hands forward, and they glow with a pure blue energy as her cybernetic systems go into overdrive, literally absorbing the energy put forth her way; the beam splinters, the unabsorbed energy tracing cracks and divots in the wall and floor... and when it's all over, Aislinn straightens, having utilized the energies in the best way she could.
Aislinn snaps her right hand up, fingers pointed stiffly, and that hand glows red-white... the glow resolving itself into a foot-long blast of electric chi that happens to be speeding right for the young man.
COMBATSYS: Azrael negates Stinger Shot from Aislinn with Large Thrown Object.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > / ]
Aislinn 1/-------/=======|==-----\-------\0 Azrael
Eep. Azrael just stares forward as his energy is absorbed. do you absorb negative energy? NESTS is always full of surprises, isn't it? He stands there in shock for long enough that Aislinn is already preparing her next attack against him. He moves suddenly, reaching over with his weapon and stabbing it through a computer monitor, whipping it around throwing it at her quickly. The blast of electricity annihilates it, but luckily it's enough to stop the blast from going any further. Upon further inspection, the blade had cut the monitor's cable so that the rest of the computer wouldn't go with. He wouldn't want to ruin valuable data, after all.
He is certainly proving his worth, that's for sure... Aislinn's blast is absorbed completely by the thrown equipment. Still, it is an opening, and one that Aislinn intends to capitalize on... this fight has gone on long enough. She runs forward, behind her blast... and drops to her knees, grabbing the severed power cord of the ruined equipment and whipping it around to redirect the shattered things back at Azrael.
COMBATSYS: Azrael fails to interrupt Thrown Object from Aislinn with Medium Strike.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Aislinn 1/-------/=======|
COMBATSYS: Azrael can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Aislinn 1/-------/=======|
The fight has gone on long enough; that's for sure. It's time to take risks and make a stand. When she goes for the power cord he rushes forward, spinning his weapon around slowly and trying to get to her before she can whip it towards him. He pushes his body to the limit... but, well, he's not really all that fast, y'see? He swings his weapon hard, but gets smacked with the monitor right in the knees, tripping forward and falling down on his face. His weapon is released from his grip and goes skittering away, stopping against a wall. A pause. "You have won..."
She did. But it was close--closer than she would like to admit. Aislinn skids to a stop, then regards Azrael for a moment, before walking over to his fallen weapon and picking it up. She twirls the unfamiliar item through a few swings, then walks over to the young man, posting the weapon next to him. It's the only kindness she shows... other than her silent call for the medics.
"You will receive your assessment results later." By later she means... after the techs have fixed her back up. Yow.
COMBATSYS: Aislinn has ended the fight here.
Log created by Azrael, and last modified on 06:37:47 02/21/2007.