Description: Geese and Yamazaki show up for a friendly tour of the rival stadium. Masters Stadium really is remarkable... it's a pity the hospitality sucks. (at fighting).
Ah, competition. The heart and soul of capitalism! It makes a blue-blooded businessman's spirits soar, his wallet fat, his options broad. At least, if that businessman is an entrepeneur with vision, and whatever one's opinion of Geese Howard, he is certainly a man with vision. Right now, that vision is the analysis - and unsettling - of his competition. The Masters Arena is certainly an impressive structure... that much is apparent even from the outside, but it's been a long time since Howard was easily impressed by grandiose architecture, and the building is taken in with a quiet, almost amused grunt as the Syndicate convoy pulls up. An escort, late-model black luxury sedan, leading an equally pitch-black Rolls Royce, which happens to be chauferring Geese himself, and one of his more notorious hirelings... Ryuuji Yamazaki.
The door is opened for them, allowing Geese to exit first, the thoroughly-pressed crimelord stepping out onto the street and drawing a deep breath of the rain-touched Seattle air. A half-smirk tugs at the edge of his mouth, and both powerful hands rise to either side of his jacket, straightening the front of the custom-tailored Armani suit. The underlying shirt is of fine cloth, in pure white, overlaid and contrasted by the stark black suitcoat, its lining showing as he moves... a satiny, vibrantly dark blue. Polished leather shoes, and equally perfectly-tailored black slacks complete the ensemble, Geese's hair slicked back in similarly formal, businesslike fashion. One of the men, a Japanese fellow in a far less fancy business suit and tie, moves to accompany Geese and Ryuuji as the former moves up towards the entrance of the arena.
He's not invited, he's relatively -sure- he's not welcome, but that doesn't stop Geese from simply sauntering right up to the stadium, and as the door is held open, making his way inside. Cold eyes survey the lobby, his visit intentionally timed to a period where the fight venue is mostly vacant... and his apparent intent is to simply tour it, starting around the concourse at a leisurely pace. Like he's right at home.
In front of the door, blocking the spot where Geese's vehicle would have to stop to allow him a direct line to the shortest route to the door of Masters Stadium is a black limousine, the chauffeur still seated in the driver's seat, though the engine is off and lights out. One might expect it to be Ken Masters himself who had occupied the vehicle and now to be inside the structure Geese and his hired goons enter, but it's a much smaller blonde figure which stands just inside the concourse, near one of the sets of stairs leading to the second level. A blonde figure with much longer hair, curves that soften the body rather than hard muscle, and high heels. If it's Ken Masters, he's managed to master the ability to change shape and shrink. A cell phone held to her ear, the tiny woman speaks, the one side of the conversation carrying over her shoulder and back towards the door. "You're late. I thought you said an early dinner...?" And while the words themselves might sound rather annoyed, the tone is...fondly exasperated.
The companion and bodyguard of Geese Howard wasn't quite as enthused about coming all the way to the Northwestern corner of the US, but the financial encouragement he got was more than enough to quell any arguments. It had been a long flight, and a long car ride to finally arrive at Masters Stadium, but they were finally there. "Finally. For god sakes." A brief sigh rattled Ryuji Yamazaki's chest as the car came into view of the stadium, that sight prompting him to pull his gloves a little tighter. He knew this was a business trip, but he also knew this was a trip to visit the competition, and who knew how competition might treat them.
tWhen the car finally rolled to a stop, he waited for Geese to exit the car before it rolled to a stop. He stepped out afterwards, looming over the Howard Enterprises CEO with a mildly dissatisfied look on his face. "We flew all the way here for this?" The sunglasses resting in a pocket are plucked and slipped over his eyes before he starts to follow Geese inside. Hearing that voice and the conversation, though, a mild smirk tugs up the corners of his lips. "Well, how about that. We're late. I didn't know you had made an appointment."
All the way here for this, yes. Geese's answer to the complaint is a slightly larger smirk, as the slightly taller, undeniably broader Orochi arm of the Southtown Syndicate steps inside with him, "Your presence here will be useful." is the crimelord's only explanation at the moment, offered over his shoulder to Yamazaki... but he clearly has an agenda. When -doesn't- he have an agenda, though? The short-tempered Ryuuji's agitation is hardly a new phenomenon... but in the end, it's the bottom line, and the outcome that matters to the enforcer, at least as far as Geese can tell. In that aspect, he intends to deliver. But he's not going to waste his breath trying to explain psychological warfare to the volatile hitman.
"Right on time." Geese corrects calmly, his deep voice resonating evenly as that smirking expression falls on Eliza Masters, and fades to neutrality. It's definitely not Ken, but given the limousine... and given the stature... she certainly looks the part of Masters' wife. How unfortunate for her, right? If, in fact, Howard and Yamazaki were here for her. In the end, it's just a nice little coincidence, at least in Geese's book. A wave of the crimelord's hand directs the suited escort to move off to one side of the concourse as the SouthSynd boss makes his way towards the stairs to the Red Arena, and thusly, Eliza. His fine shoes sound crisply on the floor of the stadium as he approaches, and an almost-disarming smile creeps onto his stern features, "Mrs. Masters." he observes, the chill in his tone doing little to add any sincerity to the expression... nor do the depths of his steely eyes, which settle unflinchingly on Eliza, whether she chooses to turn or not, "A most impressive arena, I do hope it's not an intrusion to have a look around." There's no sincere concern in the words, and one wouldn't be amiss in concluding he's not really interested in permission.
If things were as they were even a week before, after Eliza's most recent trip to Japan and Southtown, Mrs. Masters likely would do nothing more than offer a polite smile and nod of her head. As it stands, however, the icy words have the woman spinning on her heel, the graceful movement speaking more of a dancer than a fighter, until she is facing the crimelord and his companions. Her smile faulters for a moment, and to the very observant, it can be noted that her fingers tighten on the phone. "Ken...I think you need to come down here right now...bring them along." There's no panic in her voice but it certainly doesn't hold the earlier note of amusement.
"Of course." He's not about to argue with Geese. This is one of the few people he would be slow to argue with at all, and this certainly doesn't seem worth the time. Dress shoe heels click against the floor as he falls into step behind, and his hands settle themselves into his pockets. His eyes alternate between taking in the scenery and looking over towards the blonde woman.. up until the point that Geese identifies her as 'Mrs. Masters.' A single eyebrow quirks up before a dry chuckle resonates. Ah, now things were seeming a bit more amusing. At least in his mind. He cocks his head back a little, peering out towards her from underneath his sunglasses.
"He's here, is he? And I thought this trip was going to be dull. .. and 'them'?" He turns his head to look down a few inches to Geese. "Sounds like Masters has got a welcoming committee for us, boss. I didn't even bring my party hat." A blatantly fake frown crosses his lips for a moment, quickly replaced by the familiar smirk. "Hope they've got punch and pie, at least. I do hate a good welcoming that doesn't have refreshments. Makes me... a little angry, y'know?"
"Poor hospitality is just a sign of poor character." Geese responds, initially, echoing Yamazaki's sentiment with his own, the smirking grin firm on his face. Yes, he has the utmost respect for Ken. Or maybe not. Howard's icy blue gaze meets Eliza's faltering one, holding tight to the blonde in question. Ah, there are so many opportunities here, but the one Geese chooses is the musing, and at least slightly subtle, "I certainly hope he's here..." the crimelord postulates aloud, "We all know Ken Masters is fast, but she seems to think she's in some kind of danger. Amusing, no?" Howard look back towards Ryuuji with the last, and aside from the initial greeting and the cold stare... Geese hasn't even acknowledged Eliza's existance again, yet, "Travel time sort of cuts down on the knight in shining armor's logistical value."
The implications of that statement, threat or simple factual analysis, hang in the air for a moment, as Geese steps forward a few more paces, not the least bit shy about invading Eliza's personal space, though he doesn't seem to need, or desire to get up in her proverbial grill to do this. He merely pauses a couple of steps off, returning his attention to Ken's wife, "Perhaps you could have him stop, and fetch refreshments on the way. I'd like to have a thorough look at this extravagant mimicry." After all, emulation is the strongest flattery. Obviously, Ken thinks the world of him, and Howard Media's ventures. It's only image, and intimidation, that holds back the mocking laughter.
"I'm sorry," Eliza manages, keeping her voice even as she draws herself up to her oh-so-impressive height. "The arena is closed to the public. You need to leave
"I'm sorry," Eliza manages, keeping her voice even as she draws herself up to her oh-so-impressive height. "The arena is closed to the public. You need to leave, Mr. Howard. I assume you can find your way out as promptly as you have come in?" And she offers a cool, but proper, smile, motioning behind Geese to the door he'd entered through moment's before.
Snrk. Ah, it's so nice to have a boss with a sense of humor. The smirk on his face shifts to an amused grin. "The order, speciflcally, is punch and pie. I'll be really goddamn upset if he shows up with cake." The enforcer tilts his head a bit to one side, causing his neck to pop. "And make sure it's a drink we can actually hold while we walk." He taps one of his shoe-heels against the floor every now and again as he continues to glance around. "Y'know, boss, I bet he just flies around in one of those little dual-prop planes or somethin'. Not nothin' like the machine you flew over here in." Another dry chuckle passes his lips, which cuts off abruptly when Eliza says that they have to leave. "Wait, what'd you say?"
Someone just had to go and talk back. Just to prove a point, Yamazaki drags himself up to his full height, and he takes a good, long step in the direction of the blonde woman. "What was that?" Head tilted back, he peers down her nose over the top of the sunglasses. "Public? We look like a couple of slack-jawed tourists to you?" His head tilts a little to one side, and the grin fades to a sneer again. "This is Geese goddamn Howard, woman. You got some kinda goddamn balls thinkin' you can throw him out like that." He looks back over his shoulder to a moment. "Two minutes and she'll be in the broom closet, just give me the word." It's obvious the blonde is more than a little agitated, riled up from that long plane ride. It's probably been a good twentyfour hours or so before he's broken anyone's ribs.
Geese's smirk fades in an instant, replaced by a rather profound scowl. It casts his stoney features in a noticeably harsher light, and the cool gleam in his pale blue eyes becomes something rather more frigid, the stare remaining levelled evenly on Eliza. No, it doesn't seem that drawing herself up and getting all defiant does much to concern the crimelord, "We've come a long way, Mrs. Masters." is Geese's response to the demand, "The arena was open, as the schedule implied." Howard certainly did his research... as mentioned, he wanted to get here at a proper 'visiting time' that few others would choose. It gives the competition that much less leverage, even if Eliza -is- married to the guy who owns the place. It'll be a cold day in hell before Geese takes orders from a woman, though.. much less -Ken's- wife.
"You won't even know we're here." Geese offers in feigned placation, before he simply strides forward. Howard may be in his middling years, now... but he's in impeccable shape, a broad and thickly muscled warrior in the prime of his power. Right now, his intent is simple... he's going to push right -past- the blonde woman, and start up the stairs to the prize of this stadium, Ken's Red Arena. Isn't sightseeing grand?
Push past her, or through her? It doesn't seem that Eliza is going to be getting out of the way of the bottom step, her cell phone lowering from her ear and snapping shut as her eyes flash up at first Yamazaki and then Geese himself. "I know perfectly well who this..." And she pauses, biting back the insult that had been on the tip of her tongue, "Man is. And yes, I must have more goddamn balls, as you so eloquently put it, than the two of you combined, if you think pushing your way past me proves anything. My husband is not here. He will meet you outside, in about.." And she pauses again, lifting her arm to look at her wrist. "Five minutes. If you'll please leave," And her arm continues it's motion to indicate the doors. Again.
Then you can tell your husband that he can meet us while we're on our little sightseeing tour. I've already been out front, and it's goddamn boring." He circles around to the other side of the Masters woman as Geese starts to let himself in. "We're not hard to find, after all. He should be able to find us." He plucks the sunglasses from the bridge of his nose and slips them into a pocket. "And he better goddamn at least bring something to drink. It's rude to not show your guests some manner of hospitality when they just flew over a goddamn ocean to visit." His right hand dips into its pocket for a moment, then plucks out one of his switchblades. It stays sheathed as he starts to twiddle the black rectangular handle-pair about between his fingers.
"Oh, and since you got the cell phone, may as well call out for a pizza, too. I'm not making any international calls, and we'll probably be here for a little while. Just don't call one of those damn chain restaurants with the greasy shit pizza, make it some of that deep dish stuff I've heard about." Making himself right at home, he is. "Whatcha like on your pizza, boss? Can't get this kinda stuff back at home, y'know, not this deep dish stuff."
Geese does pause just before out and out shoving Eliza out of his way, the crimelord now standing tall just before the rather spunky, if not extraordinarily imposing Eliza, "Tell him to meet us inside." Geese's deep voice becomes darker in tune with his expression, his patience clearly wearing thin, "Never would I have imagined such poor behaviour from this institution.. your husband has always been a welcome guest of Howard Media's fighting venues, and yet, my desire for a look around inspires you to rudeness, mandates?"
With a deep breath, Geese visibly, forcibly calms, smirk pulling at the corner of his mouth as his eyes take on a more bemused, if still rather intense and threatening gleam, "Such a pitiful reception... I'm sure the press will have a -field day- with Ken's poor sportsmanship in the business world, openly -hostile- towards his respected rivals. Unless you want to turn this into a public relations -nightmare- for your husband, you'll step aside." It's a far more measured response than the broom closet approach, but still a dangerous threat... one that Howard clearly means. But he's not stupid enough to take violent action on Eliza Masters... certainly not here. His reach is long, but he has the power he has due to other things than strength. It's certainly not a charge he needs to -have- to beat in court... not when he can demolish Ken's stock just by spin-doctoring the entire affair.
"Yes, I do have my cell phone...and the public relations nightmare would, I assure you, would be entirely at your feet. After all, who could possibly blame a woman like me for doing what I am about to do when two such people cornered her alone?" Eliza agrees cooly, stepping back and up onto the bottom step, doing her best to physically block their way further into the arena because the tiny blonde is oh so intimidating. And she might not be able to, but flipping open said phone, and pressing three little buttons, she lifts the phone to her ear again. Almost instantly, she's speaking again into the mouthpiece, eyes looking from Yamazaki to Geese and back. "Yes, I need the police, please. Masters stadium." A brief pause as the muffled voice on the other end of the line speaks, and Eliza bobs her head, mouth opening to answer.
Yamazaki cocks his head faintly off to one side, then he chuckles to himself. "Well, look at that, Geese. She's calling the police." He looks down to Eliza again, then chuckles louder this time, one everyone can get involved in. "Apparently, we're supposed to take this as some sort of threat." He shakes his head just a little. "They might /fine/ us." He rolls his eyes back into his head for a moment, then sighs once again. "And just how are we supposed to meet with the man of the house if the police get involved, hmm?" He sighs again, then turns and looks back to Geese. "The police. Didn't we roll out the red carpet for Masters when he came to visit Howard Media? And she goes and calls the cops. We're not trespassing, we're not harassi.. well, maybe I am."
With that, the broad-shoulders Syndicate enforcer just bodily forces his way right past Eliza on his way towards the Red Arena stairs. "Pathetic." The switchblade resting in his hand starts to move at a faster rate as the Yakuza-trained thug starts to get agitated. "No wonder you couldn't net yourself a man that stays around the house all the time. Too much time around you and I'd have already tossed you down a few flights of stairs." This time, he just snickers to himself. "C'mon, boss. Our first stop on the tour is up the stairs, and I'm gettin' tired of talkin' to the doorgirl."
Now this is becoming a very unhappy situation. Not so much for any risk inherent in the police showing up... Geese hasn't broken any laws, nor does he seem to intend to. Not right this minute, and not here. Howard shakes his head slowly, but he has two options here... make his play on Eliza, or change his goals. Right now, she's standing between option 'a' - the Red Arena, and he and Yamazaki... but there's always option 'b', and it's almost as amusing to utterly disarm Eliza's fears by taking it. Geese is about to turn and head straight for the White Arena, throwing a monkeywrench into the whole thing, when Ryuuji forces a gap in the path up the stairs. With speed and grace that belies his rather impressive frame, Geese steps through the opening almost as soon as it appears, and likely well before Eliza can really right herself from the hitman's shove.
The crimelord just shakes his head, "Tell them that Geese Howard is here, -trying- to appreciate the west's marvellous arena." He suggests with a smirk as he steps up the staircase past Eliza, "And be sure to tell them that -you're- the one physically impeding -us-." The towering blonde nods towards the Orochi enforcer, "As is proper for a fighter of such... calibre. Pity the respect doesn't seem to carry to his trashy trophy. Ah well, obviously not a matchup decided by brains." It's an almost lewd looking-over that Eliza gets before Geese fully turns away, but it's spawned from the desire to add just that much squirm to the troublesome Mrs. Masters, not out of any legitimate interest. Disgusting. That much shows clearly in his eyes. Of course, the police -could- prove a problem. But they're not liable to get here before Ken, if he even allows them to intervene at that point. It could be difficult to get the authorities there -at all-, when they find out it's about Howard, and no... no one's been hurt. Oh, what are they doing? Well, for Geese's part, it looks like he's heading into the stadium... leaving Eliza unharmed, and apparently ignored.
Well, the police would come except that...well, she never got round to telling them the specific nature of the emergency before Yamazaki's oh-so-gentlemanly nudge has the cell phone all but jumping from her hand, only to snap into two pieces when it lands on the floor. So much for that backup. And technically, they are being disorderly in public...refusing to leave after being asked to do so doesn't qualify as being 'pleasant company'. Grabbing hold of the railing to keep from going more than slightly off balance, Eliza turns her head to look up the stairs at the pair now moving onwards. Biting back a curse, Eliza throws -all- caution to the wind, and moves after them, heels clicking sharply against the stairs. Her hand actually reaches out, as if to take hold of one of their arms, though which isn't immediately clear. "I'm afraid I"ll have to insist you wait for my husband. He'll offer you a tour, I'm certain, that will be far superior to any self-guided imitation you could offer yourself." Not that she's likely to be successful, OR able to stop them.
Looking back over your shoulder, Geese overs a deep, profound sigh, "Once more, Mrs. Masters. We will be waiting for your husband." And with that, he leaves Ryuuji to resist the grabby blonde woman, and simply strides up the rest of the way, passing into the arena itself. Ah, peace at last! ... of course, if one could see Geese's face once he gets through those doors, the sheer grin on his features would remove any question as to whether Eliza's managed to sincerely agitate him.
True to his word, Geese is indeed 'waiting' in the Red Arena for the much-threatened arrival of Eliza's husband. Look out! Feminists of the world would be rolling over in their graves, but Geese... well, Geese doesn't seem the least bit concerned. Right now he walks calmly about the circumference of the arena, seemingly continuing his self-guided tour. He checks the material on the seats, considers the span of the stadium's ceiling, and finally... opens up the fighter access door and walks out into the arena proper, scuffing one of the soles of his shoes this way and that in the unusual turf, "Well look at this..." he muses towards Ryuuji.
"It's his own personal little park. Perfect for strolling, meditating... perhaps a picnic lunch. I do hope he remembers the refreshments." Yamazaki is notoriously cranky with no punch or pie. A thumb hooks in the side pocket of his slacks, as Howard paces out towards the 'beach', bemused expression still on his face. Ah, this is fun.
Ryuji Yamazaki trails a few steps behind Geese as the Howard Industries owner guides this ltitle tour around the stadium. Hands nestled in his pockets, no doubt with Eliza trailing shortly behind, he goes so far as to whistle a tune to himself while following the signer of his paychecks. "Hundred says he forgets, /and/ he acts like I never asked for 'em. Just like 'im." There's a dramatic exhaling of breath as the taller blonde shakes his head. "Goddamn greedy bastard. Look at all the effort you goin' through given' back to the community, and he can't even bring some goddamn punch and pie." Again, another fake sigh. "This'd be a good spot for a picnic, though, agreed. Makes you wonder why they're fighting on it. Wife probably told him they needed a damn garden to pretty the place up."
There's a loud, raucous laughter for a few moments before he stops again, and starts fishing around in his pockets. A pack of cigarettes is plucked from said pocket, and one cigarette is settled between his lips. The other hand has a lighter, which sets the lightable end aflame. "And can you believe the damned smoking laws here? It's like the goddamn Nazis turned against smoking." A deep breath's worth of smoke is taken in before he exhales straight up into the air. "I gotta say, those were decent locker rooms... nice and roomy."
Having been shaken off oh so gently, Eliza is several steps behind Yamakazi. Yes, she's been trailing them, waiting rather impatiently for Ken to show up. Where -is- that man? She would have stayed in the lobby and waited, but, well...she didn't trust Geese and goon as far as she could thrown them, and she didn't think her husband would blame her for not letting them out of her sight. Besides, if they were going to hurt her, they'd have done so already, right?
Well, only so fast you can go when driving like a bat out of hell. Dressed in his familiar red gi, Ken makes his way into the area through one of the audience entrances, using his hands to thrust open the doors. Each one slams into the wall, Ken clearly not holding back his power. Considering that he hadn't been able to reach Eliza since she told him to get over to the Arena with Sean and Mary, he has been assuming the worst. That being the case, he looks like he's ready to kick some ass. Of course, considering Ken figured it might be a trap, he doesn't come along enough. Merely making his way down the stairs. He doesn't say a word, though from his facial expression, one can tell he is pissed. He sees that there isn't a hostage situation, which makes him sigh with relief on the inside, but considering that it's still Geese being a general pain in the butt, Ken is still keeping his facial expression as well as his uncharacteristic silence.
He's the boss, and there's trouble, and unfortunately, it seems that the worst happened much faster than they had anticipated it could happen. No time to blame themselves on it, since they've got to take care of the current problem. Blue Mary may seem a bit out of place, but she's been supposed to 'take care of Eliza' while the crisis and steam went down. Alas, she didn't even have the time to start that she was already in trouble. The woman follows after Ken, equally silent, matching his pace but staying slightly behind. He's the boss, he's leading the way, and Mary's priority and objective in all of this is make sure Eliza'll be safe in the end.
And the Man of the Hour, Sean Matsuda of course is with the posse, and while he should be a bit more serious about the situation, he has to fight his hardest to keep from grinning. The actual situation just hasn't quite sunk into the student yet, he's just excited that there's a chance he may be fighting alongside his teacher. And really, how cool is THAT? He doesn't run his mouth like he's normally known for doing just yet that, and he's actually following a little behind both american blondes. But as he follows along, he can't help but feel some sort of... Familiar presence. What could that be about??
Amusingly... Sean has the best grasp of the 'actual situation'. Eliza is all but ignored at this point, obviously unhurt, aside from the efforts taken to rattle the illustrious Mrs. Masters. Geese pauses on the edge of the 'wading pool', "This must be for his son. Family paradise." Smirk. Just a .bit. of derision there. The wry expression remains as the crimelord turns his icy gaze towards the sound of the slamming double doors, a darkly humoured grin spreading as a more interested light glimmers in his steel blue eyes, "Ah, the man of the hour, here to 'save' his bride." Howard rolls his eyes, acting the part of exasperated at the entire affair, "What is it with women?" Geese inquires of Yamazaki, making quiet 'small talk' for the moment, giving Ken plenty of time to close in.
Only then does the SouthSynd boss' attention shift to the US champion, "I have to say, Mr. Masters... this is -not- the polite reception I was expecting from a man of your reputation."
"They're a pain in the ass, all there is to it. Leechin' money off whoever they can." A mimicry of Geese's grin starts to spread across his face as Ken and troupe finally arrive. He folds his arms loosely across his chest, with toe tapping as he waits for them to make their way down. And what is this? Is that... the grin goes wide across Yamazaki's face now. "Why, if it isn't Sean Matsuda." This is said loudly, easily loud enough for Sean to hear. "Boss, lookit this." One of Yamazaki's hands goes into his vest pocket, rummaging out a picture of the Enforcer posing next to a broken-down trash can. The can is on its side, garbage spilled everywhere, and Sean is half-unconcious in the middle of the pile. He nods to the picture, then uses his head to point back in Ken's general direction. "That little shit is his protege or somethin'." Another laugh slips out as he pockets the picture again. "I didn't know you recycled, Masters! Pickin' kids out of the trash, mighty Earth-friendly of you!"
The banging doors has Eliza's head spinning, and a brief smile of relief passes across her face as she sees her husband and co. joining them. Her shoulders, tense as a violin string since Geese and Yamakazi arrived, ease slightly, as she lets out a slow breath. She's done what she can, even if it wasn't much (or anything at all), and now those much more capable than herself are here.
"Sean, important style lesson," Ken offers in an icy calm tone, quiet enough that Geese and Yamazaki can't hear. "Control is important in life. Control over yourself and others. Even if you don't have the power to back it up, image can do in a pinch. Confidence is important to any good fighter worth their spit." That thought in mind, Ken continues down the stairs. Yamazaki is ignored, Ken not even giving him a glance.
"Polite? Polite? You have your lame ass pimp threaten my wife because I'm endangering your pitiful little show and you think that you deserve some polite welcome. Either you say you're sorry and never to pull a stunt like that... Or simply put, I'll step up. And you wouldn't want me to step up."
It's a relief to see Eliza's safe and sound, though quite tense from what's happening. No wonder considering the situation. It all happened so fast, Mary's not too sure what's been going on but for one, she's pretty sure Ken'll feel more at ease and well if he knows his wife is somewhere safe, away from harm, and with someone capable watching over her while he deals with Geese and that other guy.
Gently, though a bit strictly, Mary approaches Eliza and she wraps one hand around her wrist, "Come on, let's not stay here," She whispers to her. She does give Ken a glance, hoping he'll notice her so she can give her a knowing nod. She'll have his wife's safety all taken care of. It's more important than dealing with the bad guys anyway. Hopefully, Eliza will understand the situation. With a little nudge, Mary tries to lead Eliza away from the arena.
Sean is absolutly STUNNED to see Yamazaki here and... Geese?? Wait a minute, this isn't adding up at -all-, his jaw going slack and he looks to Ken for answers.. However it seems Kens got a mission of his own, leaving the student with words of conventional wisdom. His lips move a moment, nothing coming out, and then he frowns, "Wh.. U.. Uh right.." Sean stammers in turn, his face getting red. He doesn't even need to guess what the photo is, but it's both embarassing and infuriating. He runs his ungloved hand over his face, sporting just jeans and a silk shirt by the way, and then finally he yells, "Hey man, that's really funny! Did you also tell your boss that you got thrown around by a little girl all day as well? That's also a pretty good highlight!"
The look of utter bewilderment on Geese's face is quite impressively done, even if he does miss Ken's amusing lecture on how image is more important than skill! Howard might disagree, if that were the part of the diatribe he hears... and cares about. A brow arches towards Ken at the accusations, "Threaten... your wife..." a soft chuckle, "Because you're -endangering- my show?" The chuckle grows into a full blown laugh, a hearty, mocking thing as Geese throws back his head and crosses his arms over his chest, the fine suit jacket shifting fluidly with the motion, perfectly tailored to his impressive physique, "You have -got- to be kidding me, Masters. Is that what she told you? That I had some... 'pimp' threaten her? Saturday Night Fight's ratings have .never. been higher, while your little show seems to be, at best, fizzling out. An expensive stadium does not an impressive telecast make." Howard helpfully informs Ken, drawing a deep breath and shaking his head to ease the last of the shortness of breath from his hearty amusement.
"If your ridiculous, volatile, rude little housewife is associating with pimps... maybe I'm not the one you should be talking to." The sheer derision in the tone is -more- than apparent, practicely dripping from every deeply resonating word, "And I'm certainly not apologizing to you for someone else's indiscretion." Geese turns half away from Ken, and with a single motion, slips out of his jacket and sends it sailing high, to land perfectly atop the glass wall seperating them from the stands. His hands lift, and the crimelord slowly unbuttons the finely-pressed white shirt to the middle of his broad chest, sighing as he turns back to Ken, "So come on then, 'defend' your honour, Masters." The smirk still firmly in place, showing exactly how much stock Geese puts in Ken's honour.
COMBATSYS: Geese has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Geese 0/-------/-------|
Ah, this is what he was waiting for. Diplomacy is not the Enforcer's strong point, and when he watches that jacket go flying away, he knows what the next step is. There're no articles of extra clothing shed on Yamazaki's part; just the trampling of heels as he starts to barrel headfirst right in the direction of Ken's protege. "You know, Matsuda, I didn't think to bring it up! Why don't you tell Masters about getting your stupid bloodied-up ass left in a trashcan!?" He runs right up to the protective barrier, then slams into it with his leading shoulder hard enough to make all the glass in a thirty foot or so range quake from the impact. He takes a step back, then reaches up and latches a hand into a tree branch. He starts to scale his way up, getting some altitude into a tree before leaping right over the glass barrier. "Let's see what you can do without some sumo bitch to protect you, Matsuda! You ain't lucky enough to get the goddamn trash can this time!" One of the knives is already out, blade unsheathed and twirling amongst his fingers as he starts to cut a hasty path right towards Sean.
COMBATSYS: Yamazaki has joined the fight here on the left meter side.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Yamazaki 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Geese
Maybe he shouldn't have had Eliza escorted out by Mary. Well, a little late for that kinda judgement call now. Considering that he has Geese to contend with, he knows that backing down would only make things worse. "Sean, just fight to buy time. I'll try and beat Geese and help you finish off the freak." Of course, Ken is over HIS head too, but that doesn't stop him from having his plan. After all, confidence is important. He races down toward the arena, merely narrowing his eyes at his oppoent. Getting toward the end of the stairs, he gives a powerful leap into the air, using his momentum to cause him to sail forward. He gives a perfect jump kick, trying to plant the blow right into Geese's chest. It will likely result in him getting thrown or something, but he'll try at least.
COMBATSYS: Ken has joined the fight here on the left meter side.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Yamazaki 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Geese
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Ken 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Geese has joined the fight here on the left meter side.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Yamazaki 0/-------/-------|
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Ken 0/-------/-------|
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Geese 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Sean has joined the fight here on the right meter side.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Yamazaki 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Sean
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Ken 0/-------/-------|
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Geese 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Ken has joined the fight here on the right meter side.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Yamazaki 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Sean
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Geese 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Ken
Sean glances to Ken once again with a slightly raised brow, and then gives a nervous laugh, "H- Haha! Wh- What're you saying man, I can take this dude no problem, you go do your thing, I owe this guy o- one!" Eh heh heh.. Heh...
Turning to face Yamazaki again, he gives a shaky grin, "H- Hah! That the best you got, big man? If I remember being a fallen hero and that's ab=bout it! It'll be d-different this time! Ah ha ha ha ha" voice crack. But then damn. Oh RAMN! The crazy yakuza man is making haste toward Sean and he makes a goofy expression that can only be matched by Jackie Chan, ".... io whgioerhrioeh HE'S GOT A KNIFE!!!" he shrieks, twirling around on one foot and HAULS ASS out into the hallways!
COMBATSYS: Sean takes no action.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Yamazaki 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Sean
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Geese 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Ken
COMBATSYS: Geese blocks Ken's Medium Kick.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Yamazaki 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Sean
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Geese 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Ken
"Show the boy what his rudeness wins him." Geese offers after the raging Yamazaki, still smirking darkly out of one corner of his mouth. The rest of his attention, however, is fully on Ken. Arrogant, yes. Supremely confident? Yes. Stupid? No, Geese Howard is not stupid. Ken Masters is a powerful opponent, and one which the crimelord intends to make a very solid point to, here and now.
WHAM! There's a resounding shockwave of force as the potent kick cracks into Geese's crossed forearms, the SouthSynd boss barely moving back an inch, steely gaze locked on the US champion, a dangerous glint adding itself to the bemused yet alert light behind his ice-blue eyes, "Hah!" comes a single, pronounced mocking laugh. Not missing a beat, Howard steps back on his left foot, fine leather shoe anchoring into the sand as his left arm whips up at Ken, a tumult of punishing chi surging up before Geese in a geyser, its convalescent mass stalling a moment... hopefully just long enough for Masters to land predictably -in- the massing of raw power, "DOUBLE...!!!" Just long enough for Geese's right arm to follow through, sweeping upwards as he pushes the offensive back in on Ken, a second lashing wave of chi colliding with the first, and threatening to bowl Ken over with a wave of violent cerulean and luminescent white energies nearly as tall as the blonde battler, "REPPUKEN!!!"
COMBATSYS: Ken dodges Geese's Double Reppuken.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Yamazaki 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Sean
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Geese 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Ken
Did he just.. ... yes, it would appear that he did.
When Sean turns and takes off running, there's only one thing that crosses Yamazaki's mind: Seek and Destroy. So he starts barrelling right down the hallways as well, dress shoe-heels click-click-clicking rapidly. He's hauling ass right after the fleeing Matsuda boy, with that raging cackling laugh echoing in the halls like an eerie reminder of just what it is that Sean's running from. "Ain't so goddamn tough without yer sumo bitch to help, are ya, nancy-boy!?" He keeps right on charging, and once a particular corner is turned, the knife turns about so the blade is resting between index and middle fingers... then, that hand comes back right before flashing out, and the knife comes across and starts hurtling end over end as he chucks it at Sean as damn well hard as he can.
COMBATSYS: Yamazaki successfully hits Sean with Thrown Object.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Yamazaki 0/-------/-------|==-----\-------\0 Sean
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Geese 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Ken
The blond battler lands the kick, though not with the result that he wanted. He hops away after the attack, knowing that Geese is a powerhouse and its best to rely on his speed. That thought in mind, Ken soon attacks after leaping a couple of feet to the side, narrowly avoiding the powerful double attack, Ken leaps back in, trying to grab Geese by the hair on the top of his head, trying to use it to pull him forward into a backward roll. If it works, Ken will then try and use his foot like a catapult, launching Geese toward the water. There isn't any witty banter this time around, Ken focusing on his simple goal: Beat Geese Howard, no matter what it takes.
COMBATSYS: Geese counters Jigoku Fuusha from Ken with Chuudan Atemi Nage.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Yamazaki 0/-------/-------|==-----\-------\0 Sean
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Geese 0/-------/-----==|===----\-------\0 Ken
AAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!! See Sean.. See Sean run! Run, Sean, run!
For now, he'll have to endure Yamazaki's taunting, as much as he'd like to leap into his own demise, he's got more pressing matters to handle! His sneakers squeak as he bolts around a corner, and practically dives to the side to keep from knocking over Old Janitor Jenkins, who's just freshly waxed this isle. "Wh-- AAAAAAAAH!" windmilling his arms as he slides along his heels, there's just no chance for himself to defend himself well against the knife, and that bad boy slams right into his shoulder, sending such a shock of pain through his body, "Rrrrgh!!" Falling flat on his ass, he slides all the rest of the way down the hall, and then after thumping into the wall, scrambles to bolt off to the left near the emergency exit stairwell. Walk it off, Sean, walk it off!
COMBATSYS: Sean gains composure.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Yamazaki 0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0 Sean
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Geese 0/-------/-----==|===----\-------\0 Ken
There's an audible growl as Sean just... keeps going. Ah, it's going to be one of those days. The click of dress-shoe heels mixes with the squeak of sneakers as corners are taken, and... well, Old Jenkins isn't quite so lucky. Rather than moving, Yamazaki shoulder-blocks his way right through the old man, and manages to grab up his mop on the way. "Out of the way, damn it!" He skids around corners just a few seconds behind, and when he sees Sean going for the emergency exit, that's when it's time to put Plan B info action; take the mop and hurl it at Sean's legs as damn well hard as he can.
Geese's demeanor doesn't darken as Ken manages to leap clear of the powerful wave of chi as quickly as it was summoned, the blast washing across the ground, spraying a tremendous wave of sand in either direction, and giving the shallow pool a similar treatment. Water sprays outwards in all directions, displaced violently by the passage of that much energy. Geese? The crimelord maintains solid footing right where he was, cold eyes locked on Ken as the red-gi'ed Ansatsuken expert darts right back in, Howard turning to meet the assault as his left arm sweeps upwards and around , intercepting the hand shooting out for his hair at the wrist. The arc of his forearm shoves Masters' grapple wide, at approximately the same moment that the Syndicate boss' right palm lashes out, straight in for Ken's chest.
From that palm, fingers curled inward, a sudden surge of raw chi rips outwards in a volatile sphere, a blue-trimmed orb of white hot energy surging into being right in Ken's path, and exploding into the Ansatsuken master with violent result. The clear intent is to blast -Ken- back into the water instead, "Predictable!"
COMBATSYS: Sean blocks Yamazaki's Large Thrown Object.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Yamazaki 0/-------/------=|===----\-------\0 Sean
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Geese 0/-------/-----==|===----\-------\0 Ken
Well, that could have gone better than expected. The attack is rather painful and the chi blast sends Ken flying into the water. There is a couple of seconds before Ken gets up, all nice and soaking wet, his chest looking rather bruised and battered. Still, Ken knows that this fight has just started and it is rather easy for the tables to turn one way or another... He's lost a lot of fights he thought he'd win and vise visa. It's about luck and skill as always. "Nice move, Howie," Ken replies simply before he hops from stone to stone before he gets to solid ground. Once there, he'll try to gives Geese a nice sliding kick. The odd thing is that he isn't giving a low kick, but a mid-level one, aimed at Geese's chest again, but the power and the speed cause his whole body to move forward through the sand.
Yeah, it's gonna be one of those days.. Sean feels like he's in one of those horror movies... But what the audience -didn't- know was the brotha wasn't going to go out first! .. We hope. His sneaks squeaking a bit, Sean nearly falls over again, and as he checks over his shoulder, it's in time to see the mop flung his way. While it doesn't have she exact impact Yama would have hoped, he leaps into the air to kick clumsily at the weaopn and falls onto his side, tripping over his own feet in the process.
Clumsy Sean today it seems. He grunts, looking around a moment.. Shouldn't there be a fire alarm around here or something?
... Well what did that matter, he wouldn't be able to run forever, looks like he's got to get an edge in this match, and without a word, he continues his 100 yard dash, pushing the door open and starts to dart downstairs! However he blinks... Pauses.. Eyes the open door and then just grins, waiting.
COMBATSYS: Sean focuses on his next action.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Yamazaki 0/-------/------=|===----\-------\0 Sean
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Geese 0/-------/-----==|===----\-------\0 Ken
COMBATSYS: Geese endures Ken's Ushiro Mawashi-geri.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Yamazaki 0/-------/------=|===----\-------\0 Sean
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Geese 0/-------/---====|====---\-------\0 Ken
Yamazaki can't help but laugh when he watches Sean just up and fall like a klutz in his attempt to dodge the mop. It's a reflex. Someone is suffering, he has to laugh. He starts to take off when the youth darts around the corner, but then, he skids to a stop. Hmm. ... Hmm. There was no sudden noises of falling. No more running, no tripping, no stumbling. Silence. He's well versed in the schools of ambushes. There's someone waiting around that corner. So, Yamazaki runs back a few steps, and grabs the old janitor. Jenkins makes a vaguely disgruntled old-man yelping noise as he's hefted from his place of recovery, to which Yamazaki just mumbles, "Shut up, old man. You've got better things to do than lay around all day." And now, Yamazaki really does start into a run. And when he turns the corner, it's not Yamazaki leading, but Old Janitor Jenkins. And when he rounds the corner, there's a loud yell of "SURPRISE, BITCH!" as Ryuji runs forward and plants one hand against the back of Jenkins' head, trying to smash that old man's skull right into Sean's face.
Geese's stance shifts only slightly as Masters hurtles away, the imposing crimelord bringing his left foot forward once more, his arms held ready at either side of his body, palms open. His breaths come slow, steady, eyes narrowing slowly as Ken drags himself out of the water, "This better not be your best!" Howard goads, the silent laughter showing in his eyes. It's a dismissive sort of gesture, compounded when Geese makes little to no effort to defend himself as Ken is thrown forward under the power of that flying foot, the kick crashing soundly into his chest, bruising impact slamming him back, his feet sliding in the sand.
It's a short slide, however, and Geese's stance is stable, his honed musculature taking most of the shock. While it does hurt, it certainly doesn't stop Howard from replacing a momentary grimace with a renewed half-smirk, twisting almost casually to face Ken sidelong, his right foot all but shooting outwards in a high thrust-kick aligned squarely with Masters' face, looking to tag the charging Ken before he can rethink the wisdom of that all-out momentum. In the same motion, his left foot anchored to the ground, Geese's kicking leg bends out at the knee, and adds a second snap even with Ken's collarbone, meant to send the hopefully reeling Ansatsuken expert right -back- the way he came, before dropping back to a ready stance.
COMBATSYS: Geese successfully hits Ken with Strong Kick.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Yamazaki 0/-------/------=|===----\-------\0 Sean
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Geese 0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\1 Ken
COMBATSYS: Sean interrupts Random Weapon from Yamazaki with Random Weapon EX.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Yamazaki 0/-------/----===|=======\-------\0 Sean
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Geese 0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\1 Ken
Ken tries to pull back and hop out of the way like he did before, but he is a bit too slow and gets nailed. The martial artist goes flying back after his bone cracks audibly. He lands on his feet though, and while he is still skidding back through the sand and the knee deep waters, he puts his hands to his side, summoning blue chi between his palms. Like before, he doesn't offer any witty banter. Let Geese think that he has this fight under his control. Makes the chance for an upset even greater if Geese lets his pride consume him. As he continues his forced retreat, Ken tries to offer a decent sized chi blast toward Howard, only finally stopping in the waist high water after releasing a powerful blue fireball with a loud cry of "HADOUKEN!" Yeah, Ryu's is better, but Ken still dodges it all the time... So there!
COMBATSYS: Ken successfully hits Geese with Hadouken.
Glancing Blow
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Yamazaki 0/-------/----===|=======\-------\0 Sean
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Geese 0/-------/--=====|=======\==-----\1 Ken
Sean is waiting for a reason, of course! However he's just as perplexed that Yamazaki's footsteps aren't clamoring while he's ducking there just hiding out. His lips curl inward a bit, and oh wait WAIT! There's the running! Sean takes a deep breath then leaps off the stairwell, presses off the wall and flies right back up shoulder first, the very moment Yamazaki swings around and eats the left open door RIGHT in his mug. The door busts right off the hinges, sending all three people crashing into the wall near the upward stairs or uh.. Possibly near the banister? It's.. It's hard to say what happened to the old man, it was all so fast Sean has no idea what blasted him in the face, leaving him flat on his back.
The determination and intense focus Ken is showing seems to amuse Geese more than anything, at the moment. Consumed by pride? You better believe it. It doesn't seem like Howard is letting it dull his steps, however, because as fast as that ball of flaring blue flies in, Geese sidesteps. The fiery sphere washes across his arm with the motion, the crimeboss not quite clearing the threat before the painful chi stings across his flesh. A brisk shake of the effected appendage, however, and Howard simply locks his gaze back on Masters. Apparently the Ansatsuken master's quiet composure spurs a similar response from Geese, who simply stands steady in his unorthodox, almost casual stance, waiting. Analyzing. Studying every twitch Ken makes, every shift of motion the blonde battler makes.
Arrogance notwithstanding, this is a fight that Geese takes seriously, and that's why, to him... any distraction is simply filtered out, until it's just himself... and Ken Masters. The Hakyokusaken master smiles slowly, darkly, the gesture predatory in the extreme. Yamazaki is definitely right... as satisfying as throwing the Ken-team this disturbing curveball has been... actually throwing down has it beat, and how.
COMBATSYS: Geese focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Yamazaki 0/-------/----===|=======\-------\0 Sean
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Geese 0/-------/--=====|=======\==-----\1 Ken
Ken knows that Geese wants him to come clse. Likely do some sort of freaky counter or some painful gate of hell energy cage crud or something. Geese has powerful moves, but most of them are close range. Considering that Ken is fine with keeping Geese away until he has the right time to move in, the karate fighter decides that it's time for some Ryu tatics. That being said, he puts his hands together to summon another ball of chi. While he doesn't have differing Hadoukens like his good friend Ryu, this one will have to do. "HADOUKEN!"
It is clear that Ken's trying to fight on the defensive, hoping that Geese will make a critical mistake and give himself a clear opening that Ken can take advantage of. Until then, Ken is more than happy to pick away at Geese's impressive defenses.
COMBATSYS: Geese overcomes Hadouken from Ken with Double Reppuken.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Yamazaki 0/-------/----===|=======\-------\0 Sean
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Geese 0/-------/---====|=======\==-----\1 Ken
Most of them are close range?!? Geese has powerful moves for every occasion! Or at least, so he likes to boast. It holds true in this instance, though, and as the second Hadouken blasts in at him, Geese draws a deep breath. It's not to steel himself, or to calm his ragged nerves... it's a half sigh, and accompanied by a sweeping upwards motion of his left palm, a dark wake of cerulean energy pouring from his fingertips as the ground before him erupts in an upwards surge, the potent fireball offered by Ken colliding violently with that veritable wall of chi, its strength exploding outwards as it cleaves a ragged gouge out of the fore of the first wave of the assault, "DOUBLE...." Geese calls, bringing his right arm up and around, a second flare of dark blue chi trailing its path as the geyser explodes outwards, blasting forth along the ground.
The wave hurtles towards Ken's position, threatening to make his distance game a dangerous one... and cover him foot to chest with an agonizing wave of raw power, "REPPUKEN!!!!"
COMBATSYS: Geese successfully hits Ken with Double Reppuken.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Yamazaki 0/-------/----===|=======\-------\0 Sean
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Geese 0/-------/=======|=======\=====--\1 Ken
As Geese does his attack, Ken just gives an 'oh crap' as the Hadouken is easily torn up by the Double Reppuken. He figures he was too slow to get something like that in time, but clearly, Ken was mistake. All Ken can do considering the speed is just throw up his arms and hope for the best... But it doesn't do much as Ken gets blasted by the twin attack. He is thrown into the water yet again, but he gets up slowly. His gi is in tatters now, his body bruised in various areas by the powerful attack. But he makes his way toward Geese, wading through the deep waters. He's clearly mad, and narrowing his eyes himself. Looks like Ken is getting ready to give some powerful moves of his own, focusing not on his foe, but rather himself. He knows he has the power to defeat Geese, he just needs to bring it out before he gets the crap beaten out of him.
COMBATSYS: Ken focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Yamazaki 0/-------/----===|=======\-------\0 Sean
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Geese 0/-------/=======|=======\=====--\1 Ken
Amusingly (though likely not for Ken), Geese is still standing more or less where he was at the start of this fight, cool and calm as fresh-fallen snow. Aside from the bruise revealed on his chest by his unbuttoned shirt, he's a stark contrast from the battered Masters, breath still coming evenly. The crimelord looks as ready to fight as he was when he accepted Ken's challenge, though part of that is the conscious effort to put forth that calm front. He could rage at Ken, threaten him, let loose with all of his anger...
But that wouldn't have the same effect, and today... today is all about appearances, and implications. Finally, Howard leaves his sunny spot on the 'beach', both legs drawn up below him as he vaults into a graceful, incredible high-jump, crossing the distance between himself and the blonde Ansatsuken practitioner in the classic single bound, his imposing mass dropping down at Ken with alarming speed.
... speed that suddenly halts as he's nearly to Masters, his right palm thrusting downwards, a vibrant wave of bright blue chi bursting forth in a mushrooming blast, the force behind it enough to actually .reverse. Howard's drop, until he's drifting back away from Ken, who has a luminescent mass of skyfire to deal with, "SHIPPUKEN!!!"
COMBATSYS: Geese successfully hits Ken with Shippuken.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Yamazaki 0/-------/----===|=======\-------\0 Sean
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /// ]
Geese 1/-------/=======|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2 Ken
The blow nails Ken with a powerful slam. He tried to dodge, hoping to be able to get close to get a powerful attack in. Of course, it didn't work out that way, the young man gettting nailed under the water. There is a long pause before Ken bursts from the water. Ken's lost this fight. It's almost enough to make him cry bitter tears of anger and rage. Though that would be the last thing that he'd ever do. That would just make this damn night even sweeter for Geese. There is only one thing to do. Train. Be more powerful, kick his ass the next time they fight. For his pride. For his wife. For the damn world to see.
That thought in mind, Ken pushes aside the urge to just give up, even when there is no chance to win. Instead, he races right for Geese, giving him his famed move. Then another one. Then another one. As his fist burns and gives one small uppercut and another, Ken finally lets the last one fly high into the air as he gives the loud cry of "Shoryuu Reppa!!!" It won't hit like he wants it to, take out Geese like he wants it too. But in the end, there is only so much Ken can do now. Later... Well, that is a different story.
COMBATSYS: Ken can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Yamazaki 0/-------/----===|=======\-------\0 Sean
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Geese 1/-------/=======|
COMBATSYS: Geese fails to interrupt Shouryuu Reppa from Ken with Raging Storm'.
- Power fail! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Yamazaki 0/-------/----===|=======\-------\0 Sean
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Geese 0/-------/-======|
Perhaps Geese expected Ken not to get up at all... there's certainly that air of victorious superiority to the smirking crimeboss as he lands a short span from the pool, his stern features subtly twisted with the half-amused, half-malevolent expression that he holds. But, lo and behold, Masters /does/ drag himself up and out of the water, and that? That just makes Geese's smirk broaden to a dark grin. In this case, though?
... confidence -does- get the better of him. Ken comes in with more speed, and most importantly... more raw -power- than Howard expected, by far. Both hands lift, the cocky grin stable as a rampant surge of chi veritably pours from both hands, as he thrusts his palm s towards the beach, "RAGING...!!!!"
... and that's all he gets out, the flaming uppercut crashing .hard. into his face as he drops, all that energy dissipating outwards as he's throttled skyward, blasted free in that volatile column of flame and punishing fist, skidding to a stop an impressive span away, his body digging a ditch in the sand. A hand rises to brush the grit from his slicked-back hair, a grunt of disapproval leaving Geese's lips as he rises at his leisure. Ken doesn't look to be coming at him again, and while that hit certainly took a brutal piece of him, it was far from enough to down Howard in turn. The crimelord rights himself, frowning as he brushes a hand over the charred remnants of the front of his fine shirt. Ah well, he has more, "Let this be a lesson to you, Masters. You are an insect. My interest in -you- is substantial only in your own mind, all ego and no substance. Televise fights however you wish, stage whatever contests you like... thinking I am -threatened- by your 'success'..." Geese's words trail off into mocking laughter, a hand to his stomach, ignoring the pain in his chest, the blood trickling from his mouth.
The malevolent cackle abates, and the Syndicate boss amends more calmly, "I am more impressed by the engineering in this stadium than I am with any element of you, Ken Masters. Perhaps you should concern yourself with the carousing of your little wife, and stop trying to blame me for your floundering media 'empire'." A bloody expectoration of spittle is left on the sand, as Geese turns back towards the stairs, fully intending to leave Ken right where he is... and check up on Ryuji's progress. After retrieving his jacket, naturally.
... of course that might beg the question, if Geese isn't interested in -Ken-... what did he come here for?
COMBATSYS: Geese has left the fight here.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Yamazaki 0/-------/----===|=======\-------\0 Sean
Log created on 21:24:03 10/11/2006 by Geese, and last modified on 21:24:46 09/15/2007.