Description: Rolento shows up onboard the Black Noah to make a deal with 'R', and winds up in aggressive negotiations with the son of Rugal himself.
You can almost hear the scene from Jaws, over the steady, subtle currents of the deep Pacific at night. The dark sheen of the water nearly mirrors the sky, swallowing most of the light from cloud-drifted stars and Moon. Slicing slowly through those waters is something far more nefarious than your average shark, however, the massive bow of the Black Noah setting froth and displacing large amounts of water even at such a low speed, on its final, drifting approach to the rendevous point. Even running dark, the battleship will be hard to miss at close range, and that is helped by the periodic flash of a powerful spotlight on the craft's stern, which scans the skies and waters around the Noah with methodical precision. The vessel is rather imposing, dwarfing the existing battleships in any nation's fleet by a sizeable margin, thanks primarily to the modified main deck... wider than the norm, the Black Noah still sports an impressive away of tri-barrelled naval artillery cannons on swivelling mounts, along with various missile tubes... but the craft's fore deck also allows for the presence of several aircraft... VTOL intermingled with helicopter, and of course... an empty landing space for incoming traffic, or visitors. Should Rolento arrive by air, lights around this pad will begin to blink methodically to illustrate its outline. All of this, of course, is a slick, well-maintained jet black, a duller grey differentiating the deck itself. Where signage is needed, it's written in the same militaristic, metallic tone. 'R' has an image to maintain, after all.
Considering the person they're meeting tonight is, in effect, a General of his own little army... it seems an appropriate meeting place, and may answer many of Rolento's initial questions about 'R' and the organization's capabilities immediately. Such a waste of time in small-talk, at least in Adelheid's opinion.
Of course, immediately after being contacted by the head of communications, it was filtered through two scrambled routers to Rolento personally. Given this line is only for emergencies or his most important allies directly contacting without the sea of intermediaries and safeguards, the time taken to speak with the commando is remarkably short. Fifteen minutes, if Adelheid would wait so long. The time and location is agreed. His method of approach is announced as helicopter, giving a description and series of spotlight flashes to verify his approach. And explicit orders to /shoot it down/ if the latter is failed, without question or attempt at radio communication. Given he would be coming personally, risking his life for something like that might speak largely about his character... One mistake and he could go down in a literal blaze of glory.
Of course, unless Adelheid's men are inept, that would not happen. The soft thumpthumpthump of a modified Blackhawk would be heard, fluttering very low over the water to evade radar. Precariously so, some of the highest waves lapping the base of the landing rutters. At the pre-determined distance it rises up, and perfectly executes the flashes of spotlight twice in succession before tentatively approaching.
Masterfully maneuvered, the heavy bulk of the helicopter whirls around before landing dead center on the free helicopter pad, disengaging the motor as it begins to wind down. Still, the exterior door is immediately slid open and out comes three figures in yellow. All have red berets, yet only Rolento Shugerg has his trademark facial scars and harness of grenades. The other two simply begin tending to the transport vessal, checking systems and keeping it ready to lift off in a moment's notice.
A few heavy steps are taken forward to the edge of the pad, Rolento scanning around. In his right hand is a metal briefcase, very thick and filled with something unknown. He spoke of business, but this might be unexpected. What does it hold? Jewels? Pirate treasure? An explosive able to sink the battleship? The sky is the limit!
Luckily for Rolento, the signal is executed properly, and his landing goes off without a hitch. The Black Noah accelerates subtly, moving further 'off the beacon' so to speak, and further disguising the actual location of this little liason. Both parties involved have a reason to remain anonymous, after all... and on the off chance someone with the power to do something happened to decide to investigate the longitude and latitude, well. Better safe than sorry, right? That, and it puts more control back in R's capable hands.
Three men armed similarly to Rolento's arrive as the chopper lands, the uniformed soldiers standing a calm attention. Once Rolento disembarks, and approaches, the first of the soldiers announces, "This way, Commander Shugerg." Apparently expecting to be followed, he turns and heads down the battleship's deck, the other two soldiers falling into escort positions behind Rolento. As for the briefcase? Well, it's not given a second look. It's not that Rolento is expected to be above foul play, but... as far as Adelheid can tell, the mercenary isn't a suicide bomber sort, and has far more to gain than he could possibly get making an enemy of 'R'. It may be a risk, but it's a calculated one.
Rolento would be led towards the aft of the vessel, where a bulkhead would be opened, and Rolento escorted up a stairwell, to a raised deck situated behind the main bridge, overlooking the view behind the Noah. It's a sizeable, open space of spartan metal, surrounded by a single, supported bar of a railing. Before the center of this rail, on the far edge of the deck, stands Adelheid. The platinum blonde is dressed similarly to the soldiers, a militaristically dressy uniform of finely tailored black fabric, his emblazoned by an edge of silver down the breast. Which isn't readily visible, since Adel stands with his back to Rolento, booted feet together, looking out over the sea, and the ship. He says nothing for a moment, but Rolento is gestured to leave the stairwell for the deck, and the bulkhead behind him would be sealed.
No lone operative would dare go near this battleship. The mere prospect of Rugal alone would probably make anyone but Heidern back down, but including his son and Rolento Shugerg in the equation is enough to stall mayhaps the greatest of so-called heroes that populate this world. His own men salute those present respectably enough, in perfect special forces fashion. Rolento himself opts not to, beyond a respectable nod. This probably won't be objected to in any fashion, however.
Coming alone thereafter without wasting a moment, there would be no sense of foreboding. He has a perfect posture and march, to an almost mechanical level despite a flowing ease. No small talk is offered, or even apparent acknowledgment these underlings exist. He looks no different then were he going alone, a measure of cool confidence. The briefcase barely shifts, although the obvious weight is far from inhibiting.
After entering the main room past the bulkhead, without being bidden Rolento approaches Adelheid from behind. The rhythm of his clacking boots echoes in a perfect beat, coming to a stop a few meters behind. His feet slide together so ankles touch, posture rising. "I am commander Rolento Shugerg." A hand raises in an actual salute. This is not a sign of being subordinate; By no means at all. It is respect, the offspring of Rugal shown as an equal, by all measures of the word. Even if it might be base etiquette. "Your swift response to my inquiry is commendable, and appreciated. Information on me likely portrays an aspiring mercenary, attempting to attain a funding base to influence world politics."
Swiftly the briefcase is swept up, one hand lowering to brace it from beneath as the front turns to aim at Adelheid. Although this is unannounced and sudden, that is the extent. His hand rests near the clasps, waiting for consent before opening. No betrayal or malice is seen in his calm, professional exterior. Yet those white eyes could hide anything behind them. He's a dangerous man, and not because of his strength in combat.
"I hope to immediately clarify any misunderstandings of my former status."
A stiff breeze whips across the raised deck as Adelheid leans forward momentarily, placing both gloved hands on the rail and tensing his grip there. He listens to Rolento's initial words before turning, missing the salute, but ah well. It's to be expected, and Adelheid would be disappointed by anything less than being treated as an equal. Which says something at least, because the poise comes from a youth who can't be more than sixteen. Turning to face Rolento slowly, the lithe platinum blonde offers a nod of his own. Very different in form from his father, but if one knows anything about the young Lieutenant... he's still not to be taken lightly.
"Commander Shugerg." Adelheid echoes, his rich tenor sounding a calm, businesslike tones, as he strides to the middle of the deck, towards Rolento, giving a second nod to the commander's words, "Your business is why I'm here." Adelheid acquiesces simply, "Go ahead." The young Bernstein adopts a relaxed stance, comfortable and at-ease... though still alert. His attention remains on Rolento and the briefcase as he waits for the commander's story to develop.
Long ago, Rolento learned the power of youth when properly trained. Unlike the inept masses and misguided peons he is wasting time researching, there is absolutely no doubt that Adelheid epitomizes the traits and qualities he is searching the very globe to pin down. It is almost a requirement, if his father so effortlessly tore the very eye from his rival. Rather then fear, such an achievement incites only jealousy. He never paid back Heidern for his scar... No matter. He'll meet his old friend soon enough, and hopefully by then his secondary plan will be well in motion.
There's a couple clicks as the briefcase is opened. And when it is, what can be seen is a very startling sum of money. Even for someone so used to being affluent as Adelheid, it's quite a bit to be lugging around without so much as a lock upon it. First appearance would show it all to be real, American bills, used, non-sequently. In other words, laundered tracelessly. "This is a small amount of what I acquired in Metro City. I successfully retrieved and escape with every piece of paper money, bill, jewelry, and high-end art in many sections and from countless businesses. To estimate my current net worth, it would be a simple manner to look within the records of insurance payments to compensate for my ‘theft'. No civilian assets were damaged; The toll entirely came from heartless megacorporations and America itself."
Clicking it shut, leaning down the briefcase is set aside. "I do not come to you as a mercenary. I come to you as a client. I am interested in acquiring peak-line equipment for special operatives. Satellite radios. Brand new battle tanks, with the greatest modern improvements. VTOL aircraft. Modern munitions, primarily anti-aircraft and anti-vehicular. Body armor, and retrofitted humvees. The only organization I would trust with an order of this size and required quality..." A nod is given, thoroughly respectful. "...Is that of the greatest in smuggling and black market goods, R'. Is this proposition agreeable?"
Blood. It's all one can rely on in the world, some say. To Adelheid, it's not nearly so beautiful and dutiful as all that, but he's certainly his father's son, by necessity if nothing else. Notably, the air of professionalism Rolento extends is mirrored, the commander is given respect, but it is that of peers... there is no intimidation or deference towards the much older, scarred professional. The platinum blonde eyes the opened briefcase thoughtfully. So it was pirate treasure after all. The 'R' heir's attention returns to Rolento rather quickly, however, as he listens. There's a small smile that appears on Adel's face at the description of the efforts in Metro City... he knew parts of what happened there, but the full consequence of the commander's actions seems to amuse him greatly.
"Interesting." Adelheid observes, clasping his hands behind his back, a pensive look on his austere face, "Some of what you request will not be difficult to provide. The guns, ammo, defenses, whatever GPS and satellite equipment you need... some of the vehicles will be harder. But I suspect a man with such grand dreams has the patience to see them through, to go with his capital?" Rolento's intent isn't really the topic of this discussion, just now... and while Adelheid isn't the sociopath his father tends to be, he /does/ understand the 'family business'. The question doesn't seem to be total agreement, the young Bernstein taking a moment longer to consider.
"With an... order of this magnitude, sometimes money isn't the only object. 'R' would expect a degree of gratitude, depending on the outcome of your endeavors. Of course, this only means a greater potential return on your own investment, wouldn't you agree Mr. Shugerg?" Adel doesn't seem to want to debate the point, but he does seem confident it could be good for both parties, if this Rolento character can pull his end.
"I would be a fool to presume money alone is a deciding factor. It would similarly be a waste of a potential alliance." Rolento slips his own hands behind his back, chin rising. His white eyes remain upon only Adelheid, expression remaining a careful mask revealing nothing for either good or ill. "I am willing to utilize my assets, both before, during and after integration. I wish to keep such flows of equipment coming. There is a difference in our organization. I have an active, completely mobile force unattached to any base, and with no risk of being tracked or followed. I have the experience and history of achieving results. To say the least, as long as it is mutually beneficial--" No illusion of cowing down for mere subservience, which is probably better then the alternative. "--Then I will be open to free contractual work in order to strengthen relations, trust, and prove that I am worthy for R's..." The word seems to somewhat amuse while faintly insulting, since it is more the case then anything. "...investment."
This seems to be the extent of the second half, which is probably the important one. Paying for the cost is little, after all, compared to paying for the trouble and risk. Once R' has it, there would be no risk in handing it over thereafter to the aspiring militant...
"Excellent." If he's insulted, Adelheid certainly doesn't act it. There is no risk in selling Rolento arms, aside from the risk Rolento creates with his own powerbase. So long as the commander is willing to work /with/ his supplier, and that risk is directed properly, well.. all the better, really. Two positions are strengthened, to the detriment of enemies of both, "Your gambit in Metro City proves you're capable of making effective use of such an arsenal, Commander Shugerg... and suggests you have the will and foresight not to simply martyr yourself as a fool." It's blunt, but the words are more complimentary than insulting... Adelheid just doesn't seem to feel a need to put up much of a front, here, "To partnership, then." The young Bernstein inclines his head respectfully towards Rolento, turning slightly to take a few steps towards the side of the deck, "My father might offer you a drink now, I have a different request. You are a veteran of many wars, and a fighter of some reputation yourself. I wish to study your techniques personally, to test and to learn." The platinum blonde turns his head to look back towards Rolento, "What do you say?"
"I would of been a martyr to remain within the American special forces after the fiasco of Vietnam. The one thing I cannot stomach, Mr. Bernstein, is weakness. I was the only operative willing to do what was required to win that war, to fight fire with fire, and to annihilate Communism beyond more then a political promise. That I was demonized for my sacrifice, of time, body, and life..." For a moment there is tension, heralding the emotions he has to the former country he called home. "Metro City is but a small portion of the debt I am owed. Trust me. I will extract more before my operations are complete..."
Of course, at the idea of partnership, there's a swift salute of both fingers offered. Yet the further request is read into. A spar, of sorts? He knows he cannot triumph over Rugal himself, despite planning or tactics, but his son... "To learn, you say? Do you happen to be as legendary as your father in the acquisition of choice techniques?" This is lightly chiding, Rolento striding to the middle of the open room and rubbing his chin. Nanako only got a single punch on him the other day, and it barely hurt in the slightest. It shouldn't be inhibiting -- he couldn't even call it a spar. "I warn you that my own blend cannot be reproduced. Every aspect works in harmony. Adaptability and unpredictability are wed." His baton smacks an open palm, hard enough to echo once. "So who do you wish to begin?"
"Ah, the American dream." Adelheid comments with a smirk, "A media image, little more. I won't shed a tear for the Corporate gluttons. Their hypocrisy has lightened enough other pockets, and lives." There's a bit of a shrug... it's a world he couldn't feel more removed of, but in that aspect he's glad. From where he's standing, though, it's high time /someone/ collected.
Adelheid loosens his arm with a stretch, before they drop back to his sides, his stance changing little as he turns to face Rolento fully, considering the commander's form, and arms. An unpredictable, adaptable fighter... his setup would seem to indicate that as well, but the same can be said of Adelheid in many instances, "A perfect fighting form is all about evolution and adaptation." Adel explains, and agrees, "Techniques are merely the illustration of that form. I do not seek to dissect your techniques... but to examine the whole, as you say. That is where strength is found. You may begin when ready."
COMBATSYS: Adelheid has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Adelheid 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Adelheid takes no action.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Adelheid 0/-------/-------|
It would seem the latter comment actually earned Adelheid some respect from Rolento as a person, as opposed to merely as a business contact. Such casual disdain hints towards full understanding and developed opinion, far from something merely tossed out for a false sense of comradery. Leaning forward, what would seem to be a lackluster position could be easily read by Adelheid. His weight is in his core, allowing rapid movement in any direction, including both down and up. It gives an illusion of being open, that could be viciously punished. This is not a man who fights for beauty or purpose, but a savage and brutal man who humiliates and defeats those that come against him through any means possible, with no morality, no convictions, and no rules...
He is well aware of Adelheid's style, by deducing it to be similar to Rugal's. He has studied some SNF footage, yet not much. Slow assaults at range will be punished. His best bet will be raw speed, in both evasion and assault. A scheme already develops, incorporating the entire room, all options Adelheid has at this stage, the greatest methods to attack and defend...
The gears are turning, and at the start of a battle at least, Rolento can be fearsome like few others!
COMBATSYS: Rolento has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Adelheid 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Rolento
COMBATSYS: Rolento focuses on his next action.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Adelheid 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Rolento
Well, he is Rugal's son. And the style is definitely hereditary... but just how far that stretches remains to be seen. That the military man is preparing is not something that Adelheid misses... leaving the ball in his proverbial court. Rather than choosing to make his own preparations, the young Bernstein seeks to seize control of the battle before Rolento can fully guage and prepare, perhaps surprisingly seeking to close the distance immediately. And dramatically.
The platinum blonde darts in with surprising acceleration, snapping his left fist in and under, a feinting blow directed towards Rolento's guts. The assault changes suddenly, however, as Adelheid twists right, snapping his palm in for Rolento's scarred face. Should he find his grip, his fingers clench suddenly, painfully, with alarming tightness over the commander's features, and as Adelheid finds his footing... Rolento would be roughly hauled up by that arm, and then /blasted/ back as a torrent of silver chi was released point-blank into his face, the shearing winds blasting from Adelheid's gloved palm.
COMBATSYS: Rolento fails to interrupt Scorpion Deathlock from Adelheid with Grenadier.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Adelheid 0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0 Rolento
Instantly reaching to his harness, a grenade is yanked free and the pin flicked away with a thumb, clattering to a stop some distance aside. This is a gambit intended to assert himself from the start of combat into a dominant position; The risks are worth the potential rewards, although he realizes after dedicating himself that he was not quite ready. His free hand attempts to grab the initial feint by the wrist, yet Adelheid's speed is admirable and the failed motion signals success for his opponent. Testament to reflexes, he realizes this before gripped, but can do nothing to stop it. Rolento is an old man, and has to rely on experience more then physical ability. In this situation it fails.
Lifted slightly by the hand, vision obscured, the grenade slips free and bounces behind Adelheid, detonating grandly and shimmering both people in thin white smoke and flame as shrapnel clings off the ceiling and walls. Amidst this firework display Rolento is impacted in the face by bolting chi, heavily landing upon his back and rolling to a crouch, breath coming sharp and eyes narrowed. He shakes his head twice, one final bolt of silver going down his arm before being shaken free.
"Hah! You truly embrace the power of youth! I apologize for even minutely underestimating you. Giving you a window of opportunity of even thirty percent..." He's certainly damaged, but his grin remains unbroken as his baton is slowly twirled...
Ah, those grenades! Adelheid certainly noticed them, and he's glad when the thing rolls off out of 'effective' radius. The blast still tousles his hair, and chars the deck, but otherwise the Noah, and Adelheid himself seem unphased. Which is more than one can say for Rolento, the young Bernstein watching the commander as he's blown backwards. A nod is given to the commander's words, "Most do." But then, Adelheid isn't most kids his age. Sure, there are other fighting prodigies, some better known, some just more talented... but few who've worked as steadily, and with the sheer discipline that Adelheid's upbringing has entailed. Rugal is not exactly the kindly old master sort. In a way, Rolento and Adelheid share similar approaches to fighting... not emotional and berserking like his father tends to be, Adel seems coldly calculating, calmly focused, an icy sort of passion burning in his dark eyes. He studies Rolento only a moment, before darting in with another weaving feint, his left boot shooting for the commander's shin as his left hand snaps around for the front of Rolento's uniform. Not flashy, not complex, the assault is a direct, efficient attempt to simply unbalance Rolento, and slam the man into a faceplant on the deck itself with a flexing of that powerful arm.
COMBATSYS: Rolento dodges Adelheid's Quick Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Adelheid 0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0 Rolento
"Well. I would consider it more a miscalculation." Rolento refines in retrospect, but that's neither here nor there. Discussion of the style can be done after the conflict is completed after all. Retaining his poise after regaining his composure, as Adelheid approaches the response is somewhat simple. Leaping aside and tucking into a ball, there's a hearty roll that takes him cleanly out of reach as his opponent attempts to initially grapple. It's unexpected to say the least, before he leaps into the air and lands precariously on the railing nearby, crouched with his free hand bracing him and baton held behind. "Hnnnn!"
Afterwards he actually backflips further away, seeming to completely extricate himself from battle. Only to land in a crouch upon the adjacent wall, and then lunge further up. From just above, he descends with rapid speed, frontflipping a single time before bringing down the baton and attempting to impact it into Adelheid's shoulder. Whirling thereafter, a vicious sidekick attempts to then send the heir to the Bernstein fortune flying backwards, fluid and perfectly executed throughout the entirety!
COMBATSYS: Rolento successfully hits Adelheid with Medium Strike.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Adelheid 0/-------/--=====|==-----\-------\0 Rolento
Looks like Rolento's recalculating... good. Trouncing the commander isn't on the agenda... Adelheid wants the opposite, if anything. He's not masochistic, but he's definitely interested in seeing what Rolento can do. And it looks like Adel is getting his wish. His eyes track Rolento's motions, guaging trajectory and force, but... it's the platinum blonde's turn to miscalculate, raising a defense against the descending Rolento that's beaten aside by the baton's impact, before the powerful kick doubles him over and sends him hurtling backwards. Adel recovers with nearly feline grace, pushing off into an upwards flip as his shoulderblades hit the deck mid-roll.
As he likes to do, he answers Rolento's approach with his own variation, and his trajectory changes sharply in mid-air... without the assistance of the ship's infrastructure. His hand slams down at an angle, a palmstrike aimed for Rolento, and the platinum blonde veritably /launches/ like a rocket down at the commander, a voluminous outpouring of violent silver chi forging a rampantly fluxing disc of swirling winds before his hand. The proverbial 'warhead' of this attack.
COMBATSYS: Rolento blocks Adelheid's Dark Barrier.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Adelheid 0/-------/-======|====---\-------\0 Rolento
Dancing backwards, recovering too much to execute one of his trendy rolls, as the palm is thrusting forward there is a sudden look of concentration. Slipping his stance into one thoroughly defensive, the offending wrist of Rugal's son is this time successfully grabbed. And then wrenched to the right, just as the explosion takes place. The majority is almost completely deflected, yet both wrist and chest were badly grazed. But there's a rather triumphant expression, as he hurls a small orb into the ground at the pair's feet. There's a loud hiss as thick black smoke, choking and burning, clouts out. Upwards Rolento goes, yanking out two triangular blades and then hurling them straight down in retaliation, pinpointing via ears and where he once was. In the same motion he kicks up his feet, initializing a rapid backflip with enough force to take him outside the cloud and land nimbly, baton shifting in front to deflect any retribution! Impressive, if nothing else...
COMBATSYS: Rolento successfully hits Adelheid with Thrown Object.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Adelheid 1/------=/=======|====---\-------\0 Rolento
Impressive, and painful. The smokebomb throws Adelheid off his game long enough that, as he thinks and acts on moving /out/ of the cloud, the skybound Rolento's throwing blades shear painfully across him, one cutting a deep gash in his shoulder, the other sticking viciously in the skin of his chest. He tears that blade free as he staggers backwards, drawing a deep breath and focusing his eyes past the sting of the sudden, and unexpected smoke... the clear air is what he needs, and it's clearer to him just what kind of games Rolento is playing, here.
Not that that will do him much good if he doesn't find a way to take apart the commander's impressive arsenal.... the burning in his eyes begins to subside, as the young Bernstein narrows his gaze on Rolento... focusing beyond himself, searching his adversary.
COMBATSYS: Adelheid focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Adelheid 1/------=/=======|====---\-------\0 Rolento
This is just what you better expect with Rolento. If you predict he will just roll around and swing his baton amidst hurling knives, that's the meat. It's cruel tactics such as this scorching cloud of sensory deprivation which add the danger, the commando looking to be satisfied as his opponent is in exactly the state anticipated once emerged. Sure, he's beginning some manner of horrific assault, but that is expected. Slowly the gears are shifting to his game plan, whether Adelheid might realize or not. Twirling his baton a few times with another laugh, his chest is hit a few times with a fist while regaining some stamina. Masochistic. One benefit to chi assaults are the relative lack of physical damage, if enough time can be taken... "Come! Let me see if our gap in battle experience will be the deciding factor in this outcome! Show me the seed of Rugal Bernstein's genius!"
COMBATSYS: Rolento gains composure.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Adelheid 1/------=/=======|===----\-------\0 Rolento
It's just the sort of invitation he's made before... people always seem to smell it out as a trap, and maybe it is... but sometimes the best way to deal with traps, is to spring them in a fashion far and beyond what they're prepared to deal with. That's just what Adelheid seeks to do right now, as he regains his footing. He /does/ have a legacy, and getting cut to shreds by the commander isn't in the plans either. In a potent shockwave of wind, Adelheid all but shoots forward, crossing the distance between himself and Rolento in the virtual blink of an eye.
Both hands shoot out, looking to simply overwhelm Rolento's guard, and establish a brute force grapple. Odd for the lithe man, but... he seems to possess the power to pull it off, as if he establishes his grab, one hand clenches over Rolento's throat, cutting off the flow of air to his lungs... while the other slams harshly into the commander's face, much as in their first exchange of the fight. This time, however, both combatants would then /lurch/ across the observation deck, hurtling forward at alarming velocity until Rolento's back impacted the bulkhead behind them...
At which point the 'R' heir would pour an absolutely alarming amount of wind-chi into Rolento's scarred face, the storm centered on that gripping palm, pinning Rolento against the harsh metal wall as waves of energy shear back and forth, intent on tearing the man asunder. This is the plan, at least... one worthy of a Bernstein.
COMBATSYS: Adelheid successfully hits Rolento with Gigantic Pressure.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Adelheid 0/-------/-------|=======\-------\1 Rolento
Well, this is a pain that Rolento knows is going to come forth. Sound tactics are not a bad thing, even if they might be transparent. After all, the one similarity between a newbie and a pro happens to be utilizing the same tactics and skills. The distance is experience and adaptability. Still, expecting to get hammered and witnessing it take place are different things, trying in vain to interpose his baton before it to no avail.
Not even able to exclaim, he's gripped and driven backwards, teeth grit as he tries to overpower the summoned energy. This doesn't so much as stall Adelheid a bit, peculiar expression as all air is cut off. Blood droplets flit out upon being HAND TO FACED as he's steamrolled towards the bulkhead, hitting hard enough to lightly dent before being shredded by the ensuing energies. Teeth are grit mid-spasm as he thereafter collapses to his knees, before immediately retaliating.
Lunging upwards, one huge knife is yanked free before being gripped by the end and hurled downwards. It's heavy and disturbingly forceful, unlike the earlier assaults potentially very damaging given the aim for vitals. Tossed hard enough to stall himself in the air, a final backflip takes him back to the ground. It's a good idea not to get hit again, just yet...
COMBATSYS: Adelheid slows Stinger from Rolento with Large Thrown Object.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Adelheid 0/-------/-----==|=======\=------\1 Rolento
Recovering quickly despite the outpouring of energy, Adelheid pushes back as Rolento ascends, the drawing of the knife noticed, and immediately mirrored. Adelheid drops to a crouch, one gloved hand darting into his boot to bring forth a black edge of metal, the throwing blade hurled with impressive accuracy to slam into the larger knife midflight. The throwing knife may ricochet off, but it leaves the punishing blade veering off-course, a twist of Adelheid's upper body getting him away with only a shallow gash across his other shoulder. Drawing a deep breath, the young Bernstein backs away one more pace, not hesitant but certainly cautious... Rolento is cagey quarry, and while he may have come out far better for that last exchange, this is far from over...
"Resourceful. I'm impressed." Adelheid notes simply, though he seems far from surprised by that fact, "You know that strength means more than honing just yourself, overpowering your enemies."
Breathing heavily, pushed to his limits against Adelheid, there's a grin that hints he might very well be enjoying all of this. Despite considerable damage from the one solid blow, he's far from out. "Absolutely. It is foolish to believe that physical might alone is conducive to victory. That is my weakest aspect." Reaching into his vest, a long Bowie knife is taken out. Abruptly he sheathes his baton, gripping the bladed weapon edge-down. A peculiar change of events, but he doubtlessly has a reason for it. It's time for some hand's on training!
Suddenly he begins to roll in Adelheid's direction, before lunging up and attempting to wrap his meaty man-thighs about the young boy opposite's waist, trying to pin his arms and grip his throat to stop evasion. And then drive the knife as hard as he can into his chest, complete with a nasty twist. It's an unorthodox tactic, trying to break his guard and make his own assaults more difficult. He cannot do this with his baton, after all... Whether he is adaptable enough to compensate Rugal would like very much to see!
COMBATSYS: Rolento successfully hits Adelheid with Heavy Strike.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Adelheid 0/-------/-======|=======\=------\1 Rolento
Adelheid is quick, but the unconventional nature of the assault catches him offguard... it may not be the quickest attack, but when Rolento suddenly straddles his waist, well... he can't exactly sidestep the brutal stap, muscular flesh only somewhat resistant to the sheer force behind the hit. Well and thoroughly stabbed, blood spurts free of the deep wound as Adelheid lurches backwards, rolling away rather ungracefully and trying to right himself.
... Which is a much harder process, this time. Gasping for breath, the young Bernstein reaches into his other boot, drawing forth a second, identical edge and hurling it point-first for Rolento's chest, hoping to catch the commander before he can fully recover his defenses... or follow up the brutal hit. One gloved hand lifts to the gushing wound on his left breast, as the platinum blonde recovers his bearings.
COMBATSYS: Rolento overcomes Large Thrown Object from Adelheid with Large Thrown Object.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Adelheid 0/-------/-======|=======\=------\1 Rolento
As the blade is flung towards Rolento, he quickly unsheathes his baton with the free hand and viciously deflects the projectile, sending it spiraling in the general direction of nowhere important. The Bowie knife is then raised up, the hilt pointed in Adelheid's direction. Only with a squeeze, thereafter a loud BANG fills the room, a single .50 slut shooting through the air for the very spot he just stabbed. The intent is to ravage an already inflicted wound, given the effectiveness of a gun is questionable at best against fighters of this caliber despite low range and lacking endurance. Sheathing it thereafter, he returns to the baton, still breathing hard as sweat flits down his features, not about to drop his guard at this point in the fight. He's managed to sneak by the defenses with just the right action in just the right circumstances. Doing nothing wrong and everything right, this is still a hell of a fight. It is best not to drop the ball in the end game...
COMBATSYS: Rolento successfully hits Adelheid with Large Thrown Object.
[ \\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Adelheid 1/-------/=======|=======\=------\1 Rolento
Rather than dropping the ball, Rolento scores from the three-point line, the sudden appearance of a gun... or more appropriately, its bullet, sees that bloody wound take another hit, the projectile lodging sharply in the painful, already bleeding gash. Adelheid reels backwards, gritting his teeth... what he was just thinking about this not being over? Well, he's rapidly trying to prove himself wrong, and he doesn't hesitate to act to change that.
It may be late in the game, but as long as he's standing, he's ready to fight... and swinging his right booted foot around, the 'R' heir seeks to show Rolento just /how/ ready, a tumultuous rush of silvery chi coursing along the path of his boot, a cleaving edge of ragged energy coursing across the deck in a waist-high wave. The luminescent, shearing lance threatens to envelope Rolento where he stands... a bit more potently than a bullet might.
COMBATSYS: Rolento overcomes Reppukyaku EX from Adelheid with Mine Sweeper.
[ \\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Adelheid 0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0 Rolento
It is time, Rolento! IT IS TIME TO ROLL!
And that he does, backflipping once and just barely clearing the beginning of the kick, before releasing a grenade. This one is heavy, anti-vehicular, the pin long gone. The explosion is terrifying, probably alerting everyone on the ship and making them feel that the battleship is under assault! Heavily shrapnel sinks deep into steel in all directions, but this is far from the end. That's enough to completely dissipate all the energy Adelheid summoned. Whether he survives the rest is the true question.
Just barely clearing the flames and absorbing the kinetic blast via being rotundly compact, a second grenade is dropped. Then a third. Then a fourth. Each is similarly explosive, also badly singing the ground and sending more hunks of twisted, burning metal in all directions. Trying to juggle the youth along, with no small amount of force. He'd come to a stop just shy of being killed at the last one, a single piece of debri slashing his right cheek and causing a trail of blood.
So he literally risked his life, where one mistake would of been potential death, and still managed to counter a point-blank assault. *This* is the heart and soul... of Rolento Shugerg. And exactly why he is a world threat.
COMBATSYS: Adelheid slows Mine Sweeper from Rolento with Large Thrown Object.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rolento 0/-------/------=|
COMBATSYS: Adelheid can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rolento 0/-------/------=|
Well, hey... looks like it's time to turn the deck of the Noah into an artillery test field. To his credit, Adelheid does an admirable job of staying one step ahead of the series of blasts, dancing away from each drop, until the last corners him, and the young Bernstein? Well, he /kicks/ the grenade, and it hurtles back the way it came, carrying it /straight at Rolento/.... which would be real bad news, if the charge didn't detonate almost immediately on its return trip, slamming Adelheid bodily against the metallic wall, against which he slumps to the ground with a groan.
That gloved hand rises to his most grievous injury once more as he slumps there, a slight smile ghosting over his face, replaced by a wince of pain, "Educational. I'm sure whatever we provide is in... capable hands." The words are somewhat terse, but then, the platinum blonde is in a large amount of pain right now.
Well, that was an exhilarating turn of events. Rolento did not come here expecting a conflict, and his only triumph was staying a split second ahead of Adelheid. Not true raw speed, but unorthodox tactics. To think now of what a monster Rugal Bernstein himself must be in comparison... This mercenary hardly wishes to fathom it. "I am getting old... Yet I am not too old yet. You are a terrifying force to behold. Even were I not to get weaker as time continues, you will completely outpace me in a measure of mayhaps a couple years..." This is intended to be a compliment, but it can be interpreted as desired. His mind is still ready, but the body is no longer holding up. That, more then anything, is becoming Rolento's greatest enemy. Striding over with a fair limp to the briefcase, it is plucked up before similarly heading back to Adelheid. Avoiding the smoking sections. This is set down and slid beside. "This shall be sufficient retainer. I hope now we can begin the process of acquiring what I need. Detailed lists and models can be forthcoming in the following days. I will not need the majority... For a couple months, just yet..." So he's going to do something else major? Oh ho ho. Wince. Ow. "...Is there any further business you wish to discuss?"
Nanako heads to Japan.
Nanako arrives from the Pacific Ocean.
Despite the rather profound agony of fighting someone like Rolento, Adelheid seems similarly pleased by the turn of events. A test for himself, as he had said... trying to match and learn from someone as experienced as this warrior seemed an opportunity not to be missed. And certainly proved memorable. A nod is given to Rolento in acknowledgement of the words, "That will be fine. I will seek you out again, when I've recovered... but no, our business for tonight is concluded." He may not have much in common with Rolento on the idealistic level... but he knows a chance to learn when he sees one. Adelheid pushes himself up, against the pain, rising to his feet to stand before the departing commander,
"We'll establish drop points as time goes on, further communications will come via the same channels." Adel explains, calmly, regaining most of his composure and doing his best to simply ignore the bleeding wounds, "There is a man waiting to take you back to your helicopter."
Well, fighting Adelheid a second time... It could go in either direction, to say the very least. He can hope the boy's father cares as little as the youth, for being smacked in half by an aggravated Genocide Cutter is not on the list of preferred deaths. That list happens to be very long, to boot. "...I believe we can both use recuperation." is mulled, one ounce of pride he's got little issue admitting. Never medicating himself with pain relievers, this will be no more pleasant then anything else. But pain sharpens the senses, and strengthens the body. Straightening himself and heading back towards the stairs and bulkhead, a final salute is offered towards the youth. He's proven himself, much more then anyone else his age yet met. "Until next we meet." And then he's limping off in the general direction of his helicopter, attempting anew to try and retain some of his initial confidence and poise in the journey...
Adelheid says, "Haha, very close."
Log created on 17:59:32 09/15/2006 by Adelheid, and last modified on 10:13:42 04/04/2008.