Description: On her first day back in Southtown, Cammy meets up with the boxer known as M.Bison and they have a little spar...
Southtown. It's been months since Cammy was last here; after the disturbing interruption of her Saturday Night Fight, by Vega, and some other incidents, she decided that leaving the city was in order. Putting her life on hold, that is. And so, for everyone's good, she up and left one day, gone like a ghost. Surely, she lives on in some people's memories, however. And she lives on in truth, as well, for here she is.
Though--truth be told--she can't remember all of her time here, previous, she remembered the city itself well enough. Well enough, at least, to make her way around. But a long walk was in order, she felt. A reacquaintance with the city. Not with the people she knew--not yet--that would come soon enough--but she wanted to know she remembered the city and its sights, its smells. Such a joy to -remember- things... though she pushes that thought down. She strolls the streets of Chinatown at dusk, just enjoying the bustle of people--and it does bustle, packed with folks going to and fro, entering restaurants, exiting stores, climbing up long flights of stairs to reach their apartments. A city full of life.
By this time, Mike Bison has certainly finished his 'job' for the day, and is now into what he considers recreational time. And today that meant heading to Chinatown and having himself some good food. The big man can be seen exiting one of the mom and pop Chinese restraints and giving a big stretch with a wide grin on his face, "Now that's what I'm talkin' about." He looks around a bit, his eyes checking the street out as he tries to figure out what to do with the rest of his night, since he has no pressing business to attend to.
It seems that he also will go on a bit of a walk, heading down the Southtown sidewalk with an easy gait, waving to anyone who seems to recognize him for who he is. Course, some of them are just looking at him because of his size, but he waves anyway. As it happens, he's on the same street Cammy is, and walking in the opposite direction. From this one can conclude that they would eventually see one another. And of course, Bison does. His eyes narrow immediately, but then something in the back of his head says 'Don't just start punching random people, idiot!'. He brushes that silly thought aside, but it comes back and makes him frown. "Hmm..."
And so it's time for plan B. Plan B isn't very well thought out, but just maybe it'll work. He stands in place and waits for Cammy to get near him and says, "Hey, you're name's Cammy, right? Used to fight a lot around here, right?" He grins a bit and crosses his arms, "My name's Bison. Mike Bison." Would she know who he is? Heck knows! He'll just assume she does, "Heard you haven't been 'round here for a while, so seeing you makes me wonder if you're back to fight again." And now he grins again, "And if you are, if you'd let me be your first opponent."
Freeze. The voice... it's familiar. Cammy can't say she -remembers- Bison, exactly, but she's seen some reports on him, back at Delta Red. A former champion boxer. Powerful. And, suspected of being payable. All these thoughts flash behind her blue eyes as she stops, unconsciously assuming a military-ish stance, feet spread just over shoulder-width apart, left arm bent behind her back and hooked on her right elbow. Her head tilts upwards as she gazes upward... and upward.
'My you're a tall one!' echoes through her skull, in a squeaky cartoony voice... goddamned Ginsu and his World of Warcraft obsession... Her voice is sharp as she replies, "Yeah.. that's me." It's also wary. But the prospect of a fight is equally as interesting to her, particularly challenging herself against a boxer of Bison's caliber.
She considers for a moment, then unfolds her arms, stretching lazily.
"Yeah, sure. Just don't be surprised if you lose, tosser!" she replies, her feet sliding to a better fighting position, left front and right back.
COMBATSYS: Cammy has started a fight here.
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Cammy 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: M.Bison has joined the fight here.
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Cammy 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 M.Bison
Well! Looks like just walking up to people and hitting them /isn't/ always the best way to initiate fighting! Not that it doesn't give you quite the advantage to just pound someone when they aren't looking... Still, he nods his head after she looks him over and decides to accept his challenge, moving into a boxing stance rather than just a casual one. Of course he isn't ready to do anything yet; he's yet to put on his boxing gloves. He unties them from his belt and puts them on his hands, knocking them together to fit them correctly. There we go.
He looks at Cammy and examines her in way that's trying to assess her strengths and weaknesses. His thoughts? 'Shit, legs.' They could probably kick a normal persons head straight off... Gotta be careful of that. And of course strong legs means fast. Hmm... A small smile plays on his face at her last words, "Same to you, don't think I'll go down easy."
Cammy actually answers the smile and the words from the big boxer with a little grin of her own. Seems that, at least for now, Bison's just another fighter with nothing sinister behind him.
"Wouldn't think of it, Bison." Then... well, Bison knows. She's sure he can hear the announcer shouting 'FIGHT!' in his head, just like she can hear it in hers; and the moment that sounds in her head she's moving, leaping forward--seeking to grab Bison by the throat and use it as leverage to thrust the boxer down to the ground. Simple, but perhaps effective.
COMBATSYS: M.Bison blocks Cammy's Flying Neck Hunt.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Cammy 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 M.Bison
Nope. At least, not this very moment. Hands flying up to his face, or at least near it, is something that Bison's very used to, and knows how to defend against. He was a professional boxer, after all. And so when her hands come to his neck he lifts one of his tough arms up in front of it, and her arms wrap around that instead, yanking on an arm rather than slamming him to the ground by his neck. Not that it doesn't hurt, he rolls his shoulder a little after the tug and takes a step back. "Yea, you're quick. About as quick as I'd thought. This should be pretty good." He grins a bit and watches her carefully. Very carefully, in fact. "Hmm..." Strateegery!
COMBATSYS: M.Bison focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Cammy 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 M.Bison
Cammy bounces off the ground after her grab attempt, twisting in midair to keep her eyes on the boxer as she lands. She offers a little smirk at Bison's words.
"Won't be any good if you don't do somethin', big boy!" she exclaims... but even so, she's not attacking again, either; she's doing much the same as the boxer, her eyes narrowing, stance sharpening.
"Then again," she offers, "Most of you boxers don't think so much, hey, so maybe you're a little different." She's still grinning a bit, just to let Bison know she's basically teasing, there's no sting in her words.
COMBATSYS: Cammy focuses on her next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Cammy 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 M.Bison
"Yea, I don't always be so careful, but I do when I see someone tough as you. I can at least size up my opponents." He grins back at her, and hmms a little. Looking her over carefully. "But you want me to try and strike you so you know what you're up against, right?" He begins bobbing and weaving a little, moving slowly closer, his head moving from side to side to make a jab to the face hard to pull off as he approaches. After a few careful steps forward, small enough to hopefully not spook her into jumping away quickly, he throws a relatively quick straight towards the center of her face. Pretty standard boxing stuff.
COMBATSYS: Cammy interrupts Medium Punch from M.Bison with Cannon Spike.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Cammy 0/-------/---====|===----\-------\0 M.Bison
Cammy simply watches Bison come at her--oddly cautious, for a man his size. She'd expected someone like him to rush down and beat down. Finally, though, the straight punch comes in--headed for her face? Maybe Bison -isn't- a gentleman. Nonetheless, it doesn't impact her face at all; she throws her arms up, taking the punch on her arms and deflecting it upwards, opening Bison's guard. The movement continues as she twists, pushing off with her right leg, thrusting her left foot up into Bison's chest, a blue aura of Psycho Power sparking into existence around her striking foot as it stabs through the air and impacts on Bison's chest. Cammy uses the rest of the momentum to flip backwards, once again putting a little space between Bison and herself.
Yea, about that whole rushing in and beating down thing... He's tried it, and oddly enough, a lot of the time it gets you hurt rather badly. Huh, how odd. He looks rather surprised when his attack is taken and used against him in what looks like an easy effort, stumbling backwards and holding one glove on his chest where the foot landed. ...psycho power, shit. Well, since he has some clue of who she is, that really shouldn't surprise him as much as it does, should it? Whoops. "Nrgh. You have that extra special glowy shit. How cheap." He grins, "Oh well, I have ways of dealing with that." He stands back up to his full height, and flexes his muscles, looking Cammy over and nodding his head, "Yea, I can deal with you." A grin forms on his face as he begins pumping himself up, "Bring it on!"
COMBATSYS: M.Bison gathers his will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Cammy 0/-------/---====|=======\-------\0 M.Bison
See, now... that raises a frown on Cammy's face. Cheap? 'Glowy stuff'? Hmph. And now he's pumping himself up, even. Well, then. This is becoming slightly less fun, now that Bison's being a bit of a tosser. Cammy squares herself against Bison, then shifts her feet and skips forward, taking two steps before twisting a final time, attempting to tag Bison's cheek with a backfist attack, its impact aided by the studded knuckle-protector on her gauntlet. It's whipped around with quite a bit of speed, really, her fist almost blurring.
COMBATSYS: M.Bison fails to interrupt Fierce Punch from Cammy with Ultimate Wild Smash.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Cammy 0/-------/----===|==-----\-------\0 M.Bison
What, a simple silly attack like that? Well! Mike Bison will just have to make her pay for that! He psyches himself up even more and moves forward to just /pound/ her... and gets smacked with the back of her fist, which knocks him off balance, causes him to miss, and fall to the ground. "FUCK!" He grabs his cheek, "She was wide open, how did I miss?" He grumbles a bit and rubs his cheek, spitting out some blood from his mouth, "Bit my freakin cheek too..." He stands up and gives her a look, "Guess I'd better be more careful with you."
Heh! Teach the boxer to be all 'glowy s**t' and 'F**k' and all that. "A proper gentleman doesn't have to use language like that!" she replies. She feels no sorrow over Bison's cheek--yous picks your games and yous takes your chances. Still, she got the feeling that something bad was going to go off if Bison were just a bit faster, and so she settles down again. It wouldn't do to overestimate herself--or underestimate Bison. She's felt, first-hand, what such overconfidence can wreak.
COMBATSYS: Cammy focuses on her next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Cammy 0/-------/----===|==-----\-------\0 M.Bison
Bison mutters a little and watches her, "That so? A proper gentlemen?" Normally this is the time when he'd laugh but he thinks it over, "Hmm, I donno, even gentlemen can swear every once in a while, y'know?" He frowns a little and then shrugs a bit, "But I'm a boxer, not a gentlemen, so it doesn't matter much, does it? And then, he turns her back on her. He pauses for a few moments, and then whips around hard and throws a hard punch at her stomach, "Turn Punch!"
COMBATSYS: Cammy dodges M.Bison's Turn Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Cammy 0/-------/----===|-------\-------\0 M.Bison
Hmm. Now that looks suspiciously like a guy trying to hit a poor, defenseless girl, and make her lose the gyoza she had for dinner. And those gyoza were really good. Besides, Cammy doesn't want to be punched in the stomach. So she sets herself, waiting, then ducks low and pushes off with those strong legs and leaps over the flying punch. As she goes up, and as Bison passes by, she does her damnedest to kick Bison in the back of the head.
COMBATSYS: M.Bison endures Cammy's Strong Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Cammy 0/-------/---====|===----\-------\0 M.Bison
Cammy's damndest is pretty good! Which means that her foot impacts Bison's head dead on. Except... Huh, there's something funny about the way that hit. Maybe it doesn't feel quite right... Ah, that must be the reason! He rolls with it, and rather well, actually. It doesn't stop it from hurting, but he uses the spin created to whip himself back around and shoot a kidney punch out at her as she begins to lower her foot from kicking at him.
COMBATSYS: Cammy blocks M.Bison's Fierce Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Cammy 0/-------/--=====|====---\-------\0 M.Bison
Too right, it didn't feel right. That's why Cammy is wary--and why she's able to bring her gauntleted arms down to cushion the blow, landed even as she's still descending. Absorbing the momentum, she rolls with it, tumbling along the ground twice before popping back up to her feet, bouncing back and forth, almost like a Jeet Kune Do fighter. She rubs her nose with her thumb and grins, "Not quite good enough, mister!" Though he still certainly packs a punch. Then, once again, she's off, as it were, darting forward, keeping her body low, seeking to grab one of the boxer's legs and use it to trip him off his feet.
COMBATSYS: Cammy successfully hits M.Bison with Medium Throw.
Glancing Blow
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Cammy 0/-------/--=====|=====--\-------\0 M.Bison
Thuink! That's the sound of a padded fist hitting gauntleted arms. Crap. That's totally not what Bison was going for. And now she comes forward at him, bouncing like crazy. Well screw that, he jumps to the side, getting away from that hopping woman. And in doing so, she manages to snag his ankle and trip him, sending him down to one knee, but not to the ground. ...that could have gone worse. He picks himself back up and begins to study this conundrum. How can he... Oh screw it, just punch her in the face.
COMBATSYS: Cammy dodges M.Bison's Jab Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Cammy 0/-------/--=====|====---\-------\0 M.Bison
Once again, the face. And once again Cammy has to say 'no'; she twists away from the punch, feeling the breeze from the leather glove as it brushes just past where her face was. Still... she grabs for that punching arm. And should she grab? She'll use it like a bar, flipping over it to try and kick Bison in the head once more, then use the gained momentum and the arm as leverage to dump Bison on his butt once more.
COMBATSYS: M.Bison interrupts Combo Throw from Cammy with Jab Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Cammy 0/-------/=======|======-\-------\0 M.Bison
Yea, there's only one problem with that; the fact that the jab is done with the leading, weak arm. And because of this, Bison has his right arm, the stronger one, free. Thwap. He takes a step forward /into/ the throw, and smacks her in the face, getting kicked in the head and thrown down afterwards. But hey, getting hit in the face kinda takes some of the wind out of your sails, so it ends up not hurting /quite/ as bad as it would have otherwise. Not that getting kicked in the head is ever fun. He picks himself up afterwards and moves into his boxing stance again, grinning at her.
Well; that certainly hurt. Fortunately, padding means that jab doesn't damage anything but pride, and that not much. Cammy lands, reaching up to rub her cheek where she was punched... and she grins, wickedly.
"Not bad, not bad," she replies, with a little salute for the boxer. And then she's lunging forward, ducking low again, pushing off the ground with her hands and spinning forward impossibly, that blue aura flaring up around her feet, trailing backwards as she flies for Bison's legs--traditionally the weak point of a boxer--and trying to take them right out from underneath him. As she goes, she cries out, "SPIRAL ARROW!"
COMBATSYS: M.Bison blocks Cammy's Spiral Arrow.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////// ]
Cammy 1/-------/=======|=======\-------\0 M.Bison
Oh goody, energy. That has to be his favorite thing! Not. He braces himself for the impact and takes the hit to the legs like the champ he is, but there's a noticeable grunt as he does so. Sure, he hasn't been smashed hard at all in this fight, but she's chipped him down rather nicely. He needs to do something to even this up, and badly. ...and that means taking risks. "...fuck it." He takes a look around on the street and grabs the first thing he can find. This time, that happens to be a trash can. Next, Mike Bison rushes at Cammy and lifts the can up above his head, and tries to smash it down on her. "YEARGH!"
COMBATSYS: Cammy dodges M.Bison's Random Weapon.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////// ]
Cammy 1/-------/=======|=======\-------\0 M.Bison
That trashcan attack wasn't even considered; Cammy waited just a beat or two then hops backwards, frowning as the trashcan splatters trash all over the place.
"Hope you're plannin' on cleanin' up that trash later, Bison!" scolds Cammy, as she lands, then springs forward, twisting around to fire off a strong, flying thrust kick at Bison's flat nose. It's not a simple attack, but it is one of her favorites, capable of felling some of the strongest men around.
COMBATSYS: M.Bison fails to interrupt Strong Kick from Cammy with Turn Punch Final.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////// ]
Cammy 1/--=====/=======|=======\=------\1 M.Bison
Crunch. Cammy manages to smack Bison right on the nose, just as he's whirling around in a three sixty to try and smash her right back for such an attempt. Fortunately for her, she manages it rather well, and his fist goes limp as his face is crushed and he's thrown backwards, landing on the ground hard with blood running out of his nose. "Ungh, you've got some strength in you, don't you?" Shit, he's just about out of this thing, isn't he? He picks himself up slowly, an obvious shake in his arms, and prepares himself for her next attack.
Cammy backflips off of that kick, flipping neatly in the air and landing on the pavement. She smirks. "Didn't think I had it in me, did ya, Bison? Thought I was just a sweet lookin' girl, huh?" Yeah, she's not above a little self-promotion sometimes. She takes two steps back and grins, beckoning to Bison. "C'mon, big boy, show me that you got somethin'." Taunting? Yeah, she's not above that either; she knows that there's good tactical advantage to be had in making your opponent come at you.
COMBATSYS: Cammy focuses on her next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////// ]
Cammy 1/--=====/=======|=======\=------\1 M.Bison
"..." He looks at her, he listens to her. He sees the smirk on her face. "Screw it, you win." He throws up his hands and then undoes his gloves, beginning to tie them onto his belt again. "I'm in too much pain to go running into a trap like that one. Hit my nose one more time and you're gonna break it, right?" He shakes his head. "Figured you were strong, just not that strong." Mutter mutter kids these days mutter respect your elders mutter mutter.
COMBATSYS: M.Bison takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////// ]
Cammy 1/--=====/=======|=======\=------\1 M.Bison
Cammy ... stops. And raises an eyebrow, watching Bison for just a moment before she lowers her arms.
"Alright then, if that's how you want to play it." She watches him for a longer period of time, trying to decide if she's disappointed or not, then gives the boxer a bit of a grin.
"You're not bad at all, Bison, not bad at all. I can see why you've been the heavyweight champion of the world." Cammy tosses another salute and turns to walk away...
COMBATSYS: Cammy takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////// ]
Cammy 1/--=====/=======|=======\=------\1 M.Bison
"Yea, and I see why people talk about you as much as you do. See you in the fighting ring sometime." He's trashed, and he knows it. Not a chance he can win this one, so there's no use punishing his body. He isn't young anymore, after all, so why take the pain when there's no gain? When she turns to leave he does so as well, heading off down the street. Wow, he really got his ass kicked. ...time to hit the gym.
COMBATSYS: M.Bison has left the fight here.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Cammy 1/--=====/=======|
Log created by Cammy, and last modified on 22:14:15 09/06/2006.