Himeko has dropped a connection.
Himeko has reconnected.
Himeko has dropped a connection.
[OOC] Mimiru Kasagi hugs. :D
Himeko has reconnected.
[OOC] Himeko test test
It's just another day at Taiyo High it would seem, though it is coming to the end of Friday, the time of week that every student looks forward to, even bookworms like Himeko! Though the end of days bell isn't the same for her as it is with most other students..
Today Himeko has to take care of some things for the Taiyo Paper, proofreading Monday's articles and of course has to prepare to cover tomorrow's match as well! So the classroom is currently serving as the clubroom, printers, inks, and computers all carefully set up about the class. Himeko.. Isn't expecting Mimiru to be dropping by, they usually meet at her house to conteplate strategy after all.
Thankfully, Mimiru didn't have any practice today. She's exhausted. She forced herself through the usual gym practice she does, the running, the weight lifting, all of that stuff to keep herself in shape, but that mixed with her other trainings made her totally out of energy. Not only that, but her hands still hurt from her training. In fact, a lot of students noticed her hands wrapped in bandages and so did the teacher. She had a little talk with them after class. After all, Mimiru's hardly the model student, and she seemed nervous lately, what with the disappearance of one of Mimiru's classmate.
It was nothing serious, the teacher wanted to be sure Mimiru was fine, and she told her it was nothing, that she burnt her hand and that she was exhausted due to her studies and basketball practices. He seemed to take it well. She's glad, the last thing Mimiru wanted to hear about was more of Shinji. Though from what she's heard from Kain, she'll probably be hearing a lot more about it very soon.
After classes, since she finished her gym session, Mimiru made her way up to the classroom where Himeko takes care of the few last things for the next Taiyo Paper. She opens up the door and she gives a wave to Himeko, before she strides over toward one of the desk, to sit down into it and lie over it, "Huh... I'm so beat..."
Himeko has dropped a connection.
Himeko isn't alone, a few other club members are doing their thing too; but their aspects are much more technical; so it saves Mimiru, at least for now, the threat of being ambushed by the paparazzi. Oh yes, the reporters certainly noticed that Mimiru has been acting a little odd, but after reading Himeko's articles about the Saturday Night Fights, most were left believing there wasn't much of a story behind it.
Himeko, on the other hand knows that it isn't SNF related and that Mimi hasn't been telling the truth lately. Even still when the door opens, the usually meek girl is looking to be in bliss, really having a good time working on the computer. She turns to spot her best friend, giving her a wave in return, "Mimi-chan," she pipes, getting right up from her seat and picks up her bookbag as she heads to join the fighter at the desk, "Have you been working hard at the gym again?" she asks, blinking a few times and sighs, ".. Rats, I'm sure I could have gotten some really nice pictures; not many girls look as pleasent as you do when you sweat." <3
Himeko has disconnected.
Never mind the other kids around! If they mess with her, or Himeko, they'll have a taste of Mimiru's wrath! Sure, for someone her age, Mimiru's quite popular! Probably not as much of Athena or some other pop singer that also happens to fight, but in Taiyo, she's one of the great kid. Along with Sakura, Roberto, Natsu, and all those other friendly fighters.
When she hears Himeko's words, she can't help it but blink as she forces her gaze up, "What...?" She blinks and blushes a bit faintly, lifting her gaze up a little, "Well, huh, I guess, I kinda just wear a white shirt and black shorts when I train, but the guys there are really nice," She admits. She can just imagine Himeko with a bunch of little hearts over her head, watching Mimiru doing the machine where she has her thighs spread and must squeeze them together, all sweaty action and stuff. Mimiru shakes her head to shrug off that mental image.
She laughs and lifts her hand up to scratch the back of her head, "You know, I bet you already have some pictures like that, don't you?" She tilts her head to one side and says, "You've got a ton of pictures of me in lots of costume," She grins and then adds, "So hum, how's the papers going?"
Himeko has connected.
Never mind the other kids around! If they mess with her, or Himeko, they'll have a taste of Mimiru's wrath! Sure, for someone her age, Mimiru's quite popular! Probably not as much of Athena or some other pop singer that also happens to fight, but in Taiyo, she's one of the great kid. Along with Sakura, Roberto, Natsu, and all those other friendly fighters.
When she hears Himeko's words, she can't help it but blink as she forces her gaze up, "What...?" She blinks and blushes a bit faintly, lifting her gaze up a little, "Well, huh, I guess, I kinda just wear a white shirt and black shorts when I train, but the guys there are really nice," She admits. She can just imagine Himeko with a bunch of little hearts over her head, watching Mimiru doing the machine where she has her thighs spread and must squeeze them together, all sweaty action and stuff. Mimiru shakes her head to shrug off that mental image.
She laughs and lifts her hand up to scratch the back of her head, "You know, I bet you already have some pictures like that, don't you?" She tilts her head to one side and says, "You've got a ton of pictures of me in lots of costume," She grins and then adds, "So hum, how's the papers going?"
[OOC] Mimiru Kasagi says, "Welcome back!"
[OOC] Himeko says, "Thank you!"
As mildly disturbing as the vision may be, it doesn't make it any less true. Himeko's a bit of an odd girl when it comes to her fascination with Mimiru, but who wouldn't be when someone changes your life forever? But of course it's more than just that, the atmosphere of the club just seems to make her feel a little more... Free, maybe? Himeko tries to take Mimiru's wrist and drag her out of the desk, "Ne, Mimi-chan, come sit closer to the computer so I can finish my work," she requests, and would pull her right along, careful not to really touch the bandaged areas, "Though I suspect they're nice because they know you can beat them up if they misbehave," the girls says a bit suspiciously, "And if you don't remember, Mimi-chan, I'm not going to remind you of such things. You really have to work on your memory for even the less signifgant events! Why, if I were a bad person..." she blinks, and seems slightly horrified by her own thought, "Y.. You could have been blackmailed! I don't want that to happen to you, please be more observant.."
What can she do? Mimiru's not going to deny her best friend that little bit! She may be tired and not as energitic as she usually is, but when Himeko pulls on her wrist, Mimiru forces herself up her chair and she follows along, "Okay, okay!" Mimiru says with a soft giggle, though she fails to see how her presence near the computer will make it easier for Himeko to finish her work.
"Yeah, guess you're right," She says as she sits down by her side, heaving a sigh. In fact, it's thanks to Himeko's words that she actually closes her thighs -- she's used to wear pants and well, with the school seifuku it's not really the same. She blushes a bit at the thought and she scratches the back of her head, "Huh? Blackmail? Who'd do that?" She asks. She shakes her head and adds, "I've already got enough problems with someone raiding my panties.. I wish I could stop them, grrr..." Mimiru shakes her head and then she says, "So hum, yeah, you're gonna talk about the fights of the weekend? It's a sure hit I guess since everyone loves fighting so much,"
It becomes all too clear the moment Himeko sits back down.. Her fingers are almost a blur over the keyboard as she stares at the screen, though her eyes do shift back to Mimiru with another aghast expression, "Wh.. Stealing panties?" she squeaks, a blush of her own forming at the very thought, "Is it just you, Mimi-chan, or have there been other victims? I don't.. Think a story has been written about that yet."
Her fingers click clack away, apparently writing up a beginning piece -of- the SNF event, with a little information about all the fighters in the match-up, "That's so.. Perverted.. And old fashioned, I thought those days were over. Anyway my question was purely rehetorical, your problem is a real one. We'll talk about your match in a bit."
This forces Himeko to stop her typing and turn fully to her best friend again, removing her glasses, her bright green eyes at that same moment narrowing, "When did this start? Are there any suspects? When were the times of these strikes? Was there any noticable pattern, certain colors stolen?"
[OOC] Mimiru Kasagi says, "Man, it's all about Naerose stealing my panties and selling them back for money."
[OOC] Himeko facefaults!
Cheeks turning a faint hue of red, Mimiru lifts her hand up and she scratches her cheek, "Yeah... Kind of..." Mimiru says. She bites her lips and tilts her head to one side, "Huh..." She lifts her hands up and waves them at Himeko, almost sweatdropping, "No, no! I don't think it happened to anyone, really! That's kinda embarassing, you know," Mimiru admits.
Mimiru turns her gaze away and she sighs, "Well I more thought nobody'd come to my place to steal panties really," She glances over to Himeko and then frowns, leaning back a bit as she stares into her eyes without her glasses. And all those questions! It makes Mimiru blush, "Sometime ago! Been a while, and not really. I don't know..." She looks around a little nervously, "That's kinda embarassing, my panties are my personal stuff you know, I wouldn't know..."
[OOC] Mimiru Kasagi images Himeko playing the detective, eh.
Himeko mnnnns, her lips curling in a bit, and she leans closer toward Mimiru as the other girl starts to back off. Her stare isn't cold or anything, it's just serious, and the surefire way for her to tell that her best friend isn't hiding any information. But the bottom line is that she's a reporter, not a detective.. Though maybe this is a case she could handle; she is very informative after all! "I see.. I gues here isn't really a good place to discuss it, you're right.."
Himeko slips her glasses back on, eyes returning to their considerably more gentle nature, "Though I thought it was happening at school.. It's happening at home? That's really really weird." the girl sighs slightly, clicking on her computer, and brings up three pictures, "Well then let's talk about your match.. You'll be teaming up with Mr. Shenwoo, and your opponent is a returning newcomer Niesje Sato and Mister Rolento Shugerg. Do you know any of them?"
Mimiru blinks a few times and she turns her gaze away, staring up at the ceiling for a moment, one hand lifting up to scratch the back of her head, "Huh, yeah... Well if you want I could show you my drawer if you really want to look up into it..." She seems a bit surprised by Himeko's other sentence and she glances at her, "Of... Of course! Why would it happen here? I don't bring spare panties around, ya know, and not like anybody could steal my panties while they're on me," Mimiru says, sticking her tongue out.
Mimiru glances over the computer and she scratches her head, "Well I know Niesje, she's a teacher in Gedo, I think," Mimiru bites her lips and she adds, "She's hardcore, like real hardcore, I couldn't do her scratch the last time I fought her. She fought with me last week, remember?" She asks to her friend.
Himeko giggles a little, setting her hands on her lap as she notes, "Well, Mimi-chan, you're not exactly the most 'normal' of students around here either.. There're things to this day that I still don't know about you. But yes, I'd like to look into it, I think this may be something that I can handle.. And I still owe you so much, it's the least I could do," she replies, and looks once more to the computer, "Hai, but as a reviewer it's important for me to cover and re-cover past instances," she replies, "But you're right, she is incredibly tough and I haven't found a weakness just yet. I'm particularly worried about her weapon, it's mid-to-long ranged, so it may be a good idea to capitalize with holds. As for Rolento, I would stay as clear from him as possible. He's a trained soldier and a merciless fighter. But your partner I think is even stronger, and he loves to fight. He should have no trouble keeping him back."
"No secret there," Mimiru says with a soft chuckle, "I don't have any panties in my backpack or anything," Mimiru admits with a soft chuckle. She tilts her head to one side and then listens to her friend as she explains the situation, "I see... Well don't worry! I've been working on my techniques! I'll be even stronger, you'll see!" Mimiru says, clenching her hand into a fist, "You'll see!" Though her pose falters a bit as she clenches her hand a bit too harshly, "Ouch..." She whimpers, shaking it a bit, "Damn it..." She then glances up to Himeko, massaing her hand with the other, "Anyway... You don't owe me anything, Himeko, we're friends, and friends stand out for each other, right? So no matter what, I'll always be there to support you, you know that," She says with a grin.
Himeko smiles, seeming reassured by Mimiru's words, "Really? I know you've been training very hard lately, and I've been trying not to bother you since you don't... Seem to need my direction." the girls smile doesn't faulter though, Himeko has been keeping busy herself after all, and she's just more glad that Mimiru seems to have been perking up lately.. Sort of, "... You shouldn't be training so hard though, all the time we've been togeather, I've never seen you exhert so much. Are you still eating normally?" the bookworm asks, clearly concerned, "And.. I.. I know Mimi-chan, but.. Well, it's hard to explain." she reaches out to try and take Mimirus hand, and massage it very carefully; not difficult since her grip is never a firm one, ".. Are you sure you'll be good to fight tomorrow?"
"I'm sorry Himeko," Mimiru says, lowering her head, as if feeling a bit builty because she doesn't spend as much time with her friend since she's made it clear in her mind that she had to improve, that she had to become stronger. She winces a bit as Himeko takes her bandaged hand but she lets her do it. She knows she means her well and despite the sensitivity of the burnt flesh underneath, her fingers feel a bit soothing. Mimiru heaves a sigh and she bites her lips, shivering at the touch of her friend on her covered palm, "Yeah, I'm eating properly..." More or less. She's generally always alone home due to her mother's work so she's doing all of her meal, and since she lacks the time sometime. Mimiru's lips curl into a smile and she says, "I'm really grateful I've got a friend like you Himeko, I think I'll be fine, they're just little burnt, a bit of pain won't bother much in the fight, right? After the few first punches in the gut, I won't feel them, heheh." Mimiru smiles at the thought.
"I want to train hard, Himeko," Mimiru says, "I want to be able to protect you and others, and since I've kept losing, what good is it to want to protect others if I can't? I'll become stronger, and then, I'll protect everyone, you'll see," Mimiru says.
"I believe you, Mimi-chan.. And I will always believe in you," Himeko replies, looking worriedly to the bandaged fingers.. She had seen Mimiru in worse condition of course, but burns are rather... New to her eyes. She winders if perhaps this is the backfire of untrained chi-control. It's hard to hide her concern, but what choice does she have than to believe that Mimiru will be all right if she says she will be! "Anyway, you don't need to apologize, I know how important this is to you, and I just don't understand enough to not be in your way. It's honestly all right, besides, I'm getting trained to be a reporter and I'll have my hands full soon too. Um.." her green eyes shift a bit, "Is.. Your new tutor nice?"
Lips curling into a smile, Mimiru moves her free hand up to ruffle her friend's hair a little, "Heheh, of course he's nice," Mimiru tilts her head to one side and she says, "Well, it's alright... I'm training in the park sometimes, I'm trying to improve my chi, that's how they call it," Mimiru says with a nod, "You can come watch me but... Hum, that'd be a little boring for you I guess... I have to focus and concentrate a lot, I'm still working on it..."
Mimiru smiles and she then takes her friend hand to demonstrate what she's talking about. She closes her eyes and focuses herself, concentrating on manifesting her chi into a white flame inside of her hand, palm up in the air. Since she has started, it's improved a lot! The flame's much more tame than it used to be and it's easier for hre to pull off. She groans a little and shakes her head after a few seconds not to burn herself again, "Neat, eh?" She says, "That's just the beginning..."
Himeko ooohs, and she shakes her head quickly, with a nervous smile, "N- no! No, that's all right, it'd be a better suprise if you shown me when it was perfected, don't you think?" The last thing she wants to be is a distraction... On the other hand, it may prove very difficult for her not to spy on her best friend now and then to check her progress. She gets a sneak preview though, Himeko jumping back a bit in suprise, and the other students that were in the room turn around with their jaws slack as well..
Though one does have enough sense to say, "H- Hey! Lets not have fire in a Newsprint room please??"
It makes Himeko suddenly blush hotly, looking away from the clubmates as she scritches her cheek, "... Gomen.. That was my fault."
Alas, Mimiru can hardly maintain the flame more than a few seconds without burning herself. She blushes a bit though since she didn't really think about the potential danger it offered. Mimiru bites her lips and she lowers her gaze, "No, it's alright, I didn't think about it," Mimiru admits with a soft nervous chuckle. She pats Himeko on the back and says, "Well anyway, my first lesson is to manage to control that flame for at least ten seconds, I really want to impress my sensei and be done within a week, so I'm really trying hard... But it lead to a lot of burns though," Mimiru says with a nod of her head.
Mimiru smiles and she says, "We've always been a team, Himeko, so... I don't mind you to see my progress... I guess it can be boring though to check me train, so it's up to you, anyway!" Mimiru stretches and she yawns, leaning back a little in her chair, "Man... Maybe I should have skipped this week's Saturday Night fight... We've got tests coming up and I feel like I forgot everything.."
Himeko nods her head, again seeming reassured, "Well.. I could imagine that it would.. It looks a little scary, but it's really neat too.. It's sort of like.. Mmnnnn..." she glances upward, "Sort of like your brother's! I haven't seen him fight in a while though, is he in one of his moods again?" she lets out a little sigh, and then goes to her computer again, clicking and dragging pictures onto another template, "I was a bit suprised that you had signed up this week. But I'm also a little glad, when your team wins, it would make the back cover of the school paper," she says, "Taiyo students aren't very plentiful in a major event like that. Anyway, you can't back out of it now, it would be a disservice to your fans.. But you should think about it more carefully after your fight, Mimi-chan.. Mmmn let's see... Done, and.." click clikc, "Done. There, work is finished!"
With a soft chuckle, Mimiru heaves a sigh and she turns her gaze away, "Yeah, always away from home, he's still striving to become a vetenerian," Mimiru says with an idle wave of her hand, "He seems so lonesome, it doesn't help his image I guess. I met him... I wish I could have said nice things to him, give him a hug and stuff, but it didn't quite work out that way," She says, scratching the side of her head, "He's more on his own, doing his own stuff, like an adult, out of the house. I'd like it if he were around more but, eh... Won't happen..." She sighs and then adds, "We ended up fighting... He caught me practicing and all, it's a bit fuzzy, can't really remember why, but he just kicked my butt, eh... I need to practice harder..."
Mimiru glances over to Himeko and she smiles, "I'll do my best to try and be Taiyo's pride!" She nods and then bites her lips, "So, how does it look like?" She asks, glancing over the computer to read what she's done so far.
Himeko glances to Mimiru, "It's only partially done, I can't predict the match, so you're not going to get any hints on who wins," she says with a wink. One the computer are just some statistics of the fighters, and there are pictures cut and pasted from other sites. Obviously these are going to be replaced with pictures she takes at the fight. She closes the program and proceeds to shut down the computer as she stands up and stretches her arms, "Mmnn.. Wait, what? You two fought again?" Himeko suddenly asks, looking worried again, "That's so sad, I wish you two had a closer relationship.. But you can always talk to me as always," she adds.
Himeko leans down to pick up her bookbag, "So many problems to overcome.. It isn't easy being a high school girl, is it Mimi-chan."
"Yeah, me too," Mimiru says as she rises and stretches herself some, "It's a bit awkward," Mimiru admits with a nod of her head, "Our relationship, I guess..." Mimiru just gives it a shrug and she says, "Well, my whole family is, I mean, I see my dogs more often than my brother or mother," She smiles and then says, "But, that's why I'm glad I got internet. It can teach you everything you have to know about life," Mimiru giggles and she hugs her friend with one arm, "Yep! It sure is, but we'll come through!" She lowers her hand then to try and hold her friend's hand, so they can walk back to her home together. It's true that her home was pretty quite and Himeko hardly had the chance to see Mimiru's mother around. "Let's get going then! To do... Homeworks, bleh..." Mimiru heaves a sigh and she says, "And I'm already soooo tired... If it were just me, I think I'd give myself a real hot bath and just sink into it and relax, ahh, that'd feel so good..." She says.
".......... The internet?" Himiko asks, and then laughs nervously. The sad part is it explains so much; even though Himeko -did- know that before. She gladly takes Mimiru's hand, suddenly feeling more warm. Much needed as the autumn days are getting cooler! "Well, you can reward yourself with a bath once you get all your homework done," she says, "Plus, while you're doig that, that will give me plenty of time to do some investigation; such a strange strange case of theivery..." and the two leave the club room. She doesn't have cleanup duty tonight so it's ok!
"Yeah," Mimiru says, a faint chuckle escaping her throat as she lifts her free hand up to scratch the back of her head. She blushes a bit nervously as well, keeping her gaze away from her friend, "It's surprising all the things you can find on the internet," She doesn't elaborate the subject though and she merely keeps on going with her friend. Time to go back home! Hopefully, "You'll reward me if I'm a good girl and do all my homeworks well?" Mimiru says with a grin. In all honesty, she just felt like going to bed right away once she returned home but since Himeko was there, she wanted to make her proud and do all the works! "Yeah, seems like an idea, I hope you'll find some stuff on it..."
Himeko glances to her best friend, her eyes widening a little.. A reward? She didn't even bring anything along today, but.. She could probably come up with something to offer by the nights end. So after some hesitation, she nods her head, clapping her hands togeather delightedly, "A reward? Of course!"
[OOC] Himeko's brain is starting to fry at this point. ^^;
[OOC] Mimiru Kasagi says, "Here is a good point to stop. :D"
Log created by Mimiru, and last modified on 20:57:53 10/14/2006.