Yurika - Yurika vs Duck Child

Description: Yurika ventures to the Duck Pond, expecting a young prince to meet a reasonable request. She sees Duck and it only goes downhill from there. :(

It's the weekend in the Duck Pond and what a better way to kick off things than with loud music, flowing booze and most of all...DANCING. It isn't quite packed like it was this past Wednesday, but given that it is a Friday night the place is slowly filling up. It might even get more busy now that Duck King himself will be putting on an exhibition fight in front of all his loving patrons. Who is he going to fight? That is a good damn question since he hasn't even announced it. He just sent a few people out around town to pick up a fighter and promise them some food and dance and the like to get them over for the fight.
Security is already starting to clear the people from the dance floor and Duck is trying to direct people here and there so not to crowd one area of the Pond too much. "Hey hey hey. You over there. Hands off the waitress!" he calls out to someone and then grins when he sees people calling up their friends and the like to get their attention about the fight. Nothing creates money in Southtown like a good fight. "Bring on the challenger!"

Yurika actually doesn't have much business being in the Pond. Places like this actually frighten her a bit, and obviously she doesn't drink. However, she'd heard a lot about this 'Duck King', and was expecting a very cute young man who takes care of ducks who runs a country club.
What she sees is the dead opposite. The sound of loud music should have been a clue when she was trying to practice outside,s...
Ducks original challenger fled for their very life. And as such the lost looking Yurika ends up walking onstage, "Excuse me.. I am looking for a Mister Duck King? I understand he is the person I am supposed to face?"

Naerose has arrived.

The young girl is set to be very disappointed. While Duck is not really old he is not also one to go rob the cradle and while women might find him charming, he is certainly not the type a girl would have a high school crush on. He does at least have a few ducks with him. P-chan seems to be nesting in his mohawk at the moment and he also has another one in his jacket pocket that is happily eating out of his hand as he waves his other one about to direct people. He finally turns about hearing the voice and he just stares for a few moments. "Oh this has to be some joke."
He looks about towards the people that brought her in and the security people shrug helplessly and suddenly find themselves busy with other things. "No mister needing to be put before for me. I am too young for that, but if it is the Duck King you seek you found him. Whatcha need?"

Yurika is already pale, but she seems to lose a little more color in her face when she finds the near exact opposite of what she was facing standing there in front of her. The pause is almost comedic, really, but the frown that forms on her lips is anything but, ".. You, sir, are the joke if you expect me to believe you are the 'legendary' Duck King," she replies quietly, and with a light huff, turns her head with her nose in the air, "I apologize but I do not have time for jokes. The noise in here is making it difficult for me to practice my violen, and I would like for it to be toned down. Now then, could you please point me in the correct direction?"

For looking like a prim and proper poof this girl sure doesn't seem to be very eloquent when speaking to her elders. "Oh is that so?" he asks and he then glances around and then shouts at the top of his lungs to get the attention of the crowd. "Tell this dainty flower who I am!" he calls out in which the crowd responds with a rather expletive manner by saying 'DUCK MOTHERFUCKING KING!'. He nods his head and glances back to the girl while pulling the little duckling from his pocket and handing it to one of the waitresses along with P-chan. "Sorry kiddo, but if you are here to fight ya don't have time for violin practice." he tells her while stretching his arms upwards and starts doing some fancy footwork that James Brown would be proud of if he could see it.

Yurika nods her head in agreement, "It is indeed so," she replies at first, obviously quite confident that this man is not the owner of the place. A hand on her hip she waits for the truth, which is revealed in a manner less than 'civil'. Her eyes widen just slightly, her jaw falling slack, "Wh- What kind of language is that to use in front of a lady!" she mumbles, her cheeks redenning, and shakes her bow at Duck, "And you are no better, egging on such an uncouth audience such as this. Also I am no mere child,"
Her violen raise to her shoulder and chin, the pointed 'weapon' is drawn back, "I will teach you proper conduct as well as ettiquette in a manner you all can understand."

COMBATSYS: Yurika has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Yurika           0/-------/-------|

Cammy has connected.

COMBATSYS: Duck has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Yurika           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0             Duck

"It's called fun, kiddo. One day once you get that plug out your ass you will find out you were missing out on something." he tells her and then pauses a moment with a brow quirking once again. Is this kid for real? He supposes he has seen and dealt with worse anyways so he shrugs it off and he raises a hand and waves somewhat up towards Buddy Lee and the DJ sits up to look down. He gives his boss a thumbs up and there is a screech of the record being stopped and soon Run DMC is blasting over the speakers. Seeming content with the beat he takes a deep breath and he ducks low to jump up and catch himself on one hand and kick his legs up into the air. He manages to stay that way and he grins some while looking at the girl upside down and he holds out his other arm to motion for the girl to come at him.

The high schooler nearly drops her bow as a horrified gasp passes her lips, "*OH*!" He didn't say what she thought he said- He did! "That plug out of my.. My.. Well I *never*," she almost cries, the shock at least is clear in her otherwise quiet tone. Now, the music actually doesn't seem to bother her very much. It's really only it's volume that bothers her, but it can't be helped.
"My sort of 'fun' does not involve obscene language or rediculously noisy music, I am NOT uptight, you are simply lacking common curtousy! Engarde!" her bow whips across the strings of her instrument, unleashing a multicolored wave of energy at the hopefully unexpecting King of Ducks. And if it weren't odd enough, it looks like a wheel of musical notes, unleased with a very pleasing, serene sound.

COMBATSYS: Duck parries Yurika's Tragic Serenade!

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Yurika           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0             Duck

She is playing music and trying to get it to be heard over the roar of the crowd and the thumping of the bass makes it hard for him to hear what Yurika might be playing. It seems to be doing something though and Duck seems a bit confused as to what the hell kind of attack this might be. He quickly slaps his other hand on the dance floor and then spins on it to twirl about and out of harms way of that weird almost sentient musical wheel and he pushes off both hands to land in a crouch right in front of Yurika and he smirks as a foot lightly kicks at her skirts to try to knock them upwards as a distraction for him to spin about and send another kick aimed more at the chest area.

COMBATSYS: Duck successfully hits Yurika with Breakdance Spinkick EX.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Yurika           0/-------/-----==|=------\-------\0             Duck

".. He got lucky," she murmurs to herself, eyes trained on the mohawked maniac. She would be impressed if she weren't so busy being upset. And it's also true that there's just no way her instrument could be heard very well over this.. This 'Hip Hop'.
Yurika is confused at Ducks intentions until her dress is flipped; almost immedietly one hand lowers to push it back in place as her face turns a bright, "YOU!" she cries, unfortunatly leaving her more than wide open for his fierce spinning kick. It knocks a bit of wind from her, knocking her back and making her fall onto her backside, but she's also just as quick to get back up, "You animal, how *dare* you!" There's nothing graceful about her next attack, she swinging her violen to try and smash it over Ducks head not once, but twice! "Disgusting!"

COMBATSYS: Yurika successfully hits Duck with Strong Punch.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Yurika           0/-------/-----==|===----\-------\0             Duck

Well it looks like showboating only makes things bad in the long run. Duck seemed rather pleased at embarassing that girl in front of the people. Of course he also fails to notice her quick recovering and that first smack comes down on his head and his mohawk is smooshed for a moment before it poofs right back into place by the time the second hit comes in. "Jesus Christ what the hell is that thing made of!?" he says while staggering back and rubbing his head. He then stumbles forward again towards the girl, though it is an intentional one as he takes to the air and windmills his legs about to bring the heel of his Adidas down across the schoolgirls' forehead.

COMBATSYS: Duck successfully hits Yurika with Flying Spin.
- Power hit! -

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Yurika           0/-------/=======|====---\-------\0             Duck

Yurika looks only slightly smug, the satisfying rattle that comes from her weapon rings almost as pleasently as Mozarts music! "Can't you tell?" she replies proudly, "It is made of my purity, and it's strength is backed by my love of music! And watch your mouth in front of a lady!" Maybe though, she should be complaining about not getting her rear-end kicked, she sees Duck coming, and what might have been a graceful swerve to the side is instead a slam that falls right onto her shoulder, with enough force to knock her flat onto the ground in complete faceplant.
"Nngh.. I never imagined such an unusual style.. Could even contend with my own," but it's said so softly, Duck may not have actually heard it. Her counter-attack is all too clear, however. While it does take a moment for her to get back up, she lashes out quite quickly, aiming to bean Duck in the side of the head with her bow. It looks harmless enough, but something has to be backing it up, right?

COMBATSYS: Duck parries Yurika's Quick Punch!

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Yurika           0/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0             Duck

While he might have been caught off guard to get whapped upside the head he is alert enough to realize his poor noggin is getting aimed for again. His head is already still ringing due to the two sharp blows to it just a few moments ago and his hand reaches quickly to grab the bow wielding wrist and keep it from hitting him for the most part. It does get caught in his hair and Duck frowns some as he reaches to plant his other hand on the woman's stomach and heft her upwards while jumping and flipping backwards to toss her right onto the ground and land on top of her and straddling her lap. "Hoo hah!"

COMBATSYS: Duck successfully hits Yurika with Jumping Slam EX.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Yurika           1/------=/=======|=====--\-------\0             Duck

Yurika is terribly flustered, it's painfully obvious, and because of that the crowd may very well be having a riot of a laugh watching the prissy girl get embarassed and fended off. Some of them are probably waiting for her to go through a table! Brutes!
But she's not used to having such a difficult time, either, slightly off balance from her trying to tug her bow back is all the opening Duck needs to hoist her up into the air, and then slam her right down into the suggestive position. Her head rings a moment, and when her vision clears, she shrieks at the top of her lungs. Suprisingly powerful lungs, at that. But the protest from that point is anything but verbal, she kicks her legs and flails her arms, flailing her bow once again like a weapon at Ducks chest. Somehow this time it feels heavier, without a doubt it's enough force to knock him off of her if she can get him.

COMBATSYS: Yurika successfully hits Duck with Tragic Minuet.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Yurika           1/------=/=======|=======\-------\0             Duck

If anything Duck sure seems to be having a hell of a time with all of this. He is making faces at the girl even when she starts to shriek and he then tries to scurry back out of reach of the bow, but it nails him rather square in the chest and it gives a good nudge to send him tumbling off and back. He comes out of the roll sitting with his legs crossed and he rests his hand on his chin while hmming lightly and watching the girl for a moment. "You ain't so bad." he admits and starts to stand up.

"Too bad you are in the wrong place at the wrong time." he says while stomping his foot twice and he points up to the ceiling. It might be a fair enough warning to tell Yurika to get up and get the hell out of the way because there is a noise of something opening up and the dancefloor starts to get rained on by....rubber ducks? Yes, a multitude of them complete with shades and mohawk just like the clubs owner.

COMBATSYS: Yurika dodges Duck's Large Thrown Object.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Yurika           1/------=/=======|=======\-------\0             Duck

Yurika sits up quickly, a hand to her chest and gasps to regain all the breath she lost from that screaming she did. This match truely is horrifying and not something she will soon forget, that much is for certain! She gives Duck a perplexed look, and then glances upward.
It could have been wonderful, even Yurika can appreciate a cute rubber duck, but the mohawks make her think of those funny faces he made and it makes her freak the hell out. In fact, no one has seen the girl move so fast from her spot, the ducks raining down upon where she last was. She looks like she's about to run away from Duck as well, but she spins on one foot, redirecting her dash back toward the man, and swings her weapon upward, intending to knock Duck up into the air, a trail of musical notes blurring behind her bow. If she can land it, she leaps up after him, striking with a series of two or three kicks, "Enough!! Enough of your immature, degenerate games!!"

COMBATSYS: Yurika successfully hits Duck with Tragic Waltz.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Yurika           1/----===/=======|=======\====---\1             Duck

Well it looks like he hit the wrong combination of buttons right there. Who thought that cute little rubber duckies would drive a girl mad like this. "Oh shi-!" he says loudly while getting nailed and goes upwards and assaulted by the girl's angry streak that leaves him not feeling all too well when he lands on the ground and kinda lays there. "Enough eh...." he grunts and rolls over onto his stomach and he looks upwards. "Nice pink panties." he says in another attempted distraction. Hell if he knows what she is wearing but it might come off that he has a good enough angle for such a thing.
With hopes of amply distracting the girl he pushes himself forward for a belly slide to take the girl's feet out from under her. From there she finds herself possibly getting caught up in a massive tornado of breakdancing madness that involves flailing limbs that would knock her upwards and away from the Duck King turned dervish.

COMBATSYS: Yurika blocks Duck's Break Hurricane EX.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Yurika           1/-======/=======|=------\-------\0             Duck

Yurika lands in a rather graceful crouch; but of course her hand slipped down to her dress upon her decent, she had no desire to flash her panties to anyone, thank you very much! She's not wearing pink panties, but the message is quite clear, the vulgarity alone is enough to only get her more flustered, but in this case, it's a bad thing.
Because her paranoia makes her more defensive, allowing her to put up barely respectable blocks to the barrage of attacks, but she doesn't hold off on the insults, "Creep! You- You insolent worm! Enemy of all women! Ignoramus! You refuse to learn, but I will *make* you listen!"
Yurika leaps back, her violen held up once more and bow at the ready, and her expression nothing short of lost patience, "This, is my song for you, Mister King.. No! Mister Child!" and without even taking a step forward the girl is moving forward with incredible speed, playing a furious storm of music that is likely something original.. But her anger and distress, and most of all disappoinment is strong in her music, afterimages of the arrangement trailing behind her. Suddenly on the opposite side of Duck, it would seem nothing had happened, but in truth the sound is striking toward Duck from all directions.. Assuming he hadn't gotten out of the way.

COMBATSYS: Yurika successfully hits Duck with Fatal Nocturne.

[                     \\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////                     ]
Yurika           0/-------/-----==|====---\-------\0             Duck

The problem with creating such a furious storm of spinning about it tends to leave even the biggest experts in dance feeling a bit dizzy. Dizzy enough that he actually can hear that horrible music and he claps his hands over his ears and starts speaking loudy at the barrage. "Lalalalalaalala, not listening!" he says as he is rolled about from the music hitting him. The last one gives him a bump to roll him forward and he leaps upwards and towards the girl with his arms up and flailing them widely. "Booga booga booga!" he calls out while trying to land on her shoulders and then drag her down into another little tilt-a-whirl of a spin that would send her sliding across and perhaps off the dancefloor. "If ya don't like the beat then get the hell out of my club!"

COMBATSYS: Duck successfully hits Yurika with Neo Break Storm.

[                            \\  < >  ////////                      ]
Yurika           0/-------/=======|====---\-------\0             Duck

Yurika didn't stop playing! Her song isn't quite finished, as displayed in her continued strumming of her instrument. Her eyes still trained on Duck however, and growing only more frusted by his utter refusal to listen to her music, she cries, "Never in my life have I faced such disrespect! I'll have yo- YEEEEEEEK!" The 'Booga Booga' actually makes her stop and stagger back with a slight flail of her arms. And it's clockwork from there, swung around, crashing and sliding like some sort of airhockey puck. And thump, she falls off.
It takes a moment, but her gloved hand grabs the stages end to pull herself up, her hair completely dishelved and a bit of dirt on her poor clothes. Sneaker filth! "I.. I won't forget this," she huffs, tears trickling down her cheeks, "Losing to you is an insult to my very family's name! You're not what I expected at all! I.. I.."
A dramatic pause as she gets to her feet, "I *deplore* you! This is not the last you've seen of me, cretin!" After a couple of deep breaths, she tries to brush her hair out best she can, so she can flip one lock over her shoulder, and nose in the air, storms out of the club with what little dignity she has left.

COMBATSYS: Yurika has left the fight here.

[                      \\\\\\\\  <
Duck             0/-------/---====|

Duck finds himself just kinda laying on his side after that display and he is quite unsure if he knocked the poor girl out. Perhaps he would have been better off if he did because the tongue lashing he gets makes him stare at the departing girl and she actually made enough of a fuss that the crowd actually went quiet. The silence is broken up as the rather bruised Duck King gets to his feet and readjusts his shirt. "Well then, free drinks for the next ten minutes!" Oh hell nah, he isn't going to let some girl upstage him and steal his thunder. Free hooch will always bring life back into the party.
In fact as Yurika storms out she can hear the crowd start singing. "Na na na na! NA NA NA NA! HEY HEY HEY! GOOOOOOODBYE!" over and over again, the noise loud enough to almost hear it for half a block out. Duck? Well he'll be fine. He falls down on a seat and one of the waitresses hugs him which causes his somewhat disheaveled mohawk spring back up to it's usual form. It's good to be the King.

COMBATSYS: Duck has ended the fight here.

Log created by Yurika, and last modified on 16:10:14 02/19/2007.