Description: After all the events and the 'sudden' disappearance of Shinji, Mimiru tries to relax and get some fresh air. Though looks like she picked a spot where someone was waiting for another person.
Gabriel has arrived.
[OOC] Ingrid grins, "Hello, Gabriel."
[OOC] Kai Gabriel says, "Hi hi"
[OOC] Mimiru Kasagi needs to idle two secs.
Perhaps the directions to her might have been sort of vague, but there really aren't all that many large forest clearings near Southtown, are they? Ingrid was coming here for a specific purpose, to track down and have that little spar she had promised to Jiro, and this was the meeting place that had been designated. That doesn't mean that a time was set, she was just told to show up at some point, and so here she is. Oddly, or perhaps not, she isn't wearing any sort of fighting GI or other workout getup, she's just wearing that same suit jacket and skirt.
There is one little problem with the idea of her coming here to fight Jiro, however, the fact that Jiro is absolutely nowhere to be found. Not that Ingrid doesn't find a way to occupy her time while she waits for him to show up, but she's beginning to think that she should leave and come back some other time, because it doesn't look like he's going to show up. Perhaps it ruins her plans for the day, but there is a definite upside, she'll be able to tease him over this.
[OOC] Ingrid says, "Err. Reposting because I didn't start my log!"
[OOC] Ingrid says, "...But you did, I guess"
[OOC] Mimiru Kasagi says, "There, ahah."
[OOC] Ingrid says, "Oh, It's ok, you can log it :)"
[OOC] Kai Gabriel purifies Mimiru and Ingrid with great holiness.
[OOC] Ingrid thought she /was/ pure?
Perhaps this is a predilected spot for her brother to fight, but it seems that he's not here today. Or at least he hasn't come here just yet. Just enough on the town border not to be bothered by civilisation, Mimiru often finds herself up here when she gives her dogs a ride. That and when she decides to go out for some fresh air and relax. She especially needs to relax and try to clear her mind right now. Too much stress building up lately and that's not good. All she needs is to just forget it all.
And so, her two dogs, the two golden retriever, are playing amourously with each other, barking and trying to bite each other playfully, running after each other in the leaves-covered clearing. Mimiru isn't really watching them. As for Mimiru, she wears her autumn coat, a black surcoat. She's idly making leaves angel of sorts, staring up at the sky and heaving a sigh every now and then. Ahhh, yeah, now it's much better.
[OOC] Ingrid now imagines Gabriel of the Pharaoh from the ten commandments, "I changed my mind... CHANGED MY MIND!"
[OOC] Ingrid says, "Predilected?"
[OOC] Kai Gabriel says, "Mimiru"
[OOC] Kai Gabriel says, "I have a mission for you"
[OOC] Kai Gabriel says, "Fail and I will LEAVE you"
[OOC] Kai Gabriel says, "I was reading over the team awesome benefit section"
Perhaps this is a place of predilection. Ahem.
[OOC] Kai Gabriel says, "And I noticed it has no Ingrid benefits"
[OOC] Kai Gabriel says, "WE the membres of Team Awesome demand you include Ingrid benefits"
[OOC] Mimiru Kasagi says, "Team Awesome's more or less dead. :("
[OOC] Kai Gabriel says, "WHAT?!"
[OOC] Mimiru Kasagi says, "Well it still exists, I guess..."
[OOC] Mimiru Kasagi says, "It's just like mostly you and me, since Hotaru left, Hinako and Kasumi never changed their team for it."
[OOC] Mimiru Kasagi shrugs.
Walking, walking. By the time Mimiru had made it into the clearing, Ingrid had taken for a bit of a walk through the wooded areas, strolling this way and that to try and get to know them a little. There was always plenty of wilderness where she grew up, though she never ventured very deeply into them, even in relative terms. She returns a short while after Mimiru had made her leaf angel, and doesn't notice the girl who is laying down at first, though the dogs are hard to miss. At first she takes that as a sign as Jiro being around, considering the strays she saw him with last time, but only a few steps towards them and she becomes aware of Mimiru. This causes her to stop and turn to look towards her, looking for a few moments before apparently trying to slink off back into the woods unnoticed.
If Mimiru hasn't noticed Ingrid, her dogs certainly have. After all, it's not like there's a lot of persons passing around here, and it's enough to catch their attentions. Ears perk up and the dogs stop fighting. Those golden retrievers glance over toward Ingrid, tail wagging about and panting. They seem friendly and hardly stray though. They won't let her go though and they pad in her direction, curiously, attempting to sniff her and probably get a few pets or some things like that. The fact that her dogs actually stop their usual pace of playing is enough for Mimiru to notice it seems.
There's not much of a reaction from her aside from tilting her head over to stare at her dogs and that person who's trying to flee and escape back into the woods, "Eh, just what are you doing?" She asks.
[OOC] Kai Gabriel says, "How many dogs does Mimiru have right now? I just imagine Mimiru and Jiro always surrounded by dogs EVERYWHERE they go"
[OOC] Kai Gabriel says, "Like some sort or 'dog aura'."
[OOC] Mimiru Kasagi has two dogs.
[OOC] Kai Gabriel says, "Yeah right, you have at least five dogs with you."
[OOC] Mimiru Kasagi says, "Wow, I just discovered that Mimizu meant earthworm. :("
[OOC] Ingrid...
[OOC] Mimiru Kasagi hopes nobody'll tease her.
[OOC] Ingrid says, "My translator tells me that 'Mimi' is 'Ear' and 'ru' is 'bend over' :|"
Not so much flee. Fleeing is more when you try to use speed, whereas Ingrid was simply trying to leave without being noticed. That attempt seems to have been in vain, however, as the dogs trod over to her to attempt to get some attention. She doesn't appear put off by this attempt, and rewards the dogs with a few pets on their heads. She looks over to Mimiru when she speaks up, and answers in a friendly tone of voice, "You seemed to be enjoying your time alone, so I was trying to leave without bothering you. You're guard dogs seemed to have caught onto me, though."
Lips curling into a smile, Mimiru gives a nod to the other girl, her gaze turning away to stare up at the sky, "Yeah, sort of... Guess I was day-dreaming a little, having a bit of fresh air. My body feels light, I feel relaxed, it's all good. Much better..." She admits, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath, before her eyes open once more to stare at the clouds, "Guess I was just imagining what the clouds' shape reminded me of," Mimiru says with a shrug.
Her dogs are quite affectionate. After a few sniffs and the pets, they get all happy and excited, returning the marks of affection by a few licks at her hands. Mimiru glances over to Ingrid and she smiles, "Yeah, my dogs are like a second pair of eyes, but they're retired fighters now. I don't want them to be hurt, especially not since they're parents," Mimiru admits, "So yeah, nothing to be afraid of them, really. Came out for some fresh air and time alone?" Mimiru asks.
Gabriel has disconnected.
The dogs attempted licking is in vain, as Ingrid wears a pair of white gloves over her hands. The encouragement does draw some more pets for the dogs, however. "So that was it, you just seemed relaxed enough that I would have felt bad bothering you. What did the clouds remind you of?" She takes a few steps closer to Mimiru after the question is asked, and then lets out a small laugh, "Oh, so they used to be fighters, did they?" She gives the pair of dogs a small look, "They must have been very well trained for that." And excellent guard dogs, to boot.
Ingrid now has to answer for why she is here, which doesn't seem to bother her much considering that she's wearing a smile herself in return to Mimiru's, "Not exactly; I was hoping to meet someone here, but I don't think they're going to show up.
Gabriel has connected.
"Plesant things, one was a flower... Another an ice-cream cone..." Mimiru says, lips curling into a faint smile in reminescence, hands folded over her belly as she keeps her eyes focused on those clouds. Her smile does fade away though as she adds, "Some less pleasant things. But it doesn't really matter. My mind can be a bit odd when it wanders away..." Mimiru admits, nibbling on her lower lip before she turns her gaze over to Ingrid.
Mimiru nods and says, "Yeah, they used to, but Max got injuried and he's pretty old so... Hum, I guess I decided I didn't want them involved in fights anymore. He's been my best friend since I was a kid, I think the least he deserves now is to live the few days he has left in his life happy and end dying in his sleep instead of some other painful way," Mimiru sighs and she forces herself up to sit, her back covered with leaves. She lifts her hand up and scratches the back of her head, "Oh... I'm sorry to hear it.." Mimiru admits, "Well you can always wait here if you'd like, maybe they'd show up."
[OOC] Ingrid says, "One moment"
Ingrid has disconnected.
Ingrid has connected.
[OOC] Ingrid says, "Good, client no longer messed up"
Ingrid says, "Plesant things, one was a flower... Another an ice-cream cone..." Mimiru says, lips curling into a faint smile in reminescence, hands folded over her belly as she keeps her eyes focused on those clouds. Her smile does fade away though as she adds, "Some less pleasant things. But it doesn't really matter. My mind can be a bit odd when it wanders away..." Mimiru admits, nibbling on her lower lip before she turns her gaze over to Ingrid."
[OOC] Ingrid sweatdrops.
[OOC] Ingrid says, "I was putting that on my screen for myself, and it took the quote seriously x.x"
[OOC] Mimiru Kasagi says, "No worries. ^^"
[OOC] Kai Gabriel worries.
[OOC] Kai Gabriel worries muchly.
The young woman dressed in blue turns her head up at the sky to try and see the clouds Mimiru is talking about, though in all likelihood they've changed shape by now enough that she won't be able to find them. A few less pleasant ones? Ingrid wonders what those might be for a few moments before stopping her mental guesses, simply because she doesn't know this girl nearly well enough to have any idea what that might be. "I could, but I've already spent plenty of time waiting, so I don't think he's going to show up. It's nice outside though, so I suppose I shouldn't be too disappointed, should I?" She gives Mimiru another smile, "Would I be correct in guessing that your dog used to fight alongside you, then?" While that does sound like what Mimiru is trying to say, you never can tell. He could be the dog equivalent of a cockfighter, or something.
"Yeah, that's right," Mimiru says. She whistles and then pats her hips, as if to call them by her side and have them stop turning around Ingrid. They seem both very well tamed since they obey without a second thought, trotting over to Mimiru and sitting by her side. Mimiru's lips curl into a smile and she rewards them with a few pets, "That's right, good dogs," Mimiru says with a smile, "Rest," She says, and the dogs seem to get it relatively fast enough, lying by her side and trying to stay calm. They had plenty of time to play and get all that extra energy out.
"Max's been a good boy protecting me, but now I'm able on my own..." She says, petting one of her dog idly, "We used to make a great team but... Yeah, I think that was for the best," She says with a smile. "I'm on television sometime..." Mimiru idly notes. Not that she has to be super proud of it since her records are pretty bad..
Ingrid pets one of the dogs one more time as they pass from her and trot over to Mimiru before being told to sit down and doing so obediently. "Definitely good dogs. I think you're right about fighting on your own, though. I would think he's much more happy playing out here than trying to bite someone, especially since he seems to like being petted so much." She holds her hands by her back and finally seems to have strolled up to a relatively close distance to Mimiru, staying standing rather than sitting on the ground. "Is that so?" Her voice rings with genuine curiosity at hearing that, "As a matter of fact, I should be making a debut on television myself this weekend." She pauses for a moment and then continues on, "It really is surprising how many people in this city are fighters, though I suppose that is the reason I chose to move here myself."
Gabriel has disconnected.
Gabriel has connected.
Gabriel heads OOC.
Her lips curl into a smile and she idly nods to Ingrid while she gently scritches the dog under his muzzle. He seems to be enjoying it. "Yeah, guess you're right... But he still worries over me here and there, I don't know, he just wants to protect me," She says. With her other hand, Mimiru pats the spot beside the other dog that sits by her side and she says, "Sit down, you'll be more comfortable! The ground may be a bit cool but eh..." Mimiru smiles and she says, "So, hum, I take it you came here to fight with that other person?" She says, arching a brow. After all, Ingrid's all in her gi and she seems ready to rumble, "And what kind of martial art do you do?" Mimiru asks.
[OOC] Mimiru Kasagi pokes? :D
[OOC] Ingrid says, "Sorry!"
[OOC] Ingrid says, "My dad got home and got a promotion at work, so naturally he wanted to talk XD"
[OOC] Mimiru Kasagi says, "Heheh, okay, no worries. thought you might have missed the pose."
[OOC] Ingrid says, "No, sorry. Didn't mean to be gone that long"
[OOC] Ingrid says, "My mom just said 'Dad wants to talk to you' so I figured it'd take 5 minutes or so. Took way more"
[OOC] Ingrid says, "That's just counterintuitive."
[OOC] Mimiru Kasagi says, "Hum?"
[OOC] Ingrid says, "Misquite"
[OOC] Ingrid says, "...quote"
Ingrid gives Mimiru a smile and sits down beside the dog where she patted, "If you insist." She pets the dog a couple of times, "I'm sure it's in his nature to protect you, but in the case of fighting I don't think it's protection that you need it is willing, after all." And by this she means sanctioned matches, of course, and not someone jumping Mimiru on the street. "Yes, that about sums it up. He asked me to meet him here sometime after we had a talk, but it wasn't scheduled. I suppose I simply came at the wrong time. Or the right time, depending on how you look at it." What kind of martial art? "I use a form that is called the Way of the Eternal Goddess." An amused smile sits on her face as she fails to give any further details.
With a soft chuckle, Mimiru's cheeks turn into a faint shade of red, "Yeah, guess I'm a little guilty there, maybe I don't fight for the good reasons..." She whispers, letting her words trail off, idly thinking about it. She shakes her head and shrugs it off though, glancing over to Ingrid. She arches a brow and she says, "Oh? What's that?" She asks. It's the first time she's heard about this fighting style after all! Her lips curl into a wide grin and she chuckles, "It seems special, what is it about?" She asks, "Is it like jujitsu? Or more like shotokan?" Mimiru asks.
"Don't fight for the good reasons..?" Ingrid lets out a small laugh, "I can see why he'd want to protect you, in that case. I imagine that that was most likely his job, at some point." She smiles at Mimiru and shakes her head to her final question, "I daresay it's unlike any other fighting style you have ever seen. I created it solely for my personal use, so it is completely unique. I suppose it would be more unlike Jujitsu than shotokan, though, if that answers your question." Yes, she is being a little vague here, isn't she?
"Yeah, I mean, fighting on television, stuff like that," Mimiru says, lips curling into a smile. She chuckles and scratches the back of her head, "Well anyway," She says, before she lets her hand down to pet her dog. "Yeah, he probably just wants me to be happy I guess. I had Max when he was a pup, back when I just came in Japan, so he was my best friend ever," Mimiru admits. "So he's always been by my side and helped me out,"
Mimiru blinks and she tilts her head to one side, a bit curious, "Oh?" She asks, "Hum... Well how is it like?" Mimiru asks.
"I'm sure he'll be plenty happy to just play as long as you don't leave the TV on when you go to your fights." She pets the other dog a few more times before switching back to the other topic, "Hmmm... It isn't easy to explain in words, but I suppose I could try. There are some flips and kicks involved, and a fair bit of spinning." What else... "A couple of neat little tricks, and, I think I'll cheat, quite a lot of this." She then lifts her hand and makes a simple waving motion through the air, but as she does so a trail of sparkling golden energy follows after her hand.
Ooooh! Sparkles! That's pretty nice actually! Mimiru's lips curl into a wide grin and she giggles, "Heheh, that's pretty nice!" She says. She glances over to Ingrid and she gives her a thumbs up, "That's really nice," Mimiru says, "I wish I were able to do things like that," Mimiru adds with a smile, leaning back a little, "So, hum, you do all kind of flashy things and all?" She asks idly, since it seems like it. She bites her lips and hums a bit, "Well you shouldn't cheat, you know... After all, fighting is like a game, so you have to be a good sport."
Sparkles really are neat, aren't they? And pretty too, when it gets down to it. "Oh, no, I meant I'd cheat by showing that to you rather than explaining it. It isn't the easiest thing to describe, and simply showing you is far more effective anyway." She then lets out a small laugh and nods her head, "I suppose you could put it that way, though it seems a little presumptuous to call my own style flashy." Which is why she didn't just say it was flashy in the first place! "What style to you use," She pauses for a moment and then lets out yet another little laugh, "I don't think I've even gotten your name. Mine is Ingrid, Ingrid Holmann, pleased to meet you."
Mimiru chuckles softly and she lifts her gaze up a bit, "Oh, I see... Well still! I think it's really flashy and neat! It's not really presumptuous.. I like it," Mimiru admits, lips curling into a smile, "I wish I could do things like that myself," When the question comes on her own style, Mimiru hums softly and she arches a brow as she thinks about it, "Not too sure, really... A bit of everything, so I guess I do everything, but everything just averagely!" Mimiru takes that with a laugh though and she scratches the back of her head, "I used to be pretty good in jujitsu, but I'm losing some of it..."
She glances over to Ingrid and she extends her hand to shake it and greet the other girl, "Oh, just call me Mimi!" She says, giving her a little victory-sign.
[OOC] Ingrid says, "Question!"
[OOC] Ingrid says, "Handshake with one hand and V sign with the other?"
[OOC] Mimiru Kasagi says, "Yep!"
"I'm glad you like it, I do enjoy it myself, so it's good to hear that others might as well." Ingrid gives a little bit of a smile and then decides to give Mimiru a little bit of a prod, teasing wise, "Oh, well if you can't do what I can I suppose you can't quite do 'everything', now can you?" She stretches out a little from her seat and shifts slightly, "Pleased to meet you then, Mimi." She accepts the offered handshake, hers being rather delicate, before retracting her hand and smiling at the little V sign.
"Well I can! Sort of..." Mimiru admits, a soft chuckle escaping her throat. She lifts one hand up to scratch the back of her head and a faint blush spreads on her cheeks, "I'm not just really good at it, it takes a lot out of me to do it, so I can't really do it continuously," Mimiru says. She heaves a sigh and adds, "And well, my last teacher was supposed to help me out with it but she didn't really do anything. Hopefully I'll be able to improve myself!" Mimiru says, beaming a bit at the thought, "'cause I really need it, heheh..." She blushes a bit at the thought, one hand scratching the back of her head, "Feels like I've been doing it all wrong and I'm getting worse than I used to be, so yeah... I'm not really proud of my performances."
Ingrid lets out a little easy laugh when the truth comes out that she /can/ do it, but it's just not easy for her. "I suppose it just comes easier to some than others, though I should tell you that my being able to control my power to the extent that I can comes solely from years and years of practice." Years and years? She can't be that much older than Mimiru, can she? "I'm sorry to hear about that teacher of yours, though. What's the good of a teacher who doesn't teach?" She then gives her a reassuring look, "Maybe you simply need to go back to you're roots, then? You said you used to use a lot more Jujitsu than you do now. I might not know enough about you to be able to speak with much certainty, but tracing your style to how it once was certainly couldn't hurt. Perhaps it simply was a better fit." Or maybe she just needs Max's help to win?
[OOC] Mimiru Kasagi says, "Max isn't themely though, heheh. :D"
[OOC] Ingrid :D
"Oh yeah! You're right. I did learn a few things, I guess... But yeah... She was good, I got a lot of promises but it didn't lead much of anywhere," Mimiru admits, scratching the back of her head, "Heh, yeah, well I'm really glad for you! Some persons are better than others, eh?" Mimiru says with a smile. "I'm trying, really. Though I need to find some people who'll be able to teach me more than what I already know, I've done a lot of jujitsu, years of it," Mimiru explains. "But I got a few plans, yeah! Good 'ld Mimi always has a few plans," She was, tapping the side of her head with a wide grin, "'cause Mimi's got the brains, heheh," She grins and says, "Yeah, so! That's it! I've had enough of losing all the time! It's time for changes!" Mimiru claims, "I'll become more powerful, everyone'll see, and then I'll be able to use my strength for good,"
Ingrid seems to be all ears as Mimiru continues on talking about herself, which is only fair considering that they had talked about herself for a good amount of time. "I suppose there's always simple imitation if you consider her that good, though that probably isn't needed since you have that plan of yours. I won't ask what it is though, or it might ruin the surprise." She then decides maybe a little more inspiration is in order. "There was a long time when I was in your predicament, or at least one very close to it. I had lost a very large portion of my ability, and I had to struggle and strain constantly to try and bring it back. Work hard and always stay focused on your goal, and I'm sure you'll get the power you're looking for."
[OOC] Ingrid needs to idle for dinner :)
Mimiru blinks and she tilts her head to one side. "Oh?" She asks curiously, leaning a bit toward Ingrid, "Really? What did you do then to get your powers back?" Mimiru asks. Her lips curl into a smile though as she waits for an answer, simply listening. "Don't worry, I'll keep it a secret..." Mimiru says, giving Ingrid a little thumbs up. For the time being though, she's more interested in her story!
"Train. Every day after school for hours. I had to keep trying to get it to work, when it wouldn't, and eventually some of it came back to me. And then a little more, and a little more. I'm still nowhere near as powerful as I used to be, though... But I'm not going to stop training. I'm just going to train against others as well, now, instead of simply by myself." Ingrid looks rather thoughtful as she speaks of this, but then smiles at Mimiru, "It took a lot of hard work, to answer your question."
[OOC] Ingrid says, "afk!"
"Yeah, that's what I'm doing!" Mimiru says with a nod of her head, "I'm training! I've been, on my own, you know, kata like, been working on my own 'sparkles' and stuff, spending myself out and stuff, trying to do it better but it's hard when you've got no base on it," Mimiru says. She scratches the back of her head and she says, "But I'm working on having someone better help me and show me how... Going to try and get back into things with jujitsu," Mimiru says, "I was taking it seriously, I just need to do it harder..." She whimpers a bit though and admits, "I just don't know where I'll find the time to do it though, with school and everything!" Mimiru admits with a laugh. She blinks and then glances over to Ingrid, "Oh? What do you mean it was hard to answer my question?"
[OOC] Ingrid says, "Back!"
[OOC] Mimiru Kasagi says, "Yay!"
Again, Ingrid seems to find humor in the way that Mimiru is interpreting her final comment, "I'm sure you'll find out sooner or later, Mimi. Some things are simply harder than they appear." The young woman then stands up, "I think I need to stretch out a bit though, my leg just fell asleep on me." She stretches a bit upon getting up and bends her knee a few times. "But you sound like you're on the right track. I suppose I'll give you one last piece of advice. Ask yourself if becoming powerful is truly what you want. Becoming better with my power is what I have found myself to want, and because of it I've sacrificed much of my time to that end. I hardly saw any friends at all, and for years."
Looks like there are some things Mimiru still need to give more thoughts into to understand! Still she lets it slip and she scratches the back of her head, "Huh, yeah, I guess so!" Mimiru admits with a soft chuckle. She nibbles on her lower lip, still staying sit herself, patting her dog's head idly a few times. They seem to be resting and asleep or something. Mimiru's lips curl into a smile and she nods to Ingrid, "I gave a lot of thought into it," She admits. Her gaze lifts up to Ingrid and she frowns, "You know, all I ever wanted when I started to fight was to defend myself.. I used to be bullied a lot at school since I had trouble speaking japanese and was an outsider. And then it changed, I wanted to defend others too, but you see, having good intentions and all's hardly enough. I mean, if you don't have the power to do it, then what good is it to strive for things like that?" Mimiru lowers her gaze a little at the thought and she bites her lips, "It'll take some sacrifice, but I'll become stronger. Stronger so I can do more than just live up to some lofty ideals but actually defend those values as well," She says.
The amused smile stays on Ingrid's face when Mimiru tries to make heads or tails of her response, stretching out a little more and testing out her leg to make sure it won't collapse on her should she decide to walk a few steps. "It sounds like you're all set, then. I won't bore you with any more advice, since it sounds like you have a very good idea of what you're going to do to try and accomplish your goal. I wish you the best of luck, though. You seem to have a very good reason to want to become powerful, and I respect that." Her voice is light and in good humor, and she takes a quick look around, "I do believe that any chances of Jiro showing up by now are gone."
Lips curling into a smile, Mimiru nods and she says, "Yeah, thanks... I want to remember that. Always... That it's the reason why I want to become more powerful, and try not to turn out badly. My brother had some trouble when he did just that, I just don't want to follow in his footsteps, but I'd do anything to actually be able to stand up to my beliefs." Mimiru heaves a sigh and she shrugs, stretching a little herself, which causes the dogs to stir up a little, "But... No pain, no gain..." Mimiru lifts her gaze up, staring a bit at those clouds a bit longer.
When the subject is brought on Jiro, Mimiru idly waves her hand up and she answers, "You can't really trust a stray," Her lips curl into a smile and she says, "I'm sorry your spar partner didn't come. But with Jiro you never know," She says.
Ingrid smiles, "I have faith that you will. It was the very reason you started learning to fight, after all." She is quiet for a while herself, not so much looking up at the clouds, but more out at the trees in the distance. "Yes, always remember." She looks over and laughs when Mimiru makes her little comment, "Can't trust a stray, hmm? I believe that the strays he was with when I met him were trustworthy enough. Enough that they were just fine with children petting them. I take it that you know him then? And it's alright, instead of a fight I got this conversation with you, which seems like a fair enough trade."
Mimiru shakes her head and she waves her hand about, "Yeah, well, they call him the stray dog for a reason, he's pretty good at handling animals, for one. Though a stray's a stray," She smiles and says, "You probably don't understand what I mean... But I've spent enough time with him to know it, eh." She shakes her head and simply says, "Just gotta discover it for yourself I guess."
Mimiru idly pets Max's girlfriend, since she had left her out a little and she smiles, "Yeah, guess you could say that, I know him. I should be thanking you, anyway... I've been under a lot of stress lately, what with everyone being worried at school 'cause some guy went missing and all that.. Talking made me forget about all of it and I feel a bit better," She says with a nod. Her eyes lift back up to Ingrid and she says, "Anyway... Hum, if you'd like, sometimes, maybe you could show me some of your neat tricks?" Mimiru asks.
[OOC] Ingrid wonders if she could empathically figure out Mimiru and Jiro are brother and sister...
[OOC] Ingrid says, "Any chance there's a 'familial love' emotion in Mimiru when she's talking about Jiro? :D"
[OOC] Mimiru Kasagi says, "I bet she could probably feel something like it, yeah. You psycho power freak. :D"
[OOC] Ingrid laughs.
[OOC] Ingrid says, "Hey, at least I'm not psychic"
[OOC] Mimiru Kasagi says, "If not brother and sister, at least there's a little bond or something."
[OOC] Ingrid is empathic :D
So she's using Ingrid's own little jibe against her? Very skillful indeed, and very fun. "I suppose I'll just have to find out when the time is right, then." She'll leave it at that for now, it seems. "I'm glad I could help you relax, I do enjoy good conversation, so I thank you as well." A guy at her school is missing? Interesting, but she doesn't feel the need to comment on it. And at the suggestion of showing her the tricks some time, she gives Mimiru a bright smile, "I'd love to, so long as you don't give me a place to meet you, but not a time."
The last thing Mimiru wants to hear is about that whole story. It's making her nervous enough, she's come here to try and forget all about it. In fact, just bringing it up made her a little uneasy. Though she was quite glad to change the subject. "Yeah, you'll see in due time," Mimiru comments with a nod of her head. Seeing Ingrid agrees to it, Mimiru's lips curl into a wide grin and she gives Ingrid a thumbs up, "That's great!" She says with a soft chuckle, "You seem to know much more about that kind of stuff than I do, so yeah... All that spiritual stuff and all..." Mimiru winces and sticks her tongue out a bit, "It's just a little beyond my comprehension... Prefer to let some adult who knows more about it tell me, eh.." Not that Ingrid is one adult but still!
"I would offer to help you with it myself, but I'm afraid that I'm somewhat of a special case. The power that I possess is mine, and mine alone, so I couldn't help you to manifest your own. A person who used a more common source once tried to teach me his techniques, and they were all fairly useless to me." And in that, Ingrid is both correct and incorrect. She hasn't learned the whole truth about 'Psycho Power' just yet, you see. Though to an extent, it is true that her energy is definitely hers, but there are certainly others that have energy 'like' it. She simply doesn't know it yet. ...well, save for a certain someone, anyway.
Mimiru blinks and she lifts her head up and scratches her head. She doesn't quite all get it but in the end, it mostly means that she just can't really learn stuff from Ingrid. "Oh, ah, I see... Well still, it's always fun to train. I make up my own kata." Mimiru says, almost proudly, "Fighting imaginery enemies is another thing than the real thing though," Mimiru admits. "Well, hum, would you like to show me some stuff you can do?" Mimiru asks, tilting her head to one side.
That is about what it sums up to, yes. "I agree, it is fun to train. I imagine I wouldn't have kept at it nearly as long as I have without it being fun." She gives Mimiru an easy smile and then nods, "Now? I suppose that could work easily enough." She stretches her arms out above her head and lets out a small yawn, and then does the same for her legs, minus the yawn. "Shadowboxing, you mean? It is a very good way of improving your technique. Of course, so is training against targets."
Forcing herself up to her feet, Mimiru gives Ingrid a nod, "Yeah... Actually, I'm pretty fast and good at avoiding blows," Mimiru says, lips curling into a smile, "I've been losing it lately though for some reasons, dunno why, but you can give it a try, I used to be pretty slippery," She says with a soft chuckle. Mimiru sweeps off her butt for the leaves on her pants and some blade of grass and her eyes rise up to meet Ingrid's one. She scratches her cheek and chuckles, "Eh, not quite shadowboxing... Well maybe, it's that, but it's more like, yeah... Katas.. Almost, I could show you sometime if you'd like."
[OOC] Ingrid says, "Confusion! :)"
[OOC] Mimiru Kasagi says, "Confusion? ^^"
[OOC] Ingrid says, "I'm not oocly sure if Mimiru is asking Ingrid to show stuff to her, or fight her. ^^"
[OOC] Mimiru Kasagi says, "Oh, she can show it to me through fighting me. :D"
[OOC] Ingrid :D
"I'd like to see that, I could always use a new type of training to keep things fresh. I suppose that is one of the reasons I decided to move here to Southtown, after all." Ingrid looks into Mimiru's blue eyes with her own red ones for a few moments, and then smiles. "I can't wait to find out just how slippery you are then, Mimi." Her stance then changes, but not into any sort of normal fighting stance one would run across. Instead of drawing back and holding her arms up in an offensive or defensive position she simply holds them at her sides and sways back and forth in a rhythmic motion, reaching a hand up and brushing her hair back every now and again.
Well that's rather awkward! First time Mimiru actually sees any kind of stance that's like that! She chuckles a bit nervously and she scratches the back of her head, "Hehe... Alright then, show me what you've got I'll try my best," She says with a nod. She bites her lips and then settles into her combat stance, which is a more traditionnal one. She's not aiming for any reckless type, but something traditional for karate, one fist up and the other at her waist, ready to react at any kind of assault. She doesn't want to attack, planning to play it on the defensive, try to get 'unrusty' with her reflexes.
COMBATSYS: Mimiru has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Mimiru 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Ingrid has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Mimiru 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Ingrid
Ingrid gives Mimiru a smile, "And I'll do my best as well, and try to show you my style to it's fullest." The question is, how should she set about this? There are quite a few ways, but perhaps the way to put it the most aptly, is that she should start simply. Yes, that does sound about right, doesn't it? So Ingrid walks straight up to Mimiru, her arms moving back and forth, truly looking everything like a simple walk anyone would do going down the street. Until she gets right up next to the young woman, that is. When she's up close she jumps up into the air and immediately flips backwards, "Yooosha!" Her long legs kick out from the force of the flip, and a golden stream of sparkling energy flows out of her feet, threatening to both kick Mimiru hard and douse her with the energy. And it all happens fairly fast, for all that. For her part, Ingrid will try to continue through the flip, reaching a rather amazing altitude with the attack while rotating at just the right speed, landing gracefully on her feet.
COMBATSYS: Mimiru dodges Ingrid's Sun Arch.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Mimiru 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Ingrid
There's hardly a reaction from Mimiru when Ingrid approaches her. She's trying to gauge her opponent to a certain extend and see what her fighting's style is like. Mimiru's taking it easy, staying on the defensive and when Ingrid performs her back flip, Mimiru's knees bend quickly, just enough to give her a little boost so she can leap backward to avoid the kicks and the trail of sparkling light that comes along with it. Mimiru staggers a little, in no position to actually retaliate. She could give it a try, but she decides not to it seems. She smiles and watches Ingrid land back gracefully on her feet, "Wow, that was pretty nifty... I'm actually pretty glad I'm still in a good enough shape to see things coming at me," She says with a smile, "Heheh, come on," She says playfully, as if to taunt Ingrid to try and hit her.
COMBATSYS: Mimiru takes no action.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Mimiru 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Ingrid
"Hmm... you are rather quick on your feet, aren't you? I suppose it wouldn't do me very well to try to keep hitting you without thinking it out first, but then this is to be a little demonstration of my fighting style, isn't it?" That said, Ingrid takes a moment to consider the way Mimiru just ducked the attack, bending and then throwing herself backwards. Perhaps then, something that will continue backwards? Yes, that might just do the trick. She pulls herself back just a small bit, and then moves forward and stepping onto one leg and giving a bit of a hop, her left arm swinging underhand and lighting up with energy that leaves a trail behind her hand. And out of this suddenly appears a very large ball of golden energy, light radiating out from it as it floats it's way quickly towards Mimiru, not looking unlike a little miniature sun.
COMBATSYS: Ingrid successfully hits Mimiru with Sun Shot.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Mimiru 0/-------/---====|=------\-------\0 Ingrid
[OOC] Mimiru Kasagi says, "Doh."
A nice little trick here! Not that Mimiru's evasive maneuvers are all the same, but she doesn't really know what to expect from Ingrid, so there's no telling what'll happen! The little girl does seem ready to jump backward to avoid the incoming attack, and even though it was slightly slower than the previous one, since her mind had already been set, Mimiru doesn't have the time to switch in the way to react to avoid it. She does stammer and half-leap back but in the end merely ends up taking all of the hit. The ball of energy knocks her back, large enough to easily shove her down and have her roll down in the leaves. That didn't feel good any!
Mimiru groans a little since she's fallen right for it, but still. She shakes her head a little and she forces herself back to her feet, attempting to regain her composure and her combat posture. "Guess I'll have to be a bit more careful..." She says. And to think she could do balls of energy so easily! Mimiru had a hard enough time making her own, it's almost embarassing. She gets back into her defensive mode.
COMBATSYS: Mimiru takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Mimiru 0/-------/---====|=------\-------\0 Ingrid
Being predictable in your maneuvers usually is a good way to get clocked against an intelligent opponent. Sometimes the repetitive motions of planned training routines can get you into the habit of overusing certain maneuvers, or perhaps dealing with different situations in the same way. Whatever the case, Ingrid guessed right and managed to blast Mimiru with one her shots of energy, bringing a small smile to her lips. "I was hoping that I wasn't going to end up being an altogether inferior opponent to you."
And now, rather than attacking head on, since that isn't likely to work, Ingrid rushes in towards Mimiru, proving that she can be quite fast when she wants to be, and then darts away from her after making a quick cut as a feint, and then turning around quickly, her hair flipping dramatically, and jumping up into the air towards Mimiru, doing a single slow forward flip and then kicking out hard with both of her legs towards Mimiru's upper body, her arms held above her head and back for balance. "Eeeh!"
[OOC] Mimiru Kasagi says, "Hum, do you have to actually do something for your attacks to be dual types? I thought when you had imbued you had all attacks dual types?"
COMBATSYS: Mimiru dodges Ingrid's Heavy Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Mimiru 0/-------/---====|=------\-------\0 Ingrid
[OOC] Ingrid says, "I don't have imbued."
[OOC] Mimiru Kasagi says, "Oh, sorry, thought you had, eh."
[OOC] Ingrid says, "I was trying to get it, but was turned down :)"
[OOC] Mimiru Kasagi says, "Ahhh, okay. ^^"
With a soft chuckle, Mimiru's lips curl into a smile and she says, "Oh, don't worry," She lifts her hand up and scratches the back of her head, "I don't think you are," She says. After all, that last hit did hurt a lot, so she's better try not to get hurt at all by those projectiles or any other things for that matter! Of course, Mimiru has yet to do anything offensive but she just wants to see how Ingrid's doing! And perhaps she just wants to practice her reflexes and evasive techniques a bit. All in all, she seems hardly inclined toward attacking though.
While Mimiru seems to fall for the feint, she's goot enough good reflexes that, if Ingrid really did try to hit her with that feint, Mimiru would have ended up dodging both attacks. Of course, she's not helping herself to put herself in an offensive position but that's not what she wants! This time, Mimiru manages to avoid her backflip by quickly rushing around her and past her, causing Ingrid to kick the air by her side and to have Mimiru in her back, more or less. With a bit of luck, Mimiru might even have been able to give her a poke in the back with her palm as she lands before she staggers back. With some luck!
COMBATSYS: Mimiru takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Mimiru 0/-------/---====|=------\-------\0 Ingrid
[OOC] Mimiru Kasagi is sorry for passing -- but when she'll drop near 50 she'll probably stop the fight. It'll be a good place for her to go to bed, providing she doesn't get hundreds of lucky dodges. ^^;;
[OOC] Ingrid laughs.
[OOC] Ingrid says, "If only I had DM super I could do something interesting. :)"
[OOC] Ingrid says, "Or charge."
[OOC] Ingrid says, "I think hitting myself with random weapon would be cheating, though :)"
[OOC] Mimiru Kasagi says, "I can give you the super if you want."
[OOC] Ingrid shrugs, really. "No, it's fine."
[OOC] Mimiru Kasagi chuckles and nods.
[OOC] Ingrid says, "Knowing you're going to do that will help me with my tactics, though! :)"
[OOC] Mimiru Kasagi says, "Heheh, yeah, I bet. ^^;"
[OOC] Ingrid can go all out basically.
[OOC] Mimiru Kasagi says, "Yeah, just go crazy."
[OOC] Mimiru Kasagi didn't want to do it like a real fight just 'cause of the time. 'side it's fun just to try and dodge. Well, for me. Some people might not like it, but eh, I can't win like this. :D
Yes, she's very, very fast, isn't she? Intersting... She reaches a hand up to brush at her hair one more time, and then gives Mimiru a smile. "I don't think so either, but you certainly seem to know what you're doing. Are you sure you're rusty?" She taps her chin a couple of times, "Well, why don't we see just how lucky you are." Ingrid leans forward and rushes Mimiru rather blatantly, though she's coming in about as fast as she can manage. It looks like she is going to just try to get as close to Mimiru as she can, chasing her about for a few moments and trying to get her to make a mistake, namely in the area of footing, throwing out many weak little simple attacks to try and herd her before trying to trip her straight over one of her sleeping dogs to knock her off balance, throwing out her right hand in a powerful upward stroke, a large amount of powerful energy streaming out from her hand and threatening to envelop Mimiru. "Eh!" The dogs are, of course, too low to be affected, either way.
COMBATSYS: Ingrid successfully hits Mimiru with Sunburn.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Mimiru 1/------=/=======|===----\-------\0 Ingrid
[OOC] Ingrid says, "Give it up for +dm/fate :)"
[OOC] Mimiru Kasagi says, "Ahah."
[OOC] Mimiru Kasagi says, "Well guess I'm doomed. :D"
[OOC] Ingrid figured she'd either spectacularly succeed or fail in that! :)
[OOC] Mimiru Kasagi says, "First time I've seen someone use that offensively, eh."
[OOC] Mimiru Kasagi says, "Well that particulary hurt, but in a way, it's a good thing. I guess I'll use that as an excuse to stop fighting since it's pretty late, eh."
[OOC] Ingrid grins.
That has to be the first time that her dogs are used against her. It's not really their fault, they were staying out of all of it, it's just that Ingrid brought Mimiru just where she wanted and when the time came, when Mimiru was about to move to try and avoid the incoming attack, she stumbled on the dog behind her, causing it to whimper loudly. She tries to regain her balance, not fall, but that would also require Ingrid not being there to take advantage of the situation.
She may have managed to dodge the smaller attacks but now, she half-flails and that leaves her fully open to actually get engulfed by that energy pouring out of her palm and, thankfully, when the dog got nudged a few by Mimiru's feet it got up and padded away so it doesn't really get affected by that. The blast though is more than enough not only to make Mimiru a flaming Mimiru for a few seconds but to knock her back, and with her already being destabilized, she ends up falling prone.
That was hardly gracious. And it was hardly pleasant either. Mimiru's a little bit stunned and dazed after that. So many light, weee... If she's not rusty, her ratio of dodging's one attack out of two... That's hardly good enough for Mimiru! Guess she has more work to do. "Huh... Well that's quite something," She admits. "Guess you out-beat me here, eh.." She admits. Enough for today for Mimiru it seems!
[OOC] Mimiru Kasagi wonders, "Do you have Toughness, Parry or JD?"
[OOC] Mimiru Kasagi says, "'cause I'd be surprised to see someone with DM/fate without one of them, eh. :D"
[OOC] Mimiru Kasagi says, "Well, yeah, it's just an add-on to DM/luck but still.. ^^"
[OOC] Ingrid says, "No I do not :)"
[OOC] Ingrid says, "Actually, yea, I have +dm/luck ;)"
[OOC] Ingrid heard it used to be all the rage before this newfandangled 'fate' thing came along.
[OOC] Mimiru Kasagi says, "All the rage?"
[OOC] Ingrid says, "What, never heard that term?"
[OOC] Mimiru Kasagi isn't a native English, you know. ^^;
[OOC] Ingrid ohs. :D
[OOC] Mimiru Kasagi says, "I haven't, no."
[OOC] Ingrid says, ""very popular""
[OOC] Mimiru Kasagi says, "DM/luck was super popular? Ah, didn't know."
[OOC] Ingrid heard rumblings *shrug*
[OOC] Mimiru Kasagi says, "DM/fate and JD seems like a cheesy combo, 4 times out of 5. :D"
[OOC] Ingrid says, "Ergh :D No flaming Mimiru"
[OOC] Ingrid just knocks back with all her attacks. :D
[OOC] Mimiru Kasagi says, "Ahh, I thought the energy was engulfing me."
[OOC] Ingrid says, "It is, yea. But it's not really 'flamy' :D"
[OOC] Mimiru Kasagi says, "Well just correct it in your pose then. Am too lazy to edit logs. :D"
[OOC] Ingrid says, "It's sparkly!"
[OOC] Ingrid suggest unjoin command, also.
COMBATSYS: Mimiru has left the fight here.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Ingrid 0/-------/----===|
[OOC] Mimiru Kasagi nodnods.
Ingrid stops the assault once Mimiru hits the ground and relents, though since she wasn't attacking back anyway such a hard hit would more than likely have caused the young woman to at least pause her 'demonstration' a little. Of note, though, is that Mimiru does not flame! Because, well... Ingrid's energy just doesn't seem to have that sort of effect. It'll just cook you to medium well done without the need for such silly things as flames, and the dogs were luckily completely out of harms way, Ingrid made sure not to throw energy their way, and she's quite good at controlling herself!
"Just make sure to keep an eye on your surroundings, or you may get yourself backed into a corner." She gives her a small wink, and then bends down and holds a gloved hand out to help drag Mimiru up by, should she accept it. "I wouldn't say I beat you, though, considering that you didn't even attempt to strike me back to even put me off balance. It was a simple matter once I realized you weren't going to attempt to retaliate."
COMBATSYS: Ingrid has ended the fight here.
Lifting her hand up to scratch her head, Mimiru uses her other to help herself back up to her feet with Ingrid's help. She heaves a sigh and she glances over to her dogs who have been stirred up and she smiles a bit, "Yeah... Well still, I didn't really manage to avoid much of your attacks, I could have done better," Mimiru says. She doesn't elaborate on that though, be-littling oneselves doesn't do anything good after all, though she knows this wasn't one of her best performance. She smiles and just explains it that way, "It's 'cause you're good that you beat me to it, if you weren't, I would have had an easier time dodging those, and you've got some pretty neat move and you know how to use then, eh... Ouch," She says, still feeling her body aching.
And then, all of a sudden, it strikes Mimiru, "Oh sh... What time is it?" She asks, glancing around. She bites her lips and she scratches the back of her head a bit nervously, blushing, "Oh, I totally forgot, I'm supposed to meet with Himeko for studies, bleh... Enough physical training for today, gotta go train the train..." She's going to be late and Himeko very unhappy! She waves an hand over to Ingrid, "Anyway! Bye!" She shouts her rapidly, waving at her before she dashes away, her dogs following her and barking.
"I might have gotten distressed if you did avoid all of them, though, and we'll never know how I would have done should you chosen to attack me, so don't be too hard on yourself." That said, Ingrid helps Mimiru up and then laughs a little when the smaller girl suddenly remembers a prior engagement she probably should have headed off to a good time before, "Yes, you had certainly better hurry. If you don't keep your grades up you'll have even less time to train if you want to catch back up!" That probably won't help her mental state, but it was rather fun to point out. "Goodbye, I hope to see you again sometime soon, Mimi!"
And as she runs away followed by her dogs, Mimiru just blindly waves back behind her, "Good bye! See you again soon!" Mimiru shouts.
Log created by Mimiru, and last modified on 07:07:42 10/14/2006.