Iori - Elolsabeth

Description: Iori Yagami, enjoying a nice, quiet evening to practice his guitar, is interrupted when an enigmatic Frenchwoman known as Elisabeth interrupts him looking for a man of particular interest to Iori -- Ash Crimson. Iori finds himself split between his irritation over being interrupted, and his interest in making Ash's life as miserable as possible, and so decides to test Elisabeth's strength of will. By punching her. A lot. Special guest appearance by the Mirage Ass!

You would think an abandoned shrine would be... well, abandoned, but more typically than not, the Shinto shrine that serves as a decoration to Southtown's forests is filled with some fight or another. This day has been quite the opposite -- no fights have broke out here in the deep depths of nature today. The brisk, dry air that filters through today is cold, and the air is quiet. There's hardly even the sound of birds, or the rustle of wildlife. It is all quite eerily peaceful. So naturally, that would make it perfect for interruption, and that is exactly why Iori Yagami does not stray too close to the temple itself today.
Believe it or not, there are some days when Iori wishes to simply be left alone. In fact, most days are like that -- some, though, he does not occupy his entire day with training and ripping apart dummies with Kyo's picture plastered on them. Some he'd rather be alone, in the peace and quiet, to simply think.
Think, and practice the bass guitar that is now settled in his lap. A simple, red leather cloak drapes over Yagami's typical outfit as long, slender fingers strum idly at his guitar, brown gaze piercing off into the distance. He sits on top of a chunk of rubble that has somehow managed to roll it's way to hear, about thirty feet away from the actual shrine itself. Other pieces of debris decorate the landscape, and considering the mossy vines that cover them, it would be safe to say they have been here for some time. He hardly seems concerned about that, though. It's peaceful. It's quiet. And Iori is content to just play his guitar, a haunting melody that breaks the silence of the forest. He calls this one 'Kyo is a Douchebag.'

Elisabeth Blanctorche's arrival in Southtown was but a herald for a small handful of unique encounters. Most notably, her mild brush in with the notorious Rolento Schugerg, among a few other, colorful sorts. Still, it's been a culture shock of sorts, despite her travels across the globe, and most definitely in comparison to the sleepy village from which she hails.

Still, her arrival has been relatively brief - short, at best. She's had precious little time in which to acquaint herself with the city proper, as well as its outskirts. So it comes to a little bit of a surprise when dark eyes happen upon an abandoned shrine at the outskirts of the city, its long, numerous steps showing their age. Curious, to say the least, the Frenchwoman ascends the steps with a slow and patient stride.

When her silhouette breaks the horizon, there is mild surprise on her pale face at the sight of someone actually present. Tilting her head just so, the Blanctorche mistress studies the young man in all his sullen and withdrawn glory as he plays his guitar. In a brief moment it clicks, and soon all becomes clear.

Lifting her head, the woman exudes confidence as she calls out. "Ah, monsieur Yagami, am I right?" she states clearly, her hands small, relaxed fists at her sides as she strides across the open courtyard of the long-since forgotten shrine. "It is most opportune that I find you here," Considering his solitary and surly nature, she is perhaps lucky indeed. Lifting a hand to her chin, the woman thoughtfully caresses it with her fingertips. "I suppose that one of your...lineage--" The way it's said could almost be misconstrued for disgust. "--would perhaps have some information on the whereabouts of Ash Crimson. So I ask--have you any information which could aid me in tracking this man down?"

The soft strumming of the guitar comes to an abrupt halt before Elisabeth even speaks. He hears another person before he actually even bothers to look in their direction; rather, he hears the sound of her footsteps approaching, crimson brows narrowing faintly as an absolutely dour expression crosses his features. And then she speaks, in a distinct French accent. And she says his name. She must not be from around here.
Because everyone from around here knows Iori Yagami hates to be disturbed.
"..." Still -- while an uncomfortable silence settles over them for a while after the inquiry over his name, the sound of the string instrument kicks back up with the restart of Iori's idle plucking. Music is the woman's answer, filling the forested area around them once more as a single foot slaps against the piece of rubble Iori has settled upon irritably. It seems he's intent to ignore her -- both because a small part of him is more lenient to women and because he'd rather not deal with any messes. Maybe she'll go away if he just ignores her and makes it clear he doesn't care who she is.
... But she doesn't. Behind thin lips, Iori's teeth gnash as she continues, gripping just a little bit harder at the neck of his guitar. "I'd disagree," Most opportune? It's completely the opposite. And then she speaks of his lineage, in a tone that makes the man finally look up... and frown. Dangerously. "You have a problem with my 'lineage'?" He poses his own question sharply, interjecting between her words. Except -- then she says something of interest.
"... Ash Crimson?" The question of a name comes slowly, escaping Iori's lips as if trying to remember. "What do you want with that idiot?" Does she know him? He assumes so. Otherwise why would she be interested in finding him?

Initially the woman seems ignored entirely, words falling upon deaf Yagami ears as he simply sits there, guitar in hand. Far be Elisabeth from annoyed or remotely perturbed by the seeming lack of compliance--in fact, it draws the tiniest of grins to her lips, though the effort itself is minimal and considerably lacking; her grin is half-hearted at best.

Still, she will not give up so easily. Her reply comes by way of song, brows ascending over dark gray eyes as she bows her head a touch forward. Her sources and contacts do not fail her; he is as they say he is. Likely her arrival alone was enough to irritate him, and it's very likely her lingering presence is grating his nerves. Elisabeth, however, fails to leave him be.

"You would disagree?" she asks, looking mildly curious at his words. Lifting slender fingertips to her chin, the Frenchwoman cradles her chin softly as she ponders. "I would have to disagree with you then, monsieur Yagami. You are, after all, one of the fabled Sacred Treasures, right?" Her hand drops, features calm as she simply looks upon him, jaw set. While he may instill fear in some, there isn't an ounce of concern written on her face.

As for his lineage, she says nothing. Instead she lifts her head, chin tilting up as she gets precisely the sort of reply she was looking for. "I have certain interests in finding the man," she explains, her words dry and to the point. "Worry not as to why. I merely seek to find him. So if you could be so kind as to point me in the proper direction, I will gladly be on my way and let you return to your instrument, monsieur Yagami. Is this a fair deal?"

And she's still here. At this point Elisabeth should feel lucky she's mentioned a name of some vague interest to Iori -- and considering very few people not named Kyo spark any interest at all in him, that is saying something. However, that patience and interest she might have bought by mentioning Ash Crimson wears thinner and thinner with each second that she talks and does not directly answer his questions. His right brow twitches. Elisabeth is very quickly wearing his very finite patience thin.
This woman, however, seems to know a lot about him -- more than most, at least. Brown eyes stare at the Frenchwoman intently, taking in her form, and lingering on the expression in those dark eyes of hers. Calm, maybe amused? He doesn't know. But it annoys him. "How the hell do you know that?" The Sacred Treasures are exactly common knowledge. He doesn't particularly care -- he just finds it annoying she knows so much about him, when he doesn't even know her name. It starts to grate at him.
And then she simply dismisses his questions as if they were nothing. Don't worry, she says. And, staring blankly, Iori blinks once... and then he laughs. It's cruel laughter, malicious and spiteful as he leans back and grips his head. It echoes throughout the forest, even as it dies, even as those brown eyes peer at her between his slender fingers.
"What kind of idiot are you?"
Hopping onto his feet, Iori keeps a firm grip on his guitar as he turns to stare at Elisabeth fully. His grin is wry and sardonic -- hardly pleasant in the least. "That guy knows too much, just like you. He's not normal. You don't give me any answers, I don't even know your name, and you call that a fair deal?" There's a pause. "Go to hell."
That's his answer. Followed by a quick addendum;
"Keep on bothering me, and you're gonna regret it."

Oh, she knows well his patience is finite, and easily worn down with minimal effort. Still, it would seem that Elisabeth is willing to test those limits by doing precisely what he wouldn't want her to do--namely, staying there when clearly he wants to be left alone. Instead she simply seems to avoid the problem altogether, eyes drawing to a thoughtful close as she folds her arms gently over her torso.

"Now, a woman needs her secrets, does she not?" she states, the tiniest of grins daring to grace her lips. She, however, maintains that calm about her, never faltering. Does it annoy him? Elisabeth does not seem to notice. Or, perhaps, she does not seem to care.

Nor does she seem to care when he laughs spitefully at her. Only opening her eyes, the woman glances up to the darkening skies overhead, lips pulled in a thin line over her soft features. What kind of idiot is she? "You're mistaking me for everyone else who crosses your path, I presume," she states, a brow arching softly as her head lowers and turns to regard him directly. Even as he hops to his feet she does not seem to care. Instead she listens to what he says before she considers a response.

"If a name is so important to you, monsieur Yagami, then I shall give it to you. You do realize, however, you never once asked or inquired?" Her words are terse, her gaze level as she looks Iori directly in the eyes. "My name is Elisabeth Blanctorche." Does he even know of the woman? Likely, no. "And as I see it, I am not 'bothering you,' as you succinctly put it. I am simply seeking answers to questions I know you possess answers for." Even if she is persistent about it.

But at this point it's very likely she refuses to back down, nor does she heed his warnings in any shape or fashion. "Have you seen him recently?" she asks, bold.

A woman needs her secrets. "Che." Is Iori's response, hissed out without much enjoyment or amusement. Does she think this is funny? He doesn't. And he hates it when people don't answer his questions. A woman's secrets or not. He is, in fact, just about ready to lift his guitar and smash it over her head, and then likely just drag her off somewhere where a bear or something could eat her, when several hinderences stop them.
1) He really likes this guitar, and...
2) He really doesn't like Ash Crimson.
It's here that Iori's reasoning takes a sudden veer. Realizing he knows absolutely nothing about Elisabeth, and knowing that Ash is an annoying dick at best, the fact that she both has that annoying penchant to talk in French AND the fact that she is connected to Crimson somehow affects his train of thought in a very negative way. Cocking a brow, another unpleasant frown tugs at his lips as he stares at her.
"Elisabeth Blanctorche." He sounds the name out, memorizing it as his right hand slips into his pocket, the left keeping a solid grip on his guitar. Squinting at her with his single, visible eye, "If you're not an idiot like all the others, than you probably know that I don't like people interrupting me. So cut the crap." He doesn't answer her inquiries yet. He's still thinking, and she's still annoying. Maybe on another day he'd be more forthcoming, but today -- she just picked a very bad day to come across him.
Slowly, Iori sets the guitar on that slab of rubble. "Maybe I have." Is the answer to her question. "I'll give you two options and make this very simple -- tell me why you're after him, or get out." If she doesn't, his curling fists should give some indication of what the next option is.

The look written across Elisabeth's face would clearly show to the Yagami scion there is no humor there. Instead she meets him with a look of seriousness now, her lips pulled taut and her jaw set as she looks across the courtyard toward the surly man. Her humor was short-lived, at best. Even a stuffy noblewoman is capable of cracking a joke from time to time.

Still, while she tries to maintain a sense of stern professionalism, it only seems to pluck the wrong chords in the Yagami. Furrowing her brows as she's stared at, the Frenchwoman stands there, arms still folded neatly across her torso. Even as he sounds out the name she presents him with, there is hardly any expression on her face, save for a distantly thoughtful one.

"Cut the crap?" she asks, looking briefly perplexed before she looks skyward once more. There's a moment's contemplation before she simply shrugs her shoulders. "If you wonder what my business is with the man, it's just a personal matter, is all. I wish to ask him some questions. The problem is, he is difficult to track down. There, monsieur Yagami. Is that 'simple' enough for you?"

The threat seems to fall upon deaf ears and tumble past her shoulders. Such is clear the way she stands her ground, refusing to take her leave for the moment. "So tell me, then. Where have you seen him, so I may find him myself?"

Stern professionalism or not, Iori doesn't seem overly interested in the woman or her wants. So far she's shown him nothing that would spark his curiosity save for an ambiguous connection to a man that makes him trust her even less. And stern determination has always, always pissed him off. So, as he stares, his left, clawed hand stretches open, clenches, and then opens again. He pauses, taking in the woman a final time. Well.
Maybe he should just /make/ things interesting, if she's not going to lend a helping hand.
"You and him know an awful lot." An awful lot. Iori's right hand digs further into his pocket as he advances, though his stance is not threatening in the least. It seems as though he's just walking, pausing only briefly to swoop down and pick up his guitar once more. "Just want to talk to him for 'personal' reasons?" His brown gaze falls to the riding crop at the woman's side, the only thing of even mild interest to the man. "Fine. Whatever."
He walks past Elisabeth. And in that moment, his right hand snaps out of his pocket, to grab her by the collar. "I think I remember seeing him over this way." And if the grip holds, a single snap of his hand will send the woman flying in the opposite direction. He's actually interested by something. But... he has to test out a theory first. Maybe this will have been as opportune as the noblewoman thought.

COMBATSYS: Iori has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Iori             0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Elisabeth has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Elisabeth        0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0             Iori

COMBATSYS: Iori successfully hits Elisabeth with Quick Throw.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Elisabeth        0/-------/-----==|-------\-------\0             Iori

The longer Elisabeth speaks with the Yagami scion, the more apparent it becomes that her presence is unwanted, to say the least. But the Blanctorche heiress was never one to give up so easily, and even now has little reason to want to do anything but pressure him for he knows of this man, 'Ash Crimson.' She needs all the information on the man she can get. There's no reason not to persist.

His scathing compliment earns him little more than a curious tilt of her head. She listens, but she does not feel it necessary to reply. Not immediately, anyway. Only when he makes mention of something that remotely interests her does she lift her head slightly and reply. "Our past is considerably intertwined," she states, no more, no less. At least he seems willing enough to accept her reasons. Will he finally comply with her?

No, that would be giving him too much credit. Presuming he's simply had his share of the Frenchwoman, Elisabeth bows her head forward, eyes drawing to a close. Yet all does not seem lost. He knows where he is? Eyes open, turning his way... see a hand grab her by the neck and hurl her across the shrine. Unable to properly defend against, Elisabeth is sent soaring, landing with a harsh 'thud' before rolling thrice over. Only after the third does she stand up and dust herself off. "How expected," she states dryly, long fingers adjusting the dark cravat at her throat. With nothing more than that, Elisabeth charges forward, reaching out to grab the man. Should it prove a worthwhile tactic, she'll spin him around and knock him forward before lashing out with the riding crop from at her side.

COMBATSYS: Iori endures Elisabeth's Manier.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Elisabeth        0/-------/----===|=------\-------\0             Iori

How expected? If she expects he's fighting her just because she's pissed him off, then Elisabeth couldn't be further from the truth. Though that does play a large factor in why he suddenly grabs and hurls the woman to the side. Again, the guitar is dropped -- carefully -- to the ground as he watches the Frenchwoman crash and roll with something of an amused smirk. "Lousy reaction times." He calls out to her. Lousy, but they're still there.
And she still knows how to fight. So she's not just some family friend or some nonsense excuse like that. It's pretty clear to the Yagami as she comes running at him with speed that's quicker than most people. Yet, instead of moving... Iori simply chooses to stand his ground. As Elisabeth grabs the man, it should be plainly obvious that she does it because he /chooses/ not to move or defend himself. Spun he is, his vision growing only slightly dizzy before that riding crop whips out and into his side. It stings, but --
"Huh. So that's what that's for."
It's the only second of free time that Elisabeth is spared before Iori is upon her instantly, reaching out with his right hand -- a hand that is now wreathed in a plume of sickening, Orochi-touched flames. "GUOOOOOOHH!!" Unless Elisabeth is quick enough to respond, Iori intends to grasp her FIRMLY by the head with that flaming hand, JERK her to his right side, and then simply let the flames grow and expand in a horrifyingly beautiful display of violet power and, in consequence, consume the unfortunate noblewoman in a very painful way.

COMBATSYS: Elisabeth blocks Iori's Koto Moon Negative.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Elisabeth        0/-------/---====|==-----\-------\0             Iori

Crash and roll she may, but it isn't long before she picks herself and makes her appearance proper and in place. It wouldn't do to have her appearance disorganized and improper, after all. His insults and gibes also go ignored; the expression of placid calm and stern seriousness on her face would suggest she's not the least bit ruffled by his catching her off her guard, or insulting her to her face.

It shows more as she moves in without hesitation, grabbing him and otherwise twirling him about before she lashes out with the crop at her side. The moment she's but a foot from him it dawns on her: he's not moving, nor is he attempting to shrug off her attack. Still, it does not deter her from her motive, and thus does he discover the truth behind her riding crop.

His witty remark earns him a tightening of her lips, her jaw squaring again as she levels her gaze upon him. Even in that moment she is considering her options and plotting her next attempt, carefully analyzing this clearly dire situation. She knows well that the Yagami scion is a force to be reckoned with; clearly she has somehow played with fire. That doesn't mean, however, she is going to give up.

Not without proving her worth.

When he lashes out with his hand, slender arms are there to catch the brunt of his blow, as well as the flames of Orochi that follow. The presence alone draws her nose into a wrinkle, her expression mildly disgusted. His other hand slapped away as it attempts to grab her head, Elisabeth uses her other, free hand to swiftly clip him in the jaw with the hilt of her crop.

COMBATSYS: Iori interrupts Strong Punch from Elisabeth with Yumebiki.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Elisabeth        0/-------/=======|==-----\-------\0             Iori

This is going smoothly. Despite a disappointing start, Elisabeth proves herself to be more versatile and prepared than Iori initially gave her credit for. As those violet flames come swinging at her face, she is quick to put up a defense; his hand is found swatted away before it can reach her, violet flames burning at the arm that she uses to deflect the oncoming assault. The writhe with the Orochi's curse; it's not a pleasant sensation, both to his opponents... and to Iori himself. However, years of training have wiped any pain from the man's face. Instead, his features are contorted in a growl as his attack is swatted to the side, and then --
--There comes that riding crop. Again, this time hilt first, aimed for his jaw. Yet, though this swing has more force behind it, Iori is ungodly fast as he moves DIRECTLY in the path of the strike. The hilt hits the side of his hard scalp instead of his jaw, and before Elizabeth can react... he attacks.
One hand, viciously clawed, swipes out to rake across the woman's stomach with vicious fierceness. And, before a defense can be mounted... "GUUAAAARRGH!" Iori SPINS, slamming the back of his opposite hand straight into the side of Elisabeth's face, to send her spiralling out of the way, with only one thing on his mind; the look in her face at the sight of those flames.
"... heh. You know what those are, huh?"

Her fingers tense, curling around the hilt of her crop as she readies for her next attack. There's a small window between her shrugging off his attack and this; surely it's enough to catch him off his guard and clip him something fierce against the jaw, right?


For a moment, the hilt of her crop hits SOMETHING. And, for that moment, Elisabeth is almost quite certain it is his face. However, a split-second passes before she realizes she is not looking at his face; instead, dark gray eyes see the top of fiery red hair. And then she frowns, only slightly.

Like a freight train it hits her, full-force. Raked something fierce over her stomach, the woman grunts at the discomfort his fingers bring, followed only by the fierce slap of his hand against the side of her cheek. Sent spiraling to the side, the woman hits the ground again, rolling and tumbling before she catches herself and slowly but surely rises to her feet.

She knows what they are? Likely; however, Elisabeth remains tight-lipped. Instead she draws her eyes to a close as a hand lifts, soft knuckles gently brushing over her cheek, where her face is clearly an angry shade of red and, more notably, the small trickle of red from a busted lip.

COMBATSYS: Elisabeth gains composure.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Elisabeth        0/-------/-======|==-----\-------\0             Iori

And there it is. As Elisabeth goes tumbling, Iori takes several steps back, dropping into a more relaxed, but combat-ready position as he poses his own question. He doesn't receive an answer, though it may be because he already knows it. A single, bloodied hand lifts, opening and closing as he looks at it curiously. She knows /that/ much. But how? Then Iori remembers.
He really doesn't care.
She seems to be taking time to catch her breath, though, and so Iori allows her a few, scant moments, hands shoving into his pockets as his head cocks to the side. He doesn't say a single word, yet his gaze is thoughtful. Considering, probably, what course of action to take next. And after a while... his shoulders lift in a shrug.
"Done with your little break?"
Yes she is. Because he decides so, rushing across the ground between them with madness in his eyes. One moment he is on the ground, and the next, he leaps, spinning through the air as his two booted feet come to snap brutal kicks right in the dead center of Elisabeth's chest. Hopefully, she hasn't relaxed her guard.

COMBATSYS: Elisabeth counters Heavy Kick from Iori with Mirage Derriere.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Elisabeth        0/-------/=======|===----\-------\0             Iori

[OOC] Elisabeth says, "MIRAGE ASS FTW"

Taking a moment to collect her wits after particularly painful strikes to her person, Elisabeth's gaze lifts, dark eyes focusing on the redheaded Yagami. When they catch sight, it is of him admiring her blood on his hands. How disgusting and uncouth, she secretly decides. It is, perhaps, suited for someone of such a cursed lineage.

Still, Iori likely has his uses for Elisabeth and her motives. If her hunch is as she believes it to be...

Again her eyes flicker as the man speaks up, the sarcasm oozing from his lips like venom. Still, the woman offers the tiniest of smirks, eyes drawing shut as she stands her ground. Clearly she has little decision in the matter, because just as the words leave his lips he makes his move, lunging forward toward the Blanctorche heiress. Eyes snap open at the sound of heavy footfalls, her fingers coming to rise from her side. Brushing the air before her, white motes of light trail after her hand, painting the air before her in odd, light-based chi energies. That first kick strikes it, and for a moment the woman blurs...only to reappear suddenly from behind to kick him in the back and send him stumbling forward.

"Brutal tactics, how sloppy. No finesse, no grace," she calmly observes.

Now that, that was unexpected.
Maybe she's not as weak as he thought. Though... not by much. Still, that's saying something.
Brown eyes snap wide as Iori finds his feet impacting nothing but a solid wall of chi. It serves as a decent enough distraction, enough so that somehow, Elisabeth appears behind him without him even noticing. The sudden, seeming teleportation throws Iori off, enough so that the kick lands solidly into his spine. He lands, staggering one step, two steps, before he regains his balance and whips around. No finesse? No grace?
"What are you even saying..." As Iori speaks, his right hand bursts into a painful tinge of purple flames once more. His eyes narrow, his lips twisted into a sneer. "... all that matters is who wins, you pompous ass!" And then, the last heir of the Yagami SNAPS his hand forward and straight up into the air. That's not what she should be concerned about, though. What Elisabeth should focus on is the sudden gout of purple fire that EXPLODES from the ground beneath Iori, rushing towards her with brutal speed and power.

COMBATSYS: Elisabeth slows Yami Barai from Iori with Large Thrown Object.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Elisabeth        1/-----==/=======|====---\-------\0             Iori

She's heard the stories of the Yagami scion, the last of the cursed lineage. Stories of his brutality, of his lack of any sort of compassion for anyone, and the sheer savageness with which he approaches nearly everything. Still, it is one thing to hear by word of mouth, and another to actually witness it first hand. Somehow, part of her really doesn't like the latter, but she can see now why he is so fearsome, and one of the Sacred Treasures.

Feet touch down on a wall of light chi, and in that moment of disorientation Elisabeth somehow manages to place herself behind him and otherwise out of harm's way. Utilizing this to her advantage, Elisabeth executes a swift kick that sends him staggering forward, but fails to actually fell the Yagami.

"Is that so?" she asks, tilting her head as her arms briefly fold over her chest. His words amuse her; the faintest of grins haunts her lips, eyes hooded as she observes him. "Do you not have a sense of pride, then?" Eyes narrow briefly as his hand moves, and her first response is to shy away. Clearly the threat does not come from him directly; instead, his threat is from the earth itself. Lifting a boot, the woman stomps the ground, bursting the slab of granite beneath her foot before she kicks it up and at the gout that dares to singe her. For the most part her impromptu tactic works; unfortunately, the gout overcomes it and Orochi flames lick past, singing and biting at her sleeves and hands.

Staggering back a few steps, the woman lifts a hand and shakes her head before she looks up and focuses again on the Yagami.

She doesn't have time to ask questions. Or, at least, expect decent answers in reply. This is a fight; and while Iori may have paused to make his own commentary, it's because -- well, he simply considers himself in an entirely different tier than Elisabeth. This isn't a real fight. It's just a test. And while she may talk and question, from the luke of that wicked plume of flames... she shouldn't expect much of an answer right away.
The Frenchwoman's response is, at best, interesting. A small smirk writhes its way onto Iori's lips at the sight, even though it's not enough to actually /stop/ the Yami Barai completely -- tongues of flame break through the stone, sending schrapnel flying as the power of the Orochi-tinged flames crash /right/ into Elisabeth. Weakened, but still potent in their own way.
Iori doesn't really stop to admire the sight, however. As soon as the flames impact that granite projectile, Iori is speeding across the distance between them, his right hand still ablaze with painful fire. And as Elisabeth looks up... she'll see, just in time, the form of Iori Yagami leaping through the air, his hands slamming together and bursting with flames as he comes down on the woman. Hard.
"GAARUUUOOGH!!" The nobelwoman has a few seconds before that flaming hammerstrike comes down explosively over the top of her head with /painful/ results.

COMBATSYS: Elisabeth just-defends Iori's Tsumagushi!

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Elisabeth        1/-----==/=======|=====--\-------\0             Iori

Test or no, there's clearly a danger when facing off against the likes of the Yagami heir. Quick thinking ultimately spares her an embarrassing defeat by way of cursed flames, a good majority of his gout eaten by the slab of granite before it simply erupts and is otherwise vaporized. Struck, the woman staggers, but still. Elisabeth is not down quite yet.

It would seem at this point the Yagami has no need for words, much like the woman with which he faces off against. Eyes lift from the singed sleeves of her white coat, just in time to catch sight of a swiftly-moving redhead barreling right for her. Lifting her arms, the full brunt of the attack is taken into her arms, and somehow...she seems utterly unfazed. Almost inspired, she pushes forward against his arms, teeth gritted and clenched behind her lips as she shoves and moves in for a counterattack of her own. Fingers clench around the guard of her crop seconds before she pulls it free and thrusts it forward at him. In its wake three bursts of chi ignite at its tip, leaving a trail of white as they move directly toward the Yagami.

COMBATSYS: Iori endures Elisabeth's Etancher.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Elisabeth        1/----===/=======|======-\-------\0             Iori

An explosion of power and flames rips through the area the moment that Iori's fists connect with Elisabeth's arms. Tongues of fire fly out around them, landing on the dirt-ridden ground beneath. Yet, as Iori looks down, he sees -- the woman is completely unaffected. It's almost surprising. Almost. But Iori's been fighting for far too long to be phased overly much by such things. Instead, as he witnesses that impeccable defense, he has but one thing to say about it, "... tch!" How troublesome.
Yet Elisabeth is quick to counter, perhaps feeling revitalized by that speedy and impenetrable defense she miraculously mustered. Yet, Iori is not deterred. Seeing the riding crop, and noting the relatively close distance between them, Yagami... grins. Savagely. He's already decided upon his course of action from the moment that crop is produced. Projectiles? Bursts of chi? It doesn't matter. Iori simply SPRINGS forward just as soon as his feet hit the ground again, and /bum rushes/ Elisabeth. The gouts of white chi impact his form, yet hardly deter him as he simply CHARGES through them. His intention? To headbutt Elisabeth. Just as simple as that. "HUUAARRGH!!"

COMBATSYS: Elisabeth just-defends Iori's Quick Punch!

When he descends and those brown eyes of his fall upon the woman below, she meets his gaze without an ounce of concern or fear; in fact, her confidence seems bolstered by her undeniable defense against his attack. Troublesome? Perhaps. But for Elisabeth it gives her time enough to last a bit longer against the infamous Iori Yagami.

But there is precious little time to waste. Stepping in and closing the precious little distance that remains as the Yagami scion lands, Elisabeth's crop thrusts forward, bursts of light erupting at its tip as she lunges in. Much to her disbelief and, perhaps, surprise, he actually steps INTO the attack, taking it on full-force as he closes in. "Feh!" she remarks, eyes narrowing as he zeroes in, the distance between them closing rapidly.

Resorting again to her tactic from before, the woman's arms rise, shielding her head from his own as he attempts to headbutt her with that thick cranium of his. But again her defense is impeccable; thrusting in as he does so, Elisabeth pushes OFF and shoves him back before a leg lifts, coiling up before she thrusts a heel right for the center of his chest, to send him back.

COMBATSYS: Iori dodges Elisabeth's Light Kick.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Elisabeth        1/----===/=======|=====--\-------\0             Iori

For some reason or another, it seems that Elisabeth has some how managed to erect an impenetrable wall of defense against Iori's merciless strikes. At first, he's not overly phased by it. Instead he simply plows through her next attack, hardly even seeming phased by the bolts of chi that crash into his shoulders and torso leaving on brief, stinging pain. And then, his head comes CRASHING down...
... only to be met by her arms yet again.
It seems, somehow, the force of the blow is absolutely negated by the noblewoman's arms. At first, he is unphased. Now? He's a little annoyed. Frowning, Iori sees the counter coming even as he staggers backwards from her shove. He is quick -- unusually limber for a man of his height, in fact -- to respond, sidestepping to allow Elisabeth's heeled foot to hit nothing but air, just passing by his chest narrowly.
He's hoping the lack of actual impact throws her off balance enough for his next attack. Reaching out, Iori intends to grab the woman by the collar with his left hand. His right, curled into a fist, swings down to slug her. If successful, it's followed by another, and another, and another, "GURRAAAAGGHHH!!" The point here is, Iori intends to punch Elisabeth. A lot. With an extreme amount of force and hardly an inch of compassion or mercy.

COMBATSYS: Iori successfully hits Elisabeth with Strong Punch.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Elisabeth        1/-======/=======|======-\-------\0             Iori

Blocked again, the woman remains resolved, her defense sure as she stands against his assault. Using this to her advantage of sorts, the Blanctorche heiress makes her move swiftly thereafter, an attempt to plant her heel against his chest and otherwise send the man staggering. Yet he is faster than his outward appearance would suggest; moving to the side, he avoids the heel altogether, eliciting a mildly surprised look from the woman. How unexpected.

There's precious little time to react, however. His hands are faster than she is to again stave off his strikes, and the result is that meaty hand clamping down around her collar and cravat. Merciless, Iori's fist slugs her harshly, followed by another and another until his bloodlust is sated. Only then does he let up and release her, the woman's body falling to the ground at his feet.

A beat, and Elisabeth is pulling herself to her feet. Shaking quite visibly, the Frenchwoman steadies herself, features pulled into a hard look, her eyes cold. A hand curls at her side, long, delicate fingers making a fist before they unfurl. The process repeats again.

This time, though, her hand does not unfurl. Instead the woman rushes forward, her fist aglow. Only when she nears does she skid to a halt, heels grinding against the ground before that fist thrusts forward. When it does so the air before her and around her erupts in a brilliant display of white chi, bursts of white erupting everywhich way around her.

COMBATSYS: Iori interrupts Noble Brass from Elisabeth with Yumebiki.
- Power hit! -

[                        \\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Elisabeth        0/-------/-======|=======\-------\0             Iori

She's speedy, she's (relatively) strong, and she's put up a solid defense. But when Iori's bloodrage starts, there's not a lot of things that can abate it or simply stop it. And it's clear that's what's happening now. He's lost in the sensations of the fight, his eyes alight with a frightening intensity as his meaty fist smashes into Elisabeth time and again, blood flinging through the air as he strikes over and over. Mercy? Morality? What are those, again?
As soon as Elisabeth falls to the ground, Iori reels backwards. Yet it's not an attempt to get out of the way. It's just a way of getting more distance between them... so he can better build up his momentum. Eyes narrowing to slits, the last Yagami heir is /polite/ enough to wait until Elisabeth is back on his feet. And then... he rushes her once more.
It's perfect timing. The moment that Elisabeth comes running at him, Iori is beating a path towards the Frenchwoman. She stops midway through, grinding to a halt; yet Iori simply goes FASTER, body dipped low as he runs, arms streaming out to either side of him. He hardly even notices the massive explosion of white chi. His grin suggests he really doesn't CARE. Because as soon as that chi erupts...
... he just /tears through it/.
Iori's right, clawed hand rakes through the burning, white chi, dispersing it just as it begins. It burns, but only a little, as the Orochi-tainted fighter just STOPS the assault preemptively. The clawed hand continues to fly, raking across Elisabeth's collarbone and shoulders, "GUOOH!!" And then... he spins, and delivers another, final backhand, "HRRAAAAAGH!!" Intent on smacking Elisabeth RIGHT into the earth. Take. That.

At least he waits. Slowly but surely the Blanctorche heiress rises to her feet, her stamina clearly lacking as she visibly shivers. Yes, she's practically on her last leg at this point, but like a good noblewoman, she is as stubborn as ever to admit to defeat. Furrowing her brows briefly, her decision is made. Rushing in, perhaps foolishly, Elisabeth charges at the Yagami heir, thrusting a hand out and letting her chi loose.

At the same time, Iori does the same. Is he going to do this again? Fine. Narrowing her eyes, she thrusts that glowing hand forward, an eruption of light chi all around her as her hands thrust out to her sides thereafter. Yet just as she does so the Yagami slices through that wall of energy, those claw-like hands digging against her collar and eliciting a groan from the woman. Another attack follows, and by now her chi has otherwise stopped. The backhand sends her into the ground at her feet before she rolls a short bit.

Somehow, Elisabeth finds the tenacity to stand up. Shaking more than ever, the woman hunkers forward a bit, a hand clasped at her neck. Breathing with her mouth ajar, she contemplates her actions before she makes her decision. Running in a sudden, adrenaline-charged sprint, Elisabeth's fist coils tightly at her side. Crouched low, she zeroes in on the Yagami before she rises when near, a hearty fist aimed right for the underside of his jaw. Regardless of whether or not that fist hits or eats empty air, she's all but out of commission thereafter, unable to fight anymore. Clearly Iori is the victor.

COMBATSYS: Elisabeth can no longer fight.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Iori             0/-------/=======|

COMBATSYS: Iori dodges Elisabeth's Coup de Veine.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Iori             0/-------/=======|

Idly flicking his right wrist in the aftermath of his attack, Iori flicks dark crimson blood through the air almost distastefully. The fight is over, as far as he's concerned; he can feel her own power failing, her strength fading fast. She won't put forth much of an effort, if at all. But she still persists. It's something that the Yagami heir typically finds incredibly annoying. Now, though? Well... it just means she's got enough spirit to prove useful.
Glancing up between strands of crimson, Iori snorts with derision as Elisabeth staggers back onto her feet. "You're done." He states simply, but she doesn't appear to be listening. "You're a bit sloppy, too, but I guess you've got some skill..." But she doesn't appear to be listening. Still. She rushes at him as if in some sort of second wind, but he knows better; the woman moves too slowly, and as she flies at him, he simply bends /backwards/, her fist barely missing his jaw as he smiles in amusement. "... they never listen."
Before Elisabeth can collapse, though, or whatever she plans to do, a single, large hand grasps her by the shoulder to steady her. "... Alright," He begins slowly, his voice settling back into something more classically irate. "I'll help you find Crimson. Last time I saw him, he was at the park in the city." Though he doubts Ash /lives/ there. Still, if Elisabeth is looking for him, that means Ash must be hiding from her, or at least trying to escape her notice. And since she's proved she's not completely incompetent, that's all the reason he needs to help her out. He's a /generous/ man after all.

COMBATSYS: Iori has ended the fight here.

Despite her best attempts to push her body to its limits after such a beating, it would seem she clearly underestimates the Yagami scion. Still, she makes her move; rushing forward, she stoops low before she ascends sharply, a taut fist cutting sharply through the air. But that is as far as her fist goes. With a swift arch of his back the redhead avoids her fist altogether, grinning all the while. Is it a joke to him?

Tuth be told, Elisabeth has little energy to give more than that. The last ditch attempt takes a lot out of her, and the result is her legs practically giving out from beneath her. They wobble before they bend, and the result is her folding like a house of cards. The ground awaits her, does it not? How embarrassing for a noble Blanctorche.

But much to the Frenchwoman's surprise, Iori is not as uncouth as she presumed him to be. Caught by her shoulder, dark eyes lift to peer in mild disbelief at the last Yagami. For that moment Elisabeth wears silence well, her lips pulling into a thin red line across her soft white, albeit bruised, face. "Bien joue," she compliments.

"The park?" she echoes, as if to clarify facts and get them in order. Slowly but surely the woman steadies herself, pulling away from his grasp to stand on her own. Far be the woman to rely entirely on others. However, she owes him for his information--it's the most she's found since her arrival.

"I apologize for before," she explains, almost unexpected of a woman of her standing. Slender hands lift, adjusting her collar and cravat. "Clearly you're not the man that everyone makes you out to be, if you are willing to help me, as you have." Looking up, she regards him, dark gray eyes locked on his gaze.

"Monsieur Yagami," Her tone is assured, her words clear, despite the way she seems to have trouble holding herself after her beating. "I ask that should you find monsieur Crimson do not tell him that I am looking for him. I wish to keep my presence to him unknown, at least for the time being." She pauses, a breath taken in before she softly exhales, eyes drawing shut.

"And I ask that should you happen to cross paths with Ash Crimson again...please inform me."

The ground should await Elisabeth... but there is Iori's strong hand keeping a firm hold on her. He says very little. Instead, he just scoffs, and looks past her towards the trees that surround him. He could have just let her fall, it's true. But perhaps he's not as rude and unforgivingly cruel as he's made out to be. Maybe, just maybe, the man has a spark of nice in him. Maybe. But highly doubtful.
But -- as soon as Elisabeth apologizes and pulls away from him, Iori's eyes narrow, an irritable frown crossing his lips, "... che," He utters, brushing past her irritably and throwing a hand up in dismissal, "It's just annoying to see people struggling to get up." Don't bother thanking him, goes unsaid. Instead, Iori just swoops down, picks up his guitar, and pauses. The mood here is ruined. "God dammit."
Guitar hanging loosely from Iori's left hand, his right stuffs itself into his pocket, looking over his shoulder at the noblewoman as she speaks again. "... don't worry about it." He'll probably be too busy beating Ash into the ground to even remember meeting Elisabeth or the fact that she was looking for Crimson, so he can honestly say he won't spill the beans. The 'big secret' just isn't something he cares enough about to lord over Elisabeth. It's not worth the effort.
"... whatever. If I find him, and he's not dead afterwards, I'll tell you if I see you." And that's it. Iori turns sharply once more, making his way to the path out of the shrine, head hanging low and gait slow and calm.
"But don't count on him being alive afterwards."

Somehow her thanks have insulted the prideful Yagami. Furrowing her brows, the woman instead scoffs softly to herself, eyes drawing shut as she simply bows her head. Isn't it enough she thanked him after he started a fight to begin with? Insulted or not, she's given up a lot of her own pride in offering thanks as it is.

Clearing her throat softly, the woman's slender digits rise, adjusting the cravat at her throat gently once more. "In any case," she states, completely and otherwise ignoring his confession as her eyes slowly open once more, stirring, shifting toward the Yagami as he crouches to pick up his guitar. "I appreciate what help I can get. He is a very elusive man." He's eluded the Blanctorche heiress thus far, much to her dismay. But far be the Frenchwoman to delve into details the Yagami need not necessarily know about. Yet, anyway.

Still, something about the redhead instills a certain bit of trust within the noblewoman. Part of her believes he'll keep his word to her. "Ah, merci monsieur Yagami," she states, her head lifting high once more as she follows his depature toward the shrine's steps. The latter, however, earns him the faintest hints of a frown on her lips as he begins to vanish over the horizon.

"Somehow," she aloud, her tone soft, almost as if she were thinking aloud. "I believe such to be foolish thinking, to think he would die so easily."

Log created by Iori, and last modified on 11:01:06 02/06/2007.