Description: After she passed Kain's trial, Mimiru returns to him to see if she's worthy of his teachings.
[OOC] Mimiru Kasagi nods. Alright! I'll set then?
[OOC] Kain says, "Sounds fine."
It had been done. It took her a lot of preparation and a lot of courage to do it, but Mimiru was through with it. She had done what can't be undone and now, there's no turning back. She tries not to look back at it and she tries to forget all of it, but even so, the words of the young boy's disappearance have been spreading around and due to the problems the school already faced with mysterious disappearances in the past, it certainly became quite the subject of conversation. Which isn't helping Mimiru be less nervous.
She didn't come back right away to Kain's estate after she had done it, she needed some time for herself, try to actually calm down, clear her mind and feel a whole lot better before she returns to his place to actually give him a word of her... Well, success. She managed to do it, but she still remembers just how much it had been rough to do and how shaky it all got her. At the very least, all of that conditioning helped her silence that little head in the back of her head that kept bothering her about what she had done.
Once she arrives on the off-road way that leads to Kain's estate, Mimiru takes off her rollerblade and she puts her shoes back on, making her way to his manor. She knocks at the door and waits for some butler to come greet her, hopefully. Even though she knows Kain might be expecting her sometime, it feels even harder to be here than it was the first time.
It doesn't take long before the same butler that met Mimiru at the door last time appears to let her in. "Mr. Heinlein has been expecting you." Probably not right at this particular moment, of course, but in general. Or maybe he has security cameras set up somewhere, and just got ready quickly. In either event, Mimiru is escorted inside and taken along the same path from her previous trip. The butler opens the door to the study before fairly quickly taking his leave.
From his seat behind the desk, Kain gestures at Mimiru with one hand. "Come in, have a seat. It seems you've been busy." Does he know? Well, she probably wouldn't have come back without having completed the task, right? And there /is/ a student missing, even if that can be a depressingly common occurrence at some schools around here.
Mimiru lifts her gaze up at the butler, about ready to present herself again but it seems he recognizes her. That's at least one less thing to do. She does seem a bit surprised and speechless though, blinking a few times, "I, huh, okay..." She says faintly, as if searching for her words and finally deciding to just nod and follow along. Hands rest on the strips of her backpack and she follows the butler, glancing around a bit nervously at all the items that ornates the house. Even if it's the second time she came here it still feels quite unfamiliar.
Once she's inside Kain's study, Mimiru takes off her backpack and she makes her way to the seat in front of Kain's desk. She sits down and a faint smile curls on her lips, "A little, yeah.. A lot's been going on," She says with a nod of her head. Mimiru lowers her gaze to her pack and she opens the zip, digging through the various items inside of it to pull out the dagger she was given and she brings it up to Kain's desk.
Kain nods when Mimiru presents the dagger, then gestures for her to leave it on the desk. "That won't be needed. While I could certainly have it tested for traces of blood, I have other avenues of finding out whether or not you succeeded in your task." He reaches into a drawer in his desk, then tosses out a stack of papers with some photographs on top, all of it held together with a paperclip. A quick glance is all it takes to see that it's a police case file and an autopsy report, and the pictures are of Shinji and the place where his body was found.
Lacing his fingers together for a moment, Kain leans back in his chair. "The wound pattern made by that knife is quite distinctive, so it's easy for it to be noticed when the body is examined. The body was found a day ago, so it's still in perfectly good shape for such things to be determined." Kain leaves the papers and photos on the desk, with the most eye-catching one being a close up image of the knife wound. "You seem to have done at least a passable job in covering your tracks, since the police don't have any leads yet. Of course, we'll have to see how long that lasts."
[OOC] Mimiru Kasagi says, "Heh, it'd be funny if it was filed by Yoko. :P"
The words haven't spread out at school but that's maybe a little better that way. Mimiru hasn't heard any rumors of it, but she's got the evidence in front of her eyes that the police managed to find the body despite her best effort to hide it. So much for the perfect crime. The girl reaches out toward it with one hand, scratching the back of her head as she glances at it quickly. A really cursorary glance, since the pictures reminds her of things she'd rather not see. Mimiru bites her lower lips and she shivers, putting the papers back on the desk, trying to stand strong and not show weakness but that's not easy. Her skin has gone a bit paler from the rest Kain's saying.
Mimiru lowers her gaze a bit as Kain evaluates the job she has done and she says, "I hope they don't find out..." She admits. She scratches the back of her head and she adds, "The knife's been cleaned up, I did what I had to do," She adds. Though she doesn't elaborate on the subject, probably not really wanting to.
"I gather that the police and school officials are trying to keep it quiet for the moment, but I imagine it won't be long before word spreads out. They had to tell his parents, after all. As for the knife, I think you might be surprised just how much cleaning is required to remove all traces of evidence for a murder weapon. But no matter, no one is going to find it here." Kain takes the knife and quickly wraps it up in a piece of cloth taken from his pocket before returning it to the desk drawer from which it originally came.
"And now you've proven that you really are serious about becoming strong. The question then becomes, just what is it that you hope to get out of me training you? There are a number of other paths that you might have taken, with varying levels of success. Many of them would have been easier. So just what do you think you're actually going to accomplish here?"
It requires that much more to actually clean it up? Well that's no good, it certainly won't help Mimiru feel more at ease. She scratches the back of her head a little, wincing slightly at the thought, "I, huh... See..." There's not much she can really say, at least the knife's in a secure location, right? Her eyes do stay focused on it while Kain covers it and wraps it up in some clothing.
Closing her eyes for a moment, Mimiru has to look back into it. With all that has been going on, she feels a little at lost and she has to regain her composure and remember the 'why' of all of this, "I hope to accomplish what my brother couldn't. He was your puppil, your teachings made him stronger.. I want to be more powerful, I want to be able to control this," Mimiru says as she lifts her hand up, "That thing, that energy... I... My last teacher knew a lot about it, but never told me anything, I don't think they wanted me to become any stronger," Mimiru admits. "It's hard to manipulate, it really drains a lot of it, I want to learn how to use it, I know you can use it with ease.."
"Being able to control chi is a matter of both mind and body. You seem to have the will that is required, but it remains to be seen if your body is up to the task. Real strength is not necessarily limited to mere combat prowess, but if learning control over chi is what you want, that can be arranged. Assuming, of course, that you're willing to risk your own life. There are many people who are willing to kill for power, but not quite so many who are willing to risk dying for it."
Kain puts his elbow on the desk and holds his hand out, palm facing up, toward Mimiru. Purple flames dance about his fingertips as he looks at her carefully. "So. Are you willing to put your own life on the line for the chance to become stronger?" Nice of him to ask this /after/ the bit about committing murder, huh?
Mimiru leans back against her seat and she listens -- she had vague discussion on the subject before but at least, this one seems more constructive than what she used to do. Unlike many others, Mimiru'd rather risk her own well being to improve herself rather to hinder the one of others to obtain this kind of power, so this part of the deal doesn't seem to bother her as much. She simply nods her head and she bites her lower lip, "I am..." Mimiru says, "No pain, no gain..." She adds, lips curling into a faint smile, "I've done sacrifices to come this far, it'd be just silly all to drop it and run away. I'm not going to do that," Mimiru says, frowning.
She does seem quite in awe by Kain's talents. No matter how many time you see it, even if it seems to be nothing, the way Kain effortlessly does it is quite astonishing. "I'll bear what I have to if I must.."
Kain curls his fingers into his palm, extinguishing the flame. He then pulls his arm back as he resumes a casual pose in his chair. "I see. Well then, you might just be able to see some improvement. How much is up to whatever limits your body has. Those can be surpassed in time, of course, but the lower the starting block, the less likely it is you'll ever achieve the true heights of power."
Kain looks up at the ceiling for a moment, then back down to Mimiru. "At the moment, there's little point in receiving constant, direct instruction. You must make your own path, simply with some guidance. If I have to hold your hand, it is pointless and will only limit your growth. So, your first task is to learn to focus your chi. I know you can already channel it to some extent. So work on focusing it into your hand. Work on focusing your chi into your hand and the area about it until you can thrust your hand into a fire and hold it there for ten seconds without being burnt. Then we will have something to work with."
Body limitation. That's not really a good thing. It's always been a problem for Mimiru, thanks to her lithe built and her petite frame. Though perhaps it doesn't have the same boundaries and limitation as she thinks, but it was one of the reason why she learned out to fight. Since her body seemed weak and others took advantage of it. Mimiru nods to Kain's words.. There's no telling how well it'll go, where her limitations are, but where there's a will there's hope, and Mimiru has set her mind into this and she'll do all she has to to improve.
She nods to Kain through his speech and she seems to agree. How couldn't she? At least, just from what he's seeing she gets a better feel of him teaching her than her previous teacher helping her getting anywhere, "I..." She stammers a little, seeming slightly unsure of her, though she shakes off the feeling and she frowns a bit, "I think I might be able to do it..." She says, giving him another nod, though this one is more or less to convince herself. After all, Super Mimiru Punches are what she can do the best.. Even though it all happens so fast, she doesn't really feel as much strain when she pulls them off.
Of course, the only way to know if you're ready to hold your hand in for ten seconds without being burnt is to hold your hand in and see... But if she can realize her current limits fast, Mimiru may be able to get through this with only some fairly minor burns. "Get in touch with me again when you've accomplished that. And in the meantime, I'd suggest keeping a low profile, although I'm sure you don't need to be told that. It won't be long before everybody hears about the murder of a Taiyo student, after all, and even if Mimiru would be low on a list of suspects, why chance things, right?
"I'll be done in no time!" Mimiru says with a nod of her head. It's not as if she didn't have any basic on the subject! Though she doesn't have any hints to actually control it more easily on her own, just to focus and try to do it again and again, and eventually, the pain from the burnt will let her do it correctly. "Trust me," She says, bitting her lips. She rises up from her seat. With instructions and some advices, she already has a plan set and things to do! It's a good start, Mimiru's lips curl into a smile at the thought. She does bow respectfully. It's not like she had ever tried to do something like that before but she'll definately will!
And so, with renewed determination, Mimiru takes up her backpack and she heads out for the door. She'll stay low profile for now and practice her chi manifestation.
[OOC] Kain says, "Okay, seems like a good ending point there. Hmm. I guess there should probably be a post to the IC News board about Shinji's body being found, hmm?"
[OOC] Mimiru Kasagi says, "Probably, I guess. Want to do it or shall I do it...?"
[OOC] Kain will try putting something together.
Mimiru has disconnected.
Mimiru has connected.
[OOC] Kain says, "Anyway, thanks for the scene. o_o/"
[OOC] Mimiru Kasagi chuckles, "Yeah, thanks too!" ^^
Kain heads OOC.
Log created by Mimiru, and last modified on 07:08:18 10/14/2006.