Description: When Mimiru Kasagi tries to go skating, she can't help but become the main character of a trick game where her whole purpose is to dodge flying Gabriels. In this log Zangief refuses to give Gabriel tips on her fighting technique so she forces tips out of him. A small price to pay for free training. Starring Kai Gabriel, Mimiru Kasagi and Zangief.
Isn't winter great? For the pleasure of the citizens of Southtown, a section of the park had been transformed! The ground is covered by ice, forming a thin layer all over to allow people to skate. It's way much safer to do it here than on the river. It's popular! Well at least a little, and it gives a totally different color to the park who's already getting some snowman here and there, while some others have gotten smashed down to the ground thanks to little vandals.
Anyway, Mimiru's here to enjoy the ice! With her skates on, she's one of the first who's gotten on when it was ready and at this hour, there's not an awful lot of people around so she can truly enjoy all the place for herself!
A phone call was made to the Kasagi residence which no one answered. The mother figure would of been at work, the brother figure would of been, well probably asleep. But they were not important, the Mimiru figure was out skating. Stalker who called then went to said house and invited herself in. Last time she was here she was cutting people with glass, but just to mix things up, Gabriel has no glass today. She doesn't know where Mimiru is and it's literally by pure chance her driver passes by the park and she spies her. As such Gabriel calls the car to a stop and gets out. She's dressed in a very nice woolen coat, dark grey, double layered with silk lining that you can't see, it closes across her front and tied with a built in sash. Her boots are fur - probably Sylvester fur - lined, white rabbit, the tops folded over. She's got mittens, orange, a scarf, pink, a hat, brown wool, and looks ready for winter, but not skating. Gabriel emerges from her car, crosses to the park and stops at the edge of the ice. She looks down. This is a problem. A cursory scan reveals others who are also attempting to skate. Gabriel does the only natural thing. Find the best pair of skates that looks around her size, march up to said person, and take their skates. She gets up to said person and looms over them a moment, looking like they were a bug, rather then a skater to be. Probably had a date somewhere.. Oh well.
Wouldn't it be nice to be skating alone? Peaceful, in silence, nothing but you, the ice, and the sounds of skated gliding? Ohh, no. There has to be other people. Otherwise, it would just be too picture perfect. The law of pessimism says so. And since there isn't much of a population present right now, it's all made up for in mass and volume.
A freshly-arranged snowman sits near the ice, stick arms in high greeting, friendly smile worn. The circular button eyes are even large and unassuming.
And suddenly, the snowman's head is missing.
Zangief's spinning body slows to a surprisingly graceful, smooth stop, and his fists pull back. "Hah! Weedy man of snow! Hardly worth practicing on!," he boasts. After a couple seconds, he leans down to begin packing snow to rebuild the head. "..Yet at the same time, strangely satisfying." Zangief's attire.. has not changed.
As for Mimiru's attire -- well, despite the weather, she's wearing a skirt. Yep! It seemed just right to be out with a skirt while skating. Like those gals on television. It's chilly but she's warming up. Aside from that, with her black and white mittens, tuque and scarf, she's all set not to be cold for the upper part of her body.
If it weren't for Zangief's rather loud entrance, Mimiru would have stayed in her bubble skating.. Though now he barges in and he... Well, destroys one of the snowman! Mimiru blinks and comes to an halt, staring at the towering man, "Heh! Just what do you think you're doing! You don't go around smashing snowmen like that! You're going to make some kids cry! They spend a lot of time building those snowman! Are you some kind of vandal or something?" Mimiru says as she approaches him, "'cause that's really not nice to do, you know!"
Then there is a cry. Gabriel has made her move. Someone around her age is without skates, has let out a yell, but then stopped abruptly because Gabriel unloaded on said person. Why does no one do anything? She was stealthy about it. Really, she only made it look like a snowball fight, something friendly, except the ball of snow she used was from only a couple feet away and instead of being packed snow, it was a ball of ice. A moment later the Crusader of light, Kai Gabriel is fixing the slightly unfitting skates on. She's used to tailor made clothes, oh well. Hopefully she knows how to skate. She doesn't notice, or particularly care about Zangief's display, so she starts onto the ice to get to the edge of ice where Mimiru is. Probably at this point she could of skipped the skating all together, it would of been a good idea, because apparently she sucks at it. Instead of skating to Mimiru she ends up sliding to Mimiru on her backside. Ever seen a Canadian curl? Probably if you're Canadian and I know at least one of you are. Gabriel is the puck, Mimiru, the line, her woolen coat is the broom.
And like a chastised puppy, Zangief goes wide-eyed and sulks. Shoulders slumped, hands hanging at his sides. He recognizes Mimiru, of course.. but still. She's right, and he knows it. "I was gonna put it back together..," protests the massive Russian. One hand raises to rub over his mohawk. "Really! Gettin' the snow together and everything! See?" He points down at the insofar small clumpy wad of snow on the ground. Barely distinguishable from the rest of the snow.
There's a loud, but short cry.. and Zangief ignores it. Or at least he does subconsciously. He hears those all the time in his line of work, and it's become a bit of a habbit for him to simply pass them off. So where were we?
"I've gotta do -something- while I'm here, don't I?," Zangief asks, eyes enlarging on the comically tiny in comparison female.
Mimiru blinks and she arches a brow as she hears a cry. Though there's nothing else coming afterward, so Mimiru turns her eyes back to Zangief, "Yeah, well you better do, I'm gonna keep an eye on you," Says the little japanese girl. Obviously, she doesn't seem intimidated by Zangief's bulk and massive size to scold him. She waves a finger over to him and she says, "I want to see the snowman back in one piece before I leave! 'cause when those kids will come back, they'll be sad if their snowman got smashed, and you don't want to make little kids cry, do you?" Mimiru asks, tilting her head to one side, hands resting on her waist.
Mimiru strikes a pose and she beams, "After all! The great Red Cyclone, the pride of Mother Russia, as you said it, would probably want them to be happy and all! Right? 'side, those aren't bears, right? I'm sure you can find some better way to train rather than attacking helpless snowman..." As for Gabriel, she's making her way slowly toward Mimiru on her backside, but Mimiru remains blissfully unaware of her presence. Scolding Zangief makes her feeling important, after all!
Gabriel has no way of stopping herself and it would be far to undignified for her to actually shout. More than that, struggling would also be terribly undignified. So instead she does the only thing she can do, she prays, oh please merciful mother, let not I should collide into Mimiru in such an undignified manner.
Amazingly her prayers are answered, the praying cases her to take a different pose, one that would keep her in a far more dignified sort of pose, sitting upright sort of instead with her eyes closed. Well only slightly more dignified. She's unless Mimiru moves, Gabriel will in the next second collide with her knees from behind.
"No," sulks Zangief, head hanging low in response to Mimiru's first question. Guilt-tripping a guy this huge? Who -wouldn't- feel important? Not that it's hard to do with Zangief.. but still. His head then lifts and his hands set to his hips. "Nah, but.. the heads come off real easy. You should try it!" Toothy grin follows this invitation. "Just gonna rebuild it, then you can whack its head off." His expression then shifts to a confused one as he easily looks over Mimiru's head and shoulders. Another female, on an unearring course straight for the girl. "Uh.. you got a penguin person coming at you."
"Right, I bet... But first, you rebuild this snowman, then after that, you can build one of your own and have fun smacking it down. You'll see it takes much more time to create than to destroy, and maybe you'll want to find something else to practice on!" Mimiru says with a nod of her head. She folds her arms in front of her chest and flashes her best grin, beaming, all proud that she manages to restore peace and order and do something that great! Stopped one vandal and gave him a guilt-trip, without giving him a beating. Truly worthy of the way of Super Mimiru!
Mimiru then blinks and she glances over her shoulder, though not in time to see Gabriel and react. She blinks and flails her arms about to try and keep her balance after the impact, but she only ends up falling over Gabriel. Alas, since the girl was more or less sitting there, she does nothing to soften her fall. In fact, she just falls 'over' her, with both legs seeming to straddle her shoulders, more or less. "Oye... Man, you should have shouted or something..." Mimiru says with a grunt, rubbing her head after it hit the ice.
Gabriel doesn't shout. Still she must comment, "Greetings Mimiru Kasagi-san, there is something familiar about this position." What is she talking about?! Probably something innocent that simply appears much worse than it actually is. After Mimiru falls over Gabriel decides to pick herself up off the ice with at least one foot so she won't fall over. She then tries to help Mimiru up. You know being a terribly respectable member of society.
Zangief is a bit too naive to figure out any subtleties anyway. The commentary just gets an odd look from him. The Russian shrugs his massive shoulders and resumes clumping together the snow to rebuild its head. Build his own snowman? Yeah, right. First of all, he has no idea how. Secondly, where's the fun in that? He instead has every intention to just whack the head off the same snowman again and again. Let the two girls have their chatter.
"Oh really?" Mimiru asks, glancing over to Gabriel. Though she doesn't add anything on the subject and lets Gabriel get off and rise up. With her help, Mimiru forces herself back on her skate and she heaves a sigh, "I didn't know you were skating. Never thought sports were your thing either, eh." Mimiru grins and she waves to Zangief, as if to show him to Gabriel, "This guy's Zangief. The Red Cyclone. Some hero in Russia or something. He says he fights grizzily bears or something in Siberia. Gotta admit he does look like one tough cookie. What with wearing just a red speedo and boots in the middle of winter to smack snowman... I bet he could show you a couple of neat tricks. Or maybe toughen you up a little, eh? Gotta admit his training isn't really my kind of training. I don't really have the built to really get much out of it, but maybe it could help you out a little, Kai-san. I haven't seen you fight or do much training lately! Or, well... I just haven't seen you much lately, what have you been up to?"
"I've been attempting the acquisition of souls to save them from their own follies through a surgical procedure of removing them through their chest, I have found a shard of glass to be an ideal tool for said procedures and spent a great deal of time perfecting my hand for it at the anatomy lab at school with frogs," Gabriel answers with a straight face, totally serious looking despite saying possibly the most ridiculous thing ever. She gives Zangief a once over and tries to decide if she approves of him or not. Actually she's on the fence and in the senate of Gabriel, the tie breaking vote is always for disapproval.
"Very well, Zangief-san, please demonstrate what you can teach me that I do not already know." Meanwhile Gabriel, who saw this in a movie, a magazine, read it in a book and finally saw it at the park, tries something she had wanted to try for a while and takes hold of one of Mimiru's hands. She doesn't know what it actually means to do, but she tries anyway, something about being good friends.. or something.
Zangief glances over to Mimiru with a frown. "HERO OF RUSSIA!," he booms. "Red Cyclone! Zangief! Champion wrestler!" How he hates being downplayed. He growls under his breath and resumes clumping the snow. It's at least got quite a bit more to it now.. but the spherical shape is still lost to him.
Gabriel's request warrants a pause on his work, and he raises up to his full massive height. Left hand sets to his hip, and he lets out a, "HAH!" He gives the small female a once over, then snorts. "Can't teach a fly to overpower a swatter. My unstoppable techniques wouldn't do you any good. Too small. Too girlie." The other female could possibly learn something - no, not Mimiru, Megumi - but not this one. That and he doesn't much care for her attitude.
Mimiru's a little caught off guard by Gabriel's sudden hand taking. She blinks and glances down at it, though she doesn't seem to mind it and returns the hold. Though before any questions can be asked, Zangief lets his outburst comes out. Mimiru chuckles a bit nervously and she scratches the back of her head with her free hand, "Heheh... Yeah, sorry, that's what I meant..." She apologizes.
Mimiru frowns and she wiggles a finger over to Zangief, "Now, now! Don't go say such things! My friend Gabriel's much stronger than you think! You should know that, in martial art, strength doesn't only come from muscles and bulk alone!" Mimiru says with a few nods of her head, "Well, I'm sure you're probably stronger than her 'cause you've got more experience, but you shouldn't downgrade her!"
"That's right Mimiru-san, strength in martial arts is a result of faith alone, but if the so called Hero of Russia, lacks faith, perhaps, in himself, or in his country.. He surely would not understand." Gabriel's expression is almost somber, she doesn't have much feeling to anything she says and her eyes are perpetually cold and hard it seems, she even appears soft spoken.
Perhaps it was a ruse, take Mimiru's hand to present a united front that.. really didn't exist. But at any rate she pretends to have said united front and stands tall, uneasy on her ice skates and much shorter and smaller than Zangief.
Zangief shrugs his massive shoulders to Mimiru. "Bah, 'martial arts'. Wrestling's where ya see true power come from. Even that Goose guy knew that." What a surprise that fight was, too. But regardless, a glare is then set to Gabriel. "Don't waste my time, kid. No bigger patriot for Mother Russia than me, and no one believes in my power more than me." Truest statement, that last one. "You can't learn a thing from me. You got no heart. Or.. 'faith', or whatever. Nothing in you. Can't learn to wrestle if you ain't got soul."
Mimiru sweatdrops, "Yeah... You better not mess with his country and all, he's one devoted man to it, I think that's a touchy subject that's best being left alone," Mimiru says with a nod of her head. Mimiru than glances back over to Zangief and she beams, "Well, for one, that's not true! Gabriel has some heart and faith! We both do in fact," Mimiru says with a nod of her head.
Then she hums softly and says, "Well, how about that then, I give you an hour to fix up the snowman you just broke, and then, we'll fight you and show you that we're more than just little girlies." Mimiru nods and then adds, "We got plenty of stuff for wrestling and fighting, you know, we'll teach you a lesson. At least, I do intend to teach you not to mess with kids' snowmen!" Mimiru says with a nod of her head. 'side, it'll give him something to do aside from breaking snowmen.
Gabriel meanwhile has no intention of waiting an hour. She considers the situation with a clinical detachment and then pipes in, something meant as a clear sting.
"Do not waste any more time Mimiru-san, he is obviously attempting to utilize these excuses to cover his lack of quality. His experience you mention likely came from a soviet era training and he himself is therefore also likely a failure as much as the communist party, after all, what does the color red refer to but a collapsed and failed regime, let us go find someone more worthy to train."
The final straw is a polite bow to Zangief before turning to depart.
Oh snap.
She did -not- just go there.
Screw the snowman. Zangief is effing ticked off. Eyes enlarge, a vein bulges on his head.. and he suddenly turns to shatter the snowman into a cloud of white. He then turns to face Gabriel. "Don't you dare say something like that and try to run away!," he cries, voice a clear denotion that he's become quite enraged. If the expression isn't enough implication already. "Get ready to see the -real- might of Russia, the undefeatable bear of the north!"
The wrestler hunkers down low, hunching his back forward a little, and opening his palms. A readied stance. A sidelong glance is cast towards Mimiru. "Got no beef with you right now. She disrespected. Gotta learn her lesson." Then the imaginary crosshairs zero in on the taller of the grls.
COMBATSYS: Zangief has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Zangief 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Gabriel has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Gabriel 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Zangief
Oh man, Gabriel had to go there. Mimiru just winces and she brings her palm over to her face. That wasn't the smartest move of all time. "Oh man, what did you do Gabby..." Mimiru mutters under her breath, letting go of Gabriel's hand as she makes her way out. Though what can she do? Gabriel's probably gonna get slaughtered if she fights this bear on her own!
Mimiru bows and she says, "Yeah! I apologize for her, really! I'm sure she didn't mean it, you know!" Though Mimiru doesn't stay into this, she skates off away. Not like she's running away but if she'll barge in to save Gabriel at one point, it's best if she doesn't have her skates on. Just a little time out to remove her skates.
The crusader of Light, turns, looks over at Zangief and waits, standing there, making no attempt to escape, she just takes off her skates. She watches the huge man and tries to do no less then stand there. The idea? Well Gabriel seems to be getting what she is wanting, is it a fight she wants..? Or something else. It's hard to tell, but she just watches the hulking wrestler.
If she wanted a highly animated snarl from the Russian, mission accomplished. He's not given that bad of a look in months. When she seems to just stand there, it only serves to enrage him further. Girls.. taunting -him-.. insulting his country.. his patriotism. The audacity! He begins to rush towards her, feet stomping over the icy ground with apparently no trouble in balance at all. Once the distance is closed, he instantly reaches out to grapple one arm behind her legs to hoist her up, the other over her collar to level her body perpendicular to the ground. He then promptly drops to a knee, aiming to crash Gabriel's spine over the upturned knee.
Also, that was Zangief.
COMBATSYS: Zangief successfully hits Gabriel with Medium Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Gabriel 0/-------/---====|-------\-------\0 Zangief
This is what Gabriel was waiting for. The master of mimicry she was going to get a lesson from Zangief if he liked it or not. Somehow even when she loses she was going to win. His stance is recorded in her mind, his hands, the positioning, which muscles he uses what he does when, even the snarl, she watches everything so closely that when he finally reaches her, she's still watching and observing as she is lifted into the air, and then dropped on his knee. It even takes a delayed reaction for her to realize just how much that had to hurt. But when all is said and done, she pulls to her feet and does what is rather quite odd, that is to actually practice some of the stances she just saw, as if she were in fact practicing the move.
COMBATSYS: Gabriel gains composure.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Gabriel 0/-------/-----==|-------\-------\0 Zangief
Zangief leaps back from her to gain just a smidge of distance, and he lands back in his stance. He does this only to see the 'heartless' girl mimicking his stance. This gets a blink from Zangief. "Don't flatter yourself!," he fumes. He then rushes her again, this time rearing back one massive fist. Using the ice for its additional momentum, he thrusts the straight punch out for Gabriel's face, sliding into the strike. A girl like that. Mimic his wrestling technique. As if! Laughable, to Zangief.
COMBATSYS: Zangief successfully hits Gabriel with Fierce Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Gabriel 1/-------/=======|=------\-------\0 Zangief
The massive fist comes and once again Gabriel isn't trying to move, at most she bends back to enable her to observe the fist for as long as possible before it nails her and sends her flying, like a flag. The thing is the look on her face is so neutral, so indifferent, she looks like a weighted flag like they use in football, her face being the weighted section, aside from the nasty mark the high leaves she's basically looking if anything irritated while watching Zangief still trying to understand the motions. She's buried into the ice for a moment and has to actively pick herself out of it to recover from this all. When she gets up she starts trying to mimic his windup, his throw of the punch, some blood drips down over her eye, the dark green color affected somewhat with the blood, but she's trying to do the punch, only substituting the fist with a palm. She tries with two palms. At this point it occurs to her that even in Zangief's disapproval and utter contempt for her, she can still read something from his expression MAYBE about how well she actually does it. Other than that? She doesn't even try to hit him.
COMBATSYS: Gabriel takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Gabriel 1/-------/=======|=------\-------\0 Zangief
This is just crazy. It almost feels... deliberate. Like she's losing on purpose! Zangief can't comprehend -why- someone would put themselves through such great amounts of punishment. He gives her an almost disgusted look and continues to press the assault, heavy boots thundering along the ice. When he reaches her, his left hand lashes out to attempt grabbing her by the shoulder. The right hand then thrusts out, palm open and fingers curved in to strike her stomach. Though beyond that, his fingers dig into her abdominals, cinching on the muscle and crushing.
COMBATSYS: Gabriel blocks Zangief's Stomach Claw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Gabriel 1/-----==/=======|===----\-------\0 Zangief
This time Gabriel is trying to get better understanding of how to defend the move, and make it herself, so when the hand comes in, she doesn't exactly stop it, she just positions herself so it doesn't have as much painful grabbing power. And standing there in close proximity, her eyes indifferent, fixing on what Zangief is doing and letting out a tiny breath of pain, cause it is hurting, but she IS learning something. Eventually though she tries to roll away and catch her breath. Yeah this is a crazy workout, but she feels like she's getting something from it all. She mimics the grab with her hand thoughtfully, she got a really good look at that one. Perhaps she can use that in some of her own grapples. Though Gabriel doesn't say anything.
COMBATSYS: Kai Gabriel drops her guard to recover.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Gabriel 1/-----==/=======|===----\-------\0 Zangief
This isn't good! Gabriel's not doing anything to defend herself, that's not good. She might have deserved a beating but that's just... Well, sad to watch. Not only that, but Super Mimiru can't allow a defenseless gal to get beaten up like that! Gabriel may not be weak, but she's certainly not defending herself, and she's taking a beating.
And so... Due to Mimiru's own beief, she has no other choice but to leap in and interfer! For Gabriel's sake. And so, almost out of nowhere, Mimiru rushes back toward the two and she leaps up in the air to close in the distance between Zangief. She soars down from her high jump toward Zangief, hoping that'll distract him and he'll turn around to defend himself as her right leg sparks up in flames! And just before she falls down on Zangief, before she hits him fully, Mimiru lets the white flames go forth toward Zangief and she uses it to burst-jump backward. "Ah! I'm sorry, but Super Mimiru can't allow the defenseless one to get beaten on!" Mimiru says, beaming a little, "As much as she deserved it, that's how The Way of Super Mimiru is, and always will be!"
COMBATSYS: Mimiru has joined the fight here on the left meter side.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Mimiru 0/-------/-------|=======\=------\1 Gabriel
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Zangief 0/-------/----===|
COMBATSYS: Mimiru has joined the fight here on the right meter side.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Zangief 0/-------/----===|-------\-------\0 Mimiru
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Gabriel 1/-----==/=======|
COMBATSYS: Zangief dodges Mimiru's Super Mimiru Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Zangief 0/-------/----===|-------\-------\0 Mimiru
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Gabriel 1/-----==/=======|
Never get between an enraged Russian and his prey. They become single-minded. Mimiru's interferance is noted before even the attack begins. Zangief ignores it at first, starting to run towards the seemingly-distracted Gabriel again. Mimiru's interjection is evaded with a turn-over roll, cleanly dodging the flames. And just as smoothly, he's back on his feet and charging towards the girl. "This don't concern you!," Zangief shouts over his shoulder. And once he's upon Gabriel, he thrusts himself into the air and turns over, arms pulling up and boots thrusting out in a heavy dropkick.
COMBATSYS: Zangief successfully hits Gabriel with Strong Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Zangief 0/-------/---====|-------\-------\0 Mimiru
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ <
Gabriel 1/-======/=======|
Only somewhat distracted. Gabriel seems to appreciate that Mimiru is giving her a spot on view of how Zangief would move out of the way of an attack. It's very good to see because he's so huge! How does he move that much mass out of the way of a kick? Well Gabriel gets a front row view. Then he even tries to kick her! She watches this kick including when the foot finds itself square in her face. She sees stars, this is a problem because she doesn't actually get the opportunity to see any more of what his attacks are like while being totally dazed and confused. She'll reflect on all she's learned for a moment, breathing heavily and a slight quiver. This was a crazy hard work out. But she was well trained in not making a lot of sound.
COMBATSYS: Gabriel gains composure.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Zangief 0/-------/---====|-------\-------\0 Mimiru
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Gabriel 1/---====/=======|
This doesn't look good for Gabriel. It's always tough to protect someone from another after all, things like that tends to happen. Mimiru grunts a bit under her breath and she says, "It does concern me when it involves someone who doesn't defend themselves!" Mimiru says as she rushes in after Zangief. She tries to leap on his back and knock him down to the ground. If not that, she can at least try to cling to his back and make things dificult to him by headlocking him from behind! IT's almost like real wrestling. Sort of. But with a giant and a dwarf.
COMBATSYS: Zangief dodges Mimiru's Quick Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Zangief 0/-------/---====|-------\-------\0 Mimiru
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Gabriel 1/---====/=======|
He tromps through the ice still after Gabriel. Content with her dazed? Certainly not. Not until she can fight no longer, and not until she can make no more insults to his frozen homeland. Mimiru's leap from behind is noticed just before contact, and the Russian utilizes the ice's lack of friction to weave a clean circle around the offender, then barrel clean past her towards his target. Once reached, he attempts to grapple with her again. This time to lock her head between his legs and his arms around her stomach to hoist her upright, albeit upside-down. If successful, he leaps into the air, body kipping into a sudden spin, only to drive her head down against the ice - the Screw Piledriver.
COMBATSYS: Zangief successfully hits Gabriel with Screw Piledriver.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Zangief 0/-------/-======|-------\-------\0 Mimiru
[ \\\\\ <
Gabriel 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|
Once again Gabriel gets a great view of Zangief dodging, but it is harder to watch what he is doing now, he's moving but her mind is struggling to keep up with what is going on. She is grabbed and starts to notice more about what is going on. She can only manage to understand a fraction of it, but she struggles so hard to learn as much as she can before getting planted into the ground, sort of like a bird, body up, head not. Gabriel was not fighting back or moving. If she was conscious down there she was probably going over in her mind everything she learned and trying to make some sort of sense of all the movements.
COMBATSYS: Gabriel takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Zangief 0/-------/-======|-------\-------\0 Mimiru
COMBATSYS: Gabriel can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Zangief 0/-------/-======|-------\-------\0 Mimiru
Well looks like this is the end. So much for trying to help her out, Mimiru had more or less just been there rather than anything else. She spins a little on ice, all confused by Zangief's evasive manuevers. She certainly didn't expect that from him. She blinks a few times and glances over to Gabriel lying there and she moves over to her. Well he must have gotten what he wanted, "Alright, this is over, I think she learned her lesson now," She says, sticking her tongue out. He's not going to smack her while she's down now, while he?
Zangief hops back from the downed Gabriel, and lands neatly on his feet. Apparently ready for more action, since he was being pestered the entire time. Then when Mimiru makes her protest, he growls at her. What, she expects that to be it? After attacking him? "I thought you were good people!," scowls the Russian. His hands flex, fingers balling into fists. "But you go and attack me? To defend -her-!? You're anything -but- good people!" He glowers, rage seething. "Admit the Mother Russia is the superb bear of the north, and -maybe- I won't throw your lot in with hers!"
MImiru frowns and she folds her arms in front of her chest, "Alright, alright -- she did some wrong, but still, you didn't have to go that far, you've gotta learn to control your strength, geez." Mimiru gives a nod to Zangief, "I know she was disrespectful of your country, and I apologize on her behalf," Mimiru says, bowing her head respectfully along with her torso, "And I'm certain Russia is... Huh, the superb bear or the north but still... Just leave her alone for now," Mimiru says sticking her tongue out, "And 'side, you still have a snowman's head to rebuild," Mimiru points out.
In truth Gabriel didn't care about Zangief, his country or anything, she just wanted a lesson from him and so she took her lesson. Perhaps if he knew or cared he might feel raped, because Gabriel certainly feels like she got away with something, ended up with something. She got a lesson! It was her first in a while and it felt good, except for the bone shattering painn she was in, but all things cosidered, she almost wondered if there wasn't something to this method.
The posture relaxes a bit, arms folding over his massive chest.. but Zangief's scowl remains on Mimiru. "Don't lecture me, kid!" He does have his limits on how far he can be pushed. "This ain't about her. She got what she deserved, and you can't apologize for someone else. A person's gotta answer for their own crimes." Sure, not a 'crime' per se in law, but in his eyes, there's little else that could be more taboo. "I was talking to -you-, about -your- interferance helping someone who'd tear at my homeland. That makes you just as bad." He snorts, then shakes his head. "Super Mimiru.. hmph. Soon as you learn what it is to be a hero, maybe then."
And finally, Zangief turns to stalk away from the ice, leaving the two girls there. He tosses back, "And to heck with the snowmen! -You- rebuild it!," over his shoulder. Her 'penance' for defending a transgressor against him.
Mimiru knows Gabriel got what she deserved but enough was enough! Still Zangief kept on. In his current state of mind though, Mimiru isn't sure he'd understand if she tried to explain to him. Still it was a touchy subject and Gabriel crossed the line. The girl closes her eyes and she heaves a sigh, "Ah man..." She says. She glances down at Gabriel and nudges her with her foot, "I hope you're proud of yourself, I'll have to glue back the pieces together... Sometime..." She shakes her head and says, "You should know best not to insult the country of someone who's obviously pretty patriotic.
Heaving a sigh, Mimiru rests her hands on her waist and she says, "I'll get you off the ice and you'll rest for a while, I'll fix up the snowman and then, well if you're not feeling better we'll go to the hospital or something," Mimiru says as she tries to help Gabriel in a better position and drag her off the ice.
COMBATSYS: Zangief has left the fight here.
> ///////////////////////////// ]
|-------\-------\0 Mimiru
COMBATSYS: Mimiru has ended the fight here.
Log created by Gabriel, and last modified on 06:35:28 01/31/2007.