Description: Mimiru pulls a high flying stunt. Roberto thinks the girl has lost her damn mind, and Shinobu thinks Roberto's afraid. And no he was not afraid... He just fails to see the logic in it. HE'S NOT AFRAID!!!!
Snow had fallen! And lots of it... And that means that finally, crazy winter-stunts can be performed! Last time Mimiru came to school she noticed how lovely it would be to jump off the roof of the highest building of the school with a snowboard or skies and go all the way down, jumping from roof to roof, down some lovely hills of snow that have built up on the roofs of the building all the way down and surf down all the way to the entrance of the school... And maybe a little farther, who knows!
Thankfully, Himeko's totally unaware of that crazy plan, or else she might have tried to pull Mimiru off of it. And so, Mimiru's ready to go! All geared up, with skies on her foot, her poles in her arms and the ski-glasses and all! "Oh yeah, this is gonna be great, no time to be a chicken there..." And so, Mimiru takes a deep breath... And here she goes! Giving a good swing with her poles to jump off the first roof and down the hill of snow!
Roberto and the soccer team leave the dome arena with the sounds of cheering in the air. His team mates playfully rough housing as they walk along the cleared path. It's when one of his team mates touch his shoulder that all celebration ends. He looks up along the path of the pointed finger of one of the players to see Mimiru skiing from roof top to roof top.
Roberto's jaw drops open and likewise the other players are stunned speechless as they see this girl flying. The goalie extraordinaire is the first to speak, "Oh damn... That damn girl has lost her damn mind."
With that, the goalie is moving towards Mimiru positioning himself to catch her if she falls, muttering, "They should call her crazy Kasagi." He internally wonders if the girl's trying out for an episode of 'Jackass.'
As Shinobu goes on one of her daily runs... it's simply a hop off an adjoining tree and to the wall about the school. As she runs, though, she glances over to Mimiru thoughtlessly, slowing before coming to a stop along the wall. "Eh? What kind of technique is that...?", she muses aloud, tilting her head. Then, she looks down to Roberto, asking, "Who's lost their mind?", as if rather clueless as to whom the accusation might be leveled at.
It's nothing about losing their mind, the air's great up there! It's a little rough on the landing though, considering this wasn't made for skiing, and despite Mimiru's awkward balance at a time, she has the chance to be above average in reflex and endurance, which allows her not to horribly fall, though she definately seems close to it. Though the wail that comes from her seems more to be one of excitment than fright.
"Out of the way! Incoming!!" She shouts as she descends one level after the other with increasing speed. And people are best to get out of her way if they don't want to get knocked over... After all, an impact with a skier could be quite dangerous... And there's still a long way for Mimiru to go before she'll stop, since there's one last hill to go, the one that goes from the main building all the way down to the gate! Fun, fun!
Roberto now confident that she won't fall and also realizing there's another person around he backs away. By backing away I mean displaying his own coordination by performing a leap backwards so that he himself is safe.
"Shinobu?" He raises an eyebrow before continuing, "I haven't seen you since the Halloween Themed Saturday Night Fights." There's an awkward pause and then he realizes he hadn't answered the question. "Who's lost their mind? That girl over there." Roberto points to Mimiru who is on the final stretch of her ski run.
Hopping down, Shinobu looks skeptical, and then turns to look up to Mimiru. "Hm? Oh.", she says, tilting her head to the other side. "That kind of thing isn't anything for a strong fighter like her." She looks back to Roberto with a thoroughly unconcerned shrug. "I guess you could try and save her, though!", she says with a suddenly cheery smile, giggling. "You gonna?"
Mimiru doesn't need anyone to save her, thankfully! She's alright on her own. She goes all the way down with relative ease, and those who are lucky enough to be on the top of the hill can see her going all the way down and finally slowing down some. Not to actually crash into the gate she performs a rather drastic stop by turning to the side -- however, that results in her falling over due to the acceleration she had taken. She wasn't going fast enough to really hurt herself, and thankfully, there were some snow around to soften her landing, but still! That was to be expected from doing a stunt like that.
She has some trouble getting up due to her ski, but she bounces back and forth, "Ahaha! Yeah! I rock!" She says with a wide grin.
Shinobu walks over, and says, "Is this is some kind of weird training?", looking back to Roberto for a moment. She thumbs over her shoulder, and says, "He thinks you're just crazy." Crouching down, she picks up a clump of snow, folding it over in her hands absent-minded as she stares unblinkingly at Mimiru.
"Yes, she's a fighter but it doesn't make it less insane." Roberto gives his team mates a nod and then he heads towards the gate shaking his head as he approaches. With a tone that reflects no anger but rather disbelief and ok, maybe a touch of awe (not that he'd openly admit it), "What the hell were you doing, pulling a damn fool stunt like that?"
Sweeping off her outfit, Mimiru blinks, raising her gaze up over to Shinobu. She takes off her ski-googles and her lips curl into a wide grin, "Nah! Not really, this was perfectly safe!" Mimiru claims, beaming a little. She glances over to Roberto and winces at the intonation, "Oh..." She says, sticking her tongue out. "Well, I just thought it'd be neat..." She lowers her gaze and then says, "Well, I got nothing to say really except..." She grins and then bounces, "It was really neat! I wanna do it another time! Yeah!" And with that, like a little penguin, Mimiru tries in vain to 'walk' toward the hill.
Looking to Roberto for a long, silent moment, Shinobu then replies, "Why? She gets hurt worse in fights, you know..." She rubs her shoulder. "If you're afraid of a little thing like that..." She lowers her eyelids to half-mast, her expression suddenly more grim. "... you won't get far as a fighter." She pauses, as if realizing something, and her serious look vanishes. "Not that I really understand it either!"
Roberto then shakes his head as he watches Mimiru waddling towards the hill. "You know..." he then bends down to roll up a ball of snow in goalie glove clad hands and tossing it from hand to hand. "If she answered that it was indeed a new training method I would've said I think I'll stick to futsal as my training method."
Roberto takes the ball of snow into his hand tossing into the air. As the ball of snow descends he catches it on his foot completely intact and holds it there as a look of contemplation appears on his face. "Not once did I say 'I was afraid.' I said it was crazy. There's a difference." He lifts his foot up to send the snow ball up into the air again and this time as it descends he leans forward to catch the snow ball on the back of his neck still in one piece.
Shinobu stretches, yawning a little. "Futsal...?", she echoes curiously, rubbing her head. Then, she smiles, clapping at the display. "Aw, whatever.", she concludes with a shrug, starting to make her way back towards the entrance as she backs up. "Well, whatever it is, work hard, okay?", she says, giving a thumbs-up as she starts to make her exit.
With a shrug of her shoulders, Mimiru says, "Eh, Roberto's a soccer star before being a fighter anyway, Shinobu," Mimiru comments as she uses her pole to drag herself upward, though she ends up skidding back down and muttering some curses under her breath. She glances up at Shinobu and she sticks her tongue out, "Heh! I'm not that bad, you know, I've improved a lot, I'll let you know," Mimiru says with a nod of her head. Mimiru beams and she says, "Mind you, this was a calculated risk and the thrill was worth it! I'm just brave that way! And don't you dare say reckless!" Mimiru says, pointing a finger to both of them. Mimiru heaves a sigh and she bends over to unfasten her boots from the skies. Looks like she'll have to go back up without them on.
"And anyway, that's okay, Roberto, really... I do all sort of crazy things... If I were more like you, maybe I'd worry less people..." Mimiru says.
"You are reckless!" said with a playful tone in his voice while letting snowball roll off the neck and off the back of his head catching the snow ball on his foot before flinging it at the branch of a tree. He waves to Shinobu with a smile. "Hopefully I'll see you in action again soon."
Mimiru blinks and she glances over to Shinobu as she makes her way out. She grins and waves to her, "Cya later..." She then lifts her gaze up over to Roberto, "So, hum, how's the soccer and fighting life going, eh? I've been off most of my winter vacation, you know! Enjoying the waves in Okinawa! Yeah!" Mimiru says, beaming a little.
"Mostly vacationed. I traveled to Brazil with my family. Played a few pick-up games of soccer in the streets. And it's starting to look like my little brothers are going to be better soccer players than me if I don't watch out." He then gives a quick shrug before continuing "On the fighting front? Well... I haven't been fighting as much as I would've liked though. And it's also a shame I didn't bump into the Sean guy from Pacific High. Turns out he also has family in Brazil."
With a grin, Mimiru nods and she beams, "Yeah! That Sean guy is something. Though you got nothing to worry, he's up in my league," Mimiru says, pointing at herself, "He's a basketball player... We had a draw last time we played a little game together. I'll bet his sorry butt good next time!" Mimiru says with a wide grin. "The pride of Taiyo after all! Ahah, well glad you had fun! I got some tan myself! A little, barely noticeable but eh... Gotta hate those asian genes, bleh." She shakes her head and sets her skies on her shoulder, "Well, might try another go down before my classes start! Make sure to take pictures this time!" She chuckles and waves to Roberto as she begins to climb up the hill, "Well! Cya later!"
Log created by Roberto, and last modified on 17:58:26 02/19/2007.