Description: Mimiru and Safiullah fight, while Elle and Gabriel basically watch. So much for helping your teammate Gabriel.
Time. Place. Check. -- Was he on time? ... no. Actually he was early. Exactly five minutes. Everyone that was anyone knew it was comming. It had been announced all over town and in fact the traffic through the outdoor Mall had increased specifically for the event. People walked around the Mall impulse buying, waiting for the show to start, some even bothered to bring food with them, standing around, waiting, watching, wondering which part of the Mall would host the small-time fight. When the Punk Skunk strolls into the Village Mall, its with an air of... boredom really. He could have been at a Barbeque. Well, not really a barbeque so much as -getting some barbeque-. Nevertheless, this was something Elle told him to do, so he did it. She was his friend after all.
Course, if he knew she was using him in a lot of ways... -- he'd probably still go with it. She was nice to him at least, and took good care of him, so regardless what, he arrived. He didn't buy any new outfit or anything, he just arrived as he arrived. Wearing his typical fashion, baggy pants, a couple T-shirts despite the weather and those annoyingly large suspenders that looked like they belonged on a dock worker, not an eighteen, nineteen year-old boy. -- These things were Televised weren't they? He wasn't sure he liked the idea of being on television, but whatever came of it was what it was and he let it go.
He stops at a concession kiosk and purchases a Lemonade and a big cookie, standing around waiting for familiar faces and stuffing his own, perhaps at the way wrong time, but that was just him... Sip-Sip, baby. Sip-Sip.
Time. Place. Check. -- Was he on time? ... no. Actually he was early. Exactly five minutes. Everyone that was anyone knew it was comming. It had been announced all over town and in fact the traffic through the outdoor Mall had increased specifically for the event. People walked around the Mall impulse buying, waiting for the show to start, some even bothered to bring food with them, standing around, waiting, watching, wondering which part of the Mall would host the small-time fight. When the Punk Skunk strolls into the Village Mall, its with an air of... boredom really. He could have been at a Barbeque. Well, not really a barbeque so much as -getting some barbeque-. Nevertheless, this was something Elle told him to do, so he did it. She was his friend after all.
Course, if he knew she was using him in a lot of ways... -- he'd probably still go with it. She was nice to him at least, and took good care of him, so regardless what, he arrived. He didn't buy any new outfit or anything, he just arrived as he arrived. Wearing his typical fashion, baggy pants, a couple T-shirts despite the weather and those annoyingly large suspenders that looked like they belonged on a dock worker, not an eighteen, nineteen year-old boy. -- These things were Televised weren't they? He wasn't sure he liked the idea of being on television, but whatever came of it was what it was and he let it go.
He stops at a concession kiosk and purchases a Lemonade and a big cookie, standing around waiting for familiar faces and stuffing his own, perhaps at the way wrong time, but that was just him... Sip-Sip, baby. Sip-Sip.
The time was now. Clap, and the moment begins. This is the moment that starts the rest of the other moments... and other such Zen nonsense. The half remembered words from some long-ago forgotten class on philosophy stumbles through Elle's brain on a lark as she shows up, tugging at the wrists of her gloves, and she distractedly recalls that this fight is perhaps a lot more important than her usual battles... but at the same time no more important than any other fight she's ever been in. The fact of the matter was that things would be different, this time. Or at least hopefully. Deep thought was something she abandoned long ago for the ability to live life on only the most superficial of worries.
Still, Safiullah had actually made it, so it was a good thing, and it looked like her opponents would be on time, so it appeared to be starting out in at least a palatable fashion, and she nods to her 'teammate' as she approaches, her boots clacking across the linoleum floor, and past the already gathering crowd of Team Awesome fans. "Alright. Just like we talked about, right?" She asks rhetorically to the kid as she looks over the fighting area for things that she might be able to use to her advantage.
Other than the audience, that is. The fans looked like more screaming kids, which was precisely what Elle hated. The thought of using one of them as a projectile weapon crosses her mind but briefly before she settles in.
That's at least one thing! Seems like the crowd's all cheering for Mimiru and Team Awesome! Yay! Come on girls! After all, such young schoolgirls are always so popular, especially if they kick butts. Which is the case of Team Awesome! They've got the moral support from the crowd, they're the good guys! This is the best kind of fight, right? Mimiru's pleased with the set-up! Fight or not, this is already a victory since they've proven to be loved by everyone and that they're the crowd's favorite, and that means a lot. At least for Mimiru!
Coming over with Himeko, she nudges her every now and then, seeming pretty happy at the huge crowd of kids all happy to see her and all! Mimiru's not hard to spot since she decided to wear a daredevil like outfit! Complete with the cloak. White on the back, red in the inside, the shirt's all white and her shorts as well, with a belt that has many stars on it and a large SM on it. No, not for sado-masochist, but for Super Mimiru, of course! What else? The outfit's completed by knee high boots and Mimiru is ready to go! Courtesy of Himeko for the super outfit, "Heheh, that's great! Feels like the much's already over and we haven't even started!" Mimiru says, beaming.
Of course, the first thing she does once she's on the stage is to wave her arms about to the crowd! Pump them up a little, get some screams and cheers! Yeah, this is more like it!
This is certainly quite a gathering indeed, Himeko knew of course that there would be a ton of people wanting to see a fight, and she even thought she was ready for it, but as soon as she's exposed to the screams and cheers of the masses she shies back a little, and is nudged forward by Mimiru. Clad in her usual school uniform, she also has a camera about her neck and a large red armband on her left arm that reads 'Taiyo Press'. It should be clear what her purpose here is today, but she can't say she's exactly thrilled about it. In fact she wishes she could hide under a large box right now, but she's already promised to write a report for this match and get great pictures, "Y- Yes.." she meekly squeaks to Mimiru, clinging to the energetic girls arm, "I- It's.. R- Really amazing.."
Unlike everyone else, Gabriel was early. And by everyone we mean the crowd, the mall employees, everyone. Gabriel was here by the crack of dawn, before the mall even opened. She was like that. Punctual. Most of the Team Awesome supporters did know who she was, just by virtue of being on the team and also by virtue of being out of her mind, at least so many would so claim. The thing was, ever had someone on the basketball team for your city that everyone else probably hated? Well you'd love them if they got results, except well, Gabriel is a little weird. So she was here early and almost blended in with the crowd, except the preteens who were cheering for Mimiru mostly, with their little homemade signs of 'Team Awesome' and 'Super Mimiru' were trying their best to not stand too close to her. Maybe there was the odd Gabriel supporter, but the fact was she just didn't radiate a loving, come and talk to me sort of aura. No on the contrary she had a very brooding I'm up to totally disapproval aura. She looked like the head nun in a nunery only better dressed and younger.
Currently dressed in black silk with dragon embroidery with some white under that, and a pair of black pants to fit, also silk and very sheer. Around her sash she has her sword and at her side, cookies.
It isn't until Mimiru and Himeko arrive that Gabriel moves, she goes to them, and offers the box of cookies, politely, with a bow, then turns to the opponents. She doesn't say hello, she instead says her prayers under her breath.
The odd Gabriel supporters give their cheers that she steps into the sectioned off space first to wait, but mostly, it's 'Team awesome!' 'Super Mimiru!'
Elle and Saf would not be the only ones forced to tolerate this.
COMBATSYS: Gabriel has started a fight here on the right meter side.
> //////////////////////////////]
|-------\-------\0 Gabriel
COMBATSYS: Elle has joined the fight here on the left meter side.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Elle 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Gabriel
The black and pink headed Punk Skunk jumps up and down a few times, shaking his gloved hands out, giving Elle a confident smile in response and nothing more. The smile melts slowly away when Saf steps into the pre-set fight ground, people fanning out wide and far to give the four fighters plenty of room on this outdoor Mall arena, the hard, unforgiving ground echoing bluntly under a foot as he packs his rubber sole down against it twice and grinds his toe in. He sips his Lemonade a few more times, stuffs the rest of his cookie into his mouth and tosses the cup into a trashcan some twenty feet away. Nothin' but can.
He casts a look in Mimiru's direction, lifts an eyebrow at the Super Hero getup and blinks. -- ... Repeat. He blinks. Repeat. He blinks a -third- time. What the hell. It didn't take him long to recognize her- the same girl who'd snatched the Mp3 player from him days ago and probably returned it to its rightful owner. Whatever she did with it, at this point it was of no interest. He doesn't say anything to either one of he and Elle's opponents, just fell into a loose stance, feet spreading, leading hand dropping to swing at his side, hand lightly curled into a fist, the other comes up, tight, the material of his glove creaking audibly. -- He can't help but glance back at Elle though, looking at her new outfit again, scanning her with more than a little redness under his eyes. It didn't leave much to the imagination. "... Huh..." He says, then turns back to the other three... Unlike them, he and Elle had... -NO- supporters. None.. well, except for the guys giving Elle lewd noises and whistles occasionally at her new getup-getdown.
"I think you've got fans," Saf whispers. As for him, he was a no-name to them and all but ignored. Well, one guy shouts, 'The hell is that? I mean honsetly.' Saf gives him a thumbs up and a cheese-eating grin. "Safiullah, buddy. I ate my Wheaties, laced up my nikes, drank my Gatorade and decided to Just Do It." ... The man flips him off. Saf's smile fades. "... Well that was impolite."
COMBATSYS: Mimiru has joined the fight here on the right meter side.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Elle 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Mimiru
> //////////////////////////////]
|-------\-------\0 Gabriel
COMBATSYS: Safiullah has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Elle 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Mimiru
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Safiullah 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Gabriel
"No kidding. I also have tits, which is mroe than what you can say about who we're dealing with," Elle says somewhat tiredly, and nods. Despite her rather unpleasant statement, she does nod to the men on the sidelines, cracking a bit of a smirk as she rolls her head and cracks her knuckles in her usual pre-fight preparation. She doesn't even bounce on the balls of her feet, or do anything vaguely agile. "I suppose this is where I give some kind of stupid challenge or pose or something," Elle says aloud the the girls, and she eyes Gabriel carefully before continuing. Mimiru's outfit doesn't concern her as much as the fact that gabriel is here, and the fact that she finds Gabriel to be perhaps one of the weirdest creatures since the beginning of creation.
"So here goes," Elle says, taking a deep breath. She takes out a cigarette and lights it, flicking her finger across the tip, the spark from an electric flash causing the end to glow a bright red. "You're ugly, and your moms dress you funny."
Such pomp and circumstance. It's enough to make a seasoned announcer cry. Nevertheless, it's all good for Elle, and she wastes no time stomping towards the girls like some kind of irate giant... of which she is to most of Japan, being 5'10". She immediately goes to Gabriel to pick her up one armed, and heave her away... hopefully into a store's plate glass window.
All of Mimiru's crowd play is interrupted by Gabriel once she walks on the scene. Her lips curl into a wide grin and she rushes over to her. It had been a while since she had seen the other girl, "Wow! Cool outfit!" Mimiru says as she takes the box of cookies. Nice! Though Mimiru can't really burden herself with things like that, she's just pleased Gabriel brought a little gift, but Himeko has to keep it. "Been a while! We can do it, the fight's almost totally ours since we're the crowd's favorite!" Mimiru says, striking a pose, hands resting on her waist for a moment.
Mimiru spins around on her heels, a finger lifted up to point toward their opponents, as if pointing out their targets and to say they had done terrible things! Well they certainly did, since she remembers that man over there. Though before Mimiru can make any speech, Elle has already lunged at Gabriel! Oh no! Well Mimiru attempts to strike her to prevent her from throwing Gabriel, "No so fast!" She shouts as she spins on herself, her leg flaring out with chi, "Super Mimiru Kick!" She shouts as she tries to smack her in the midsection.
Himeko smiles meekly to Gabriel as well, nodding her head in agreement, "It really is nice, perhaps I should have coordinated better," her voice almost a whisper, and she finally manages to draw herself off Mimiru's arm. Her green eyes widen in shock though, to the words that come from Elle's mouth, and she in turn pokes her pointer fingers togeather as she glances to the side. She'll let Mimiru handle this, she's good at such things.
Oh, but it looks like the match has started, and with another squeak she ducks low a bit and very quickly scatters to make some distance from the ensuing battle. Don't mind her from this point.
COMBATSYS: Gabriel blocks Elle's Medium Throw.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Elle 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Mimiru
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Safiullah 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Gabriel
Well Gabriel isn't one to get caught totally off guard, she'll roll with the attacks if you catch the drift. And she does, carefully positioning herself, seeing the oncoming Mimiru and giving her own approval, thoughtful nod. Alright, that's a good start. To Elle she tries to get her on the other side, to come out of the fall from the roll from the throw, I don't know why she swallowed the fly (or perhaps the bic lighter) anyway, Gabriel tries to grab Elle by the throat. She doesn't have time to acknowledge Himeko, but seeing as she's the only one who can take the cookies right now, well, we'll hope she stays a-okay.
"I was hoping you might be my opponent, you are a very able combatant, however the Goddess favors the righteous. Repent!"
Gabriel tries to grab Elle's neck and hold her coming out of the impact of Mimiru's attack, or preventing her from escaping, either would work for Gabriel.
COMBATSYS: Safiullah endures Mimiru's Super Mimiru Kick.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Elle 0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0 Mimiru
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Safiullah 0/-------/-----==|-------\-------\0 Gabriel
Wow, that was fast! It started just like that. He'd never been in any official fight before... - least not one that wasn't ... full of dirty mugs who fought for cash in subways and such. This was a lot different. Usually there was a lot of standing around staring before someone hauled off and haymakered a guy. Now though, Saf was forced to make some serious decisions. Watching Elle lead the charge, he pushes off of that anchored toe and comes in right behind her, her shadow- though shorter and a little more ... male. That aside, he's echoing her up until the moment he sees her launch her attack, his peripheral vision snagging a glance at Mimiru, her words drawing his attention. In an instantaneous change of momentum, he shifts tracks, bouncing off of his right foot, casting himself out wide left, splitting from Elle like a squadron of Jets.
In the next instant, he's rushing headlong at Mimiru, eating up the distance before she can get in too close to the other two, intentionally snuffing their double-team advantage and standing stock still, arms out at his sides and taking the Kick directly in the breadbasket. A loud cough comes from him- he didn't expect the little brat to be that strong. With a frown, he responds in kind, shoving his midsection out with a thrust of his hips, pushing her foot off of his chest and rushing in with a short hop, launching his foot at Mimiru's chest, fast and hard before dropping low and sweeping the ground, his body whipping around like a string-top, attempting to catch her ankles out from under her with the bold, harsh maneuver.. a little something extra sparking the rush of the attack. "Uh-uh. I'm standing RIGHT HERE."
COMBATSYS: Elle dodges Gabriel's Quick Throw.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Elle 0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0 Mimiru
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Safiullah 0/-------/-----==|-------\-------\0 Gabriel
Oh yeah. Those throws again. It came almost as a reflex now, to sidestep those incoming attacks, and she does so in a nearly grim, casual manner. The dodge is deliberate, and she makes no plays to disguise it as anything else but. Safiullah's actions were expected... completely relied upon and it appears her reliance on the lad is something that had paid off. It's good to have someone you can count on completely, and it's no mystery as to why she's glad the kid was signed up for the fight as well. Nevertheless, Elle seems strangely serious as she closes in on Gabriel again, all but ignoring the boy behind her for the time being. He can handle himself, after all.
Falling into a boxing stance, she bobs and weaves for a short moment, and then goes into a series of rapid, short jabs. Nothing fancy overall, and definitely nothing too damaging... but enough to make it so that it'll penetrate the other girl's rather heavy defenses, hopefully, and cause enough chip damage so that she can eventually land a solid punch. "This is old hat, and I've learned a few things," Elle says flatly. "Last time won't happen again.... this time, i take you out ASAP."
COMBATSYS: Mimiru blocks Safiullah's Long-Horned Scarab EX.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Elle 0/-------/-------|===----\-------\0 Mimiru
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Safiullah 0/-------/-----==|-------\-------\0 Gabriel
Unlike Safiullah, Mimiru is actually fast enough to see his blow coming. She spins around and staggers back to regain her balance once he shrugs her off and her arms almost instinctively comes up to block the incoming kick to her chest with her forearm. However, she's not fast enough to actually dodge the sweep kick, but Mimiru, being nimble and the little daredevil she is, gives herself a swing backward as she falls so she can actually fall on her hands and give herself a push to actually leap backward and fall right back on her feet. "Ta-da!" Mimiru says, staggering a little once she lands. Her eyes then drifts off toward Elle and Gabriel and she narrows her eyes.
"Well, you putty thief, time for Super Mimiru to kick your butt in the name of Justice!" And with that, Mimiru lunges at Safiullah and she attempts to get a hold of him. If she's sucessful, she'll plan her foot to his belly and fall down to roll on the ground to throw him off over her head and sends him flying.
Himeko cheers! as pretty much most of the crowd reacts to the traditional 'ta-da' of Mimiru, it's a classic! But Himeko soon realizes that she probably should have gotten a picture of that, ".. Oh no," she whispers to herself, she suddenly fumbling with the camera, reaching into her pocket to load it up with film as quickly as she can. There's a lot of action she needs to cover! Yet there's only going to be room for two pictures are most in the newspaper. The irony.
COMBATSYS: Elle successfully hits Gabriel with Talk Dirty To Me.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Elle 0/-------/------=|===----\-------\0 Mimiru
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Safiullah 0/-------/-----==|=------\-------\0 Gabriel
Well rock solid defense does get bypassed, but Gabriel doesn't fret, actually she is hardly phased, almost distracted even, but then reality sets back in and she turns her attention to Elle for a moment.
"I see," she comments to the fact that Elle has clearly figured out part of what Gabriel likes to do to her,
" I have a new trick to show you then, CONFESS!"
It is a palm strike full of energy, but it seems aimed to miss Elle entirely, yes, in fact she charges past Elle, trying to combo with Mimiru to hit poor Safiullah. Only a moment is spared to give Elle a vague sort of, 'how about this' smile.
COMBATSYS: Safiullah dodges Mimiru's Quick Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Elle 0/-------/------=|===----\-------\0 Mimiru
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Safiullah 0/-------/-----==|=------\-------\0 Gabriel
COMBATSYS: Safiullah blocks Gabriel's Serpent Snap.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Elle 0/-------/------=|===----\-------\0 Mimiru
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Safiullah 0/-------/----===|==-----\-------\0 Gabriel
Whipping around back up to his feet, he sees Mimiru pop back up to her own and considers the acrobatics. Not for a very long moment, just long enough to realize that it put her a good ways away from him and he had the advantage of time and space. Soon to launch into his next flurry of motion, Saf stops, looking back to check on Elle, hearing that loud 'Confess'. That's when he sees Gabriel launch the attack and for a moment guesses its aimed at Elle. Turning back to Mimiru in the same three second span of time, Saf steps back, tugging his arm back and away from her fingers entirely. It was concern really. Not that he was worried about Elle but... he was worried about Elle.
Turning his head back over his shoulder, he sees the ruse for what it was and, turning his attention back to Mimiru, lifts a gloved palm and snaps the punch inside of it, the sound akin to a ball striking a catchers mit at 95 miles per hour- a loud, crowd pleasing, resounding pop. The energy disipates around his hand with no more damaging reprocussions as getting bitten by an infant. He smirks, shoves the fist back and away and hops swiftly into motion, cutting through the air, turning himself over on a multiple-axle spin, comming down just feet from Mimiru, anchoring his foot and launching himself forward, throwing his entire body weight behind a hard punch aimed directly at the girl's temple, looking to knock that smug smirk off of her face and end this Hero Nonsense completely. "Whatever you say," Saf replies to her words in a bored and unconcerned fashion, though his eyes are wide.. alive with adrenaline, feeling it rush through his system and send his heart thumping hard against his ribcage.
Elle shrugs. The boy can take care of himself, obviously, and it wasn't like he couldn't handle abuse. He spent most of his time in Gedo High, after all. Nevertheless, Elle does glance at Safiullah in time to see him practically dance around Mimiru's attack, and take Garbiel's energy assault like a pro, and she replies with a smirk that seems to say '...and?'. Elle isn't getting cocky just yet, though, since the fight is far from over. Instead, she continues to stomp fowrard, and this time grabs at the girl, and attempts to toss her into the air, and let her slam back down to the ground of her own accord, where she'll finish off with a Clark style flashing elbow.
COMBATSYS: Safiullah successfully hits Mimiru with Strong Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Elle 0/-------/------=|======-\-------\0 Mimiru
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Safiullah 0/-------/----===|==-----\-------\0 Gabriel
Alas, despite her best effort, Mimiru fails to actually move away from the lunging man in time. Seems that Safiullah's more or less going to be able to get what he wants and take that smirk off her face. The crowd even 'ouches' at how this direct impact must have hurt. Mimiru's thrown back some by the impact, barely able to stay on her feet as she staggers about some to actually regain her balance. The girl shakes her head and she growls, lifting one hand up to actually adjust her jaw a little, try to ease the pain she feels from that punch. A little bit of nosebleeding... That's certainly not pretty. Mimiru just frowns and glares at him for a moment, though she reminds silent, deciding not to use her breath here to make a little show.
Still, Mimiru goes back in offensive mode and she dashes foward Safiullah and attempts to get a hold of him for a second time. Though this time she tries to wriggle around him so that she can get behind him and wrap her arms around his belly to suplex him. Lifting him off the ground and hurling him over her, guiding him all the way down behind her, right into the ground.
COMBATSYS: Safiullah interrupts Strong Throw from Mimiru with Strong Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Elle 0/-------/------=|=======\==-----\1 Mimiru
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Safiullah 0/-------/-======|==-----\-------\0 Gabriel
The follow through was probably worse than the actual punch itself. He growls away the pain screaming through his knuckles as he knocks the young girl back, his eyebrows knitting together, he pouncing on his feet a few times to get the stiffness out of his knees from the long jump that lead into it. When the girl comes back in on him, he tilts his head back, examining her, watching her footwork, watching her expression and reading her body language. When she tries to get in close on him, he skips back a few paces, not letting her get around him, but rather dancing just out of the way of her reaching arms and sidestepping feet.
When she comes around to his flank, he twists... hard, whipping his entire body weight around once again to finish his first action, completing the double-clutch of punches. The first hard, but the second harder, his right arm cocking back in the turn at his waist, spinning off of an anchored foot to lean his entire body into her, jamming his fist down in a hooking fashion with a downward slant, aiming for the girl's jaw one more time, knuckles screaming in and slamming into flesh with a visceral report, a loud pop that sounds like a gunshot went off as his glove cracks into her.
The force was so great that his arm burned and stung. It went numb from joint down, Saff dropping his other foot back down to the ground to brace himself and skip back once more for space, shaking his hand vigorously, "OW! ... DAMNIT..." His hand was gonna burn for days after that.
That didn't really go the way Mimiru had planned it. She'll have to live with it nonethless. The fight didn't really start a good way for Mimiru, but she'll have to manage! Against all odds, she'll prevail! She has to give it her hundred and ten percent! Give it her best and never ever falter even in the face of adversity! Though right now, it's getting a little painful, and she's losing the track of battle since her opponent's been keeping her just where he wants the past couple of seconds...
"Oye..." Mimiru groans a bit, wincing and bitting her lower lips a bit. Her jaw's sore and after a few punches to her jaw, she doesn't feel like moving it overtly. The girl groans a bit and she forces herself back to her feet, giving a glare to the man before she closes her hands together and gathers up the energy between her palms, allowing chi to form a ball of white energy. And once it's all there, Mimiru just takes a step foward to throw it off in Safiullah's direction.
Ahem... So yeah... Once Mimiru's back on her feet, she lunges at Safiullah! Chi flaring out of her fist, the girl yells and she tries to give him a bit of his own medicine by hurling one fist straight for the man's jaw.
COMBATSYS: Safiullah blocks Mimiru's Super Mimiru Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Elle 0/-------/------=|=======\===----\1 Mimiru
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Safiullah 0/-------/-======|==-----\-------\0 Gabriel
Without hesitation, Saf, his heart beating in his throat now, flares his eyes wide, rushing the girl before she can fully cock her fist. He's on her in seconds, and when that fist comes forward, so too does his own, blocking with raw strength, knuckles crashing against knuckles and muscling hers to a standstill. The loud clap of noise that echoes over the mall sends some people wincing and leaning back, knowing that there had to have been some broken knuckles or something in that equation. Saf doesn't seem to acknowledge it. In fact, the Punk Skunk wades right in on Mimiru, his body bouncing off of the ground with a short hop.
He brings not one, but both legs up, one after the other, fanning his leg high and then arching it down, snapping an axe kick at Mimiru's chest, his other leg coming around up high and coming down, aimed at her shoulder, the force behind the attack staggering to say the least as he gives a grunt in reply, followed by a short yell, throwing all of his strength into it. He was being needlessly aggressive. He'd decided he just didn't -like- Mimiru and her brand of idiotic justice. He wasn't angry, he was agitated. And for Saf, that was far worse than anger... it only made him focus all the harder.
COMBATSYS: Mimiru blocks Safiullah's Sand Cradle.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Elle 0/-------/------=|=======\====---\1 Mimiru
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Safiullah 0/-------/=======|==-----\-------\0 Gabriel
Despite those repeated smack over the head, Mimiru's not too dizzy to react to the incoming attacks. That's a good thing, though she can feel her strength slowly being sapped away from her and that's not really good considering the fight hasn't been going on for long already. One arm brought up to block the descending leg, the other intercepting the kick meant for her chest, Mimiru staggers a little not to actually fall after the force he had put behind those blows. He certainly is quite aggressive and forcing Mimiru to play it a bit more defensively.
Still, the best defense is offense! So Mimiru tries not to stay like this for too long! Chi flaring out of her fist, Mimiru growls and she charges on Safilluah, hurling her fists for his midsection and face, getting into a flurry of punches and sometimes bringing a kick or two into it with incredible speed.
COMBATSYS: Safiullah blocks Mimiru's Super Mimiru Combo.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Elle 0/-------/------=|=------\-------\0 Mimiru
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Safiullah 1/-------/=======|==-----\-------\0 Gabriel
The deflected series of kicks has him hopping back when he touches down, constantly in motion, a constant ball of raging force, Saf comes in, pounding in on Mimiru one step at a time, his eyes alive with focus. He sees her stagger, sees her getting winded and only blinks it away, not bothering to let it incense him further. He was just where he needed to be mentally. As she stands and comes rushing in, Saf stops, anchoring his rear foot, his arms going into the fray without fear or reluctance, reading the girl's attack without much effort. What follows is possibly the most impressive display of attack deflecting this mall had seen in a good little while.
His hands worked furiously, effortlessly, legs coming into the fray of flailing limbs, slapping punches aside, blocking them flat out with an open palm, pushing them wide, smacking them down, his knees lifting, thwarting kick after kick, stomping his foot down, ankle locking with Mimiru and forcing her feet back down onto the ground as his arms dispelled every one of her punches like they were little or nothing. His palms stung, his forearms rang with bruises, but he was still going strong, pushing in on her and taking to the air once more, this time in a short hop, coming down on her at an angle, his feet bursting to life with electrical energy, the soles of his shoes near glowing as arms and bands of electrical serpent's tongues lashed and crackled out, looking to stomp into her chest and slam her back against the ground hard enough to rebound her back into the air where he'd twist around and send a boot rushing towards her already punished lips and jaw.
COMBATSYS: Safiullah successfully hits Mimiru with Crown of Amun-Ra.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////// ]
Elle 0/-------/------=|======-\-------\0 Mimiru
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Safiullah 1/-----==/=======|==-----\-------\0 Gabriel
Her case seems a little desperate. Whenever she tries to hit him, he just catches her fists or brush her hands aside. He's like totally untouchable. Even her best, he just totally shrugged it off! That's just... Well that's mean. Even if she gives it her best looks like it's hardly enough. She would have hoped she could touch him or something, guess she has no such a luck. Even when he comes back at her, she's not fast enough to actually avoid the incoming smash to her chest and just like a rag doll, Mimiru's getting kicked about back and forth and sent flying a little bit off. Thuds.
This time, it takes Mimiru a little bit longer before she rises back to her knees. Her whole body aches and its hopeless, still, even without hope, she has to keep on going! She forces herself back to her feet and then charges right back at Safiullah, attempting to body slam him down with all of her might, taking quite a dash before she leaps right at him.
COMBATSYS: Safiullah dodges Mimiru's Super Mimiru Body Slam EX.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////// ]
Elle 0/-------/------=|======-\-------\0 Mimiru
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Safiullah 1/-----==/=======|==-----\-------\0 Gabriel
When finally he comes back down from his fleight, Saf finds himself looking up at Mimiru's battered form, almost sympathetically. Not much though. In his eyes, she earned it. Who was she to dispense justice as she saw fit. He wanted to say something to her so badly, wanted to yell at her and belittle her but he didn't. That'd only make him a hypocrite. Who was he to say she was wrong? All he knew was that he was trying to survive. She was living off of her parents pockets and running around giggling like an idiot pretending to be a superhero. The two lives were vastly different. If he couldn't prove that to her in words, he'd do it with his fists.
Knuckles ravaged from his savage punching of the girl, the gloves on his hands split in the places he'd made impact, skin beneath red and beaming like street lights, Saf watches her rush him again. When she nears him, he hops out wide left, skipping on his feet and turning clear around, his arms windmilling in front of him, cutting a ring of gleaming electrical energy into the air that he sends rushing towards her with the wave of an arm. It splits into two rings that overlap one another, wobbling their rolling way towards her, snapping off popping crackles of ESD in their wake, leavnig Saf's hair spiking out on end, electricity popping through his eyes.
Himeko has been snapping away, pictures of the fight of course but.. The way things have been going lately, she just isn't getting any really good pictures of Mimiru! Fidgeting with her camera, she manages to bring a hand to her mouth and cry, ".. Y- You can do it, Mimiru! Take him down!"
COMBATSYS: Mimiru dodges Safiullah's Ring of Ire EX.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////// ]
Elle 0/-------/------=|======-\-------\0 Mimiru
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Safiullah 1/-----==/=======|==-----\-------\0 Gabriel
That's all she needed from the crowd! Cheers! That's right, like a second breath, she simply can't let them down now, can she? Mimiru forces herself to actually keep on going even though her whole body's in pain, even though she failed so many times to actually just hit him, she'll keep on going! And this little extra boost of energy coming from her friend actually gives her what she needs to keep on going, if only just a little longer. Enough so that Mimiru can actually duck and avoid the arc of electricity. She quickly tries to turn on her heels and not let him the time to recover from that little stunt she managed to pull off!
And so she's back in action, lunging at him and attempting to get a hold of him once more. It didn't really work last time but she's going to give it a second try! Shoving her foot into his midsection and throwing herself back, dragging him along so she can throw him over her.
COMBATSYS: Safiullah blocks Mimiru's Quick Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////// ]
Elle 0/-------/------=|======-\-------\0 Mimiru
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Safiullah 1/----===/=======|==-----\-------\0 Gabriel
The ring of lightning travels over Mimiru's head and towards the audience. Saf's eyes fly wide and he takes a few steps forward, holding his hand out, spiked hair bouncing on his head, pink bangs billowing from the wind generated from the jet wash of the attack. "Crap!" This gives Mimiru all the time she needs to rush in and grab him. And in fact she does. He gives an uneasy "Whoa!" and gets pulled end over end, though he tosses his legs back and over himself as she turns him through the air, landing on his feet in a low, three point crouch, tugging the ring back to a complete stop, the electricity diminishing in the air, inches from Mimiru's adoring fans.
From there, Saf whips around on his knee and pushes himself back and up away from Mimiru. In the air, not white or blue -- but deep, haunting purple bands of electricity snap around his body, the licking tongs, the whips of electricity snap back and wind around his body before rolling into a ball in his hand. He lifts his hand over his head and behind his back, then thrusts it forward, bracing the palm with another right behind it, launching the sphere down at Mimiru, it exploding into bands of light that reach out, surround, then come shooting in towards Mimiru, trying to implode at her core, drawing at her fighting spirit to attempt to fuel an eventual explosion of energy from outside in, he touching back down to earth shortly thereafter, turning his back on Mimiru, huffing hard, panting... his chest feeling as if his heart were ready to jump right out of it.
COMBATSYS: Safiullah successfully hits Mimiru with Theory of Light.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > // ]
Elle 0/-------/------=|=======\=------\1 Mimiru
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Safiullah 0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0 Gabriel
This is the end. Mimiru wasn't certain how long she could have kept going, but that one last blast actually takes out the last remaining strength out of Mimiru. She hasn't even gotten back to her feet that the blast hits her and just sends her off some distance. Mimiru squirms and groans, trying to find the strength to keep on going but alas, she can't, "Arg... Forgive me, I failed.." She mutters under her breath. So many people came to see her fight and she put on such a bad performance. Ahhh.
COMBATSYS: Mimiru takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Elle 0/-------/------=|==-----\-------\0 Gabriel
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Safiullah 0/-------/-----==|
COMBATSYS: Mimiru can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Elle 0/-------/------=|==-----\-------\0 Gabriel
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Safiullah 0/-------/-----==|
He didn't have to see the impact. He didn't have to confirm it.. he knew she didn't have enough to avoid it and that's why he'd been saving it. He bided his time and kept the attack close to him, not bothering to unleash it until it would be of some use. His back was to the girl now... he had no words, no intimidating phrases, no belittling remarks or insults. She fought her heart out. He respected that. After the turn, he just kept on walking, a smile brightening his face as, the instant he stepped off of the fighting platform, he was swarmed. People rushing him, wanting his name, wanting to know what he called his fighting style, where he studied, what that last attack was called.. what -any- of his attacks were called.
Saf blinks at it all, not sure how to handle it, his mouth falling open a little. Someone again asks him his name and he tells them. A reporter asks him to spell it, he replies slowly while she writes, "Safiullah. S - A - F - I - U - L - L - A- H. -- No, Two ls... yeah... interview? .. No I don't think I should..." Turning to watch the rest of the fight, he stands on Standby, watching Elle handle her end of the battle, waiting for an opportunity to spring into action should she go down.
Log created by Gabriel, and last modified on 07:14:22 03/25/2007.