Description: Dong Hwan's natural tendencies get him in trouble, and Alma tries to come to the rescue in this intense bout between DH and Alma, vs. Cammy.
Saturday afternoons at the Village Mall tend to be somewhat crowded, even with plenty of open space. Not that Cammy minds, persay; even though she's here alone, she prefers the presence of people to the lack thereof. Since she's out as a civilian, she's not wearing her Delta Red outfit. That is strictly work. The problem is, and the reason why she's here, is that she doesn't have much in the way of casual either--all she's got is her Pacific High uniform, which is what she's wearing now.
Cammy is simply browsing, strolling the walkways and peering into storewindows. She's liking some of what she sees, but not really enough to go in and try anything, yet; either she doesn't like the colors, or the style is just a little off for her.
Though foreigners aren't an uncommon sight, Cammy's presence does garner the usual looks and wolfwhistles... most of those she just ignores, really. Can't hit 'em just for looking. Right?
So, Dong Hwan, having just returned from America not long ago, finds himself back up to his old tricks--it may have been an eight month vacation for him to "find himself", but what he mostly found was that he's comfortable with who he is. Or as he'd word it, "totally awesome".
His old tricks, in this case, include his mall rat habits and the belief that if he hits on enough ladies, he'll end up taking one home simply based on odds. Dong Hwan, being the genius that he is, understands that it's a simple matter of statistics.
Of course, his weaving through what crowd there may or may not be, and if not weaving, wandering through the mall and mingling with those women who don't appear to have a significant other in plain view, is ended abruptly when he notices a familiar face. "Huh, now where have I seen that hottie before," He murmurs to himself. "Oh yeah!" He says as he recalls their meeting at the Pao Pao Cafe, over a year ago at this point.
Uncertain that she'd even remember him, it sure doesn't stop the flirtacious Korean from walking straight up to the girl--and assuming she doesn't throw him through a window as soon as he gets close, he'd call out to her just a moment before moving to her side and wrapping an arm around her waist. "Hey, cutie! It's been way too long since I last saw your beautiful face, how've you been?" He says with a bit too much familiarity in his voice, as though they've had more than one or two meetings many many months ago.
Decisions, decisions.
Summer is ending and autumn is now upon us. The vibrant greens of Southtown are shifting to the lovely reds and browns of fall, giving the world a chance to glory in the tragic beauty to be found in impermanence -- and rake their lawns. But Alma Towazu, having no lawn, finds only spiritual fulfillment in the changing seasons; and, perhaps more importantly, a reason for the normally rather frugal youth to blow some hard-fought-for (or hard-modeled-for, as the case may be) cash on some hot new threads.
The tall blond regards the two shirts, one held in either hand, in deep and silent contemplation, considering their philosophical merits.
For Alma, elegance is to be found in simplicity, a style that suits him well as an individual. Fashion and style, potentially a very potent form of outward individual self-expression -- unless entirely mitigated by rampant commercialism, of course -- are concepts that intrigue the young bishounen immensely. The purchase of an article of clothing is something to consider carefully. He's not being indecisive; he's just being respectful. He has a duty to himself to dress honestly, so he's got to think hard about his true feelings.
Plus, he has some sleuthing to do. Some people to seek out. And if he's going to be traveling, he's got to look his best!
Absorbed in his meditations, Alma fails to notice the scene beginning outside the window of the store-- not that it concerns him anyway.
COMBATSYS: Cammy has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Cammy 0/-------/-------|
Cammy pauses. She just got called cutie. Now, normally, that isn't a bad thing, but... in the same moment, Dong Hwan just... oh, oh he just didn't... Cammy looks down. For just a moment. Dong's arm will rest there for just a moment, before it is removed.
Well, 'removed' is the word used; really what it is, is Cammy shoots one of her hands out to that hand on her hip, and grip at a pressure point, and just -squeeze-... if only briefly. She's not ready to throw him through a window just yet.
But Alma may get a good eyeful of Cammy putting the squeeze play, as it were, on Dong Hwan. But again. She's not looking to injure. Dong Hwan's just gotta learn his lesson, and today that lesson appears to be coming from a certain blonde ex-assassin.
COMBATSYS: DongHwan has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
DongHwan 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Cammy
COMBATSYS: Cammy successfully hits DongHwan with Fast Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
DongHwan 0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0 Cammy
"Erk!" Dong Hwan groans as his hand is captured, straining as he tries to pull it away from her, his face scrunched up in a little wince. He tugs and pulls for a while, scowling at Cammy--he can't exactly do anything to draw attention to himself since he did kind of invade her personal space, and Cammy sure has quite a grip.
Finally, his little grimace of pain and irritation blends away, as he suddenly grins wide. "You've got /fire/, I love it!" As if he wasn't pushing his luck enough already. Finally, with a sharp tug--hopefully his bizarre reaction to her grab throwing her off slightly--he yanks his hand away, but in the process stumbles over his own feet and falls to the ground.
Sitting with his legs out in front of him a short distance from Cammy, the letch of a teen looks up at her with an amused look, massaging the pain out of his hand. "I guess you don't remember me, huh? But then again, you look so different, I hardly remember you, too. You're still just as much a babe as ever though."
Of course, that's when he somewhat sheepishly laughs, adding, "But uh, I kind of forgot your name, it's been so long. But you've got a body I'd never forget, that's for sure. Cute hair, too." He adds the last bit with a wink. Apparently, he's not looking to punish Cammy for her painful grapple, though his falling over probably drew some eyes to the whole scene.
COMBATSYS: DongHwan drops his guard to recover.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
DongHwan 0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0 Cammy
In the end, he decided to just get both.
He seriously considered just getting the more practical and durable-looking top, but the realities of travelling aside, Alma wants to dress to impress too. Normally he wouldn't worry about such things, but-- he's not searching for just anybody. He can wear more practical clothing when he treks out to try and find that Arreaza lady who so impressed him at Seijyun. When he goes looking for that spirited young Korean who tried to help him fight against that boxer, though...
Though subtle against his coppery skin, Alma's cheeks seem tinged a definite rosy tone for the moment that he recalls the memory.
It's always nice to meet a fellow champion of virtue and justice... especially one so adorable.
But enough of such distractions. Indulging himself in a double purchase, Alma bows respectfully to the counter lady and walks toward the door, artsy shopping bag swaying at his side. It's only once he gently pushes open the doors and steps outside that he notices the confrontation taking place out front, sensing the sudden tension in the air that sends thrills through the auras around him. Alma stops still, the tall youth regarding the two figures with a calm readiness. He doesn't move, not even to set down his bag, or push aside the blond red-tinged bangs that obscure one of his eyes. Though he reveals nothing to make him stand out more than usual, he feels his senses heightening despite himself, responding to the possibility of conflict and the potential opportunity to do something about it.
Without even making a conscious decision to do so, his feet spread slightly, back straightening and limbs relaxing in a subtle preparation.
...wait a second.
~ That guy... he looks familiar... ~
COMBATSYS: Alma has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
DongHwan 0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0 Alma
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Cammy 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Alma focuses on his next action.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
DongHwan 0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0 Alma
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Cammy 0/-------/-------|
There's a crowd forming. Of -course- there's a crowd forming. Cammy frowns. She frowns -huge-. She has fire? What? Dong Hwan doesn't appear to be hurt at all by the pressure-point pinch... but his mouth is still flapping. Cammy briefly ponders giving him the finger... but then just turns and starts to walk away. The expression on her face... well, she's still goddamned attractive, even with the scar. But now it's less 'cute girl' and more 'ice queen'. There's definitely a path forming for her.
COMBATSYS: Cammy takes no action.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
DongHwan 0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0 Alma
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Cammy 0/-------/-------|
As people start to congregate to see what's happening, Dong Hwan is quick to pick himself up from the ground, looking no worse for wear, brushing off his jacket a little bit. Cammy's turn and attempted departure doesn't get very far though, as the Korean fighter jogs up to her in that kind of saunter-ish way he does, catching up to Cammy's icy walk in no time. "Hey, hey! Gonna grab my hand like that and not even say sorry?"
For those paying attention, it's the /other/ hand that ends up landing squarely on her bottom, goosing the still technically jailbait despite being a former assassin and now a special agent or whatever Delta Red is. The hand remains, as Dong Hwan spins around Cammy to block her path away, putting himself right in front of her. "It's okay though, I can't stay mad at body like yours." Hopefully the touching, prevention of her escaping and objectification will be enough to warrant a second attack by Cammy.
COMBATSYS: DongHwan takes no action.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
DongHwan 0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0 Alma
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Cammy 0/-------/-------|
Oh well, it doesn't look so bad. Alma doesn't relax, though; the charged feelings in the air are keeping him in anticipation, just out of psychic reflex. The girl seems mad about something, offended-- maybe a date went awry?
Well, the guy's being persistent. It's actually kind of cute. Look at him reach out to her. Alma can't really see what the guy's doing with the blonde in the way, but he's impressed by the young man's tenacity as he tries to spin the girl around. Such overt displays of affection aren't really Alma's style, so he appreciates it when other people behave in such a manner.
But you know, that guy /really/ looks familiar.
~ Could he be related to...? ~
COMBATSYS: Alma takes no action.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
DongHwan 0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0 Alma
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Cammy 0/-------/-------|
... to Ben Affleck? It's possible. But that would mean that, genetically, Dong Hwan would have a hairy back, -and- he'd smell like kimchee. So the answer is yes. Oh, and Dong Hwan--yes. That -does- get a reaction out of Cammy. The reaction is a simple one--she stops dead cold, her blue eyes burning like sapphires shot through with laser light. Except it isn't laser light, it's Psycho Power, like the blue-white psychic energy that's bursting into life around her right foot.
It's bursting into life as she turns towards Dong Hwan, on her left foot, crouching, her body tipping backwards as she thrusts her right foot, now blazing with that blue white energy, upwards and for Dong Hwan's stomach; if she impacts, she'll use the excess kinetic energy to backflip and land. If she doesn't, she'll be extended into the air, right foot leading, left foot by her body, doing a high splits kick, an impressive display of flexibility.
COMBATSYS: DongHwan blocks Cammy's Cannon Spike.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
DongHwan 0/-------/----===|-------\-------\0 Alma
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Cammy 0/-------/------=|
Hey, he doesn't have a hairy back! In fact he's unusually devoid of hair, ever since Ash explained to him the merits of body waxing. He's gotten more dates, but with very different women. Now, the smell, okay, maybe.
Well, the attack does land, but it impacts in to his arms. Cammy still gains the momentum up in to the air off of his arms, presumably, backflipping away and all. "Heh, obviously you don't remember me," He comments with a smirk. "Cause if you did remember me, you knew you couldn't beat Kim Dong Hwan--" That one is for you, Alma, "--the legendary Tae Kwan Do genius!"
"But since you're so insistent on starting a brawl... I'll show you one of my 100 amazing secret techniques that I've learned." And then he leaps up in to the air, his powerful, kickboxer legs pushing him off the ground fast enough to catch up with Cammy. Granting that he can pull this entirely ridiculous and needless technique--needless other than for being totally cool--he'll end up behind Cammy while she does her flip, his body mimicking her motion.
"Shadow of the Dancing Leaf!" Apparently he learned this one from Rock Lee off the Tee Vee. His, though, involves him, eventually, grapping Cammy with his legs, wrapping them around her and using them to maneuver the pair through the air, causing them to ultimately land Cammy's head first. Dong Hwan rolls away after diverting the fall to be good and painful for Cammy. "Extreme Falling Spider!"
Thanks, Dong Hwan, that'll do it.
Well, wow. Number one: this girl is totally out of line. I mean, she's just completely overreacting. Alma has no code of chivalry, and if you suggested one to him, he'd think you were being disrespectful. All he judges a person in is their aura, and while gender figures into that insofar as it has an effect on one's manner of self-expression, all he sees here is a spirit of intense power. (Unless panties start getting involved, of course, but... we can only pray.)
Speaking of auras, number two: her power resonates with him in the same way that Nanako's did, and this time, he knows what that means. Even if he weren't predisposed to get involved in a conflict like this one, Cammy is the sort of person he'd love to challenge. So in a strange subconscious way, he finds this to be... a kind of opportunity.
An opportunity for fulfilling an obligated! For you see, number three: Alma has only seen Rock Lee-style Tae Kwon Do once before, and it just happens to have been performed by a similiar-looking young man. Our heroic fighting model can't just stand by and let this happen! This is an affront to truth, justice, passion, and people with good-looking brothers!
Even as Dong Hwan is counterattacking, Alma is lunging forward in an attempt to stop this conflict before it really gets started. Whether or not it's on Cammy's recovery from a successful throw to the ground or after she defends Dong Hwan's attack, Alma's going to try and pluck the girl's wrist out of the air with one hand, sweeping that arm around in a graceful darting motion to attempt to snag her other wrist as well and bring her arms behind her back. Because, I mean, as strong as her aura is, she can't be physically stronger than Alma, am I right?
"Miss!" exclaims the still calm-faced youth as he's trying to restrain her from any further combat. "Please desist...!"
COMBATSYS: Cammy dodges DongHwan's Tai-hineri.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
DongHwan 0/-------/----===|-------\-------\0 Alma
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Cammy 0/-------/------=|
COMBATSYS: Cammy blocks Alma's Quick Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
DongHwan 0/-------/----===|-------\-------\0 Alma
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Cammy 0/-------/------=|
Well, first of all--don't assume that Cammy's falling means she's not able to move. Dong Hwan is fast, but... frankly... Cammy is faster. She alters her flip, in midair; twisting out of Dong Hwan's ability to grasp her and bring her down head first. And then that brings her into Alma's range; he grips, and twists, but almost contemptuously, Cammy snaps that grip with a quick twist, before it can get serious.
"Stay out of this!" she snaps, sharply, at Alma, as she continues her twist, sweeping a leg up and around, her twist turning into a spin intended on bringing a patent-leather shoe into contact with Alma's head.
Foiled! "Stupid Jae Hoon!" Dong Hwan curses, landing gracefully on his feet and one hand, because clearly this is some how Jae Hoon's fault. "So you got out of the way of one," He says, "But I learned /that/ technique from my brother! I thought I'd go easy on you by using some of his weaker moves instead of hitting you with the hard stuff right from the start." Even in missing, he's gloats.
When Cammy goes to attack Alma, Dong Hwan takes the opportunity to follow up with another attack. "Heeyaah!" He shouts, flying through the air to deliver a kick to Cammy's back while she's distracted. It's not as just as his father would've liked, but against a fighter like Cammy you can't pull too many punches.
COMBATSYS: Cammy successfully hits Alma with Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
DongHwan 0/-------/----===|===----\-------\0 Alma
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Cammy 0/-------/-----==|
It's a good thing Alma left his shopping bag leaning against the window of the store, because his shirts would probably be all over the place now. Cammy's shoe snaps his head around so hard that the tall youth lifts off the ground, but once he's been hit he reflexively moves with the motion. He spirals once loosely through the air, almost as though he's been knocked out already, but this is just to master his momentum as he naturally unfolds into a three point crouch on the ground, dealing with the blisteringly fast attack as gracefully as he can manage. His eyes remain clear and focused, gaze intent on his new opponent.
"Forgive me, Miss," he replies, voice low and serious, "but the man you are attacking is related to a friend of mine whom I owe a favor. Out of duty to that person--"
He lunges, his body becoming a blur as light purple afterimages trail behind him, and assaults the blonde girl with a series of punches and kicks both high and low, attacking not quickly but rhythmically. He is soon joined in his attack by the afterimages that he had left behind as they follow to meet him, executing faint attacks of their own as Alma engages in an intricate dance with his own superimposed psychic selves.
"--I must stop you!"
And with him comes the sweet scent of autumn rain.
COMBATSYS: Cammy dodges DongHwan's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
DongHwan 0/-------/----===|===----\-------\0 Alma
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Cammy 0/-------/-----==|
COMBATSYS: Cammy dodges Alma's Autumn Rain.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
DongHwan 0/-------/----===|===----\-------\0 Alma
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Cammy 0/-------/-----==|
See the thing is--Cammy's fast. To say 'she's fast', that's an understatement. She's one of the fastest people in the world, probably. Definitely top five. Along with that, she's extremely flexible and she's been trained even further in avoiding attacks and doing such things. So here's what happens:
Dong Hwan's flying kick is sidestepped; Cammy literally just skips to the side. Sorry Dong. It's the penalty you pay for doing unjust things.
Alma's Autumn Rain? Cammy's eyes narrow, and she ducks and weaves, bobbing back and forth, then finally she hops backwards from the final assault. It should leave the two of them standing, as it were, 'together'...
Cammy literally pushes off, thrusting herself forward the moment she lands, shifting her momentum with a push of Psycho Power; suddenly she's spinning forward, feet first, arms crossed over her chest. And she's aimed to go between the two--so how could she strike them?
Well, since her blue-white Psycho Power aura blzes to life around her feet and legs, forming the 'arrow' that makes up the second name of the technique, that'll have to do. The name of the technique? Oh yeah: Just in case you didn't know.
COMBATSYS: Cammy successfully hits DongHwan with Spiral Arrow.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
DongHwan 1/-------/=======|===----\-------\0 Alma
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Cammy 0/-------/---====|
As Dong Hwan ends up flying for Alma rather than Cammy, he ends up springborading off of the guys shoulders, leaping high up in to the air. "I dunno who you are, dude, or why you're helping, but you're gonna get hurt against the likes of her!" He warns--if only because recognizes her energy, and it's "the other one". The painful one. Anyway, flying up above the pair, he starts dive bombing his way down for the woman who's starting that attack, whatever it's called. Unfortunately, she happens to be, uh, dive bombing too, just horizontally. The spiral of energy around her, however, abrupt his good plan quite fast. "Hell Bringer--oh shit!" The energy sends up flying waaay up in to the air, as high as the second floor, causing people to watch him rise and fall through windows. As gravity starts to take his effect, he doesn't quite have time to give a shout out to the cute chick he spies eating lunch up there, but he does have time to divert his body as such to fall violently. "You asked for this!" He hollers, trying to deliver a sharp kick to Cammy's head as the energy around her starts to disperse. And, should that land, he'd kick her right down to the ground, the kick strong enough to break the floor the fight seems to have broken out on. It's like Kim's supreme chin kick thing, but awesome because it's Dong Hwan.
"Super Dong Hwan Kyaku!"
COMBATSYS: Alma endures Cammy's Spiral Arrow.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
DongHwan 0/-------/-------|=======\-------\0 Alma
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Cammy 0/-------/-======|
JaeHoon has disconnected.
Even as Cammy's attack rockets towards him, surging with the energy he knows so well, Alma casts a sidelong glance up at the leaping Dong Hwan. "I see," he murmurs, deadpanning. What an accomodating attitude this guy has... Alma couldn't have been mistaken, could he? This guy /must/ know Jae Hoon.
But there's no time for second thoughts, and Alma knows it. Immediately bringing his gaze back to his unrelenting opponent, rather than attempt to evade he bends his knees and draws one leg back, preparing for an intense Hiten-Ryu lunge. "Hmph--!" Eyes blazing with his rising fighting spirit, the young man throws himself forward into the attack with arms crossed in front of his face, enduring the impact and the pain it brings with it. It's difficult, but there's no stopping Alma now.
He has a duty to perform!
By dint of pure resolve a surge of energy blossoms into existence around the fighting model, his luminescent aura turning a rose and gold hue as it first appears to help defend him against Cammy's attack, and then slowly turning from pink to deep purple streaked with white as his power goes into all-out attack mode.
Even as Dong Hwan is going full throttle with his own kick attack, Alma lashes out from an entirely different angle with the full force of his overwhelming passion for the fight. Will this be enough to overwhelm their schoolgirl opponent!?
Dear viewers, we can only hope.
COMBATSYS: Cammy blocks DongHwan's Super Dong Hwan Kyaku.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
DongHwan 0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0 Alma
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Cammy 0/-------/=======|
COMBATSYS: Alma successfully hits Cammy with Absolution.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
DongHwan 0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0 Alma
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Cammy 1/------=/=======|
Hmm. Both bringing out the big guns, so to speak; Cammy isn't sure she's terribly happy about all that, really. If she hadn't brought out her own Psycho Power she'd be tempted to taunt them about it--two guys against one little girl? Sadly, she's already proved herself to be more than competent so that argument wouldn't fly. Dong's big flying kick is defended with lifted forearms; unfortunately, that leaves her open for Alma's attack. But she merely staggers from it, hardly bowed. Dong Hwan, so far, has been little more than an annoyance; Alma, however... Cammy knows the feel of Psycho Power, and that triggers a narrowed-eye view as she stares at the young man. Congratulations, now you've got her interested. Still...
She rushes for Alma, despite the loss of footing, aiming to stop her movement by grabbing for his shirt as she slides between his legs; successfully, it means she'll both pull him to the floor face-first, sliding to safety thereafter.
How strange; a fight he started, and he's lost Cammy's attention--his attacks sure are faltering today. "What the," He comments, scowling as he starts charging his way for Cammy as she focuses on the other one with Psycho Power. He's getting ignored in place of some strange guy who he's never met and is saying odd things about obligations and such! As Cammy rises from throwing Alma down to the ground in her strange, acrobatic display, Dong Hwan is standing there, at her side.
"Hey!" Dong Hwan shouts as a hand flies out to backhand Cammy, smacking her, preferably in the side of the head. "Starting a fight with me and then ignoring me? Now I'm hurt." Dong Hwan says with an amused smirk--true, this fight isn't going quite as planned and Dong Hwan just isn't performing, but it takes more than that to shake his confidence. The attack is far from trained, but a sharp smack is sometimes all it takes, really--and it's definitely quicker than bringing his legs up to bear, if not as powerful.
COMBATSYS: Alma fails to interrupt Medium Throw from Cammy with Divine Intervention EX.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
DongHwan 0/-------/-------|===----\-------\0 Alma
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Cammy 1/-----==/=======|
Good thing he wasn't wearing one of his new shirts.
Well, Alma tries to draw upon his power in time to react, even bringing his hand back to garner the necessary momentum, but... well. First of all, that takes longer than usual because he's just unleashed his ultimate expression of power. And second of all, well, Cammy is ridiculously fast. Unbalanced by his attempted counterattack, Alma is left open to the girl's agile grapple, and ends up pitched right onto the pavement facefirst.
Fortunately his face is as resilient as it is beautiful, but the jarring to his head stuns the tall youth for a moment, and he takes a while to recover, pushing himself off the ground with his palms and shaking his head wearily.
[OOC] Cammy says, "It is worrisome to me that I have as good a chance to interrupt as I do to dodge."
COMBATSYS: Cammy fails to interrupt Quick Punch from DongHwan with Medium Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
DongHwan 0/-------/-------|===----\-------\0 Alma
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Cammy 1/------=/=======|
So, Alma fails to stop Cammy--and now Cammy fails to stop Dong Hwan. Good job Dong Hwan! You just pimpslapped Cammy White! You better believe someoene's recording this and is going to show Kim a picture of Dong backhanding a girl in the face. Cammy's head twists, and twists back... and she glares at Dong Hwan.
"Your chances," she says, speaking for probably the first time in the fight, "of getting a date with anything other than my foot, have just gone down."
Sometimes, you just gotta break out the pimp hand.
Dong Hwan kind of pauses after his attack hits, just kind of looking at Cammy for a long moment, as though he was almost surprised at what just happened. Both at what he did and how it worked. He never drops his guard--in fact, he looks more prepared than ever--but he doesn't follow the attack up, just kind of watching Cammy for the moment.
"I, uh, I'm sorry, but you've been kicking me with that painful glowy stuff!" Dong Hwan says with a bewildered tone. "I had a chance of getting a date with you?" He asks confusedly--seems as though he gave up on that idea the moment this fight started--well, the false start excluded.
COMBATSYS: DongHwan focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
DongHwan 0/-------/-------|===----\-------\0 Alma
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Cammy 1/------=/=======|
Could this be the end of the conflict? Is this the beginning of some fight-ending diplomacy?
Well, it might have been, only Alma has been too busy recovering to see the two opponents staring each other down. Fuelled by raw willpower and not a whole lot else at this point, the handsome psychic attacks even as he's lunging to his feet. His right hand igniting once again with pink and purple flame, the calm-faced but bright-eyed youth roars out a challenging battle cry as he lashes out from afar and unleashes a swirling wave of energy toward his opponent. The wave of light plows across the ground, the cresting flame reaching almost up to Cammy's waist as it aims to knock the assassin-turned-highschooler right off her leather-shoed feet.
He staggers a little after executing the attack, but manages to regain his footing, clearly not yet finished.
COMBATSYS: Cammy just-defends Alma's Sacred Wave!
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
DongHwan 0/-------/-------|===----\-------\0 Alma
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Cammy 1/------=/=======|
Cammy smirks, and actually outright laughs, though she doesn't really seem all that amused, at Dong Hwan's confusion and his question about a date. It's amusing, really... so pathetic.
"Naw, you never had a chance with me!" she replies--and then... oh my. My oh my. Another Psycho Power attack? Well, Mr. Towazu... Cammy must say...
No. Cammy's head snaps around towards Alma and his pink-purple-white energies and she puts out a hand, actually -absorbing- most of the component of that Psycho Power... the rest blowing past her harmlessly. She grins, and it is wicked, almost feral.
"Thanks, I needed that," she says, to Alma, and with the newfound energies she's suddenly leaping, twisting, and flipping for Dong Hwan, her body tucked into an almost perfect sphere...
COMBATSYS: DongHwan just-defends Cammy's Cross Scissor Pressure!
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
DongHwan 0/-------/-------|===----\-------\0 Alma
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Cammy 1/-------/=======|
She's laughing at him? Some girl is laughing at Dong Hwan? Now that sure is one good way to get under his skin. And in this case it'd seem that Emotion is power, as Dong Hwan simply plucks Cammy out of the air--her attempted throw is abruptly stopped as he catches her in his arms like a princess. He's smirking again, his expert defense renewing some energy, and his confidence. "You don't think we'd look good under the alter, cutie?" He asks, having just enough time to do that and his follow up attack, hopefully, before Cammy can get free of his grasp.
His grip shifts. Instead of his arms behind her back to hold her--or, just wrapped around her if she'd remain curled up in a ball or otherwise make it impossible for him to carry her as desired--he grabs her by the front of her Pacific uniform, lifting her lithe frame straight up in to the air and then right back down to the ground on the other side of him. Apparently, Dong Hwan is hoping she's not as good at maneuvering her way out of throws as she is at ducking out of the way of kicks!
Alma's eyebrows lift in surprise and unmasked admiration as his opponent reveals her perfect control over the energies they both wield. He's been able to manage a similiar technique once, but he was facing a powerful evil presence and was pushed to his limit doing so -- and she just pulled that out like it was nothing.
~ This young lady is really something else. ~
Rising to his feet, knowing he's on his last legs but unwilling to submit both out of duty and in the hope that this man will be able to lead him to Jae Hoon, Alma Towazu steadies himself and breathes in deeply, attempting to draw upon the latent energies around him... and the charged emotional energy of the no doubt now totally amazed crowd around them. Previously he was the one monopolizing Cammy's attention; he won't begrudge Dong Hwan a few moments of her time.
"Sheesh," he murmurs, running a hand through his hair as he gathers his will and watches the two exchange blows.
COMBATSYS: Alma gathers his will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
DongHwan 0/-------/-------|=======\-------\0 Alma
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Cammy 1/-------/=======|
COMBATSYS: Cammy blocks DongHwan's Tai-Otoshi.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
DongHwan 0/-------/-------|=======\-------\0 Alma
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Cammy 1/------=/=======|
Well, fortunately... Cammy is well-schooled in the art of throwing and dealing with throws. That 'slam' never happens; Cammy rolls with it, quite adeptly, and only the most minute of impacts is felt. But she doesn't roll far; she twists around and lunges back at Dong Hwan, from her low position, aiming to catch him by the neck--or the throat--with one hand...
COMBATSYS: Cammy successfully hits DongHwan with Fast Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
DongHwan 0/-------/-----==|=======\-------\0 Alma
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Cammy 1/------=/=======|
The throat it is! It's a modified Bulldog; no sooner does Cammy grab (but not squeeze, this is still relatively friendly), than she's shifting her weight, forcing Dong Hwan down onto his back, for at least some pain.
"You'd probably look best with yourself at the altar," she replies, "or perhaps with a suitable bride. That guy, maybe," she quips, thumbing over at Alma.
Dong Hwan goes down! Although he tries to, at very least, take Cammy down with him, grabbing her and pulling her down so that both of the pair end up on the ground. He winces at the impact, but it doesn't phase him long, since it wasn't the most painful of her attacks so far. It's done less than attacks he's defended against successfully.
"Har har, very funny," Dong Hwan retorts lazily with a roll of his eyes as he pulls himself back up, brushing himself off and letting out a bit of a sigh. "How troublesome." Dong Hwan says, hands moving out to the sides in an exasperated shrug. "Try to hit on a good looking woman, and I end up in a fist fight with some crazy, ah... gentleman giving me a hand." After that he resumes a fighting stance, adding, "Guess I can't really stop now, though."
Hey, now, that's uncalled for, young lady.
Finally feeling more fully recovered and back in gear, Alma actually grins slightly at the two's comments regarding him. "I joined this fight for the sake of Kim Jae Hoon," he replies calmly, eyes glittering with warmth and resurrected power. "But in the process, I seem to have discovered a very talented fighter--"
Lunging forward, Alma brings his fist back and aims to punch out with fierce stone-cracking force at the back of Cammy's head -- ambushing her as she recovers if Dong Hwan successfully brings to her to the ground with him, or just trying to take her by surprise if he's unsuccessful.
"--so I'm not ready to stop either!"
COMBATSYS: Cammy dodges DongHwan's Quick Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
DongHwan 0/-------/-----==|=======\-------\0 Alma
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Cammy 1/------=/=======|
COMBATSYS: Cammy fails to interrupt Strong Punch from Alma with Reverse Shaft Breaker.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
DongHwan 0/-------/-----==|=======\-------\1 Alma
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Cammy 0/-------/-----==|
Dong Hwan doesn't get his grab, at all.. but guess what? Alma lives a charmed life. Cammy senses his arrival 'on the scene' and has just about had enough of the guy who can't help but stick his nose where it isn't wanted, and so she wants to just end it. Sadly... she just gets punched in the head. These guys aren't very nice to mwen, maybe that's why they're both single.
"Oh /jeez/," Dong Hwan says as Alma explains why exactly "If you're helping me because of my stuck up, daddy's boy of a brother, than I don't even /want/ the help." That said, he's done, collectively, far, FAR more in this fight than Dong Hwan. Which is kind of frustrating the Korean, at this point.
Well, that enlightening bit of information passed on to Alma, Dong Hwan's attentions are moving back to the fight. He kind of rolls his head around on his shoulders, before suddenly lifting a leg up, trying to deliver a solid boot to Cammy's back while she's distracted with Alma, using the front, flat of his foot, for less of a sting and more of an impact, hoping to stagger the woman. "This has gone on quite enough!" Which is of course why he's decided to use a particularly slow kick, of course.
It's not nice to laugh after punching someone, especially after punching a girl in the face, but Alma's not chuckling about that. He just seems genuinely entertained by Dong Hwan's ungrateful reply. Don't get me wrong, now: it's not a patronizing amusement. Alma's not that kind of guy. He just seems mirthful, in an appreciative sort of way. An unusual reaction, to be sure.
~ So they're brothers! ~
"So be it," the young fighting model murmurs in response, his voice carrying despite his quiet tones thanks to his rising spirit. Energy gleams in his eyes as he takes a step away from Cammy after his successful punch -- probably not realizing just how close he came to getting totally destroyed -- and his eyes narrow, intensifying the gleam. "Then I won't trouble you any longer after this--"
And then, as Dong Hwan throws himself forward into a powerful kick, Alma lunges forward as well, only he's angled toward the ground. Slamming his palm against the pavement, the youth again unleashes all the power he's managed to recoup thus far, this time in a geyser of soulfire angled out toward his opponent. If it's successful, it may just blast Cammy into the path of Dong Hwan's attack, making this something of a cooperative measure!
"--only tell me where I may find your brother!"
COMBATSYS: Cammy dodges DongHwan's Heavy Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
DongHwan 0/-------/-----==|-------\-------\0 Alma
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Cammy 0/-------/-----==|
COMBATSYS: Cammy blocks Alma's Full Confession.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
DongHwan 0/-------/-----==|-------\-------\0 Alma
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Cammy 0/-------/----===|
Dong's big kick is sidestepped; his foot actually brushes past her back, but there is no significant impact. Alma's geyser of soulfire engulfs Cammy... but she comes out of it mostly unscathed, and looking pretty unhappy, all told. This pretty much has gotten way out of control. Though Alma's geyser will make it harder to reach him, that isn't within Cammy's plans; instead, with Dong Hwan right next to her, she aims to simply grab his leg, trapping it against her side, and if she gets that, she'll hammer a point on his thigh, near the knee, with a sharp-knuckled fist, then pull him towards her and sweep his other foot out from underneath him. If she's successful.
COMBATSYS: Cammy successfully hits DongHwan with Combo Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
DongHwan 0/-------/-======|-------\-------\0 Alma
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Cammy 0/-------/----===|
"Uh." Dong Hwan replies pretty blankly to Alma, a finger lifting up to scratch at his chin, eyes widening--but he's got a glassy look in his eyes. "Okay." Of course, he doesn't have long to be confused by Alma's request--besides, it's none of Dong Hwan's business anyway.
So, his attention back on his adversary, he tries to get his leg free once it's caught, shaking it around a little--but that fails, and he finds himself stuck in her grasp once again. "Hey what are you oh that hurt." He says, starting one sentence and ending with another as his leg is pounded and he's brought to the ground. "Damn!" He hisses out in a belated response to the pain--he picked up the swearing thing from America it seems, since he never said bad words before. His dad will be so proud. Once Cammy has pulled herself away, he rubs at his leg, a bit of a fake pout on his lips for the moment. Oh, you brutish teenage girl, beating on a hapless Tae Kwan Do expert!
...anyway, as he pulls himself from the ground, the mocking expression fades and he smirks at Cammy, mentioning, "Y'know, for all your resistance, you sure like being close to me." Commenting on a good part of her attacks being throws, of course--which isn't really something that can be helped, but it's still good fodder for him to tease about. "Alright, time to show you another of my one hundred secret techniques... This one is the one worthwhile thing my father passed on to me!" He comments, leaping in to the air with an added, over showy flip that has no use other than, uh, to show off--before his flight path takes on that of a familiar moved used by every Kim, just about. "Hishou Kyaku!" He yells as he heads down to deliver a flurry of kicks to Cammy's torso.
Great! Objective secured.
Now all Alma has to do is make sure Dong Hwan doesn't get himself killed or anything fighting this monster of a schoolgirl. And here he thought they couldn't get any tougher than Sakura. Well, now he knows better -- but that doesn't stop him from throwing himself right back into the fray, undismayed by Cammy's firm defense against his geyser attack. If anything, her power just inspires him to fight harder.
Again playing off Dong Hwan's movements, this time Alma decides to join in with the aerial attacks, leaping in with yet another ambush attempt as he twirls through the air to gain momentum. Legs igniting with ripples of pink and purple soulfire, Alma closes in from above and lashes out with a powerful hooking kick, a burst of flame accompanied the fierce slashing motion. Once again, he targets the girl's head, thus forcing her to defend against two attack zones at once.
Seriously, though, who /is/ this girl?
COMBATSYS: Cammy dodges Alma's Shooting Star.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////// ]
DongHwan 0/-------/-======|-------\-------\0 Alma
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Cammy 0/-------/----===|
COMBATSYS: DongHwan successfully hits Cammy with Hishou Kyaku.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////// ]
DongHwan 0/-------/=======|-------\-------\0 Alma
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Cammy 0/-------/--=====|
Cammy evades that high hooking kick easily; she ducks and shifts her body over to the side... but she miscalculated (hey, it happens to the best of us) and Dong Hwan's feet find their purchase in Cammy's torso. She coughs, stumbling back, her eyes -still- blazing with... well, if not quite righteous fury, pure anger makes an acceptable substitute. She twists around, once against targeting Dong Hwan, her original target--she'll let Alma off if he just STOPS ATTACKING HER--one patent-leather-clad foot quickly sweeping out to try and impact on Dong Hwan's thigh where she had punched it earlier.
COMBATSYS: Cammy successfully hits DongHwan with Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\ < > //////////// ]
DongHwan 1/------=/=======|-------\-------\0 Alma
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Cammy 0/-------/--=====|
"Woah," Dong Hwan says, enlightened as ever, as Cammy turns on him with full blown anger. "You're taking this too seriously, lady!" He adds with a hearty laugh. Hey, he's still losing--and it just got worse--but that doesn't mean he can't play around, still. That light kick pushes him right to the brink--a stiff wind from a whiffed attack might knock him down for good at this point, but he's still got some fight left in him, somehow. "You're lucky you get to see this, it's one of my stronger secret techniques..." He says, waving a finger at Cammy, giving a little bit of a wink. "It's 'shocking', so hang on. You're in for an electrifying trip."
Sorry. Dong Hwan just seems like the kind of guy to make corny jokes like that.
Anyway, the said shocking attack happens to be in the form of him doing a pair of flips, the first one a small spark being generated as his leg impacts with Cammy, should it hit. The second one, however, doesn't need to hit for the chi effect--there's a huge flash of lightning chi that strikes down, lighting up the area. The burst of lightning is tall enough to go up off the screen, but not quite tall enough to truly come down from the sky--it starts where Dong Hwan's Jump peaks, crashing down in to Cammy with the full force of Dong Hwan's chi. "Reverse Somersault Revolver: Crying Heavens Edition!"
Goodness gracious, always with the attack name announcing. Makes Alma wonder how the guy has enough breath left to attack. But attack Dong Hwan does, and even if Alma /would/ be spared if he'd only back off -- not that he's really aware of such a possibility -- he's still got a responsibility to take care of. Admittedly, Alma's current 'ally' doesn't seem disposed to appreciate the assistence, but at this point, the tall youth is more interested in testing the limits of Cammy's ability.
And while last time he managed to bring Cammy into the range of Dong Hwan's attack, perhaps this time she'll be distracted enough by the Tae Kwon Do fighter's flashy display to give a tiring psychic an opening. Lunging into the attack once more, drawing his hand back in preparation for another surge of soulfire fuelled by his apparently limitless passion for battle, Alma thrusts out with a explosive spike mental energy.
It's no 'Reverse Somersault Revolver', but 'Sha' works well enough.
COMBATSYS: Cammy dodges Alma's Self Expression.
[ \\\\\\\ < > ////////// ]
DongHwan 0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0 Alma
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Cammy 0/-------/--=====|
COMBATSYS: Cammy dodges DongHwan's Raimei Dan.
[ \\\\\\\ < > ////////// ]
DongHwan 0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0 Alma
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Cammy 0/-------/--=====|
Cammy's getting tired, too; aches and pains are building up, and it's taking more and more out of her just to react properly. Still, these are some flashy attacks, and, this time, coming in -almost- simultaneously. There's a split-second difference between the two, but it's enough. Cammy ducks forward to avoid the spike of Psycho Power, and turns that duck into a tumbling roll that clears her of the chi lightning blasts. Yeah, that wouldn't've been pretty. She rises to her feet, with a slight frown.
"Haven't you two had enough?" she asks, rather testily, at that. Of course the fight's got a lot of people watching, and betting and such. From her crouched position, she lunges for Alma, seeking to simply barrel into him with a shoulder--if that hits, she'll wrap her arms around his waist, and simply power backdrop him into the floor.
Rejected! Dong Hwan's kick smashes in to the ground, lightning surges rolling out from where his foot struck before they finally subside. Dong Hwan remains in that position, leg outstretched, for a moment. Finally, he comments, "You are freakin' fast."
Well, that was pretty much his trump card despite his ability to boast like he's got an answer to everything, so he just pauses, taking a step back and breathing heavily, looking to Cammy with a curious look. It's odd, but it seems like he's actually trying to see how she moves. Dong Hwan, using a moment to collect himself and devise a plan? Madness, it's madness! But, he's still conscious, which means, despite most of his energy gone, he can still come up with something else... possibly, and it might be the last thing he does come up with, so it better be good.
COMBATSYS: DongHwan focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\ < > ////////// ]
DongHwan 0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0 Alma
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Cammy 0/-------/--=====|
COMBATSYS: Alma blocks Cammy's Medium Throw.
[ \\\\\\\ < > //////// ]
DongHwan 0/-------/------=|==-----\-------\0 Alma
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Cammy 0/-------/-======|
Though exhausted, Alma still seems to be in somewhat good spirits as he manages a weary but open-hearted grin at his attacking opponent. With a last-ditch surge of resolve giving an edge to his reflexes, Alma manages to plant his feet firmly enough that he can coil in on his knees with his opponent's momentum and prevent himself from being bowled off his feet. Cammy hits him with the shouldercheck and gets her arms around his waist, but by gripping the girl's upper arms with his hands and holding her back, Alma prevents his opponent's, er, embrace from doing any more harm.
"Hardly," the fighting model says evenly, sounding short of breath but otherwise undismayed by he and Dong Hwan's lack of success. "You're an extremely challenging opponent. I don't recognize your fighting style at all."
Though running on empty, he sees that Dong Hwan seems to be gearing up for a final assault, and hoping to catch his breath so that he's able to join in, Alma tries to just unbalance his opponent. Using his grip on her arms in an attempt to shove the now-close Cammy back and away -- and perhaps demonstrate how his motives differ from Dong Hwan's -- the youth uses what momentum he gains from that to twist down into a sweep kick, hoping to trip the uniform-clad girl to the ground.
"Are you really in high school?" Alma murmurs, possibly without even realizing he's spoken aloud. She seems to be about his age, so that would make sense, but still...
COMBATSYS: Cammy dodges Alma's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\ < > ///////// ]
DongHwan 0/-------/------=|==-----\-------\0 Alma
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Cammy 0/-------/-======|
Rather than resist Alma's attempt to push her away, Cammy assists it, backpedaling the few steps necessary to make that sweeping kick miss. She gives Alma an odd look... perhaps he doesn't recognize the uniform? She spares him just enough of a look to make it clear she thinks he's kind of whacked out as she replies, "I go to Pacific High!" Then she's off, showing little of that exhaustion, as she twists around to attempt to just punch DongHwan across the jaw and drop at least one of these guys before they drop her. It would be embarrassing for the Delta Red agent to be dropped by these two unknowns.
COMBATSYS: DongHwan interrupts Quick Punch from Cammy with Ore-sama Hou-Ou Kyaku.
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > //////// ]
Alma 0/-------/-----==|=======\-------\0 Cammy
COMBATSYS: DongHwan can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > //////// ]
Alma 0/-------/-----==|=======\-------\0 Cammy
No! Dong Hwan ain't goin' out like that, he's not just gonna let himself go down without giving one last oomph. Which is of course why when Cammy comes for him, Dong Hwan explodes in to motion, electricity gradually growing in power generated around his legs, sparks flying off in every direction with every kick--and there are at least 10 of 'em--as he barrages Cammy with his legs. The final flash of lightning, this time screaming upwards towards the sky as Dong Hwan performs a final back flip kick, a flash kick which puts Guile to shame, has much more force--and actually hits--than the last burst of chi he displayed. "Rising Thunderbird!" Jae Hoon's Phoenix is kind of cooler. Shush.
Somewhere in his flurry of blows, Cammy lands a punch against some part of his body. It doesn't even matter where--even if she didn't he probably would've collapsed from exhaustion afterwards. After the final rising kick is delivered, Dong Hwan falls in a manner far from graceful, landing hard on his back, arms flat on the ground on either side of him. He might not be out cold--but he's got no witty one liners or other quips to share, simply lying there, flat on his back.
What's with the weird look? Alma gives Cammy a slightly puzzled look right back. It's as though she doesn't realize how impressive it is she's able to hold her own against two fighters like Dong Hwan and himself -- especially given her age. What kind of high school girl has training like this and doesn't make any kind of show of herself?
But it doesn't matter, all things considered. Alma figured he'd give up after his ally went down, hoping only to do his best to protect his fellow martial artist -- yet plans seem to have changed. Rather than feel the sting of defeat as Dong Hwan collapses, Alma finds himself awed and inspired by the Tae Kwon Do fighter's sudden unprecedented surge of power, a final attack worthy of a true warrior. As much respect as he's gained for Dong Hwan's technique during this fight, Alma hadn't anticipated such fighting spirit given the guy's apparent attitude. How interesting-- a new respect swells within him.
Right alongside the swelling Psycho Power, it appears, for with a roar of a kiai, inspired not by vengefulness but by sheer enthusiasm, Alma throws himself towards Cammy and unleashes an aerial triple roundhouse attack, what flames he has left igniting around his legs.
He may be burning out, but he'll burn brightly while he can.
COMBATSYS: Cammy dodges Alma's Rising Fury.
[ \\\\\\\ < > //////// ]
Alma 0/-------/------=|=======\-------\0 Cammy
Well, Dong Hwan finally manned up. It's an impressive burst of power and speed, but it isn't enough to take Cammy down. Still and all... she would like a bit of a rest. That isn't yet to happen, though, as she then has to contend with Alma; she ducks low, then evacuates to her right... turning as Alma sails past. It's no foregone conclusion, yet, so she offers, her voice only slightly acid-tinged, "My beef was with shorty over there," pointing over at Dong Hwan, "So if you want to leave things be, since you thought you'd be all cool and butt in where you weren't needed, I'm willing to let it go. But if you want to throw down still..." Well, that's left pretty much unsaid. If Alma wants to throw down... Cammy won't be holding back.
COMBATSYS: Cammy gains composure.
[ \\\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/------=|=====--\-------\0 Cammy
Well, while ganging up with a Tae Kwon Do expert to try and beat up a schoolgirl /is/ pretty cool, Alma is unfazed by Cammy's words. In fact, he appears to be grinning again, albeit very very wearily. Though dulled by fatigue, his eyes still shine with a pure light free of deceit.
"You aren't giving up now, are you?" Alma asks, tired eyes warming with mirth. "I gave you the opportunity to end the fight a long time ago. Don't think you can get away--!"
The last words are tinged by the great effort he expends as he heartily sweeps his arm around, unleashing a spiralling gout of Psycho Power that flickers weakly but continues through the air all the same, on a crash course to Cammy's chest.
COMBATSYS: Cammy dodges Alma's Sacred Wave.
[ \\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/------=|=====--\-------\0 Cammy
Cammy's eyes narrow. "Fine then, if that's how you want it." The jibe about Alma 'giving' her the opportunity to 'end the fight'... yeah, that's just ignored. Cammy takes off in a run, right for Alma, weaving right around that weak projectile, and from about two feet away she throws herself up and around, flying overhead, descending for Alma's shoulders. If she hits, it's a position that many would envy, but Alma won't think so for long, not once her iron-like thighs are crushing his head at her knees, and she's flipping back around to sling Alma overhead and into the ground. Yes that's right folks, it is the Frankensteiner.
COMBATSYS: Cammy successfully hits Alma with Frankensteiner.
[ \ < > ////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/--=====|=====--\-------\0 Cammy
Oh lord.
Well, I'd like to say that it was the moment of upskirt viewing that foiled Alma's defensive plans, but really? He didn't have a chance. Too befuddled by fatigue for the glimpse to register in any case, the poor guy is plowed right into the ground, Cammy's powerful legs making Alma crack the payment with the sheer force of his falling body. The audience has gotta be wincing at that one.
Oh, man, no way. Just lie down, dude, just stay-- no, Alma's not having anything of that. Like an awakening golem rising from the depths of the earth, albeit a golem probably modeled after a classical statue of Apollo or something, the Hiten-Ryu fighter slowly rears to his feet and staggers toward his opponent. His vision is blurring and his movements are haphazard, but even in his exhaustion-dulled eyes, it's obvious that somehow, his resolve is as firm as ever.
He tries to gather momentum for the combination attack that follows, and a few afterimages do appear, but they're more of a distraction than anything else, blurry and fading. Yet through sheer instinct, the rhythmic quality of the punches and kicks remains...
And it still smells pretty good, too.
COMBATSYS: Alma successfully hits Cammy with Autumn Rain.
Glancing Blow
[ < > ///////// ]
Alma 0/-------/-======|======-\-------\0 Cammy
Cammy pretty much ducks and dodges, as is Standard Operation Procedure (that's a technical term, folks, don't use it unsupervised.) But one of those strikes does come through, sort of... a glancing shot to Cammy's side. She freezes, and looks down... then tries to just push Alma over. Quick, and simple, and her words are -almost- kind.
"You should know, by now, that you're pretty much done."
COMBATSYS: Cammy successfully hits Alma with Fast Throw.
[ < > ///////// ]
Alma 1/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0 Cammy
Straining himself to lift a hand up in to the air, reaching out for that bright light he's now seeing--which he hopes to god is actually the sun and not the afterlife calling him, he rolls his head to see the ending of the fight, the ending that hasn't happened yet. "Believe... in... Justice. That's what Jae Hoon always says..." Dong Hwan gives Alma a pep talk, hoping mentioning the dude he has a crush on will inspire rather than distract.
[OOC] Dong Hwan says, "Random Weapon. Hit her with a table and BELIEVE. Belief can overcome the fact that her dodge chance will probably be 95."
Swaying on his feet, the push is... really all it takes. Dazed and confused, Alma topples backward--
--and somehow, /somehow/, finds the strength to shift his weight just enough that he slumps to his knees instead of collapsing on his back. He sways forward heavily, head swinging loosely as blissful darkness reaches out to claim the handsome youth--
--and then his chin snaps up, and just for a brief second, it is revealed that his eyes shine, one last time, with the intense light of his undeniable passion.
Wildly he lashes out, unleashing a final burst of soulfire focused into a wavering beam of light at his opponent while she remains in close proximity, and...
COMBATSYS: Alma can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\ <
Cammy 0/-------/--=====|
COMBATSYS: Cammy dodges Alma's Divine Intervention.
[ \\\\\\\\\ <
Cammy 0/-------/--=====|
...failing to strike his opponent, Alma slumps forward onto his palms, kneeling before the victorious girl as he simply struggles to retain some semblance of consciousness.
"I... yield..." he manages, somehow still able to speak.
As if it weren't, you know. Obvious.
Well, he's just trying to observe the proprieties.
Finally. It's -over-. Now, of course, Cammy's uniform, her mall outing, her day, and her mood, have been utterly ruined.
"Hmph. Just don't know when to quit," she says; the crowd starts to dissipate, as Cammy stalks off, her attitude pretty much letting people not to comment about the ruined uniform. It's... just safer that way. As for Dong Hwan? Perhaps he'll be smarter about what asses he grabs. And Alma? He'll probably be observed more. Psycho Power -is- a rarity, and Cammy has to assume that any Psycho Power user has at least the chance of either being with Vega, or being in danger from Vega. But right now she's too pissed off.
The pavement his pillow, Alma drifts off to sleep, Dong Hwan laying only a few feet away. Good effort, boys. Good effort.
"...d-don't... forget... Jae Hoon..."
Ah, well... it can wait.
Log created by Cammy, and last modified on 09:49:50 09/17/2006.