This place is tranquil and quiet most of the time. The perfect place. It's not too far away from her residence, so it's not too much of a hassle to come here. She can take her dogs out for a walk and they're having fun rushing through the falling leaves and sometime approaching bystanders to get a few pets. They are intimidating though, due to their size and the fact they're not leashed but they are friendly enough that most people can't really resist them. Mimiru just lets them be, she knows they're tamed well enough not to do anything stupid like leave or something worse.
Clad in her usual garments, a pair of white pants and a black top, not even a jacket over her torso to cover herself from the weather, Mimiru seems to be in some kind of trance. Or at least concentrating. Her legs are spread a little and she has her right hand at her waist, while the other is in front of her, palm pointing up. Her right hand though is wrapped up around bandages, all around the palm and down the wrist.
And eventually, there's some reaction from Mimiru! A brow's furrowed and the girl seems to bite her lower lip, which causes white flames to manifest around her hand, engulfing it and swirling atop of it. Raw and untapped energy that dances across Mimiru's hand, weee! Her hand trembles a little though and a few bead of sweats form over Mimiru's forehead and the flame disappears a few seconds after it had appeared, causing Mimiru to groan and take a step back, shaking her hand a bit in the air, as if she had hurt herself, and cursing in japanese. Ahhh, how cute.
It is a nice day to be in the park, isn't it? While the people are mindful of the animals that are currently enjoying their time in the park. The presence of the chi is noticed by an individual, but it doesn't do anything. However, something that may catch Mimiru's attention happens.
It's a somber tune that catches the crowd. A wind instrument is the cause of it too. Silence fills the air as the music flows through the park, bouncing from the trees and off to the dogs' ears. The alluring, slow tune is coming from a far off bench, with a few folks listening nearby.
Within the bench is the youthful blond haired young man. He is approaching his adulthood. The expression on his face has its contentedness, and the clothing consists of the grey sleeveless shirt, leather strapped gloves, black cargo pants, and combat boots. In his hand and close to his lips is his harmonica.
Slowly, the song is coming to an end, then the youth shuts his eyes, bringing the instruent from him as he inspects it. "...Damn, been too long since I played this." He shrugs, looking back at the sky, "...I could had sworn I felt something a moment ago."
[OOC] Kai Gabriel says, "Oh yeah"
Stalking was hard work, it required a great deal of patience and even more so when the stalking victom was Mimiru. But now Gabriel was sure the time had come. She didn't notice any other Kasagi's in the area, but then again there was like a million Kasagi's and hard to avoid them. So here Gabriel was, approaching from her hiding spot a looong ways away behind a tree. Actually she was a terrible stalker and would of likely been noticed if Mimiru hadn't been busy with white flames. It all started with a very nice black unmarked car outside Mimiru's house, those Justice High DSC people were waaaaay over doted on by their parents. Even now a Justice high student follows Gabriel, carrying her stuff.
The fanatic doesn't say anythign at all, she just approaches Mimiru slowly. Step step step.
[OOC] Kai Gabriel says, "assume she's in her usual white and black silky ensamble."
The melody is enough to cause the dogs' ears to flicker a little. Max recognizes it, but the other dog not so much, though it does catch their attention. Tail wagging, the canine follows the song, right to the bench where it comes from, followed by the other dog. What an inseperable couple they make those two dogs, always after each other.
Mimiru's not totally obvious to the song, she does arch a brow and glances idly in its direction, but that's about the extend of what she does. There are a few persons gathered up around the bench and Mimiru just snerks as she returns to her training. Enough cuddling of her hand, it all feels better now. Well a little better. At least she's starting to get used to get burn, eventually she'll get it right!
Mimiru heaves a sigh and she closes her eyes, trying to regain her focus despite the melody being played in the background. She extends her hand in front of her and repeat the process. With the harmonica being played and getting all the attention, Mimiru won't be bothered! And white flames once more appear in her hand. Oooh, flashy. At this rate, Mimiru's just too concentrated to even notice Gabriel's approaching her, and since her dogs have been 'lured' away thanks to some musical setup, it seems like the perfect scenario for her.
Jiro'll probably be not surprised to get all the attention from the two golden retriever. After all, pets from anyone are always niec. Max just happens to know him though, and it's not like he had seen him much lately.
Slowly, after the music has been brought, the Stray Dog has turned his attention to the two golden retrievers. Bemused, he reahes out to pet the dogs, then he narrows his eyes slightly. "Hrm, you two look familiar." His eyes notice Max. He smirks slightly, then he starts to get back up to his feet, "Looks like she's here as well. No wonder why I felt something." He shrugs to himself, then he pushes himself from the bench.
Is he going to go see her? No. Jiro looks at Max with an amused grin, "Not sure what she's doing, but... I wish her luck." He stretches his arms out, looking at the people around him. There is the urge to growl at the surrounding humans, but it passes away. Instead, he tuck his hands into his pocket and he walks off.
...Of course, he is unknowingly walking towards Mimiru's path. Or maybe, he does know and just plans to snoop for a little bit before heading off.
When Gabriel is close enough, she turns to the Justice high male student and gives him a nod. He in turn walks over to Mimiru, bows, smiles pleasantly and goes on to say
"Hello Miss Kasagi, I am your biggest fan, would you please go out with me? I have two tickets to the broadway musical Wicked." Gabriel meanwhile stands back a little, letting this go down while she prepares her rag with Ether. Rag + Ether + Over Mimiru's mouth should equal unconscious girl.
Urg... Random fucker interrupting her concentration... Damn it... He definately didn't pick a right time to barge in! Mimiru winces a bit and her hand trembles a bit and the flame is soon extinguished by her lack of focus. She groans a little and pulls her hand back to her chest, fingers curling into it, her other hand lifted up to knead her palm and try to ease the pain.
She glances up at the Justice high student and she blinks, a little surprised, "Huh, what...?" Mimiru asks, a little caught off guard by the offer. And that's one offer! A faint blush spreads on her cheeks and Mimiru's lips curl into a wide smile, "Oh, eh, that's really great! Hum, well, I'm just not sure if I have the time for that, see, I'm pretty busy and all... But when's the representation?" She asks.
As for Max and his girlfriend, well, they followed Jiro, more or less. So long as he's in the park they can follow him, it's the boundaries they have and shouldn't leave the park!
Slowly, after the music has been brought, the Stray Dog has turned his attention to the two golden retrievers. Bemused, he reahes out to pet the dogs, then he narrows his eyes slightly. "Hrm, you two look familiar." His eyes notice Max. He smirks slightly, then he starts to get back up to his feet, "Looks like she's here as well. No wonder why I felt something." He shrugs to himself, then he pushes himself from the bench.
Is he going to go see her? No. Jiro looks at Max with an amused grin, "Not sure what she's doing, but... I wish her luck." He stretches his arms out, looking at the people around him. There is the urge to growl at the surrounding humans, but it passes away. Instead, he tuck his hands into his pocket and he walks off.
...Of course, he is unknowingly walking towards Mimiru's path. Or maybe, he does know and just plans to snoop for a little bit before heading off.
[OOC] Kai Gabriel says, "Wasn't that his last pose?"
[OOC] Jiro Kasagi says, "...."
[OOC] Jiro Kasagi says, "God damn C/p"
Being along his strays long enough has taught Jiro a lot of things. Always have a distrust of folks. Another one is to keep your enemies closer, and the young man is eyeing all that is going on from the encounter and so on. Looking very amused, the Stray Dog decides that he'll walk about for a bit with his hands tucked into his pocket. Granted, he dogs following him doesn't help the matter.
So, Jiro slowly arrives right behind Gabriel with an amused look on his face. He shuts his eyes, keeping his silence for a little while.
He doesn't say a damn thing for the lingering seconds.
"Whatcha doing?" The Stray Dog's expression doesn't change from its amused look.
Gabriel isn't being stray heh, she's actually doing somehting while the stray dog is stalking her. She's prepared her ether rag, and even started to approach Mimiru with said ether rag brandished. It becomes very obvious she is up to no good when Jiro OMG APPEARS OUT OF THIN AIR AND THEN TALKS TO HER WITH GREAT VENGANNNNCEEEE!. Needless to say this comes as a bit of a shock to Gabriel and even more of a shock to the DSC memeber she brought along. He looks over Mimiru's shoulder and pales almost instantly,
"Ahh, you see, this weekend.." The tickets were real, Gabriel bought them, but no one actually intended on taking Mimiru on a date.
The crusader of light, avenging angel, Gabriel turns and stares at Jiro with disbelief. She'd been stalking Mimiru all morning and he just happens to turn up. Her expression hardens then softens then hardens again. She's pretty sure the Goddess is punishing her for having a chocolate last night before dinner.
"Kasagi Jiro-kun," Gabriel says in her usual polite, deadened sort of emotionless voice,
"I was just taking a stroll through this scenic woodlands."
[OOC] ROLL: Jiro rolls 1d20: 16
Considering the fact Mimiru had been rubbing her hand all this time, she didn't really manage to get her hands on the tickets. He came this far and now he's going to shy away? Ahhh, that's too bad. It confuses Mimiru a bit and she blinks a couple of times. She does notice the fact he's been looking up over her shoulder, so once he flees away, she turns around on her heels to see what's behind her. Some big nasty monster perhaps?
Well not qutie. There's Jiro and Gabriel. Now that's something she didn't expect to see, those two together. And her dogs are there, they rush to Mimiru's side to ask for some petting but Mimiru hardly returns it. She uses her bandaged hand to do it though, so they can stop bothering her and they lick her hand idly. "Just what are you two doing here? Who was this guy anyway, was he with you?" He asks to Gabriel.
Rolling for Sense Motive(Detect Bullshit)...
..Sweet, a sixteen!
Any case, the Stray Dog eyes Gabriel for a few moments to give her a very thoughtful gaze. He does reply to her emotionless stare with a dry expression, observing the rag. "Sure doesn't look like taking a stroll." He shrugs, smiling when the guy ducks off and Mimiru notices the both of them. This draws a frown as well, as he did not wish to be seen.
But, when Mimiru asks Gabriel about the guy, Jiro says, "Yep." Jiro did his part in ruining Gabriel's day. So, with that, the Stray Dog is turning his back and walking off.
Gabriel gives Jiro's back narrowed eyes and then turns to Mimiru and gives her a faint look of surprise, as if she hadn't expected to see her there. Well she wasn't a terrible actress. She folds the rag carefully, places the bottle of ether, which is rather small, and the rag into her pocket. Very suspicious, but since they were both in her hand there was no way of making them disapear without drawing attention to them, so Gabriel tries to do it casually, as if they were nothign to hide.
"Hello Mimiru-san." Gabriel bows politely, "Oh yes, I suppose he was," she replies, then adds an after comment, "but he appears to be gone now."
Thankfully, Mimiru may be too thrusting or simply just too naive. She does glance at the rag and the bottle but she doesn't spend too much time over it. She frowns slightly and then lifts her gaze back up. Gabriel seems surprised to see her, almost, well she did approach her from behind. It's suspicious but still, "Heya, Gabby... Just what were you doing there?" She asks idly.
Her eyes then drift off toward Jiro and Mimiru's frown widens a little, "So that's it, just gonna leave now, without saying anything?" She asks.
The Stray Dog continues walking away from Gabriel, already chuckling as he can just imagine the look on her face. It doesn't take too long for Jiro to suddenly pause at Mimiru's question, "Just about." He lifts an eyebrow, "Well, not really." He tucks his hands into his pocket with his eyes shut, "You're developing your chi. That's cool. I sensed it from a distance." He stretches his right arm a bit, "But, I'd worried about your surroundings if I were you, really."
[OOC] Jiro Kasagi....sadfaces at his pose.
Well Jiro has never been able to convince Mimiru that Gabriel is bad, he's not going to be able to do it now either, so she'll just sort of let this one be. Jiro and Mimiru can have their moment, Gabriel even stands aside so Mimiru can call to her brother and comment on his being a bad brother, well when Gabriel is done with this perhaps that will change, but today was probably not going to be the day. She looks over Mimiru in consideration. It should be easy, considering how trusting she was. But then a thought occurs to her,
"I wonder if you could help me Mimiru-san, I wish to study with Himeko to give me perspective on my homework, if you would give me her number or maybe address I would appreciate it."
Mimiru blinks and she arches a brow, tilting her head to one side, "What's that supposed to mean exactly?" She asks, sticking her tongue out. Mimiru shakes her head a little and she adds, "What'd you know about it? You're the one they call The Stray, not even sure if you're really going going to school or anything," Mimiru lowers her gaze at her hand, opening it up. Her palm's a little swollen, thanks to her practicing and getting burn just about every time but she'll manage to do it without getting burn soon!
Closing her eyes for a moment, Mimiru concentrates and she makes the flame appear once more, having it flicker and wavering as she moves her hand a little and then closes her hand into a fist, before the strain on her concentration makes her burn herself. She glances over to Gabriel and she smiles, "Well we often do our homeworks around eight at my place, you could drop by if you'd like," She says to Gabriel.
Naerose has arrived.
Naerose heads OOC.
[OOC] Mimiru Kasagi punts Jiro.
[OOC] Jiro Kasagi says, "I'm posing!"
Unacceptable, afterall, the point was to .. well nevermind, Gabriel could make this work, easily, she just had to think for a moment,
"Oh, I did not wish to impose, " she begins, her mind plotting, "But I find that a perfectly acceptable solution.
[OOC] Kai Gabriel says, "FUCK"
[OOC] Jiro Kasagi says, "Haha."
[OOC] Kai Gabriel says, "I meant to hold that until jiro and add.. well oh well I'll pose more after jiro"
[OOC] Jiro Kasagi says, "Only if it's a thre---....nah."
The Stray Dog lifts an eyebrow, turning towards Mimiru with an amused gaze. "Oh, I've been in class." The Stray Dog shrugs, "I have not forgotten my goal, not by a longshot." He smirks at his little sister. She knows what his goal is and he has the serious look to prove it that he's been working on it. "I've been dealing with other things as well." He adds a shrug, then he tightens his fist. Extending the right hand downward, Jiro turns to face Mimiru, now ignoring Gabriel for the time being.
"...Hrm." He is observing her drawing the flames out, then he narrows his eyes at Mimiru, "Deja vu." He muses, the expression calming itself once more, then he tucks the hands back into his pocket.
[OOC] Mimiru Kasagi says, "Want to add more, Gabriel?"
[OOC] Kai Gabriel says, "By the way"
[OOC] Kai Gabriel says, "For you two dog lovers"
[OOC] Kai Gabriel says, "You should probably play haunting grounds"
[OOC] Kai Gabriel says, "Err. haunting ground"
[OOC] Jiro Kasagi says, "Ah... Demento."
[OOC] Kai Gabriel says, "Yes, I found the game truly excellent"
[OOC] Mimiru Kasagi has no idea what you two are talking about.
"Right..." Mimiru says, lowering her hand, "But I wouldn't really call much of Gedo a good surrounding," Mimiru adds, narrowing her eyes a bit at Jiro, "I don't think you're any better..." She says with a snort. Mimiru folds her arms in front of her chest and she turns her gaze away, "Like you could do better," She says. Of course, she knows he can do better, but still...
Her eyes venture over to Gabriel and Mimiru shakes her head, "It won't be a bother. Beside I think it'd be best if I presented her to you instead of just giving you her phone number, that'd be weird," She says.
"Of course you are right, " Gabriel replies politely. She then looks back at Jiro and decides, well, she better let them have their moment since her moment was already ruined.
"I will see you then," she says to Mimiru and sort of gives them both a tiny bow before starting her way off. She had a little planning to do before then anyway and it didn't include homework.
"It's better than you guys give it credit for." The Stray Dog says non-chalantly. In fact, the Stray Dog doesn't say much, except he grows a little more amused as Mimiru keeps insulting himith each word. Even her indignant comeback earns a shrug, before two essence of flames burn within his grasp. Burning with the fury within the depths of his heart, the flames are now born in existance. Both fists clench together, then they open up to have the flames turn into small spheres. The spheres roar int his grasp, the young man looks back at Mimiru and Gabriel, but mostly on Mimiru, "Here's an example."
He immediately faces Mimiru with the flaming spheres and he crosses his arms togeter, "RIOT CROSS!" He roars out, releasing the flames out to spiral around like a torpedo to fly at Mimiru's direction.
COMBATSYS: Jiro has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Jiro 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Mimiru has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Jiro 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Mimiru
COMBATSYS: Mimiru dodges Jiro's Riot Cross.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Jiro 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Mimiru
[OOC] Mimiru Kasagi just realized she fought Jiro so little she has no idea what moves he has, heh.
[OOC] Kai Gabriel says, "Imagine the cure lead singer."
[OOC] Kai Gabriel says, "Take random lyrics from his songs."
[OOC] Kai Gabriel says, "Place on jiro's movelist"
[OOC] Jiro Kasagi strangles Gabriel.
[OOC] Jiro Kasagi says, "Riot Cross is -new-, yes."
[OOC] Kai Gabriel says, "Well not that new."
[OOC] Jiro Kasagi says, "Well, no."
[OOC] Kai Gabriel says, "Did you play haunting ground?"
[OOC] Kai Gabriel uses the english name because she lives in the states.
[OOC] Jiro Kasagi says, "Nope. I've heard all about it though. One of the endings make me sad."
[OOC] Kai Gabriel says, "Really..?"
[OOC] Kai Gabriel says, "Only really one or possibly two sad endings depending on what you call sad"
That's something Mimiru wouldn't be ready to bet on for one. After all she already ran into a crowd of Gedo students who were causing trouble in the mall, and while some have good hearts, there's a gang of them who are more a bunch of punks than anything else. "Whatever," Mimiru says with a shrug of her shoulders. Ahh, Jiro's not returning the love back, it doesn't feel the same! Then again, it's just his general attitude that's scrubbing her off the wrong way. He's always been like that.
Mimiru just has the time to give Gabriel a wave and smile, "I'll see you later," She says, before Jiro decides to show off. Well, he certainly is much better at using chi than she is, that's for sure. Doing things like that would demand a much greater effort out of Mimiru. At least, she manages to see it in time to avoid the flaming spheres by ducking low.
Time to see if her training had been any good. Despite the burn in her fist, Mimiru forces back the flame in her fist and she swings it off toward Jiro's midsection as she lunges at him. "You're way too slow.." She says with a smirk.
COMBATSYS: Jiro dodges Mimiru's Super Mimiru Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Jiro 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Mimiru
[OOC] Mimiru Kasagi says, "Doh, bastard."
[OOC] Jiro Kasagi rummages for music.
Good. Mimiru actually saw the flames coming at her. There is one thing that Jiro has to give his little sister credit for, and that is her speed. So, when she ducks from the flames and then she draws her fist at him, Jiro immediately leaps over her with a smile.
"So are you." So, with that, the Stray Dog extends both of his arms down towards her shoulders with the momentum that she is throwing her body into the punch. That is good enough for Jiro, as his body continues to ascend from the ground. The arms aim to grasp at Mimiru's shoulders as he aims to grab her by the shoulder. Or rather, it ls less of a grab and more of using her as leverage to get a better footing and put her at a disadvantage.
With that in mind, he finally aims to grip the hand, and he swings his body downward. The momentum gives him the chance to grasp Mimiru's shirt and toss her overhead to a tree as he's landing on his feet. %
COMBATSYS: Jiro successfully hits Mimiru with Quick Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Jiro 0/-------/-------|==-----\-------\0 Mimiru
The flames on her fist fade away relatively fast. In a combat situation like this, performing her usual punch and kicks are relatively trivial, but attempting to keep it longer than usual' a different thing. Unfortunately this time, once she's grappled, Mimiru's focus dies down and a part of her tries to maintain the chi manifestation, which doesn't quite help her defending herself.
She tries to actually make the landing smoother than it should but the fact Jiro hurls her off toward a tree doesn't quite help her. She squeals a bit from the impact with the tree, but despite her lithe frame, Mimiru's back on her feet relatively fast. "Huh, well that's just the beginning," Mimiru says, narrowing her eyes as she holds out her hand to make the white flames come back to life and flicker around her hand.
However, Mimiru groans a bit and she seems just about ready to counter when the flames just suddenly dies down and Mimiru seems to wince, bitting her lower lips, her bandaged hand reaching out for her hand as her fingers curl up a little painfully. Looks like she screwed up again and she burnt herself, "Damn it..." She mutters under her breath, staggering some, which leaves herself open, more or less.
COMBATSYS: Mimiru focuses on her next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Jiro 0/-------/-------|==-----\-------\0 Mimiru
That is actually bothering Jiro. The fact that his little sister is making her own white flames come to life is rather puzzling. The way how Mimiru is doing what he is doing. In truth, Jiro does not like this, because what she is doing is reminding him too much of what he has been doing. But then again, Mimiru is a big girl now. She can make mistakes on her own. He does, however, ask.
"....Are you drawing from fury?" Jiro narrows his eyes, then he rac forward to get a better distance to the woman. While in his sprint, the Stray Dog winds his fist back, then he aims to draw his fist out towards Mimiru's face, then he launches his left foot out across her cheek to send her spinning back. "Hrmph."
COMBATSYS: Jiro successfully hits Mimiru with Heavy Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Jiro 0/-------/------=|=======\-------\0 Mimiru
[OOC] Jiro Kasagi says, "....Did you try to endure?"
[OOC] Mimiru Kasagi says, "Why are you asking?"
[OOC] Jiro Kasagi didn't think that would hit. c.c
[OOC] Mimiru Kasagi says, "Yeah well, bad lucks happen. :D"
Her fingers and hand twitch a little. There's just so much abuse it can take before it really starts to hurt a lot. Mimiru grunts and she bites her lips, trying to ease it down and massage her palm, though that hardly helps it. She had been training for a while and the damage had been done, her hand's just telling her to stop but she has to keep on going! A little massage should make the pain go away and in a few seconds she'll be as good as new, ready to start again. Though that doesn't really give her a big advantage in the fight. Meaning she'll obviously need to try harder to be able to do it right.
"What the hell are you talking about?" She asks, grimacing a bit as she winces. She lifts her gaze up at her brother as she sees him sprinting toward her and Mimiru attempts to dodge the incoming foot, but to no avail. It does pretty much just what Jiro had intented, it causes her to spin back and around and to fall off some distance. She does try to recover as quickly as possible, a bit dazed from the hit.
Mimiru growls and she shouts, hoping to bring out the flame more and for a longer time as she lunges back on Jiro and attempts to deck him. Unfortunately, she's put enough strain on herself that by the time her fist goes for Jiro, the flame's no longer there.
[OOC] Jiro Kasagi says, "Just to do something stupid."
COMBATSYS: Jiro counters Strong Punch from Mimiru with Bull Fist.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////// ]
Jiro 0/-------/-----==|=======\=====--\1 Mimiru
[OOC] Jiro Kasagi says, "...Huh."
[OOC] Mimiru Kasagi says, "Man, I think I'll be able to pull off my fastest MAX ever."
[OOC] Jiro Kasagi hehs.
Needless to say, the Stray Dog shakes his head, "Nevermind." He doesn't even bother to continue the discussion. There are more important things that Jiro has to deal with. The important thing that Jiro is dealing with is his little sister. He is already noticing that she is doing a poor job in this fight. He doen't say too much, but he watches her try to bring forth the flames in her techniques, even in the simple punch.
Just like him.
The Stray Dog immediately reaches out to grab at Mimiru's hand, then he yanks the arm up to send Mimiru off balance and into his grasp. Winding his fist back, Jiro drops his stance with the fist tightening, "SEI!" He stares at his little sister, then he lunges forth with his fist thrusting itself right into her stomach, "DO!" However, he doesn't let go of her. In fact, his hand holds onto her back and he leans toward her while driving the fist into her stomach.
Just to make sure she feel the fist impact into her and wash all over her form.
Any reasons to explain this outcome would mostly be excuses. Obviously, her brother's a few notches over her when it comes to fighting prowess as it stands, but Mimiru didn't quite remember that she was that lower than him. Perhaps it's just the fact that she's been training for a while and she's already spent? Perhaps, though it more or less enrages her that she'll be out pretty fast at this rate.
And she can feel that alright. That punch to her midsection. The way she's held, she barely has a second to squirm in Jiro's grasp before he shoves his fist right into her stomac. Defenseless... Well, Mimiru's eyes just widen and she chokes, coughing a bit after that hard smack. Jiro can sure feel his fist hit dead on right. Mimiru goes limp for a moment, her body shuddering a bit. Now it's not only her hand that's in pain but it's also her whole body.
Still, she still has energy inside of her and she'll keep struggling to the very end. Mimiru attempts to give a powerful kick to Jiro's side so he lets go of her and Mimiru takes all of her energy to focus the chi into her fist, though not her left one but the right one, the one that has bandage into it. The flames appear once more and burn just all the more wildly, untamed energy swirling around as Mimiru lunges herself at Jiro and attempts to give him one uppercut with said fist, performing a spin on herself, and once she lands she kneels slightly just to give Jiro yet another one, doing the same spin and as she lands, this time, chi bursts out of her feet and she performs a high jump in the air, the flame just leaving a much wider trail as she tries to give him another uppercut to to fly him upwards with the help of the white flames' trail.
COMBATSYS: Mimiru successfully hits Jiro with Super Mimiru Combo EX.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////// ]
Jiro 0/-------/-======|==-----\-------\0 Mimiru
[OOC] Jiro Kasagi is still posing, yep.
Letting the fist settle in on Mimiru's stomach, the young man lifts his head up and he looks at the young girl fall limp. His eye narrow at her for a moment, ten he shakes his head. However, the incoming foot strikes him quite hard against the side, which causes him to release Mimiru from his grasp. He grunts with an annoyed look on his face, forcing himself to releasher. And then, once Mimiru manages get free. The fist strikes Jiro across the chin as she launches out the flaming, untamed chi across his form. Then, he receives another uppercut, which sends him sling into the air. Soaring higher, the vibration of pain rings in his body, especially when she finally launches forth the last, painful uppercut along his chin to send his body spinning, the flames trailing off scorch against him before he lands on the ground with a heavy impact.
A small crater is made on the patch of grass, and the Stray Dog comes out of it on one knee, grinning madly before his eye become feral-like. Needless to say, the Stray Dog is rather amused at his little sister, especially since she has gotten this far. So, with that in mind, the Stray Dog channels the chi to erupt along his feet.
"How nice."
The Stray Dog rubs his cheek, then he has a wide grin on his face once more, then the flame engulf his feet before he launches himself forward. The right fist winds back, the trail of chi escaping from his feet and down to her chest. He aims to plant the chi covered fist right into her chest. Should that come to contact, Mimiru will meet with an explosion.
"Not good enough!"
COMBATSYS: Mimiru dodges Jiro's Exploder Knuckle.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////// ]
Jiro 0/-------/--=====|==-----\-------\0 Mimiru
Now that certainly helped her a little. Unfortunately... Well, she did use the hand that was in bandages, and that wasn't such a great idea, even though Mimiru's more used to use that hand. She winces a bit and her fingers curl up. She tenses her hand a little, trying to dig her fingers into her palm, as if it'll make the pain go away. Not quite. She did expect Jiro to take a bit longer to recover though, so it doesn't give Mimiru much time to feel better.
Thankfully, she's at least fast enough to leap on the side to avoid the incoming fist of chi. She dives to the side for cover, rolling to avoid getting hurt, getting back on her knees and she uses the fack she's crouched to spring back up and leap back toward Jiro. If her hands are giving her a hard time, she can always hit him without them. Mimiru shouts as she swings her right foot toward Jiro, forcing the flames out of it, momentarily, hoping to give him a flaming roundhouse kick.
COMBATSYS: Jiro fails to interrupt Super Mimiru Kick from Mimiru with Heaven's Diminisher.
- Power fail! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////// ]
Jiro 0/-------/-======|====---\-------\0 Mimiru
[OOC] Jiro Kasagi says, "..."
[OOC] Mimiru Kasagi says, "Take that, fuckah, heheh."
[OOC] Jiro Kasagi >_</
Forcing the flames to die out from the fist, the Stray Dog shifts his attention towards his little sister. He grins once more, then he watches her coming out with a flaming roundhouse kick towards his foot. Once she wants to play with fire, Jiro will have to show her how bad playing fire can be for her.
The Stray Dog draws his body to a pause, narrowing his eye while hissing at Mimiru before he launches his foot outward. Flames lick into life, but Mimiru sends his foot downward as her foot strikes him on the cheek, and he's sent towards the ground. "Egh." He narrows his eyes, positioning himself well for the next attack, now that Mimiru has an opening.
That's good enough for her it seems. Seems like she's regained a little bit more of it now! Or maybe it's just Jiro who's losing it! While he's trying to recover and since Jiro's still on the ground, Mimiru can't really hit him while he's down, can she? Well at least, she doesn't play dirty! Instead, since she's relatively small herself, she moves over Jiro and she attempts to wrap her arms around the boy's belly, pressing herself against Jiro's back.
If she suceeds, then it won't be too hard to follow up with the rest! She'll then try to lift him up in the air and throw him off over her head. Suplex style. She doesn't let go of him though, she tries to shove him over her head and slams him down to the ground.
[OOC] Jiro Kasagi says, "....Sure, I'll be stupid."
[OOC] Jiro Kasagi says, "Mostly... I waited to do this for a _LONG_ time. To someone. e.e"
COMBATSYS: Jiro fails to interrupt Quick Throw from Mimiru with Shining Fang.
- Power fail! -
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > ///////// ]
Jiro 1/-------/=======|====---\-------\0 Mimiru
[OOC] Mimiru Kasagi says, "Ahahah."
The Stray Dog is narrowing his eyes at Mimiru when she is starting to get the upper hand. Perhaps he hasbeen doing too much reacting to Mimiru But no, he can still do it. The Straydog growls vehemently at Mimiru as she wraps her arms around his belly.
He's helped up, enough towhere he can draw forth the white flames to impale his little sister. But instead, he is thrown ovr her head in a suplex and he is on the ground hard. "UNK!" He growls in pain.
He'll need to think of a new strategy.
That'll give Jiro a good lesson. Unfortunately, since Mimiru already has a good grasp over him, she decides not to let go of him. Nope! She actually twists around so she's still pressed up to his back and then tries to force him back up to his feet. At least, doing this is giving her a bit of help since she's a little out of strength to call forth her chi now and that's what she judges she should use.
Mimiru growls and once she's back on her feet with Jiro, she switches her hold over him and attempts to trip him with her feet. Due to her position, if he loses his balance, Mimiru is right at the good spot to slam him down all the harder.
[OOC] Jiro Kasagi says, "Meh. Why not?"
COMBATSYS: Jiro counters O Soto Gari from Mimiru with Public Execution.
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > ]
Jiro 0/-------/-------|=======\==-----\1 Mimiru
[OOC] Jiro Kasagi says, "FINALLY!"
[OOC] Mimiru Kasagi says, "Meanie."
[OOC] Jiro Kasagi @.@ He expected a third power failure.
[OOC] Jiro Kasagi woud had laughed.
Exhausted and slowly being beaten, the Stray Dog is under the hold of Mimiru's wrath, which will give her the chance to harm him even greater. So, while she attempts to twist him, he allows her to carry him back to his eet. However, that is as far as he is going to let her get through. He toyed with her long enough. The Stray Dog is going to -end- it right now, because it is no longer time to play around.
As she attempts to knock him off balance, the Stray Dog immediately launches his knee and his weight out to smash aganst Mimiru's stomach to knock her off-balance. Driving himself forward, he is forcing hs body to move as he thrusts his right leg across her cheek, then he spins around with a hook kick toward the back of her head.
Then, he spins his body the opposite direction, aiming to thrust the foot up against her chest and then he leaps into the air. Drawing his foot high, he aims to drive the foot down her head to plant her into the ground.
There's just so much of a beating Mimiru can actually take. The reversal of the situation gave her a little boost and helped her out deal with Jiro a little, making it less of a beating but still, in the end he still manages to get the upper hand and show off that he's the king of the hill.
Mimiru's head is spinning, not too sure what's going on after what had happened. She lost a few moments, but she knows she's been kicked around a lot and that didn't feel good. She closes her eyes and just lies there, heaving a sigh. Let's call it a pause here. Her body feels too heavy for her to get back up now. At least she's breathing, so she's alright, she's just exhausted and spent.
COMBATSYS: Mimiru takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\\ <
Jiro 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Mimiru can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\ <
Jiro 0/-------/-------|
This is the moral delilma. Slowly, Jiro stirs himself back to where he can limp and he doesn't even bother to look back. The composure gained, the Stray Dog walks towards the exit of the park with the intentions of leaving. "Get stronger." The Stray Dog is moving onward, until he pauses.
This is perhaps Jiro's moral delilma. On one hand, the young man declared himself neutral aganst everything that goeon. And frankly, he finds himself better off watchig his own back. Instead, Jiro turns around to get the unconscious girl and scoop her over his shoulder. He'll take her back home.
Neutrality be damned for this. A little sister is still a little sister. Even if Jiro is not the best big brother. So, with that, Jiro is limping off, calling for the dogs to follow.
Mimiru's not fully unconscious. She's just lying there since she took a hard beating. Of course she's not totally there and in no shape to really struggle against her brother, but she does show a few signs of life when Jiro actually picks her up. Her eyes widen and she squirms a bit, struggling, "Heh!" She whimpers a bit as she's brought up over his shoulder.
She just hangs there a bit limply, wriggling slightly, "What do you think you're doing?" She asks, sticking her tongue out a bit.
[OOC] Mimiru Kasagi says, "After your next pose I'll get going to my SNF. ^^"
[OOC] Jiro Kasagi nods.
[OOC] Jiro Kasagi...bites back the urge of saying, 'Taking my prize'. ...As that would be the levels of wrong. e.e
[OOC] Mimiru Kasagi says, "Ahahah."
[OOC] Mimiru Kasagi says, "Yeah, I think it'd be alright if I weren't your sis, as a joke but... ^^;;"
[OOC] Jiro Kasagi says, "Yes. e.e"
[OOC] Mimiru Kasagi says, "Even implying it's a joke makes it wrong. :D"
[OOC] Jiro Kasagi says, "Yes. =.="
While carrying the limping young girl over his shoulder, Jiro merely shuts his eyes and states, "What brother should do. Even if I am not the best brother, or even a good one. I am still your brother, whether you like it or not."
The tone sharpens, but he still carries her back home.
At least he acknowledges to it. Not like Mimiru really has the strength to struggle right now. She groans a bit and she just heaves a sigh, lying there. She'll just have to keep on training, like he said, and get stronger.
Log created by Mimiru, and last modified on 13:33:59 10/14/2006.