Description: A warmup match for the scrapper known as Rylee as she is challenged by Candy at a local gym in Southtown. The result is a back and forth battle that leaves both fighters rather beaten up, but with Rylee being the one last standing.
It's just another day in Southtown, school season has started again, which isn't really new for the students of the town, and there's nothing new about worker bees making their way home around this time. It's a pretty nice day out, but that doesn't matter for the occupants of the conveniently named 'Southtown Gym'. Plenty of folks are working out, about fifteen people in total, a good handful of them aspiring kickboxers that are cheering on two no-name fighters that are in the practice ring.
And amongst the gathering is the only female of the group, we believe, the black-clad demi-punk Candice Diamond. She's been doing quite a bit of overtime lately; but sources have told her that an extremely talented foreigner had stopped by earlier. This may or may not of course have been Rylee, but either way this is where Candy stakes out, carefully watching each fighter and searching for any unusualy high levels of chi between them.
The place does rather reek of testosterone, but then again most gyms usually do. Ones like this are often filled with guys wishing to measure who's dick is bigger than the others by trying to show off way too much. When will they learn that there is a time to show off and give the crowd what they want and a time to shut up and fight? Of course the commotion does waver a bit when one of the newer faces of Southtown steps in. With her wrestling boots already laced up Rylee still wears her usual casual attire while carrying a gym bag over one shoulder. There is a light tch in response to some of the stares the redhead gets, but there really isn't another facility to get some proper training around here as far as she found.
She moves over to the bench to drop down the bag with a thud and she sets down while pulling off the hoodie she was wearing to toss into the bag and the woman quickly kips back up to her feet to stretch out. No, this place isn't anything like where she usually trains. The ring is filled with people that are more martial arts based in style so at least it will get her prepared more to life after professional wrestling. She casts a lazy glance around the place while tugging out a roll of tape to start wrapping up a wrist and she tilts her head to a bit. "Who's ready for a bit of rough and tumble?"
Rough and tumble? Candy hadn't heard that phrase in quite some time, perhaps it's one of those foreign-land terms. Though actually she can't tell right away that Rylee is foreign, but it is clear she isn't fully japanese. And also judging by the lowered noise among the gym-goers once the tannish woman speaks, Candy believes it's safe to assume this is the one. It is a bit of a suprise though.
"So you're back for more, eh lady?" one of the bald, taller fighters in the ring asks with a smirk, "I heard you roughed up some of my boys, I've been waitin' for yo-"
"I will be your opponent," Candy interrupts, sliding into the ring area and walks slowly toward the ropes closest to the red-head, gloved hands resting on her hips.
Now normally, obviously, one would not stand for being suddenly interrupted. But on the other hand, who doesn't want to see two women brawling it out in the ring for once? Sounds like a treat, even though already most of the silent bets are going on the tougher-looking canadian, "I do not specialize in wrestling, but I believe I should still provide an adequete challenge. Do you accept." the woman continues in her usual monotone manner.
By the time the Candy interrupts the guy trying to call her out Rylee is already working on taping up her second wrist. "Look I don't care who I am fighting. Someone just decide." she says offhandedly while tearing off the tape and tossing the roll back into her bag. When it looks like the other guys are going to back off and let Candy stay in the ring. With a shrug of her shoulders she seems content in the decision that has been made. "Fine with me."
She reaches up to climb up onto the apron of the ring. She holds onto the top rope and pulls back before jumping up and using her momentum to leap over the ropes and lands inside the ring standing up. "Wrestling? Well I guess I could use that. Was just trying not to get rusty with other styles." she says while grinning a bit and clicking her tongue ring against the back of her teeth a few times while getting into a stance similar to what most Muay Thai fighters use. "Let's put on a good show, okay?"
COMBATSYS: Rylee has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rylee 0/-------/-------|
Candy's somwhat hidden eyes narrow slightly; not in a threatening manner, but studying Rylee carefully, and backs up to give her opponent room to enter, "Negative, I am only familiar with a few grappling techniques. But if the importance is to put on a good show, then I will do my best."
Candy, after all, is still in the early stages of even trying to be entertaining in a way that isn't 'out of character' for her. It's been difficult, but perhaps she'll learn something from Rylee. She slips off her shoulderbag, withdrawing two dumbell like weapons that, with a light click, extend to become to long, silver tonfa. A click of her heels raises her a little off the ground as the wheels within them extend, and she gives a small, but empty smile, "I am Candice Diamond. I have high expectations of you."
COMBATSYS: Candy has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Candy 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Rylee
Rylee is left raising a brow at Candy pulling out weapons to fight with. "Well I did want a challenge." she muses to herself while taking some time to size up her opponent as well. She does drop the Muay Thai stance though eventually and she starts to slowly circle to the left of Candy while her eyes squint a bit. Seems like her best bet would be to either disarm this one or keep the girl off her feet. Given her stance it seems like dragging her down might not be too hard.
Ducking low she at first acts as if reaching an arm out to grasp towards Candy, but then she falls backwards to prop herself on that hand and one leg as the other lashes out to hook around one of Candy's to pull it out from under her. If she can get Candy down she try to roll with it to where she is standing up with Candy's leg entangled with her's before arching backwards and reaching back with her hands to hook on the chin of the other woman and pull up on it to put pressure on her back.
COMBATSYS: Candy blocks Rylee's Muta Lock.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Candy 0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0 Rylee
Candy isn't misled as Rylee might have hoped, blue eyes locked on her opponent, she tries to come up with a strategy of her own a little suprised that the muay thai stance is dropped so suddenly. The sort of foot-sweep attack meets it's mark, but the instant Candy hits her back, her knees tuck in and she rolls back once to escape any further calamity, and is standing once more, "And I intend to give you one," she insists, skating backward to rebound off the ropes. And as she rushes forward, she drops into a crouch, spinning a heel-kick toward Rylee's ankles to return the favor.
COMBATSYS: Rylee blocks Candy's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Candy 0/-------/------=|=------\-------\0 Rylee
There is almost a wish that this fight wasn't contained in a ring. The ring is something Rylee is used to. It is her second home as far as she is concerned. Of course that means that it doesn't given her the surprise factor of fighting in a less controlled environtment. Granted she isn't playing it safe and taking bumps planned for high spots in the match. Any hit she is going to take tonight is going to be rough. She is sure of that.
That is why she might be overly cautios to at this point and when Candy comes at her Rylee is already stepping back and then dropping down to her knees to let them take the brunt of the hit. One of her gloved hands also reaches to grasp for the ankle of the other woman's kicking leg and the result is a tug on it to pull Candy forward so her face will meet with a rather brutal open palmed strike right to the forehead.
COMBATSYS: Candy endures Rylee's Strong Punch!
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Candy 0/-------/----===|=------\-------\0 Rylee
Candy can adapt to her surroundings with little trouble; her style is arguably all-purpose, equally effective in any environment. Even with rollerskates on? People will find out one day. Again Rylee manages to get a hold on her, and once more she falls onto the mat, making it shake a bit. But the strike that follows ends up smacking hard into Candy's cheek the very moment she kip-ups to her feet; and she doesn't fall back over, completely disobeying physics.
"Impressive," she notes, returning the favor with a powerful swing of her own, an uppercut under the womans chin to get her into the air, and then spins around to belt Rylee in the gut with a backhand, enough force to possibly knock the woman right out the ring.
COMBATSYS: Rylee dodges Candy's Medium Strike.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Candy 0/-------/----===|=------\-------\0 Rylee
A no sell? Oh fuck a bunch of that. This is nothing planned and seeing something that makes Rylee is starting to realize that there is a reason why this woman was so confident in taking up the challenge. That is why Rylee just falls straight back when she sees that incoming fist that misses her jaw narrowly and she falls straight on her back. "Damn, I guess I still got alot more to learn." she grumps to herself and the taller of the pair kicks her legs up into the air and rolls backwards back up to her feet. Taking a moment regain her surroundings she soon steps forward to rather forcefully push the girl back hoping the rollerskates might give her the momentum to roll back into a corner. Rylee is quick to follow while running forward and leaping up to balance one foot onto Candy's knee and swinging her other leg around as she turns her body to slam her foot hard against the back of the other fighter's head. "Kyah!"
COMBATSYS: Rylee successfully hits Candy with Shining Wizard.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Candy 0/-------/--=====|==-----\-------\0 Rylee
That's rather innovative, Candy is a bit suprised that opponents haven't tried that before, Rylee's shove nearly throws the girl off balance, her arms hooking over the ropes to keep herself from falling onto her butt. And when she sees Rylee dashing forward, she gets up and slips again, right into the girls stunning kick that sends her flumping face down onto the mat. Yet she never lets go of her weapons, using them to get up once more with a slight stumble, and turns to face Rylee again, still not deterred from getting in close. And once she does, the demi-punk gets to the side to try and slip her arms abouy Rylees waist; and if that lock sets in, she bursts upward, corkscrewing in the air, then spirals back down toward the mat, releasing at the last moment so to handspring safely onto her feet once more.
COMBATSYS: Rylee dodges Candy's Candy Drop.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Candy 0/-------/--=====|==-----\-------\0 Rylee
Rylee lets out a bit of a puff as she kinda remains resting right on the top rope with her legs kinda hooked around the top turnbuckle after delivering that hit and sending Candy off. She lets go and falls back onto her feet only to find herself on the recieving end of a charge. Her hands reach back to grab the middle ropes and the girl drops down and avoid the grasp. She lets go of the rope only to jump forward and upward to drive her shoulder into Candy's stomach to drive her to the ground. She tries to get ahold of one of Candy's arms while she is down and to pull her onto her waist as her legs twist to keep that arm occupied so her hands are free to take one of the legs to pull on it while putting her weight on the lower back of the other woman in a half crab sort of move.
COMBATSYS: Rylee successfully hits Candy with Tequila Sunrise.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Candy 1/-------/=======|==-----\-------\0 Rylee
[OOC] Krizalid x.x
Ok.. While perhaps Candy is comrfortable in this enviroment, this particular fighting style is proving incredibly difficult to to combat with. It constantly keeps the black-clad fighter guessing, and once more she finds herself on the mat and quite quickly set up into the submission maneuver. Now while it doesn't particularly /hurt/ Candy, it's definatly laying a serious amount of damange that gets the warning signals buzzing and honking like crazy; she needs those legs to fight! And so she musters up all the strength she can, and simply tries to power herself out of the move, pushing herself up on both hands and with a slight grunt, jerks her legs out forcefully. This could, at least send Rylee flying forward in the process.
COMBATSYS: Rylee blocks Candy's Quick Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Candy 1/-------/=======|==-----\-------\0 Rylee
The result of the attempt to power out combined with Rylee releasing the hold to roll away results in her being projected forward some, but not with the moment Candy might have hoped for. It just sends the redhead rolling out the ring and onto her feet. Quickly she climbs back up onto the apron and she leans back to slingshot herself back in while Candy is still trying to get to her feet. There is nothing really pretty here, but definantly probably something that could be a major fuckup for the wrestler if she messes up here and now and over shoots. Of course at this point she is willing to sacrifice her body for more damage so forward over the ropes she comes as she flips forward and just attempts to bowl over Candy.
COMBATSYS: Candy interrupts Light Kick from Rylee with Diamond Cutter.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Candy 1/------=/=======|====---\-------\0 Rylee
Candy does cup her knees for a moment once she manages to free herself from the other woman, and gets up to a single knee to gather herself. Not that she needs long to do it. She does see Rylee's shadow below her, and she not only glances upward in time to see the flying attack, but she times it well enough to jump to her feet and hook her arm about Rylee's neck at the exact moment of impact, and then drops forcefuly to the mat-
By her own will for a change. Candy quickly rolls to the side and gets up once again, her knees shaking slightly, and almost cold gaze remaining focused on her opponent.
Being caught with a wrestling move? Of all things she has seen from Candy's style this was probably the least expected thing to be honest. That is probably why Rylee is easily caught and kisses the mat hard and sort of rolls to the side herself. She is a bit slow to get up, though. "Christ, haven't seen that one in awhile." she says while rubbing her nose after sitting back up on her knees. "Ahh well. I'm sure you have more up your sleeve."
She gets back to her feet fully and she switches up again while taking up her Muay Thai stance. She then explodes forward towards the other fighter and she pushes off one foot while bringing her knee upward and leaning back as she puts all her weight into the other fighter's chest to knock her back rather forcefully.
COMBATSYS: Candy blocks Rylee's Flying Knee.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Candy 1/------=/=======|====---\-------\0 Rylee
Candy did hint that she knew some moves, who knew though, that it would end up so useful in this match-up? "A few," the womans replies, expression as stoic as always. She drops again into her slightly slouched stance; knowing full well that she has a lot of catching up to do if she's going to win this match. And so when Rylee darts forward and attacks, she once again finds herself colliding instead into Candy's weapon of choice that only pushes her back, overselling the impact, "It pales in comparison to your techniques, thus far they have been impressive."
And she rebounds off the ropes, skating quickly toward Rylee as she leaps just a tiny bit off the mat, her foot kicking out toe first as her arms raise in the air.. She twirls not once, but twice during the suprisingly graceful axel kick.
COMBATSYS: Candy successfully hits Rylee with Lay Spin.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Candy 1/-----==/=======|======-\-------\0 Rylee
The impressiveness might have just lead to Rylee wearing herself out too much. The knee still had alot of force to it, but Rylee still looks to be reeling a bit from being planted on the mat. The kick doesn't help at all either when it connects and knocks her back and almost tumbling out of the ring as she manages to catch the top rope and hang there for a moment with her knees curled around the middle one. "Mn, not going to ease up just yet." she mumbles somewhat while slipping back into the ring fully and standing slightly slouched forward. She staggers forward with arms reaching to wrap around the other woman's thighs to heft her upwards and then fall backwards to let Candy's neck meet the top rope.
COMBATSYS: Candy interrupts Quick Throw from Rylee with Crow Bites.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Candy 1/---====/=======|=======\=------\1 Rylee
"Very well," Candy replies, it could work in her favor if Rylee starts to become more rough; though this is assuming that in turn the other fighter will become more succeptible to counter attacks. It's odd, as Rylee may find that she gets the hold she wants easily- Perhaps a little too easily? It doesn't matter so long as Candy gets hung up right? Which she does; however the way she kicks her feet outward actually sets her up perfectly for a boomerang effect, and when she slings back at Rylee, she's slammed under the chin and sent upward by the silver tonfa, Candy twirling twice more to tack on three more twirling attacks. And in the end lands on her feet, skating backward as her shoulders start to heave.
Almost like a true match even if it wasn't meant to be so much. An all out offense from one person leading to a second wind of the opponent to build up an offense of their own. It is all too easily for Rylee to continue drawing comparisons even if things are quite different. Afterall she isn't quite so used to actually getting the shit knocked out of her by foreign objects like the tonfa styled weapons that Candy wields. Grunting she pushes up on her feet again after a moment to catch her breath. She actually is grinning despite looking quite more worn out than she was a few moments ago and she sticks her tongue out at Candy briefly before stepping forward to get a good hold on an arm to twist it around. She tries to get behind and wrap her legs around Candy's waist to use her weight to pull the other fighter down as she tries to lock in a rather painful triangle hold that tugs at the shoulder to the point it could even disclocate it.
COMBATSYS: Candy blocks Rylee's Anaconda Vice.
[ \\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Candy 1/--=====/=======|=======\==-----\1 Rylee
Candy doesn't appear to share Rylee's playfulness, the stuck-out tongue responded with a perplexed expression of her own. Was it something she said? It seems Rylee has learned though, that it isnt' difficult to ground Candy, it's worked plenty thus far, but this time once she does that and grabs Candys arm there is serious resistance to the pulling, the woman refusing to drop her weapon. She first gets to her hands and knees, then to her feet; and if Rylee hasn't tried to give up on the hold yet, her opposite arm swings forward to bean Rylee right between the eyes with alarming precision with the butt of her weapon.
COMBATSYS: Rylee dodges Candy's Weapon Jab.
[ \\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Candy 1/--=====/=======|=======\==-----\1 Rylee
When things start to look a bit tougher than expected in trying to get a good hold on Candy, Rylee is quick to ease on her grip. This ends up being a good thing since it allows her to quickly lean back while keeping her legs wrapped around the other fighter's waist still. That grip also eases up though and she sides downwards to land on her back and she rolls back to scramble to her feet. "Christ, those things are dangerous." she says more to herself than anything. It does come out a bit loud though. Since getting a good grip seems to not being doing any good she just decides to switch back into her Muay Thai stance and dance around some to look for an opening. She apparently finds one soon as she brings a leg around with a forceful kick aimed right at the right side kidney area of Candy. "Kyah!"
COMBATSYS: Candy interrupts Heavy Kick from Rylee with Fatal Exception Error.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ <
Rylee 1/-======/=======|
COMBATSYS: Candy can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ <
Rylee 1/-======/=======|
"Certainly not the most dangerous," Candy hints, her right hand opening to let the handle of her weapon balance between her pointer and thumb. It seems she's been forced to use her trump card.
So as Rylee approaches, her right hand slams down onto the mat, and a massive cloud of grey smoke explodes from, completely masking the ring area. From the outside, all that's seen is a flash of white light as if one were snapping a picture, followed by a mat shaking, hanging light-rattling explosion.
Rylee on the other hand, feels the kick land spot on, and then a pillar of white light that forcefully explodes in front of her. It's just too difficult to see what exactly happened, but after the fact the cloud clears, the demi-punk on the ground and grasping the second rope, her exposed skin glistening in 'sweat'. She had calculated she'd be able to survive after that kick but it seems that was a miscalculation on her part, "Nngh."
Smoke? Rylee isn't quite sure what the hell is going on as she ends up engulfed in it. All that she knows that is followed up by an extreme amount of pain. She lets out a scream when hit and when the smoke clears she is curled up on the mat rolling some looking in obvious pain. If this is something she will have to get used to deal with, then she has a long way to go in learning the ins and outs of fighting in non-wrestling matches. She rolls over to the ropes herself and she uses them to help her get back to her feet and the people outside the ring that were watching the confrontation that the Canadian is still standing after all that weirdness and confusion. "Ahh hah. Damn I'm good." she says managing a weak grin while pushing her bangs from her eyes and thrusts her other hand in the air while leaning on one of the corners. "It'll take more than that to beat me." she boasts even if she looks pretty damn wore out.
She moves over to Help heft Candy up too and actually lets out a bit of a grunt, damn she feels heavier than she looks. "Not bad at all. You proved I got to improve alot more." she tells Candy while propping the other woman against the ropes and then dropping down onto her back to roll out of the ring. Damn she needs to go drown in a hot tub for awhile to get rid of this kind of soreness.
Candy certainly looks like she could use the help, gloved hand taken and she's easily enough at least brought back up. She'll need a moment or so to recover, and she nods back to the red-head, "You are exceptionally skilled, quick opponent as is, however. Thank you for accepting my challenge. It isn't often I meet people close to my age either, so I am double appreciative." the taken hand is actually shaken before the release. She'd offer to go out and get a drink, but.. She doesn't drink.
"Best of luck on your journey to self improvement.. I should be on my way then." Indeed there is confusion, but once that's gotten over, there's quite a bit of cheering, it really was an amazing match! Chances are both are welcome to come back to the gym anytime. More camera's are promised.
Log created by Rylee, and last modified on 21:08:49 09/25/2006.