It would appear that today's match isn't exactly in the most .. Populated of places. But those few who follow this particular fighters pattern knows that she prefers to fight in more secluded areas. Today's match brings us to the shores of Korea.. Or perhaps more accuratly, the shores away from Korea, a challenge had been issued to Ingrid from the woman known as Candice Diamond.
It's about five in the morning, the very slightest hint of sunlight entering the sky, but most of the light comes from the moon still in the clear sky.
The match takes place on a four floor high ship, on the main deck, with lighting fitting for television set along the sidelines, It doesn't seem like anyone is even on this cruise aside from the two fighters and the Masters television crew! Oh and obviously the ships pilot. The black clad demi-punk currently lay flat on her back upon deck, her weapon of choice (twin tonfa) set on her tummy, her gaze is almost empty, just staring up at the evening sky as if it were some sort of marvelous wonder. Her opponent could have very well been here some time ago; but she isn't paying attention.
The ship's pilot? Well, that is unfortunate, considering that ships have captains! Is anyone steering this thing!? Well, luckily with the advent of automatic navigation, the ship probably could make it's way to it's destination without a captain assuming it doesn't have any trouble along the way, but good luck getting it to dock!
Having accepted the challenge, Ingrid flew to the boat via helicopter, as all really high end cruise ships should have pads for. She's spent most of the time thus far in her room or exploring the empty decks, but now she's come to the main deck where the fight is supposed to be held. She seems to be fairly confused, too, as she's wandering about with her head turning this way and that. Eventually she just walks right up to one of the camera crew and asks rather blatantly, "Excuse me, but where is Candice Diamond? I heard she was aboard, and this is the proper time." The man gives her a strange look, and then points directly at Candy, who is lounging there with her tonfa.
Ingrid turns her head towards her and almost seems to miss her for a moment, but then her eyes focus on the young woman(?) for a moment or two and tilts her head a little and walks over. "Excuse me, are you the one I'm supposed to be fighting?"
An amusing scenario in it's own right, but Candice doesn't react to it as such. Upon hearing her name though, her eyes seem to re-awaken, to catch sight of her white-haired opponent. For a moment she doesn't respond, but then she sits up slowly, "If you are Ingrid Holmann, then yes, I am your opponent," she replies in a rather flat tone. It takes her just seconds after that to get to her feet and tightly clutch her weapons. her eyebrows slightly raising as she peer into the other womans eyes, ".. Those are not contacts," she murmurs, "A rather rare eye color you have.. Like my baby sisters." her left hand distractedly raises, and if allowed she cups Ingrids cheek, her thumb brushing just below Ingrid's left eye.
It there is a lack of a Captain, that's clearly the last of Candy's concerns. Really the less people the better, no matter how important they may be.
"No, they're not." Ingrid sounds rather... terse. She looks at Candy for a few moments and frowns ever so slightly when Candy reaches to touch her cheek like that. It's very strange to say the least, but she has enough control to not react to it oddly. "And I am, Ingrid Holmann." She tales a step or so back and then reaches her hand up to her chin, stroking it with her thumb a few times while her other hand supports her elbow. Her eyes are basically wandering over Candy, up and down, all over her and examining closely. "If I may ask... what are you?" Not who, what.
Candy gives a slight nod of her head, her hand withdrawing as she takes a couple of steps back, and again glances up to the early morning sky. Today something really interesting will happen, she concludes, but only if she defeats Ingrid today. What exactly may happen completely eludes her of course, her arms dropping loosely to her sides, and she gains a couple centimeters of height when her heels clack and single-file wheels extend, her silver tonfa twirled casually, "Very well," is her first answer, and then the second, "I am your opponent. Good luck."
COMBATSYS: Candy has started a fight here.
"An elusive answer. I am sure you are exactly aware of what it is I'm speaking about, but if you wish to hold your secrets I suppose there's nothing I could do." Ingrid reaches a hand up to brush her white hair back from her face, "Although, I had assumed that a league for fighters would include 'human' in the definition of a fighter." That said, her arms drop to her sides, and she begins to sway back and forth very slightly. "I seem to have little choice in this matter, though, so we may as well begin."
"Don't we all have secrets..?" Candy replies, her eyes narrowing just slightly. Not in a dangerous sense, there's a more 'focused' feel to it, she spinning around slowly on her rollerblades, "Perhaps if you reveal what you are hiding, I may be swayed to reveal my own secrets. It is only fair, do you not agree..?"
That said she is prepared to fight, starting things off on her own terms by skating forward and then leaps upward, attempting to smash her knee into Ingrids face, landing on one foot afterward to skate backward, "If you are as so narrow minded as to fight only 'human' fighters, then I believe you will be sorely disappointed with this League."
COMBATSYS: Ingrid has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Candy 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Ingrid
COMBATSYS: Ingrid counters Light Kick from Candy with Sun Upper.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////''''']
Candy 0/-------/---====|=------\-------\0 Ingrid
"Yes, I suppose everyone keeps secrets. Yours seems to be a cut above that of most people's, however." All in all, Ingrid doesn't seem very comfortable at all about this fight. Normally she's rather good about staying calm and collected, but the vibe given now is that she's somewhat agitated and frustrated.
She holds her ground as Candy rushes forward and jumps into the air on her skates and try and catch Ingrid in the face with her knee, and as she comes closer she holds her left arm up and then makes a small taping motion at the air in front of herself, and a large golden orange disk forms in the air in front of her. Candy hits this disk and suddenly ceases all momentum for a short moment before Ingrid swings that arm up into the air, her right swinging back for balance, and using the now invisible energy to fling her opponent rather high up into the air before she falls back down to the ground. "I'm not sure I'm hiding anything from you, at the moment."
A rather unexpected counter-attack, Candice freezes in place once her knee slams into the suddenly projected disk, and is very easily hefted up into the air afterward. She can't come up with any sort of conclusion to what just happened even as she sails into the air and smashes hard enough onto the deck to make it crack slightly. She lay for just a moment, and then sits straight up, getting to her feet again, "I do not agree, but I understand why you might come up with that kind of conclusion," she replies calmly, skating toward her opponent again, "You seem very tense.. Nervous.. Possibly frightened..?" she asks, and once close enough swings in an uppercut motion, to slam her tonfa under Ingrids chin. Should that connect, and lift ingrid into the air, a swing with her opposite arm follows, slamming the flat of her weapon right into Ingrids gut, suddenly interested in a slightly new subject, "Are you frightened, Ingrid..?"
COMBATSYS: Candy successfully hits Ingrid with Medium Strike.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Candy 0/-------/--=====|===----\-------\0 Ingrid
Ingrid takes note of the way the deck takes excessive strain from the somewhat small looking young woman. Larger than her, no doubt, but not exactly the type you'd expect to be damaging floors when falling. When Candy comes for her, she tries to dive and then roll out of the way, but she doesn't get low enough and ends up getting smashed in the forehead with the tonfa, followed by the hit to the gut. Her is momentum immediately reversed, sending her barreling backwards and rolling once she slows a bit before popping back up to her feet fairly quickly, despite the rather nasty rectangular welt on her forehead. "Frightened? No, I'm not afraid of you. On the other hand, you do make me nervous, because I'm not sure what you could possibly be. I think 'human' is definitely out of the picture, possibly 'alive' as well."
That being said, Ingrid bends down before leaping up into the air towards Candy, not aiming to make a jump in attack but instead land only a few feet in front of her, afterwards taking a long step forward and holding both of her hands above her head. She then swipes her hands down and forward, sparkling golden energy sweeping out in front of them and threatening to completely envelop the Monroe look alike in front of her.
COMBATSYS: Candy reflects Sunbeam from Ingrid with Counter Shot.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////. ]
Candy 0/-------/-======|====---\-------\0 Ingrid
Candy can tell that Ingrid is starting to become 'nosy'. She actually hadn't anticipated Ingrid being so capable of telling something was 'wrong', but on the other hand, Candy could work this to her advantage if she played her cards correctly. If she could keep her opponent unsettled, it could weigh hugely in the match.
Candy raises her left arm as Ingrid gets in closer then twirls it like a helicopter blade, a flat image of some sort of demon projected on the invisible 'wall' that forms over it. the very energy that contacts her weapon dances in a circle and immedietly is deflected back to the psi-wielding fighter.
A very very small smile forms on her lips, and she murmurs, "Well you should be, Ingrid. You seem to have subconsciously figured out what I am. The clues are right there; I prefer to go bump in the night, and I take pleasure in upsetting you."
Ingrid looks rather surprised when something as simply as a twirling piece of wood can send her energy back at her so easily, and winces as it courses over her instead of Candy, completely unable to get out of the way. A wince is all there is, however. "I haven't felt the brunt of my own power in quite a long time... It feels so very... weak." She lets out a small sigh, "That is an interesting ability you have, to use my own power against me. I will warn you, however, that it's a poor tactic. I am the master, and sole master, of it. Don't think such tactics will work forever, I'll find a way past them." A rather bold statement considering what had just happened.
"So you consider yourself a demon them, or perhaps a monster? How childish." Calm and composed once more, Ingrid simply flips her hair and watches Candy. "I've faced monsters far more frightening than you.
Candy rolls her neck slightly, her stance relaxing once more, and she takes just a couple of sweeps back, hands behind her back as she looks to the floor, "It isn't anything special, it looks more impressive than it actually is," she replies, and then slowly shakes her head, "And you are incorrect, the technique is flawless, if you wish to test your theory, you will only end up hurting yourself." her stance relaxes, she looking the girl up and down, and reviews the damage she's done so far to help work another strategy, "So it is childish.. I find it perplexing that you are not satisfied with my answer when you clearly stated you do not think I am human.. Are you, perhaps, stupid..?"
COMBATSYS: Candy focuses on her next action.
"Having no basis for knowing why I am able to tell that you are no ordinary fighter, it's rather silly if you to ask if I'm stupid." Ingrid gives a little shrug, and then smiles a little to herself. "Please allow me to explain. Monsters, demons... these have emotions. People have emotions, and animals have emotions." She stares right into Candy's red eyes, "You do not have emotions. I suppose there is a minute chance you are able to deflect my detection of these, or are simply very emotionally stunted, but I don't think that is the case. I'm not quite sure what that makes you, but it is certain you're like no form of life that I've ever encountered, if you're a form of life at all."
And as for the rest, "In time, I'll find a way to move past that ability of yours, but until I do I suppose it's best I stick to a conventional assault." She then tilts her head a little, "I also noticed, you seem to be unusually heavy. I wonder if it hurts a little more when you fall?" With this prelude, Ingrid takes a few steps forward and then attempts to simply place her left hand on top of Candy's head and then smash her in the forehead with the base of her fist, attempting to destroy her balance and send her flying backwards. Those skates should help with that.
COMBATSYS: Candy interrupts Strong Throw from Ingrid with Crow Bites.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Candy 1/-------/=======|=======\-------\1 Ingrid
"Negative, I have a basis, you are far from the first person to have reacted this way to my presence," Candy quickly corrects, wagging a finger to Ingrid, her expression remaining rather neutral, and refuses as well to break her gaze from the other fighter, "After hearing your explanation however, I retract my statement of believing you are stupid. You are simply uninformed. In this day an age such 'logic' is becoming less reliable in the fighting world. Did I not go through the trouble of challenging you to a match..?"
How this is all said as Ingrid rushes in for another attack, well. It just does. The smash to her head actually hits dead on, but since she was falling to one knee anyway, it works in her favor. Candy springs upward, slamming the flat of her tonfa into Ingrids stomach again that once again lifts them both skyward. She then twirls, adding a second slam to the same spot, and finally a third to knock her back even further. INstead of crashing onto the deck however, she lands on one foot again, skating backward in a small circle to return to her original position, "Pain is not something I am capable of feeling these days," she then states, "Therfore it is up to you to feel it for me. By the way, it is not that your strategy is a poor one, it is just mine is superior."
That didn't quite go as planned. It seems that she had left herself rather open, and Candy was easily able to capitolize. Hmm. Each successive hit from the blunt weapon gets a pained gasping noise as she's pushed higher and higher before finally crashing down to the deck herself, hitting hard. She shakes her head a little, and then picks herself up a bit more slowly than she did the first time. "I see... is that what you think... I suppose that you have had the upper hand for a fair amount of time now, but I can't simply allow you to think that you're able to control me at you're leisure."
And with that being said, Ingrid dashes in and swings her left arm out wide, seemingly attempting to backhand Candy across the face, except for the large stream of energy flowing across it. "This is my strength, it is that which I control. My willpower is supreme!"
COMBATSYS: Candy blocks Ingrid's Sunburn.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////..... ]
Candy 1/----===/=======|=======\-------\0 Ingrid
"Again I disagree, I had much catching up to do," Candy replies, "However you do bring an interesting point, I have been able to do this because I have the ability to manipulate you, that is how my strategies work. I challenge you to outwit me, Ingrid," she says, as Ingrid comes in with her energy laced backhand. Perhaps her opponent expected something flashy, perhaps she didn't; Candy is banking that she did, and as such her tonfa swings up again, colliding with the offending chop, and that mysterious energy dances quite quickly around her form, making her lurch forward and then slide backward on her skates, nearly losing her balance. The demi-punk twitches visably, and wonders if perhaps that was the smartest idea... Hopefully though, her gamble will pay off in the end, ".. it would seem I have underestimated your strength.."
Candy slowly settles to one knee, arm draped across her knee while her fist rests on the ground, taking a moment to recover from the internal damage.
COMBATSYS: Candy gains composure.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////..... ]
Candy 1/------=/=======|=======\-------\0 Ingrid
Ingrid shakes her head a little, "Manipulate me? Perhaps, but at the same time you have also challenged me to fight at the very pinnacle of my ability. While I suppose I would have normally done so anyway, giving an opponent feel like they have something to prove can be very dangerous, provided they know how to use those emotions to their own benefit rather than becoming wild." She tilts her head to the side, "And I suppose that you may think that your strategy is superior, but I have doubts. For instance, you seem to be relying on me to provide openings for you to exploit. A good strategy, and one I sometimes employ myself. But it leads me to wonder... are -you- afraid of -me-?" An amused smile sits on her face.
COMBATSYS: Ingrid focuses on her next action.
Candy shakes her head slowly, "That is not exactly the case," she replies, answering the last question first, "You are only partially correct however. Anyone can wait for someone to attack first. I am making you do exactly what I want you to do. Similar to what you are implying but at the same time completely different. But back to the first point." still in her crouch, she leams to the side, slipping her arm behind her back and holds her weapon like some sort of firearm, "I simply wish to potetially inflict as much pain as possible with each strike. Striking at any given chance, I have learned, is not always fruitful." And then something very unusual happens; Ingrid may see it, she may not, but a little bit of white light gathers at the tip of her weapon. And with a hum and a crack, a slender bolt of white energy, perhaps no longer than a ruler is fired toward Ingrids shins; and should it hit, there proves to be enough force to knock Ingrid right off of her feet.
COMBATSYS: Ingrid overcomes Diamond Shot from Candy with Sun Shot.
"I see. So you wish to hold yourself back until you can take optimal advantage of your opponent? A wise thing to do, but you must first make sure that you'll be able to actually get the chance to attack. If you simply sit and wait, what you're looking for may never happen." She gives her a small wink, "Then again, it just might."
A weapon, hmm? Well, why not? Some people simply need to make up for what they lack. Ingrid begins the motions the moment Candy appears to actually be firing the weapon her arm sweeps in an underhand motion, energy trailing after her hand as a large glowing sphere of energy shoots out from her, the bolt hitting it instead of Ingrid herself. "Was that what you were hoping for, I wonder?"
COMBATSYS: Candy reflects Sun Shot from Ingrid with Counter Shot.
"There is no point where I hold back. I attack and I rest as necessary. However this is the first time I have engaged in combat with someone who wields this much energy. .. I had expected you to run low by now." she hops on her skated feet, her opposite tonfa held forward and twirlled madly again, "Even still, it went to plan, I am confident at this point I have you defeated." As the demon insignia projects within the twirling circle, once more Candy manages to completely deflect that energy and send it right back toward Ingrid.
Whatever it is she's doing to accomplish this is completely hidden by her projection.
COMBATSYS: Candy successfully hits Ingrid with Reflected Sun Shot.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Candy 1/----===/=======|=======\-------\0
Ingrid lets out a small laugh, "Oh, is that so? You expected me to run low?" She shakes her head a little, "I have long learned how to wield my power for extended periods of time without tiring myself. It was very difficult to learn, when to apply it and when to not, what amounts prove to be the most potent, and when I'd simply be wasting my breath." She shakes her head a little, "I don't tire very easily, but at the same time, it appears the same can be said of you." She attempts to get out of the way as Candy throws her own energy ball of energy straight back at her, but she isn't quick enough and gets hit with it, tripping a little, but otherwise not seeming to be too bothered by it. "That wasn't so bad."
All out attack with her powerful moves isn't, of course, possible to maintain forever. Pacing herself is a very necessary part of being able to fight for extended periods of time.
Last time she attacked without using her power it ended up costing her, but then what she did wasn't all that smart, rushing in head on. This time, she'll try something different. Instead of coming straight for Candy, Ingrid takes a step to the side, then a step back, and then leans forward and dives, landing on her shoulder and then back to her feet, staying low and then suddenly sending a low kick for Candy's feet, to knock them out from under her.
COMBATSYS: Ingrid successfully hits Candy with Quick Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////........... ]
Candy 1/--=====/=======|=======\-------\1 Ingrid
Chances at Ingrid is telling the truth.. Which is very troublesome in Candy's case, her calculations have been thrown off after all. But it gets worse than that, Candy was certain she had slowed down Ingrid as well, leaving her with plenty of time to defend herself and set up a return blow of her own. Her eyes follow Ingrids motion, and her leg does jerk to the side; which is probably what Ingrid wanted. Candy trips over her own feet and rather embarassingly lands face first onto the deck with a heavy thud, her weapons still tightly held. She grunts slightly as she pushes herself up with her hands, then as she stands up, swipes her weapon, hopefully, across Ingrids throat. It's reaching crunch time for Candy.
COMBATSYS: Ingrid fails to counter Weapon Jab from Candy with Sun Upper.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////......... ]
Candy 1/--=====/=======|=======\=------\1 Ingrid
At the same time, Ingrid had thought that kicking her opponent to the ground would have been enough to give her at least a little time to jump back and retreat. Not so. Candy is very quick on her feet, as far as sending out a strike to attempt to hit the young woman while she's still recovering from her first attack. The white haired girl tries to quickly form another barrier of energy between Candy and herself, but it looks like it isn't to be. She simply doesn't get it off in time, and gets smacked in the throat, stumbling back a few steps and getting pressed against a guardrail. She takes a few breaths, and then seems to focus herself, saying nothing and watching Candy.
Candy shakes out her arms a bit.. And can't help but shake off the idea that she had been lucky somehow. And while she normally doesn't enjoy playing off of 'luck', she tries to press it to her advantage, especially with Ingrid leaning on guardrail. ... But then again, there would be no advantage to throwing her overboard; that idea is scratched. Still though, she does skate a little to the side, creating a small bit of distance as she leaps at the guardrail and grinds along it. She then uses that momentum to leap off and strike Ingrid across the face with a rather swift spinning heel-kick.
COMBATSYS: Ingrid counters Light Kick from Candy with Sun Upper.
[ \\\\\ < > ////////............. ]
Candy 2/<<<<<<<<<<<<|=======\==-----\1 Ingrid
"You seemed to have tired yourself out. Your fancy tricks are neat, but unless you have proper stamina, it's best not to wear yourself out." Ingrid gives Candy a bit of a smile, "You've become slow." If she was slow and sluggish herself only a moment ago, she's now suddenly fully alert and ready to defend herself. Ingrid actually takes a step forward into the heel kick, lifting up her left hand and then pointing at the air one more time, Candy's foot suddenly stopping as the energy disk forms in front of it. And with that done, the energy dissipates diverges from itself and wraps around her as Ingrid swings her hand up again, flinging Candy into the air. Luckily, Candy herself is in no danger of falling overboard; she'll hit the ground right where she was. This time, though, Ingrid isn't going to be waiting around for her to land, walking away from the railing towards the center of the deck and turning her head to make sure she's not caught off guard, a hand held up to keep her hair out of her eyes.
COMBATSYS: Candy takes no action.
COMBATSYS: Candy has reached second wind!
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > ////////............. ]
Candy 2/<<<<<<<<<<<<|=======\==-----\1 Ingrid
Candy doesn't say anything at first. But she is honestly suprised; or rather, again she didn't forsee that Ingrid would have enough time to regroup and attempt another counter attack. Alas, when she hits that disk, it is much too late and again Candice flings upward into the air and crashes again with an alarmingly heavy thump, and again lightly cracks the wood. She lay there on her back, completely motionless for a moment- It could be assumed that she's finaly down for the count. But suddenly she sits up, a dangerous flash in her eyes, "Have I. Perhaps I shall remedy that," she says, getting up just then and brushes off her arms, "Now then.. Where were we..?"
Uh oh. It really looked like that was going to be the end to the fight right there, but... No, it wasn't to be, at least... not yet. "Hmm, was that a feint, or were you about done there... I suppose I was wrong about your staying power, but just because you can continue fighting doesn't mean you'll be able to fight effectively." She then smiles, "But I can't take that risk, can I? You've put me in quite the interesting situation, I'll admit."
What to do, what to do. She stops walking away now, and then turns around and bends down, jumping up into the air towards Candy, holding her left arm forward in a 'chop' position while her other is held back to maintain balance, "Eh!"
COMBATSYS: Candy dodges Ingrid's Quick Punch.
Candy closes her eyes a moment, crossing her arms in front of her chest, then throws them outward with another grunt. Again Ingrid is partially correct, while she may have managed to restore herself a lot physically, she doesn't have the energy she did before. But, it was a problem simple enough to handle if things continued to go well, ".. Feint? No that was indeed a very powerful blow," she replies, "It just simply wasn't enough to finish me off, that is all." She doesn't have much to say after that; what Ingrid didn't know was that Candy was on a clock now, she did need to end this fight as soon as possible. She barely leans to the side, the chop very slightly graving her shoulder. It's impressive that Ingrid is still feeling confident, but how much longer will that last? Spinning once more on her skates, she swings her tonfa at the side if Ingrids neck. And should that connect, it's followed with a front kick toward the ribcage.
COMBATSYS: Candy successfully hits Ingrid with Medium Strike.
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > //.................... ]
Candy 2/<<<<<<<<<<<<|=======\====---\1 Ingrid
This attack isn't all that fast, is it? It shouldn't be too difficult for Ingrid to get away from. The problem is, she's wrong. Indeed, Candy comes in and smacks her right in the side of the neck, getting in before she can manage to duck down beneath the blow. The kick to the chest is just a little cruel, and she lets out a loud cry of pain, falling backwards and landing on her back. She turns over onto her stomach and then picks herself up, watching Candy carefully and letting out a bit of a laugh, "It seems I've underestimated your speed. I hope that's the last time you manage to slip past my defenses, or I may be in a bit of a bind."
COMBATSYS: Ingrid gains composure.
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > ////..................... ]
Candy 2/<<<<<<<<<<<<|=======\===----\1 Ingrid
Candy is a little suprised as well that she managed to land the combination so cleanly. She had expected the blow to be blocked relativly easily, but she has no room to complain at this point. Candice runs her forearm across her forehead, and continues to stride slowly, almost stalkingly toward her opponent, "I do as well, you have a pleasent sounding cry. I would like to hear it one more time before this matches end."
She then comes to a halt, her gaze once more drawing up and down Ingrids figure, ".. That is, unless, you've chosen concede."
COMBATSYS: Candy focuses on her next action.
"Concede?" Ingrid lets out a small laugh and shakes her head, "Oh no. I'd very much like to see this drawn out to it's conclusion, one way or another. I just wanted you to know that I've enjoyed this, despite what I may have said earlier." She seems to be back in a somewhat amused state of mind, "Also, if you wish to hear what I sound like when I'm hurt, you'll have to hurt me. Though that makes sense, does it not?" She reaches back and flips her hair.
COMBATSYS: Ingrid focuses on her next action.
Candy faulters just slightly.. Words that weren't expected came from Ingrid and her lips draw slightly to a frown. It's odd, as this is the same way things had gone with Elle not to long ago; Candice.. Isn't very good at being a monster it'd seem. ".. Are yuo mocking me..?" she asks, taking a casual skate backward.. It's almost cautios in nature, but then her hands whip outward again, tonfa twirling as her hands raise into the air, "Very well, then I shall try this,"
At that moment, sheets of 'glass' start to appear above both fighters, as well as off to the sides to create a makeshift dome. She then raises one foot, proceeding to spiral like a corkscrew, white light forming about her weapons and seven shots are fired off in completle non-sensical directions; above and to the side. Yet the white beams of energy deflect off the 'windows', bouncing about to and fro until finally they all centralize onto the intended target, from above, front and side.
COMBATSYS: Candy successfully hits Ingrid with Blue Screen Of Death.
[ \\\\\\\\ < > ......................... ]
Candy 1/-------/=======|=======\=======\1 Ingrid
One might think that if you simply got out of your original position with such an attack, the bolts of energy would all miss. The problem is that while they will eventually centralize, they're still zipping around like crazy. Ingrid miscalculates and attempts to get out of the way. It is definitely not to be. One of the energy blasts hits her right in the knee and topples her down on the spot, causing her to wince and hold onto the wounded spot. And then the rest of the beams converge, slamming into her all at once and throwing her backwards, slamming her into one of the bulkheads and causing her to let out a rather loud scream of pain. Candy should like that, right?
But... it seems she may have just a little bit left in her. "That... should do it, I would think..." She shakes her head a little. "But... I can at least give you a parting gift. Oh, and I wasn't mocking you, per say. I was teasing you." She picks herself up, facing Candy. Suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere, a bright golden symbol appears around Ingrid, the same one that is on both of her hair adornments. She lets out a yell of,
Yosha!" as her energy releases, and then points lightly towards Candy. A bright golden triangle appears in front of her, and a familiar looking disk of swirling golden energy springs into life, this time right on top of Candy. Literally.
COMBATSYS: Ingrid can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\ <|
Candy 1/-------/=======|
COMBATSYS: Candy reflects Sun Delta from Ingrid with Access Violation.
Candy has plenty of little tricks in her arsenal; it's rare that she gets the opportunity to show off all of them. She continues to stare at Ingrid, again there's a very faint smile in response to the yelp that comes from the girl. She just doesn't understand why Kula doesn't get that same kind of satisfaction, but that's another story for another time.
"... Teasing," Candice repeats, she understands the word, but it's foreign for it to be related to a fight; mocking, taunting, arrogance, those are all she's quite familiar with. It doesn't make sense, why was Ingrid feeling playful?
But first was the matter of dealing with the summoning triangle or, whatever it was, she glancing upward when the energy slams down on her, or rather, bounces off of her body, again all that power re-directed to Ingrid. But that Candy reveals itself to be a projection, as it flickers out of existance, Candy is seen crouching low just behind the image, one of her tonfa'd arm raised over her head as a safety measure. It seems to be clear afterward, the 'woman' standing up once more to look down to what presumably should be her fallen opponent. No words are said at the moment, she simply hanging around to see if this shift in attitude was all an act.
COMBATSYS: Candy has ended the fight here.
Teasing indeed, but it looks like Candy is going to be the one to get the last laugh in this case, as Ingrid's own attack is turned against her. The disk disappears from Candy and suddenly appears around herself, much to her surprise. The disk raise up into the air slowly, Ingrid with it, multiple strikes of swirling energy knocking her higher and higher into the air before it releases and just lets go. Luckily, it ends there, and Ingrid falls to the ground in what's no more than a heap, apparently knocked out cold from that last little trick of Candy's. Maybe she would have been able to explain herself, but that won't be happening now.
Candy gaze remains focused on Ingrid, for a moment longer, and it's certain by the officials that this match is over. But that display of power is rather frightening, who knows what would have happened if that had actually hit her! "... It was an.. Interesting match," she offers to the fallen girls form. It looks like she won't be getting answers, but then again it was more important that she goes to hide out somewhere on the ship to complete her own repairs.
It seemed Ingrid had difficulty finding her before, so she's certainly ensured alone time to do just that. Twirling around, Candice skates off, as some of the crew check to make sure that Ingrid isn't dead. Of course she isn't, Candy had no intention of doing as such, despite her slightly sadistic nature.
Log created by Ingrid, and last modified on 21:29:56 10/16/2006.