Naerose - Zombie Wrestlers of Doom

Description: *Season Two, Episode 13* Next week on Cutie Bunny, an insidious plot to turn the tournament world on it's head is put into effect by a mysterious organization and the only ones who can save us are the very heros to fall into this trap, meanwhile Sylvester begins an epic journey of the mind and soul, but will he be able to accept his past incarnations? You'll be sorry if you miss this thrilling episode!

Ah, on his way back to his homeland. Or, well, he's now -in- his homeland, but not quite at his destination yet. Zangief is seated outside a resteraunt at an iron table, complete with iron chair. Though here, he wears his exceedingly furry gray-trimmed black coat and matching ushanka. Not for discretion so much as relaxing. To the casual observer, he may even look something like a flasher, considering his lack of pants.
Anyway, he's just waiting for the next plane to take him to his final destination, wiling the hour away. Between his large hands is a comparatively tiny mug of coffee - not precisely the advisable drink for an overly excitable Russian of his size, but nevertheless. For the time being, people are blessed with one of those rare gem moments where he's actually keeping to himself.

Now this was tricky, considering the location, cold, far and expensive. Actually a plane ticket here wasn't as expensive as say.. a place people actually wanted to go, but it was still more than Naerose had to spend, which was nothing. She was trying to figure out ways to arrive, even tried to mail herself again, but soon learned it would take longer to get there by mail then to just walk! This was a week into the sea voyage in a giant metal container, in her little box when her flashlight died. It was time for drastic measures and therefore as a female castaway she broke out of her container, and spoke to the captain to get the trip to speed up. Unfortunately she didn't speak Russian. This led them to regard her with suspicion of course and when she finally arrived where the ship was going she was in hand cuffs! The trip was not going well and all this work for an interview! At long last however when they decided Naerose was clearly to incompetent to be a spy, and since no one could figure why she wanted to stowaway to Russia, they just let her go. The next part was easy, find her man! Except she did this a variety of stupid ways.

First the last action hero way, find the tallest tetris looking building, with the big circle tower things, climb on that and look.. you know, incase she could see anything. Well turns out those arn't everywhere like the cliche would suggest, so instead she just wandered the streets for days and asked around. At long last she lucked out, turns out a pantless man is not hard to find. Ragged and tired, and looking much like Naerose looks normally, the red clad witch, hat, shades, broom, no winter clothes except a suspicious looking rabbit fur muffler approaches his table with the biggest winning, sly, get rich quick smile you've ever seen.

Such is the curse of Zangief's casual dress. Arguably, it draws more attention to him than when he wears only his normal outfit. The Russian takes a swig of his coffee, then slams the cup down. "HEY!," he belts, getting a waitress's attention. "Coffee! More of it!" And she quickly scuttles to get just that. The wrestler then decides to glance about himself.. and he spies a witch. Holy crap.
A -witch-.
His brain may have imploded from the shock, horror, and disbelief of what he's found, as the only thing he's capable of saying is, "Guhhh..," with a wide-eyed, blank look.

Yes, yes, Naerose was actually pretty used to that response. But that was okay, it was during the moments of stunned silence that she usually managed to get her foot in the door before getting it slammed on her toes. It is during this time that she takes a seat at the giant's table, looking dwarfed in comparison, even though she isn't terribly short, then again not exactly tall, but no matter. She reaches into her hat, pulls out a post-it! note with the word 'Press' written on it and sticks it to her hat. It's at this time that her white rabbit fur muffler comes to, and opens it's eyes. Sylvester seeing the fresh air of freedom scans his surroundings from Naerose' neck before realizing he's in Russia, and fearing for being eaten by Russians as well as Naerose, decides to stick to the evil he is familiar with and for once doesn't make a break for it, instead plops down on the table and sniffs the empty coffee much. Meanwhile the witch has pulled a mic from her hat and turned it on. It's a really cheap mic, the kind that would be attached to a platic child's recorder. She actually had official SNF equipment to use for her reporting but decided to

When in Rome, do as the romans, and took the plastic one instead. A perceptive person might take Naerose' attitude to be insulting, and often did.

"Hello, you must be the 'Red Cyclone' Li Xangief! My name is Naerose Delfine, official reporter for Saturday Night Fight, here to do an exclusive interview with you.!" She flashes her most winning smile, her teeth sparkle, one of them looking deceptively like a sharpened fang, or a cheap plastic decoration.

'Perceptive' is a key word in that. A 'perceptive' person might take her offensively. But Zangief really isn't all that perceptive. So the blank, wide-eyed look of wonderment remains on his face. Not her animal, her introduction, nor even her fang gets so much as a blink from him. He just stares at her, mouth in an 'o' of confusion.

Well Naerose wasn't getting much to work with so she decided to snap a picture of the 'o' look. She was sure that she could spin it some way or another, she always could. Then turning the mic on herself she started speaking, proceeding with the interview with the kind of confidence you might expect from someone who was actually invited to sit down, or invited to come in the first place.

"Hey all you Fight Fans! Naerose Delphine here, and I'm sitting with the Heroic hero of Russia, Li Xiangief! While fairly new to the Saturday Night Fight scene, he's recorded as being a veteran fighter and today I bring you the first exclusive interview for the Saturday Night Fight! I'm sure we can expect a lot of great things from him, and even now he displays such contempt for his puny opponents that he refuses to say a word!"

A click sound. Like a picture. Her mouth is moving. She has a microphone. Her animal thing is on his table. None of this registers for Zangief. While it's acknowledged, he remains stoically in place in his seat. Darn near every feature of his face is an 'o'. Eyes, mouth.. even the nostrils are flared. And finally...
"Holy Linen! You're a witch!"
The built up confusion is most evident in his voice.

This of course takes Naerose a little off guard, usually by this point she's past that stage. But that's okay, occasionally people don't just assume she's weird and actually understand that she is in fact, a witch, in the most cliche fantasy sense possible, while quite possibly offending every single person in the world who ever truly called themselves a witch.

"Ahh, Er, yes, I am, So first question, When you face Geese Howard, how many of his bones will you break?" She holds the mic toward Zangief with a bright smile on her lips as if she wasn't doing anything wrong in the world. Meanwhile Sylvester the bunny tries some of the coffee, if there is any in the bottom of the cup.

Which there is. A hyperactive bunny, or a hyperactive massive Russian: which is more trouble? You decide. "You got the hat'n the broom'n -everything-!," gushes Zangief. "Ain't never seen a real witch before!" The look of wonderment is still very clearly plastered on his face. The questions have registered only enough for him to know whatever she said ended with a question mark.

"Well," gushes Naerose, "Yes, this is my broom, I also fly around on it sometimes and my hat which is magical, it carries everything. This was only part try. She shoved a lot into the hat, but it was actually a normal hat. "Modern witches, such as myself also wear shades.." she adjusts her shades up her nose, "And of course I have my familiar, which is my magical pet, emergency food supply Sylvester!" She indicates the white bunny on the table who in turn regards her with disdain.

"Whooaaa," says an awestruck Zangief, large eyes lowering to the rabbit. His eyes lift back to the female in question. "They do?" He'll have to try to remember that. The sunglasses and all. "C'mon, do a trick! Show me some magic!" He's yet to even actually realize he's being interviewed.

"Umm, okay. . Hold on let me see here.. I .. right okay.. I .. hmm." Naerose struggles, and reaches into her hat, pulls out an unopened bottle of coke and then a couple of small white stones. She holds the stones in her hands and starts to murmur over them,
"Oh hennhann hee!" And drops one of the stone's in the coke and the other in her mouth. The result? Fresh breath for Naerose and the bottle of coke fuzzing all over the table in a small fountain which spurts up about a foot over the top of the bottle for a second or two before puttering out.

"AAIII!," screams the Russian as the bottle all but explodes, in his eyes. She's managed to scare Zangief out of his chair to hide under the table. Or.. partially under the table. No way he would fit normally. The result is pretty much his head and shoulders ducked there, with his rear poking up in the air behind him.
What, is it a surprise that he knows little of breath mints? Come on.

"Oooo!" Naerose says and takes a few pictures of this too. She's really not sure how she's going to make any use of this interview so far, but she's having fun. Meanwhile Sylvester the bunny, to avoid getting squirted with Coke and to escape Naerose decides, screw it, she'll stick with the Russians and runs for it. Unfortunately Naerose has had too much experience with this sort of thing from the rabbit and almost reflexively hits it over the head with the end of her broom stick and sweeps said rabbit back toward her and scoops him up in her hat. At this time one might note she has a terrible case of hat hair.

Which Zangief would certainly note. Were it not for his own terrible choice of hairstyles, and temporarily acting like an ostriche. Though he finally raises back up, head lifting just enough to peek his eyes around uncertainly. When the coast seems clear of any and all devilries, he raises back into his seat and clears his throat. "Huh-huh. A witch, sittin' at my table." How cool is that? "WHERE'S THAT COFFE!?," demands Zangief. Loudly. "AND BRING A SECOND!"
The waitress, as if just getting reminded, refills Zangief's mug, and sets down an extra one beside it. Zangief lifts the second mug and sets it in front of his guest. "So, whaddayou want?"

Well! Caffeine! Just what Naerose wanted and the world didn't need, but here it was and she graciously accepts. It's halfway between slurping some and remembering, or rather being reminded what she wanted,
"Oh yeah, I'm here to interview you for Saturday Night Fight, see I'm a reporter as my day job. You know, it's a hobby. So I figured I'd come track you down and hear your proclamation of being the world's strongest before the next SNF." She adjusts her mic again, apparently having switched it off, or never having turned it on, she's really not sure which way the switch is supposed to be, so she periodically turns it to the other way, getting half the interview.

Zangief nods sagely, finally understanding the whole reason she came up to him. Despite her having announced it before. "Oh, sure. Yeah." He looks at the 'microphone', making an estranged expression at it. "It's true! I'm the baddest wrestler in all the world, and I intend to prove it! YEAH! If you don't watch me take down, uh.." Pause. He looks back to Naerose, and quietly asks, "Who is it I'm fightin' again..?"

"Actually I don't know, The mangagement of SNF doesn't trust me with that kind of information, so I peered into my crystal ball and came up with the names of all the people worth swearing you were better then, so lets see.. "

She pulls out an index card and starts reading off names, "Geese Howard, Terry Bogard, Ryu.. Umm Ryu, Ken Masters, Chun-li - she's one of my favorites, Athena.. something, Iori Yagami, Kyo.. the queen of fighters, umm, wait I got that wrong, nevermind, Kain somethingoranother." She smiles to Zangief, "So do you have any great moves for us all to look forward to?"

Zangief tilts his head slightly to the side, giving her a confused animal-like look. He then turns his head back to the microphone. "If you don't watch me take down who may or may not be Geese, Terry, Ryu, Ken, Chun-Li, Athena, Eeyore, Oragami, Kyo, and Kain, you need to re-evaluate your priorities! Right! Now!"
Zangief then glances to the witch, then back to the microphone. "Anyone who's anyone knows to look forward to the ultra-unstoppable, unsurvivable, unmistakable Screw Piledriver! But listen here - if the audience -really- wants it, or if I get -really- mad... it's time.. for the FINAL! ATOMIC! BUSTER~!," he cheers, jumping up from his seat and thrusting his fists into the air.

Naerose was ready for this too, she had some of those popers that you pull a string and confetti shoots out of. She uses a couple, cheers and snaps a shots of Zangief looking well... Like Zangief, meanwhile all she could see was money signs, this was clearly her most for real interview yet!

"Oh totally awesome!" Naerose comments, and quickly looks at her question cards, mistaking one from her previous interview with the mysterious Ingrid,
"Now then, are you M or F?"

"I'm Z, baby!," announces Zangief proudly, not missing a beat. Well, until afterwards. You could almost hear the dramatic music in the background rip to a stop. His head tilts to look at her, expression perplexed. "Wait, what?" Arms still in the air and everything.

But Naerose doesn't stop, she has the tap recorder afterall and if anyone is playing dramatic rocky music, it's her,
"Woah, the soon to be world champion of all the world.. right, proclaims himself Z! Being as that is the last letter in the alphabet he is clearly proclaiming himself the last and greatest Ever! Now then how will GeeseTerryRyuKenChunATheEyoreOragamiConfettiKyoKain and Mimiru do now? They have been called out by this great man to do battle for their honor, especially Mimiru."

She snaps another picture of Zangief.

Zangief blinks.. then glaaaares down at the the microphone. "MIMIRU!," he bellows. "You think you're so great'n so heroic! When I meet you in the ring, ain't nothin' gonna be holdin' me back from me showin' you what a -true- hero is like! You help the people who'd insult my homeland! Ain't no penance for that short'a the beating of your life! So get ready! Cuz I'm gonna be lookin'.. for -YOU-." Dramatic wild-eyed glare, complete with finger-point at the imaginary little girl.

Wow. This was shocking, come to think of it, this was the first time anyone every shared Naerose's own dislike for Mimiru. After all, Naerose and Mimiru had a long history of rivalry. Mimiru had a long history of preventing Naerose from stealing her clothes and selling them to Japanese vending machine companies, this was great stuff, except it still lacked a certain flair, zazz,
"Oh great stuff, so what is your ring name?" asks the witch, her shades burning with the passion you can only get from being a reporter who abuses their power to insult people.

Zangief snaps out of his seething irritation for a teensy schoolgirl, and he blinks at Naerose. "Huh? Ain't you heard?" His lifts his right hand to cup along his ear, and he looks aside. "Ya know what that sound of unstoppable fury is? That's the sound'a unmatchable power. The sound of unrelenting strength. The sound...!"
And he suddenly leaps into the air and spinning rapidly. In the midst of this, the heavy coat and ushanka are cast off. He lands with surprising nimbleness atop his chair, standing on the toes of his boots with his arms thrust up and fingers pointing skywards, "OF THE RED CYCLONE!"

More pictures. Naerose was either intent into a game of pokemon snap or she was intent into a game of fatal frame. She wasn't sure which, but it was cool either way. She was sure these pictures would earn her a pay check right?

"Great stuff," The witch comments before.. caffeine .. wearing off. And all of a sudden she goes from full of energy to dead tired and slumping in her chair.

"Ugh, I think.. That will rap it up for today. Just last question before I conclude. Can you tell us your debut SNF?"

"When it will be I mean..?"

Zangief lowers his arms to fold them over his massive chest, head tilting to look at the now slumping witch. He just figures his sheer awesomeness exhausted her. "If all goes well? Tonight! So you'd best tune in to watch it!" The latter obviously meant for those at home.
------------------------------------------END SCENE------------------------------
The following events occur between the hour of 12 noon and 1 o'clock
*Beeping of a really annoying clock with a yellow digital display*

Russia. Cold foreign place. Cold in the literal and semi-figurative sense. People are kind of cold when you don't know their language. Either that, or they're still laughing at her for her declaration that she could wrestle. Note: Many Russian men are pigs. R.Mika has once again returned to that prestigious gym in Moscow - the one where she happened to wander into yesterday, looking for more information on her all-time FAVORITE idol
Zangief. In fact, this isn't just any gym. It's a gym that trains up professional Russian wrestlers. And look! There are the same men from yesterday, glancing at her and laughing. Her bottom lip pouts out a little, since she knows she held her own against the world's GREATEST wrestler! With her back held straight, she peeks around the area trying to see if he is here again. Hoping, just -hoping- she can get a rematch.
Russia. Cold and Foreign place. Cold in the literal and semi-figurative sense. People are kind of cold when you don't know their language. Either that or they are still laughing at her for her attire, a red witches outfit complete with a broom which she brings everywhere and a white bunny rabbit. A pair of shades (which she wears indoors) and no coat. Yes, there was a lot to laugh at. Perhaps coming all this way to get an interview with Zangief was a mistake. She got the interview, but now she had nothing to eat, no where to stay, no way to get home and.. Actually that was much like what she had at home. Naerose the Red Witch wanders into the gym, because it was warmer in there and instantly finds the smell of sweat greeting her senses, hey, it's steamy in here great! Well if they weren't staring at R.Mika, they would probably be staring at Naerose.
"Hi fellas." She says with a winning smile in English.
Men stare. It's what they do. At least these ones are staring because she was bold enough to declare herself one of 'them' and not just some random little fan-girl wandering in off the frozen streets. Could be worse. They could be staring at the outfit. Actually, a lot of them probably are staring at the outfit. Snickering about it too. Not that R.Mika would understand it if they were insulting her, and she refuses to look the tourist and whip out one of those translation booklets someone shoved at her as soon as she disembarked from the plane. With a swift turn, she heads towards a group of the men and is about to flail at them for laughing at her still when she hears the female voice. English she can understand at least! Spin. Turn. Turn. Spin. Oh! There's the voice. Or maybe it's not. At least there's the other female. The other females attire gets a slightly odd look which passes in moments. The bunny gets a raised eyebrow though.
If bunnies could speak, this one would be saying something like SAVE ME PLEASE. But bunnies can't speak and unfortunately it can't get away from Naerose either, currently wrapped around her neck like a muffler and taped, yes taped, so it's legs reach it's face, it makes a warm, if unhappy muffler at that. Probably eh only warmth Naerose is afforded! But enough about that.
"So would any of you fine gentlemen be with the very industrious board of amazing race with my next clue? If not I'm sure you'd love to help me get plane fair to my next place right?" The witch smiles brightly, trying to look convincing too
Ack! That poor little bunny! It's... alive? R.Mika can't help but peer at the poor taped bunny, trying to figure out if it's an actual live critter or not. Nice fashion statement though, and very stretchy bunny. Ignoring what the woman says about the Amazing Race, she steps as quietly as she can and begins to poke at the wee little rabbit to see if it's still alive and being tortured. Finally she relents and as she jabs a finger at the bunny's nose she says, "Where are you trying to go?"
The bunny is alive, it bites, it wiggles, it cries, oh does it cry. Of course being inside where it is warm, Naerose just assumes that R.Mika is pointing out she doesn't need a scarf anymore and therefore she takes the bunny off her neck and shoves it back under her hat, where it belongs and then fixes a winning smile. She was sure this would work! Of course it would.
"Well you see, the clue for my team was Southtown Japan!" she flashes that winning smile again, this was bound to work,
"Except we weren't given any money for a plane ticket and we have to beat the other teams there."
But... but... bunny! R.Mika tries to give the bunny a little pat before it disappears, but once it's under the hat the poor little dear is quickly forgotten. Ahhh... how fickle the human mind is! Somehow, she doubts the bunny would be happy to know it was forgotten. "You should fight the great Zangief!" Baby blues scan the gym, looking through the vast amount of sweaty men and then shakes her head. "Only he isn't here."
"Xangief? Oh yes I just did an exclusive interview with him for the SNF, you know Saturday Night Fight? I'm an official reporter for it, hey speaking of, do you know if he won his fight? Do you know if he even entered?" Naerose asks, getting way off topic before a tummy grumbling reminds her that 'Red Witch Needs Food'. Her health bar slowly goes down.
"Oh hey, so you can help me with plane tickets right?"
"You -did-?" R.Mika would perk her ears up at that, if she had ears capable of doing such a feat. "He wins many fights," the blonde says with a stout semi-bobbleheaded nod. "He won a recent fight, that's why I'm here." Strains of obsessive-fan-girl are just oozing from her now. From beneath the cerulean mask, baby-blue eyes peer out at the other female and her shoulders roll back in a tiny little shrug. "No." Right. That just sounded very mean. She amends that and adds, "You need money. I have only enough to fly back for myself. You could fight for money, but the men here don't look like they'd pay for much." Pause. Think. Hamsters start running in her brain. "You could stow away. On a ship." That won't get the other there fast enough though, she doesn't figure.
Well yes, Naerose knew this about fights, except she had a tendancy not to win them on account of not particularly likely being hit in the face. She would cover said face and beg politely that she not be struck there, on account of her shades being very valuable. They would then be smashed against her face. The rest of the fight would be thrown as she would be blind. This is mostly due to the lack of adjustment her eyes are to the actual level of light around her due to always wearing shades.
"Well I stowed away to get here, you see, but hey, Ihave an idea.. You can bring carry on luggage with you... Right?" Naerose smiles brightly, one of those, this is a great idea - but really not, smiles.
Not every fight is meant to be won! Unless you're R.Mika. Who must win all her fights so that she can become the world's greatest female professional wrestler! Not that she did well yesterday, but...
"I can, but I'm not heading back." Glancing around the gym again, she points to one of the Zangief posters and then at her bosom. Yes. Her bosom. Where hopefully the permanent marker signature still is. Possibly faded a little, considering that the marker does seep into the skin. "I need a rematch. Even if I don't win, I learn a lot from him. He's the best!" Must stop talking about Zangief. Must stop thikin-- What's Zangief doing right now? Whatever it is, it's likely GREAT! Nono. Stop thinking about him. "And you look too big to fit in such a little bag."
This is all well and good except the selfish Naerose. Okay, incredibly selfish Naerose can't seem to figure out how it will get her home, until. Yes, a lightbulb appears. An idea. A good idea. It could work.
"Ah, sure I would fit, except didn't he go to Japan, because SNF is held there and all the great fighters are there, so.. if you're here, that means.. " The witch adjusts her shades in an attempt to feign disinterest.
"Of course if you went to Southtown now, with a witch in your suitcase perhaps I could get him for a follow up interview.."
"Hrmph." R.Mika peers at the woman. If she goes back to Japan, and Zangief shows up here again, she will be extremely upset. Might even be forced to chomp on someone like he did in that last televised fight she saw. The bunny? Well she'd just let that poor little critter run free. "You won't fit in my suitcase." Not that there's really anything in her suitcase at all. Enough hair product to keep her pigtails sticking out the way they do. A pink outfit much like the one she's currently wearing. A few other toiletries and articles of clothing. "I'll bring the bunny."
"Sylvester? But don't you get it? I'm a witch, he's my familiar, not to mention my emergency food source. I can't go without him.. But if you insist.. Okay, I'll let you take me and we'll leave the rabbit. I'm sorry Sylvester, for this terrible sacrifice," Naerose says and wipes her eye under her shades then turns to R.Mika.
"Okay, ready to go when you are!"
Growl! R.Mika just STARES at the other female and shakes her head. "Emergency food source? You can't eat the bunny!" Bunny equals cute. No bunny equals angry Mika. For reasons unknown. "Bunny will fit in bag. You're too big." Witch. Familiar. Eh. That explains the funky getup. Like she can remark on it though? Look at what she's wearing! "Though if you leave him, he will look cute in a Russian dancing bear outfit."
Dancing bear outfit. Whatever, Naerose gets idea number two.
"Alright a trade, I will let you take care of Sylvester in Russian beard dancing Xangief outfit, you have to give me the money for the plane tickets, it's a good deal, see Sylvester is cute and a living thing! Is a living thing not worth the cost of one plane ticket?" Naerose wants to know, her brow lifted out from under the shades so you can actually see it!
They are rather cute. Not unlike those horrid little monkey toys. With the cymbals. Okay. Maybe not so much 'cute' as 'eerie'. R.Mika raises her brow, furrowing it slightly. "Bunny is too small for Zangief outfit." Stoutnod. Though there's an idea! Russian bears in Zangief outfits! Teach them to fight and...
.. right. Thoughts getting away from her again. R.Mika gives her head a small shake to clear it and then says, "Plane tickets are expensive. Bunnies aren't worth that much. Even if you mean them for food." They're not rare after all. "If you're a reporter, why aren't they paying your way?"
"This was not at all going as planned," Naerose comments and looks down at her red boots, they are so cute.
"Okay. Okay, lets try this again. If you give me your plane ticket money I will give you this . . . This.." She looks down at the ground, having a terribly difficult time coming up with a way to convince the wrestler to help her get back to Japan. She decides to beg,
"Pllease oh please help me!" She gets on her hands and knees, holds her hands together, looking wide eyed up at R.Mika, her eyes are so cute and lovely and baby like and shinning and full of tears.
Too bad you can't see them behind the shades.
Rarely to thing go as planned. Truthfully, R.Mika is just really not sure of this one. Crazed. Definitely crazed. "But then I can't get home." See the dilemma? It is a dilemma. She can't stay in Russia forever! Sure! Zangief is here... most of the time, and he's GREAT! But Yoko would get very cross and likely try to run her over with her cart. "Don't beg. It's unbecoming." And it's drawing a crowd. Sweatdrop. Mika shifts her eyes to the left, then to the right. Trying to get the Russian men to back off so that she doesn't need to bop them on the head for being nosey. Or trying to read her bosom again, when anyone can plainly see it says 'Zangief' on one part ant 'TO MIKA' in big letters on another part. Sheesh! Patting Naerose on the head, she sighs. "Stop taping the bunny to your neck, and we can see if the ticket can be downgraded to two economy class tickets."
"Well if you took me to southtown..." Her hat is patted and the bunny inside shifts a little, "You got a deal! It's warmer there, I wouldn't need to use Sylvester as a hat, and then I could get home where I don't have to pay for food!" Naerose is liking this idea a lot. She stands up, gives R.Mika a affectionate look.
"Then I can catch you up with Xangief!" The witch brandishes her broom, yes, she has a broom, as though she won something. Well in a way she did. She even decides to make a better deal of it, she pulls Sylvester out of her hat and offers the bunny to R.Mika.
"Here, collateral."
BUNNY! R.Mika reaches out for the little fluffball and blinks at it. What on earth is she going to do with a critter?
Alright, she doesn't chomp the bunny. She does keep it held out at arms length though, not entirely sure what to do with it. "Right. Zangief!" Hopefully he'll be there. What's he doing there though? Hrm. She could have saved herself a trip to the literally and semi-figuratively cold Russia! Then again, she wouldn't have had a chance to fight with him! "Only, how do we find the airport?" Got here, easy. Getting back? More difficult. Someone didn't quite pay attention on the way here from the airport. Oops!
"Ahhh..." Naerose says, a smile plastered to her face of confidence and certainty. A moment later when it doesn't waver, but she is still clearly thinking about the subject and it seems to become stale like old milk, without actually changing. Amazing how the smile can shift without changing. Clearly she doesn't know.
"I'll get right back to you on that!" The witch promises and then winks and turns to leave.

Log created on 14:00:26 01/20/2007 by Naerose, and last modified on 09:05:50 08/19/2007.