Description: Oh the humanity! What was supposed to be a friendly 2 on 1 spar, quickly became a brutal war which resulted in massive property damage, screaming innocent bystanders, and horrific revelations.
Roberto, clad in a red spider web goalie shirt walking beside Gabriel for some reason. Gabriel had made it known that he was 'allowed'(read: forced) to walk her home after his soccer practice. Damned if he knows why.
And after the pick-up game last week where he walked home soaking wet side by side with her he's been the subject of gossip. Poor Roberto, he doesn't even know what the hell is going on so he remains silent wishing he could be in one of those book shops picking up an English copy of Hamlet, instead of walking her home.
Sadly for Roberto he was Gabriel's appointed 'boyfriend'. She of course was certain he would be aware of the small hints she dropped from time to time and therefore felt it was well within her rights to mildly disapprove of the disarray of his current attire. This would be why it was at this point, in the walking him she decides to stop. Roberto maybe wouldn't stop, he might try to keep walking, she wouldn't let him though, she was going to straighten his jersey if he liked it or not (Read: Not). Even if it was pressed creased and unused she would find some minor imperfection.
The silence of the walk however suited her, it would be improper for outward displays of affection even between a couple as would too much chattering, less is more. Assuming Roberto stands there and does not stop her from straightening his jersey they will be allowed to walk on again momentarily. This was what a weeks worth of stalking Roberto had gained her, a intimate knowledge of his routine.
Because of Roberto's position of appointed 'boyfriend' which he isn't even completely aware of, a sad situation will probably get even worse. Today is Valentine's Day and he didn't even buy her a gift. So while he's receiving hints on his status he just isn't picking up on them and there's 2:1 shot on there being a domestic dispute complete with flying objects and possibly some chi involved.
Taiyo's Soccer star sighs and quite visibly rolls his eyes as Gabriel adjusts his goalie shirt for the umpteenth time, and he breaks his silence for the first time since they left Taiyo's campus, "What next? Are you going to find something wrong with my visor too?"
No, but now that you mention it, yes. And without even really replying, Gabriel starts to fix his visor too. She gives a nod of satisfaction at this point and starts to walk along, of course this might be another chance for Roberto to make a run for it, except much like a old fashioned cartoon where some unfortunate circumstance pulls the unsuspecting hero down a thousand foot cliff, Gabriel seems to decide that a short stretch of hand holding is okay, at least enough to make sure Roberto is coming.
Little would our unsuspecting soccer star know, although he might of heard from his friends by now, that Gabriel is a fanatic, but her religion actually seems to forsake much which others would consider holy. Valentines day for instance, she doesn't celebrate and infact gives disdainful looks at the other couples around them. Of course this might be hard to tell apart from the disdainful look she gives just about everything else except for Roberto, who just receives a placid look most of the time.
Although there might be more to Valentine's day then was anticipated by either fighter; Given that a certain commando has full intentions of testing the pair in another manner. The brief reverie might be broken by the harsh tones, that Gabriel might be somewhat familiar with. "Roberto Miura." This would come from just behind, a powerfully built figure presently adorned in a dark grey trenchcoat easily seen. Although Rolento retains his crimson beret even while somewhat less conspicuous. "And Gabriel Kai." A lumbering step is taken towards the pair, coat swishing lazily behind. His never ending scout of the schools talent -- just another day! "I am interested in a combative assessment. Preferably with both of you in tandem." The man's posture becomes almost bored yet rigid thereafter. "We can do such within the legal constraints of Neo League, if preferred. A handicap is acceptable."
Roberto's hand feels Gabriel's hand in his own and the color suddenly leaves his face as a look of horror appears on his face. Suddenly the teenager adds two and two together shuddering with complete and utter fear. He looks at her for an instant and then he whispers to himself in a barely audible voice, "Oh... dear... god..."
Then there's a voice behind him and a smile on his face. His savior has arrived in the form of a soldier in a red beret. He turns his head back to look at Rolento, "A Combative Assessment, huh? I don't see why not. Though, I have no problem with either format, you'd probably should have a rest period between fights if you do a Neo League fight."
Roberto takes this opportunity to extricate his hand from Gabriel's hand and unzips his backpack and turns around to lean towards Rolento in a combination of bow and a motion to squeeze a soccer ball onto the back of his head which he then flips the ball off the back of his neck high into the air. While the ball is in mid air he whips the backpack off his back towards the wall before bouncing the soccer ball from thigh to thigh.
COMBATSYS: Roberto has started a fight here on the left meter side.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Roberto 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Rolento has joined the fight here on the right meter side.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Roberto 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Rolento
Gabriel for her part recognizes the voice too and also seems to concur with what Rolento has to say, a combat assessment.
"I find your proposal acceptable, " she replies mechanically, " Roberto, my honor is in need of defending, I trust you will go with the Maiden's wishes." And yes, Gabriel thus stands there, if anything expectant that Roberto will go and fight Rolento. Despite how much annoyance his shank squad has caused her in the past, she had bigger fish to fry at this time, for instance, finishing her 'date' with Roberto. She had it all planned out and outlined in her journal, from the part where he picked her up from school, gave her a single red rose with only one thorn left on the step, walked her with dignity, perfect posture and shining teeth to her home. . which was also at school, leaned forward at a 82 degree angel to plant a chaste kiss on her cheek. This was all destined and carefully, meticulously outlined, however she found a perfect opportunity for a much needed footnote here, 'fight for Gabriel's honor'.
COMBATSYS: Gabriel has joined the fight here on the left meter side.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Gabriel 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Rolento
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Roberto 0/-------/-------|
"Then there is no perquisite to utilize Neo League. I have no intention of deadly force within this engagement." Rolento smoothly comments. People begin to back away; A genuine street fight is a rather rare thing after all, although by no means not enjoyed. As for the idea of him needing to rest? "Negative. The pair of you simultaneously should still remain well beneath my combative level. Both attack at your leisure!" Rolento reaches to the shoulder of his trenchcoat, yanking it off and hurling it aside. Thusly revealing the yellow uniform and combat harness, a few grenades dangling. "If you allow Roberto to engage me alone, his defeat will be thoroughly humiliating." Yanking out a long baton, Rolento twirls it a couple times before shifting into an odd stance. Leaning slightly forward, baton tapping against a palm and one foot shifting behind with barely the booted toe. He can at least prepare, after all...
COMBATSYS: Rolento focuses on his next action.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Gabriel 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Rolento
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Roberto 0/-------/-------|
Roberto sighs as he lets the soccer ball drop to the ground. "Humiliating... It's only humiliating if I care about the outcome." After a moment's thought, he realizes he just took an inadvertant snipe at the idea of defending Gabriel's honor. If he didn't find the thought of being Gabriel's boyfriend so repugnant he might've actually felt sorry. "As far as I'm concerned, this is soccer practice to me." He gives the soccer ball a slight push forward and with a step forward he slams his foot into the soccer ball powering it towards the commando punctuating impact with what he'd think Gabriel would probably consider an undignified, "Uuragh!"
Gabriel meanwhile just stands there, the notion of the 'defeat' as promised for Roberto doesn't seem to bother her one bit. She's watching, but it isn't looking as though the zealot will otherwise be lifting a finger today, except to look at her finger, examine her nails, ensure they are in perfect condition, and glance to see what Rolento is doing. After a moment it becomes clear she plans to watch him, rather then Roberto. Sorry Gabby, he's a little too old for you. Her eyes narrow and. . . and nothing.
COMBATSYS: Gabriel focuses on her next action.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Gabriel 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Rolento
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Roberto 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Rolento overcomes Long Shot from Roberto with Large Thrown Object.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Gabriel 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Rolento
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Roberto 0/-------/-------|
"Affirmative. Emotional weight in fights leads to irrational decisions, and long-term stress detrimental to personal improvement." Rolento seems to agree about that statement, even if he is more or less confirming what he believes to be a massacre. Only to find a soccer ball being kicked towards him? It's actually admirable. Utilizing a personal strength to a combative degree. Many laugh at Rolento for using grenades, after all... But still he braces, before snapping out his own leg and striking the soccerball right back in Roberto's direction. "HNNNGH!" He certainly doesn't sound any more dignified, but there's probably a significantly higher amount of momentum in the weapon this time. Gabriel is ignored; Whether she will listen to him or not remains to be seen!
COMBATSYS: Roberto fails to reflect Large Thrown Object from Rolento with Shining Clutch.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Gabriel 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Rolento
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Roberto 0/-------/---====|
Any other time, Roberto would be ready for something like this but Roberto was so surprised by seeing the ball kicked back at him that his reflexes were slightly delayed so his glowing hands move to intercept but it wasn't to be. So he catches his own soccer ball in the chest before sliding backwards on the ground a couple feet. After a few moments to get back to his feet, he says "Well now... That was a first."
This is where Gabriel gets involved. She sees Roberto get nailed and it all becomes so sudden, she was going to lose her first boy friend ever, before she got her first kiss ever (Mimiru doesn't count). Therefore Gabriel opens her violin case, in slow motion, not really, but you could imagine it like that and it would look cooler, with like a heartbeat drum behind. She pulls a sword out. Walks toward Rolento and gets ready to open a can of whoop ass.
"Itai yo!"
It becomes then almost instantly apparent though that whatever really bad ass thing Gabriel was probably planning was obviously not going to work and thus she had to settle for something else, something less cool. She goes for just a standard twisting flight.
COMBATSYS: Rolento interrupts Tenshin Shou from Gabriel with Medium Strike.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Gabriel 0/-------/---====|==-----\-------\0 Rolento
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Roberto 0/-------/---====|
Roberto being double over by his own soccerball might be ironic, but Gabriel is still the greater threat; So she recieves his focus. "A sword?" Rolento comments, watching the advance with a sharp gaze. His own baton suddenly twirls rapidly, and he shifts forward to meet her in a vicious lunge. What might follow is more akin to the Samurai flicks of old; A pair of lightning fast swipes, swooshing through the air. Rose petals fall from the sky, as the entire world shifts to gray and time stands still for a few heartbeats. Only it would be Gabriel, viciously impacted in the stomach, who would thereafter fall. Rolento was only grazed upon the side, seeming almost unhurt by the exchange. A sort of amused laugh leaves his lips, smacking the baton into one hand and shifting backwards from the pair to form something of a triangle. A fair crowd has now gathered to watch; Hopefully, he won't start hucking around grenades!
Roberto watches as Gabriel falls over with a raised eyebrow. After giving himself a few moments to get himself together he breaks in a run towards the commando with the soccer ball held above his head. A few feet from Rolento and touches the soccer ball to the ground and performs a front ball-spring using it to generate more momentum to attempt to slam the soccer ball over Rolento's head.
. . . With Gabriel right behind him. It's unclear how Gabriel recovered so fast from that attack. It had all the cool special affects you would expect. The slow motion, the colors turn to negatives when Rolento connects, a close up of Gabriel's shock as she gets hit, hard. Everything. It was awesome, somewhere a korean staff of underpaid animators had a job well done. Unfortunately Gabriel recovers and fast, almost landing on her feet like a cat, only more like her head. She manages to GET to her feet though to spring into action and charge after Roberto at Rolento, this time aiming to do something much faster, sweeter, less likely to backfire.
"Con-Fess!" she exclaims with the palm thrust at the commando's chin, a snap of purple chi coming to life.
Meanwhile Gabriel's off hand prepares a guard as she attacks.
COMBATSYS: Gabriel successfully hits Rolento with Serpent Snap.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Gabriel 0/-------/--=====|===----\-------\0 Rolento
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Roberto 0/-------/----===|
COMBATSYS: Rolento fails to interrupt Random Weapon from Roberto with Stinger.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Gabriel 0/-------/--=====|=====--\-------\0 Rolento
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Roberto 0/-------/---====|
Does Roberto have no idea how open he is? Rolento almost laughs, grinning wildly and preparing to leap into the air. Yet Gabriel is behind him, which is mildly threatening; An almost casual shift fails as he's struck in the back. This turns what should of been a complete evasion of Roberto's maneuver into a liability, as he's smacked within the head. His knife clatters away, a fair crater made as he merely remains prostrate. Slowly he pushes to his feet, remaining quite vulnerable. But no longer amused. This fight has turned from a playful spar into something serious; Especially given that a couple people are giggling at how comical his attempt was.
"Oops" He cringes at the crater in the ground. "I hope the City doesn't ask me to pay for that." He steps back to let Rolento stand on his feet as he detects things becoming a bit more serious.
He lets the soccer ball to the ground and dribbles it then he fakes left, then right before hopping off his soccer ball to deliver a snap kick. After that he moves around dribbling the soccer ball his instincts from the game saying to shield the ball from his opponent. While this works in a soccer game, this might not be the best tactic to use in a fight.
Meanwhile Gabriel decides to continue with this so far luck too, she's gonna try to bring herself into the air over Rolento's head for a good old fashioned head stomp. Really who doesn't have a decent anti air move except Rolento, and this is a hard one to block since it comes right down toward your head. It's also a total rip off from Hotaru, or Chun-li, depending on which of the two you happen to prefer.
If Gabriel succeeds she'll flip and try to land some short distance away, if she fails well, that'll just be embarrassing. Either way she'll try to look stoic as if no matter what happens she was planning for it to happen just like that.
COMBATSYS: Rolento dodges Gabriel's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Gabriel 0/-------/---====|=====--\-------\0 Rolento
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Roberto 0/-------/---====|
COMBATSYS: Roberto successfully hits Rolento with Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Gabriel 0/-------/---====|======-\-------\0 Rolento
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Roberto 0/-------/---====|
Damn Gabriel's meddling! Roberto is almost not a threat, yet her continued interference is allowing him openings to impact the commando. Lunging aside from the overhead roll, only to be snapkicked across the face and stumble backwards. Blood leaks from a lip, before the commando sneers. "Enough holding back!" And then he yanks a grenade from his harness, slides back his foot, and hurls it with all the force he can muster at Roberto. "GO!" If he's hit, he'll probably fly backwards from the sheer kinetic impact, but the truly monstrous explosion of shrapnel thereafter would likely only make it worse. Bystanders would be safe, but this is chance rather then intent. Rolento's beginning to go overboard...
COMBATSYS: Rolento successfully hits Roberto with Grenadier.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Gabriel 0/-------/---====|=======\-------\1 Rolento
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Roberto 1/-----==/=======|
Roberto sees the grenade but with nowhere to run to he drops to the ground to atleast shield his weapon from Rolento's. Unfortunately there was more kick to the grenade than he expected and so he and his soccer ball both end up creating craters in the wall to one of the shops.
"Oh... Grenades... Grenades..." A tone of disbelief touching his voice. It takes awhile, but eventually he peels himself off the wall. If you need Roberto, he's gonna be clearing out the cob webs in his head.
COMBATSYS: Roberto focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Gabriel 0/-------/---====|=======\-------\1 Rolento
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Roberto 1/-----==/=======|
Gabriel meanwhile gets the hell out of the way of the blast radius, maybe she could save Roberto, but she's rather just, you know, not get hit by that grenade. Okay, so her boyfriend gets blown up, at least she doesn't. That's saying something, it's saying a lot. Right now it's saying she should be charging at Rolento and attacking him with everything she's got, or trying to throw him. She compromises and tries to take his beret and throw that instead then trip Rolento when he goes after it. Really a underhanded tactic, but it could work, right?
COMBATSYS: Rolento endures Gabriel's Quick Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Gabriel 0/-------/---====|=======\=------\1 Rolento
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Roberto 1/-----==/=======|
"What?!" Rolento's beret is hucked aside. He has no recourse but to lean over and grab it, upon which he's shoved to the ground. It really didn't hurt, but obviously he's angry. "Such blatant disrespect shall not go unpunished!!" Oh, she just lost any hope of Rolento not going bonkers. He immediately begins to roll backwards, before leaping into a backflip. Landing atop a lamppost, his snarl seems to hint on his method of such. "And the greatest punishment will be breaking the man of your emotional interest!!" In the blink of an eye, faster then any normal people can fathom, Rolento is /at/ Roberto, snapping out a devastating kick towards his face and attempting to send him through the window of an adjacent bridal gown store. "HNNNGH!!" Way, way overboard! Well, that's the risk you take when you fight a madman.
COMBATSYS: Rolento successfully hits Roberto with Mekong Delta EX.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Gabriel 0/-------/---====|=======\=------\1 Rolento
[ \\\\\\\\ <
Roberto 1/-======/=======|
Roberto had just managed to extract his soccer ball from a wall and then he's greeted by a foot to the face. His visor completely shatters to pieces as he's sent flying into a rack with bride's maid dresses and gets completely tangled up in several hideous creations of pastel horror. However the goalie still manages to maintain a death hold on his soccer ball.
It takes awhile but Roberto finally manages to stand up, bloodied bruised and covered in the most hideous dresses anyone has ever laid eyes upon. This whole boyfriend thing is wearing thin and he's about to prove that Rolento isn't the only one who can make things go 'BOOM!!!!' He drops that soccer ball and kicks it filling it with massive amounts of chi turning it into a soccer ball bomb that will explode before it hits innocent bystanders.
"No! Not my fiance!" Exclaims Gabriel as she watches, in mild indifference as Roberto is delivered teh pain. Really this was as much of a reaction as you could ever truly expect to get out of Gabriel, she's not really reacting, but does she ever? Really? Maybe a little.
The fanatic drops to her knees, what has she done? Or maybe she's just catching her breath, then her lips tighten, oh she's looking annoyed, but that's not terribly unusual. Then Roberto does something with his ball, she better avoid that.
COMBATSYS: Gabriel gains composure.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Gabriel 0/-------/-----==|=======\=------\1 Rolento
[ \\\\\\\\ <
Roberto 0/-------/----===|
COMBATSYS: Rolento negates Blazing Strikers from Roberto with Mine Sweeper.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////// ]
Gabriel 0/-------/-----==|=------\-------\0 Rolento
[ \\\\\\\\ <
Roberto 0/-------/----===|
Explosions? Nobody does explosions better then Rolento. He suddenly starts rolling backwards, and drops a few grenades of his own. The soccerball plows into the turbulent chain, and when the detonation clears neither is the victor. The soccerball bounces back to Roberto, last shimmers of his chi fading away. Of course, the street is the real loser here, given that windows were blown out and people are sent screaming away from the horrific carnage. This has caused quite a bit of damage. "Hnnngh! So that was your last desperation?" Rolento mocks, getting back to his feet and twirling his baton. "Even in my present state, your girlfriend will not surpass me alone."
To be completely honest, Roberto is actually kind of surprised that his soccer ball actually made it through the explosion. And seeing the massive destruction on the streets is concern for the innocents is increasing exponentially and he gestures to the staff of the bridal shop to head through the rear exits. "GO!!! GET THE HELL OUT NOW!!!!"
Before that massive explosion, Roberto's concern was for finishing the fight. Now he's concerned with taking Rolento down before more damage can be done. The star striker dribbles the soccer ball quickly closing the distance and then gives the ball a quick kick sending it ricocheting off the wreckage of one of the cars to the back of Rolento's leg to set up a goalie save-like tackle which if he manages to grab the commando will lift him into the air and then send him down with a blast of chi.
Meanwhile Gabriel is back into the attack, making sure Roberto doesn't have to do everything all by his lonesome she starts circling and trying to get Rolento after the initial blast hits, assuming it hits. She's focused, dead set, clearly not paying attention to any degree of disagreement Roberto might have to her plans. Therefore she can remain happily ignorant should he attempt to get out of said plans, before they even happen, and focus on more important things, like hitting Rolento. But this time she's going to try and make herself a more annoying target for him to hit back.
And thus winds up like a spring then unwinds in some back chopping action at Rolento.
COMBATSYS: Roberto successfully hits Rolento with Shining Save.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////// ]
Gabriel 0/-------/-------|===----\-------\0 Rolento
[ \\\\\\\ <
Roberto 0/-------/---====|
COMBATSYS: Rolento dodges Gabriel's Soushou Shin.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////// ]
Gabriel 0/-------/-------|===----\-------\0 Rolento
[ \\\\\\\ <
Roberto 0/-------/---====|
"Enough of this." Rolento muses, before shooting forward in Roberto's direction. He is tackled as desired, but the moment he lands upon his back Rolento shoots up into the air and lands in a crouch. Before twirling his baton and snapping it down, trying to smack it right into Roberto's lower back. Hard. "Hnngh!" is snarled, expecting that to be the end of the troublesome student. He rolls away thereafter, Gabriel missing by a clean margin. This is going to be a closer finale then he had anticipated, but his primary objective should be achieved. DESTROYING ROBERTO.
COMBATSYS: Roberto interrupts Weapon Jab from Rolento with Bicycle Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///// ]
Gabriel 0/-------/-------|=====--\-------\0 Rolento
[ \\\\ <
Roberto 0/-------/--=====|
When Roberto moves to stand up from his goalie style tackle, he quickly leaps up to catch the baton on his shoulder to prevent the damage from letting it be the end of him even though he has taken more damage than he probably should've have.
His hand goes to the baton to push Rolento's guard open and then he spins around with his back towards Rolento and flips backwards slamming his foot down on Rolento's head exactly on the same place he slammed his soccer ball earlier in the match.
When he rises from the ground he turns to Gabriel, "When were you going to clear the whole boyfriend and fiance thing with me?"
To This Gabriel has no response, she only glance at Roberto, but with a microscope you might be able to see that she is actually blushing. Seriously it is like comparing paint cards of white and off white, only one has like one part per million of rose. She doesn't respond though, simply says,
"It is time to end this, in the name of the goddess, Atone for your sins!"
With that Gabriel attacks Rolento with . . a chop, she even says,
"Chop." To the base of the neck.
COMBATSYS: Gabriel successfully hits Rolento with Quick Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /// ]
Gabriel 0/-------/-------|======-\-------\0 Rolento
[ \\\\ <
Roberto 0/-------/--=====|
[OOC] Rolento says, "Well damn"
[OOC] Rolento says, "I.."
[OOC] Rolento says, "I done got CHOPPED"
[OOC] Roberto says, "double yuu tee eff mate."
One cannot deny that Rolento is made of meat, or that Roberto is significantly more resourceful then anticipated. There's little doubt between the pair that a lone match would of been a rather one-sided affair. There's likely also little doubt between the pair that Gabriel is incredibly annoying. Rolento had not anticipated just how aggravating her interference in a fight could be, and when coupled with Roberto's nigh-insulting tendency not to die it's putting him near the end of his ability. Also, Rolento obviously has incredibly large amount of sins. For the moment Gabriel intoned such, a flash of light from the sky reflected off a fragment of glass, blinding him. And he was struck dead on. The wrath of heaven barely hurts, but when one is already upon the brink it's enough. Rolento falls to his knees, but has one last trick up his sleeve. "HNNGH!" He arcs forward, flipping backwards. And when he lands he starts rolling at phenomenal speed, trying to smack Roberto and knock him over. Then keep going, like some insane tire. Rolento does not stop. In a whisk of dust, the commando is gone. Has his rolling surpassed the limitations of physics, and he transgressed reality? Is he now on another plane, spiraling in the center of some newly crafted universe? One can only wonder...
COMBATSYS: Rolento can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Gabriel 0/-------/-------|
[ \\\\ <
Roberto 0/-------/--=====|
COMBATSYS: Rolento successfully hits Roberto with Mekong Delta.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Gabriel 0/-------/-------|
[ <
Roberto 1/------=/=======|
Roberto blinks when he sees Gabriel chop the hell outta of Rolento and he's damned stunned. So much so that he's unprepared for the rolling Rolento. And hits the ground hard. While he's totally against that whole marriage thing but atleast she knows where he lives so she can drag him home.
COMBATSYS: Roberto takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Gabriel 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Roberto can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Gabriel 0/-------/-------|
It's true, this was not what she expected, she hit Rolento and he vanished. That was totally not the plan. Plus he killed Roberto! This made Gabriel rather sad and for a moment she considers what to do with him. Actually she doesn't look at all sad, if anything she looks rather irritated. She should carry him home, but that would be improper, so instead she pulls out a cell phone and makes a call to some DarkSide Student Congress members to pick him and her up.
While in the back of a rich kid's car speeding off toward Roberto's home Gabriel muses that he did a good job of protecting her. She was hardly scratched now.
COMBATSYS: Gabriel has ended the fight here.
Log created by Roberto, and last modified on 10:00:32 02/27/2007.