Description: Nanako ambushes Kim on his way home from the grocery store, insisting he fight her so she can test her skills against his (in)famous Tae Kwon Do. But, as expected, Kim proves that you just Tae Kwon Don't win.
There is a tranquil air that settles over Southtown on this fine, glorious summer afternoon. Early evening has begun to dawn on the sprawling city watched over by a man with a heart filled with evil, the sun beginning it's slow descent. The moon is just barely visible in the day's sky, and there is a pleasant breeze that offsets the heat of the day. A beautiful day indeed. One perfect...
... or, alternatively, buying groceries. During off time when not shoving his foot into the face of evil or laying the smackdown on those gosh darn hoodlums or rebuilding his dojo or training or training his students, Kim likes to enjoy a nice, peaceful walk through the city before buying groceries for the week. It's a tradition, and one that he's grown rather fond of over the years. The city, no matter how corrupt, is a home to him, and he finds a certain sort of tranquility walking through it that he doesn't anywhere else. It's a place to truly call home.
So, strolling through the city, Kim seems to be humming some sort of song, gigantic bags of groceries being carted along with him effortlessly as he presents a grin to all the adoring and wonderful citizens of Southtown! A grin that shines with more brilliance than the sun! Ah, it certainly is good to be alive! What a glorious day!
Did Kim think today's stroll would end without trouble?
Trouble, however, doesn't come by way of hoodlum or evil. Today comes bundled in a tiny girl standing an even five, black hair pulled into bouncy pigtails. This girl leaps out of the bush as Kim approaches, a finger pointed square at the center of his chest as she makes herself known to him. Yes, here she is! BEHOLD!
"YOU!" she exclaims, chest puffing up as she beams. "You are Kim Kaphwan, aren't you!? That guy who's really good at Tae Kwon Do and stuff??" Of course he is--that's why she doesn't really give him any time to answer her. Instead her back stiffens, a hand jerking to the side, thumb stabbing against her chest.
"My name is Yanagimura Nanako, and I challenge you to a fight!" That said she slides into an easy, casual stance, lips pulled into a wide Chesire's grin. "C'mon, old man! Let me see what you've got, eh!?"
A beautiful day! A glorious day! A beautifully glorious day! How beautiful and glori--
--but apparantly not a normal beautifully glorious day.
Which is completely expected! Kim's peaceful stroll is ended rather abruptly when someone -- no, someTHING -- leaps out of the bush to attack him. Instantly, those groceries? Are up in the air. "HUUUAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!" Kim is too, having leaped up out of instinct, flipping gracefully through the air before landing in preparation to face, "BACK AWAY, GHOST!!"
... "Er."
WELL. "/Ahem/!" Kim stands in a battle-ready stance, one bag caught in his teeth, the other by his pinky and both seem ready to be used as deadly weapons. Except... it's not a ghost. It's a girl. Challenging him? He pauses and blinks, before a genuinely pleased smile crosses his lips.
"Old man? I'm only in my thirties, young lady!" He slowly sets his grocery bags down, before giving a single nod at Nanako. "Why, I could be your brother!" Pause. "You want to duel? Are you prepared to give it everything you've got...?"
The girl stands, finger still outstretched as she all but gawks at the older man, features seized with disbelief. Is he calling her a ghost? Does she even LOOK like a ghost?? Furrowing her brows, Nanako puckers her lips, chest puffing up a bit as she stares him down. Well, stares him up. He's about 8 inches taller than her!
"Hey, thirty is OLD," she exclaims, jutting her hips to one side as her hands rest upon them, akimbo. "And you couldn't be my brother! You're not Japanese enough!" Pausing, she turns her attentions to him, grinning ear to ear. Does she want to duel? Is she going to give it everything she's got?
"OH YEAH!" she cries, hands curling into fists as she pumps them at her sides. He better believe it. Why, she's SO enthused she runs in at him and pivots on her heel, to execute a back kick right for his elderly gut. "HAH!!"
COMBATSYS: Nanako has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Nanako 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Kim has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Kim 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Nanako
COMBATSYS: Kim blocks Nanako's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Kim 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Nanako
Despite how agitated Nanako appears to be, Kim? Is quite happy! This girl is so full of life and vigor and the passion of youth, that it fills him with energy! She's determined, he can tell! That's why he's fully prepared to give her a taste of his Korean justice!
Kim is about to retort to Nanako's shrill cry, but he doesn't have much time to spare. That grin is a tell tale sign that something is amiss, the beginning spark of that fighting spirit! Brown eyes narrow and he gives a knowing nod legs spreading slowly. She's ready. Is he?
Almost instantly is that swift kick deflected by one swipe of his wrist, pushing it easily to the side before giving a bright grin. "Good spirit! You have determination!" And then he leaps, high into the air before he descends straight towards Nanako, releasing a sudden volley of kicks towards the girl's upper body. He'll go all out, just like he said!
COMBATSYS: Nanako fails to counter Hishou Kyaku from Kim with Maiden Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Kim 0/-------/-----==|====---\-------\0 Nanako
Executing the kick, the girl's attack is otherwise blown off, drawing a furrow of her brows and a pout across her lips. How insulting! Still, Nanako refuses to give up! Instead she hops back and away, to place some distance between herself and the much older man. Good spirit? "You're darn right!" she exclaims, pointing a finger. "I've got more determination and spirit in my pinky alone than anyone! Better believe it!"
That's why when he makes his move, attempting to volley her in his kicks she attempts to grab him by the ankles and deliver her own brand of Nanako justice! But...that doesn't go quite as planned and as result she's drawn into the whirlwind of kicks, sent staggering back. Grunting. "D-damn!" she exclaims, wagging a finger with one hand, the other rubbing her wounded chest. "You kick hard for an old guy!"
Wham! The kicks strike home relentlessly, and Kim does not hold back in the slightest. Nanako demanded a fight and it would be insulting to her to hold back, after all. He does note the attempt to divert his attack, and he nods once in approval before pushing off the girl and landing deftly on his feet, in a slight crouch.
"Hah! Do you think you have more determination than the power of Justice?!?!!" Brown eyes burn with passion and determination as Kim springs off the ground in a rush towards Nanako. No rest, no time to pause; only time to fight. "Let's see it, then! HUUAAAH!!" He leaps once more, spinning for a swift kick towards Nanako's side.
COMBATSYS: Kim successfully hits Nanako with Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Kim 0/-------/----===|=======\-------\1 Nanako
What's all this mumbo-jumbo about justice?? Furrowing her brows, Nanako's features scrunch a little, mildly confused before she stands upright and again points. "I have more than that!" she shouts, clearly sure of herself as she looks to him, eyes afire, her spirit burning. "I will show you! Just you wait!" Even if the odds are clearly against Nanako, she will do her best!
The kick is delivered, but poor Nanako's just not fast enough to avoid it. Kicked solidly, she's sent stumbling forward, arms pinwheeling before she catches herself. Skidding a few feet, the tiny girl furrows her brows before she spins around, crying, "Damn you're a fast old man!"
But, rather than move she just catches her breath, panting and wheezing a little. She just needs a minute, gramps!
COMBATSYS: Nanako gains composure.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Kim 0/-------/----===|======-\-------\0 Nanako
More than that? MORE THAN THAT?
Kim stops. Slowly. He stops as Nanako stumbles, recovering from her injuries. He stands up fully, a shadow cast over his face. "This..." Fingers clenched into a fist, he slowly turns to face Nanako. His expression? Solemn.
And then?
He gives Nanako the thumbs up.
Kim's teeth shine with a blinding brightness as he presents his glorious thumbs up Justice Pose to Nanako, allowing her to behold the sheer power of JUSTICE! "Come at me... when you're ready!!"
COMBATSYS: Kim takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Kim 0/-------/----===|======-\-------\0 Nanako
Oh crap!
As she recuperates from her blow and stands upright to face him--even if she's panting and otherwise trying to catch her breath--she spies an almost scary expression on Kim's face. And, for a moment, Nanako is surprised...and having doubts about this. Maybe she bit off more than she can chew?? Is he pissed off?
Very nearly blow back by his shout, the girl pause a moment, staring in disbelief before she hops in place, returning the thumbs up with an equally-brilliant grin. "Ahaha! Justice!" That said she lunges forward, hands suddenly erupting with pink energy as she attempts to grab him! And if she should...
COMBATSYS: Kim endures Nanako's Nyanko Crusher.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Kim 0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\0 Nanako
Well, for some reason or another her hands manage to get a hold of the older man! Hands aglow with peculiar pink energies, she holds onto him with curious strength, teeth clenching as she snakes her way back and around? What??
"I'll show you the spirit of youth! The power of determination!" SOMEHOW she manages to heft the man up into the air. "Feel the vigor! NYANKO!!" With him in hand, she backbends--and German suplexes Kim into the ground. "CRUSHER!"
Kim is practically EXPLODING with power, a vortex of unbridled PASSION as Kim clenches his fists, and gets into a more battle-ready stance. He's prepared. He's MOTIVATED. And he... has a tiny Japanese girl running at him head first with a rather distinct pink glow that REMINDS him of something--
Of course, to best figure this out, Kim... stands COMPLETELY still. He makes no move to defend, or try to stop her. Instead, he takes the full blow of the throw, charged with that pink energy. That familiar... "Psycho power?" He questions silently, until--"HUP!!" He SLAMS right into the ground, a little painfully but...
"GOOD! Now, let me show you the power of JUSTICE!" Feet curl up, and then... Kim LEAPS into the air, legs spread out to either side of him as he descends to smash them BOTH into Nanako's head. Harshly. "UUUUOOOOH!!"
COMBATSYS: Nanako counters Hangetsu Zan from Kim with Auspicious Hand.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Kim 0/-------/-======|=======\-------\1 Nanako
His power EXPLOSION is equally met, the girl clearly alive and excited by the prospect of testing her skills against a man as notable as Kim Kaphwan! Grinning from ear to ear she suplexes the man into the ground, his words going unheard for the most part--she grunting and straining to slam him into the ground, that's why!
When the proverbial dust settles the girl rolls aside and springs energetically to her feet, bouncing in place and clearly pleased with herself. Compliments? Oh boy! "Haha! Thanks!" she exclaims, though her mouth snaps shut as the man descends and attempts to slam her into the ground really painful-like. Nanako will have none of that!
Moving in, the girl's hands come up, glowing pink again as she intercepts his descent. Catching his feet, she grabs him out of the air and brings him downward, only to move quickly as he falls to slam her hands against him and send him rolling back with a blast of Psycho energy. "HIYAA!" Kaphwan's enthusiasm is contagious!
There we go! Now she's getting into the fight! Nanako shows potential in her drive, and it's something that makes Kim smile brightly. Smile brightly, at least, until she strikes him most mightily mid-attack with her palms. There's a smile, and a vigorous nod, and then--
"G-good... work!"
Hastily, Kim rolls across the ground, leaping swiftly back on his feet. "A very nice counter, young lady!" Very nice indeed! He doesn't even take the briefest of moments to recover, though; soon enough, he's smacking his hands together, and lowering into a crouch.
"HUAH!!" One leap sends Kim flying straight towards Nanako, one might, Justicey palm outstretched, filled with the furious passion of Koreans all around the world. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!" Very. Very. Passiony.
COMBATSYS: Nanako parries Kim's Strong Punch!
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Kim 0/-------/-======|=======\=------\1 Nanako
The compliments are responded to only by grinning ear to ear, the girl's expression positively bright. Why, she's honestly enjoying herself! Maybe this wasn't such a bad idea after all! That lingers on her mind as she snags him out of the air and blasts him back, the girl planting her back foot firmly into the ground at her feet. "HAH!" she exclaims, assuming a stance once more. "Thanks, old man!"
What's this? Kim's coming at her again?? Seeing his hand, the tiny girl swiftly darts aside, shrugging off that potentially painful fist before she dips low before she brings her palms up and forward, thrusting them out as she sends a ball of pink Psycho energy screaming for Kim's stomach! Korean passion? BAH!
COMBATSYS: Kim blocks Nanako's Expelling Prayer EX.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Kim 0/-------/=======|=======\=------\1 Nanako
Not only determination, but skill too! Kim is honestly impressed at the moment, having completely forgotten about his groceries. Does he find it odd that some girl has challenged him to a fight completely at random? Well. No. It happens all the time, and he just deals with it like he always does:
He fights!
And continues to fight, even as his attack is deflected. He simply barrels through, charging past that ball of psycho energy, dispersing it with his shoulder. He slows for a brief moment, before leaping upwards and towards Nanako, launching a fist forward to her shoulder to unbalance her. And then? A swift snap-kick to the side of the head. "HYAA!!"
COMBATSYS: Nanako blocks Kim's Quick Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Kim 0/-------/=======|=======\==-----\1 Nanako
As he should be! Thrusting her palms forward, Nanako sends a ball of pink colored Psycho Power barreling for the fighter, but as tenacious as ever he plows through! Blinking, Nanako scrambles briefly in response, looking completely aghast as he sends that fist coming right for her. But not one to just duck and cover, Nanako lifts an arm up, causing that fist to graze the top and otherwise deflect it. The other? Lifting her hand up, Nanako catches his foot, wincing lightly before she recoils a leg and lifts it up, attempting to smack Kim in the jaw with her heel, executing a nigh-fanservicey vertical kick.
COMBATSYS: Nanako successfully hits Kim with Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Kim 1/-------/=======|=======\===----\1 Nanako
Oof! Kim might be getting a little bit slow in his old age! Nanako moves a bit faster than he expected, and the swift retaliation is a bit of a surprise. The man attempts to leap back but is instead caught by that high kick, launching straight into the air. Except... he's going a bit too high for such a swift, relatively weak kick, isn't he? And maybe, just maybe, Nanako can catch the slight glimpse of a grin before, "KYAAAAAA!!" Suddenly, Kim has righted himself in mid-air, flipping gracefully. One leg stretched high into the air, as soon as he lands, he SLAMS it into the ground, creating a miniature earthquake with Kim at the epicentre, intent on knocking Nanako right off her feet!
COMBATSYS: Nanako dodges Kim's Haki Kyaku.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Kim 1/-------/=======|=======\===----\1 Nanako
The kick strikes true, and for some reason--someHOW--it sends the Tae Kwon Do master flying higher than expected. Pausing, Nanako eyes her foot closely before she recoils it, setting it down on the ground. But her inspection is short-lived; from above the sound of fabric moving can be heard, and in response the girl shoots her gaze up. Holy crap! He's coming down like thunder!
But he is slow, ELDERLY thunder! Just before he lands Nanako springs up and back, rotating midair before she lands, then handsprings back, landing with a soft 'tap' of her heels a brief distance away. That was close! Almost too close. Furrowing her brows, Nanako points a finger at him, crying, "You are truly a formidable opponent, mister Kaphwan! Your drive is fearsome!"
Zooming forward, Nanako reaches out, attempting to snag the man by his collar and send him flying over one of her shoulders!
COMBATSYS: Nanako successfully hits Kim with Quick Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Kim 1/------=/=======|=======\===----\1 Nanako
Wow, Kim must be having a bit of and off-day today. It must be the Reese's Big Cup he bought from the grocery store without doing an intensive 30 minute work out after! Blast, karma has got him again! He'll make sure to rectify that later, for right now? He has a very small girl grabbing him by his collar. Head shaking, Kim attempts to bolt out of the way, but unfortunately it's to no avail. Nanako grasps hold firmly, and tosses him, using his own weight against him as he is sent flying through the air towards a building wall...
... only to rectify himself in mid-air, landing on the wall feet-first! "Hup!!" Legs tensing, Kim pushes off the wall a split second after landing, flying at Nanako with breakneck speed, a single knee extended, eyes ablaze with life. Now this, this is fun! "ORRRRYAAAAAA!!"
COMBATSYS: Nanako fails to counter Light Kick from Kim with Nyanko Super Destroyer.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Kim 1/-----==/=======|=======\-------\0 Nanako
Tossing the much older man forward, Nanako issues a hearty laugh from the gut as she lifts herself upright, hands idly dusting as she compliments herself mentally for a job well done. Yet just when things seem to be in her favor--he comes barreling RIGHT back at her!
Scrambling in that moment the girl attempts to snag the man by his knee, shouting, "NYANKO--!!" Only, that's as far as she goes. He breeches her defenses, that knee going past her hand and striking her really hard, causing her to stumble back in a confused daze. She sees stars! "O...ow."
There it is! Head back in the game, Kim issues forth a bellowing cry of "HUUUUUUUUUAAAAAAAAH!!" and such as his justice-filled knee strikes Nanako head on, slamming into her with unbelievable force honed from years of mastering the art of Tae Kwon Do -- no. The art of Justice!! Whatever Nanako had planned, it simply could not overwhelm the amazing presence of Kim Kaphwan's drive!
Carrying through with the rest of the attack, Kim lands solidly on his feet, head bowed. "Be prepared, miss..." Legs spread. Feet tense. "... I'm going to give this everything I've got!!" And then? Well. Kim leaps at her. And spins. And...
Flips upside down.
A massive blurr of Kaphwan comes bolting at Nanako with dynamite speed, one leg extending to hit her in the back of the head.
COMBATSYS: Kim successfully hits Nanako with Hou'ou Tenbu Kyaku EX.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /// ]
Kim 0/-------/-------|=======\=====--\1 Nanako
Kim continues to scream, the scream of power as that foot plants into Nanako's head, shooting her down... before he carries through with another aerial kick that launches her straight into the air. From there, everything happens much too quickly. In a blurr of blue and white and teeth pings Kim launches a straight vertical jump kick one after the other, juggling Nanako higher and higher into the air, further and further until the jump kicks reach into the double digits in number. And, at the peak, Kim leaps high into the air--
And slams his foot straight into Nanako's gut with such force as to knock her straight into the ground.
Into a nice brush area.
He's not that intense, after all.
How does a man THAT old move THAT fast?? Baffled by this mystery before her, Nanako spends more time trying to recover from that embarrassing failure than worry about what he's planning. Yet she's given reason to look up as he speaks, a brow lifting curiously in response. "Buh?" Her response is, without a doubt, rather incoherent, but then again...what is he talking about!?
It all becomes clear when he moves with insane speed, coming down at her and otherwise clocking her upside the head, despite her best attempts to throw up a defense. Oh, but it doesn't stop there--juggled like a ragdoll, Nanako is sent upwards, kick after kick executed against her tiny squishy body before she's kicked down into some bushes. There's a silence...then?
Then and only then does she (somehow) hop up from the ground and bow deeply at the waist.
"THANK YOU," she exclaims loudly, a testament to her enthusiasm. "That was a most excellent fight, mister Kaphwan! I appreciate your time!!" Pausing, the tiny girl stands upright again, hands coming together before her chest as she looks to him, practically beaming. "And that was awesome!!"
COMBATSYS: Nanako takes no action.
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Kim 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Nanako can no longer fight.
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Kim 0/-------/-------|
Log created by Nanako, and last modified on 01:13:25 09/09/2006.