Description: Making a ruckus outside of Seijyun High, Nanako calls out for its fighters, to test herself and see if she has, in fact, improved. Unfortunately Miu happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, and by Nanako's order she is pitted against the spirited young woman in a battle of Psycho Power proportions!
Afternoon. Classes have let out, the last bell of the prestigious Seijyun having rung. Female students file out through the front gates, and for the most part things seem the same as always. A pity, however, the afternoon calm cannot remain.
The surrounding park is abuzz with girls chattering with one another. There's a commotion just beyond the walls of Seijyun, and in passing one could easily hear the cause of it: there's someone out there making a fuss with Seijyun girls. For what reason? It's unknown. But apparently it can't lead to any good.
Meanwhile, at the source of the commotion, Nanako Yanagimura stands with her hands akimbo on slender hips, her head tilted back as she cackles. "Is no one at this school man - er - WOMAN enough to take on the talented, amazing and totally awesome Nyanko!?" Lifting a hand, the girl shoots a finger out toward a few girls standing around staring at her. "Are YOU!?" They shake their heads quickly and offer odd looks.
Another cackle rings out. "DIDN'T THINK SO!"
Someone like Nanako is unfortunately very much a dime a dozen-- lord knows what cracks and holes they crawl out of or what rocks they crawl out from under, bu tthey sure enough show up. A world like this, a school like this-- no matter where you try to escape to in television, video games, movies, or magazines there's going to be a degree of coverage of battle at least once a day. What else would you expect, what with it being one of the world's most popular sports?
This is mostly why Miu Kurosaki is one of those rare students that doesn't spend a lot of time in the common areas of the dormitory, why she spends more of her time reading books or doing her homework than going out and socializing. With a thumb hooked under the strap of the satchel bag hanging at her hip, the Seijyun student emerges from the gates and stares at the girl shouting and pointing. Her first response? ( Moron. )
And that brings the girl, for some odd reason, to the peppy pig-tailed student who is most certainly nobody that she's ever seen on Seijyun's grounds before. "Hey," she says in a quiet voice. "You're bothering me." Not so much the other students, but a personal one. The park is for silent enjoyment or with friends! ... Well, if you have them.
Clearly Seijyun is a school rife with cowardly sorts. Of all the people who have stopped to observe, not one has taken the peppy and fiery spirited young Yanagimura up on her offer! This only serves to bolster her opinion of herself and her capabilities. Is no one going to stop her?!
Enter one Miu Kurosaki, the only young woman enrolled in Seijyun to actually step forward and speak her mind in front of this peculiar girl. Wide greenish-yellow eyes blink in mild disbelief as she's otherwise insulted to her face, Nanako's face flush. How...? The nerve! Is she upset? Offended? Hurt?
None of the sort!
"AHAHAH!" the girl cries, pointing a finger quite suddenly at Miu's chest. "I see you're a fiery young woman! I can's you! YOU!" What the hell is Nanako babbling about? Feet slide beneath her, the girl's arms rising as she slips easily into a casual stance. "You're the one who is worthy enough to fight me! Nyahahahaha!"
COMBATSYS: Nanako has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Nanako 0/-------/-------|
Fiery? What the hell was this girl talking about? What, is she on some kind of new street drug that bends the mind and sends you over the deep edge? Or is there some other deep-seated issue with her? Maybe she hit her head one too many times when challenging people to idiotic and mindless fights like this?
Of course, instead of verbalizing her dismay or her desire to deny this, all that comes out is:
"Uh-- Uh--"
Though she has no real desire to fight, Miu keeps her guard up-- for someone as wild and driven toward the completely irrational like this is bound to not take "no" for an answer.
COMBATSYS: Miu has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Nanako 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Miu
Winners don't use drugs! Thus Nanako is not on anything, because she is a winner! Furrowing her brows at the girl, Nanako maintains her stance, legs shoulder's width apart as she stares down poor Miu. There's a long silence that falls over the two after Miu's stammering, lively eyes serious and determined. Yes, Nanako is a fighter through and through! Determined! Spirited!
"Bwahaha! Ready!?"
That's all the warning Nanako gives to Miu before she rushes forward, leaping at Miu with a flying side kick. "HYAAAAH! Head's up, Pigtail!"
COMBATSYS: Nanako successfully hits Miu with Light Kick.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Nanako 0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0 Miu
Still stunned? In shock at the utter stupidity of the girl that's jumping at her right now? Whatever it is, it's caused Miu enough distress that she actually forgets that the foot coming in is something that she should perhaps block or get the hell out of the way of. Miu's hands come up quickly, but the unbalanced girl is given a quick, forceful shove off her feet from the force of the kick and landing right on her backside. "Oomph-!!"
Miu's eyes narrow-- flitting left and right. Nobody's watching, right? Nobody will care, right? If she had the time to breathe, she would let out a sigh... but instead, she's standing up and unslinging the satchel from her shoulder. Dropping it, Miu's mouth tightens into a line. The bag hits the ground-- and she's stepping in close, her fist pulled back and launched at Nanako for a straight shot to the stomach. "That wasn't very--" Strangely, white feathers radiate from her hand-- radiating from the knuckles, fluttering away from her fist. "NICE!!"
COMBATSYS: Nanako dodges Miu's Medium Punch.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Nanako 0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0 Miu
"TOO SLOW!" the girl cries as she flies in at Miu, her leg extended and heel aimed for her chest. It's not precisely strong, but it's enough to send poor, stunned Miu staggering back and landing on her rear. Falling into a crouch post-kick, Nanako swiftly rises thereafter, grinning ear to ear as she lifts a finger and runs it under her nose. "Hee hee."
But what's this? Unable to enjoy a friendly spar? Blinking in mild surprise, Nanako's features seem confused as the girl launches forward and flies fist-first at her gut. Pushing off, Nanako leaps back, avoiding the oncoming blow. There's a strange look that lingers, the explosive punch and feathers earning her interests. Is that..?
"Wassat?!" she cries, lifting a hand to her forehead as she looks Miu's way with a broad grin. "I couldn't hear you. You're moving waaaay toooo sloooowly for me to compreheeeeend!" Patronizing her - but in a friendly and mild manner - Nanako beams as she rushes in at the girl and lashes out, hands aimed for her collar. And should she get her hands on Miu, she'll bury her feet against her gut and roll back, to launch the girl with her momentum.
COMBATSYS: Nanako successfully hits Miu with Quick Throw.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Nanako 0/-------/-------|===----\-------\0 Miu
Yes-- it's 'that'. The psycho-crafted feathers flutter in the air exactly as real ones would-- though before they pass the miniscule Miu's knee-level, they're gone from view, faded into the air as swiftly as the act that created them in the first place. Though the sight of Seijyun's own 'weirdo goth girl' fighting is strange enough, she knows she's going to hear it later when they start spreading rumors about the appearance of her unusual power, the connotations associated with it.
Nanako's speed is something she has to learn to take into account, what with the swiftness of her dodge and the retort. The throw is short, sweet, and enough to lay Miu out on her back. The girl lands on a roll, however, and doesn't stay down for too long. At a crouch, Miu's face shifts from the silent anger to something a little more calm-- calmer, more focused. Her emotions can't get the better of her right now. She's stuck in a fight that she, quite frankly, has no way to get out of. A girl like Nanako isn't going to let her get away until this was finished-- and she fully intends on paying the girl back for the kick and the throw.
Miu's right hand grasps the air, the light rippling as if she were pulling something invisible right out of the air. With a sharp snap of her wrist and a sweeping swing of her arm, Miu hurls what looks to be a glowing dark feather at Nanako, twirling a step back in time and motion with the arc of her arm. It's quick, a bit larger than the feathers before-- and it does certainly seem to be an odd force.
COMBATSYS: Nanako negates Amagakeri from Miu with Large Thrown Object.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Nanako 0/-------/-------|===----\-------\0 Miu
There's always something very entertaining about fighting against others with Psycho Power. All but beaming now, Nanako's enthusiasm is more than evident on her face as she rushes in for Miu and grabs her collar and digs fingers into cloth. Feet plant, and with a grunt the girl rolls back, sending poor Miu flying toward the ground. When she recovers, it would sem that, for a moment, Miu isn't having any fun. It fades, however, which secretly relieves her. She just wants to train for her upcoming SNF and find a good fighter in the process!
When she recovers, Miu's ready to get serious. Nanako, on the other hand, doesn't seem anywhere near the sort - in fact, she just seems happy to have finally found someone after all her bellowing.
What's this? Another display of her unique powers, Nanako's expression seems genuinely pleased as she watches her utilize her Psycho Power and throw that dark feather of energy at her. Not about to just take it face-first, the girl lifts a leg and kicks a nearby garbage can. Kicking it into the air, Nanako follows through with a second kick, sending the can crashing into the Psycho feather and stopping it before it hits her.
"Whoa," she observes. "That's a pretty neat talent there!"
She starts a fight and yet keeps things so lighthearted? What is -wrong- with this girl! It clearly aggrivates Miu, someone who would rely on a much more logical approach to things-- or at least, something a little more nonviolent that doesn't erequire her to be around others or reveal her 'talents' to others.
The can spins in the air and provides a suitable interruption to the attack, the feather slamming into the steel can with an audible *wham* before it falls to the ground; Miu's feather disappears in a burst of darkness on contact. Miu's posture shifts, chewing her thumbnail. How is she going to--
Leaning forward, the feather-obsessed girl sprints at Nanako and reaches out her hand once again-- not to throw one of those odd feathers, but to grab at her wrist with one hand and at the invading girl's upper arm with the other. If Nanako's arm is captured, Miu turns her back to the strange girl and gives a fierce tug and hip-check to throw the girl judo-style. Strangely, even when she attempts to grab the girl, those feathers again flutter from her hands...
COMBATSYS: Miu successfully hits Nanako with Quick Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Nanako 0/-------/----===|===----\-------\0 Miu
If asked, Nanako would simply explain that there's honestly no point in getting mad about something so silly! That's why the girl continues to smile, her expression friendly and light-hearted as she kicks the garbage can not once but twice, intercepting that oncoming chi attack. The can is struck, folding a bit at its side when the feather disappears, landing with a noisy clatter against the paved path beneath Nanako's feet.
She sees the girl coming, and Nanako readies herself. Springing up, the girl positions her feet, squaring her body as her hands lift up, to guard herself. The problem is, at this point, Nanako's likely beginning to underestimate the other girl; the result is being snagged and hip-checked straight at the ground. Landing with a thud, Nanako ‘oofs' before she collects her wits and rolls back, hopping to her feet.
"Ha ha! That was good!" she chimes, still beaming. "I like your spunk!" That said, the girl rushes forward, only pausing to slide about-face and drive her elbow quite harshly against her gut. "HOOO!"
COMBATSYS: Miu dodges Nanako's Strong Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Nanako 0/-------/----===|===----\-------\0 Miu
For once, something seems to go her way-- gripping Nanako's wrist adn the smooth transition from defense to offense. The throw, the arc of Nanako's body over her own shoulder. Perfect! Still, she keeps her satisfaction down to only a small smiles, a faint quirking of the young girl's lips.
Miu eyes the incoming elbow, twisting herself out of the way with a smooth step of her feet-- and best of all, not sacrificing the distance and footing she wants to keep safe. Feathers rustle and fall as the heel of her hand shoots forward, looking to score a simple palm-strike to Nanako's jaw.
COMBATSYS: Nanako dodges Miu's Jab Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Nanako 0/-------/----===|===----\-------\0 Miu
It was embarrassing at best, but far be Nanako from losing her cool over slight miscalculation! Rolling up from the ground, Nanako hops merrily to her feet and recovers quickly before she charges in once more, looking to drive that sharp elbow of hers clean into poor Miu's gut! But again her tactic fails her, and the result is, of course, that elbow striking nothing but empty air. "Bwah?!" she cries, eyes flickering to the side to follow the raven-haired, feather-wielding Psion.
Noting the movements of her opponent carefully, Nanako grins before she ducks low, avoiding the heel of Miu's palm, letting it whiff the air overhead. "Good!" she chimes. "But can you dodge THIS?!" That's when Nanako shoots a leg up, a vertical kick aimed right for the girl's chin. "HOOOAH!"
COMBATSYS: Miu dodges Nanako's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Nanako 0/-------/----===|===----\-------\0 Miu
The miscalculations on Nanako's part work out all the better for Miu-- and seeing the look on her face when the raven-haired girl dodges makes the moment all the better. Her enthusiasm is capped and restricted somewhat now that Nanako herself has mustered up the ability to drop low, to angle herself better for a rising attack meant to clip the short girl's chin-- not that the chipper psion has far upward to kick.
"What's wrong?"
Pivoting on her heel, Miu makes a smooth rotation away from the kick, just far enough to get her some breathing room-- just far enough to set her up for her next attack. Miu's open right hand closes into a fist, the few white feathers pitching in color to black-- and then swirling around her hand and forearm, growing a great deal in number. By the time she steps forward in that space of all of a few seconds, a drill-like burst of psycho energy extends out from her knuckles, reaching out to strike at Nanako with all it's sharp-edged and forceful might! "Ha!"
COMBATSYS: Nanako blocks Miu's Yomosugara.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Nanako 0/-------/--=====|===----\-------\0 Miu
Color Nanako a shade of surprised when that upward-bound kick of hers fails to meet anything but empty air. This is, what? Twice now that her attacks have gone otherwise avoided? Furrowing her brows, the girl's lips pull into a broad, Cheshire's grin as eyes focus on Miu, watching that hand of hers burst into white, then black.
"Nothing--argh--is WRONG!" the girl cries back, holding her arms up to accept the brunt of the blow into her arms. Feet skid slightly, Mary Janes grinding a little into the stony path, but otherwise Nanako maintains impeccable cheer. Yeah, this WAS so worth the trouble of shouting for a fight!
"You sure you wanna try and keep up with the likes of the FAMOUS--" Emphasizing the point, Nanako jerks a thumb at her chest, her head tilting up as she draws her eyes shut. "Nyanko?!" Lowering her gaze again, the girl all but beams. She's having some fun! But it's time to get a little more serious here.
Crouching low, the tiny Nanako leaps into the air before she comes down with a heel aimed right for the side of Miu's cheek. "HAH!"
COMBATSYS: Miu dodges Nanako's Heavy Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Nanako 0/-------/--=====|===----\-------\0 Miu
The drilling force of the feathers ends after a few moments-- and Miu can only backpedal a step or so from the schoolgirl with the ever-so-burning spirit. Nanako's got quite the ability to recover, she'll give her that. Perhaps it goes hand-in-hand with that tenacious personality, that stubborn attitude that does nothing more than drive her absolutely crazy. Still-- somewhere, as much as Miu would not want to admit it ... she -is- having a -little- fun with this. What aspect, however, is still out for debate; Nanako's attitude, the deft manuvering around attacks, or the strikes she's been able to land so far.
Miu's only response to Nanako's high-flying kick is to simply -not- get hit. Not ducking to either side but making a short, powerful lunge -under- the twin-tailed girl, it puts her in a decent position to score a hit while her back is turned. Miu's left leg extends out to provide balance, her torso arcing to one side in order to reach out and aim a feather-laiden punch at the small of her opponent's back.
COMBATSYS: Nanako counters Medium Punch from Miu with Auspicious Hand.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Nanako 0/-------/-======|======-\-------\0 Miu
Having fun is what it's all about! Beaming all the while, Nanako is clearly entertained by the exchange of blows, despite what Miu may feel or think. As far as SHE can tell the girl's a little on the quiet side and likely a sourpuss, but that's okay!
What the..? Another miss!? Furrowing her brows as that heel of hers only slams against the smooth path beneath her feet, the girl lands in a crouch briefly before she rises to her feet, following the other fighter with her gaze. Where'd she go?
Behind her, of course!
Nanako moves quickly. Spinning on her heel, the girl about-faces to meet Miu as she reaches out with a fist that's likely intent to leave a mark if Nanako isn't fast enough! "Wagh!" she cries as her thin hands burst to life with annoyingly pink Psycho Power, thrusted forward to intercept that oncoming fist with one hand. The other, meanwhile, jerks forward, using Miu's forward momentum against her--by blasting at the girl's stomach with a burst of that same Psycho Power. "HOAAH! That was close!"
So much for the best laid plans-- or as improvisional as they are or could be. Suddenly having her fist be stopped with one hand-- and a sizzle of their clashing psycho energies, no doubt-- and having the other fist dart in for her exposed abdomen is not part of those plans at all.
"Unngh-!" Miu exclaims, staggering from the forceful blow. It's no lie, a hit like that hurts well enough to knock the wind out of her. But not to be deterred, the resiliant little psycho-user grinds her foot into the ground and hooks her other leg upward for a small kick-- one that rustles the air yet and creates more of those psi-feathers scattering from the toe of her shoe in the process.
COMBATSYS: Miu successfully hits Nanako with Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Nanako 1/-------/=======|======-\-------\0 Miu
Holding the stance for a few seconds, Nanako's fist lingers out, the glow of pink Psycho Power slowly fading out around her fist as she stands there, still grinning. Yeah, while it was a relatively close call, Nanako's pretty proud she actually prevented herself from getting hit potentially HARD by this equally tiny terror. Are there any regrets for picking a fight with the likes of Miu?
NONE AT ALL. Why should she? She's having fun!
Even if it means a bit of pain. Attempting to avoid the feathery kick aimed at her head, Nanako does just the opposite - struck in the head, the girl reels to one side, staggering with obvious discomfort. "M-man, that smarts!" she cries, eyes wide as she jerks upright and points a finger at the girl.
Did she think she'd out Nanako like that? Never! Again Nanako makes her move; rushing in, the girl aims for a quick snag of her collar, to grab Miu by the neck and hurl her over a shoulder toward the ground yet again.
COMBATSYS: Nanako successfully hits Miu with Quick Throw.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Nanako 1/-------/=======|=======\-------\1 Miu
If she's been this lucky thusfar, what's the harm in pushing her luck?
Plenty, apparently.
Miu's deft footsteps just aren't enough to get out of the way of the grasping hands, once again learning which direction the sky is in-- after all, she's just been planted into the ground again. Rolling over to her hands and knees, Miu shakes her head sharply with a lash of her hair to get the heebie-jeebies out of her head and refocus.
Rising to her full (ha ha ha) height, the small Seijyun student closes the narrow gap between herself and Nanako in only a few brief steps, twisting around in a full circle and swiping her arm from Nanako's shoulder to hip. While ordinarily, having one's fingertips be a couple of inches from the target, a white feather 'blade' bursts out from her sleeve and over the back of her hand in a manner similar to a katar-- raking the psycho-based energy out for a dangerous and powerful swipe!
COMBATSYS: Nanako dodges Miu's Shubatsu.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Nanako 1/-------/=======|=======\-------\1 Miu
Snagging the other fighter, Nanako gives her a hearty heft and toss, clearly underestimating her own strength in doing so. The result? Miu lands rather unpleasantly, rolling head over heels before she eventually rises to her knees and ultimately standing up again. Yeah, that's what she likes to see! Fighting spirit! She's even more pleased to see she won't give up just yet!
All but beaming now, Nanako stands with her hands on her hips. Only when the other and considerably more quiet girl makes her move does she spring to life; stiffening her posture, Nanako springs off her feet and avoids that swipe of Psycho Power, narrowly avoiding the potentially painful attack. That was almost too close for comfort.
"I like your style!" she chimes, clearly pleased with how things have come thusfar. But the fight's not over quite yet. That's why the girl steps in swiftly and attempts to deliver another harsh blow to her stomach with that elbow of hers.
COMBATSYS: Nanako successfully hits Miu with Strong Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////// ]
Nanako 1/------=/=======|=======\==-----\1 Miu
It's hard to say what led up to this part of the battle-- fate? Just bad luck? Or was her opponent just -that- good? Nanako's assault leads back in to a forceful elbow attack-- one that Miu nigh-invited with the broad sweep of her arm, the feather of psycho energy fluttering out of the sleeve and disappearing before it hits the ground. Gasping, the young Kurosaki bends over Nanako's elbow and stumbles a step. And... her eyes positively light up.
The psycho energy in her noticably surges, the small girl's frame putting out more energy than it feasably should. Miu's arm suddenly swipes out-- and one of those thrown feathers emerges, flying at a higher speed. The girl whips around a second time and unleashes a second feather. A third, a fourth, fifth, sixth, and then finally a seventh-- all of them aimed to give Nanako the third course in her supper of suffering.
COMBATSYS: Miu successfully hits Nanako with Chou Hissatsu Amagakeri.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////// ]
Nanako 1/--=====/=======|==-----\-------\0 Miu
Let it be said that while Nanako enjoys a good fight, she doesn't necessarily like hurting people. Especially people like Miu, who don't really ASK for it. But it would be an insult of she held back, right? Of course!
So that is why her elbow drives in with considerable force, to deliver a whopping smack to Miu's stomach and cause her to stumble a bit, possibly disoriented. Furrowing her brows, the girl takes a few quick steps back, placing distance between herself and the likes of Miu. Lord knows what her retaliation will be!
...but it seems to be something considerably impressive. Blinking as the feather is procured, Nanako looks both ways before she attempts to dodge aside, to avoid the barrage. Her footing again fails her, and the result winds up being her pincushioned repeatedly with seven psionic feathers. They kinda smart, too.
When it's over, the girl rubs at her gut, brows knit in the faintest expression of frustration. While she doesn't necessarily like the way those feel, she refuses to give up! That's why she again charges forward, pausing only to pivot on her heel and execute a back kick at Miu's chest.
COMBATSYS: Miu dodges Nanako's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////// ]
Nanako 1/--=====/=======|==-----\-------\0 Miu
It's been awhile since she's let that much energy flow out-- that much of a surge, and releasing an attack like that. Is she out of practice? Out of shape? Miu doesn't have long to think on the subject, hand still holding her stomach-- what with the charging student blazing in at her at full speed and the incoming kick.
A little deft once more, Miu steps to the side, dodging behind Nanako and reaching out to snag the girl's hand. Pushing off on both feet, Miu makes an awkward manuver, hip-checking at the twin-tailed psi user in an attempt to knock her off her balance.
COMBATSYS: Nanako counters Quick Throw from Miu with Nyanko Super Destroyer.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /// ]
Nanako 0/-------/--=====|======-\-------\0 Miu
Again, a miss! What on earth is her malfunction? Is Nanako seriously that out of practice? Has she been slacking too much!? It's very likely, but far be her from giving up. This only proves she needed this fight to train beforehand, before her SNF fight!
Brows furrow, eyes shooting to the side as she watches the girl dodge and slip behind her. Having none of that - and letting her frustrations mount a little TOO much - Nanako turns, snagging the girl something fierce by that offending hand in turn. "NYANKOOO!" she cries, likely surprising the girl as she very nearly yells in Miu's face. The other hand shoots out from her side, repeatedly striking the poor Psion in the gut with a series of harsh blows. "SUPER!!!"
Somewhere in here, Miu's probably thinking, ‘What's this girl's damage?'
Crouching low, Nanako recoils her fist tightly at her side before she lunges up quite suddenly, executing a fierce uppercut to her jaw, meant to send her flying. "DESTROYER!!" And, of course, she holds the pose, because that's just how cool people roll.
It isn't so much wondering what her damage is-- it's more the shock and surprise of such a counterattack happening so suddenly. Miu's eyes widen on the first hit, but the small-framed girl chokes and gasps for air at the raining series of blows with eyes clamped shut. A final uppercut launches her into the air to the dismay of the Seijyun students, and the odd young Kurosaki girl lands in a pile on the ground. Gone still for a moment, it seems like that's it-- that's all there is to it.
But 'for a moment' doesn't mean 'guaranteed KO'.
Slowly rising to her feet, Miu drags her knuckles across the blood of her split lip. Her bangs do well to hide her eyes, and it looks like she's putting a lot of effort into merely -standing-. But it's not enough-- not yet. Miu charges ahead in a swift, brutal fury. Her left arm begins to swirl with black feathers as it leads behind her-- so many that it seems hard for the amount to stay 'bonded' to the bundle, an excess of dark feathers fluttering in her wake. From her right forearm comes the white 'blade' again-- and with one massive swipe, she seems to have more in store for Nanako...
COMBATSYS: Miu can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Nanako 0/-------/--=====|
COMBATSYS: Miu successfully hits Nanako with Psychic Secrets.
[ \\\\ <
Nanako 1/----===/=======|
One slash. Two, three, four-- rotating a full circle for each swipe, moving with a strength that just doesn't seem right or real. The arm that is held back suddenly rushes forward, the fist aimed to plow straight into Nanako's gut with all of the stored-up psycho power and force behind it. It sounds somewhat strange as her arm lunges forward, sounding something almost like wingbeats by the hundreds, almost as if there were a few dozen birds blazing by Nanako from all directions all at once. The forward-driving energy disperses in a horizontal tornado of feathers that scatter everywhere before falling-- and at the same time, so does she.
Miu falls to her hands and knees, the strain and pain stacking up and quite nearly pushing the girl beyond the limit, breathing heavily and hard.
Clearly pleased with the outcome of her counterattack, Nanako releases her pose and pumps her fists into the air, eyes pressing shut in a gleeful expression of victory. "YEAH!" she cries, hopping in place. "I still got it! Nyanko is at the top of her game!!" Sort of. Nevermind it was a bit of a close call.
Letting her guard down was probably the first mistake she made. With her back turned to poor, bloodied Miu, she doesn't take notice that the girl is peeling herself off the ground. Or that she's rising and actually standing. Or that she is coming to deliver one last, final blow. The pitter-patter of heels against concrete is the only thing that signals her approach, to which Nanako turns and gawks. "You're supposed to stay down!!" she cries, as feet move.
In a perfect world, Nanako would have actually dodged. In reality, she doesn't. As result, she's struck with that chi blade. Also, in that perfect world, it wouldn't go on for about four slashes before she is suddenly smacked in the stomach before she's consumed in a tornado of pain and psychic energy. When all those feathers scatter and the tornado subsides, Nanako's on her own hands and knees, looking a little distraught. And winded. And a little bruised.
"That...was totally COOL! You gotta teach me that move sometime!!" she cries, shooting the girl a look before she - somehow - rises to her feet and extends a hand to Miu. All but beaming, she'll aid the Seijyun girl to her feet and help her find some medical attention, along with a bit for herself - whether Miu wants the help or not! Nanako is friend to all fighters! ...and cats.
COMBATSYS: Nanako takes no action.
COMBATSYS: Nanako can no longer fight.
Log created by Nanako, and last modified on 15:37:39 02/05/2007.