Description: Cammy contacts Kula, an old friend, to see how she's doing--and how she's improved her fighting skills.
Cammy is... nervous. Does it show? Of course not; she looks calm because she prides herself on being able to mostly remain calm and collected... just not emotionless. She's waiting in the clearing, chosen for its remoteness, hoping Kula got her message. It's been some time since she saw the NESTS girl, after all, but they were friends when Cammy left... and now she wants to not only see the girl again but see how she's progressed in her fighting abilities.
It was with that in mind that she placed the phonecall--and now, it's rolling around to about five p.m., the suggested meeting time. Of course... she doesn't know if Kula will show up. But, remembering her friend, if she -does-, there'll be some treats, currently in a cooler, chilling and hidden.
"Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh." The words come quickly as Kula runs along the wooded path, stopping only once as her backpack catches on a stray branch and almost chokes her. Barely managing to keep from falling flat on her ass, the girl checks her watch as she enters the clearing. Still a minute to go! She's on time! Taking a few deep breaths, Kula quickly glances around and then raises up an arm towards the blond girl. "HEEEEEYYYYYYYY!"
Running across the field towards Cammy, Kula's face is beaming. It -has- been too long since they've seen each other, and in the back of Kula's mind, she was worried about if Vega had come back after her friend. But to see her again and be contacted out of the blue like that, well... anybody else might've wondered if maybe Cammy -had- been captured, programmed, and then sent out to hunt people down. But not Kula, she always assumes the best. The girl drops her backpack and does a sort of half-tackle to hug her friend tightly with a squeal of delight. "Oh. My. GOSH!" Kula's still rather agnostic, when it comes to her curses. "Look at you! How've you been? It's been too long, I wanna hear all about what you've been up to, and I'll tell you everything that's been going on with me, and we -so- have to go to the ice cream parlor some time before it closes, cause they have this new flavor that's just ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, it's so good, it makes my knees quake, and I've spent waaaay too much money on it, but that's okay, cause anyway it's so good to see you again!" Another brief squeal, and Kula will let go of her friend, and beam at her. And take a breath. "So, you said you wanted to spar, or something?"
Wow. Just... wow. Cammy wasn't expecting -that- level of enthusiasm, though perhaps she should have; she looks up, as Kula comes rushing up, and doesn't even move as she's tacklehugged. She's not used to it, but she does return the hug, as best as she can. Fortunately she wasn't knocked over! Cammy has a half-smile on her face, waiting for the flood of chatter to wind down.
"Whoa, whoa, slow down, Kula...! We'll talk plenty, really, don't need to pour it all into one sentence..." The cheer is infectious, really; Cammy smiles again.
"Yeah. I wanted to spar... I know we've fought a lot but it's been a while. And after that, I have some treats." See, being a Secret Agent, she knew about the ice cream parlor... and it isn't hard to find out what their best customer's favorite new flavor is... but that doesn't have to be known.
"So, we'll spar, then... we'll have treats and talk, okay?"
Kula nods a couple times as Cammy talks, using the break to catch her breath from the run and from her gabbing, and even rests her hands on her knees for a second before standing back up. "Oh, sure, though..." Kula blushes a little bit and rubs the back of her head for a moment before she continues, "...I've kinda slacked a little lately. I used to be doing those Saturday Night thingies, but...I dunno, I've been busy." Shuffling a foot for a second, Kula then 'ohs' silently to herself, and runs back over to her backpack to rummage in it. "C'mon, c'mon, c'mon..." Fishing out her gloves, the girl quickly straps them on and wiggles her fingers to make sure she's set. Once that's done, she stands back up with her backpack, and tosses the bag off to the side. She then assumes her fighting stance, and smiles at Cammy. "Okay! I'm ready!"
COMBATSYS: Kula has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kula 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Cammy has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Kula 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Cammy
Cammy shakes a finger, looking rather... well, stern, as is her wont to do at times. Meanwhile, she's still wearing her school uniform, but she's also adding her special gauntlets, just because. They're familiar to her. She likes them.
"Kula, girls like us should -never- slack off! I lost that last fight because I got lazy. I won't let that happen again." Yeah, there's a fire in her eyes, kinda...
After Kula gets set up, Cammy looks at her... and nods. Then smiles and says, "Alright... ready... GO!" Of course she gets a littl advantage from doing so, as she sets off with her blinding speed, simply trying to catch Kula with a jab to the chest--probably really even just the shoulder.
COMBATSYS: Cammy successfully hits Kula with Quick Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Kula 0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0 Cammy
Gah! Kula hadn't expected Cammy to attack so quickly! She expected that moment of focusing fighters do where they size each other up and take a few breaths to work out a strategy! Kula was still in the middle of letting her chi flow through her, causing the temperature around her to dip significantly, and her hair to turn blue from the ice crystals forming on it.
The punch catches her completely unawares, and the girl stumbles back a step with an 'omph', her arms held ineffectually in front of her from her weak attempt to stop Cammy. "Fine, no being lazy," Kula says, and pushes forward with one foot as she goes into a slide, the ground under her slicking to allow her to pull off the maneuver. She's aiming for Cammy's feet, attempting to use the ice and impact to knock her down.
COMBATSYS: Cammy blocks Kula's Slider Shoot.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Kula 0/-------/-----==|-------\-------\0 Cammy
Cammy -might- be able to avoid the attack; Kula is coming in pretty low, and it would probably be simple to jump over. But that exposes Cammy to Kula being able to reach up and grab... so instead, Cammy skips back a few feet, which gives her just enough room to drop into a crouch and deflect that sliding kick with her gauntleted forearms.
"That's right, Kula! No more slacking!" It comes out rather cheerfully, even as Cammy is rising up, seeking to grab Kula around the waist and just lift her up and toss her back--er... onto her back. Yeah.
COMBATSYS: Kula dodges Cammy's Medium Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Kula 0/-------/-----==|-------\-------\0 Cammy
It would've been a very impressive throw, had Kula been there when Cammy's arms attempted to take hold. However, Kula had, upon seeing Cammy move back and prepare to counterattack, reached back with a hand and used a nifty set of those finger claws to stop herself in her tracks and even pull herself back a bit. With Cammy leaving herself slightly open, Kula goes for a less than orthodox approach, leaning forward quickly and snapping her head around, sending ice-covered spikes of hair at Cammy's arms.
COMBATSYS: Cammy dodges Kula's Medium Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Kula 0/-------/-----==|-------\-------\0 Cammy
Cammy's eyes go wide. WHOA! That's definitely unorthodox, and Cammy backsteps quickly, adding a backwards lean and roll to avoid the spikes of icy hair. Kula, she now recalls, has always been excellent with the use of her chi... and now Cammy's going to keep that in mind, for sure.
She backsteps once more then back-cartwheels, putting some distance between Kula and herself... and beckons.
"Come on, then," she says, with a grin...
COMBATSYS: Cammy focuses on her next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Kula 0/-------/-----==|-------\-------\0 Cammy
Oh, right, like Kula's that dumb. Any time someone backs off and gestures in the movies or in SNF, it usually means that if the opponent charges in, they're going to get their ass whupped. What kind of idiot would actually -charge- into combat like a drug-crazed bull in a china shop? Everybody knows that if the other fighter wants to make it a distance battle, you accomodate them by throwing something at them from a distance.
Which makes it all the more remarkable that Kula goes 'pshaw' at common fighting knowlege, and seems to be going for another tackle! That's right, the girl's focusing her chi for a moment to create ice along her line of travel, and if she does manage to get her arms around Cammy during the leap, they should both go sliding a short distance on the slippery surface.
COMBATSYS: Cammy interrupts Quick Throw from Kula with Cannon Spike.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Kula 0/-------/--=====|===----\-------\0 Cammy
Well... Cammy didn't expect her to charge headlong! Cammy was ready for that, though, and it's with an almost apologetic look Kula's way that she sets herself, suddenly twisting forward, throwing her formerly rear leg up as she twists, planting it deep in Kula's abdomen; she kicks the girl away, actually rising up off the ground a couple feet, but then, on the landing, hits the ice slick and goes down on her rump anyways.
"Ow!" Though... surely Kula hurts more now.
...of course, Kula knew that was coming. She had every intention of taking that blow! Really! Seriously! The whole thing was planned to work -exactly- like that! Ignore the fact that Kula spends a second hunched over, saying "Ooowwww" under her breath. She forgot how hard Cammy kicks, honestly, but now that she's received a reminder, things are going to be different!
Starting with taking advantage of the once-again downed Cammy! Kula pushes forward with her feet, skating across the meadow (?!) and quickly shifting her weight to turn slightly left, then quickly bank right, her right hand reaching down to grab the ground to assist with the hairpin turn. Her left hand crosses over her chest, and then slashes out, attempting a quick, chi-assisted blow of ice to Cammy's backside. "Hya!"
COMBATSYS: Cammy dodges Kula's Behind Slash.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Kula 0/-------/---====|===----\-------\0 Cammy
Cammy wasn't downed for long--she was getting up, in fact, just as the ice-girl came skating in. That doesn't mean that avoiding the slash of ice and hand is -easy-. Far from it; Cammy rises only to a crouch, and when sees, practically senses, Kula being incoming, Cammy pushes off and lunges forward, going into a diving shoulder roll.
It's around that shoulder roll that she turns to face Kula, still crouched... then she pushes off and leaps forward, twisting in midair to try and tag Kula in the shoulder with a flying backfist punch. No Psycho Power on it, though, and she's attacking from the air, not from the ground.
COMBATSYS: Kula endures Cammy's Fierce Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Kula 0/-------/=======|====---\-------\0 Cammy
Oh crap! Incoming fist! The blow catches Kula right in the side, making the blue-haired girl cry out in pain and start to crumple towards Cammy. Surely Kula isn't -that- fragile and can take a hit like that without showing that much pain! And you'd be right to think so. Kula's picked up the art of subterfuge lately, it seems. Reaching out, still hunched over, Kula grabs for Cammy's arm, as if to signal the fight has to start for a moment. However, the sudden surge in chi might be warning enough to the blonde that things aren't all they seem. A surge of chi comes from Kula's hand, coiling and snaking itself around Cammy like an icy snake before it solidifies into a block of ice around her. Nothing too thick or life threatening, just something that'll take the blonde girl a second or two to break free from.
COMBATSYS: Cammy blocks Kula's Ice Coffin.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Kula 0/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0 Cammy
Crap! Cammy wasn't expecting that--she almost pauses to ask Kula if she's okay, when she's ensnared by the icy chi that winds around her. She gets a brief, painful chill, but is able to break free before it gets too bad, shaking her limbs out as she stumbles back. Still kind of numb, she is.
"W-wow," is all she says, her teeth chattering; with a final shake she gets the rest of the cold out of her conscious... then she takes two steps and leaps forward, tucking into a tight ball. As she nears, if Kula is hit, she'll drop out of it, horizontal to the ground almost, slightly tucked up, her feet aiming to land hard on Kula's shoulders--if -that- contact is made, then she'll slide her feet inwards to grab Kula by the head, and then, somehow, she'll flip Kula backward and slam her into the ground 'behind' Cammy.
Assuming all that happens, that is.
COMBATSYS: Cammy successfully hits Kula with Hooligan Combination.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Kula 1/----===/=======|=======\-------\0 Cammy
Well, that's a somewhat new experience for Kula. She's never been lifted by someone's -feet- before. Much less slammed down into the ground behind them from it. Spitting a bit of grass out of her mouth, Kula glances up at Cammy and says, in a weak voice, "...nice one." Kula weakly struggles to her feet, and then grits her teeth and closes her eyes. NESTS training is flashing in her mind, and it actually takes a moment of struggle to force it down. She is -not- going to go into stone cold killer agent on one of her few truly good friends!
Kula thinks for a second, and then twists around to lash out her foot at Cammy, a brief flash of chi done at the (supposed) time of impact to leave a nice little ice-footprint on her opponent, as a way to say she isn't out of the fight yet.
COMBATSYS: Cammy blocks Kula's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Kula 1/----===/=======|=======\-------\1 Cammy
Cammy can tell. Kula's holding back... not giving her all, somehow. And, surprisingly, she finds herself angered by it. The kick is taken in an open palm, the chi flash-freezing her gauntlet and the hand within briefly, and Cammy deflects it away. And for the first time her blue eyes are as cold as that ice.
"I thought," she says, the disapproval coming through in her tone, "we said no slacking!" Honestly, she considers it almost like an insult. There won't be hard feelings afterwards, of course... part of it is Cammy just trying to get Kula to do her best as well. Her response? To fire off her own kick, for Kula's side.
COMBATSYS: Kula blocks Cammy's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Kula 1/---====/=======|=======\-------\1 Cammy
...fine. As Kula's arm comes up to block the kick, she grits her teeth for a moment, and then her entire stance changes. The temperature around Kula dips even further, and there's a brief moment where it seems like the sky actually gets darker, as if there's a storm rolling in. Kula pushes Cammy back, the look on her face having gone from happy-go-lucky squealy schoolgirl to the one she usually bears in a SNF or on a NESTS mission. Namely, that it's going to take a lot of severe blows and some internal bleeding to make Kula stop attacking. And indeed, once Cammy has been pushed back, Kula's going to focus her chi, causing a swirl of snow (?!) to form around her, and then...slam her hand onto the ground?
COMBATSYS: Cammy dodges Kula's Freeze Execution.
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Kula 0/-------/-------|=======\-------\1 Cammy
[OOC] Kula guesses it's your post, then. ^^; A spike of ice would've erupted out of the ground near you.
Though Cammy has no talent with chi, it doesn't take much to know that something's changed. The look in Kula's eyes... it's hauntingly familiar. But there's no time for that; Cammy can -feel- something happening, and so when she's pushed back, she turns it into a stumble, and then a backpedal, and then she's leaping -way- backwards, out of the area of effect of that ice spike. But goddamn, that was close... Cammy looks at that serious mien on Kula's face... and just nods. Yeah, this is what she wanted... Cammy charges forward, intending to close the distance. But a few feet out she leaps forward, low to the ground, twisting around, putting her legs into a virtual splits, one foot aimed for Kula's forehead.
COMBATSYS: Cammy successfully hits Kula with Strong Kick.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Kula 0/-------/---====|=======\=------\1 Cammy Kula rarely misses with that attack. It's one of the things NESTS never really trained her for, having her go all-out and just missing with an attack which, considering that it normally affects the local weather patterns when it goes off, is really difficult to get out of the way of. And for a moment, the old Kula flickers back onto her face, as she ponders why it didn't work. Maybe she held back, cause it's Cammy. Maybe she -is- still being lazy. Maybe she's just out of practice. Maybe sh- oh, look, incoming foot.
Completely taken unawares, all Kula can do is try to duck out of the way, which simply means that at the speed Cammy's going, Kula takes the boot right to the temple, and her vision explodes into lights, stars, and she loses complete track of which way is up as she falls and slams into the ground, rolling a short way away. There's a momentary flare-up of chi, probably an instinct programmed into her at NESTS, and she pushes herself up like a broken marionette for a moment, her facial expression one of cold rage before she collapses again, her face losing the look as her eyes roll up into her head and she eats dirt again.
COMBATSYS: Kula takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Cammy 1/-----==/=======|
COMBATSYS: Kula can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Cammy 1/-----==/=======|
Crap--crap! Cammy is going to have a lot of apologizing to do. She wanted Kula to go all out but she didn't mean for -this- to happen. Cammy lands, and immediately goes to her knees, pulling Kula's head into her lap. She looks a little lost; Cammy knows basic first aid and CPR but this... well, she checks for a pulse and for a breathing, of course, and she'll be there when Kula comes around...
COMBATSYS: Cammy has ended the fight here.
Log created by Cammy, and last modified on 10:19:52 09/26/2006.