Description: Having met Alma and ultimately bumming a free drink out of him, Nanako is challenged to a fight at Taiyo Dome against a fellow Psycho Power wielder. Not one to turn down a good opportunity, she, of course, takes him up on the offer! With special guest appearance by Sakura!
With the sun rising high overhead, anxiety builds and tensions mount. The arena is empty, save for a few people milling about, some training and otherwise minding their own business. And in the middle of it all, idly bobbing back and forth on the heels of her shoes?
Why, none other than Yanagimura Nanako!
As promised, she lives up to her end of the deal, five minutes early, in fact. The deal? To meet up with the guy who was kind enough to spare a buck for her to get a drink and hopefully kick his butt? Not that it's payback for anything--he asked to fight her first!
Lifting a hand, the tiny girl tugs the collar of her blouse, an awkward, nervous gesture as she idly bobs in place. He hasn't forgotten, has he? Is he going to stand her up?? Is she going to be denied the epic fight she'd envisioned in her head in class as she impatiently waited for noon to roll around.
"Waaah! The anxiety is killin' me!" she whines, arms dropping limp to her sides. A few standers by glance over, giving Nanako an awkward stare before they resume doing...well, whatever.
This may have been a mistake.
"Wait-- wait, Towazu-san! You forgot me!"
Not the challenge itself, of course.
"I apologize... but I mustn't be late... ah, excuse me... pardon me..."
Just the location.
Alma sidles his large frame as gracefully as he can past a small cluster of six or seven young high school girls. Being the kind of guy that he is, he's just counting his blessings that Nanako goes to a high school and not to a middle school. Still, this isn't the best way to maintain one's cool before going into a fight. The girls that are bugging him are being pretty noisy about it. One of them even has a picture from a magazine in her hands; she must have taken it from her locker. Alma had the good grace to at least stop and sign that.
But he can't waste any more time. Though he appears to be about the same age as most of the students he brushes by in the halls, he can't help but stand out, towering conspicuously over most of them with his stylish clothing a definite departure from the normal uniform. Still, something about his quiet confidence makes it so not as many people as you'd think stare at him-- he looks like he knows where he's going, and a person who knows where they're going doesn't draw too much attention.
Alma knows where he's going in a lot of respects. Right now, though, he's going straight to the Taiyo Dome. The poised and calm-faced youth rarely rushes, but he quickens his pace a bit now, heading toward the main doors that open up into the sports arena, and--
--steps out just as the clock strikes noon.
You'd think he'd look a little smug about such perfect dramatic timing, but Alma Towazu approaches his new acquaintance with his usual mild smile. Again one of his blonde red-tinged bangs is shading an eye from view, but the visible eye appears particularly alert despite his serene expression. "Miss Nyanko," he murmurs as he stops a few paces away from her, inclining his head in a slight bow. "I have arrived."
Gazes turn to them again, if for no other reason than that those chattering girls are now peering out the doors to see what Alma-kun is up to.
"I hope I have not kept you waiting..."
As the clock strikes noon on the dot, greenish-yellow eyes stir toward the doors--and just in time! Alma makes his way through the threshold, albeit with less flair and smugness than she'd anticipate. He DID say he was a model, after all. One might just assume he's a little cocky when it comes to the attentions he likely receives. Alma, however, seems a touch on the humble, if anything.
Still, his arrival makes the tiny girl's mouth pull into a huge grin. "HEY," she cries, lifting an arm high overhead before waving it about furiously, to grab his attention. Excited that she hasn't been stood up for their arranged bout, Nanako darts forward, sprinting to meet him halfway. "Whoa, I didn't think you were gonna show for a second!" the girl confesses. Nevermind she was likely thirty minutes early.
Still, he apologizes, and in turn she issues a light chuckle, half-turning and idly waving a hand about dismissively. "Oh, no worries! I've not been waiting that long!" The anticipation was enough to keep her relatively preoccupied, after all. Still, with the apologizes and formalities otherwise out of the way, Nanako hops back thereafter, assuming a relaxed stance, one arm kept close, the other extended out before her, legs shoulder's width apart.
"Anyway, let's see what'cha got, mister Towazu! Eh? Eh?!" Eager as ever, Nanako is.
COMBATSYS: Nanako has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Nanako 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Alma has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Alma 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Nanako
COMBATSYS: Nanako focuses on her next action.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Alma 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Nanako
"...heh... heh heh heh!"
Alma's smile widens into a gentle-eyed grin, his shoulders shaking merrily as he lets out a rare low chuckle. He seems to have forgotten the presence of the people around him, his gaze trained on his young opponent -- in fact, he has anything but forgotten about them. In a way, he couldn't even if he wanted to; his aura sense flares with their attentions trained on him, with the swirling emotions of the young fans peering around the doors, and more than anything else, the vibrant and strangely familiar fighting spirit of Nanako Yanagimura herself. This happens to him every time. Having everybody's feelings focused on one thing like this, whether a fight or a conversation or a falling leaf, is like having the stars aligned. Like every moment in his life preceding this has only been leading up to now.
The absurdity of him feeling something so profound right before preparing to repeatedly kick a high school girl in the head is not lost on him, either. That just makes it even more-- well-- awesome. Maybe it's the kind of thing you have to be zen to understand, but...
For a moment, Alma looks very happy.
Then the expression fades, as always, into his usual look of good-natured, mild-mannered, undemonstrative serenity. In a series of subtle and decidedly nonviolent movements, he shakes his fingers out a little, shifts his feet slightly, straightens his back, relaxes his limbs, and takes a deep breath. It doesn't look like a fighting stance; not unless you're looking for one. If you are, you might be able to see that this stance, as natural as it seems at first, is only relaxed in the same way that a hunting cat is relaxed before it pounces...
"Alma Towazu, of the Hiten-ryu style of kung fu," he says, unmoving, eyes clear and focused; at least the one that isn't hidden by his hair appears to be. It seems rather bright, too. Unnaturally bright, now. "Please, do your best--"
Alma lunges. He skips in quickly with his knee leading, hands circling out smoothly in a manuever that transforms into a smattering of jabs. But as he moves, a fading afterimage, purple-tinged white ripples in the fabric of space, pursues him, mimicing his movements with a second series of jabs that strike with equal force as Alma himself. Twisting into a sweeping low kick, this trend continues -- but with Alma moving slightly faster than his afterimage, the combination becomes intricate. He lashes out with a fierce punch at the same time as his afterimage strikes with a low kick; and then pauses to allow the two of them to come together, before finally thrusting out with a powerful palm strike that aims to knock the girl off her feet.
COMBATSYS: Nanako fails to counter Autumn Rain from Alma with Maiden Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/------=|===----\-------\0 Nanako
His good nature is met with a smile, Nanako's expression genuinely thrilled at the prospect of fighting someone like himself. All but grinning from ear to ear, the tiny Taiyo student seems spirited, the air around her definitely alive. A man as sensitive to emotions as Alma would likely pick up on such a thing--and possibly Nanako herself. Still, if she is or isn't, well...she's not exactly telling!
Closely watched once she assumes her own stance, greenish-yellow eyes focus on Alma, half-lidded as she continues to all but beam. Exciting! To fight another worthy opponent makes her happy! Will he live up to the image she's built up in her mind of his talents?
A moment is spared, Nanako's features mildly thoughtful as he explains himself, presenting the style he will bring forth to her. Beaming, the girl lifts a hand and points, chiming, "And you already know my style, but I'll say it again! Shitteno ancient arts, handed down over--" However much she'd like to finish that he's already moving, attacking the girl without any real warning. Try as she might to catch the hand that whips out attempting to jab her, Nanako's not fast enough. The result? She's caught in his flurry of movements, struck repeatedly and seemingly without mercy until the entirety of his attack has ceased.
When all is said and done the girl wobbles a bit, a hand rising to idly rub her forehead. "W-whoa," she stammers, likely to herself. "That...kinda hurt." Yeah, it hurt a lot. "But I'm not out yet!"
Normally, Alma would smoothly transition directly into another series of attacks, taking advantage of what he considers the main facet and highest principle of Hiten-ryu kung fu: making your actions and reactions as one great combination. He considers it a metaphor. It probably wasn't supposed to be, but-- it certainly seems to work for him, eh? That technique might be worth watching on the big screen.
He can't go anywhere now, though. With the palm thrust as his final strike, all his momentum was gained and lost in that single contained combination attack, that burst of sudden movement able to disrupt Nanako's defenses as he had planned. So, rather than close in again, Alma quickly draws up his hand and inhales, and with the incoming breath comes a pulse of energy throughout his body, as though he were breathing chi and not air. A halo of pink and purple tinged white energy subsumes the tall youth's body as his right hand erupts into a plume of white soulfire, and lashing out into the air with a hand cupped as though making an offering, he unleashes a quick spiralling blast of sparkling Psycho Power.
He doesn't look unfriendly, but he does look serious and focused. He's accepted a challenge, after all. He has a duty to give his all, a duty born of passion. And he will fulfill his obligation.
Even if it means lighting a schoolgirl on fire.
COMBATSYS: Alma successfully hits Nanako with Sacred Wave.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/----===|======-\-------\0 Nanako
Shaking off the dizzies, Nanako's hand gently nurses her temple, rubbing out the fog that haunts her thoughts. Once she's coherent enough her eyes lift, peering at the man a short ways away. This isn't going to be as easy as she'd hoped. She's clearly underestimated the guy, which was a mistake from the beginning. She'll have to remedy that.
Her stance widens, features stern as she gazes forward. His hands move, and much to her surprise the man calls upon his Psycho Power, drawing a mildly bewildered expression from the girl. "Hey!" she exclaims, almost cheerful. That right there was her mistake.
The ball sails forth, and try as she might to avoid it that glob of energy slams right into her, sending her reeling to one side like a prone target. Issuing a ‘oof,' Nanako wobbles again, staggering a few steps before she regains her footing, hands clenching into tiny fists.
"You're not so easy!" she exclaims, facing him squarely with a finger pointed. She doesn't move, however; instead she stands her ground, eyes drawing to a close as she breathes in, then out, then, then out. Recuperating from her two humiliating failures? Likely.
COMBATSYS: Nanako gains composure.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/----===|=====--\-------\0 Nanako
If things continue at this rate, he'll never discover what he came out here to find out -- and besides, Alma has no desire to humiliate anybody. Of course, he firmly believes that holding back in combat is not only disrespectful to one's opponent but an insult to, well, the very nature of conflict and what can be gained from it. This time, however, his sense of what 'victory' is in this fight is a bit different from normal. He has no need to prove his power here. What he wants is to see what she's got... he should at least give her a chance.
The handsome youth quietly regards his opponent for a few moments, letting the halo of power around him ebb away naturally, going off to wherever it goes to when it's not being used. But he remains in his stance, or at least, that 'heightened' posture of his that seems to constitute his version of the Hiten-ryu stance. Breathing deeply, he lets the ambient energy of the area, the watching people, and even the radiant energy of his opponent stream into him. Emptying his conscious mind, seeking the void, he finds an unquenchable fire...
The glow around him has faded, but his anima continues to gleam in his clear eyes, and that powerful light says through its mere presence all that needs to be said: Bring it.
COMBATSYS: Alma gathers his will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0 Nanako
How horribly humiliating.
Here she'd sought to do her best against this guy, and all she's had to show for things so far is nothing but failure! How can anyone be impressed when they've hardly made a single dent against their foe?? Frustrated and disappointed, Nanako refuses to let herself get down--that would be an insult to Alma, were she to let her emotions get in her way and hinder her performance.
"A bad start!" she exclaims, thrusting a finger toward her opponent. Furrowing her brows, the tiny fighter clenches her hands into small fists at her sides. What can she do? Letting her thoughts race, Nanako seems intent, considering her move. He wants her to bring it?
"Bah!" A cry of mild frustration, Nanako gives her all and races forward, leaping into the air before she comes down at Alma with a swift kick aimed at his chest. "HIYA!"
COMBATSYS: Alma interrupts Heavy Kick from Nanako with Rising Fury EX.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/--=====|=======\=------\1 Nanako
So she still won't reveal the true nature of her aura...
Alma can't help but smile slightly at the girl's undaunted nature and show of fighting spirit, and he approves entirely. While he doesn't know nearly enough about her to be able to guess at what motivates her, he finds himself relating to her passion for the fight. There is a certain purity about her attitude that the warrior-model finds himself greatly admiring.
She's not a bad martial artist, to be sure. She's clearly had plenty of intensive training, and there is power and technique behind her strikes and approach. But she seems unblooded, lacking in real competitive edge, and with Alma's awareness heightened after his surging power, he is able to react unhesitatingly, decisively, and with blinding speed. Once she commits herself to the leaping kick, the young man twists on his heel and lashes out with a shockingly flexible high kick, kicking leg very nearly parallel with the other as he leans back, and powerfully knocks her attack aside. Thus avoiding the majority of the impact, Alma is then able to continue with the movement unimpeded. A burst of energy rises up from within him as his momentum gathers, and by the time he's planted his kicking leg on the ground and twisted to bring up the other leg, it has been subsumed by a halo of sparkling purple and white soulfire.
The resulting kick catches Nanako in the abdomen, and the ensuing explosion blasts her up into the air once again, sending her back a ways. Alma gracefully resumes his usual posture with simple downward sweep of his leg, looking as though nothing has occurred.
But he's still watching her very carefully. Is he actually worried, with things going as they are? If he isn't -- what is he looking for?
~ If I keep pushing her... ~
The shouting and carrying on just happens to catch the ear of another young fighter -- this one bringing with her a small entourage of classmates. Seems Miss Sakura Kasugano was planning to use the Taiyo Dome as a training site for her students... but there's already a group here!
"... Okay, class! Slight change of plans! I want all of you to see what these two fighters are doing wrong!" She thinks on that for a moment, and then considers that it'd be kinda rude for people to just blurt it out. Normally, she wouldn't care, but she's got to be a =role model= to these girls. "Keep it to yourselves, though! We'll discuss it all later, cuz... after they're done, we'll be working on those high roundhouse kicks again!"
"Awwww!" come the cries in unison. Someone hail the Waaaahmbulance?
Nanako's spirit is afire, blazing with determination to at least prove to herself she can do SOMETHING against this guy, however discouraging her failed efforts may leave her. He's not as easy as she'd expected him to be, and maybe that there was her mistake. She's been tossed around like some toy! How very disappointing!
Yet she's not going to give up. Not yet--that's why she charges Alma, leaping high before she makes her strike. But her attempts are foiled; that leg is shied away with a high kick, causing her greenish-yellow eyes to open wide in disbelief. "Bwuh??" It's about all she can get off before she's struck in the gut, an explosion of brilliantly white and violet energy tossing her up high before she lands a short distance away with a hearty, meaty 'thud.'
Slowly but surely the tiny girl rises to her feet, a zombie-like 'wuuuugh' escaping her as she rubs her forehead. But just as Nanako's about to point a finger and proclaim something undoubtedly arrogant, Sakura chimes up from behind, causing her to pause with her mouth wide open.
Hopping around, Nanako shouts, "HEY, who do you think you are?? And who are you to say we're doin' something wrong, eh??" Now frustrated, Nanako pulls her hands into tight fists, her face red...with anger. Totally not embarrassment, no way. Never!
"I'll show you who's doin' what wrong!" she exclaims, drawing her hands together. Her eyes shut briefly, a swell of energy surrounding her hands before she plants her back foot and thrusts her palms forward, a sphere of brilliantly pink Psycho Power flying right at Alma. Did he want it? Well, he's got it now!
COMBATSYS: Nanako successfully hits Alma with Expelling Prayer.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/-======|=======\==-----\1 Nanako
Alma tilts his head slightly toward the newly group of students as he hears their leader pronounce judgment upon him and his opponent. Where Nanako seems flustered, Alma seems if anything mildly bemused, smiling with an air of good-humored puzzlement. It'd be nice to say he's reacted that way just because he's so good-natured, but... while that's a part of it, mainly he's just distracted by other confusions. Namely:
~ Why is that boy wearing a skirt? ~
Wait. /Wait/. He's made that mistake before, once. He recognizes that... person. The image comes to him, of fighting by her side once before, a long while back. Only connected to her through Jiro and his troubles, he wouldn't be surprised if she doesn't remember him at all, but--
Sensing a surge of very familiar power, Alma snaps his gaze away from the girls and back to his opponent, and aha! No wonder. With a strangely relaxed, even satisfied, expression on his face, the handsome youth merely reaches out a hand as though to catch the girl's blast of energy-- and his body jerks as the attack hits home, sending him back a pace. Alma shakes his head to clear the sparks from his vision, his mind reeling in confusion from an energy familiar yet definitely not exactly the same. Well, that's what you get for being too curious, Alma.
~ Amazing! ~
He... doesn't seem altogether displeased. In fact, he smiles wholeheartedly at Nanako, shaking out his still-stinging hand as he reaches up with the other to brush his bangs away from his eyes. "I thought there was something special about you," he remarks, low tones friendly. "It looks like we have something in common--"
The last bit is said as he's lunging forward, trying to close the distance in spite of the time he's spent stunned. Now that he's fight her power, the fight isn't over -- it's just beginning. As far as he's concerned, that was her introduction; it's now that they start to get to know each other. Striking out with a couple feinting jabs, Alma then smoothly twists into a sweep kick, and aims to take Nanako's feet out from under her and send her tumbling.
COMBATSYS: Nanako counters Light Kick from Alma with Nyanko Super Destroyer.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Alma 1/------=/=======|==-----\-------\0 Nanako
Who is she? She's the freakin' Sakura Kasugano! Of course... well. She didn't expect her voice to carry quite so well, as she was still a fair distance from the group. Comes with being a loud and obnoxious BRAT, one would suppose.
Though... it would seem Sakura's not the only one o/~ "Me? Well, hey! You're messin' up like crazy. There, I said it! I'm Sakura Kasugano, KING OF FIGHTERS TWO THOUSAND FIVE, and I endorse this message!" Thumping herself once on the chest (likely reinforcing Alma's impression of her supposed masculinity), she crosses her arms, haughtily frowning back at the messing-up Nanako.
Who totally isn't messing up at all.
"... Miss Kasugano, she didn't--"
"Yeah, I know, shut up," mumbles Sakura, wincing as Alma takes a big hit from Nyanko. ... Though her eyebrow does quirk upward as Alma mentions the supposed likeness there. "... huh, she's one of them, too? Geez, they're everywhere." Sakura rubs her shoulder in memory of the first time she got utterly -owned- by a Crimson Comet...
"Y...yeah, well, just watch, okay? Study time, so you can see how some other amateurs do it." notes Sakura, opening her hand towards the two young fighters. ... Yes, she's being openly smug again, despite the fact that Nanako is rocking Alma's world and could probably own the Ansatsuken Angel as well!
While Alma is distracted, Nanako is trying to focus her frustrations into something far more productive. Namely, energy for this fight! So while Alma's trying to decipher whether or not Sakura's a boy in a skirt or a really boyish-girl, Nanako's pooling her Psycho Power and sending it in a blast of embarrassing pink toward him!
The blast executed, Nanako drops her arms as he attempts to brush it off, however unsuccessful that attempt may be. Struck, he stumbles a little, but ultimately keeps his footing, which is quite alright with Nanako! Instead she hops briefly in place before she lands and thrusts her arms in, hands clenched. Then? Then she turns and points at Sakura.
"SEE THAT??" she exclaims. "There's nothin' armature about that, y'hear, Kusa...Kas...Kusanagio!!" That's what she THINKS she heard, anyway. Not that it concerns her. NO way; 'cause when she turns back to face Alma, he's talking to her. Special? Something in common? Tilting her head a bit, the girl grins broadly as she chimes, "Yes, well...I kinda figured we did when you showed me your abilities--h-HEY!"
What happened to civil conversation?? He lunges in and strikes out with feints, most of which are easily cast aside with careful thrusts of her palms. The last, however, is swept aside with her ankle as she herself lurches forward and inward toward Alma, drawing one fist in tightly before she delivers a punch. "Let me show you my Devastating Arts!" she exclaims as the other fist comes in rapidly, heralding a series of furious blows to his midsection. "NYANKO SUPER- -!!" Dipping low, Nanako's knees bend deeply as she crouches before him, coiling a fist before she pushes up, thrusting her fist against the underside of his jaw, a fierce uppercut meant to send him flying skyhigh. "DESTROYER!!"
Aww yeah. She even holds the pose for a few seconds afterwards, her skirt flapping dramatically in the wind...wherever it may come from.
Alma thought he had this girl figured out for a moment there. Maybe the Psycho Power fizzled his brain, but he was fairly confident that he had begun to comprehend the nuances of her fighting style. What's truly surprised him is that even after feeling her aura, he wasn't able to recognize the girl's combat ingenuity for what it is...
He's not disappointed in his mistake. He's just... happy.
Oh. And he's in pain. A lot of pain. Yes.
~ What an interesting young lady. ~
Stunned by the uppercut, Alma hits the ground on his back and allows himself to lie there for a moment, staring up at the sky through the retracted dome ceiling with an oddly serene expression. He masters his pain quickly, and then, with a startling burst of hitherto unrevealed energy, kip-ups suddenly to his feet. "Devastating Arts... how unexpected," he murmurs, cheerfully enough. "You're just full of surprises, Miss Nyanko." He idly brushes the dust off of the back of his stylish shirt with his left hand, tilting his head down slightly to gaze at his young opponent through lowered lashes. "But-- as intriguing as your style is, I wonder to what extent you've mastered the... expression of your power."
Slipping his left hand into his back pocket, Alma lifts his right hand into the air with unassuming elegance. His hazel eyes spark with inner fire, flaring with the rising tide of passion within him. "Allow me to show you what I've learned!" he pronounces, the words burning themselves into the air as an oppressive feeling of high tension and charged emotion surrounds the tall youth -- before his hand, surging with Alma's focused sense of self, blazes up with light and sweeps downward at the ground.
There is a dramatic moment of silence.
And then a fountain of white fire, traced with lines of pink and purple like veins through marble, explodes out from the ground at an angle, aiming to overwhelm Nanako's mental defenses as well as her footing and carry her away.
=Armature?= =Kusanagi-o?= Is that the new cereal from General Mills?
Sakura doesn't let the attack faze her though, instead... simply putting her hands together and golfclapping in return. This is an exhibition? "Oh, maaaah-velous, Buffy! You just keep making mummy proud!" British accent and EVERYTHING. Man, someone just slap her already.
Still... Alma might think Sakura knows nothing about him, but the reverse couldn't be more true! She's heard a =lot= about the model and his fights, from the way he started out emulating Fei Long... to the way he's totally not emulating him now.
"Nah, seriously..." she continues, in a lower voice. "See, both of 'em are makin' some really smart choices there. He threw out feints, stepped in close with his foot. Woulda got her, except she was *lucky* enough to catch what he was doing in time for her to spot the opening there. See... you can't let the audience distract you, girls!"
She smiles a bit, resting her hands on her hips. "See, whenever you get in a fight in school, =everyone's= gonna come runnin. Y'can't get worked up by people talking trash atcha!" She pauses, with an impish grin crossing her face -- just before she raises her voice again. "Especially if you =suck!="
She's so gonna get her ass kicked. But really... she's fairly sure she can take it!
COMBATSYS: Nanako parries Alma's Full Confession!
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/------=|===----\-------\0 Nanako
Man, Nanako MIGHT slap Sakura, were she not so utterly into fighting mister Towazu at the moment. Holding the upwardly-extended arm in a display of personal gloating, the dark-haired girl in pigtails beams brightly before she breaks free of it, hopping around AGAIN to face Sakura with a deep frown.
"HEY, YOU!" she exclaims, clearly addressing miss Kasugano with a frustrated expression. Is she patronizing her accomplishments? Why, that was pretty darned swift of Nanako, to hit Alma with her fireball, considering how unlucky she's been thus far against him! "No one asked for your bad accents and commentary, weirdo!" But her real opponent isn't Sakura--it's Alma!
With a huff the girl turns back, facing Alma with a miffed sort of expression. But his kind words earn him a blink of disbelief, features touched with bemusement and flustered before she stammers. "'re pretty g-good too, you know! And your powers are like mine, so that makes you even cooler in my book!" But what's this talk about expressing her power? This...
Well, this might not end so well.
Assuming a firm stance, Nanako holds her ground as he readies himself, emotion and energy flaring up in a furious blaze around him. The fires come swiftly, the energy racing for her like a tide of Psycho Power, intent on sweeping her off her feet--but such isn't the case. Instead the girl somehow redirects the energy, issuing a shrill cry of "HAH!!" before she rushes forward with newfound speed. The distance closed, she attempts a fierce side-kick, making an effort to use Alma as a springboard in which to pull off her one-eight turning kick, followed by a strange flip-kick of sorts that aims to clip him harshly under the jaw and send him skidding back as she flips back and lands in a low crouch.
COMBATSYS: Alma blocks Nanako's Celestial Axis EX.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0 Nanako
So, uh.
Alma likes to think that the main tenet of Hiten-ryu is to make one's actions and reactions all part of one great combination, thus making combat even more of a, well, intimate set of interactions between opponents. While this is certainly his own interpretation and his own method of expressing Hiten-ryu, he is not altogether incorrect. Fei Long has made it clear that commanding the momentum of the fight is of profound importance, for only in doing that can the dramatic level of the fight be heightened. Of course, drama is the last thing on Alma's mind. But in expressing himself so wholeheartedly through combat, igniting so intensely with the power of his passions, there's no way that he can avoid the occasional seriously dramatic moment.
He's had that momentum reversed on him before, of course. But... never by someone who, using their own passion, simply overwhelmed his own. He's never fought someone with the same powers as he /and/ so brimming with passion, and with such a different personality to boot--
Alma rarely looks surprised, but this is a rare moment.
He weaves back, eyes slightly widened as he slaps the girl's kick away. "Im...impressive," he manages. He may not have lost his cool, but he's definitely a bit overwhelmed. Yet he recovers quickly; in fact, he starts grinning almost immediately. The poised young man's eyes light up with real enjoyment, even childlike in his innocent pleasure. "What a spirit!" he remarks, not particularly loudly -- which is probably good, as it's kind of a weird thing to say -- but his expression is clear to all. He seems to be having a really good time.
He continues grinning as he closes in and breaches the gap between them, lunging in with his knee to feint a fierce spike at Nanako's abdomen only to lash out with a powerful punch at the poor girl's head.
COMBATSYS: Nanako blocks Alma's Strong Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/-----==|====---\-------\0 Nanako
His surprise comes to a surprise of sorts for the tiny fighter, her features mildly befuddled as she keeps a close eye on him--well, more than before, anyway. He started out by very nearly pummeling her into the ground...or air. Whichever! Either way, his feelings are noticed in some form or fashion, but it hardly keeps Nanako from doing her best. If anything, she's trying even harder!
Rushing in as the last of his passionately dramatic display of Psycho Power dies, Nanako's kicks are otherwise shrugged off, forcing her to spring back and away, landing in a crouch. "Impressive?" Whoa, is he complimenting her?? The smile on her face broadens, her back stiffening up as she puts her hands on her hips. "Thanks for noticing!" she exclaims, pointing a finger at him thereafter. "And my spirit's nothing to scoff at! Better believe it, yeah! Wh-whoa!"
Rushing in, Alma's attack is met with a wide-eyed expression of surprise before she fumbles into a defensive posture, avoiding the feint and blocking with both arms across her face, absorbing the blow. Once she's safe she lashes out, attempting to snag him by the collar and heft him up before she turns and tosses him aside!
COMBATSYS: Alma dodges Nanako's Quick Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/-----==|====---\-------\0 Nanako
"Aaaaaaactually, you guys are playing on my home turf, so yeah, you =did= ask!" Never mind that, y'know, Nanako's a Taiyo student. But =Sakura= hasn't met her yet, so she can be excused for her ignorance, RIGHT? Right! Kasugano pops her thumbs into her ears, wiggling a most immature gesture at Nanako.
"Baaaah, you see right there? That coulda totally taken her down. You wanna =dodge= that crap right there, you girls can't handle it, okay? And if you can stuff the guy with a elbow in the gut, you do it!"
It's the subtlest of evasions, the slightest of leans. Alma manages to redirect himself just enough that Nanako's hand only grazes the neckline of his shirt without getting a hold on him, continuing the lunge he began with his punches. The movement carries him in very close, partly in an extra attempt to force her arms against her chest and prevent her using them while moving quickly enough that she can't retreat, and for a moment, he almost brushes up against her. It actually looks like he might be trying to just bowl her over with his greater size, but he never actually makes contact. In the process of unbalancing her, however, Alma leans in as he gets close, so much so that his face becomes parallel with hers for a moment. His lips only an inch away from her ear now, his lips part--
--and his knee lashes up in a quick strike that may wind Nanako if it connects.
He doesn't seem to take any notice of Sakura's commentary, yet.
COMBATSYS: Nanako counters Light Kick from Alma with Auspicious Hand.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/---====|=====--\-------\0 Nanako
"What the...HEY!!" Sakura's remark graces her ears, lips pulling into a swift frown as she glances over a shoulder, glaring--albeit comically--intently at the young miss Kasugano a distance away. Noting her motion, the girl rolls her eyes and cries, "That's so immature, and I don't even KNOW who you are!" Not that her words are particularly malicious.
Either way, Nanako attempts to snag Alma, but it would seem he is too eager to stop her in her tracks. But...whoa, wait. Is he...trying to kiss her or something? The fact he leans in earns him a furious blush, Nanako's face bright red as she exclaims, "WHAT??" and moves, almost by instinct. Her hands glow a shade of carnation pink, motes of pink light flickering about her as she catches the knee in one hand, then moves in swiftly, slamming her palms against his gut and releases a surge of Psycho Power, to push him back.
She's still blushing furiously, of course. And panting a little. Damn he's tough!!
Sakura's eyes widen. She may be trying to make Nanako out to be the bad example. It's totally not working.
Coughing into her fist, she glances around shiftily to her students.
The students who are more enraptured with Nanako than her own advice, which was summarily ignored in the wake of the exciting counterattack.
"Er. Yeah."
Narrowing her eyes at Nanako, then Alma, she just shakes her fists at her sides. "Break time, class! We meet here in fifteen minutes, and be ready to kick somebody's face in!" Not that any of them is budging from the fight!
Abooooout face! Sakura turns sharply on her heel and marches to the locker room, her face red as a beet from having the show stolen! Soooo not living this down for a while!
Hahaha, that's what you get for trying to be cool and warn your opponent, Alma. The young man goes skidding back with the breath knocked out of him, and for a moment it looks as though he might topple -- but through sheer tenacity he manages to turn his momentum around, scraping his shoes against the ground as he lunges back almost immediately into the attack. He's unbalanced and too far away from her for a decent strike -- but his rush of movement elicits a surge of energy in his right hand, causing his soulfire to burst forth, and he's able to lash out for a close range blast of pure Psycho Power.
Long as his reach is compared to her, he'd rather attack with the energy while he can instead of wasting any time closing in further; and besides, she's taking command of this fight in a way he can't just let happen.
So why are his eyes twinkling so mirthfully still?
COMBATSYS: Alma successfully hits Nanako with Self Expression.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///// ]
Alma 0/-------/-======|=======\-------\1 Nanako
Weaseling her way out of the grab, Nanako's attack knocks the wind out of Alma, giving her breathing room, and a bit of time to recuperate from that embarrassing turn of events. Brows furrowed, Nanako peers at Alma, keeping a cautious eye on the man. What a clever trick, that! A glance is spared briefly, eyes darting sidelong, just in time to see Sakura about-facing and marching away. Her smirk widens, a finger lifting up to idly toss a pigtail off her shoulder. Oh yeah! Who's mocking who now??
Though, when she turns around to face her opponent, there's a brilliantly bright burst of energy waiting for her. Scrambling, she attempts to move out of its way, but winds up getting smacked, sent reeling back and staggering to hold her footing. "D...drat!!"
Somehow, Nanako manages to stay on her two feet. Tenacious and stubborn, the girl rushes in and attempts a feint of her own, her hand moving out before she brings the opposite foot up, attempting to kick him with the top of her foot upside the neck! How on earth does she manage to stand??
COMBATSYS: Alma dodges Nanako's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////// ]
Alma 0/-------/-======|=======\-------\1 Nanako
Again he sweeps in, tilting out of the way of her feint in a manner that still leaves him prepared to deftly crouch under her high kick (don't worry, he's averting his eyes) without losing any momentum. Intent on his continued assault now, hands still wreathed in light, Alma closes in again, and without another word unleashes a barrage of quick jabs. Fading light accompanies the strikes, leaving afterimages of himself in much the same fashion as his first technique -- but this is much less technical and much, much faster. A sudden burst of spiritual energy converted to physical speed, leaving unreal shadows of purple and white...
And still, focused as he is, he hasn't lost that good-natured expression.
He's lost the grin, though. It wouldn't be appropriate to grin after ducking under a kick. You shouldn't give people the wrong impression.
Oh, yes--
And with him comes the faint scent of rain.
COMBATSYS: Nanako fails to counter Spring Shower from Alma with Nyanko Super Destroyer.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ <
Alma 0/-------/=======|
COMBATSYS: Nanako can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ <
Alma 0/-------/=======|
Her hands wiff empty air, causing the girl to pout quite visibly in disappointment. This guy is without a doubt a tough cookie to face off against! Then again, such could be said about most if not all the people she's challenged to a fight. Still, she's not about to give up easily! Instead she just keeps a cautious eye on him as she leans back--just in time for him to unleash a barrage of jabs. Try as she might to lunge forward and snag his arm to stop him, the assault breaks through, striking her repeatedly, over and over before he sends her flying back, skidding across the grass rather clumsily. Those stains. ..will be hard to get out.
"D-dammit!" the girl frustratedly grunts, slowly but surely peeling herself up off the ground. Unable to continue, the girl stumbles a little before she holds her footing, idly rubbing her she really upset? Disappointed? Angry?
"OH MAN!!" Thrusting her hands--now tiny fists--to her sides, Nanako is clearly enthused. "That was so much fun! You have to fight me again sometime, mister Towazu! I insist! And I promise I'll do better!" By better she means actually win!
Huff... huff...
Alma is too elegant to pant, of course. He's just... breathing heavily, that's all. A single trickle of sweat makes its way down the side of his face, tracing one fine cheekbone as he regards his small opponent with a mysterious, almost thoughtful gaze. Just a moment of silence, to mark the end of combat, the end of another struggle and, for Alma, a meeting of selves.
Then he smiles, reaching out his hand to help her up.
"I'm glad you were entertained, Miss Nyanko," he murmurs. "I enjoyed myself very much as well. You have a champion's spirit." He smiles down at her with youthful genuineness, eyes bright from behind a few slightly damp bangs. "If you wouldn't mind, I'd like to hear more about your fighting style... its history."
~ This girl... ~
Her aura still piques his curiosity. But for Alma, that's about more than just having an interesting kind of power. It's about being an interesting kind of person.
~ ...I'd like to get to know her, if I can. ~
"And please, call me Alma."
COMBATSYS: Alma has ended the fight here.
The hand outstretched is eyed almost thoughtfully, the tiny girl--panting like she just ran a few miles in the hot summer sun--stares for a moment before she accepts. There is no shame in accepting offered help! It was a good fight, and while Nanako may be competitive, she's sure as heck not a sore loser.
Well, not TOO terribly a sore loser.
Hopping up, she somehow regains her cheer and vigor, hands pulled into fists at her sides. Was she EVER entertained! Why, that fight was too much fun for her, especially because he too uses the same sort of power she wields. That's not a very common occurrence from her experience, so there's definitely a certain amount of interest invested in this guy.
"I'm glad! I didn't want to make it TOO easy on you, haha!" she gloats, rubbing the back of her head lightly as she opts for a casual stance, her weight balanced more on the left. Her arrogance, if one can call it that, fades into a bit of coyness, her face a touch red. Is he complimenting her? D'aw, it's almost too much. "Th-thanks though," she adds, a little sheepish. "Your style is definitely different. And my style? Uh...sure? Why not! I'll see if I can reiterate what dad's babbled at me fairly accurately." She was always far more interested in reading about other, important facts. Like shopping and the hottest style this season. Oh yeah.
"Eh? Call you Alma? Well...alright," Fidgeting a touch sheepishly, the girl sports a goofy grin, still quite thrilled from the close fight. A glance to her wrist, however, shows her she's nearly late for class, as the lunch hour draws to a close. "Ahhhh! I'm gonna be late! Thanks again, Mis--er, Alma! Please, stop by again sometime! I'm sure I'll see you again soon!"
And with that she about-faces and scrambles clumsily toward the exit, stopping only briefly to retrieve a small brown satchel left by the door. With hope she can sneak in and not get detention!
Log created by Nanako, and last modified on 13:05:18 08/29/2006.