Description: Nanako and Rylee fight in front of a bunch of guys that were looking for a date with the redhead. Hilarity ensues....and so does a fight.
One has to wonder if the park is ever peaceful these days. If people are beating the hell out of one another then something is blowing up or the like. Whatever happened to pick up basketball games or kids playing on the playground? Today seems to be more mild at least in terms of craziness. The sound of a man grunting like he is going SSJ is heard before a shark exhale from where he landed on his head and kinda lays there unconcious. "Yeah that is what you get for grabbing for the undies!" comes a rather loud and brash sounding voice that belongs to one Rylee Ogden.
She is wearing her usual casual wear and a group of people, mostly guys, have taken interest in her little challenge of who might be able to best her. In the name of Valentine's day it looks like most of the guys are asking for a date as a prize, which might be why the bruised bodies sitting over to the side are piling up. "Oh come on. I thought you all were gonna be a challenge or something? Who's next?" she asks grinning from ear to ear while resting her hands on her hips.
The park is the least-peaceful place here in Southtown. In fact, it seems to draw a lot of fighters from ‘round the city, who often engage in their crazy fighter antics which, in some cases, actually destroys portions of the park. Why the city hasn't posted police here to stop these public displays of machoism and...femaleism? Girls are just as guilty as guys!
Take, for instance, Nanako Yanagimura. Currently she's minding her own business, skipping merrily along the paved path that snakes its way through the park with a bottle of water in hand. It's a particularly lovely Valentine's Day day, even if she doesn't have a date! Or a boyfriend! Or...anything, not that she CARES!
Those Mary Janes of hers come to a stop as she passes by a pile of manly bodies stacked atop one another, bruised and looking a bit worse for wear. Oh ho! Who is the fighter responsible, she wonders, and soon those feet of her carry her off the beaten path, right to where Rylee stands, triumphant and smiling proudly.
"HEY, ME! ME! ME ME ME!" the girl enthusiastically cries, waving a hand wildly as she pushes through a small throng of people, skittering out into the open area in which Rylee stands. Pausing just before the elder woman, the small--MUCH smaller--schoolgirl looks toward her and beams widely, tossing her book bag and water bottle aside.
"I'll fight you!!" She even slips into a stance! Will Rylee accept, or dash the young woman's dreams??
[OOC] Nanako says, "I was like 'i recall her being tall, but how tall is sh--OH TALL'"
Some of the guys that are still standing around look rather hesitant to jump in to take on the redhead at this point. Is it really worth a possible beating to have an amazon for a date? Before any do finally find the courage to step up they all get embarassed further when a schoolgirl comes dancing out in front of them volunteering. There is a dead silence and not only are all the guys staring at the smaller girl, but a rather confused Rylee is looking as well with a brow raised and head tilted to the side.
"Eh....." she says not quite sure how to respond to this and eventually her head tilts back the other way and she straightens up. "What do you want if you win? I doubt you want the prize these guys are fighting for." she says while hoping to god she is right about that guess. There are quite a few weird people around here. At least this one doesn't look to be filled with explosives or the type that breakdances. Oh! And thank goodness she isn't that weird bondage schoolgirl with chains that she met in Germany that apparently carried her unconcious body to safety. Can we say embarassing? She lets out a sigh and she uncrosses her arms and she nods to Nanako while grinning a bit. "Fine fine whatever it is we will discuss it if you can win."
COMBATSYS: Rylee has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rylee 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Nanako has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Nanako 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Rylee
Wait, what?
"There's a prize?" the girl asks, looking sincerely surprised as she stares up at the elder woman before her. For a moment thereafter the girl tilts her head to the side, a finger rising up to press gently against her cheek. OF COURSE she doesn't want a prize that boys want! She's old enough now to know that boys like to chase skirts and hit on girls and doing boring things like that. Nanako?
Thrusting a finger forward, she points it at the young woman's chest, her smile broad and as brilliant as the sun overhead. "It's the fight that counts!" she cries just before she slides into an easy stance, gently bobbing on her heels. Discuss it afterwards? "Very well, then! But I'll only be glad if you give it your hundred-and-ten!" Anything less would be, of course, a shame, after all. Nanako is determined to give HER best.
But rather than rush in, Nanako holds her ground, observing the much taller woman with wide eyes. She's never seen her before, so she's not sure what exactly she's capable of. Gotta play it safe!!
COMBATSYS: Nanako focuses on her next action.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Nanako 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Rylee
Well she has to say she likes the girls spirit. Rylee was alot like that as well when younger. Only not so tiny and....well maybe not as hyper either. It is all about having the will to fight! Piss on the rest of the differences. She rubs her chin then nods. "I hope that is more than what these boys could muster." Speaking of 'boys'. The group of guys look more annoyed and embarassed by the second as they get made fun of and also outdone by a schoolgirl as far as courage goes.
Rylee seems to size up the younger fighter as well. Age isn't always a good way to judge fighting ability and the girls' stance isn't one she is familiar with. "Well this should be interesting." she murmurs and slips into her own fighting stance. She raises her arms and shifts to put most weight on one leg and slightly cocks the other as she takes a stance more associated with Muay Thai than wrestling for sure. "Bring it!"
COMBATSYS: Rylee focuses on her next action.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Nanako 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Rylee
Outdone by the spirit of a schoolgirl, a death most painful for a man and his masculinity! But Nanako cares not for the felled fighters that lay around the two. "Of course!" the girl exclaims, even going so far as the flex an arm, however tiny and scrawny it may seem. Don't underestimate Nanako! She's had a (few) wins here and there! She's a star in the SNFs! Believe it!
So, Rylee isn't making the first move? That's quite alright, because Nanako's finished sizing the older woman up and feels confident and ready now! "Interesting stance!" the girl exclaims cheerfully before she lunges at the taller woman in an attempt to snag the much taller woman by the shirt and huck her over a shoulder in a surprising show of strength! ...of will. She kind of hits wimpy in reality! "HOAH!"
COMBATSYS: Rylee blocks Nanako's Strong Throw.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Nanako 0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0 Rylee
The wrestler doesn't waver where she stands, her brow furrows some and her stance shifts up ever so slightly to take on the oncoming schoolgirl who grabs for her. She gets gripped, but she ends up being a bit difficult to get up and over the way she had planned. With surprising agility Rylee manages to get her feet planted on the ground after being brought over the shoulder and she tries to keep Nanako close and grapple the younger fighter to hold her in place.
"Thanks, it is to lead people into thinking I am not a grappler so I can do stuff like this." she says with a bit of a chuckle and she attempts to bring a knee up into Nanako's gut. There is a second knee as well as she hops to the other leg to try to drive it into the girl's side and a final big knee as she jumps to bring both up to bounce off Nanako's forehead if successful. "Kyaaaah!"
COMBATSYS: Rylee successfully hits Nanako with Knee Assault.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Nanako 0/-------/------=|==-----\-------\0 Rylee
It's about when Rylee is overhead at some point that Nanako realizes something is ‘amiss.' Furrowing her brows, it becomes clear when she hears the woman's feet plant, rather than the telltale THUD that would normally follow. Crap! That's not supposed to happen! She'll have to reconsider her approach.
Regardless, the girl releases Rylee and rolls a bit before she hops to her feet, still bouncing about and generally restless. "Oh yeah? A grappler, huh!?" Interesting - she's fought WITH one, but never against one. This could be tricky. Very tricky.
And it is. Attempting to roll out of harm's way, the girl is instead snagged by the elder woman and blasted in the stomach with her knee. An audible ‘hwarf' sound escapes her before she's clocked in the noggin and sent staggering back a few steps, grumbling and groaning with a soft ‘owwwwwww.' Fortunately she's not seeing stars.
Well, yet.
"ALRIGHT! Time to get serious!" the girl exclaims, slamming a fist lightly against the opposite hand's open palm. Enthused, Nanako rushes in with a side kick. Should it land, two successive kicks follow; planting a foot she lifts herself off the ground to deliver a one-eight back kick, followed by a back flip kick aimed for Rylee's chin. "HOOOH!"
COMBATSYS: Nanako successfully hits Rylee with Celestial Axis.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Nanako 0/-------/-----==|====---\-------\0 Rylee
The redhead steps back some after that last knee is delivered and she gives the younger fighter a small time to recover. Of course perhaps being too nice could be her downfall in this sort of fight. She looks to be underestimating the girl and it costs her in spades when she tries to move out of the way of the more agile fighter. The first two kicks knock Rylee off balance enough that the followup almost takes the woman right off her feet and knocks her back in a stagger.
"Tch, a tough one." she mumbles and shakes her head some to clear the cobwebs before brushing strands of her long red hair out of her face. "All right, I got this now. If it is a kicking match you want you got it!" she boasts and she takes back up that Muay Thai stance before snapping a long leg outwards to test Nanako's defenses before slinging it out in a much more harsh manner to nail the younger fight in the side. "Hup, hah!"
COMBATSYS: Nanako counters Heavy Kick from Rylee with Auspicious Hand.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Nanako 0/-------/----===|=======\-------\0 Rylee
The first kick connects, perhaps to Nanako's surprise. On the other hand, Nanako realizes she has to be serious, because she promised to give a hundred-and-ten! So with a stern look on her youthful features the girl follows through, delivering the last two kicks before she lands, crouching briefly. "Phew," she exhales, shoulders sagging.
Hopping up once more, the tiny fighter lifts a hand up and rubs a finger idly against the tip of her nose with a grin. "Er, sorry," she apologies, an almost sheepish expression on her face. It fades quickly as the woman pipes up, a huge grin etching its way over her lips. "A kickin' fight? Alright! Those are my favorite!!"
Narrowing her wide eyes, Nanako squares her shoulders as Rylee closes in with her leg outstretched. Her hand flares up, pink energies bursting to life before they slam against her leg, knocking it away. The other hand comes in, to plant her palm's heel against the elder woman's sternum, a blast of pink Psycho power erupting, to knock her back. She holds the stance for a moment before she furrows her brows and stands upright, frowning.
"GAH, I'm sorry," she pouts, idly rubbing the back of her bepigtailed head. "You wanted a kicking fight." She seems sincerely disappointed, at least!
For the first time through the whole day Rylee finds herself on the ground in a rather disheaveled state. "Oh of those..." she mutters in a rather annoyed fashion. At least Duck King wasn't some wacky energy despite what he did in the fight was probably considered rape in at least a dozen states. She still feels sore after that beating. "Eh, I guess I will have to take care of this in a more proper way." Which probably means that she is going back to grappling.
And that is exactly what she does while grabbing for the smaller fighter. If she can keep her grounded maybe this will be easier. She tries to actually kick out and snag an arm behind her knee and then tug the girl on the ground before driving her other leg into the girl's back. She grabs for a leg as well to tug back in a rather painful manner that is mostly putting alot of pressure on the lower back. "Odelay!"
COMBATSYS: Rylee successfully hits Nanako with Tequila Sunrise.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Nanako 0/-------/-======|=======\-------\0 Rylee
Blinking slowly, Nanako looks toward Rylee as she lay on the ground, however brief her time there may or may not be. Furrowing her brows, the tiny young woman's lips purse, a finger idly tapping at her cheek. "You okay??" she asks. She hopes so. She didn't mean to hurt the woman too much. She feels bad about breaking the kicking fight treaty. ..thing.
And then Rylee's moving! Blinking, Nanako attempts to dive to one side, but winds up captured in the elder woman's deadly grasp! Bound in a curious fashion, the girl is pulled into a fashion that is really unfamiliar to her, and only makes it all the more painful. The element of surprise is on Rylee's side! "WAGH!"
The moment she gets an opening though, Nanako plants a hand on the ground before she coils a leg, attempting to launch herself up for a swift and sudden kick at Rylee's face. "Wasn't that a Beck album!?" she cries, sounding sincerely curious! Even if she's attacking.
COMBATSYS: Rylee interrupts Light Kick from Nanako with Crossface Armbar.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Nanako 1/-------/=======|=======\-------\0 Rylee
The hold wasn't to be in place too long. Afterall it isn't much of a fight if she just sits herself on the back of the much smaller fighter on hows on end. Stuff like that leads to rather boring matches in both professional fighting and wrestling. "Odelay is a word too ya goof!" she says when the girl tries to kick at her when she is getting up. This ends up being a bad thing for Nanako since the kick seems to graze the side of the wrestler. "Not fast enough!" she cries and grabs the leg and yanks back on it then drops onto the backside of Nanako again and keeping that one arm locked between her legs in a scissor hold while clasping hands on the younger figher and tugs to put more torque on her back. IF anything this might stretch out the girl and make her taller if this keeps up.
"Oh, it is?!" she asks, surprised that it's more than just an album. Brows knit thereafter, her thoughts straying a touch as the kick glances the taller woman's side. Unfortunately, that means Rylee gets the chance to counterattack quickly; the result earns Nanako another painful grapple and hold, an arm snagged and held in place at a peculiar angle, her back AGAIN yanked and yoinked in a most painful fashion. She'll have to see a chiropractor after this, at this rate! "AGH!"
Wiggling like a worm, Nanako eventually snakes her way out of the grappling hold, rolling back before she springs to her feet, still bouncing and exuberant, despite the beating she's taken thus far. Smiling, she tilts her head a bit as she observes the other woman for a moment. She started out with Muay Thai, now she's grappling her like some Luchador! "What's this crazy style called anyway?!" she asks, pointing a finger to single Rylee out. Inquiring minds want to know!
COMBATSYS: Nanako focuses on her next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Nanako 1/-------/=======|=======\-------\0 Rylee
Now things slowly seem to be swinging back in favor of the Canadian. She just wonders how much longer she can keep up these little surprises to throw Nanako off her game. She rather not feel the sting of that energy blast she felt earlier. Damn, can everyone but her use that shit? She really needs to hunt down someone to teach her that sorta stuff one day so she isn't always on the recieving end. If anything it looks like she got the respect of the other fighter already. "What? That hodge podge of stuff?" she asks while grinning
If anything she gets a breather while she gets to explain to the girl. She is actually feeling rather out of breath given how this match is turning out. "I just kinda made it up. I learned some Muay Thai when younger so I just mixed it in with the submission style wrestling I learned from my trainer and also picked up some faster paced stuff some of the luchadors I know used. Pretty nifty eh?" she asks that grin widening since she doesn't get to brag that often.
COMBATSYS: Rylee gains composure.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Nanako 1/-------/=======|======-\-------\0 Rylee
Hopping in place still, Nanako holds her ground, though she stops bouncing when Rylee speaks, tilting her head thoughtfully. Hodge podge? Is it really? "I think it's neat!" she observes, pulling her finger back as she lifts her arms before setting them akimbo upon her hips. "You sure fooled me. And here I thought we were going to have a kick fight!" Smiling broadly, the girl doesn't seem remotely upset. She's glad, if anything!
Nanako lets Rylee have her breather. In fact, the girl doesn't make an attempt to catch her off her guard. Grinning she lifts a thumb and jerks it to her chest. "Really!? I'm trying to make up my own style too! Dad trained me with all this Shitenno Kobujutsu crap, and while it's handy, it's kinda boring at times." Sulking a bit, Nanako furrows her brows. The moment doesn't last long. She's smiling again soon enough! "So yeah! I like it!" Thumbs up, approval!
And then Nanako curls her hands into fists, motes of pink light rising from the ground at her feet as she grins even wider. "Show me s'more, okay!?"
COMBATSYS: Nanako gathers her will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Nanako 1/--=====/=======|======-\-------\0 Rylee
It is probably a good thing that the girl doesn't take advantage of this. The compliments have the Canadian looking to be suffering from inflated head syndrome. She even almost catches herself buffing her nails on her tanktop before finally shaking her head. "Oh hey come on now. Stop trying to distract me, kid." she mutters and tries to look annoyed even if she is having a pretty good time with all of this. She might have even went on attack if not for the fact the girl is starting to let that energy show again.
She grumps a bit at that sight and decides charging in like that would be a big problem. She stops right where she is and shakes her head. "Oh hell no. I am not falling for that again." she says and then claps her hands and hunches down to prepare for something more of a throwing match than a kicking fight at this point.
COMBATSYS: Rylee focuses on her next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Nanako 1/--=====/=======|=====--\-------\0 Rylee
A stalemate? Very likely!
Standing her ground, Nanako seems sincerely perplexed as the older woman tells her to stop distracting her. What's that supposed to mean? She's just having a conversation! "I'm not that cheap a fighter!" she cries, arms flailing briefly before she puffs up a bit and jerks a thumb at her chest again. "I'll tell you what! I'm a good, clean fighter, y'hear!? Not like some cheap street thug!"
And then she's gathering her energies. "Falling for what?" Nanako asks, tilting her head before the motes disappear altogether. When they do Nanako grins a bit before she leaps up into the air and comes down at Rylee, attempting to plant a foot against her chest. "HOAAH! Heads up! Er, odelay!" Maybe she'll understand THAT! Because if it connects the girl will grab her collar and attempt to roll back, an attempt to huck Rylee into the air, pushed fiercely by her two feet!
COMBATSYS: Rylee fails to interrupt Strong Throw from Nanako with Anaconda Vice.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Nanako 1/--=====/=======|=======\-------\1 Rylee
It looks for this one time the battle of the grappling will be one by the smaller fighter. Unfortunantly Rylee just gets a bad angle when trying to grip her arms around Nanako. She goes a bit wide eyed as she is actually the one going upwards and into the air before landing at an awkward angle and ending up shoulder first on the ground before rolling about onto her rear. "Lucky shot." she grumps and clambers up to her feet before turning about to look over her shoulder at the fighter then turning about. "All right. Let us try this again." she mutters and crouches down to await the next attack once again.
Soaring through the air with the greatest of ease, Nanako's foot lands, a herald to the grapple that follows. For as tiny as she is, Nanako is surprisingly limber! Moving into action, the girl spills back, pushing off her back to kick Rylee into the air, to send her flying with the greatest of ease! Until she lands, anyway. Oof.
Hopping to her feet, Nanako bounces in place a bit, hands loose at her sides. "Alright!" she exclaims, beaming brightly. The fight has been quite interesting, to say the least. Typically she's getting her butt handed to her quite soundly. "READY OR NOT!" the girl exclaims, tearing forward. Leaping into the air, she coils her feet close, both arms out behind her. When she nears she swiftly thrusts her feet out, to plant both heels solidly into Rylee's chest again. "NYAAANKO KICK!" What?
COMBATSYS: Rylee dodges Nanako's Nyanko Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Nanako 1/---====/=======|=======\-------\1 Rylee
"Nyaaanko?" Looks like it is the Canadian's turn to ask about a battle cry once this is all said and done. Now it is more important to do something called getting the hell out of the way. "Hah!" she calls out while twirling about on the heel of her foot that keeps her from getting kicked right in the chest. She may have padding there, but no way in hell does that mean she will stand and take kicks all day. She also finds herself in a decent position to grab Nanako now from behind around the waist, arms holding tight and hands locked together before this time trying to be the one that hefts up Nanako and then bend over backwards before releasing the girl and sending her flying away. "Hup!"
COMBATSYS: Nanako interrupts Strong Throw from Rylee with Seven Sacred Strikes.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////// ]
Nanako 0/-------/----===|=======\=====--\1 Rylee
The kick whizzes past Rylee, earning the elder woman a really weird look from the girl as her feet cut through empty air. That was supposed to hit!! No matter; curling up, the girl lands and rolls a few turns before she leaps up to her feet, still beaming. It's all good! Well, it was. Because Rylee's suddenly closing in on the girl with her arms all outstretched to hurt her again. Nanako doesn't like pain. No sir.
She's hefted up and sent flying, yes. But the girl rotates midair, landing really oddly and causing her ankle to sting, but that's okay, because she pushes off with the other and charges Rylee a split-second later, a fist coiled at her side. It glows pink, charged with that dreaded energy before she lashes out, punching the elder woman's gut somethin' fierce! A kick is executed thereafter, followed by another Psycho punch with the other hand. Crouching briefly, she executes a maneuver familiar to Rylee by now; first she delivers a side-kick before she rotates midair, executing a one-eighty back kick before the last kick executed is a Psycho power-enhanced flipping back kick. "HOAAAH!!!"
Nevermind about liking this girl. It seems being friendly just leads to alot of pain on the wrestlers part as she finds herself caught up in things once again. Once again she gets mauled by the strange style that Nanako uses and she is grounded once again flat on her frontside and on her face looking rather battered up. "Oh to hell with this..." she mumbles and pushes herself up into a kneeling position at first. She is a bit shakey when she gets up and then turns about. "All right, better than any of the guys here, that is for sure." she says and then takes a deep breath before rushing forward to grasp for the girl again. "But first let me show you something interesting before you think you got me down, kiddo!"
COMBATSYS: Nanako counters Canadian Destroyer from Rylee with Auspicious Hand.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /// ]
Nanako 0/-------/--=====|====---\-------\0 Rylee
It's supposed to be about having fun! Honestly! Nanako chose to step up to this chick because she wanted to see another fighter in action, to see some more talent from other fighters from all walks of life, and Rylee hasn't let her down! Grinning broadly, the girl simply bobs in place, tilting her head only a bit as the other woman grumbles something relatively incoherent. "Huh?" she asks. She's about to find out!
The rush surprises Nanako, so much so a hand jerks out, the girl's eyes wide with surprise. "AHHH!" Her hand ignites with Psycho power again, slamming against the arm that attempts to grab her before, likely driven by sheer instinct at this point, she thrusts her palm forward again and blasts the Canadian with another burst of Psycho power. That was particularly scary!
Leave it to surprise being the undoing of the Canadian. The girl gets too jumpy and the energy lights up again and knocks Rylee back onto the ground. "Oh god I really hate this energy shit..." she mutters and gets up to her feet while staggering a bit. She stumbles forward as well. "Have a seat as well!" she grumps and plants a foot onto Nanako's leg to push up off the ground and to swing her foot around to slam her foot harshly into the back of the head of the other fighter.
She pushes off the leg then lands in a low crouch before sitting down on the ground and puffing a bit heavily. "Damn kids." Not like she is old or anything, but she still just hasn't gotten used to flaming fists and fancy fireballs like all of these people that seem to reside in Southtown. Oh she'll teach them. Just wait.
COMBATSYS: Rylee can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Nanako 0/-------/--=====|
COMBATSYS: Nanako dodges Rylee's Shining Wizard.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Nanako 0/-------/--=====|
Have a seat? The other woman comes rushing at Nanako, and looking briefly surprised she tilts her head before she ducks and weaves to one side, brows knit tightly as she follows Rylee with her eyes. Hmmm. She's not upset, is she?
When Nanako presumes it safe, she walks over, keeping a friendly distance between herself and the Canadian. "I'm sorry!" she apologizes quite suddenly, even going so far as to politely bow to the older woman. When she stands back up, she's smiling politely though, eyes lit up with glee. "As for a prize, don't worry about it. Though...I'll tell you what!" A hand jerks forward, giving the redhead a thumbs up. "Next time we fight, I won't use that ‘power' stuff you hate so much, okay?" Presuming she wants to fight her again!
Wait, doesn't she have the gift thing all bass-akwards?
COMBATSYS: Nanako has ended the fight here.
Maybe it is part of the whole playing a heel most of the time that has her in a more dour mood, but in the end she gets up and dusts off her pants. "Nah, I gotta get used to it one day." she mumbles and then stares at the smaller fighter giving her the thumbs up and she actually has to try to keep herself from grinning. "Who knows, next time I might have some new tricks to show you myself." she says and turns about to walk off. "Get ahold of me later if you want a prize or something. I need to go ice myself." she calls over her shoulder.
There isa pause among the guys watching then all start to look at one another before they all finally get an idea. "She's tired, lets get her!" And in unison they all charge towards the Canadian who gets a slight look of annoyance. Oh boys, when will you ever learn not to annoy a redhead? Much crunching and screaming follows.
Log created by Rylee, and last modified on 17:22:02 02/14/2007.