Description: A harmless stroll through Southtown turns into a fateful encounter with the Saikyo master, Dan Hibiki. Crazy antics ensue, as always!
The afternoon in Southtown Village, a simple afternoon full of simple people going about their simple lives with their simple cell-phones and their simple walkmen blaring while they simply bip and bop about to the music of nature. Except for one man, DAN HIBIKI.
In his latest quest to drum up student intrest for the Saikyo Dojo, he has donned what can only be known as the most awesome of all awesome costumes. The pink Gi he normally wears is in full effect, but strapped to his head is something that defies logic and description altogether. It is a giant foam head. Not just any giant foam head, but a giant foam head of Dan, with Dan's own less gigantic, less foamy head poking out of its hugely open mouth.
As he does a bit of a combination kata slash dance, he speaks three words over and over again,
On this particularly simple day, one simple Taiyo student makes her way along the Southtown Village streets, eyes gazing with considerable interest at what shops are present and just what she can spend her weekly stipend on! Half of it seems to have been spent on what looks like a really large, gray cat backpack, currently strapped on her back and bobbing behind her as she bounces along.
Yet no shop or I-pod or awesomely awesome mechanical device in the world could compare to the sight that beholds her along the way. For, you see, there's nothing stranger than Dan himself in a costume OF himself. That's just plain crazy.
"Wh-whoa!" the girl exclaims, stopping in place and pointing a finger square at Dan the Man. Furrowing her brows, the tiny schoolgirl looks puzzled, uncertain how to follow that exclamation up. A beat and she's got it.
"What the heck's a Saikyo!?" she asks, tilting her head to one side. "And is it expensive? Does it have wi-fi support?"
The pink clad fighter in his huge foam head grins broadly. He knew this was a good idea. As the smaller face talks from inside the larger face its words ring clear as a bell, "Young lady, Saikyo is better than any wireless fidelity signal you could ever find! It's the utmost in soul, perfection, and beauty. It isn't expensive, but it's expansive and for the fraction price of a cup of delicious caramel mocha latte you could learn some of its secrets in a free demonstration!"
The fighter's arm comes up and gives a big-thumbs up to Nanako before pointing towards the giant foam head, "Take it from Bighead Dan Hibiki! A life without Saikyo is a life that hasn't been lived to its fullest potential.. its strongest potential... its.......SAIKYO POTENTIAL!"
Well, that's certainly a good explanation of the Saikyo style, but is it convincing? That remains to be seen.
A smile that rivals her own! Looking at the smiling Saikyo master with confusion, Nanako just stands there, hands held to the straps of her floppy kitty-style backpack (catpack!?) looking completely and utterly lost. She's quiet for a good few minutes before she exhales and breathes in.
" mean to tell me that this ‘Saikyo' isn't a big screen television or nothin'?" Nanako questions, still utterly puzzled. "But it's better than any sorta thing I could ever find?" Blinking slowly, the tiny girl looks puzzled before she thrusts a finger forward and points right at the Bighead Dan Hibiki foam head.
"I'm not convinced about the potential and strength of this so-called ‘Saikyo!' And it costs money? Good things--spiritual things--should be free!" Furrowing her brows, her arms drop, folding across her chest as she tosses her head to one side. "I'm not buyin' your Saikyo, buddy!"
The man puts his hands on his hips and says, "Now wait just a minute, you bought a catsack without blinking an eye and that won't improve your life in any way whatsoever, but you question the ability of Saikyo to change your life in a wholly positive manner for mere pennies on the dollar? Pfft. You're a bad bargain-eer but I'm a good salesman so as a special limited time offer, or should I call it a limited time honor? Ahah yeah, for a special limited time HONOR you can get a free sparring lesson in Saikyo-Ryuu but you have to decide quickly because this offer expires in the next ten seconds!"
Satisfied with himself, Dan Hibiki gives a huge nod while waiting for Nanako's answer to his offer. A small crowd has started to be swayed by his odd getup and enthusiasm, so spectators are not in short supply.
COMBATSYS: Dan has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Dan 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Nanako has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Nanako 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Dan
Putting Nanako on the spot then and there, the girl blinks owlishly, looking briefly dumbfounded by the fact he mentioned her backpack before she puffs up. "Now YOU wait just a darn minute!" she cries, pointing and wagging a finger at the costumed Hibiki. "First of all, this backpack is pretty sweet, and I got it on sale!" Likely because,'s a cat backpack some grade school kid would wear. But THAT is beside the point!
"Secondly, I'm a reall GOOD bargainer, and your sales pitch is kind of obnoxious! Shouting doesn't sell your stuff, you know!" Leaning back, Nanako puts her hands on her hips all sassy-like. "A free sparring lesson, huh?" Is he offering to fight her? Well, far be it for the sassy Nanako to pass by such a deal.
"FINE!" Hands drop from her sides, hands balling into fists at her sides as she cries, "I'll test drive your Saikyo style and see if your bark has some bite to it!" Speaking of bite, the girl leaps up and at him, intent on kicking that silly foam head off his head. "Let's start by fixing that sales fashion sense!"
COMBATSYS: Nanako successfully hits Dan with Light Kick.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Nanako 0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0 Dan
*PFHOOOOOOM!* Dan's head is knocked clear off by Nanako's fierce assault. Well, not his real head obviously, but the one that he was using to sell his wares.
"Hey, wa..wait! I wasn't ready. You didn't even bow! You're going up against a sensei, you have to bow first! Why I..."
The Saikyo master grunts grumpily before he bows to Nanako, and then lets off an attack of his own, bringing his fist out towards the girl in a quick light motion, "By the time I'm done with you, you'll be getting a Hibiki-backpack, because you'll know that Saikyo-Style is the only way to go! Then we'll see who has fashion sense!"
COMBATSYS: Dan successfully hits Nanako with Quick Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Nanako 0/-------/-----==|=------\-------\0 Dan
The kick lands, striking the foam head and sending it flying off and rolling around clumsily. Landing thereafter, Nanako beams brightly as he protests, hands falling to rest confidently on her hips. "Hey, you said it was a ten second offer!" she explains, tilting her head. "So I gotta act fast! No time to bow." Is he a sensei? That earns him a confused stare.
But whoa, what's this? His fist lashes out, and while she attempts to block the oncoming Hibiki assault he breeches her defenses, that fist smacking her and sending her reeling to one side. "H-hey!" she cries, turning to face him once more with a stern look. "What makes you think I want a Hibuki backpack anyway!?" Yes, Hibuki. "And I have fashion sense! Lots of it--in fact!"Darting past, Nanako snags the head before she lunges back, hurling the large thing right at Dan. She really has something against that head.
"I'll show you the error of your Saikyo way!"
COMBATSYS: Dan endures Nanako's Large Thrown Object.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Nanako 0/-------/----===|===----\-------\0 Dan
Dan angles his body as the head comes in towards him, it's large mishappen form tilting in the air in some beautiful foam ballet. As it lands on him he grins broadly, unfortunately, it lands backwards, with his pony-tail falling out behind him from the mouth-hole.
"Now you'll see wh---huh? Where are you? what's going on here!?!"
Blindly, Dan Hibiki thrusts his fist outwardly, putting all of his weight behind it, but quite frankly, not a lot of aiming is involved.
"Hibiki ASSAULT," he cries out as he hurtles in the vague direction of Nanako's last position.
COMBATSYS: Nanako counters Strong Punch from Dan with Auspicious Hand.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Nanako 0/-------/---====|=====--\-------\0 Dan
The foam head soars and ultimately finds perch on Dan's illustrious head, back where it belongs. Furrowing her brows at this turn of events, Nanako tilts her head to one side, hands on her hips as he flails about crazily. Where is she? What's going on?
A Hibiki Assault, that's what! Blinking as he lunges forward, the tiny girl doesn't dodge--instead she steps forward and catches his hand before she thrusts a palm forward, a burst of pink Psycho Power erupting against his gut, to send him stumbling back. "HYAAA!" Take that, Saikyo!
Dan oofs as he feels that energy overtake him, sailing backwards and landing on his ass on the street. He takes this opportunity to twist his head back in the right direction, and sit up, staring at Nanako. He smiles and says, "That's good energy! You have a shot at becoming a Saikyo Student if you show that enthusiasm after the demonstration! Show me more! I will.. Appraise you."
Yes, that's right, he doesn't start on his attack again, instead opting to look more at Nanako's natural style, and try to find any sort of weakness he could exploit for his benefit. Surely, Dan is the master of Strategy.
COMBATSYS: Dan focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Nanako 0/-------/---====|=====--\-------\0 Dan
Holding the pose as Dan flies back, Nanako stands her ground before she smirks broadly, hands dropping to her sides as she breaks into a more relaxed stance. Tilting her head, the girl looks on as he sits upright, and...smiling at her? Taken aback, the girl blinks slowly before she points at herself, glancing either direction before she furrows her brows.
"HA! Thanks, mister Hibuki!" she cries, pointing a finger at the felled man. "But I dunno if I can become a Saikyo student! I'm still not convinced!" But now he wants to appraise her? "Hey, I'm not an antique!" Is he gonna stand there? Well, she'll just make an effort to show him the error of his way by reaching out to snag him and throw him over a shoulder! "RAAH!"
COMBATSYS: Nanako successfully hits Dan with Quick Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Nanako 0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\0 Dan
Dan goes sailing over Nanako's shoulder, and landing on the huge foam head. Coincidentally, the head's odd shape is just the perfect shape to maintain his center of balance, upside down. He stares at the back of Nanako's legs for a moment before blinking and realizes what's just transpired, "Well it looks like going easy on you because you're a new student is out of the question! It's time to let you see what Saikyo really has to offer."
Still balancing upside down, the Saikyo master brings his hand backwards, before looking at it and going, "Oh... haha, right."
Bringing it forward and then backwards correctly, Dan executes a milestone.
The World's first upside down Gadouken. The upside down ball of energy putt-putts it's way towards Nanako's butt.
Oh Dan. Why you gotta be like that?
COMBATSYS: Dan successfully hits Nanako with Gadouken.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Nanako 1/-------/=======|=======\-------\1 Dan
A hand lifts as he sails forward, pressed over her forehead to shield it from the sunlight as he lands...somehow on his head. Does Saikyo give him the power of incredible feat?! Staring as he just sits there, the girl looks awfully confused. A beat, then she's offended.
"H-HEY!" she cries, a hand curling into a fist as she shakes it. "You're not supposed to go easy on me! That's insultin'! I'm offended! Is this what Saikyo is about?? Showing pity by not giving your best?" Folding her arms, Nanako half-turns, turning her nose up. How rude!
The last is unheard, which is much to her misfortune. That puttering ball of blue energy crawls along, unnoticed until she goes to turn--and is struck in the butt by the Gadouken. And for some reason it hurts.
"OW! OW OW!" Hopping around, Nanako grabs her rear as she turns to face him, looking mighty offended. "You pervert! What'd you do that for?!" Oh it's on now. Curling her hands into fists, the girl focuses her energy, pink light erupting from beneath her as she holds her ground. "Saikyo? More!"
COMBATSYS: Nanako gathers her will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Nanako 1/---====/=======|=======\-------\1 Dan
Dan rolls backwards from his position and saying, "What? Why did I hit you in the ass? It was the biggest target I had available at the time, that's why! Saikyo can help there too. That's why Dan Hibiki has buns of steel!"
As he gets back to his feet, he clenches his cheeks together tightly and says, "Seriously! Free shot, go ahead and try to topple them, you wouldn't be able to even with Tokugawa's army! Go on! Do it, I dare you!"
Oh, Dan. Stop it, man.
COMBATSYS: Dan focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Nanako 1/---====/=======|=======\-------\1 Dan
"Yeah, why did--WHAT??" His explanation earns him the tiny girl's ire, her expression positively horrified as she stands there. Did he...just say she had a fat ass? He didn't, he didn't...
"Oh you did NOT just say that!!" she shouts, eyes wide as she again points a finger, furious! In a humorous sense, anyway. And now he wants her to take a free shot against those Saikyo Buns of Steel?? Angry and embarrassed, her face is as red as a cherry, hands curled into fists. "Why you..."
Drawing her hands together before her, that Pink Psycho power collects in her palms, a swell of energy before she cries, an oh-so eloquent "HYAAAARGH!" before the ball blasts off, aimed right for Dan's butt! Take that, Dan's butt.
COMBATSYS: Dan endures Nanako's Expelling Prayer!
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Nanako 1/--=====/=======|=======\==-----\1 Dan
As the pink psycho ball collides with Dan's ass, his face contorts in a bit of pain while he screams to pump himself up, "SAIIIIIIIIIIIKYOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"
As the ball dissapaits, his Gi has a large hole burnt into it, underneath that hole are Dan's boxers, probably the best boxers in the world, and here's why, on every square-inch of the mint green fabric, is a very stylized super deformed charicature of Dan Hibiki himself, standing on his tiptoes, and putting his hands in the air while grinning.
The real Dan grins, before saying, "That was pretty good, Nanako, but look, like I said? Saikyo buns? Buns of steel!"
Dashing forward, he spins forward into the air, letting out one leg in a harsh roundhouse, before following it up with two identical kicks.
Now that's Saikyo Style.
COMBATSYS: Nanako dodges Dan's Dankuu Kyaku.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Nanako 1/--=====/=======|=======\==-----\1 Dan
Okay, now that's just creepy.
Staring as the glob of Psycho Power strikes Dan and he thusly screams, Nanako's face twists into something akin to horror and sheer disbelief, her brows lofted high over greenish-yellow eyes. What IS this guy?
"Dude, are you some kinda hobo hyped up on PCP??" she asks, lifting a finger to idly rub her chin, a thoughtful, inquisitive gesture. That's the only conclusion she can come up with. This ‘Saikyo' sensei is crazy. And his boxer fashion sense leaves a lot left to be desired.
A thumb jerks to her chest, the girl's expression confident. "Yeah, well, your buns of steel? I'm still not convinced! That looked like it hurt too, y'know!" Her confidence falters as he dashes in, however, looking to kick her across the face--but when he goes to kick her, she ducks swiftly, avoiding those three kicks--and the Saikyo wrath.
"HA!" she cries as he sails overhead. When it's safe the girl gives chase! following behind him with a jumping back-kick.
COMBATSYS: Dan interrupts Light Kick from Nanako with Kouryuken.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////// ]
Nanako 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|=======\====---\1 Dan
The giant head of Dan Hibiki scrunches downwards as soon as he lands from his 'Secret Art -- Dan Dan Kick' and it's not just his head that scrunches down, it's his entire body.
Spiraling himself into a tight corkscrew of potential energy, the Saikyo sensei gives a brief moment's hesitation before Nanako goes sailing overhead.
Then he's launched upwards, spinning wildly in an uppercut as he shouts....
It's probably just shared imagination, but that giant foam head almost seems to smile during the process. Almost.
Flying with the greatest of ease, Nanako soars gallantly toward Dan, her victory ensured. Yes, Nanako will triumph over Saikyo style, to prove this guy's all bark and no bite! And...a pedo with a strange butt fixation. Or...something.
But all her dreams of glory come crashing down as Dan launches upwards, striking the girl something fierce and sending her soaring up, back and away, to land less-than-triumphantly on the street a few feet away with a meaty thud. What the hell was that??
Kicking to her feet, Nanako rises up and fumes, pointing at the man with a look of angered disbelief. "What the hell was that?! You call that an uppercut?!" A harsh, forced laugh follows. Then Nanako is barreling forward at the man, a glow of pink energy surging around her. When she nears that energy is released, a huge pink column of Psycho Power erupting all around her like a tornado Yeah.
COMBATSYS: Dan slows Purifying Light of Dawn from Nanako with Chouhatsu Densetsu.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///// ]
Nanako 0/-------/--=====|======-\-------\0 Dan
COMBATSYS: Dan has reached second wind!
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///// ]
Nanako 0/-------/--=====|======-\-------\0 Dan
Dan Hibiki does the unthinkable, he rolls right into the Tornado. As he rises up in the column of energy he shouts out, "SAIKYO RYUU STYLE! WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! This is less of an attack and more of a glorious hot tub! Are you okay with such a wimpy attack because I love it! It's the best ever. I could stay in here all day and read or possibly write novels. You should really learn Saikyo because clearly whatever it is that this is isn't quite doing it!"
Of course, as he rises through the energy column, his poor foam head has bits and pieces of it ripped off, and when the attack lands, he gives the classic Hibiki style 'thumbs up' with this totally disfigured lump of what looks like half Dan's face, and half roasted marshmallow hanging off of his neck.
Nanako, you'll have to try a lot harder than that to get Dan's spirits down!!!
What...the hell is this guy SMOKING?
When the tornado of pink and Psycho Power dissipates, Nanako is standing there with the most dumbfounded expression she could ever hope to muster. How the hell I she still standing? How the hell is he not incarcerated? And how the hell is that stupid foam helmet still in ONE PIECE?
Shaking off the disbelief with frustration, Nanako's hands curl into a tight fist before she stomps aside and grabs a passing man's bike out from under him, leaving him dumbfounded and with a sore posterior. Hefting it up overhead, the girl exclaims, "You're scary! SCARY!!" Then that bike is thrown right at Dan, who is clearly The Man.
COMBATSYS: Dan dodges Nanako's Large Thrown Object.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///// ]
Nanako 0/-------/--=====|======-\-------\0 Dan
As the bike comes sailing towards him, Dan swiftly moves to the side, which causes the bike to collide with the remnants of the foam head and rip it from around his neck, before sending it bouncing down the street, and rolling into the park, no doubt frightening some small child with its now quite-ugly appearance. Dan puts one hand up and holds his finger out wagging it at Nanako, "Seriously, doesn't this look like the kind of power you want? Surely you agree not that Saikyo is the strongest style in the world, right?"
His other hand reaches up and rubs the bridge of his nose as he tries to relax a bit, not moving forward, and just sort of taking a bit of a breather, really.
COMBATSYS: Dan gains composure.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////// ]
Nanako 0/-------/--=====|====---\-------\0 Dan
"NO!!" the girl all but screams, simply horrified as she watches the bicycle accosted fly by and rip that foam head off, sending it rolling like a snowball of pure ugly down the street. Turning her attentions back onto Dan, the girl stares, slack-jawed. This guy is freaking CRAZY. What has she gotten herself into??
"I don't want your Saikyo power! It's not strong! It's just plain creepy! And I'm still quite sure you're some hobo hyped up on PCP!" Is he just gonna stand there? Well, so will Nanako. Playing defense, the girl holds her ground, breathing heavy as she just watches him, wary. LORD knows what he'll do next.
COMBATSYS: Nanako gains composure.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////// ]
Nanako 0/-------/----===|====---\-------\0 Dan
Dan frowns, sad at Nanako's refusal to accept the teaching of Saikyo, and crosses his arms quite sternly, before wagging his finger more, "Still not convinced? You haven't even been able to make a mark on the perfection that is Saikyo. But fine, if you want to see more, get ready, because here it comes!"
Dan breaks into a new dash, right towards Nanako, both of his arms slapping out as he tries to find purchase on her shoulders.
Should said purchase be rung up with a receipt, Dan will quite simply fling the girl off in some non-specified direction. It's not really anything special. Just a simple throw. Dan's going back to basics and he's going to take Nanako back to school!
COMBATSYS: Dan successfully hits Nanako with Quick Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////// ]
Nanako 0/-------/--=====|=====--\-------\0 Dan
"Haven't been...what are you talkin' about! Look at the hole in your pants!" She even points in the general direction of his rear, eyes wide with disbelief. How can he be so snooty!? So surprised is she that when he lunges forward and grabs her shoulders, the girl's flung like a rag doll, hurled elsewhere before she rolls a few feet, but ultimately leaps back up to her feet.
"ARGH!" Clearly afire, the girl's hands curl into fists at her sides before she rushes forward, to feint with a swift punch toward his face. The other, however, drops low and comes up, attempting to strike him harshly in the gut. Saikyo power THAT!
COMBATSYS: Nanako successfully hits Dan with Strong Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////// ]
Nanako 0/-------/-======|======-\-------\0 Dan
Dan sees that hand, coming for his face and quickly shifts his whole body away from it. Which is stupid. Really stupid, because it just happens that he shifts his entire breadbasket right into Nanako's fist. "GRUGAGHWHEFFURRRRRRRRRRRRLLLLL!"
Whatever that means, it probably isn't good, not for Dan nor Nanako. The Saikyo fighter renews his assault, throwing both of his hands out once more and gripping towards Nanako's shoulders once again.
This time, he's going for the totally original and definitely not copied off of Ryu and Ken 'kick-flip-throw'
Dan's thoughts are pure and clean, and his fighting spirit is blazing, but can he pull it off?
COMBATSYS: Nanako counters Otoko Nage from Dan with Maiden Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > /// ]
Nanako 0/-------/=======|=======\-------\1 Dan
Her fist strikes true, the feint successful as the man attempts to avoid. Struck, his exclamation is met with a puzzled stare before the girl HOPS back, her expression relatively wary. She's essentially begun to take Dan and his Saikyo talents a bit more seriously. Plus she's still a bit creeped out by this guy. Who let him out into the streets??
And he's touchy-feely to boot! The moment the man's hands touch down on her shoulders her own hands lift up, pinning his down against her shoulders. "I don't THINK so!" she exclaims, lifting a foot up and planting it fiercely against his stomach before she rolls back, dragging Dan with. Once grounded, she uses the momentum, kicking him over and away, to send him flying by way of her feet! "HYAA!"
Dan goes sailing through the air again, getting a bird's eye view of the street, before he comes to the pavement with a harsh thud.
This doesn't slow him down in the least bit, however. In fact he gets pumped up by the danger and excitement, tucking himself backwards into a roll and driving back towards Nanako with an ambition. A passion if you will.
As he gets close to her, he becomes once more a standing Dan, and with his huge grin he begins his ultimate final assault.
One fist goes out in front of him, followed in blazing speed by a series of other fists, and kicks, each punctuated by his wild shouting.
Finally, the last attack is launched, another uppercut, "KEN!!!!!
COMBATSYS: Dan successfully hits Nanako with Hisshou Burai Ken.
[ \\\ < > // ]
Nanako 1/---====/=======|-------\-------\0 Dan
Disarmed by his insane tactics, the girl stands, looking perplexed by his roll toward her. A glance is spared, eyes flickering either direction before she looks down--too late!! The first fist attacks, striking her harshly. Then another, then kicks, and his obnoxious screaming. Nanako is too disoriented to know what's going on when the uppercut comes, sending her flying back and away, landing a short distance with another thud. Ow. OW!!
Somehow, Nanako leaps to her feet, eyes aglow with the strength of spirit! Again she rushes in, attempting to catch him in that swell of Psycho Power and give him another taste of that furious pillar of energy! Even if he might just read a book in it or something! "HIYAAAAA!" she cries, oh so girly in its execution!
COMBATSYS: Nanako can no longer fight.
[ \\ <
Dan 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Dan dodges Nanako's Purifying Light of Dawn.
[ \\ <
Dan 0/-------/-------|
Dan sees that energy tornado coming again and blinks, before he contracts into a tiny ball of Dan, and rolls backwards about six or seven feet. As he comes to rest, on one knee and one foot, he brings his fist up into the air, and screams an affirmation of his style to the four winds.
He then looks towards Nanako, to see if she's okay, "...Well, what do you think of Saikyo-Style NOW?!?"
When the tornado of Psycho Power dissolves the girl stands there, looking completely worse for wear. Did she hit him?? Eyes flicker around, searching for Hibiki...only to find him unscathed for the most part. Unable to continue, the girl just sulks, shoulders hanging deep. Kicking a nearby rock, the dark-haired girl sulks for a moment--at least until Dan screams again, causing her to jerk in fright.
Looking back at the man, the girl shifts her weight, lifting a finger to her chin, thoughtful. "What do I think of Saikyo, eh?" A moment is spared, eyes looking to the sky contemplatively before she curls a hand into a fist, the other pointed right at Dan!
"I'm still not convinced! We will rematch someday, mister Hibuki! Then, and only then, will I make my decision! And I will train and get better. You better believe it!! Nyahahaha!" Arms lift, grabbing her backpack's straps as she fixes it, turning her back to Dan.
"You've won this time, Saikyo master. But next time...I will WIN and avenge my butt!!"Because it's SO not fat!! That said the girl prances off, to sulk over a nice cold milkshake.
COMBATSYS: Dan has ended the fight here.
Log created by Nanako, and last modified on 23:22:55 09/07/2006.