Description: Little trouble? Why, Nanako ambushing Kensou, of course! Because his meat buns looked tasty--and not like THAT. Also, home of zany shoe antics.
Chinatown is AWESOME.
Why? Because it's here that Nanako can get her hands on famous Chinese delicacies in abundance. These are always a nice change of pace, are usually pretty fairly priced AND make for excellent after-school snacks!
So it's with that in mind Nanako ambles through Chinatown, eyes wide and alive, peering at every little shop and noodle stand for a good bargain AND something delicious to get her hands on. Looking somewhat lost and led by her stomach, the tiny Taiyo student pushes through the late afternoon crowds, desperate to find the perfect Chinese sweet to sate her ravenous pallet! That's why she's got a small bag of chocolate ginger lychee, from which she occasionally plucks one and nibbles contentedly on, evident by the huge smile on her face.
Chinatown IS awesome. It's where Sie Kensou lives! This naturally elevates it above any other region of Southtown, and quite possibly over the entire rest of the world, simply by the sheer weight of his awesomeness. And possibly also the weight of his ego, which surely has sufficient mass to eventually collapse in on itself and become a black hole. OF AWESOME.
Anyway, Kensou himself is stepping out of one of his (many) favourite Chinese bakeries, where he is (of course) a well-known fixture. He even gets free meatbuns because he's a famous customer and can be seen on TV eating delicious piping-hot meatbuns made right here in Southtown! Sponsorship does indeed make a professional fighter's life a paradise. He has a large paper bag tucked under one arm, and with his other hand, Kensou is stuffing a meatbun whole into his gaping maw. Mmm, the best!
Polished Mary Janes come to a gradual pause, her footfalls a stagger before she completely stops. Why? Well, there's good reason. Sie Kensou just entered the scene. Is he that famous, so famous some tiny, bepigtailed Japanese schoolgirl notices him and likely wants his autograph? A fan? An admiring young girl? It would likely seem that way as she stands there, idly chewing her dessert, greenish-yellow eyes wide.
This seems to be her stance of choice for a good minute or two. Standing there in seeming awe, Nanako just watches the young man as he exits with that bag of free food, happily eating his meatbun. Then?
"HEY!!" the girl cries after swallowing her dessert, a finger jutting forward as she singles him out. "I think I've seen you before! ...I can't recall your name--" Pause. "But that's beside the point." What? "I like your food, so I present a wager of sorts!" Huh? "We spar! If you win, I'll give you my dessert! If you lose, I get your food!"
Who IS this girl?
"Do we have a deal!?"
Of course, she must be a fan. A fan with a tragic, hopeless crush on the world-famous Psycho Soldier. Ah, but he'll have to break her heart, because his love belongs to another! To one that no other girl could hope to compare to!
Anyway, back to reality. When Kensou is shouted at, he gives a bit of a start, /almost/ choking on his bun, but he manages to get it all down normally. "Wh... What the hell are you talkin' about?" he wonders of the girl in the Taiyo uniform. He's seen that uniform before. Hmm... "Why would I wanna spar with you, anyway? I don't even know who you are! An' my name is Sie Kensou, y'oughta remember it in the future!" So there! ...Man, why does he always run into crazy schoolgirls? Of course, given that he's doing this, his stance is wiiiiiide open.
COMBATSYS: Kensou has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kensou 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Nanako has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Nanako 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Kensou
He wishes! Clearly the girl has ulterior motives, and they do not involve coyly blushing and stumbling through the right words to ask the Chinaboy out for a date. Again it would seem that Kensou loses in that department. Not that THAT necessarily matters. Oh no. Far greater things are afoot.
Like prying those delicious meatbuns from out of Kensou's possessive grasp.
"Why would you wanna spar me? Why WOULDN'T you!?" she exclaims, eyes wide as she beams from ear to ear. "If I know your face like I think I do, I'd say you'd be up to a good fight now and then! And what's wrong with a spar? A spar with high stakes, that is! C'mon, how can you resist such a tempting offer! And just think!" Stepping back, the tiny girl's outstretched finger points to her bag of delicacies. "If you win you double your goods!"
Pausing, the girl's face seems briefly confused before she nods once, features comically stern. "Very well, mister Kensu!" Yes, she misunderstood his name, it would seem. "I will remember that, if only you remember my name! It's Yanagimura Nanako, heiress to the Shitenno style! I'll be your opponent today!"
And with that the tiny girl leaps up, bag of desserts still clutched in hand as she goes to deliver a flying kick to his chest!
COMBATSYS: Nanako successfully hits Kensou with Light Kick.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Nanako 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Kensou
Kensou didn't catch /any/ of that. It all came out too fast, and too weird, and oh god why is he getting kicked in the chest?! "Geh!" exclaims Kensou, who skids back a little, but... Not really all that much. "...Uh," he says, brow furrowing, before setting the bag of baked goods down beside him. What a pathetic kick that was! "Well, if you're really sure y'wanna do this, I guess I can't just go easy on ya." Uh oh. Raising his hands up in front of his face, the Chinese fighter quickly builds up Psycho Power... Before sweeping his hands out and releasing it in a crackling sphere of blue-tinged white energy that hurtles towards Nanako! "Choukyuudan!!" Kensou is not someone who goes easy on others: Mimiru and Alma both ensured he knows better than that now.
COMBATSYS: Kensou successfully hits Nanako with Choukyuu Dan.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Nanako 0/-------/----===|=------\-------\0 Kensou
Successful in her endeavor, the tiny girl uses Kensou's not-so manly chest to springboard back and flip midair, landing daintily a short distance away with a broad grin on her lips. "Nyoho!" she chimes, still very much proud of herself, however weak and baby-like her kick may have felt. That's not the point at all!!
"Yeah, I'm quite sure! I think the kick was hint enough," she explains, tilting her head confusedly to one side. Was he not taking her seriously? Clearly not; that's a crying shame, too. She'll just have to teach him a lesson!
Her smug expression falters a bit as he collects his power and sends a ball of energy at her, eyes wide before she regains her wits and attempts to move out of the way. Not successful, the girl is hit in the side, stumbling clumsily about before she maintains her footing.
"Whoa! You too, huh!?" the girl exclaims, likely to his confusion. Does it matter? Not really; because shortly thereafter the girl sets her bag of treats down and smirks from ear to ear. "Let's see if you can dodge- -this!!" That said she takes off a shoe and throws it at his face.
Wait. What?
COMBATSYS: Nanako successfully hits Kensou with Thrown Object.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Nanako 0/-------/----===|==-----\-------\0 Kensou
Him too? Kensou has no idea what she could possibly mean, but it probably isn't good. Then he gets hit in the face with a shoe. It's like being pecked to death! "Ahh! ARE YOU REALLY A GIRL?!" he demands, because that's totally not a ladylike thing to do at all. So he grabs her shoe from the ground, see? And then he hucks it right back at Nanako, full of frustration, and a little bit of pain, because that kinda stung. Big meanie. "Ha-!!"
COMBATSYS: Nanako fails to slow Thrown Object from Kensou with Thrown Object.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Nanako 0/-------/--=====|==-----\-------\0 Kensou
The shoe smacks Kensou in the face, and with it comes a hearty ‘nyohoho!' from Nanako, who holds the throwing pose a few seconds after. She really didn't expect that to land, no sir. But that too is beside the point. It HIT and that's what matters...
Even if she's now shoeless for the time being. Not for long, however.
"Am...what?? WHAT???" Blinking visibly, Nanako seems sincerely offended before she stomps her shoe-wearing foot and wags a finger at him. "Of course I'm a girl! What kind of boy wears a skirt and blouse to school, eh??" Furrowing her brows, Nanako's expression remains comically sour, even as the shoe comes BACK at her.
"Oh, that, huh!?" Scrambling to get her OTHER shoe, Nanako fails to actually peel it off her foot in time to knock the incoming shoe out of the air and keep it from hitting her in the face. Instead she's beaned, sent reeling back before she leans back forward, stomping her foot.
"WHAT KIND OF BOY HITS A GIRL WITH HER OWN SHOE??!" she exclaims loudly, hurriedly putting the shoe back onto her foot.
As for that question, Nanako will have to ask Kensou again later, because he's about to totally ruin her Christmas. Or something. Rushing towards the girl while she's distracted putting her mary janes back on, the Psycho Soldier stops just short of her, testing just how good she is with a couple of feinting punches... And then a speedy strike with the heel of his palm towards her solar plexus. "WHAT KIND OF GIRL JUST GOES AND ATTACKS A BOY FOR NO REASON?! STOP MAKING DEALS ON YOUR OWN!!"
COMBATSYS: Nanako fails to counter Quick Punch from Kensou with Auspicious Hand.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Nanako 1/-------/=======|===----\-------\0 Kensou
Looking up just in time to see Kensou barreling right for her, Nanako's eyes go wide before she hurriedly and sloppily puts her shoe back on. Stumbling back a bit as he rushes in, the girl takes a moment to gather her wits before she goes to stomp forward and attempt to stop those attacks right in their place! But he's clearly angry, and clearly she's underestimated the Riot of the Bun.
Thus she is struck in the solar plexus, her balance knocked off as she's sent staggering back with hearty ‘oof' of obvious discomfort. When after all the proverbial dust has settled the tiny girl snaps her head up and cries, "I WARNED YOU AT LEAST, YOU BIG JERK!"
"All the time, why'm I /always/ gettin' attacked by crazy girls?" Kensou wonders, half to himself and half to nobody in particular. First it was Xiangfei, then it was Mimiru, and now it's... What did she say her name was? Namie? Naruto? Something like that. Anyway. "You call that a warnin'?! You let the other person agree to spar first before y' go an' kick them! At least learn that much!!" And then Kensou twists on one leg, and tries to roundhouse her right in the head while she's still off-balance. "Yaa-!!"
COMBATSYS: Nanako dodges Kensou's Heavy Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Nanako 1/-------/=======|===----\-------\0 Kensou
What? Crazy girls? "HEY!" Nanako exclaims promptly thereafter, wagging a finger, however ‘to himself' his vocal musings may be. "I'm not crazy! I'm just looking for a good spar! A friendly bout! It's not like I'm trying to kill you!!" Pouting thereafter, Nanako folds her arms, clearly offended, but hardly taking him completely and utterly seriously.
"Yeah, I do! You gotta be more ready than that, y'know!" Again arguing with his logic, Nanako stomps a foot before she folds her arms, tossing her head to one side as she smirks. "Or maybe you're just old or somethin'! Old peoples' reflexes do get all rusty n'stuff," she explains, a low chuckle rumbling from the depths of her gut.
Still, it's no time to rest! Glancing sidelong, Nanako notices the foot, and in turn she hops back, arms falling to her sides. "Man, you're really takin' offense to my wanting a friendly spar!" she exclaims, but holding her ground. Attack him? Nah. She needs a moment to catch her breath. He...hits kinda hard. Not that she'd SAY that to him.
COMBATSYS: Nanako gains composure.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Nanako 0/-------/=======|===----\-------\0 Kensou
O-old?! "I'm not old!! I'm not even twenty yet!" Kensou declares angrily, and /now/ she's gone and done it. That's it, Nanako. Now it's really on! Now there is nothing in all the world that can save you! With a faint 'tch', Kensou stays in close, lashing out with a pair of powerful punches, intent on knocking the Taiyo schoolgirl off-balance before dropping low to sweep his leg in a wide arc, to take her right off of her feet. And then? He gets /fancy/, pushing himself up in a quick one-handed handstand, to drop a leg on her once she's prone. "Hyaa-!!" He MIGHT be overdoing it. But now she's pissed him off!
COMBATSYS: Nanako blocks Kensou's Ryuu Renda.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Nanako 1/-------/=======|===----\-------\0 Kensou
His protests are met with a smug grin, greenish-yellow eyes hooded in arrogant amusement as the grin she sports would put the Cheshire cat to shame. Has she ‘gone and done it?' Well, far be Nanako from being concerned. In fact, she just continues to chortle lightly to herself, even as he attempts to knock her off her feet? Successful? Nanako thinks NOT!
The first attack is avoided with a quick step back, brows knitted as she peers at the Chinaman with intent eyes. Then? Then as he attempts to handstand and kick into the air she again hops back, only to leap forward with both feet outstretched, attempting to land a strong, double-footed attack at Kensou's face! With hands attempting to pin her skirt down, of course. Nanako isn't about fanservice!
COMBATSYS: Nanako successfully hits Kensou with Nyanko Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Nanako 0/-------/=======|====---\-------\0 Kensou
Oh, weak. Well, there's one thing he can say for Nanako; she might not hit very hard, but Kensou doesn't seem to have any luck at all with defending the girl's attacks. "Wugh!" he exclaims as he gets foot-stomped on, and as if he'd want to see up some little girl's skirt anyway! Staggering back, Masataka shakes his head quickly in an attempt to clear it. "Fine, y'wanna see how that kinda thing is done?" he asks, and then suddenly he leaps off the ground towards Nanako, swinging around to bring his right foot to bear; that foot is alight with a nimbus of Psycho Power, a streak of energy trailing behind it. This might hurt a little. "Uryaa-!!"
COMBATSYS: Kensou successfully hits Nanako with Ryuu Sougeki.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Nanako 1/---====/=======|======-\-------\0 Kensou
[OOC] Nanako says, "..."
[OOC] Nanako says, "You..."
[OOC] Nanako says, "You said Masataka. :|"
[OOC] Kensou says, "..."
[OOC] Kensou says, "I did too."
[OOC] Kensou says, "lawl"
[OOC] Nanako ahaha
Stomped heartily, the girl springboards off, using his face as a step before she pushes off and flips midair, landing a short ways away thereafter. Smirking as she swiftly stands upright, Nanako's hands rest akimbo on her hips, features seized with an abundance of confidence. "See how WHAT'S done??" she barks, tilting her head idly to one side. Seconds later he's going to kick her in the face. And, try as she may to avoid that foot by ducking, she miscalculates and is struck, sent rolling to the side rather unceremoniously, like a boulder of schoolgirl. It looks like it hurt.
"Urgh," she mumbles incoherently, idly rubbing her forehead as she attempts to come to her feet. Disoriented, Nanako's gaze swims with little spheres of light before she shakes her head, attempting to free up the fog and collect her wits. A hearty slap of her hands to her face remedies that problem.
"ALRIGHT!" she roars, pointing a finger at the Chinese youth. He wants to show her? "FINE! I'll show YOU what I can do!" That said she delivers a yell, rushing forward to execute a series of movements; first a Psycho-charged punch to his gut, followed by a kick, then a turning kick, followed by ANOTHER Psycho-enhanced punch. The movements are swift, the last three a series of kicks, starting with a turning kick, then a midair sidekick, followed by a swift back flip kick that hopes to put some distance between her--assuming she hits, of course! "YAAAH!"
COMBATSYS: Kensou dodges Nanako's Seven Sacred Strikes.
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Nanako 0/-------/-----==|======-\-------\0 Kensou
Nnnno, not so much. Kensou sidesteps out of the way of the punch, frowning slightly to himself... But at least he's finally got the rhythm of this crazy girl's style down. MAYBE. "So what ya can do is miss?" he taunts, unable to resist descending to her level. It's the same thing every time he fights some crazy girl... Any hope he might have of maintaining moral superiority vanishes in a puff of smoke, because he ends up being as big of a jerk to them as they are to him. "C'mon, if y' wanna spar, try seriously!" And then Kensou swings a foot up and tries to kick her in the head again.
COMBATSYS: Nanako fails to counter Light Kick from Kensou with Auspicious Hand.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kensou 0/-------/=======|
COMBATSYS: Nanako can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kensou 0/-------/=======|
Unsuccessful at...well, a lot of her attempts, Nanako just lands, looking comically upset, lips puckered in annoyance and everything. Landing, the tiny terror pivots on her heel and about-faces, looking mighty upset when she looks Kensou dead in the eye. "Yeah, well, maybe you should just stop bein' such a big JERK!?" It's hardly a comeback, but it makes her feel a little better. Try seriously??
Well, she TRIES. Attempting to catch his foot, he breeches her defenses and kicks her in the head, sending her rolling again. Defeated, the girl sits on her back, staring at the cloudy midday skies before she sighs, sulking deeply. Lost again. "Man, dad's going to be so disappointed in me," she muses aloud to herself, gloomy as she slowly ambles to her feet.
Once she's back upright and erect again, Nanako shuffles to the spot where she left her goods. Getting her things, she picks up the sack and wanders over to Kensou, sulking. Thrusting a hand out, she offers her desserts.
"HERE," she says, looking away with lips puckered. "A promise is a promise. And like I said, if'in you won, you'd get my stuff. So, here...take it!"
Honestly! Kensou doesn't exactly feel accomplished or anything... Well, maybe for a second or two. Then he remembers he beat up some kid! With a sigh, he walks over to where he set his bag down... And then there's a sulky Nanako trying to give him her dessers. "Keep 'em, we never made a promise," he says, reaching into the bag and pulling out a wrapped meatbun, which he tosses to Nanako with a: "Here," so she'd better catch it. "Get stronger next time... Or I /will/ take your candy, got it?" There, he did something kind of nice. Hmph.
COMBATSYS: Kensou has ended the fight here.
Holding her arm out, it would seem that Nanako is insistent on him taking her desserts as reward for beating up on a little, defenseless girl! But, much to her surprise, Kensou doesn't seem to be having any of that; instead HE insists she keep her stuff. This draws a bemused look across her face, eyes blinking slowly as she looks up, clearly baffled. And when she attempts to protest otherwise he's hurling a meatbun at her. Fumbling to catch it, the girl looks even more confused before she puffs up.
"I WILL," she argues, a hand curling into a fist. "You just got lucky s'all. I promise that next time I'll win, mister Kensu! But, thanks anyway." Rifling through her own bag of goodies, she hands over one of her desserts. "And take it, okay!? It'll make me feel a little more sportsman-like if you go and take somethin'!" Hmph.
That said and done, the tiny Taiyo girl bows politely, perhaps to his surprise! "Thanks for the fight n'all. I hope we get a chance to spar again sometime!" Standing upright, she beams, smiling big before she turns and scampers off, a bounce in her step. Hey, she got a fight in today, so it's not a complete bust!
Log created by Nanako, and last modified on 16:15:05 09/22/2006.