Neo League 301 - #302: Momoko vs Sean

Description: Sean Matsuda fights a girl... in the ball pit of an amusement park. What?! (Winner: Sean)

Oh hey check it out! It's.. It's League Fight time! That's just crazy, man, just plain crazy! And on a day.. No, an evening like this, it's just screaming for the setting to be a well lit area. And it doesn't get any better than the amusement park, flashing lights everywhere, bumper cars, carnies, ferris wheels, and more importantly, a very big, cleared out area perfect for duels.
Now, this area actually is a very unusual place to fight to say the least, because it's inside a funball pool, on a man the height of Sean Matsuda, it goes up to the shins. And hidden within the pool are all sorts of.. Uh.. Weapons, mostly of the giant plushie variety.
And there stands Sean matsuda within this giant pool, looking up to the spotlights shining down on the area, and then looking about the rope fence that surrounds him, that has more blunt weapons hanging from it, ".. S- Something's not right, here.." he says to himself, "Why exactly did I pick -this- area to fight? Am I absolutly sick in the head?" the brazillian asks, clad in his usual golden-yellow fighting attire, "And more importantly, where is my opponent, this.. This 'Momoko' man??"

The answer, as most would expect, is "Yes, Sean is really really sick in the head." Especially so if he picked it himself as he claims. Luckily the Neo League camera team is on hand to capture every word for posterity!
But... also as he claims, Momoko is nowhere to be found. ... Rather, more appropriately, she was on the top of the ferris wheel when Sean got here, with some of her grade-school pals. She -thought- she had enough time for a ride, but... oh well!
A hurried Neo League official is on hand to rescue the young girl to the ring! Boy he looks pissed. Boy, she doesn't look worried at all! She's barely half the size of her escort, but she's outrunning him with the greatest of ease! "Wow, mister, you need to work out some more!" she calls back with a buoyant grin. No, she's not being insulting, just matter-of-fact!
But when she gets to the ring, she slows down, realizing it's not really a 'ring' after all -- but a ball pit! And her opponent is right inside? "... Hooray!" she cheers, throwing both hands up for a little hop, before resuming her dash! "This'll be *fun!*
And she apparently thinks it will, as she performs a running leap into the middle of the ball pit, "splashing" down in a shower of plastic balls, no small number of which threaten to bean Sean right in the head!
And when the storm clears, Momoko's thrusting her tiny hand out toward Sean, grinning eagerly. "Hi! I'm Momoko, your opponent for this fight! Good luck!"

Sean looks to the camera with a frown, "Hey, hey!! I heard that!" he says, pointing to not necessarily the right cameraman, but definatly getting his point accross. Ah well it couldn't be helped, a true fighter can make any atmosphere his personal fighting arena, or something along the lines of that.. "... Hooray?" Sean asks, slightly worried, and before he can turn around, he gets a nice cannonball, courtesy of his opponent. His mouth opens to say something. Then closes. Then opens again. Then closes once more.
And finally he says, ".. Wow. I.. Is this legal?" he mumbles to himself with a worried look. But.. She -is- in the league, so she must have passed some prelim, right? He'd better just to see how tough this girl is just in case, because it could be just some ploy to get into some crazy lawsuit, "H.. Hah, is that so! Well ah, I'm Sean Matsuda, the predetermined victor! That is unless you can stop me! Let's see what you got, Momok--- MOMOKO IS A -GIRLS- NAME??" *BZZZZZZZZZZZT* goes the fight start buzzer!

COMBATSYS: Sean has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Sean             0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Momoko has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Momoko           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0             Sean

Legal? Momoko looks up expectantly at Sean, wondering if she's made some terrible mistake -- until he confirms by strutting his stuff! "Yay! I thought you looked like a fighter!" ... The notion of her name being anything =but= a girl's name strikes her as a bit unusual however. "... Um... yeah? I think so..." She should =hope= so! But her voice is drowned out by the buzzer, causing the girl to clamp both hands over her ears! "AAAH!" Doubling over, she disappears into the ball pit! How can she -- oh right, she's TINY.
The ball pit is quiet for a few moments. It's not totally silent -- there's still waves of motion left over from the sudden movements, but... perhaps more to the point, it seems the girl is clearly wiggling about underneath there. Where to... is not quite clear though.
Until she emerges from the depths with a fierce leaping headbutt! "EEEEEI!"

COMBATSYS: Sean blocks Momoko's Medium Kick.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Momoko           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0             Sean

THE MORE YOU KNOW. Sean at least got the beginning of Momoko's response, and the world may never know why Sean thought it was a mans name. In fact, it's probably better not to ask. But wow, TinyCat sure is tiny! He can only stare blankly as the girl vanishes into the pit, leaving Sean to rely on his instincts when she emerges with her attack, Sean leans back a bit, arms drawn upward to take the brunt of the attack and stumble back slightly, "Hah! Clever, but not quite enough!" he compliments.
Well, it seems she's proven herself to be resilent attacking, but how about defending? Sean doesn't go for anything fancy, in fact he drops downard, causing the balls to splash upward while he goes in for a sweeping kick to knock her right on her back, "Heads!"

COMBATSYS: Momoko blocks Sean's Light Kick.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Momoko           0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0             Sean

"Hee!" The girl's =way= too excited about fighting, that much is for sure! Then again, this is a rather silly place to fight -- it's hard =not= for the girl to enjoy it!
She bounces back, rubbing her forehead a moment. Even if it =was= her own attack, she's still not used to =using= it. But she is more used to people retaliating! As such, she's able to fling her arm up just in time. It might look to the spectators, and indeed =feel= like Sean kicked the girl flat onto her back -- especially from the way the plastic balls go flying again!
But just before her feet disappear beneath the surface of the ball pit, they reverse direction sharply! Her left foot hovers backward while her right foot snaps down at Sean's midsection, in complete defiance of what one would expect! There's a shout that goes with that, but it's muffled by the plastic! "Mmmmmfgh!"

COMBATSYS: Sean endures Momoko's Au Batido.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Momoko           0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0             Sean

Sean isn't sure what to make of it still.. Darn these funballs getting in the way of his judgement! However he doesn't have long to conteplate it, Momoko isn't staying down for very long it seems, "Wuh oh," what seems to be a kick to the midsection turns out to BE a kick to the midsection and it lands solidly into the Brazillian; but it hardly seems to make him budge on contact, other than a step back on one foot. The retaliation, however, is the bigger deal, attempting to grasp said foot by the ankle, throw at the ropes for he to rebound off of, and then catch again to bodyslam into the pool! TOTALLY AWESOME!! Well, it'd probably look cooler if his opponent was.. Bigger.

COMBATSYS: Sean successfully hits Momoko with Medium Throw.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Momoko           0/-------/--=====|==-----\-------\0             Sean

Momoko is not only slung into the ropes, but she's rebounded right back to Sean, arms and legs flailing all the while! She's used to being pretty quick, but =wow=, that was more than she's used to!
It's... ... well... she's =laughing= actually!
At least until Sean grabs back onto her and =slams= her into the ball pit.
... She's still laughing.
At least until the girl wriggles out from Sean's hold, leaps up, and hurls herself at the ropes again! "That was fun!" Time seems to pause for a moment as the girl griiiiiiiiiins back at Sean. "Here comes Momoko!!!"
And a split second later, a veritable missile of tumbling Momoko matter comes hurtling right back at Sean, her very form wreathed with a fiery pink glow -- not unlike a meteor strike! "PHOENIX ARROOOOOOW!"

COMBATSYS: Momoko successfully hits Sean with Phoenix Arrow.
- Power hit! -

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Momoko           0/-------/--=====|======-\-------\0             Sean

"........ Wh. F.. Fun? Well ah.. Yeah, I mean I guess in a way," he replies when he stands up and rubs the back of his head. Wow, this chick was a little crazy, wasn't she? BUt then again, aren't all female fighters? But hey, who was he to complain, better they laugh than cry.. Or cal him a pervert and launch him through cabin shack roofs. And hey, how about that Phoenix Arrow, huh? When teh pink dynamo bursts forward, Sean thinks he's ready, but he's oh so wrong! "AURGH!" the tumble is what sends -him- flying now, drilling him into the pool that sends the balls flying upward until he hits the wall. And sits up, "OW." he declares, "H- heh, not bad, you've got some moves, Momoko! But you better hold on to your hats, because I have yet to begun to fight!" he pounds at his chest and gives an Arsenio-style woof, "It's time to get serious!! Come on, Matsuda, kick it into gear 3! YEAH!!"

COMBATSYS: Sean focuses on his next action.

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Momoko           0/-------/--=====|======-\-------\0             Sean

Fun! Fun! That is the name of the game to Momoko, that much is 100% positive! "Right! But..." She hesitates for a moment, the perpetual-motion machine grinding to a halt with one finger hanging from her mouth. "You haven't begun to fight?"
But then Sean makes his triumphant declaration that he's about to get serious. ... And who is this Arsenio Hall person?
"No! Serious is boooooring!" Momoko hops backwards two quick steps -- but it's only to give her room for a running start! One, two, three steps and then she flips into a cartwheel! She doesn't land properly though -- her hands actually reel back, before *slamming* down onto the fabric underbelly of the ball pit. Why, she slams down so hard that the balls fly into the air!
Which would be about the same time that the girl suddenly twists hard to the side, rotating across her axis while kicking one, two, three, four, =five= of the airborne play balls at Sean like a machinegun! "A-ta-ta-ta-ta-taaaa!" she cries, before finally resuming her fall forward to land in a low crouch.

COMBATSYS: Sean overcomes Thrown Object from Momoko with Hadou Burst.

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Momoko           0/-------/--=====|===----\-------\0             Sean

Serious.. Is... Boring? Pshaw, he didn't mean it literally, but instead of saying that, he declares, "TOO LATE!" Bahahaha! But wow, no one can say that Momoko isn't innovative, in fact, Sean is left to wonder if it would have even hurt of those quickly launched balls hit him. Instead, though, he's got his hands drawn back, brows furrowed, and a slightly cocky smirk on his lips, "COME ON, BULLET!!!!" the balls instead bounce off a large, orange sphere of chi, that explodes with a white aura about it as it homes in on the unsuspecting capoeira girl! Anyone order some overkill? "Oh yeah! Who's the man, looking -so- cool right now??"

COMBATSYS: Sean successfully hits Momoko with Hadou Burst.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Momoko           1/-----==/=======|===----\-------\0             Sean

"It's Shane, baby, it's SHANE! SHANE MITSUBISHI IS IN THA HIZZOUSE!" Apparently one of Sean's misguided fans is in the audience, for they actually made it on the boom mic before getting shooed away by one of the Neo League officials. No messing with the official mic!
But what's more surprising than that is what =triggered= the outburst -- Momoko's desperate, and more importantly, =fun= strike is not only countered, but overwhelmed by a searing orange-white ball of flame! Momoko was just in the midst of landing when it happened, and she just happens to be looking at her opponent with a smile when the Hadou Burst closed in.
For the slightest fraction of a second, she wasn't smiling.
The next fraction of a second, she is flattened against the nylon netting surrounding the ball pit. And a moment after that, the pale, petrified expression on her face dissolves into laughter as the girl belly-flops forward into the pit once more!
Never mind that the netting is seared in black, a stencil cut-out of Momoko's form permanently cast upon it.
But once more -- Momoko has disappeared beneath the depths! The short girl clearly has an advantage here, as she's not only short, but =extremely= quick! Two moments after she disappears beneath the surface, the balls suddenly surge again! It's another of Momoko's sharp impacts -- but this time Momoko comes flying out of the center of impact with a flying moonsault! Her goal here is to clamp her knees around Sean's neck like a vise, and sharply twist to one side, the young girl amplifying her motion with a twist of her spine! "Iyaaaaan!"

COMBATSYS: Sean interrupts Iyan from Momoko with Sean Tackle.

[                     \\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Momoko           1/=======/=======|======-\-------\0             Sean

Sean's eyes widen, and he lets out a bit of a whistle, then a slightly nervous chuckle once Momoko gets blasted by his ball of chi. It leaves one to wonder, what exactly -is- the definition of fun when it comes to fighting? Does fun equate to 'cool'? If so, then Matsuda is feeling REALLY fun for a moment.. And then slightly guilty, "I wonder if this girl is really right in the head.." he mumbles to himself as she actually dives under in preperation for another attack. But it seems this time, Sean knows what's coming for him, as he leaps back Balrog style and hangs off of the net-wall behind him.. Wait for it, waiiit for it! He LEAPS off, and unfortunatly while Momoko doesn't get the hold he's looking for, the body-to-body collision alone is enough to do some damage, but shes tackled right back into the pool causing yet -again- the funballs to geyser upward. However he doesn't come back up. This is grounds to send in the F.B.I. until they realize he actually hurt his back and is rolling around in pain.

And the blood flies all over the ball p-- oh wait, no it doesn't. That's just more of the red balls. Man, this scene looks =way= more chaotic with those around!
If there's one thing Sean should learn by now, though, it's that the going-on-twelve-year-old is way more tough than she looks! Sure, she doesn't put up much resistance to his punching, but her =attitude= is more than enough to pull her through! Which is how she's able to spring free of Matsuda, backflipping about in mid-air, and landing elegantly at a safe distance!
... just before dropping to one knee, panting visibly. Her smile is still present, but her energy, quite clearly, is fading! It doesn't seem like she's finished just yet, though, for as Sean thrashes about from back injury... Momoko's hands gather just in front of her tummy.
And start to glow pink.
Really =bright= pink, too. And a sound oddly like a ringing phone being tossed down a hall starts emanating from the glow, growing ever-larger.
Just before the entirely-too-happy Momoko lobs the sphere at Sean, grinning exultantly. "ES-PAAAAAAAAAA!"
Oh yeah, this'll be =real= fun! But really, she was just thinking of paying him back for that Hadou Burst earlier.

COMBATSYS: Sean blocks Momoko's Esper.

[                     \\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Momoko           0/-------/----===|=======\-------\1             Sean

Sean surfaces, one arm behind him, "OH GEEZ MY BACK! CRIPES!" he yells, shivering a bit. You'd think he'd be the master of the tackle; but we all know why he messed up in the first place. He looks over her shoulder to shoot a nasty glare to his 'fan'. He's got your number, man. He's got your number! But what's with that glow? Looking back to Momoko, feeling the warmth of that glow, he first looks puzzled, then vvveeeery slightly worried, "W- Woah, that uh.. Seems kinda familiar.." But it's no Senkii Hakkei. He's only got one good arm as the huge blast of pink threatens to destroy him, "... oh man.." he can only just.. Tough through it, steeling himself up, thinking back to Sakura and Ken's teachings here, and that wave of power is defended somehow in his steeled pose forearm covering his face.
"..." Oh hey, he's alive. That's a good sign! "Geez, kiddo, what're you eating to be releasing that kind of energy, hu-- Woah look! It's Totoro!!" he points with his jaw dropped, right over Momoko's shoulder. And man, how cheap is that, huh? But he just doesn't want to deal with that blast again, so he'll just be ending this match real quick-like. How? By putting her into a sleeper-hold from behind! Though if she thrashes too much, he would be forced to let go.

COMBATSYS: Momoko fails to interrupt Quick Throw from Sean with Phoenix Arrow.

[                         \\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Momoko           0/-------/---====|=======\=------\1             Sean

Wow, whatever they're teaching Sean... they better keep it up! Momoko's Esper can really lay the hurt down on most people, after all -- even if her own kicking might not be all too strong!
But... well, what was he screaming about? His back? "Are you okay?" she starts to ask, once she recovers from her blast. And, y'know, once =Sean= starts to. He is still alive, and standing! "Eating? Uh, today I had a cheeseburger and some cotton candy and-- Huh?" She blinks, looking off in the direction of the supposed Totoro, just in time to be swept up into Matsuda's arms! Only it's not exactly a loving embrace, as Momoko can feel her blood flow start to lessen, and the blackness of unconsciousness creeping into her vision.
"Momoko will... never give up!" she protests, thrashing about in Sean's grasp as best she can! She'd tried to pull free and twist into another tumbling kick, but it's to little use, as Sean's quite a bit stronger than her! But he might just start to feel her kicks -- weak though they may be at this distance -- landing a little close to home...

WOAH THERE, girly, don't kick Sean in the Funtime Room, all right? It takes a moment for the ansatsuken student to actually realize what the end result will be though and he sure enough is forced to release the hold and hop backward, his thighs tightening, ".. G- Geez, she is a persistant one, I'll give her that," he says to himself, and his stance relaxes, "Wow, well I have to say, you're not to be underestimated, Momoko. You've got some sweet moves, and a good heart, but that won't help you too much against the Next United States champion, you know? But.. BUT!!"
"I won't let you leave empty handed, here, this is for putting up a good fight!" he kneels to reach into the pool and draws out- Hey check it out it's a pink and white basketball, with his autograph on it! But he throws it in a not-harmless manner, an overhand throw to his opponent in the beaner!

COMBATSYS: Sean successfully hits Momoko with Basketball EX.

[                            \\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Momoko           0/-------/-======|===----\-------\0             Sean

Well, it's not like she was =trying= to kick him there! Just that it could've happened!
She is released, though, and she makes the most of her time, bounding away a good three vaults before twisting about to face the boy again. Her fingertips loosely spread, her stance fluid and dynamic, she seems ready for any attack the boy can muster. She figures he can't be ready to throw another fireball just yet, and she's definitely =quicker= than him... so she's set, right?
Until he withdraws that basketball. She quirks her head to the side, amazed by the simple feat. "Oh... wow!" She claps her hands twice, grinning in her awe. "Cool, you're a magician too!"
But when he lobs the ball at her, Momoko tries to catch the ball! *WHAM!* Not only does she fail at this, she's slammed backwards, landing against the back net with a *whump!* The basketball is stuck to her tummy for all of another half-second, before falling limply into the ball pit.
And yet, Momoko's still grinning -- albeit very faintly considering she's about to pass out. "See? Serious would've been boring!"
And then she follows the basketball, slumping into the pit.
"YEEEEEEEAH!! GOOOOO SHANE!!!" calls out that rambunctious fan from the back.

COMBATSYS: Momoko takes no action.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Sean             0/-------/----===|

COMBATSYS: Momoko can no longer fight.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Sean             0/-------/----===|

Sean ehhhs? ".. A magician? N- Nah, I.. I .." pause, "You know that's a good question how -did- I do that?" he asks as he looks upward in contemplationses. Though he does note afterward, "Ah, actually.. That was just a figure of speech, I was havin' a good time, relatively. And,"
"Oh man, that is IT!" Sean cries, turning to point to the fan! Without as much as a good-bye, he makes a break for the funball pools exit, making a leap just slightly short of clearing the steps which results in making a rather embarassing face first smash into the pavement.
He'll be there for a while.

COMBATSYS: Sean has ended the fight here.

Log created by Momoko, and last modified on 17:04:53 02/23/2007.