Description: Gabriel plays the violin, Ingrid pretends to enjoy it. Seriously Gabriel sucks at the violin.
It's early evening in Southtown, with several hours left before the onset of dusk, and things in the business district are beginning to wind down. Office workers escape the high rises they work in droves, quickly filling the street with suited men and women between the ages of twenty and sixty.
Working her way through this mass of people in what might be called a suit of her own, though certainly not of the business variety, is a small blonde teenager. She moves through the crowd with ease, though perhaps not with as much as an indigenous member of the city might. Her destination seems unclear, her path turning every now and then along the sidewalks and across the streets in a vague circular motion.
It was now time foro another one of the hobbies which Gabriel has to be reminded into the ear drums of everyone around. Possibly the worst hobby she has by any real account, the one most likely to make you wish you were somewhere, anywhere else. That hobby was her violin. She was now on the rooftop of one of the buildings. A music studio, playing her notes into the wind which carried them down over the unfortunate people below. Actually the wind can't carry notes, but it helped mask what she was doing to the convenient excuse of, 'What the hell is that noise?','Oh, it's just the wind dear'. No it wasn't the wind. Gabriel with her cold eyes fixed below does not realize her violin playing is that terrible. She really has too many hobbies. If someone were circling, they might well be in earshot the entire time.
One might call throwing water on people her worst hobby, were it a hobby instead of the ritualistic purification of the damned that it's intended as. As it is the violin may indeed be the worst of them, and as Ingrid moves about she can't help but notice that the sound isn't even, it has a definite single source. After about ten minutes her course seems to change, turning into something more specific. The young woman stops every once in a while to be still and listen, trying to pinpoint the location of the noise. Eventually she believes she's found it, and begins climbing a stairway to the roof.
Standing at the edge of the roof, the terrible sound is rained down on the unsuspecting people, perhaps some sort of sonic attack aimed at their very souls. Whatever it is it could be compared to a cat caught in a lawn mower. It is truly an unpleasant experience. Meanwhile the heart of the one playing, Kai Gabriel, with her back to the door to the roof has noticed someone entering her building, was it Ingrid? Well if she got the right building it was, if not, someone asking her to stop. She lowers her instrument.
Though she doesn't have any extra powerful hearing abilities, Ingrid does have the ability to sense emotions. Everyone's emotions are different, and in that they're like a fingerprint. Having met Gabriel before, she's able to recognize the player of the instrument as she nears the roof. The door swings open and the blonde steps out, a small smile placed upon her face. "Good evening, Gabriel. It's good to see you again." Whether Ingrid was going to ask Gabriel to stop playing is unknown, as this act was done previous to her arrival.
"Ingrid-san." Gabriel replies and lowers her violin, looking over her shoulder at Ingrid, considering a moment, then deciding she didn't need to take her soul.
"It has been some time, I confess I have missed our conversations in the past." And perhaps she has, but the emotions on her face, not so mysterious as the enigmatic smile often found on the other blondes face, but rather stoic. "Do you wish to play a duet with me?"
Gabriel has disconnected.
Gabriel has connected.
Ingrid shakes her head, "I'm afraid I don't have an instrument with me, Gabriel, otherwise I might try it." She then responds to the first response, "I'm glad to hear that, but I can't help but feel sorry for not speaking with you in so long." Returning to the last thought, she taps her chin for a moment, "I suppose I could sing alongside your violin, but I doubt you know any Norwegian songs, and your violin would be somewhat out of tune."
"That is a shame, it did sound like an interesting notion, " replies the girl with no musical talent. She then picks up her notebook, setting down the violin and makes note about Ingrid singing Norwegian songs, for it might come in handy when she tries to take over the world. Is there a emotion for megalomania ? How about utter religious fanaticism? Well if not there ought to be, but it wouldn't shock Ingrid likely, who herself dragged Gabriel from the Kasagi house when she was attacking the family with a sharp shard of glass.
"What brings you by this day.. Have you plans, goals?"
It's true that it would take a fair amount for Gabriel to shock Ingrid after that incident; if she could stay calm while the young zealot tried to stab Mimiru in the back with a large piece of glass, fanatical ego tripping isn't likely to phase her enough to cause visible reaction. "If you wish it I suppose I could have my parents send me a Hardingfele. It has a higher pitch than a violin, but I'm sure a duet would sound lovely." She laughs softly at herself, "Though I never showed much talent for it, I'm afraid." And onward in the conversation, "No, no plans. Sometimes I simply like to go for walks; I find the presence of so many people soothing, in a way."
"Indeed? I have always found a large number of people troubling, there are so many and they are so impure," and indeed she looks troubled as she says it, as through the street contained some sort of animal , lots of sorts of animals that badly needed a bath. As if that would solve her problem, Gabriel reaches for a bottle of water, perhaps to pour on said people, she's done similar before, but instead she drinks from the bottle and then considers Ingrid. She did not prepare to give a bottle to a second on the roof and therefore only brought enough for herself. An internal conflict. It would be improper to drink from the same bottle, besides which Gabriel was far to snobbish to do so herself. Therefore instead she comments,
"You look warm, allow me to help you cool down," She bows and raises the bottle into the air as if she would poor it in Ingrid. Nevermind it's winter.
Regardless of whatever Gabriels intent might be, Ingrid simply raises a hand and shakes her head lightly from side to side. "I am cool enough for the moment, but thank you." Assuming the 'offer' will be retracted, the young woman simply continues on the conversation, "I know you may find it surprising, but that is simply how I've always been. I suppose that they may be impure, but even so they are still the beloved children of the divine mother, are they not?"
Ingrid goes straight for the heart of the fanatic. Even despite Gabriel's own seeming reservations here, she can not help but agree, that they are infact the children of the 'divine mother'. Therefore she dips her head and nods in acceptance of this. She gives up the water thing and broods for a moment, looking as though she couldn't use the water on Ingrid now. Instead she changes the subject.
"I wonder what my friends at Justice high have been doing of late." Heh, liar, Gabriel had no friends at Justice High.
A change of subject? Very well. "Justice High? I don't think I've met anyone from Justice other than you. Perhaps you could introduce me to them some time?" It seems to be a passing comment, as Ingrid doesn't wait for a response. "I've thought about enrolling into one of the high schools myself, but I've decided I'm better off studying tutor; I hear the public schools can be fairly disruptive." Much better to try and study in a quiet room than one full of people she'd be tempted to talk to.
A change of subject, rather then admit she is on the fence about the worth of the 'children of the mother'.
"Justice Highschool is very equiviliant to a private education, though by no means on par with a personal tutor." replies the girl casually. Letting the bottle of water return to where it rests. It should be noted now that the roof top is rather warm, but despite that Gabriel was bundled, save for the parts necessary to play the violin badly. Signally her completion of playing, she dawns a pair of mittens.
"Aside from seeking classmates from school I considered seeking co workers, or a sort before. Though I imagine the attire they call uniforms, while maybe good for movement, is certainly not ideal for winter conditions. I should inquire on that sometime."
A good idea, to steer clear of intimate, (is this conversation intimate?), conversation about a subject you don't know your own feelings on, unless you intend to lie your way through it. Ingrid nods her head, "I've become used to my tutor's style of teaching. I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to stay very focused in a larger classroom environment, especially one with vastly different teaching methods." She then looks at Gabriel curiously, "Oh? I don't believe I know where it is that you work, Gabriel."
"I do not work with them," Admits Gabriel, "They are more like sponsors to my school club activities, but they wear very unusual uniforms. If I had to describe it, I would say they were dressed how you might expect an athlete for a tri athlon to, dressed to swim, but also for biking and running."
It was the best attempt she could at the leotards the dolls are forced to wear. Also, she seems to think there is no way anyone could figure out what she was referring to.
Ingrid has fought the one time lead-doll Cammy alongside Karin for Saturday Night Fight, but other than that she's had no interactions with them, and thus doesn't even know of their existence. She also has no idea what it is Gabriel is trying to describe, and ends up thinking more along the lines of a track jersey. "It is good that you're able to find sponsors for your club. I imagine it allows you to focus much more on actual activities and less on fund raising."
"Yes, it does help, though it can be difficult, our aims are high, such as spreading through the rest of the schools and likely in an attempt to control their school governments and allow the students to emerge like minded individuals," Gabriel surmises, having not actually ever been told what the Darkside student congress does. She supposes then she doesn't care either.
"I'm glad for you, then." Ingrid states. "That sounds like an interesting task, though I doubt you'd ever be able to completely unify everyone. Interschool competition is one of the things that makes the students so lively, I've heard." She then laughs softly, "It's always possible there's a club in each of the other schools trying to do the very same thing to yours."
"You would be surprised how effective brainwashing can be in order to quell individuality," replies Gabriel, apparently dead serious. Though she lacks the power to do any brainwashing of her own and that would likely also be something Ingrid long since already knew, her take on the subject is very blaze, blase? One of those words, Gabriel herself would tell you the writer of this pose is missing an accent over a letter.
"That's true..." Ingrid considers for a moment, "Hypothetically, if you were to try this method I believe you'd find it difficult to brainwash the entire populace at the same time, and if you did it another way people would surely find out before they were brainwashed themselves and begin investigating." Another short pause, " I suppose the only other way you could do it is to come up with a method of brainwashing that could be activated after it was implemented so no one would change their behavior until the entire process was complete."
"You are correct, brainwashing is simply inefficient in large numbers, a single brainwashed individual can be quite difficult to handle and generally lack any great deal of charisma, for that reason leadership minded individuals are often left with brain intact and other methods of control, in some cases torture can be idea, " Gabriel says, continuing the perfectly normal discussion. In Gabriel's case? The one time her religious fanaticism failed to keep her in line, torture was utilized. This does not show except for a slight emotional change in her bringing up of that method,
"Brainwashing key individuals has been useful in the past, but your idea of a brainwashing style which would remain dormant until the right moment, I find it intriguing."
Ingrid nods, "Blackmail the politicians, brainwash the students, and torture anyone who makes a stand against you? Yes, I suppose that would work." She pauses, "Except in the case of torture, I think. It may keep them in line, but I don't think one can effectively change someone's thoughts to a desirable result by implementing it. In fact, I would imagine it would make them even more stubborn and resilient, in the long run. They'd simply learn to hide it better."
"You maybe correct, I myself have never implemented that tactic, but I have seen it used to relative success, perhaps in conjunction with other methods." Gabriel replies, before finally it dawns on her. This is a very odd conversation. Furthermore, Ingrid seems rather interested in it. So Gabriel pops the question. You know. The question.
"Will you.."
"Would you.."
"Ingrid-san, would you like to join my club?"
Ingrid tilts her head a little. She gives Gabriel a warm smile, "No," She shakes her head a bit, "I'm afraid I could never actually condone the use of torture or brainwashing, Gabriel, even if it is an interesting idea to consider. Furthermore," Her smile turns playful, "I believe that your club is a school activity; it would make little sense for a non-student to get involved."
"I am certain the club does not personally care about that, but condoning of brainwashing and such is not necessary, that is just the past time of one of the members who happens to lead the club currently," Gabriel says, but more or less accepts the answer for what it is. REJECTION!
Still Ingrid would make an odd member, even if Gabriel knows not herself why.
"True, but I don't think I should be involved in any plots for one school to take over the other, or others, considering I myself am not involved with any of them. I will keep your plans to myself, however, repeating this information would likewise be interfering." Ingrid seems to have made up her mind on the subject.
"I am not concerned so much, none have ever cared to attempt to stop my plans before, even when I have made the occasional attempt at the aqusition of souls. If you have an suggestions on how to obtain and retain the souls of others, do inform me please." Gabriel is certainly politely asking for help stealing souls at least.
Ingrid shakes her head, "I'm afraid that is another thing I will not condone, and something, in fact, that I will not even help you with." The young woman's voice takes on a more serious, somewhat older sounding voice. "I should warn you, Gabriel, that if you ever attempt to do such a thing to me, I will not hesitate in the slightest to defend myself." She's touchy about her soul.
"You are not in need of being saved, why would I do such a thing?" Gabriel asks, as if she's shocked it would even be suggested. Still, Gabriel has been sounding terribly evil. It was a moment that even she would probably look back and laugh at, everyone knows she was initially evil-lite and who knows if she is capable of half of what she talks about? Maybe someday they would find out.
"May I ask where you live right now Ingid-san?"
Her voice seems to have returned to normal, "There are many reasons people would try such things. It isn't a matter of trust, Gabriel, I simply wish you to understand my feelings." Ingrid then lifts her arm and points to one of the smaller skyscrapers, "I live on the thirty fifth floor of that building." It's fairly recognizable, so she was able to pick it out easily. In fact, it's easy recognition is why she chose that apartment; she didn't know the city at all when she moved, and wanted her home to be easy to find.
"I see. I myself live in a student dorm, perhaps you can invite me over sometime for tea and cake," Gabriel suggests, without really saying it, in a way it was almost as though she were actually inviting herself over.
"Though for now I should likely get back to my playing, you may stay if you like, sing, or join in a duet, I would not mind."
"I would like that, Gabriel, but you may have to put up with the intrusion of my tutor. He lives in an adjacent apartment, and we share a common kitchen to cut down on expenses." Obviously she must have some money to afford such an apparent, but Ingrid apparently isn't /made/ of money like some people around the city. "I suppose I could sing along. What songs do you know?"
"I know scales.. Do scales count?" Gabriel asks, she doesn't actually know any songs without the music, and then she pulls out the music, apparently she wasn't using it prior to now. Sheet music, classical, difficult pieces, way over her head.
"This piece is Wagner's Die Meistersinger von Nurnberg." Way to hard for Gabriel to actually play for those of us keeping score.
"I suppose I could sing along to scales." That's actually good voice warm up, and it doesn't require words. As for the sheet music, Ingrid studies it for a moment, "I don't think I know that one..." She can't read sheet music, but that does look complicated.
"I will start then," Gabriel says, picks up her violin, undresses her hands and starts to play. The piece is hollow, ghostly and kind of neat, except she isn't very good at playing as stated before, though mistakes do not phase her. Oh and cold dry air? Not that great for a violin. Still she plays on as if it were just the way she meant to do it. Perhaps it was.
Ingrid blinks a little as the violin plays. Odd, it hadn't sounded so bad from a distance... She doesn't say anything of course, and begins to sing scales alongside Gabriel's violin. Cold dry air? Not so great for vocal cords, either. If she had known she'd have been singing, she probably would have taken that drink of water, not that she knew that's what it was. Still, she has a nice voice, and so maybe that'll take a bit of the harshness out of the duet. ...maybe.
Perhaps a glaring example of personality that Gabriel endures, and infact enjoys the duet. Other people maybe not so much. this violin had started fights before, and while in this town you hardly needed an excuse to start it, well this was especially bad. She closes her eyes and plays. Perhaps she would be a good player if she didn't try to do so much difficult stuff.
While it certainly isn't going to win any awards, Ingrid would actually never think of asking Gabriel to stop playing. Why? Because it seems to actually make Gabriel happy. From Ingrid's point of view, very little actually makes Gabriel happy. And so feeling happiness from someone who it isn't felt from very often brightens her own mood as well. How could it be that both people can be enjoying the duet? Hell has clearly frozen over.
Well it was winter right? Surely hell had seasons too? Well Gabriel would certainly go into some sort of thing about hell and the afterlife , but people don't start that stuff, instead she plays, after all, they are having a great lot of lot of fun with the playing, nothign else matters right? But eventually the song stops and she lowers her instrument and bows as if anyone else where tere.
Enjoyment for Ingrid became at a greater cost as time went on, simply because her throat was getting quite dry in the moisture leeching cold air. That also meant her singing quality dropped off at the end, and so she's actually somewhat glad to be done with the song, even if it was fun. Definitely a better thing to do in doors. On another note, she doesn't talk, simply letting Gabriel think. She does look somewhat reflective. Though it is hard to tell what a look on her face means...
Nor does the zealot bother to try, she just expects it is something holy and reflective in that light, afterall Ingrid long since convinced Gabriel that she was somehow on the same side of light and goodness and since then Gabriel had never once questioned. She begins to put the violin away amidst thunderous applause of the righteous and since in her mind no one was righteous, the silence save for the city below fit well.
Log created by Gabriel, and last modified on 08:54:30 03/25/2007.