Description: Ingrid talks to Gabriel about the Eternal Goddess
It was a quiet little cafe, the outside section fenced while the inside was fully furnished with padded chairs and warm lighting. Each table had it's own booth with a small bar set up near the front, finely finished wood and carpeted floor was just some of the expenses paid to making this place comfortable to the clients who could afford to come here, let alone would even be let in. A certain show of class was needed for entry.
Gabriel who held herself at an air above those around her had no trouble at all, she came with her violin in it's case, having had a practice session not long ago and was dressed in her casual clothes, which consisted of silk. She had a black coat and white beneath it. The ivory contrast with gold trim probably cost a small fortune, but Gabriel made no show of that. Sitting at the bar now and sipping tea, she seemed right at home in an air of snobbery so thick you could suffocate on it.
An interesting little shop, to be sure. Even in a city like this where there was so much combat taking place between fighters, there would be a snooty, high class establishment to serve coffee to those who felt themselves superior to the common people. Or people who simply liked the higher quality of food and service and could pass off as the first type. Which of these is Ingrid? The answer to this question is yet to be established. Though her style of dress might be enough to assume she is a classy woman, perhaps even of nobility, the small pleasant smile on her face is enough to make the doorman, the high class term for a bouncer, wonder.
The door is opened, but he stands in the way for a few moments, looking down at this young woman as if considering whether he should let her in or not. Ingrid gives him a bit of a smile and then states in a simple tone, "If you're waiting for me to hand you my jacket, I'd prefer to keep it on, thank you." Apparently, that little show was plenty for him and he steps aside and mutters his acknowledgement of her wishes, and she steps inside, walking over to the counter.
The bit at the door wasn't worth noticing, Gabriel was sort of in a way meditating on her coffee. Except she didn't meditate, she just contemplated it. When Ingrid arrives it draws her attention, she looks with a placid expression sidelong at the seemingly small girl. She looked really young, she wondered where her parents were, but honestly she didn't really care. She turns back to her coffee, deciding that it isn't important. No smiles. Gabriel didn't really smile much, she didn't usually even feel very happy very often. Most of the time she just had varying degrees of disapproval. Oddly enough, she didn't have any problems with the girl near her.
"I'd like a cup of black coffee, please." The young white haired woman takes a quick look over the assorted baked goods and asks tentatively, "You wouldn't have any kaffebrød, would you?" Getting only an odd look in response, Ingrid waves it off, "Not many shops outside of Norway have do. Just the coffee then, thank you." She pays in cash, of course. This completed, and assuming her coffee will be delivered to her, she walks over to an empty table near the one Gabriel is sitting at and has a seat, seemingly perfectly happy to sit by herself, though she does seem to be taking an interest in looking at the other various customers, Gabriel herself included.
Some things about Gabriel that might be considered odd. Well she is a fighter, as far as fighters go, she has planned to flood southtown and drown the population once, she tried to steal the souls of other fighters and even managed to get one, she was called 'the avenging angel' and has ever since used the title sometimes to refer to herself. Her violin case, aside from containing a sword, also did contain a violin. Those are things a mind reader might know. They might also know that she was examining Ingrid, her outfit, her mannerisms. Very analytical.
None of these are anything known to Ingrid, and neither does she have a means to find these out that any normal person wouldn't have. However, she is very in tune with the emotional states of those around her, especially when the emotions are directed at or towards her. As such she's keenly aware that Gabriel seems to be studying her, as well as a few others. For a time she simply looks around at other people in the store, accepting her coffee and taking a small sip of it when it arrives and once more every now and again. Because of this, it might seem like a surprise when her head suddenly and slowly turns towards Gabriel, her red eyes trying to meet the green ones of the Japanese woman. "Is there something I can help you with?" Her tone is somewhat of an oddity, not annoyed or haughty, but rather somewhat... amused?
She had a very odd look for Japanese and likely her nationatily was something of a mix, or not natural from her parents. Afterall, how many Japanese were built as solid as she is or as pale. Still she did have part of the look, more likely one parent was somehow European. It wasn't something she talked about at any rate. The question was a little surprising to her, she wasn't expecting to be addressed, but all in character, Gabriel who rarely lies, but isn't above doing it, simply states, bluntly,
"I am not in need of assistance at this time." She considers commenting further, but lets her monotone words suffice for now
Ingrid keeps her eyes on Gabriel's for a few moments, and then speaks up once more, "Very well," before turning her attention back to her coffee, lifting it once more up to her lips and taking a drink from it and setting it back down. She seems to occupy her attention afterwards on one of the windows and the people walking by outside, her face looking completely passive except for the amused smile that seems to be constantly set upon her face for one reason or another.
"I am curious," Gabriel says, filling the silence between her and her intended with a question. Well something is on her mind anyway,
"What is the design on your hair? It is unusual to me." She doesn't have the greatest view from there, but it seems to be enough sort of look.
This, as one would expect, brings Ingrid's attention back to Gabriel, her head turning to face her once again as one hand reaches up to delicately touch one of the hairpieces, of the sort one might consider a loving touch. "You mean this?" She lowers her hands and focuses her eyes on Gabriels once more, "It is the symbol for the Eternal Goddess." Stated rather simply.
Eternal Goddess..? This naturally gets Gabriel's undivided attention. Even though aside form the rather rushed stare she gives, her expression remains mostly deadened to the world, as it often is, due to being a pretty good actress, but her inward emotions are not nearly so calm. A rush of what could be considered a mix of suspicious, curiousity, interest, disbelief and well even jealousy, can be seen bubbling up. You'd think Gabriel might be more hopeful at the possibility that she found someone who shares something in common with her.
"I see. Would you care to join me? That topic sounds fairly interesting
So, it appears that Gabriel is interested in this subject. That in and of itself isn't so surprising, but perhaps Gabriel's emotional reaction may well be. On that note, Ingrid replies with a genuine smile and picks up her cup of coffee, "I would, thank you for the offer." She sets her coffee across the table from Gabriel and then pushes her chair in before taking a seat across from her. The look on her face is friendly enough, but at the same time she seems to be letting Gabriel direct the conversation, not offering up any information, but rather waiting to be asked.
For a while Gabriel just lets that be the status quo and says nothing. She drinks from her tea, occasionally looks at the girl across from her but generally makes this the most boring conversation ever. Finally she asks a question, as if it were just that time,
"Could you explain to me about this 'Eternal Goddess?'" She sounds terribly disinterested but every fabric of her being internally betrays her to someone who could tell the difference. Not only does she care immensely despite how almost bored she looks, but the emotions hinging on either side of her seem to be extremes, adoration or loathing.
As boring as it is, the young woman across from Gabriel does not seem to mind the silence at all, the small amused smile on her face still as she lifts her coffee and takes a small drink every once in a while. But finally the silence is broken, and a question is asked of her. It would be terribly rude to deny this information to Gabriel, considering this is the very reason she wished to share a table, and even moreso due to the fact she knows how badly Gabriel wants this information.
"You seek knowledge of her, then?" Ingrid looks contemplative for a few moments and then nods, "I suppose a little introduction wouldn't hurt anything. The Eternal Goddess is, in the simplest terms, the giver and caretaker of life. It is a simple fact that without her presence, life itself could not be sustained. She gives her gift freely, and anyone who cares to seek it can feel her warmth. Does this answer your question?"
Gabriel considers for a moment, and after a while decides that rather then commenting on how vague and ambiguous a reply that is, instead it rather fits her own beliefs for now. She touches a hand to her neck and touches the pendant, which in no way resembles the thing which the other girl has on her hair. Clearly of some significance to her. Then comes the next question,
"Why do you wear it may I ask?" Still placid.
Ingrid takes a small moment to look at the pendant Gabriel wears, and then smiles a little. "These represent the special connection I have to Her. I never go out without wearing them." Again a somewhat vague response, but then... many religions don't exactly go and spill the entire story to people they have just met, do they? No, better to slowly bring them into the fold and then tell them the more intimate details once they're already entwined up to their necks.
In the case of Gabriel, vague would be the most you would ever get, seeing as it gives her the most freedom to act in a way which is good and holy without ever defining what is and isn't. She accepts this and decides that this girl is a true believer, of something, therefore Gabriel decides to change approaches,
"My name is Kai Gabriel, " she says, "it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I am a follower of the church of the worthy cause of the divine mother - the holy maiden, I find your words fascinating." Now she leaves the ball in Ingrid's court, so to speak.
Oh, very interesting, so this Gabriel is the follower of a similar goddess figure, is she? This is a rather amusing situation for Ingrid, and not the sort of thing that comes up very often, is it? "I see. Likewise, I am pleased to meet you as well. My name is Ingrid Holmann." She pauses for a short moment before asking, "Might I inquire about the Divine Mother?" Again a pause before she speaks up again, as if to explain herself, "Having the connection to the Eternal Goddess that I do," Again this is unexplained, "I am always curious to learn of others who might also have one." Technically, this isn't a lie, as this is the only time it's happened, and Ingrid is indeed very curious.
Gabriel isn't entirely sure what to make of it yet, are they the same? Are they different? The world may never know. Or maybe it will know.
"I would say what you have already said is also true for the Divine Mother. I myself follow a sect which was given the task to save the souls of the sinners and convert as many as possible. However I have found that it is very difficult to keep one on the path of purity for long. There are three simple rules, do not act out of vengeance, do whatever it takes to save souls and do not harm a true believer. I dedicate my life to these goals and have recently been seeking the path of a higher crusader, though I do require more direction and teaching to accomplish this."
"Saving the souls of the damned is a very noble cause for one to undertake, very commendable." Ingrid pauses for a moment to take another sip of her coffee before continuing. "And the rules set down upon you are also very wise, it would be very easy to have someone wrong you and attempt to, shall I say, 'purify' them in retaliation." Her little smile widens a little, "And it's not surprising that you find it hard to keep people on the path of purity. People will often resent the very notion that they have wronged others. A lot of the time it is much easier to trick someone into changing their ways, rather than forcing them."
And now a new thought occurs to the young woman in blue, especially considering the fact that that this is Southtown, after all. "A higher crusader? That sounds like a very powerful sort of position... Might I ask if you are a practitioner of a martial art set upon you by the Divine Mother?"
"No, the church has no guidelines or interest in martial arts at all, the tools we use are not defined, I use a hybrid of many forms personally, though my power naturally comes from my faith," Gabriel continues, "At one point while attempting to purify Alma Towazu-san, he later referred to me as the 'avenging angel' which I took as divine inspiration. The sword I which I utilized to show him the light was clearly made of not strong enough metal, only a blade of the soul would have enough power, that is what I seek to temper from my heart." The event she refers to was actually documented in the news when someone brutally attacked and stabbed Alma and left him for dead.
"Oh, I see. How terribly sad." This comment comes directly after Gabriel saying that she was not given a style by her goddess. Ingrid lifts her hand up to brush some hair that has fallen over her shoulder back behind it, and nods slightly while listening to the story. Alma? Why would someone like Alma possibly need to be purified? His intent when he fought her was far purer than she had expected. Still, there's no reason to jump to conclusions one way or another. Gabriel clearly saw some fault in him; that is easy enough to tell. "A sword of the soul? A very apt way of putting it, Gabriel."
And now it is time for Ingrid to show off, if only a little bit. She lifts a hand in the air and holds her palm face up, a small but brilliant ball of golden energy forming just above and floating rather innocuously. If one were to be looking for specific characteristics, it wouldn't look unlike a small little sun. She then closes her hand and the energy fades out, as if it was never there at all.
The light brings some more glee to Gabriel, well not outwardly, it was very much like her ultimate attack which was the only thing that made her energy from a purple flame like thing to a golden light, very similar though somewhat different than what Ingrid just did.. except oh yeah, Gabriel doesn't use Psycho power.
"I see, we do speak of similar things, perhaps you might show me some of what you know." Yes Ingrid had Gabriel's attention in a positive way. For now.
Psycho Power, what an ugly term. A smile plays on Ingrid's face as Gabriel seems to enjoy the sight of the energy, "I'm glad to hear that, Miss Gabriel. It's not common at all for me to find people who have such striking similarities to myself." She then lifts her cup and drinks one last time, since the cup is now empty, before setting it down once more and answering the question. "I'd be happy to show you whatever you wish. Is there anything in particular you would like to see?"
"I wonder if you are strong enough to help me perfect my sword arts with energy.." Gabriel seems to consider the possibility then perishes it from her mind.
"I am sorry to impose only having just met, perhaps we can discuss something different."
Ingrid tilts her head in a curious manner, and then shakes her head a little, "It's not an imposition at all. Further displaying of the power of the Eternal Goddess is nothing that I could ever find to be a burden." Which is to say, showing off can be fun. "The Way of the Eternal Goddess does not use swords itself... but the thought of using the power of the soul as a sword is a very elegant way of putting it. I suppose it could be adapted for use with an actual sword, however."
One would of thought Ingrid and Gabriel might of made an odd couple but they seem to be getting along very well. And oddly enough you don't have to be a religious fanatic to know one. Gabriel seems content now that the person she is talking to is quite possibly the only person she ever met who did not need her to save them, therefore she changes the subject.
"Perhaps you and I might meet again soon and discuss this technique and develope it some, if there are other recreational activities you enjoy I should be willing to try them, I personally enjoy playing the violin."
Does that even include her parents, or elders in her church? If so, it might make one wonder...
A pleased smile is given to Gabriel from Ingrid, and the girl nods, "I believe I would enjoy that as well. Though... I don't suppose there are many 'recreational activities' I normally partake in. Much of my time has always been taken up by schooling and the further exploration of my gift." Schooling? She is still young, after all. In truth, the greatest activity Ingrid usually enjoys is conversing with other people. "I wouldn't be opposed to hearing you play sometime, however."
Yes. Yes you would, you just don't know it yet. For now Gabriel just smiles faintly, in what could be regarded as a grimace. It was more than anything being politely, clearly not a very good smile. She needed to work on that. Then she rises, and bows politely.
"It was very nice to meet you then, Ingrid-san, however I must depart now, I have stayed longer than intended. Please accept my card so that we may remain in contact."
It is a simple card, with contact information. Apparently Gabriel is a student at Justice High. Also the card seems to indicate membership to a Darkside Student Congress club. Gabriel must of used the wrong card without realizing, that was supposed to be a secret. With this she'll be on her way out
Raising with Gabriel, Ingrid accepts the card with both hands and reads over it for a few moments, having been given some tips on how to act politely in Japanese culture, not having such would make living in Japan rather difficult. "Thank you, I'll be sure to contact you soon. It was very good to meet you, Kai Gabriel." What an interesting name for a club. Ingrid has absolutely no idea what kind of club that is, and knows only that Justice is a High School in Southtown. She watches Gabriel leave, and then decides that she might like another cup of coffee, if for nothing else than to have something to drink while she contemplates the meeting.
Log created by Ingrid, and last modified on 14:12:39 02/01/2007.