Description: A devastated Yurika gets some words of encouragement from Zaki. Her appreciation is shown via a thorough beating.
To one ones suprise, it's yet another chilly day not just in Seijyun, but in Southtown's entirety. Reports had said there would be snow starting in the evening, which meant that one of the certain students would be doing her usual duties when snow is expected.
Yurika Kirishima had Greenhouse duty this month, meaning that it was her responsibility that the temperature was always just right to ensure that the more environmentally sensitive plants would stay looking their best during the otherwise chilly days.
It hadn't been a very good day yesterday for her, so really anything to distract her from the Duck Pond incident is more than welcome for the prima donna. It's falling toward evening, meaning that the temperature would have to be turned up a bit again, but she does something that a lot of students admire.. But also find quite odd; and that's her playing music for the flowers inside the extremely brightly decorated greenhouse. The sound doesn't pass the glass too well, which means that a couple of students that have come to eavesdrop have to get really close to hear her enchanting melody, the girl taking casual steps in a small circle, all while seeming to be lost in her own little world.
While she may dress a little warmer than most of Seijyun's other students on a normal day, on cold ones such as this Zaki doesn't even make the slightest adjustment to her attire. There's no extra layers, there's no scarf, nothing. Just the usual vinyl bodysuit with her own jacked-up version of the school's dress uniform worn over it. She's supposed to be the toughest girl here, and this is just the sort of thing she has to put herself through in order to keep up appearances! ...she really is cold though. It's freezing out here. But that's all the more reason for her to go and visit Yurika and see what's up at the greenhouse! And unlike the other girls, who seem content to listen from the outside without disturbing the violinist, the chain-wielding redhead waltzes herself right in and shuts the door behind her, rather loud and forceful with the action for no apparent reason. She then crosses her arms and starts to tap her foot...
... How rude!
Not that the other students are much better, but such noise in many circumstances would cause music to abruptly halt from suprise if anything. Despite her back being to the door, though, Yurika doesn't seem to be disturbed in the slightest, eyes drawn in serene closure still, but the intensity that she was playing before has dropped considerably, as well as it's volume-
This is Yurika's way of saying she knows that there is company, even if she doesn't look it.
"As well mannered as always, Himezaki," she says in her usual, calm tone, crossing her legs a moment and twists slowly to face Seijyuns resident renegade. And greets her with a somewhat troubled smile, "It certainly is a chilly evening, isn't it? You should at least invest in a trenchcoat."
Zaki narrows her eyes and gives Yurika a rather stern look from behind her mask toward the little priss's choice of greeting. "What've I said about calling me that, huh? Never say the whole word, it bugs me." The imposing 2nd year then pushes off from the door and starts to make her way over, heels clicking and arms still crossed. "Eh? It ain't that cold is it? For plants, maybe, but I'm no flower. Besides, a trench would look weird on me. But anyway, just how long have you been out here by yourself? You wouldn't be trying to hide out here, would you?"
Yurika's brows raise slightly, and her playing does end up coming to a halt. But this is actually because the piece was at its end anyway, her half-lidded eyes seeming to avert their gaze from Zaki upon the second question. In fact, she looks off to the side altogeather, giving a half-hearted laugh, ".. Well you know what kind of predicament that puts me in. Manners and the like. But I will do the best I can." she gives a small sigh, and then shakes her head, silver curls bouncing lightly with the movement, "Actually.. I suppose I am hiding. That wasn't my original intention, but I've had an extremely embarassing evening last night."
Yurika tightens the grip on her bow, nibbling her lower lip for a moment, "Extremely embarassing, actually. I've never been.. 'Boo'd out of the stadium' I suppose is the term in my entire life. I want to redeem myself, but I'm afraid I'll be defeated again, and I just couldn't bear that kind of humiliation."
Zaki gives the other girl a somewhat questioning look. "Does it? Whatever happened to just 'Zaki-san'? In any case, if you start saying the whole thing like that the other girls are going to think they can get away with it and that would really piss me off, so just... don't do it." With that said, she lets her hands falls back to her sides, and begins to lazily pace circles around Yurika as she listens to her reply, stopping only when she's finished speaking and putting her hands on her hips. "Well, you know what needs to be done when you're looking to become stronger, right? The same thing you do when you want to get better at playing your violin. So tell me, why aren't you doing that instead of hiding out here..."
".. Zaki-san?" Yurika repeated, almost as if the word were foreign to her. But her cheeks redenned, realizing that somehow it just slipped her mind.
Yurika just wasn't used to this kind of stress. When Zaki asks the other question though, she shakes her head, then looks mildly suprised by the answer. Really, it was so simple, and she completely overlooked it! Which only embarassed her a bit more, "W- Well yes, that would make sense, wouldn't it,"
She followed Zaki's movements from the corner of her eye, then turned to face her once more, "But.. I.. I don't know why, I just.. I always sit by myself when I'm in trouble, I never really thought I was hiding, I just.. I mean, I was just confused, and.."
There's another pause, and then finally she shakes her head, "I suppose I have no excuse, it seems I have much more to learn, even after all the studying I've done all these years.. Zaki-san. Could you help me, please? What exactly should I do?"
Zaki gives a brief nod of her head when the Kirishima girl repeats the less-formal way of addressing her... the way she always said her name before. She was fairly sure it was just a slip anyway. "Yeah, it's okay, you just need to calm down I think. I'm sure Akira would tell you the same thing though, you need to practice. You're not half bad with what you do know, but a girl can always get better. Why don't you try sparring with me? There'll be less pressure on you if you practice your skills on someone you know, right?"
As the two talk, the sun isn't taking it's sweet time setting.. It's gradually getting darker already, the skies becoming pink and dark-blue, prompting Yurika to glance toward the exit. Outside the overhead lamps click on automatically, and some of the sprinklers come to life over the patches of the winter-bloomed flowers and grass.
"Again, you're correct. I'll.. Do my best to calm down, and face things with a cooler head." Yurika gives a faint smile, and then a curtsey to her schoolmate, "I think that would be an excellent idea, I must confess, I've never been so.. 'Chipper' about having a match before. You're a very good leader." With that, she motions Zaki for her to follow, walking past and then out of the greenhouse while picking up her coat, and into the lit path ahead leading back toward the school; stopping halfway of course. The students that were there before have long since skittered back into the school; but it's warmer to watch from in there anyway!
Her coat is very.. Girly. Knee length and pink in color with a big, poofy collar and handwarmer cuffs.
Zaki smiles toward the compliment, but it's only visible to anyone else by her eyes with that mask in the way. "Yeah, just like any of the other girls here you can always come talk to me when you've got a problem. I like solving problems." The taller redhead then makes to follow her schoolmate out of the glass-structure and back out into the school proper, girding herself a bit before doing so as she knows the change in temperature is likely to make her shiver a little, and she doesn't want even a single other student to see it. Tensing up beforehand takes care of that pretty well though, and that's not very hard to do when one is crossing their arms in front of themselves. The gang leader sets herself just a few feet away from Yurika when all is said and done, and inclines her head just a bit to indicate her readiness. "Go ahead and throw something at me. And don't worry about holding back, you know I can take it."
COMBATSYS: Zaki has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Zaki 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Yurika has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Zaki 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Yurika
"That isn't news to me in the least, though I'm a bit embarassed to confess that I believed you solved most problems with conflict. I suppose I should pay closer attention, shouldn't I?" Yurika asks with very slightly red cheeks. It seemed to be at least a partially teasing jab, but there was truth in it nontheless.
Giving herself a few steps of distance between the two, Yurika raises her violen to her shoulder and chin, her pink shoes test the slipperyness of the floor and it seems nothing has iced over yet. "All right then, let us begin, Zaki-san." and she starts things off with a fairly wide backstep, twirling around so that her skirt bells out further- Yet despite the widening of distance, her close-in is perhaps suprisingly quick, her bow whipped outward like a sword to slam into Zaki's side, a blurr of musical notes following with the motion. Zaki may find out that the force behind the swing is deceptivly strong as she strikes not once, but twice to the ribs.
COMBATSYS: Yurika successfully hits Zaki with Tragic Hesitation.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Zaki 0/-------/-----==|=------\-------\0 Yurika
Zaki gives a little shrug of her shoulders. She'd almost prefer for Yurika to continue to think to contrary, but she won't say that. "Could be, yeah. But I'm not here to preach to you, or anything. I just didn't want to leave you out here sulking over something stupid. If this doesn't work for you let me know and we'll stop."
And though she already gave Yurika free reign to attack her, she never raised her guard or anything. The redhead seemed like she was just going to stand there for the most part. When the bow is ultimately swung at her though, she turns and tries to avoid it, but it's not quite enough. It was probably only a token bit of resistance to keep this from being the same thing as Yurika practicing on a talking punching bag. Or at least that's what she would tell the girls waiting in the wings if they were to ask!
Zaki grunts when she's struck in the ribs, twice in a row, and without missing a beat starts to raise one leg and attempt to bring it down on Yurika's shoulder then. The movement isn't all that quick, but again it seems like only a token effort. It's either that, or it's the cold. She needs to warm up probably. "Feeling better yet?"
COMBATSYS: Yurika dodges Zaki's Strong Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Zaki 0/-------/-----==|=------\-------\0 Yurika
Yurika is quite aware of the image Zaki has to upkeep, and as far as one can tell, she'd cater to it out of respect. Though in all honesty, it must be a strange sight to see two nearly-opposites hanging around togeather.
But that aside, Yurika seems mildly satisfied to have her strikes connect, but to Zaki's question, she replies, "I feel more.. Confident, if that's what you mean," the downward strike Zaki gives is deftly evaded, again twirling on one foot to place herself behind the gang leader, "But that is how it was the evening before as well.." There isn't much wasted movement, raising her bow slightly, she strikes again, this time aiming at the side of Zaki's neck, starting to vary where she chooses to strike.
COMBATSYS: Zaki endures Yurika's Quick Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Zaki 0/-------/---====|=------\-------\0 Yurika
Zaki has never really taken cared about things like that. If she likes you, then that's all you really need. She doesn't need to have all that much in common with a person in order to get along with them or even to give them a place in her gang. Take the freak with the blonde afro and the 3d-glasses for instance. She's got to be a foreigner, and on some kind of crack, so there's not much the two could have in common, and yet there she is, in the gang, and Zaki never seems to have a problem with that. But anyway~
"Good, great. That's what I want to hear." *clack* Her foot completes its arc and hits the ground without really even coming close to knicking Yurika. "Except for that last part. You're just gonna jinx yourself if you say stuff like that!"
And, tilting her head to the side and taking that next strike on the side of her neck as if it was somehow expected, the gang boss begins to slide in close while Yurika is still in range and flip a chain out from behind one of her sleeves. Rather than being aimed right at Yurika though, it somehow looks like it's about to zing right past her, at a downward angle...
COMBATSYS: Yurika negates Dokuhebi no Tessa from Zaki with Tragic Serenade.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Zaki 0/-------/---====|=------\-------\0 Yurika
"Ah right, wouldn't want to do that," Yurika replies. Jinxes? Only on some occassions does she believe in such things, and it seems now will be one of those occassions. She'll take any 'advantage' she can get in keeping on good graces with the fighter within! "Oh so.. My opponent, his name was 'Duck King'.. He wasn't whom I envisioned," she then adds, her bow going back to her violen as she takes a light prance back.
Placing her in the perfect position to deal with Zaki's chain, even if it does whip past her at first. She turns her back then to Zaki, the tune she plays alarmingly quick, and the energy from it takes form of musical notes shaped into a wheel- The metal seems to bounce right off of it, and more importantly, redirecting it away from herself, "He looked rather wild.. Perhaps you heard of him."
Zaki once more inclines her head, and with her free hand starts to rub at her neck just a little bit. It's probably a good thing that the bodysuit beneath her dress keeps that part of her covered, since that feels to her like it may have left a bit of a mark. The neck isn't exactly something that one can tone the way Zaki has the rest of her body, meaning it's not as resistant as she made it look when she just shrugged it off and moved on.
"Yeah? Hn.. I've heard a fair bit, yeah. Owns his own bar, holds his own fighting events from time to time, breakdances... What were you doing messing around with him anyway?" Toward her attack being fended off without too much trouble, she raises an eyebrow and starts to reel her chain back in, to disappear up under her sleeve, only to come shooting out from the *other* sleeve. And this time it's rather noticeably crackling with electricity and looks like it's on a collision course with the frailer girl's chest.
COMBATSYS: Yurika blocks Zaki's Hakai no Tessa EX.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Zaki 0/-------/--=====|===----\-------\0 Yurika
Yurika lets out light sigh, "I asked myself the same thing sometimes," she admits with a small frown, "Long story short, I ended up fighting him to try to teach him some manners. Though I was also upset that he wasn't quite what I expected him.. To be.." her cheeks darken then, gaze shifting to the side once more. Not a good idea, but it seems she's still able to put up a decent defense against Zaki's attack.
Twisting her shoulder forward, the chain slams into her instrument, lightly knicking the thing, but the force is still enough to make her stumble back a few steps. She regains her balance, though, and tries to get close enough to be able to crouch and deliver a sweeping kick, targeting Zaki's ankles, "It didn't work the way I had planned, of course."
COMBATSYS: Zaki interrupts Light Kick from Yurika with Chain Flip.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Zaki 0/-------/=======|====---\-------\0 Yurika
Zaki shakes her head a bit at her friend. "You're really too emotional about this still. I don't see any bruises on you or anything, and even though you say you lost all I'm hearing is you beating yourself up! If everything went exactly as you planned it, then life would get pretty boring. And so would fighting. Especially... in friendly sparring matches like this one."
The pause comes right when she's in the middle of turning Yurika's sweep against her, catching her ankle with a small twist of chain and yanking so as to make her spin like a top and go careening away from her, keeping her own footing.
"I.. I can't help tha- EEP!" Yurika replies, though in slight worry. Zaki's right though, she didn't bruise much at all, but.. Even stil, it wouldn't feel right to simply brush it off so easily. And not only that, the sudden sweep and fling of her chain indeed sends her tossed back once more, causing her to land hard onto the duty road on her back. And she sits up slowly with a wince, "I would rather my path be boring and go the way I wish, then for it to go awry with a chance to lose everything.. I just cannot share your vision from that standpoint.. And suprises are rarely pleasent."
Yurika gets to her feet then, stance a bit shaky as she conteplates her next action. Though in all honesty, she isn't even sure what she's supposed to concentrate on.
COMBATSYS: Yurika focuses on her next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Zaki 0/-------/=======|====---\-------\0 Yurika
Zaki spreads her feet and crouches down not far from Yurika after she falls as intended, and gives a little nod of her head. "I figured you'd say something about like that. And I'm not going to tell you it's wrong to want that or anything. Experience and training can bring you to a point where you're almost never surprised... But you'd have to become, like, a ninja or something."
She seems totally serious, too. That was the best she could come up with! Hopefully her attack will keep Yurika from laughing too much. It *is* a punch to the midsection with her coiled up chain wrapped around her fist, with designs on knocking the air right out of her.
COMBATSYS: Yurika dodges Zaki's Medium Strike.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Zaki 0/-------/=======|====---\-------\0 Yurika
Yurika again seems slightly suprised by Zaki's response. And all in all, there's no reason for her to laugh, in fact suddenly she seems more inspired, it *does* make sense after all, since her brother just very well happens to be that very thing. .. But. How can she imitate something like that without his training anymore? Perhaps there was a book about it somewhere.
Either way, her lips curled into a faint smile, nodding her head in agreement, "I.. Believe I'm grasping your point, Zaki-san. I will work to surpass my best." Eventually. She already has enough to study as is! As the punch comes her way, Yurika is already at the defensive, standing on her tiptoes and twirls once more, placing herself to the side, and then behind Zaki in a quick, smooth, motion, "I feel as if I have improved already, I do hope you have a trump card." her bow whips outward then, the horsestrings of her bow attempting to press to Zaki's throat. It's pulled back with a slash, she attempting to force her chi right into Zaki to disorient her enough to send her to her knees.
COMBATSYS: Zaki dodges Yurika's Quick Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Zaki 0/-------/=======|====---\-------\0 Yurika
Zaki is still just a little bit cold, it seems. She meant for that punch to be a bit quicker, and it certainly isn't the chain's fault that it was slow. It's just that she hadn't quite warmed up yet. The irony is of course in the fact that she finally does warm up right after that, enough that she's able to rear back just in time to avoid the end of Yurika's bow, turning her chin up at it and giving the other girl a look, just before spinning around and trying to roundhouse at what she thinks to be the perfect moment. "Good! But like I said, you shouldn't be worrying about me."
COMBATSYS: Yurika parries Zaki's Light Kick!
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Zaki 0/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0 Yurika
Oops! Yurika wasn't expecting that kind of quickness to come from Zaki. But just because the gangster can hit like a brute certainly doesn't mean she can't move like a swan. Yurika notes to herself that she has to be a bit more open-minded before judging her opponents. Another lesson well learned. Yurika continues to stand at her spot, however, and doesn't even flinch when the kick comes whipping at, and then ultimatly through her.. Revealed to be just an image as it decintegrates into musical notes.
Standing back-to-back with Zaki, Yurika plays on her instrument, a calm serious of notes the kicks into a more furious tune, and a burst of sound seems to tear up from the ground and around the prissy student. Should Zaki fail to defend herself, she may find herself suddenly carried upward while being assaulted in the back by her unorthodox attack, "Indeed."
COMBATSYS: Zaki endures Yurika's Tragic Lullaby EX.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Zaki 1/-----==/=======|======-\-------\0 Yurika
Zaki carries through with her kick even when she sees it's hitting nothing but floating music notes. And when someone disappears on her like that? Her first instinct is to watch her back, since that's where they're most likely to attack from. This would be a perfect example of what she was just telling Yurika about if it weren't for the fact that her favored way of dealing with attacks seems to be just to grin and bear it, rather than try to avoid it completely. Her friend tried a surprise attack, but she wasn't surprised, and yet she's still getting carried into the air by these painful notes and growling about it. But she chose this, for whatever reason!
When she's finally allowed to fall back down to earth, the redhead begins to try and prove that the hand she was dealt there wasn't really as bad as it seemed. She's not even winded, and she's able to quickly wheel herself around and swing a hard right at Yurika's powdered cheek.
COMBATSYS: Yurika blocks Zaki's Fierce Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Zaki 1/----===/=======|=======\-------\1 Yurika
Yurika was apparently expecting Zaki to be downed, even if for a moment, from her attack, and her melody still carries across the fields.. There's hardly enough moonlight to overpower the light the lamps give, and so she doesn't see any sort of shadow that would otherwise reveal Zaki's drop.
However the problem is she doesn't her the dull thump of a falling body, causing her to glance over her shoulder and see her opponent at the last moment, ".. Ah," and her playing is forced to stop in order for her to raise her bow and redirect the blow sent her way as she hops back. .. And it's an extremely strenuous task to do so, it'd seem from her wince, "Well, it was a pleasent edge while it lasted," she murmurs, raising her knee to send a straight kick to Zaki's stomach.
COMBATSYS: Zaki blocks Yurika's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Zaki 1/---====/=======|=======\-------\1 Yurika
Zaki is breathing just the slightest bit heavier after having thrown such a heavy punch, and her stance has just a bit of a slouch to it, like her shoulders aren't raised quite as high as they were before. She's still able to pull her fist back in a timely manner after it's misdirected away from the Kirishima girl though, and she's able to draw out her chain with that same hand and hold it out to stop the kick that's thrown her way by stretching it out in front of her, gripped tightly on either side. But she doesn't retaliate immediately this time. She's more content to roll back her shoulders a few times and take in a deep draught of air. "See, this is what I meant, that was boring for me. I wish I had been surprised."
COMBATSYS: Zaki gains composure.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Zaki 1/-----==/=======|=======\-------\1 Yurika
".. B.. Boring..?" Yurika replies, her eyes wide for a brief moment. Hardly a response she expected, considering how amazing she was certain she was for even a brief moment! Her cheeks light up in embarassment, and then her brows knit afterward. Quite possibly in annoyance, "I- It was *not*," she makes quite clear, "It was *beautiful*, is what it was! It was an exerpt of a wonderful story!" Zaki may be taking a slight breather, but Yurika doesn't intend on letting her enjoy it for long, a sprint in her step, Yurika rushes forward with her bow extended as a lance, but her opposite arm then swings out, her violen thrust out in a backhand motion toward Zaki's chin, and letting the neck spin within her palm, is redirected back down to smash it over Zaki's head.
COMBATSYS: Zaki fails to interrupt Strong Punch from Yurika with Gantsuke Hyakunijuu Percent.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Zaki 0/-------/----===|=======\-------\1 Yurika
Ah! Her prayers are answered. Such service! The rough redhead wishes for a surprise, and she gets one, just like that. She thinks herself ready when she sees Yurika rush at her with her elbow out, ready to spear it into her. There's no doubt that, if she were focused, she could have stopped the other girl in her tracks with but a glare from her piercing blue eyes, but simple fact is that she is not. She is... laughing. It's like-- "Hahaha-AH! And she's cracked over the head with a violin. Wakes her up, y'know, and makes her widen her eyes quite a bit, rather than narrow them as she was going to use that paralyzing gaze of hers.
After the initial shock wears off, Zaki squints one eye shut and begins to wave her hands in front of her. "Sorry, sorry. I wasn't making fun or anything. You're just cute when you're mad like that and I couldn't keep a straight face!" Not that... you'd know that if she didn't say it aloud. Stupid mask.
And even more amazing, her instrument doesnt' even break upon the surely jarring impact. Leaving one to wonder, maybe, what that thing is even made of! Yurika is still shaken up, doing her best to regain her composure and at the very least her elegance hadn't shied away.
.. Too much.
In fact, she seems ready to add one more swing for good measure, when this time it's more than her cheeks that redden, but her face entirely, "... C- Cute?" she repeats, and tries her best to look more cross than flustered. She bow in her hand shakes a bit, and she quickly shakes her head, "Z- Zaki-san, save your playing for instruments!" she snaps, because it really is difficult to tell if Zaki is serious or not. Bow striking forward again, this time she attempts to swipe at the girls knee; using the vibrations to force her to drop to it. And should she succeed, her opposite hand settles on the girls shoulder to flip over, cross her arms, and chop sharply at the back of her neck with enough force to floor her completely!
COMBATSYS: Yurika successfully hits Zaki with Melancholy Pavane.
Glancing Blow
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Zaki 0/-------/---====|=======\==-----\1 Yurika
Zaki tries to hold back from having another brief fit of laughter like that, but Yurika is only making it worse now! The color her face burns and the sound of her sputtering to get those words out is just killing poor Aoi. The good thing about this though is that she can finally allow herself to shiver as she pleases, now. People will just think that she's shaking with laughter, which is fine, because she is kind of doing that too. And none of these things seem to hinder her *too* much in fending off this next attempt at taking her down by the musical Kirishima girl. She's taken to one knee for a split second, sure, and then flipped, but instead of being floor she catches herself on the ground with one hand and springs off of it to narrowly avoid that finishing strike. It just kind of grazes her on her way before she lands on her feet again.
"Oh man, look at you. I don't think I can keep going if it's like this. And it's late, we can practice more later. I can see this was helpful though. I thought your temper and your pride might be your problems but they didn't seem to cause you any trouble here." The gang boss then starts to dust herself off and straighten her uniform, before looking back up and narrowing her eyes a bit thoughtfully. "I'll give you one last parting shot though, after I take mine!"
It's weird what she does next. She drops down into a crouch for a moment, and then leaps up high and in a wide arc over the more formal schoolgirl, aiming to come down on her with her bootheels, which are wreathed in a small aura of flame.
COMBATSYS: Zaki successfully hits Yurika with Kokou no Pride.
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Zaki 0/-------/--=====|=======\=====--\1 Yurika
Well, Zaki is certainly making it difficult for Yurika to keep her composure, that much is for certain. She's never been teased like this before, ever! But she's been raised to look calm at all times- Why has it been so easy to make her flustered lately? "S- Stop your games this instant!" is all she can stammer, a slight stagger in her step upon landing. At this point, though, an end to this match would be very helpful for her. Yes, as soon as she returns to her room, she's going to have to review all she'd learned over her lifetime.
As Zaki's boot shoots toward her, Yurika raises her bow once more, intending to do something beside get hit with flooring force, but it doesn't quite work out that way, as she falls to her knees with a suprised yelp. But she's also not knocked completely out of position for her return blow, bow brought to her violen once more, Yurika plays another piece as she leaps straight up into the air, suggesting an arial attack.. When the pillar of sound, taking the form of a musical bar rips upward into the air again, intending to shoot the gang leader upward, so that she can swipe and knock her back down below, "Please!" Zaki's killing her, hear, even one whom isn't music-saavy may realize that her playing is a bit faultered.
COMBATSYS: Zaki dodges Yurika's Fatal Rondo.
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Zaki 0/-------/--=====|=====--\-------\0 Yurika
Zaki hops right off of Yurika and back onto the path, with arms crossed, and begins to turn away and wave a hand back over her shoulder, as if she means to say goodnight already. But she's not denying Yurika her chance at taking one more swing at her with that bow. Not completely, anyway. She waits until she hears her starting to play something on that violin of hers, and then she starts to sprint her ass on out of there! At least until she gets well out of the girl's range. She then stops, and turns on her heels to give a nod of her head. "Nice, nice. -Almost- hit me with that. Anyway I'll see you tomorrow Yurika, go get some rest." As for the leader herself, it's time for some brisk walking back to the dorms where it's nice and toasty, for some hot tea before bed.
COMBATSYS: Zaki has left the fight here.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Yurika 0/-------/--=====|
Once Yurika lands, she seems to gracefully do so, her dress belling out and seeming to parachute her decent without making her look indecent. And landing on her tip-toes, the flush in her face still apparent, really what more can she do than just stand there as Zaki makes her exit? ".. All right. G- Good night then," she replies with a small wave, and then both of her arms drop to her sides.
In the end, though, she certainly did feel better, which was also rather strange to her. Yes, she would need a good, long sleep after this, her eyes glancing to the layout of flowers close to her, ".. This may end up being a bit troublesome after all."
COMBATSYS: Yurika has ended the fight here.
Log created by Yurika, and last modified on 15:55:47 02/19/2007.