Description: Cammy drops by Gedo High after school hours to do some of the training that the two fighters had discussed earlier.
Gedo High. School's in again, and things are busy.
Except that it's late, and nobody's there.
Nobody except Daigo, at least. Daigo Kazama, Boss of the gangs of Gedo. With school back in session, the vacation over, and students in need of training once more, Daigo's taken on a new role at the school. Where he used to be a student, he is now more of a mentor, as far as official 'jobs' go. He never quit being the Boss, it's just more official now, as half of his 'job' is to keep the kids of Gedo HIgh in line, and doing what this gang does best. Prove the world wrong.
Yet the kids aren't the only ones in need of training. Daigo's claimed he's out of shape. Rusty. The SNF proved just how behind he had become. So he's here. Just outside the dojo area, exercising without a shirt, and currently doing push-ups. With two Gedo punks that were just hanging out at the school for some ungodly reason, sitting on his back.
Late... the hour may be late, for schoolkids, but Cammy is so much more than that. She's used to pulling all-nighters, and not just studying for tests, but on stakeouts and pursuits as well. Fortunately, she isn't doing that right now. Late probably means close to sunset, orange rays of sun throwing long shadows.
Gedo is notoriously closed-off to students not from the school, but Cammy gets recognition, and wolf-whistles--and she also has the hardened look of someone who would brook no interruptions. So no one gets in her way, and the few she talks to are more than happy to let her know where the Gedo Boss is. And it ain't the principal's office.
Her trip out to the dojo is short, and sweet, her patent-leather shoes clopping lightly on asphalt and concrete as she approaches... with a little whistle for the feat of strength that greets her eyes.
"That's some pretty impressive lifting for a man who's 'rusty'," is what she says, by way of greeting the elder Kazama.
As Daigo was in the middle of a push-up when he heard the greeting, all Cammy earns is a grunt in response. Two more push-ups, and the Gedo man holds himself up by the arms, to look back at his two helpers. "Off." he says, and they obediantly hop right off, and onto the dojo steps, resuming their laid back sitting postures. Slackers that they are.
Daigo hefts himself up to a sitting position himself, legs crossed indian-style, hands on his knees, to catch his breath. "Used to be able to lift three." he grumbles, to himself more than anything. "Then again, I used to train by letting the rest of the school punch me repeatedly, at the same time, for endurance." Sweat dripping from his brow, the elder Kazama flashes half of a smile to the visitor to Gedo.
A light chuckle comes from Cammy as she divests herself of her bookbag, leaning it against the side of the dojo. She look at the man--the *big* man--and considers her words for a moment. But only a moment.
"Does that mean you're too tired to have that spar?" she asks, even as she winces a bit at the thought of taking multiple punches at the same time for endurance training. Special Forces is hardcore, but even that seems a bit extreme... though, certainly, Daigo's toughness is legendary.
Cammy doesn't even give the two punk kids a second look--though she's sure they're giving her more than second looks.
They're Gedo punks, after all. They have to at least leer at women, though they're behaved at least enough to do more than that.
Partially because Daigo'd knock their heads off if they were disrespectful. And partially because this particular girl would most likely get to them first.
To the question of a spar, Daigo lifts his brow, and stands from his plunked-down seat, turning his head one way, then another to get the kink out of his neck. His next smile is more genuine, the Gedo Boss more than willing to entertain the idea of a 'match', as Megumi would put it. "Not at all. Now I'm all warmed up." he says, folding his arms over his chest. "Is that what you came here for?"
Cammy's used to getting stares. She doesn't pay it any mind. Besides, she's got black bloomers on underneath, like Sakura's red bloomers; they won't get any more of a show than they would normally. Cammy nods to the question posed, stretching her arms out behind her.
"That is indeed why I'm here," she replies, "as we'd discussed previously..." She almost looks as though she wants to mention something else, but for one, there are too many ears around and secondly, the information isn't hers to release... not yet, anyways.
Excellent. Daigo's all set for a fight. The two punks look at each other for a second, hearing the possibility of a fight, then one gets up and darts into the dojo.
For his part, the Gedo Boss nods his head, and takes a quick glance around the courtyard to make sure there's nothing really in the way. Satisfied that only trees and such remain in the otherwise flat area, he nods, "Fine, then. This'll be a better work out than what I was doing was going to be." He even kept his smile. What there was of one. "Don't you be going easy on me, either."
The punk that had disappeared, reappears with a bowl of popcorn for him and his buddy to munch for the show. Figures that the Gedo Dojo would have a snack kitchen.
Cammy can't hold back a smirk; she had rather thought there was going to be some betting going on, herself. She glances the punk's way (and the dojo's), then remarks, "We doin' it out here, then? Plenty of room, that's for sure..."
She doesn't seem too bothered by the idea, really; but she'll wait for Daigo to set the scene, as it were, before she makes any assumptions.
"No holds barred, or are we doin' this gentlemanly?"
"Don't hold anything back. You never have before." Daigo says, and to answer where he intends to fight? Well he slides right into a battle stance right where he's standing, spreading his feet out, and lifting his arms to prepare for the 'exercise'. "We can get rough out here. I just had the dojo fixed last week from the last trouble that happened in there."
"It wasn't fun rebuildin' either!" one of the punks quip up with, mouth full of popcorn and all.
COMBATSYS: Daigo has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Daigo 0/-------/-------|
Well, that answers that.
"Perhaps you ought to invest in better building materials?" offers Cammy, as she just waits a moment, while Daigo gtes into his battle stance. This... will be interesting. And hitting him probably won't be fun--probably like striking a wall. She'll have to think about how to beat him.
Cammy finds her feet sliding apart, her arms coming up in her own battle stance--forgoing the gauntlets, this time... at least her shoes aren't just regular patent leather shoes, they're specially reinforced and made to be useful in situations like this. With a little smirk, Cammy tips her head forward and beckons.
"First move to the home team," she says.
"As you wish." Daigo speaks, all business now that the 'spar' is getting underway. The two punks look to each other one more time, one pointing at Daigo, the other pointing at Cammy. Looks like they /are/ taking bets, as well as eating the popcorn provided by Gedo High. Punks.
Already set, warmed up, and everything, Daigo wastes no further effort on chatting, eyeing his opponent carefully. He double-hops forward, keeping his posture defensive, despite his approach, left arm lifted to help protect his body while the right waits 'till he's close enough to give his favorite greeting. A quick jab, to the chest. Just a tap, really, but great to start with.
COMBATSYS: Cammy has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Daigo 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Cammy
COMBATSYS: Daigo successfully hits Cammy with Jab Punch.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Daigo 0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0 Cammy
Perhaps she just wanted to see if Daigo still 'had it'--maybe she just didn't think he'd be that fast. Or maybe she was distracted by the hootcalling and the betting going on as the people gather. After all, Daigo's fighting and they love to see their Boss go up against someone--even a wiry, lithe woman like Cammy. After all, she might be small (compared to Daigo, few aren't), but even after taking that jab, she still looks like she can give and take.
Case in point; after the jab hits, Cammy staggers back a half-step--but then leaps forward, aiming to snag Daigo around the throat and bring him down in a flying bulldog drop. It shouldn't hurt too much, but maybe she can make the impact a little sharper than normal...
COMBATSYS: Cammy successfully hits Daigo with Medium Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Daigo 0/-------/-----==|-------\-------\0 Cammy
Daigo gives a jab, and he takes a face full of dirt. What kind of give and take is that? The jab hits, sure, but one arm isn't quite enough defense to go against a throat-grab and subsequent bulldog maneuver. So Daigo ends up dropping, face-down. The first exchange goes to Cammy, the quick little she-devil that she is.
Okay... That shows Dai that she hasn't lost her touch at all. Rolling away, the Gedo man gets back to a crouched position, and this time studies Cammy just a bit more carefully. This is going to be a tough fight.
...Punk A jabs Punk B in the ribs. "Ha. I'm already winning." he quips. He must've been the one that bet on Cammy.
COMBATSYS: Daigo focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Daigo 0/-------/-----==|-------\-------\0 Cammy
Betting on Cammy, friends, is like betting on Microsoft. The odds are good but anything can happen. Cammy twists around, in a rather breakdance-like fashion, then rolls to her back and gets back up... huh. Her clothes must be specially treated, they're resisting the dirt fairly well. Anyways.
She just grins a little, as if to say to Daigo, 'no hard feelings, eh?'... then she's rushing forward again, her arms up in a guarding position--as she nears, she feints a jab for Daigo's stomach, but what's really happening is that she's snapping a quick kick out for Daigo's... knee? No, not the knee--a wrong impact from the inside and she might bust that joint out and that'd be it. Instead the leather-clad foot is aimed for just above the knee... just as painful but less permanently disabling.
COMBATSYS: Daigo interrupts Light Kick from Cammy with Phoenix Fist.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Daigo 0/-------/--=====|===----\-------\0 Cammy
"No hard feelings." Daigo agrees upon Cammy's approach, the Gedo man sparing another half smile. Their fights have been spectacular in the past, and Dai's never had reason to hold a grudge before. Why start now?
It's been said before that the best defense is a good offense. At one point, Daigo had never believed in such a thing. After his last few fights, however, the Gedo man's mind has been opened up, whether by inspiration or impact with various hard objects, to accept the fact that sometimes the best time to sneak a hit in is right when your opponent's trying to beat your face in. So it is now that Daigo practices such a fine art. Cammy approaches, with intent to kick Daigo right in the knee. Something that would surely hurt!
The Gedo Boss intends to take it, too...but at the same time that he steps forward to take the impact to his leg, his right fist is being brought down, haymaker style, to try and nail the flighty little fighter on the top of her pigtail'd noggin with a glowing fist. Lo and behold, success! He suffers little more than a stinging leg...maybe he threw her aim off. Or maybe she didn't aim on the joint to begin with.
This time Punk B jabs Punk A in the ribs. "Boss's tougher than that, idiot. See? He got even." Punk A just glares, and chews his popcorn. Emo'ly.
Daigo's glowing fist earns -rave- reviews from the masses! And a loud cry of pain from his opponent. Cammy staggers back, a hand going to the side of her head, the side where she was tagged... and she grins.
"Thought you said you were rusty, Kazama!" she cries, as she cartwheels backwards, to get enough room to take a couple of steps forward, quick lunging steps...
And then she's crouching, for a brief moment, putting her hands on the ground and pushing off, becoming a spinning torpedo flying at Daigo's chest, feet-first... and since he's taken the gloves off, so to speak, so will Cammy, her blue-white, sparking Psycho Power blazing to life, forming an arrowheaded aura that engulfs her feet and legs.
"SPIRAL ARROW!" cries the young Delta Red fighter, as she blazes her path.
COMBATSYS: Cammy successfully hits Daigo with Spiral Arrow.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Daigo 1/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0 Cammy
One lucky hit does not a comeback make. Daigo bean'd Cammy with a fist, and her idea of payback? To step on his chest, while he's still standing. Daigo even tried to get himself into a more favorable position to at least not get hurt so badly, but..well, hey, it's Cammy, and she's damn fast. Not only does the elder Kazama fail, but he gets nailed hard enough to damn near make his heart skip, sending the big fighter tumbling back to strike the grassy ground.
"Oof..." the man grunts, struggling to get back to his feet again. "I /am/ rusty, girl." he claims, trying to bounce back from the brutal two-step danced on his sternum, tracking the power-legg'd Delta Red girl down, and attempting to lay a one-two of his own! Left jab, right hook, go!
COMBATSYS: Daigo successfully hits Cammy with 1-2 Smash.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Daigo 1/-----==/=======|=======\-------\0 Cammy
Wuh-oh! Cammy is still on the way down from her attack, and one of the failings of the Spiral Arrow is that it leaves her 'in recovery' just long enough for fighters who are smart to capitalize on that...
... like Daigo does, his left jab-right hook combination pounding the girl hard, once again sending her staggering back. By now she's pretty much tuned out the cheers and jeers; her operational focus is all on Daigo, and indeed, once she's sure she still has a jaw and that no bones are broken, that's what she's doing, her blue eyes narrowing as she studies her big opponent.
COMBATSYS: Cammy focuses on her next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Daigo 1/-----==/=======|=======\-------\0 Cammy
Daigo certainly isn't out to break any bones! Not for a spar. He may not be holding back the energy, but that's just part of the whole defense training. He /wants/ to get hurt, and Cammy's one of those fighters that can do a damn good job of it. When Cammy ducks back to regain her senses, Daigo's left with a choice. Press the attack? Or hold back a bit? Decisions, decisions.
This is more than just defense training, though. It's about learning to hit the fast ones. Daigo's learning tactics to back up his bruteness, so the big Gedo man hangs back himself, hunkering down defensively, and extending a single hand in the commonly known 'bring it' gesture. "Come on, Cammy. You haven't dumped me on my head yet..."
"Yeah! Everybody dumps Boss on his head in his fights! It's like tradition!" Punk A shouts. Earning him a genuine thwap from Punk B. "Shutup and let the Boss fight... I've got five bucks riding on this."
Big betters of Gedo High, they sure ain't.
COMBATSYS: Daigo focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Daigo 1/-----==/=======|=======\-------\0 Cammy
So that's what he wants, huh...? Alright, then. Cammy backs up a little further, once again aiming to get room for her next attack. She begins forward, one, two, three steps, then she pushes off with those strong legs, tucking into a spinning ball as she tumbles through the air, tucked almost impossibly tight, whirling through the air right for Daigo...
COMBATSYS: Daigo fails to interrupt Hooligan Suplex from Cammy with Super Skull Aura.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Daigo 0/-------/-======|=======\=------\1 Cammy
...THERE! Suddenly, Cammy's unfolded herself, grabbing Daigo by the jacket, her legs locking around one of his legs, and then--and then, impossibly it seems, their size differences are so great--Cammy's changing her momentum, twirling forward, her grip the fulcrum around which she swings Daigo overhead to slam into the ground, shoulders first, aided by her legs--which come out to full stretch as she lands the throw, bouncing away slightly with the excess momentum.
Somewhere in that massive throw, a burst of purple chi lances out into the dimming sky... Daigo's futile attempt to slow the throw-artist down before she could do what he'd suggested, and brain him upon the courtyard floor. She succeeds. He doesn't. And the Boss of Gedo winds up with a shoulder ache. He still manages to get up on his knees though, his face hinting at the pain his body really feels. "...Nice..." is all the compliment he can manage right now, preparing for what follow-up is bound to come next.
Meanwhile, the Punks have apparently stopped watching the fight. They're having a thumb-war, to settle their little arguement. Gedo thumb wars just happen to include punching the other guy in the face to make him lose.
Cammy lands, lightly, and turns. Normal fight, she'd probably go for the 'kill'--she can sense how badly Daigo is off, and though she knows he's legendarily tough and hard to put down, this wasn't meant to be a serious bout in -that- sense. So she stops a moment, and regards the Gedo Boss.
"You okay, Kazama? Want to stop here?" It isn't spoken in a taunting manner, though the words could have been cast in that light; she's seriously asking... though she suspects she knows what the big man's answer will be. Of course, she wouldn't expect any other answer, but... one never knows.
COMBATSYS: Cammy focuses on her next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Daigo 0/-------/-======|=======\=------\1 Cammy
"I'll stop when I'm knocked out." Daigo answers, perhaps more gruffly than he meant it. He doesn't even answer how he's feeling. If he can't take a little pain, he doesn't deserve to be Gedo's Boss!
Pushing himself up from the crouch, Daigo goes with a simple move to try and get his momentium back. Something that may not be such a great idea against someone as fleet-footed as Cammy. Attempting to build up a little speed this time, Daigo simply extends an arm out, and tries to clothesline his sparring partner. One big meaty arm aimed to thump her right on the chest.
COMBATSYS: Cammy dodges Daigo's Medium Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Daigo 0/-------/-======|=======\=------\1 Cammy
Huh. Maybe this is where Jiro got it... not that Cammy's ever fought him. She stands her ground, grinning at the response from Daigo. That, as they say, is the spirit, and she can see it in him, in his eye, in the way he immediately gets back up and charges in. Still...
Cammy -is- renowned for her speed, and so she judges her best moment, twists, ducks, and slips the clothesline--
And then her hands are snapping out, seeking to find purchase on Daigo's outstretched arm, to use it as a lever to twist the big man to the ground and put some strain on his shoulder before backing off.
That, however, is dependent on her getting the grab.
COMBATSYS: Daigo fails to interrupt Fast Throw from Cammy with Phoenix Fire.
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Daigo 1/-------/=======|=======\=------\1 Cammy
There's a flicker of light that starts when Daigo gets grabbed...and ends when Daigo gets tossed unceremoniously to the ground again. Focus, lost, the Gedo man struggles back up to his feet yet again, breathing much heavier than he had been when he started the fight. "...What...a workout.." he grunts, good-naturedly. But then, what does one expect out of a guy that /runs/ the School of Hard Knocks?
Cammy isn't going to stop now; Daigo had his chance, and he said he wanted this fight to go until one or the other was knocked out. Fine; she'll accept the challenge. Switching up tactics, she comes in low--again, feinting, making a motion as if she were going to jab Daigo in the stomach. But then, instead, she crouches lower and then leaps, twisting her body around and aiming to smash Daigo's forehead with a flying thrust kick, aimed high. If Daigo's looking downwards... he might get a least a good view of some long, nicely muscled leg.
COMBATSYS: Daigo blocks Cammy's Strong Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Daigo 1/-------/=======|=======\-------\1 Cammy
Hey, look! Another kick! There's something the big Gedo man can defend himself against. Ducking low first, taken by the feint, he only used one arm to try and block that fake-punch, so his right is free to notice the swift shadow of a falling leg above his head. He doesn't have time to look up, so takes his chance in reaching to catch the leg...succeeding, with some effort, to stop the kick from connecting between his eyes.
It's with this grasp that Daigo attempts to sort of fall forwards, holding Cammy's leg with one hand, his other trying to aim an elbow for her gut to push her away from him, albeit forcefully, though this will put him in a bad position to be in if he fails.
COMBATSYS: Cammy blocks Daigo's Medium Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Daigo 1/------=/=======|=======\=------\1 Cammy
It's hard--but not impossible--to dodge, when one's leg is being held thusly. The work of it is more than it is worth, normally. And Cammy doesn't have the time to take to wrest her leg free of that grasp before that elbow lands; so she drops her arms and absorbs the elbow, with a grunt, using the momentum of it to help release her leg from Daigo's grasp. With that, she lands, but doesn't go more than a step before she's lunging again.
The acrobatic fighter is leaping up, quite simply looking to hammer a pair of clasped fists into Daigo's head--if she makes contact there, she'll shift her hands to grip him by the head and then, as she lands, bring his head down so that his throat lands on her shoulder... again, with just enough force to make it hurt, but not lethal.
COMBATSYS: Cammy successfully hits Daigo with Combo Throw.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Daigo 1/----===/=======|=======\==-----\1 Cammy
It's a spectacular thud, to be sure, but that's what Daigo gets nontheless. Thudded right back into the ground. The impact on his throat may not kill the Kazama man, but it does have enough force with what he's exerted thus far, that it's going to make Dai pass out. He does try to get one more lick in though, seeing if such close proximity will allow him to get a quick grip around Cammy's waist, since he's going to fall back anyway, to suplex her right into the courtyard ground.
COMBATSYS: Daigo has reached second wind!
[ \\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Daigo 1/----===/=======|=======\==-----\1 Cammy
COMBATSYS: Daigo successfully hits Cammy with German Suplex.
[ \\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Daigo 1/---====/=======|=======\====---\1 Cammy
CRUSH'D! Cammy was -sure- that Daigo was down; that's why she didn't do much to get out of the way... only to find herself being upended and crushed into the ground in a classic German Suplex. Oh man, that hurt. Man. Cammy rolls away, coughing, wheezing a bit, staggering back up to her feet.
"H-heh... you always were a tough guy, Kazama," says the blonde... finding the energy within herself to take two steps forward and then a third, arrested step, Cammy twisting on her leading, left leg and snapping a side-kick right for Daigo's stomach.
COMBATSYS: Cammy successfully hits Daigo with Strong Kick.
Glancing Blow
[ \\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Daigo 1/--=====/=======|=======\=====--\1 Cammy
A quick breather. That's all the Kazama warrior needed. And the suplex was just that breather! Finding his own hidden reserve of energy, Daigo struggles back up to his feet, turning just in time to step back from a powerful kick aimed to knock what wind he'd gotten back out. It was only half a hit though, just the boot nailing him instead of the entire muscular leg, but it still staggers the Boss back a few steps, weakened as he is.
"/Damn/ good workout." Daigo says in a huff, giving a grin to his sparring partner. Tired as he is, she looks like she could still step all over his face, and get out of the way of everything he's got to boot. So he doesn't even try... Rather, he lifts one hand, and attempts a second burst of purple chi to spike out from his palm, trying to spear Cammy with the painful flow of the darker side of his inner chi. Hey, when you can't move, throw something, right?
COMBATSYS: Cammy dodges Daigo's Super Skull Aura.
[ \\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Daigo 0/-------/--=====|=======\=====--\1 Cammy
Fortunately, Cammy wasn't going for a flying kick, else she might've been in real trouble. The grounded leg gives her enough control over her own momentum to pull the leg back--then fall, to her elbows, watching that spear of energy fly right past her. Almost scorched her face, that one... and she bets that woulda hurt.
Cammy twists, going up on her hands, thrusting both feet upwards at Daigo's chin, turning a handstand into a handstand kick that, if uninterrupted, will ultimately let her back on her feet, whether it hits or misses.
COMBATSYS: Daigo blocks Cammy's Strong Kick.
[ \\\ < > ////////////// ]
Daigo 0/-------/-======|=======\=====--\1 Cammy
Miss... Second time that's failed him. Daigo mentally snaps his fingers, and prepares for the next blow to come his way, a devastating flip-kick! The gedo-ite steps back, his arms thrown out to cushion the blow from striking him too darn hard, but this counter is made. He steps back, then steps back again, keeping his defensive posture for just a little while longer to see if he can break through Cammy's offense. Looking for that last opening.
Meanwhile, the two Thugs each have a black eye, and a bloody lip. Neither one's won the thumb war yet...
COMBATSYS: Daigo gains composure.
[ \\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Daigo 0/-------/---====|=======\=====--\1 Cammy
Definitely... definitely it's been a hell of a fight. And if the rust knocked off were visible there'd be piles of it all over the battle arena--from both Daigo and Cammy. She straightens, still breathing -relatively- easily despite the damage she's taken, and gives Daigo a proper salute. A sign of respect.
That doesn't mean, of course, that she isn't going to do her best to bash his head in. Cammy darts forward, as she usually does, her blue eyes also seeking an opening; hoping she's found it, she feints again, going high but really seeking to go low--it's a simple technique, one of taking one of Daigo's legs in her arms, lifting up, then simultaneously shoulder-slamming him and using a planted leg to sweep the other foot.
Okay, okay, it's not that simple. Cammy's a trained professional.
COMBATSYS: Cammy successfully hits Daigo with Medium Throw.
[ \\ < > ////////////// ]
Daigo 0/-------/=======|=======\======-\1 Cammy
A trip! That's exactly what Daigo takes, too. A trip down to the ground, for the umpteenth time this fight. Crashing onto a rock somewhere this time, earning a more solid pained sound from the Kazama man. Definately on the verge...again...Daigo attempts to wrest his leg back out of Cammy's evil grip, putting both legs together, and attempting to use his prone position to brace for a two-boot kick to get the throw-happy woman away.
COMBATSYS: Cammy counters Strong Kick from Daigo with Fast Throw.
[ < > ////////////// ]
Daigo 1/-------/=======|======-\-------\0 Cammy
Alas, for it is not to be; Cammy is read this time, and when those boots come in, she catches them, sidestepping the force, and twisting to throw Daigo back down to the ground. But... she does so relatively lightly. There's no reason to take it further, after all, and she believes that this'll be enough to put him down without putting Daigo -out-. After all, she'd like to talk to him afterwards.
Yank, thud. Daigo's last-ditch effort to get somewhere has failed spectacularly! As tired as he is now, he knows there's nothing left he can do. He's beaten. This time.
But boy what a workout it was! Daigo's gonna feel sore later, and that'll put him in a good mood. Odd how that works.
"...Fine, fine. You win." the Gedo man coughs out after the last impact, laying on his back to catch his breath now that there's no more 'danger' to worry about. Meanwhile, the thugs both jump up now that it's been decided, Thug A sporting two black eyes, while Thug B looks like he won the thumb war. Too bad he lost the bet, too, grumbling as he reaches for his five bucks to pass to the other gedo kid.
COMBATSYS: Daigo takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Cammy 0/-------/=======|
COMBATSYS: Daigo can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Cammy 0/-------/=======|
COMBATSYS: Cammy has ended the fight here.
"Wasn't about winnin' or losin', now was it?" replies Cammy, as she reaches a hand down to help the big guy up. That's what she thought, anyways; she's breathing hard, and her clothes are, at least partially, soaked in sweat... she'll need a shower when she gets back to Pacific.
"Hell of a fight," she says, with a grin, "I'll be feelin' it tomorrow..." A stretch, then Cammy eyes Daigo.
"How's the rust?"
"Well, no..." Daigo admits, "It was about gettin' in some good exercise. We did that, right?" The elder Kazama, still on his back and staring at what's growing to be a starry sky, rests, too beat up to do more than talk.
"...I won't know 'till next spar." he says, about the rust. "I'm pretty sure ya knocked some of it off though. Thanks."
Cammy withdraws her hand, no hard feelings; she recognizes when a man just wants to lie down. Her reply is a nod.
"Well, you don't have much left to knock off, at this rate." She winces, rotating her left arm, feeling soreness.
"Definitely a lot of fun, though." Turning, she heads for her bookbag, and tosses, over her shoulder, "Get some rest, Kazama, you never know when I'll pop up agains for a rematch!"
Log created by Cammy, and last modified on 09:27:29 09/17/2006.