Description: Mimiru and her fellow hooligans are up to Valentine shenanigans at Seijyun. But Yurika isn't interested in sending a Valentine to anyone.. .. Is she?
February 14th is coming up pretty soon, isn't it? And that means that just like every year, half of the students in Seijyun will be depressed, while the other half will be excited to actually have cookies and chocolates to sneak out and give some random hunk over in Justice or Taiyo. ... Or in some cases, to beloved upperclassman. But now is the time for preperation, with a few students making money off of selling cooking ingredients that aren't normally held in school, a very profitable idea!
Yurika isn't involved in such things, however. On a day like this she'd rather relax- Especially on a day that is suprisingly nice like today, with just a little breeze, partly cloudy weather this late noontime. Currently she's reading a book, dressed in her usual attire with her pink coat on, and a white parasol by her side. The main grounds is actually fairly busy, a group of twenty or so students wandering the grounds to find other chocolate mix selling students. But.. What else is going on today?
Love's in the air, and depression's not too far either for all those poor girls who don't have anyone to love. Have no fear though, there's always someone out there playing the cupid who'll take care of spreading the love! In exchange for a bit of money, of course...! Isn't it one of the best way to make up some money for new sport equipment? The poor girls from Seijyun hardly have any contacts with boys from other schools... And so, Mimiru figured she could advertise the boys from otherschools and send love letters between schools!
Today's the day where she's taking care of Seijyun, for great justice. Meaning that she's been on the campus, being loud and moving about to try and get people's interest, "Here, here, come all! Let the little cupid deliver your love letters to your lovers! In Taiyo, Justice or Pacific High! In any schools, just give the letter and the name of the person and it'll all be delievered in time! You can even ask us to send out flowers our special vocal message we'll give in person too!"
Well that's new, isn't it? There hadn't been this kind of service before, in fact Mimiru's idea is rather ingenius. The only fault, however, is if any of the school admin catch her, she'll be thrown off campus rather quickly. And so loud, too, it's almost enough to give the prissy girl a headache, ".. Valentines day is such a pain," the silver-haired girl sighs, placing a bookmark within her romance novel. The irony!
Her eyes shift to watch as many of the underclassman as well as some upperclassman are actually drawn in by the Taiyo students ploy, giving the girl a line of about six people, a short haired brunette freshman who looks rather stuck-up in apperance asks, "Well how does this work? I have a boyfriend in Justice, Taiyo, -and- Pacific. None of them are going to find out I want three letters delivered, right? How can I be sure you will not mix them up?"
What's worse is that Mimiru's not alone. After all... It'd be quite hard to cover all the schools by herself. That's why she's got a part of the feminine basketball team from Taiyo helping her out. They're covering all the schools as they can... Even if they haven't asked out the proper permissions... Perhaps! But maybe they have? Who knows. It's not too hard to notice the Taiyo students on the campus, considering they've jury-rigged themselves little wings on their back with a quiver and with a bow and arrows in one hand sometimes.
"Have no fear," Mimiru explains, "Each letters are sent in three different schools. 'side, you got to write to whom the letters are meant to, and we classify them! After that, they're all delivered on Valentine's day!" With those explainations, Mimiru refers her to the other girls who are doing most of the paperwork. Mimiru's here for advertisement after all!
She glances over to Yurika, spotting the pink clad girl and she beams a bit. Mimiru just knows how to pick the wrong persons to try and convince! Or rather, she got hinted by a couple of bad-hints... Like the romance novel and the color of her coat, "Heh you! Wouldn't you be interested in this year's St-Valentine's lover letter and message delievery? We'll send up anything you want to anyone you've got a crush on!" Mimiru says as she approaches Yurika.
Man, that's some really bad timing is what that is. This close to Valentine's, Zaki goes and gets her blue uniform all messed up in a fight, leaving her with only the white one she keeps for special occasions. So now of course, she's wearing that, walking around Seijyun in the midst of all these weird traditions she wants little if any part of, and it's like she's got a damn target painted on her ass. =Everyone= sees her because her dress is so white, and they immediately think something along the lines of 'Ooh, Zaki-san put on /that/ outfit! She really does care!'
"The hell's that look for!? Stop staring! Get back in line or whatever, geez!" Poor poor Aoi. And poor Yurika, too. She's not going to come away from this without at least a little embarassment, afterall. Whether Zaki *intends* to to get her involved in her own plight is unknown, however. Maybe she really does just want to say hi. But really, it's not as if one could mistake her as naive or anything. She had to know that coming anywhere within five feet of Yurika, let alone *touching* her would start rumors.
"Yo." she grunts curtly, clapping her hand onto one of Yurika's shoulder's from behind without any warning whatsoever. But again, she's wearing something that's nearly bleach white and attracts the eye. If the music student didn't notice her, that's her own fault. "You got any idea what all this is? I don't remember things being quite as... troublesome, last year."
Yurika notices Mimiru heading her way, and the very first thought that comes to mind is 'uh oh'. She doesn't want anything to do with this, that much is for certain. Or rather, she'd love to send one to her brother but that would just cause trouble in the long run. She tries looking away in hopes that it will deter the young student, but it doesn't work.
Yurika sighs lightly, trying to give a patient smile, "I am not interested. In fact, I am quite against the commotion you're causing here. I really haven't a clue how you managed to get the admins here to allow you to do this, and further mo- AAAAAH!" the girl yelps in shock when Zaki touches her shoulder, tossing her book up into the air, and quickly turns around.
Who would *dare* touch her? Upon seeing Zaki, her cheeks suddenly redden a bit, probably from the embarassment of her yell, "Z- Zaki-san. I... I.. I ah.." her eyes fall downcast, hands settled on her lap.
And for the record, the moment Zaki set her hand on Yurika, an admirer of Zaki who was about to approach, immedietly walked away with tears streaming down her cheeks, throwing her little present into a trash can.
Mimiru's lips curl into a faint nervous smile as Yurika brings up that little point, "Huh, well, actually..." Mimiru says, lifting her hand up to scratch the back of her head. Thankfully, someone comes here to save the day! At least, it gives her a little opportunity to diverge the subject from the permissions she's got for what she's doing.
"Yeah, well, anyway, think about it and encourage us!" She glances over to Zaki and gives her a bright smile. She has no idea who those two are, since Mimiru isn't from Seijyun, but she noticed the poor girl that walked away sobbing, "So hum... Yeah! Have a nice day to both of you! And don't forget, even though it should be Valentine's day every day when you've got a lover, valentine's day is the best day to declare your love to someone!" Mimiru grins and bows slightly, "Well, hum, have a nice day, both of you!"
Zaki raises her eyebrows slightly at the sudden cry, and reaches up to put a hand over one ear while she catches Yurika's book rather deftly in the other hand, stepping up along side of her and despositing it back into her arms.
"Whatsamatter, you didn't think I was back from that thing in Germany yet? Don't act like I'm a ghost." Even though she is as white as one right now. Bah.
She's probably the only one that doesn't happen to witness the sad scene of that secret admirer taking things the wrong way and throwing away the token of her affection, but that's the way it goes. She's more concerned with Mimiru and her blatant attempt at trying to avoid them now that the subject of permission has been brought up. "Whoa, hey now, you just walk yourself back over here missy. I don't really have a problem with what you're trying to do, but I think we need to get a few things straight. You play your cards right and I'll make sure you don't get caught. So, how about you explain to my friend Yurika here a bit better. At least, as soon as she picks her eyes up off the ground again." *nudge*
Let no one doubt the perception of Yurika, either. While she isn't exactly some sort of disciplinarian, she's actually debating on whether she should act upon it or not. For the moment, though, Mimiru is safe by not being the target of a scolding and on top of that being encouraged by the resident gangster.
And it's only worse when Zaki teases, her, forcing Yurika to pick up her book, draw it open and use it to hide the lower half of her pink face while she does her best to give a scolding glare, "Zaki-san! I- I already said that I am not interested! And on top of that they have no business being here if they do not have permission, it's unacceptable!"
Looks like Mimiru stumbled on the wrong people... Oh boy, she could get in trouble. Now's the time to make a good impression and avoid unnecessary hassles. Mimiru's lips curl into a smile and she comes back toward the duo. Running away isn't going to help her and playing deaf either, "Oh? Well I thought..." She glances over to Yurika... But then again... Mimiru just shrugs, "Well alright! It's pretty simple! All you've gotta do is give us the letter you want us to send, to whom and what school they're attending to, and in what class they are, if possible, and we'll send them your love letter! It's totally anounymous and all... Of course, if you want, we can even give the message orally! We go see the student and we say the message in front of everyone! We can even send flowers to them if you want! It only costs a dollar for a love letter!" Mimiru says with a wide grin, "And it's two dollars for a flower," Mimiru says with a nod, "All the money serves to help a good cause, really! It's for inter-school sports!" At least, so says the little cupid.
Well, the majority of the girls at this school aren't really going to worry about where their money may or may not be going. They've got quite a bit to spare, being from rich families and all that. But Zaki seems to think Mimiru's advertisement can still be improved just a tad. "Ah, hey. That might work well at the other schools and all, but around here it's probably best just to say it's for 'charity'. You don't gotta say which one, just say that word and at least half the school will bite. I know my girls. They really care about their social standing and crap like that."
As for Yurika, the Himezaki girl just sort of narrows her eyes and peers at her for a moment after she's done speaking, opening her mouth slowly. "I... y'know, I really think you ought to just do it, Yurika. Because if you don't at least send a fake one somewhere... "she trails off, jerking her head to the side a couple of times to indicate the small crowd watching their every movement, and more importantly the little wannabe journalists in the front jotting stuff down for articles to put in the school paper.
Actually Mimiru is in a rather 'unique' position, to say the least. It'd seem she has Zaki's favor, but on the other hand, she's also gaining Yurika's ire! And Yurika really has no idea why the gangster is finding it so amusing to pick on her! Or.. Is she really being genuine? It's really difficult to tell with that mask on.
And after listening to Mimiru as well, her eyes glance from one girl to the other, and finally to the journalists.. She's tended to be the target of gossip before too, no doubt it could be trouble for her in the future. Lowering the book from her face, her lips curl inward in frustration, and she says, "Nnngh.. V- Very well.. I would like to send a flower and a letter, to ... I don't know, someone in Taiyo. Someone on the soccer team I suppose."
"Sure! I'll take care of it!" Mimiru says, beaming a bit, "I know a lot of people in the soccer team! And I'll make sure no one will know who sent the letter... Except myself, of course and maybe the one you'll send it to!" Mimiru says. So far so good at least, since she'll probably manage to avoid trouble that way.
She glances over to Zaki and smiles to her, "Thanks, I'll remember your advice! It's pretty much for charity, so I guess it's not really a lie, heheh." She then turns her eyes back to Yurika and gestures for her to come over, "Well! All you have to do is write up your letter and give us some info... Unless you want me to pick up someone at random on the soccer team..." Mimiru says. Yurika didn't seem all thrilled about it so...
Phew. That'll make Zaki's job easier here. In fact, that's such good news to the red-haired gangboss she's gonna do Yurika another favor and save any snickering about it for later. For right now she'll just hide the beginnings of it with a little clearing of the throat and move on to business. "Good, thank you. Now I'll just go smooth things out over here in the peanut gallery. 'scuse me."
Aoi then stepped away with a cracking of knuckles, and much violence and barking of insults ensued. That is until her little admirer heard the news and came back from out of nowhere to torpedo her off into one of the adjacent halls. "Kyaa!!!" Was that Zaki, or the other girl...?
And the thing is, amidst her embarassment, she really has no idea if Zaki got caught in some sort of cross-fire or not. But the important thing here is, suddenly Yurika was presented with what many japanese refer to as a 'chancu' (sp), "Farewell," is offered to the gangster and she looks back to Mimiru with what could only be described as a frustrated grimace. Which draws upward just slighly into a smile, "Oh no no, I do insist that you know who sent the letter. And to be honest, I'm not so good at writing letters, I'm reading this novel to help me out a bit. In fact, here," she reaches into her pocketbook, drawing out a fifty dollar bill, which she hands to the little sports coach, "Write up something really romantic, and send it to the most popular person on the team. My name is Zaki, ok? What other info do you need?"
Well! Now that's a lovely sum! Not to mention she's getting the pay for fifty letters instead of getting trouble. Mimiru grins and she beams, "That'll be just fine, Miss! I'll do my best, you can count on me!" She says. She bows to Yurika, or rather, 'Zaki', "I'll take care of everything, you can count on me, it'll be perfect!" She says.
Mimiru turns around on her heels, once she puts the money into her pocket, she makes her way over to the other girls, probably to fill in some stuff to make sure they won't forget to send the letter to a certain someone!
Log created by Yurika, and last modified on 16:07:33 02/19/2007.