Description: Candy's logic tells her that she needs a friend. And so she asks Aislinn to be her guinea pig.
Observation. A simple enough word, perhaps not as simple to perform in many circumstances. Candice Diamond has proven time and time again that she can interact with others quite well; but it has come to a point where the robot is trying to delve even deeper into the interactive part of observing. Obviously certain responses cannot be obtained without the proper action, and Candy's goal is to completely master all of the appropriate actions, starting with friendship.
She's explained to Aislinn that she doesn't exactly understand how emotional attatchments play into the lives of fighters for the better. She perhaps at that point should have realized Aislinn was perhaps the worst person to use as a guinea pig here but it wasn't like she had many people to choose from anyway who weren't aware of her 'secret'.
Anyway, she had gotten in contact with Aislinn, there were some matters to discuss, and also she wanted to present the Silent Assassin with her more personal situation. "Meet me at the Mall," she said, and made certain to make clear, "After you complete your homework." and in her usual black ensamble, plus a black, wool, sweater, she awaits for Aislinn to arrive at the main entrance of the rendez vous point. It seems to be a chilly day on top of cloudy, and there's no shortage of shoppers whom are either just getting out of work, or out of school clubs walking in and out of the doors.
It's... an odd request. Then again, much is odd these days; Foxy's disappearance, somehow connected with the loss of a base... maybe. Aislinn has found it hard to deal with school, but has been a trooper about it; appearances must remain normal, or as normal as possible, and with that in mind she has reluctantly returned to Gedo. Candy's missive was not missed, and so--after completing her homework, as requested--Aislinn has arrived at the Mall, not having bothered to dress any differently. It's a bit more public a meeting place than she perhaps might like, but she must assume that this isn't something that is entirely mission critical. But what, she doesn't yet know.
Candy prefers darker places herself, it somehow seems to let her fuction better. That's about the only preference she has in environments outside of battle. She's well aware Ai isn't that fond of such public areas, "Good afternoon," she greets to the Gedo student, a raise of her hand and a wave as she takes steps closer to her coworker, "I will try not to make this too long, but there were some matters I wanted to discuss with you."
The issue with Foxy actually was not one of them, actually. She motions Aislinn to follow her not into the mall, but toward the parking lot, hands loose at her sides and gaze focused on the other girl, "I understand that you had a match with Alma not too long ago. There's no doubt he was being nosey during that time, has he pushed having fought you up at 'home'..?" she says, expression as normal as always, "I wish to know how you would like to handle this situation if you suspect there will be trouble."
Ah. Of course, there are always matters to discuss... this is one of them. Aislinn arrives, and begins walking with Candy, her gaze off in the distance.
"I did fight him recently. He said nothing about what happened at home. I would like to think that he doesn't remember, but that is unlikely. Perhaps he is simply being circumspect." She turns her gaze to Candy.
"If he learns too much we may have to attempt elimination. Before he becomes a threat too large to simply 'take down'. If not us, then surely Krizalid has enough power."
The words are delivered cold and calculated and matter-of-fact.
"However, I do not think we need to think that far yet. His curiosity about Foxy does not seem to have made a connection to NESTS, yet."
Cold, calculated, and matter-of-fact is the way Candy likes it best. She believe Kula could learn a lot from Ai; a shame they aren't working togeather, "Oh, that is curious. Very well, I shall do my best to keep tabs on him it could end up becoming difficult should we rush too quickly. Those with powerful allies have to be taken care of more carefully. For now, though, it's a matter we can put aside as you had more or less stated.."
Her steps come to a halt then, standing in an empty parking spot between two small cars, "Did the scenario at Pacific work out well," she then asks, "I have not forgotten that you still need my assistance for your later project. All I would like to know now is when you wish execute that plan."
Aislinn ponders that question, first looking again at Candy then again out to the sky as she thinks.
"I am not sure, yet. With Foxy's... condition being what it is, I think perhaps the best time to strike may be soon. I will have a date for you within the next five days. I need that time to plan the course of this action."
Aislinn eyes Candy once more and says, "There must be something else... you would not call me out here for a simple progress report. Is... something on your mind, Candy?"
"Very well," Candy replies, she'll be sure not to involve herself too deeply in her work during that time. But for a moment Candy doesn't seem certain to know how to respond to Aislinn's question, "Is that so," she starts, "It.. Was not my intention to come off as bothered, but I suppose I am. During my League Match again Ingrid, I have come to the conclusion that there is still something critical missing in my behavior. It is something I believe most fighters possess, and normally I could overlook this, but now it seems I will have to put this on the front of my studies. What I would like, Aislinn, is to have a friendship with you for a while. If you wish, I could explain the theory to you." And chances are it will be an extrememly long and winded explaination, "If anything, please understand this is not something I can ask just anyone, the request is simply too unusual."
It takes a moment for Aislinn to process all that. She walks a few steps further, then leans against one of the lampposts used to light the area. Her expression doesn't change; inside, she's more than a little curious. She wants to 'have a friendship'? Aislinn isn't sure she understand what that means, even if she knows what it is.
"I think I understand the theory," she says, in reply, still considering the offer.
She nods to herself. It makes sense; they are more than simple colleagues, they are battle-hardened comrades. They're friends, even if they don't know it yet.
"Very well. I cannot refuse such a request." And to Aislinn, it really is as simple as that.
Candy gives a small nod of her head, it shouldn't suprise her that Aislinn would catch the gist of it quickly, and it doesn't. It also doesn't suprise her that it takes a moment for Aislinn to take the situation into consideration. Truth be told it seems to only further confirm that she had chosen the 'correct' person to ask, even if Aislinn isn't a kitty-holic schoolgirl or a witch that is completely off her rocker, "Thank you, Aislinn. I have reason to believe this should go well, seeing as we have above-average compatibility. I objective I had in mind then, would be for you to show me your place of rest. My quarters is currently bare, and likely not very interesting. Perhaps I could learn something from it." This likely could be as easily resolved by observing Kula's room but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know they're nearly polar opposites.
Aislinn can't imagine Candy going to Nanako or Naerose and saying "I want to be your friend." It just doesn't compute. So Aislinn agrees, quickly, because she realizes that Candy really has nowhere else to turn... and because the thought of having a 'friend' is a nice one, even for the NESTS clone. However...
"You would... gain little from seeing my resting facilities, Candy. By necessity, I keep very little there. It is... as 'bare bones' as yours." This is true both of her Gedo room and her room at NESTS, of course. There is no hesitation in her voice, nothing to suggest she doesn't -want- to show Candy her room. It's just her assessment of the situation.
"However, if you still wish to go, then we can."
Candy glances upward a moment, "I see. Well then in that case it is a good idea that I have chosen here as a meeting place," Candy raises her arm to gesture back to the mall, her gaze still on her 'new' friend, "It would not be beneficial to go to your place just to return here so I propose we just look for something small and sensible."
Her eyes almost seem to dull a moment, then once they return to normal, she says, "Kula has pictures in her room. Perhaps we should get our picture taken. I believe this would not just be a symbol, but it is also portable."
"There are... picture booths, I believe they are called. I have seen them before. They allow for a number of photographs to be taken." Aislinn muses, for a moment.
"I believe they are located in the arcade," she continues, "it should not be difficult to find them."
That said and determined, she begins to head into the Mall proper, to find the arcade.
"Very well," Candy replies. God, if Kula were watching this, she would probably be in a fit off giggles right now. But Candy did enjoy the arcade; not because she was a big game player, which she wasn't, she seemed to like being in places full of running, preferably noisy, machines. She follows Aislinn, clicking her heels so that her boots extend to rollerblades, "Ah, as I had stated before, Ingrid seemed to be a bit suspicious of my presence. It's not likely that you'll suffer the same problem if you ever meet her, but she's a strong individual, very well professed in her usage of energy. It seems to be similar to Alma's, and makes me wonder if people who carry that energy hold the ability to somewhat see through my form."
Ah, yes, that unusual energy. Aislinn is beginning to understand it a little better... but only a little.
"I think a suggestion should be made to the laboratory to further study that energy. It is quite distinctive." Turning the corner, Aislinn continues to talk, her voice soft enough not to carry beyond her companion.
"I believe the arcade is somewhere around here..." Probably, Kula would be giggling like a little girl, but that's alright with Aislinn. Kula is in many ways a little girl; in some ways Aislinn is more aware of the world than the Diamond girl. But that's alright, too.
Candy glances westward once the two enter.. Having seen the directory earlier, it takes her just seconds to figure out which way they need to go, she pointing off to the right, "Five stores down, 'The Dream Machine' arcade," she notes. She then nods in agreement, "That kind of energy is not something I can examine very closely, but I am able to capture data little bits at a time if it comes in contact with my hardlight field,"
She takes casual glides forward, hooking her thumbs into her jean pockets, "As strong as it seems, I am not certain if it can be compared to, say, Kyo Kusanagi's flames. In my contact with Vega, all data I had on him was completely wiped out."
At this point, the pair should reach the arcade, and as Aislinn had said, the photo/sticker machine is right there at the entrancce with three machines to choose from. One is themed with Pioneer characters, one is old fashioned black and white, and the last is seasonal themed.
Log created by Candy, and last modified on 16:07:02 11/29/2006.