Description: Iori punches Hyo's buddies in the face. Hyo challenges Iori. Iori throws a hotdog in Hyo's face. The end.
Hyo's always fundamentally approved of small business.
Generally, he has nothing but contempt for capitalism in general, signified in his faintly troubled but otherwise sterile expression as he stands in the village district, arms folded. In the end, it all contributes towards consumerism. But in the end, he is a practical sort. And these old ramshackle shops and small beighborhoods are the closest thing conventional society could name as 'moral living.'
In the end, his practical side could not disagree.
Right now, the council head is supervising transportation of a large quantity of crates and boxes by several students. A few minutes ago, it was about the closest thing to a motorcade without actually being one--a pair of the school's trucks appropriated for the personal transportation of the crates. As set by their schedule, they have stopped on their way from the governmental district for lunch. Hyo himself has graciously declined any due sustenance, preferring instead to watch over the rest of the uniformed students and the trucks at a distance. Most of them are eating gratefully in a kind of eerie sort of order that their school (cough, Hyo) naturally fosters in its students.
One will have to forgive the occaisional light banter.
It will be, in fact, their sixth trip today.
Iori Yagami has never really approved of much of anything.
Food, though, was something he could live with.
It's not often that Iori goes outside in a single day. He usually tries to restrict himself to going outside and out to the village proper once a day; it makes it so he can keep dealing with idiots to something of a bare minimum. Sometimes, though, you want to get something to eat -- but you would like to go out to get it. And that is why Iori Yagami is here today.
After a while of wandering through town, passing various restraunts and having servers shy away from him -- understandably -- Iori had inevitably decided to just get something fast to eat. So, it is with an unpleasant expression that the Yagami heir walks down one of the main streets of Southtown Village, a hotdog in one hand, soda in the other. He hardly pays attention to where he's walking. Most people have the common sense to stay out of the way of a man looking as irritable as him. But, there's some things you can't help but notice...
... such as a series of trucks and young men and women in school uniforms. The sight alone is enough to spark curiosity in Iori's dark eyes as he grows closer. He is more engrossed in the trucks, though, taking a bite out of his hotdog as he tries to determine just what they are for. And as he walks, he passes right by the students, bumnping into one roughly by the shoulder, letting out a low growl.
"Stay the hell out of my way, idiot." It was his fault, of course.
But he doubts anyone is going to dispute him on the claim.
Bumped is probably not the right word for what exactly happens at that point. What occurs is more or less the personal space version of a bitchslap, sending the student tottering off to trip over a table.
Which causes the table to flip.
This causes sodas and sandwiches to go flying in all directions.
This, as one can imagine, ruins a lot of neatly pressed Justice High winter uniforms.
"Ugh.." the student groans, the top half of what used to be a turkey and swiss on wheat hero on his head.
Luckily, he seems to be the only one who was outright destroyed by this act. However, this has a noticeable ripple effect. The almost sublime order disturbed to a cacophony of shouts and groans, Iori managed to upset quite a few of those Justice High students with one act.
Hyo, from the side of the shop most of the students got those sandwiches from, squints. After a moment, he frowns, raising a glove to his temple in attempts to suppress the sudden onset of a what would likely be a throbbing headache.
"Hey!" one of the students hisses at Iori's back. This one seems to be in less shock than the others, partially due to only getting a little mustard on his prized coat. Unfortunately, it hadn't come off with the swift application of a napkin and some of his water. (who gets water at a convenience stand?) That left only the mild superior irritation that could only be leveled by a hornet's nest of the town's so-called super-elite.
It would seem that Iori may have guessed.. inaccurately.
"Don't be a fool! You should watch where /you're/ going, or were you too blind to see us?"
One can imagine that the fact that one of their number being called an idiot factored into the retort greatly; many of the students not even involved in the primary fallout nod silently, as others help the toppled student up.
Sometimes Iori is a bit rougher than he expects. He doesn't know -- or doesn't care -- how weak other people typically are in comparison to him. Which explains a lot in how apathetic he is when the man he bumps into begins to flail and fall and ruin the perfect harmony of Justice High's pow wow.
Disdainfully does Iori take yet another bite out of his hotdog. He seems intent on walking towards the back of the truck to see what is inside. Why? Curiosity, and because he can. After all, who is going to stop him, really? No one.
That's what he believes, at least. Yet it seems that he's wrong on at least one point. A single shoe pauses in mid-air as someone shouts angrily at his back. His head lowers, his crimson eyebrow twitches, and slowly does Iori sip his soda. These guys. He's hardly listening to the person actually going so far as to berate him. Instead, he continues sipping his soda.
"Not blind."
He continues to drink. Eventually, the straw makes soft slurping noises, the end of his carbonated beverage being heralded by the noise. He eyes the cup, lifts it, chucks it towards a nearby garbage can...
...and then turns to punch that student who yelled at him right in the face with unparalleled viciousness.
"I just could care less about losers like you."
He intends on slugging the kid so hard he goes flying back. And, as Iori's fist retreats, he looks at the rest of the students around him, his one visible eye dangerously teetering on rage. "Anyone else got any problems?"
Blood arcs through the air for at least two yards all around when Meirou's nose is broken, rocking the youth all the way down to his feet. That youth has little other alternative but to break and fall. Or, in this cas,e breka and fly. The boy hits the ground in a heap some meters away.
Ironically, most of the other Justice High students had been bright enough to foresee this possibility and had prepared a clear flight path through their number for him. There is a collective gasp all around still, and many furrowings of eyebrows. Another steps forward. "We're from Justice High, pal! We aren't going to just let you get away with this!"
"Shuichi! Stop. He'd destroy you in one blow....perhaps two."
The voice originates from some point behind the immediate crowd of students. They immediately disperse. And step back. It's not hard to tell who the person is, wiping a bit of Meirou's blood from his coat. And frowning as he rubs it between his gloved fingers distastefully.
"H..Hyo-sama!" Shuichi exclaims, "We have to protect Justice High's honor!"
"You will only shame the school by getting crushed underneath his heel. Be realistic about your current ability. This one is Iori Yagami, I believe.. one of the most famous fighters in Japan," Hyo observes.
While Iori represents pure unadulterated rage channelled into an explosion, Hyo exemplifies the purity of ice cold dispassion honed to a razor's edge. It is with an /explicit/ interest that Hyo looks Iori over, though his lips are pursed, turned downwards. Unsatisfied? He wipes the blood off on a handkerchief from his coat normally used to polish his blade.
"Unfocused," he concludes. "Rash.. but quite strong," he allows. "Regardless. You understand that those trucks are school property. You will not be allowed to pass."
He deduces Iori's logic simply. To hear him speak, it was as if he was reading an open book.
"Unless you believe you stand a chance against me," Hyo allows also.
COMBATSYS: Hyo has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Hyo 0/-------/-------|
Fingers unclench and splay, lifted up for all to see as 'Meirou' goes flying through the air with a stream of blood to accompany him. The clawed fingernails are all too visible, as is the message that follows it; next person who tries to stop him is going to get cut. Badly. Iori doesn't like speaking more than necessary, so he just lets his hands do the talking for him. But...
... But these idiots are stubborn. An amused, yet annoyed, smile creases Iori's lips as he looks between all the assembled students, and then... begins pointing. "One, two, three..." And he'll keep on counting, taking yet another bite from his hotdog. "... hnn." His smile grows further, into a grin.
"We're going to need a lot of bodybags, aren't we?"
He's about to attack, too, even holding half a hotdog as he is, except -- something stops him. A voice, more authoritative and stronger than the rest, cutting through the crowds. His right hand, splayed, pauses mid-swing. What's this? Just as he pauses, he sees it -- the young man with white hair and the strangest coat he's seen in a while. He blinks. He stares. And then he frowns. "Who the hell are you supposed to be?"
He honestly doesn't know. But he also honestly doesn't care. The face looks like it could be vaguely familiar, but Iori... doesn't care to take the time to try and figure it out. Instead, he stares at Hyo, cocks his head to the side, and gives an arrogant smirk in response to his words.
"All you shitheads think you know everything about everyone you meet..." Stand a chance against Hyo? Well... there's one way to find out.
Iori's right hand explodes into violet fire. He seems intent on not dropping his hotdog, apparantly, as instead of just lunging at Hyo... he whips his right hand through the air. The flames disperse... and then reappear in an explosion of power across the ground, a gout of Orochi fire that carries with it that terrible feeling as it races a path between the students, straight for Hyo.
COMBATSYS: Iori has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Iori 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Hyo
COMBATSYS: Hyo blocks Iori's Yami Barai.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Iori 0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0 Hyo
Hyo frowns at the look in Iori's eye.
One hardly needs to be a mind reader to tell how this scenario will inevitably go.
One hand raises, white gloved fingers slightly curved and opened in a cryptic gesture. As if picked up, the students make room smartly. It is as if they were all ninja; all of a sudden, Iori and Hyo are the only people within immediate striking distance. Good enough for them, of course; they were all law students of various varieties, despite being unnaturally strong willed.
Further good enough, as the explosion of power chases the earth as it flies towards the Justice High student. His expression is a thin thing, knit with intense concentration. So one should believe it to be no small task when he simply unhooks the catch keeping his saya at his hip... and rams it into the ground at the point of the explosion attack's approach. What Hyo does is place is own blade--a natural extension of his aura--at a cross angle t othe explosion of power, and it causes a reverberation and remainder effect that slams into his lower legs and widens his stance, eliciting a brief grunt of effort. Most folks would have simply broken right then and there.
"...Hardly presumption," Hyo notes, breathing slowly.
Delicately, he unsheathes Mumei no Katana from its saya with the thin deadly rasp of steel on wood. "Only deduction. You'd do well to rely on the latter more than the former.. or I will cut you to pieces," he suggests, his tone gaining a steely edge. It's an edge of another kind he orients on Iori now, the cutting edge of his blade in a clear kenjutsu position.
He leaves the saya sticking right there, mouth up in the ground.
Around his edge, he resolves. "Hyo Imawano, if you really must know. I'll find it interesting to see if your ability matches your ambition."
He falls into a deadly silence.
He'll let his sword do the talking as well.
COMBATSYS: Hyo focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Iori 0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0 Hyo
Blocked. Iori, of course, hardly gives a rats ass; this is just the start. He'll burn Hyo alive before the day is out.
And then maybe he'll step on him a little bit, too.
The plume of fire tears across the ground, churning concrete, and all Iori does is watch impassively as he takes yet another bite from his hotdog. Chewing on it thoughtfully, he watches with a frown, and eyes tinging with both interest and irritation as Hyo... uses a /sword/ to block Iori's flames? "A sword, huh?" He questions, mainly to himself, chewing on his hotdog. He sounds interested, maybe even amused, but right now...
... Yagami cares more that they put too much relish on his hotdog.
Flames are dispersed, lingering sparks flaring out and snagging Hyo, but it hardly seems to phase the man. Instead... he just continues standing. Iori stares. Does he not understand the concept of a fight?
"So you think you know all about me, do you? If you know so much --"
Iori's free hand snaps out. Those Justice High students really should have left by now. But the blowhards remain, and Iori's hand finds itself snagging one of them by the face. Roughly. Claws digging in to get a good hold, Iori intends to lift up the student before he can struggle too much...
... and hurl him at Hyo like a missile.
"-- /then come and fight me already/."
Really, there's something both satisfying and annoying at the same time about someone hollering at the top of their lungs while being used as a human projectile. Some people.
COMBATSYS: Iori successfully hits Hyo with Large Thrown Object.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Iori 0/-------/------=|====---\-------\0 Hyo
That makes things a little more interesting, doesn't it?
Hyo had simply intended to cut whatever he happeened to throw his way in half. As Hyo might realize shortly before Iori manages it, it would be very bad form for him to cut some things in two. Namely, a few of his own students.
This was was Fewsteem, a newer transfer student and one of the slower of the group. Sadly, he was not quite as expendable as Hyo might have wanted him to be. Hyo's blade pulls back for an instant as he hisses something along the lines of 'insect' and flicks his hand back. He manages to catch the student. At, of course, considerable trade to his body, knocking Hyo down underneath the boy's expertly-thrown weight. Hhh.
"Of course.." he murmurs quietly, dragging Fewsteem to his feet with him. "Never /ever/ allow yourself to be within striking range of an unstable element," he reminds the numb boy, and then moves him behind him. If all of the students were not gone before, the signal offered by Hyo and more importantly, the /example/ offered by Iori is enough to clear them to a safe distance. Hyo will shake it off.
It matters. very. little.
"..." He says nothing to Iori directly, merely opening a hand. One for you.
His blade, as he resolved earlier, will do the talking for him.
Then the ninja explodes dead into motion, a storm of his own chi flooding off of him in a wind of .. pink. Pink petals. Flower petals, actually, a storm of sakura blossoms whirling about him at the last second as he explodes off of his feet. It might be amusing. Until one considers that the deadly tip of Hyo's blade is aimed straight up Iori's chest.
COMBATSYS: Hyo successfully hits Iori with Ouryuuzan.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Iori 0/-------/----===|=====--\-------\0 Hyo
[OOC] Iori says, "How dare you fail me endure!"
Pink... petals.
What the?
Iori is so stunned by this display, he seems intent on just taking whatever comes to him and smacking Hyo across the face for being so idiotic. Unfortunately... he underestimates Hyo's speed considerably. Unable to brace himself in time, Iori finds himself the dead-center target for the Justice High prodigy's blade. It's only through sheer force of reactionary speed that he isn't impaled by the force behind the blow. Instead, Iori JERKS to the side, the sword cutting a vicious and painful-looking gash across Iori's chest. "Hrrg--!"
Blood flies distastefully, and Iori once more gets a good look at his own blood. Dark eyes narrow dangerously, his right hand clenching. His left? It still grips securely to the hotdog. He's hungry, and Hyo doesn't merit the use of both his hands quite yet. But -- but he does merit something else.
Purple fire explodes across Iori's fist as Hyo recovers. Clenching briefly, the Yagami heir twists FORWARD, intent on whipping his right hand around to smash it right across Hyo's head with an explosion of the Orochi flames.
No more time for words, really. At least he can appreciate that much about Hyo; he knows when to shut up.
COMBATSYS: Iori successfully hits Hyo with Tsumagushi.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Iori 0/-------/--=====|=======\=------\1 Hyo
Hyo's interest is less in shutting up for Iori's or coolness' sake and more in carrying through on exactly what it is he resolves to do. the weak will try and hide behind their clever words and banter to mask the fact they have little strength. That is hardly Hyo's interest. There is a time for intelligent discussion. It is not when the beastly thing facing you will barely appreciate it. No. These types will only be reasoned with in one fashion.
When Iori smashes his hand into Hyo, it is worth saying the youth is hardly prepared for its ferocity. Somewhat objectively, he even comes to appreciate that strength. As he lands, Iori strikes. Because of the short jump, his guard is not yet as low as he'd like it to be. Hyo falters, his stance weakening, stars flooding his gaze, his teeth gritting as crimson mars Iori's fingertips, a handy slash carved across his face. It has been some time indeed since Hyo's seen his own blood..
That last time, with that boxer and his accomplice. Oh yes, he remembers now.
This one may be stronger than both of them put together.
Regardless, the principle stands, and so will Hyo.
He will not cede this fight.
He is efficient in an almost military fashion.
Hyo brings his stance just a little tighter to create the necessary room.
He shifts, moving with a force that banishes the petals around them.
The youth brings his blade, still high, straight down.
Ingrid has arrived.
COMBATSYS: Hyo successfully hits Iori with Ichimonji Giri.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Iori 0/-------/-======|=======\==-----\1 Hyo
There. Hyo is struck again, and Iori Yagami can't help but grin viciously, even as he watches Hyo falter. Blood coats his fingers but is quickly burned away and evaporated from the intensity of his tainted flames. The tongues of violet are themselves quickly snuffed out afterwards -- because Hyo is rather quick to recover. Resilient, this one. It's not really an endearing quality.
Again, Hyo comes down on him. And again, it seems that Iori is intent on taking the blow head on. But he once more reacts too slowly; the ferocity and speed of Hyo's elegant swipe comes too quick, and Iori finds himself staggering /backwards/, blood splurting free from yet another sword wound. But as he staggers, a snarl escapes him. He grips on tight to his hotdog...
... and his other hand lashes out right for Hyo's face, engulfed in flames.
"HWOOOOO!!" Iori bellows out as his hand snakes forward. If he gets a good grasp, he will hold Hyo, lift him in the air... and engulf his entire head in the Orochi flames, let him bask in the painful animosity they bring, before igniting them in an explosion of /power/ to send the man crashing to the ground. GRaceful. Strong. Uses a sword.
Iori really doesn't like this guy.
COMBATSYS: Hyo fails to interrupt Koto Moon Negative from Iori with Ankoku Gen'ei-shuu.
- Power fail! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Iori 0/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0 Hyo
It's been a brutal dance, thus far. And right now? The students of Justice High are looking on as Iori basically reams their strongest almost /casually/--/casually/, something no other fighter in the schools could expressly claim, and few outside the schools, to boot.
Hyo could attribute it to a number of things.
But to casually say 'he is losing'... that would merely be foolishness.
He is at a disadvantage. Simple enough to leave it at that.
He will have to work harder to defeat Iori.
When Iori bellows, the earth almost /shakes/ beneath Hyo's boots as he meets it with that same purposeful dispassion that suffuses him in all affairs. When Iori attacks, Hyo shifts his position. He managed to gain a few strokes on Iori there, but he'll have to work harder to gain any more. He rotates forward, his right boot coming ahead to begin the motion of crushing Iori right there.
But the man.. is faster than anticipated. Hyo's eyebrow raises noticeably as he senses.. a hidden force in the man. An unforeseen error. A miscalculation. But Hyo can't exactly explain where or why it's occurred. However. Answering that will be necessary to winning this battle. For now, he is gripped before he can launch into his next pattern. And instead, he is burned. Hard. Savagely, his head is subject to the burning cursed flames, and then his powerful frame meets the earth in a crash that causes Fewsteem nearby to lose his footing.
The youth can only prepare himself for it at the last second, forcing himself to will past the pain.
That cursed fire leeched into his head. It magnified his headache tenfold.
Hyo was planning something. Iori can see that, and as the flames consume the other man's head... Yagami laughs. A vicious, twisted laughter that seems all too condescending.
The explosion ripples through the air as it sends Hyo crashing, the heat diffusing through the air and offsetting the cold winter chill the accompanies the afternoon. Iori watches with amusement and, perhaps, even with glee, as the Justice High champion collapses against the ground. And yet... the flames in Iori's hand do not die. Does it cause him pain? Of course. It rips through his blood and causes him lord knows how much agony.
But it only makes the Yagami heir laugh even more.
"Idiots like you -- you think you know everything about me, huh? What, you made an in-depth deduction from staring at me for five seconds? How big of an ass are you?" The fights not over, and Iori knows that. But he feels its important to let that be said as he takes another bite of his hotdog, and frowns distinctly. The flames in his hands intensify, playing a dance of violet tongues as it lifts into the air.
"Don't answer that."
Iori does not waste time -- that hand snaps forward, as across the ground another of those plumes of flame sprouts free, racing towards Hyo. If it connects, though, it's only a distraction... and hardly hurts as much as what Yagami plans next. LEAPING forward, the cursed heir lifts his right hand HIGH into the air, flames engulfing like a miniature inferno before he POUNDS it straight into the ground...
... and releases a gigantic gout of purple fire straight towards the prodigy of justice.
COMBATSYS: Hyo blocks Iori's Yami Sugi.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////// ]
Iori 0/-------/----===|=======\-------\0 Hyo
Head pounding like a drum, Hyo tries his best to look past it. To focus on only the moment. To bring his blade to bear, to collect his will beneath him.
He will not. Not when he's committed to his task.
Oh, he knows he's at his limit. It would be foolish to consider otherwise. But that means the time to improve and reach past is now. Because he is the only one who can. He is the only one present capable of matching this Iori Yagami.
His head swimming with pain, Hyo struggles to make the necessary reads of Iori's moves.
"Heh.. Do you suggest I'm wrong?" He scoffs, tension straining every faculty of his voice. "As I expected.. you need to be told. To realize one's limits and surpass them... that's what our Justice is about." Simply because one is strong does not mean they can become complacent. To accept their lot in life. For Hyo.. to consider even for a moment that he may lose this battle.. to consider failing even for an instant while wearing this emblem..
Hyo floods through the aching in his skull.
It would be unforgivable!
As the distractionary blast strikes the student, he brings his blade forward, his epaulet forward in a low crouch to steel himself against it. The blast taken suffuses him with more of that cursed energy. Flooding past his uniform, it staying intact only by sheer force of will, then the larger blast suffuses him entirely, and he disappears briefly.
The flames lick at the cherry blossoms floating around them, seemingly impotent against them.
Then the flames bisect, a path cut cleanly through the blast on the spot by Hyo. "ZAN!" He cuts through fire, through pain, through everything to flood into Iori's open guard. There he will make his strike. He does not mince hairs here. If left unchecked, he will stab clear through Iori's torso.
COMBATSYS: Iori interrupts Fierce Strike from Hyo with Yumebiki.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //// ]
Iori 0/-------/----===|=======\=------\1 Hyo
Does Iori suggest Hyo is wrong?
"... No."
The pillar of fire consumes Iori's foe as the heir speaks this single, simple word softly, standing up and bowing his head. Face overshadowed, he is silent for a moment. But... there's something amiss. The only problem for Hyo? Iori knows there's something amiss.
And the terrible grin on the Yagami's face should suggest as much as soon as Hyo bursts through the flames.
"I suggest you're FULL OF SHIT."
And here is where Iori's true strength comes into play; years of dealing with pain and being alone have made the man absolutely crazy. Something that is all too clear as Iori darts RIGHT into Hyo's incoming strike of the sword. The blade pierces clean through, yet Hyo may notice that it fails to hit anything vital. It impales, but does only shallow damage to Iori's body at best. Besides... that isn't what Hyo should concern himself with.
He SHOULD be concerning himself with powerful claws that rip straight through his gut.
"GUUUUOOH!!" The blood-curdling cry is bellowed as Iori rips talons through Hyo's stomach. And then, stepping straight BACKWARDS, he pulls himself completely from the sword in his belly, spins... and /backhands/ Hyo brutally and humiliatingly straight into the ground again. Blood spills down Iori's lips. But he's grinning.
"Get up. C'mon hotshot. GET UP IF YOU'RE SO GREAT!"
And, of course, the hotdog is still relatively intact.
Nh.. how is this possible?!
Hyo's never given much stock to rumor, but.. it must be true what they say about this man. He is a beast. a creature of great power and great madness, capable of doing anything. Such as when he pinions himself deliberately on Hyo's blade.
Even in his pain wracked state, Hyo is no fool. He can tell Iori charged dead onto his blade. He can tell it was his intent. That he even welcomed it. It explains why Hyo couldn't understand him rationally. Iori is hardly rational. He's met certain types like that before. But.. had he not before dismissed their way of thinking as idiotic? Insectile? Hmph.
Backhanded, Hyo crashes into the ground, slapped like a little girl of the non-Taiyo variety (they manufacture little girls particularly strong there, he understands), bouncing once before he skids to the ground. Hhh. This is it. He can hardly stand. He only has enough for one more blow on Iori. He only has enough to break him here and now. "As I expected. You're strong," he remarks quietly. No, that was hardly ever a question. /even now/.. his resolve is such that surety cannot leave his voice, no matter how he spits blood of his own now. He frowns distastefully when his glove comes away bloody. Only this time, the source is from his face instead of another's.
The Justice High students are all stunned. Hyo managed to absorb more damage than most of them put together, but it still wasn't enough to break the man. But it's not yet over.. Hyo still comes to his feet, his back facing Iori. His wrist flicks, to cast the wild man's blood from his blade.
"You're strong.. but rash. Doing things by your emotion more than...hhh.. your mind..!"
At this point, Hyo's voice is a wall of chains, keeping his will, his mind, his body together under gargantuan pressure. He has room for one more. One more attack. He'll have to use one of his strongest. But his saya is misplaced, left out of his reach. It was necessary for the technique.
Eyes turning the affair over coldly in his mind, he turns his blade back, and slides it between the thumb and forefinger of his left hand. It will have to suffice.
"... You seem to feel your strength is such that you can enjoy your lunch still," Hyo comments.
"...Don't underestimate us," an instant later.
The first is said about 3 meters away from Iori. The second will be said about 5 meters behind him.
In that period of time, Hyo slashes at Iori more than 13 times. From varying angles and heights. He'll end some ways away, one glove forward, left glove tense on the spine of his blade. If Iori doesn't move, or somehow stop his attack cleanly, it will shred him on the spot. His body, his hair, his clothes. His hot dog... Well.
Hyo's leading glove--his left hand--bursts into triangles, falling to leather confetti on the ground.
But not a drop of blood is visible on his hand.
COMBATSYS: Hyo can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Iori 0/-------/----===|
COMBATSYS: Iori interrupts Ankoku Shippuuzan from Hyo with Thrown Object.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Iori 0/-------/--=====|
[OOC] Hyo says, "death by hotdog"
[OOC] Rolento says, "You just advance and it's like, WHAM"
[OOC] Cammy says, "you--you just..."
[OOC] Cammy says, "Hyo, I think you need to go back to school."
[OOC] Rolento says, "He just got schooled cammy"
[OOC] Cammy says, "Like--like kindergarten."
[OOC] Rolento says, "he just got SCHOOLED"
[OOC] Hyo says, "LOL"
[OOC] Kain says, "That's worse than when Jacob was defeated by a bag of spare change."
[OOC] Hyo says, "Yeah man."
[OOC] Hyo says, "That's awful"
[OOC] Rolento says, "Will Hyo ever live this down?"
[OOC] Cammy says, "I think that goes up there with Yamazaki throwing a soda at Sakura."
How is this possible?
Because Iori is better than Hyo. That's why. Can't he get that through his thick head?
Iori waits expectantly as Hyo crashes to the ground. He taps a foot, holding his hotdog in his left hand, looking at it. It's ruined, now; too much blood and whatever else was spilled throughout the course of the battle. His grin instantly shifts to a frown, dark, visible eye twitching in disdain. Despite the lack of relish, he liked the hotdog. And now it's completely ruined.
Hyo slowly staggers to a stand and Iori boredly stares at him, lips pulling further into a frown. "'Justice,' you said before. Is that your strength or something? How sad is it, then..." Iori turns, tossing his hot dog up and down in the air almost nonchallantly, absolutely ignoring the blood that oozes from multiple wounds.
"... that my 'rash,' 'unfocused' style beat your 'Justice' straight into the ground like a little girl?"
One more attack. Iori knows Hyo is done for. But Yagami is not. The attack is slow, slurred by the other man's numerous injuries and exhaustion. Still, though, it is quite unique. Hotdog tossed into the air again, it is caught.... and then he pauses.
There's a voice coming from behind him.
It's the fastest he's seen Hyo move. But even so, Iori takes a moment to stare at his lunch. Hyo's not done. So maybe Iori should do him a favor...
"Actually --"
... and teach him a lesson in humility.
"... with your weak blood all over my lunch, I can't enjoy it."
The slashes come, and Iori BARRELS right into them. Some slice shallow wounds across his body, but that's fine. He laughs, spitefully, snapping out with his right hand to grip Hyo by the neck and stop his assault short, similarly stopping his collapse.
And then?
Iori Yagami, last heir of the Yagami Clan, beans Hyo with the remains of a hotdog.
Very, very hard.
He'll drop him an instant later, turn, and start to walk off.
"'Justice.' Pompous bag of shit."
COMBATSYS: Iori has ended the fight here.
Log created by Iori, and last modified on 11:28:53 02/25/2007.