Description: Dan continues and completes his world tour by finding the Brazilian fighter SEAN MATSUDA. Awesome things happens as worlds collide and the core has stopped moving. Now Dan is one step closer to unvealing his hidden ambition and completing his life's goals. SAIKYO! DO DO DO DO YOU HAVE IT!?!?
Is it ever a bad day weather-wise in Southtown? Nah man, not when you're Sean Matsuda. When he steps out into the open the weather KNOWS BETTER and it's suddenly a bright and sunny afternoon, very lightly clouded skies. Yeah that's right.
You better be bright and sunny.
And to no suprise of Sean, the area of Southtown Village is pretty non-active, save for a few punk kids skateboarding on guard-rails instead of racing off to the Village Mall, or the occassional adult making their way to the coffee shop for that sweet sweeet cappuccino. The brazillian himself though is making his way from Taiyo High school, dressed in his own Pacific High uniform. Some might say he was there to cause trouble. Others might say he was there to meet a friend. BOTH folks would be right, of course for by his side should be Taiyos own Sakura Kasugano! Now along the path he travels, he does notice something that he had never spotted before on his usual walks, and that'd be the infamous Saikyo Dojo. It -should- ring a bell to the student, but he's not exactly sure why. Brows furrowed, he asks aloud to noone in particular, "Hey, uh.. Who's shack is that anyway? Is it closed down or something?"
"Shack?" Sakura covers her mouth to keep a rogue snicker from escaping. "Yeah, you could say that!" She glances around for a bit, as if she half-expects Dan Hibiki to be springing out of the nearest set of bushes to surprise them, but seeing nothing so far, she leans closer to Sean. "It's the dojo of your biiiiggest riiiival..." lilts Kasugano, hurrying ahead and folding her hands behind her head. "Y'know, Dan Hibiki? Isn't he, like, the inspiration for your rule number three or something?"
She glances off down the way, smirking a bit. Okay, smirking a *lot*. "You =could= march right in there and prove you're not all talk, y'know!" Grinning impishly, she keeps her distance, spinning to walk backwards so she can see the look on Sean's face.
Y'know, if Sean the Easily Provoked isn't already lunging out to punch her or something!
Suddenly, coming out from a row of bramblehedges (Way to call it, Sakura!) with thick pricker thistles and bleeding in a minor way from minor scrapes, Dan Hibiki bursts onto the scene, looking like he just ran a gauntlet through Hell, forgot his keys at the beginning of the gauntlet, ran back to get them, then ran through the gauntlet a second time, before realizing that he doesn't ~have~ keys.
One of his beaten and bruised arms stretches out, the index finger attached to the hand at the end pointing squarely at the boy who could be none other than Sean Matsuda. The boy he's been looking for for over three weeks now.
"YOU," the pink clad fighter bellows in the boomingest of authoritative voices, "YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO BE BRAZILLIAN, WHY WERE YOU NOT IN BRAZIL!?"
"THE MAN" looks a little irked, maybe a little angry. Whatever beating he's suffered in his journey across the world to find a young man who was already in his own neighborhood has obviously worn his patience a little thin.
".. Biggest rival?" Sean repeats, glancing upward as if trying to recall whom this person may be.. Patrick Ewing? Michael Jordon? Charles Barkley? Once Sakura makes it all-too-clear who it is she speaks of, Sean's expression turns into a frown- A frown so deep, it has never been seen by man until this very day, ".. No -way-, the chances of 'that man' being all the way out here's gotta be slim to nill! Are you tryin' to pick a fight with me or something because I'll throw down right now!" hand clenched into a fist, he's promised himself not to get baited anymore by Kasuganos teasing, but she doesn't make it easy!
And wouldn't you know it, when Dan bursts out of seemingly nowhere, Sean LEAPS back, hands thrown in the air and drops his schoolcase in the process, "WAAAAAAAAH!" is his first response.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!" is his second, as he then points a finger accusingly at this so called 'The Man'! Really, no other words are quite as fitting a response to Pinkys question. To reiterate: "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!" followed by pointing.
"Yeah, right, =me=, pick a =fight?= What =ever!=" laughs Sakura, lazily turning back around to face forward.
"You wouldn't even last five minutes agai-- AAAAAAAAAAH!"
Kasugano let her guard down, clearly, as she scrambles backwards in near synchronicity with Sean, one hand held back to catch her in case she falls! (she doesn't) At least she recovers more quickly, though, "AAH, geez... what the heck are you talking about, Brazil? I've never even be--" Pause. Sakura taps herself on the lip as she composes herself, glancing over to the -- quite Brazilian -- Sean Matsuda. "Oh, hey, what a coincidence!"
She slaps slack-jawed Sean on the back, eagerly encouraging him onward. "Go get 'im, tiger! I got a camera here, so don't screw up!"
Sure enough, she =did= bring a camera this time: a Fuji Quicksnap, the mark of her Japanese heritage, after all!
The Pink clad fighter gives Sakura a strange look of intrigue and question before turning his gaze back to Sean Matsuda, "Though you are here hanging out with my only successful Saikyo Graduate, that will not save you from the challenge I am about to issue you. Your name was carried to me on the winds of fate, I have traveled the world and beat seven international masters for the information of your whereabouts. I have fought snakes, dogs, and wild boars to find you, but you were not where you were supposed to be. Sean Matsuda, it is time for your day of reckoning, in fighting you I will only become stronger, and you will learn much from the experience!"
Dan stomps his right foot down on the ground, before thrusting his finger forward once more, "Will you accept the fight of your life, and witness the secret arts of Saikyo first hand, or will you turn and run like a coward?!? The choice is yours!"
"-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA- OW!" Sean flumps forward a bit from Sakuras slap, the boy cringing a moment, but then straightens up with an even straighter face. I mean, that didn't -really- hurt, he was just playing along. His real worry though is the camera that Sakura's toted along; it wasn't that he wasn't confident he could take Dan down, but what if something embarassing happened? If he recalled correctly, this guy -always- did something embarassing in his matches and if he were to get mixed up in that...
".. You've got to be kidding me, man," Sean grumbles, kicking his bag open and draws out his classic-red fighting gloves, "Normally I'd be flattered that someone's gone out of their way to track me down but coming from you that's an insult too large to let go! You're just wasting your time if you think you can take me! You know why?" Gloves slipped on and tightened, Sean grins broadly, "Because you're dealing with a CHAMPION! And I-- Wait."
The boys expression goes blank at the very end of his sentance, and he points over his thumb to the schoolgirl, ".. She's a Saikyo Graduate? You're lying, right? Why would she train with -you-, you big... Pink wearin'... Grass.. Rollin'... Pink wearin'... Pinky!"
Darn it all! Sakura =was= trying to be all chill and superior to the two she feels are waaaaay beneath her talent level. But then Dan had to go and point out her 'graduate' status, and the implication that she had, in fact, studied under him. Which is true.
It's fun running with what little of the truth is offered though. "Uh... a great warrior never passes up an opportunity to fight others! Only by experiencing, uh, a diverse, uh, ... combination of skills can a fighter truly become the best and brightest!" She pauses for a bit, glancing aside, before realizing she just looks really, REALLY dumb right now.
Nodding her way out of the reverie, Kasugano adds, "Totally! And, er... you should know that more'n anyone, 'Champion!'" She throws up her fist, flashing her usual charming smile! "Now go get some experience so you can, er, level up and stuff!"
And then she plucks her camera out. "Don't screw up!"
Dan blinks in response to the taunt, "Pink wearing Pinky? Who taught you trashtalk? Listen here and listen good, your cornrows are about to get planted in the ground and you will have the honor of being the NEWEST student of Saikyo-Style AMBUSH EDUCATION!"
The master slams his foot down on the ground again and lifts his hand into the air, pulling his palm towards his face, "Come on then, you so called Champion. Show me the fighting spirit that I want to see! Let's see wat you're made of, Sean Matsuda. This will be my quickest victory yet!"
COMBATSYS: Dan has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Dan 0/-------/-------|
Sean lowers his head, hand raised to his face as he starts to tremble. This.. This is truely a sad sad day for our young hero, whom has to cope with just one MORE horrible truth, ".. I.. I've tried to do something 'cool'.. And you know what they called me? They called me 'Dan', man. Because of you, everybody think's I'm sort of joke, that I ain't gonna get anywhere with my moves.. And not only that, when I played Pac-Man, Speedy was always the one that nailed me,"
His hand lowers, in which they clench into fists, "I've endured that for now, I was gonna go out and prove myself but this.. This is the FINAL straw! Why are you always in my business man?? Even with my youthful, romantic life! What next, you gonna tell me you're Miss Kanzuki's janitor? I say 'NO MORE'!" his voice raises, tears starting to trickle down his cheeks, "Is there no justice?? Are you some sort of leech stuck to me soul forever?? Here's what I think of being your student!!" And then BAM! just like that, Sean bursts forward with his brand new attack: TEARS OF RAGE, in which he attempts to punch Dan right across the face with utmost fury!
COMBATSYS: Sean has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Dan 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Sean
"... t.. the heck..." sputters Sakura, her tart demeanor gone RIGHT out the window. Staring flabbergasted at Sean, Sakura grasps for straws, trying to figure out exactly what manner of screwed up this is!
Eyes widening in disbelief at the depths to Sean's waterworks, Sakura just gasps in horror, as a high pitched sound, not unlike a WRYYYYYY makes its presence known.
And then she remembers what caused it.
"That'll be one to keep in the black book..." she snickers, slipping off to a safe distance. Fight! Fight! Sakura can't help but watch how this unfolds! "Go... kick some butt!"
COMBATSYS: Dan endures Sean's Medium Punch!
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Dan 0/-------/-----==|-------\-------\0 Sean
As the brazilian japanese youth punches into Dan's face, the man's head turns right along with its momentum in some kind of bhuddist zen style deflection technique. At least, that's what he'll claim later when asked about the fight.
In the meantime, almost simultaneously if you will, his right hand goes up into the air, and comes down towards Sean's shoulderblades in the famous Saikyo DANHAMMER! An open handed strike to rival all other open handed strikes in no way inspired by any of the inferior martial arts.
He speaks as he fights, "If people already compare you to me, then you are off to a good start in becoming the world's greatest fighter, newest student of Saikyo. You must harness this energy, and make it your own. I am flattered that you have gone to great lengths to learn all you can about my style!"
COMBATSYS: Sean endures Dan's Strong Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Dan 0/-------/-----==|===----\-------\0 Sean
OH YEAH! There's nothing quite as satisfying as hearing the sound of fist hitting face, and when it's Dan's face it's just all that more pleasent. Just pow! Right in the kisser! However Dans reaction wasn't what Sean had expected at all, and seeming frozen in his punching position, he gawks yet again Danward, "Wh.. WHAT?? That's not what I wa-GLEEHPH!"
Matsuda is nailed pretty hard by this... Danhammer, that makes him double over so far he's forced to fall into a crouch to keep from kissing the pavement, "... rrrghh.. And it ain't your style!!" he yells, snapping back upward suddenly, hand hands clasped togeather as he attempts to slam Dan under the chin with the hammer-like start-up, the momentum lifting him into the air as he twirls around, "Exhibit A: DRAGON SMASH!"
COMBATSYS: Dan dodges Sean's Dragon Smash.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Dan 0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0 Sean
Dan's bushy eyebrow raises high into the air as Sean begins an assault of litigious precedings in trying to prove himself to be the genuine article of non-Saikyo greatness. As he slides back from the two armed 'dragon smash' and not punch, Dan tchs heavily before beginning to force tutelage upon the youth.
"Silly Matsuda, that technique is wholly inefficient. It's got zest and style, maybe even a bit of gusto, but I see what you did. Knowing the world shattering might of the Kouryuken and its sister, the wholly inferior Shoryuken... you thought that if one fist was good, then two would be better? Hahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaa."
The master demonstrates, coiling his body into a tight screw and launching a one handed version of Sean's own attack right back at him, "This is how it's done boy, pay close attention!"
COMBATSYS: Sean blocks Dan's Kouryuken.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Dan 0/-------/-----==|====---\-------\0 Sean
Sean once more is astonished, though more because Dan is totally disecting and belittling his technique more than the fact he got out of the way, "Like fun it's inefficient, you just got lucky!" he shouts back in clear annoyance, but meanwhile he's thinking Dan was actually better than he had anticipated, at least in the sense he's no pushover. Sean braces himself a bit, shifting into a defensive positioning against Dans Kouryuken, that surely enough is quite similar to it's so-called 'inferior' counterpart.
'. Wait a sec,' he thinks to himself, 'If that's how it is, I prolly can't catch him off-guard with my bigger moves so easily.. Better mix things up a bit, gotta keep cool somehow..' "That ain't no thing! If that's the best you have to offer, this is gonna be a quick match you salmon-looking fool!" waiting for the right moment, Sean snaps a quick kick again targetting high which is roundhouse in execution, but a snap of his hips then brings his heel toward the opposite cheek as well, "Yeah I said -salmon-! Haha! YEAH!"
COMBATSYS: Sean successfully hits Dan with Medium Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Dan 0/-------/---====|====---\-------\0 Sean
Right after another disconcerting camera-flash at the precise instant at which Sean blocks the Kouryuken, Sakura lowers the camera to note, "Hibiki-SENSEI, you've been watchin waaaaaaay too many kung-fu flicks on your way here! Geez... you wanna talk 'inefficient' why don't we start with how you spend all your energy on making fireballs go, what, three inches? Or how 'bout how you spend all your energy throwing photos at people, what's up with that?"
Pause. "... But still, minus points to Sean for the trash talk, man."
The Man bounces on his heels as he sees the kick coming one way, but unfortunately for him, it also comes the exact opposite way shortly afterwards. This kind of thing always puts a damper on Dan's day. He's knocked into the bramblebushes he jumped out of, with new thistles poking him in places he never knew possible.
For a moment he lays completely still.
That one silent moment, where the only sound in Dan's world is crows flying overhead is ended as he pushes himself up and forward, leaping toward Sean with a vicious speed, and pulling his hand back.
"Hah! Nice hustle, but it takes more than hustle to win. You can't be a player whose roster consists of heart and intangibles! Taste Saikyo-FURY! GADOUUUUUUUKEN!"
Right on cue, one of those three inch flying fireballs comes from Dan's hand, a putt putt ball of the purest cyan, travelling gently in a search for purchase and purpose. Several Noh plays could be written about this brave little gadouken, but what will its story hold? Triumph, or tragedy?
COMBATSYS: Dan successfully hits Sean with Gadouken.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Dan 0/-------/-======|=======\-------\0 Sean
Sakura glances over at Sean taking the Gadouken head on.
Sakura just shakes her head, sighing RATHER LOUDLY as she stares at the road. "Laaaaaaaame. Show him how it's done or I'll get your home address from Karin!"
Snicker.. Salmon. Sean thought that was a pretty good one, so Sakura's little comment goes in one ear and out the other, no one's reigning on his parade today! That's right! And then there's Dan, layed out clearly in defeat. Seans fists raise into the air, and he cries out in victory, "YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! Hahah!! I did it! I- What the crap??"
Oh no, Dan's not done just yet, and on top of that, he's got talk. What's rather annoying is that it isn't even -bad- wisdom on top of it which just makes it twice as painful. Which surmounts to NOTHING like the pain of Sakura calling him 'sensei'? Salt in the wound. SALT IN THE WOUND! Sean doubles over, clutching his heart, and then reels back when he gets a faceful of godouken afterthat which ends up laying him flat on his back and staring at the sky this time, "..... *groan* .."
On top of that he doesn't even -have- what it takes to 'show him how it's done' back, so he'll just have to improvise. He kip-ups to his feet, and drops into a slight crouch, this time throwing a kick to the side of Dans knee, "Look I don't need a lecture from you, all right?? Hustle is all I need to tear you up!" there is a notable boost in speed in his kick though- Maybe he thinks Sakura is good on her threat!
COMBATSYS: Dan blocks Sean's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Dan 0/-------/-======|=======\-------\0 Sean
Dan pffts pretty quickly as he brings his guarded wrist down in front of the foot about to kneecap him, "Kid, I could see that coming a mile a way. You've always got to distract your opponent somehow, by making fun of their clearly dumb haircut, or pointing out whatever small misstep in their stance they might make. You for instance, you can't rush in on someone like that without expecting them to expect it. Everyone always expects the unexpected, you can always expect that!"
After this delicious fortune cookie treasure trove of knowledge that Dan lays out for Sean, he decides to bust some science on the lad. This starts with him snapping his hip back as if he's about to go into a roundhouse, before twisting back the original way he came, and leaping into the air. He brings one knee towards Sean's chin, with a shout of "DAN!"
Then his body twists, hit or miss, with the opposite foot extended all the way, "DAN!"
The final blow comes out with a mighty twist, and a mighty cry, "KYAKU!"
Oh SNAP, Son!
COMBATSYS: Sean fails to interrupt Dankuu Kyaku from Dan with Tornado Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Dan 1/-------/=======|=======\===----\1 Sean
Sean grunts slightly, despite the block he keeps pushing his foot inward to try and break through that guard. No dice though, "Wh.. Will you shut up already??" the boy yells, his cheeks starting to darken in embarassment. "I don't even know what you just said, for crying out loud!" he pushes himself back, tucking in his legs a moment to roll back once and get back into his fighting stance, which is a bit more tense now after that slew of insults, now he's even more hard-pressed to knock Dan over through the fine art of OVERPOWERING.
He takes in a sharp breath and twirl fiercly himself, leaping off the ground to ideally crash right through the Dankuu, and instead gets knocked out of the sky like a fighter jet crashing and burning, "Yeaargh!" NEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeer- thump! each well timed kick just increases the momentum in which he hits the ground stomach first and slides back a bit. Shakily he gets himself up once more though, and gestures for Dan to come at him once again, "M.. Man.. That was weak, wasn't nothin'..." he sputters.
Dan looks at the sputtering Sean, before he points at the Dojo behind him and says, "Look kid, after fighting you I know you've got honest fighting spirit, and you've taught me a lot today. Just like I taught you, I'd suggest if you ever want to learn REAL karate, that you go over to that building and set your mind to it. Whoever taught you is obviously not as skilled a teacher as... well... Me! We can end this right now if you want, I obviously already won..."
He pulls out a sharpie and a picture, and scrawls the Dojo's address onto the face, before tossing it at Sean, "But seriously, come here to get some real instruction. I mean. You're just setting yourself up for failure with a style like that!"
COMBATSYS: Sean negates Premium Sign from Dan with Basketball.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////// ]
Dan 1/-------/=======|=======\===----\1 Sean
The pressure's on, that's for sure and Sean knows if he doesn't kick things up a notch, and he means QUICK he's actually going to get beaten! And that scares him more than death itself!
Meanwhile, right across the street those skateboarding punks have decided to go and play a little street-ball instead, a torn milk-crate used as a basketball hoop, "Dunk!" teen a cries, as he leap in the air and bricks so hard the ball goes flying right back toward the dueling martial artists.
And Sean is staring at Dan with half-lidded eyes, his arms crossed and a sneer, "My man, I go by -three- rules when it comes to fighting! Rule number 1 is never give up!" he throws his left palm outward, the other hand pointing to himself, "Rule number 2 is don't fight me!" *SPAP* The basketball slams into his palm which he uses to knock away the signed photo, snatches Dans marker, scribbles 'Rule #3: Don't be like Dan!' on it and then powerposes as he thrusts the ball out once more, "SPLADOW!!!" ........... "... Hey, this isn't my ball."
Dan strokes his chin as he listens to Sean's rules and shrugs his shoulders, "I see you've got a little bit of fight left in you, so your first rule I totally agree with. Never give up, that's the BASIS of Saikyo style and I'm glad you've learned that already. I'm very proud of you Sean. But the second rule and the third rule are kind of dumb! Listen, Rule Number two, don't fight me? You're yourself, how can you fight yourself? That's silly. And Rule Three? Total joke if I've ever heard one. Rule Three should be: BE LIKE DAN! Look at how much of Saikyo-Ryu you already know. You're well on your way to being my greatest student. However, the knowledge of fighting arts comes with struggle, sweat, and aches!"
Dan launches himself forward at Sean once more, putting his right hand into his Gi and running like a goof. As he gets close to Sean, his hand comes back out, and his other hand meets it, trying to grab the prostelyzing Sean by the shoulders and give him a quick fling to knock some sense into the boy.
Rule Three: Always be like Dan! ALWAYS!
COMBATSYS: Sean interrupts Quick Throw from Dan with Sean Tackle.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////// ]
Dan 1/---====/=======|=======\======-\1 Sean
Beating a dead horse here, Sean's getting pretty sick of Dan! He's never fought a more annoying opponent in his life! And it only hurts more that this guy is -good-. He's real good! It'd almost be inspiring if Dan wasn't his MORTAL ENEMY. Well, that and his third rule has been massacred. MASSACRED, "WHAT?? You can't be serious, yo-- YOU!! You've done it now!" Sean goes head to head with Dan, running straight at him to actually make the execution of the throw that much easier! On the other hand, he lands on his feet -way- too quickly, giving him that much needed extra kick to tackle the living hell out of Dan, right to the ground, his eyes almost red as he delivers a flurry of fists, "Don't be proud of me, dummy!! And it's -not- Saikyo Ryuu!" pow pow! "It's ansatsuken! An! Sat! Su! Ken! I hate you! A hate Saikyo Ryuu!" pow pow! and once that's done, he rolls backward again, getting to his feet and points fiercly again to the older man, "And most of all, I hate that you ruined Princess Allura for me! Forever! Rule #3 stays! DON'T BE LIKE DAN!"
While Sean mildly layeth the smacketh unto Danneth, Sakura calmly snaps off a series of pictures with her camera. "Aaaaaaand there we are. Next edition of the Oxford English Dictionary's gonna have this picture right beside the def'nition for 'Be Like Dan!' She throws up her fist at that note. "Woo!"
Dan looks up from his massive bepunching and groans slightly, "You see.. this is the reason you aren't winning. You're letting your anger overpower your confidence. If you were more like, say.. DAN. Me. You'd have beaten me already because, well I'm the greatest fighter, and to fight the greatest fighter is to lay your life on the line."
As Dan gets back to his feet he says, "I totally see how you could confuse the greatness of Saikyo-Ryu for Ansatsuken, but clearly if you're practicing 'that' style, then that's another reason why you're losing SO BADLY, I might add. That style is inferior. Only nerds with headbands and dumb names practice that. "
He tchs, "I don't know what to do with you, Sean, but I do know, that this next strike won't miss..."
After dusting himself off Dan draws his hand backwards and then confidently thrusts it towards Sean, in such a way that it will look like it could possibly break Dan's wrist if the punch connects.
Dan, are you sure this is the best idea?
COMBATSYS: Sean blocks Dan's Kyuukyoku Tenchi Gadou Zuki.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///// ]
Dan 1/---====/=======|=======\=======\1 Sean
Sean's eyebrow twitches.. Aurgh, why does this guy have to be -right-? Though on the other hand, his wrongs sort of cancel them out so like.. In essence, he's not saying anything worthwhile at all, right? "YEAH!!" Sean cries again, raising his fists in the air a moment, "Hahahah! Oh man, I can't believe it, all this time I thought you were-- Man forget that!" the ball that he threw into the air long ago, bounces off his head and makes him stagger a bit- It's enough for Dans punch to actually break through his guard!! Um.. Actually, did it? Because while he does stagger back further, it looks like Dan has gotten the shorter and of the stick,
"Thanks for the bal- Oh hey! It's Shane Mitsubishi!" Teen A cries.
"Oh hey, check him out!" teen B chimes in. The two stare at one another for a moment, and then go back to their basketball game.
As for Sean, it looks like it's time, "H.. Heh, losing badly, am I? I haven't even shown you my ultimate technique yet! This is -the- move that seperates Ansatsuken from Saikyo Ryuu, pal! And who's fault do you think it is that I'm getting angry in the first place! Don't talk like you know me! You don't know me! You don't know my pain!!" and Sean bursts forward once again, fueled by frustration, determination, and the absolute with the intention of shoulder-rushing Dan right out of his shoes! That.. He isn't wearing, "KyaaAAA!"
COMBATSYS: Dan blocks Sean's Hyper Tornado.
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > ///// ]
Dan 1/-======/=======|====---\-------\0 Sean
But that isn't all, feeling the impact, there's a gleam in his eye at that very moment, "An opening!!" as Sean pushes upward, with not one, but -two- mighty uppercuts, one then the other in rapid-succession. Turning his shoulders sharply, the combo is followed with a roundhouse kick that transforms into the most dangerous tornado kick in the business today, "Kya kya!" and then the nail on the coffin, per se, is one more twist that snaps the heel of his foot down toward Dans shoulder, "AT THE BUZZER: HYPER TORNADO!"
And a sun bursts in the background. It's totally sweet.
Dan holds his wrist from the previous impact with the Kyuukyoku Tenchi Gadou Zuki, but it looks like he doesn't have enough time to give any of the street punks or Sakura the secret thumbs up that shows he's okay! He's got a raging Sean on him. And a raging Sean is nothing good to have barrelling down at you at Seantyfive miles an hour. Blocking as much of the attack as he can, He raises his eyebrow at Sean, before launching back up into the air, twisting around in one Dragon uppercut, followed quickly by a second.
COMBATSYS: Dan successfully hits Sean with Kouryuu Rekka.
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > ]
Dan 0/-------/----===|=======\=------\1 Sean
Crap! Sean was expecting Dan to be half a blocks distance from him after that assault, the disbelief is evident in his eyes, "N.. No wa-" there's just no hope for Sean managing to slip away from the very painful uppercut that he feels deeeeep down in his bones. It doesn't just knock the wind out of him, it knocks out his very spirit-- Or at least it would have if he didn't have a secret rule,
Rule #4: See Rule #1!!!
But after he sails the skies, and manages by some miracle to land on his feet afterward, he loses his balance and starts staggering backward wildly toward Sakura, one eye open to see Dan getting further and further away as he curses to himself, 'Damn, there's no way, I can't get close enough to use 'that technique'. But I can't let it end like this, no way!!'
Aw HECK naw. If there's one thing ANY GOOD SHOWMAN should know, it's not to diss your audience members! And that includes flashing thumbs-up at them when they're totally horrified that you used to teach them.
More to the point, it also includes not punching combatants into them! Dan has MUCH TO LEARN.
It's probably a good thing for Sakura that she was already standing, once he'd started his duly named Hyper Tornado. Because... it puts her in a =much= better position to brace herself and bring her hands up to block Sean!
"Hey, you're not finished yet!" she shouts back at him, snatching him out of midair with both hands. With a secure grip on the back of the Brazilian Bomber's shirt, she takes a good three steps back... and gets a hard running start! "Get back in there and KICK SOME SAIKYO-RYUU BUTT!"
At which point she =totally= pitches Sean right back at Dan!
COMBATSYS: Sakura has joined the fight here.
[ < > ///////// ]
Sean 1/-----==/=======|==-----\-------\0 Dan
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Sakura 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Sakura assists Sean.
[ < > ///////// ]
Sean 1/-----==/=======|==-----\-------\0 Dan
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Sakura 0/-------/-------|
Ever seen that show 'Touched by an Ansatsuken Angel'? Well uh.. Actually I haven't either, but Sean hasn't the slightest idea what just snatched him out of existance and then launches him -into- existance with vigor that he didn't even know he had! Or.. Something. "H.. Holy crap!! I CAN FLY!!" Sean screams as he flies at Dan like a Bomber, his left fist drawn back and a newfound fire in his eyes, "I CAN FLY!!!"
How will Dan handle a brazillian shooting at him at SEANDAN-ty m.p.h.? Can he stop the inevitable haymaker from slamming into his gut? "SHORYUU-" Can he stop the suddenly skyrocketing fist that follows, possibly bringing both fighters into the air?? "CANNON!!!"
Stay tuuuuuuned!
COMBATSYS: Sean can no longer fight.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////// ]
Sakura 0/-------/-------|==-----\-------\0 Dan
COMBATSYS: Dan dodges Sean's Shoryu Cannon.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////// ]
Sakura 0/-------/-------|==-----\-------\0 Dan
Dan watches Sean flying toward him with the unscrupulous help of his star pupil and looks on at the scene with a look of mock horror. He enacts a plan so simple, and so crazy that not even Ares would ever think about even the slightest bit of agreement with this plan.
He steps about six steps to the right and watches Sean sail past him, before crossing his arms and turning his head towards Sakura.
Very slowly he shakes his head six times exactly, no more, no less.
Saikyo-Sensei does ~not~ approve.
COMBATSYS: Dan takes no action.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////// ]
Sakura 0/-------/-------|==-----\-------\0 Dan
"NNNNNNNnnnnnnnnnnnnnn..." there goes the boy wonder, who turns his head to look at Dan as he flies by and just... Well, what else can he really do? He twists his lips, that's what, "... Harsh."
Luckily for our hero, there's plenty of things to break his fall such as a conveniently placed stack of tin trash cans, the for some reason is stacked one on top of two on top of three on top of four.
#CLATTERCRASH# A stray cat zooms from the fray and across the street.
"......... i'm ok." he groans from the carnage, a foot in the air.
"Hey, don't give me the nuh-uh-uh treatment, Danno!" Sakura glances over to Sean for a moment, makes careful note of the fact that he claims to be okay, and turns back to Dan. "Just sayin', if you'd watched where the heck you were aiming, master martial artist... well, c'mon, you wouldn't be in this mess!"
She scratches her nose for a moment. "You want some?" Extending her arm, she flicks her wrist out, then makes a beckoning gesture. "Then come get some, Teach! Show me how great this Saikyo-ryuu really is, while I waste my time with the 'inferior' Ansatsuken!"
And with that... she starts to give Dan a taste of REAL power -- the sudden wind that kicks up around her, a veritable flowing =tower= of power!
COMBATSYS: Sakura gathers her will.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////// ]
Sakura 0/-------/---====|==-----\-------\0 Dan
Dan uncrosses his arms and shrugs, "Tch. I did what I had to to teach the boy and you're going to fight me? Sakura, Sakura, Sakura....." He shakes his head just as slowly, "I'll put you right on top of him if you want a training excercise. Just because you graduated doesn't mean you can't learn more!"
Snapping his hips forward and letting the momentum carry him, or rather the DANMENTUM in that same series of kicks that let Sean know his time was nigh.
That's right, the Dan Dan Kick gets a rebirth. Like a graceful humpback sailing through the ocean, so too does Dan Hibiki move through the air.
This is how the masters do it. THIS!
COMBATSYS: Sakura interrupts Dankuu Kyaku from Dan with Quick Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //// ]
Sakura 0/-------/----===|=====--\-------\0 Dan
"Well, no, I wanted to sit there and watch, but you =got= me involved! Besides... what's with this Obi-Wan bit, huh? You think just cuz you knocked a headstrong Brazilian down you can take me out too?"
This is how the =real= masters do it -- standing totally still! The extended hand is, understandably, PLOWED aside by the humpback whale of a flying kick. Indeed, her hand seems to crumple under the pressure, her arm falling useless as the second kick decimates her ornamental guard, threatening to crush Sakura backward!
The third kick never lands, though, because by that point, Sakura's close enough to do to Dan what was done to Sean -- hurling around and *pitching* her quarry in another direction! That is to say, she's twisting sharply and slinging Dan into the bushes from whence he came. "DOURYAAAA!"
The Saikyo Sensei pushes himself up from the bushes and looks at Sakura a bit confusedly before saying, "Ahehe, you see, I'm only testing your defenses to see what you've learned. Now let's see how you'd react to this!"
Dan begins running at Sakura like a maniac, now feeling quite like Sean was just a second ago, "Bouryyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!"
A nonsensical word that doesn't mean anything. While it doesn't mean anything, Dan is trying to grip Sakura by the shoulders and give her a quick kick-toss behind him.
Oh Dan, will you never learn?
COMBATSYS: Sakura blocks Dan's Otoko Nage.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /// ]
Sakura 0/-------/---====|======-\-------\0 Dan
Grabbing by the shoulders? Foo! Sakura has free arms to deal with that kind of attack! Snapping her wrists up, it's a rather simple matter for her to meet the grapple before it lands. And a quick sidestep is enough to keep the kick from landing anywhere near the point necessary for it to be a fulcrum, grazing her thigh instead.
"Hey, that =aaaaaalmost= worked. Y'know, if I was walking in molasses!"
Of course... now that she's spun partly to the side, she sees a perfect opportunity here. "Now, let's set the record straight... that was Dan's way..."
And launching forward, she intends to slam a rising uppercut into Dan's side, strong enough to send a bag of potatoes into low earth orbit! (your mileage may vary) "This is MY way! SHOOOU'OOOOU KEN!"
COMBATSYS: Dan endures Sakura's Shou'ou Ken.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ]
Sakura 0/-------/---====|=======\==-----\1 Dan
Dan lets the assault collide with him, clenching his muscles all up and grounding his feet to the ground in a display of utter danliness. His feet grounding powers aren't that great, however, and he goes sailing up into the air before coming back down and hitting the ground. As soon as he stands up, he wobbles shakily, and eyes Sakura. "Hmm, I see you're almost on my level now. I'm very proud of you... You'll someday be able to teach the dojo yourself, but until that day..."
The wobbly pink man leaps forward and explodes in a fountain of punches and kicks, blow after blow that move quickly whether Sakura is actually in the way or not. He's in the zone man. For real.
"Burai rai rai rai rai rai rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrraiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii KEN!"
COMBATSYS: Dan has reached second wind!
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /// ]
Sakura 0/-------/---====|==-----\-------\0 Dan
COMBATSYS: Sakura interrupts Hisshou Burai Ken from Dan with Small Hadouken.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ]
Sakura 0/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0 Dan
"One day? I got students =now!=" Sakura boasts, proving that Sean and Dan aren't the only braggarts in this battle! Oh yeah, that Sean guy, he's ... nearby, right? Right.
The first punch whiffs, but Sakura's still close enough for the second kick to connect. Especially since he's kinda moving and stuff, and she's still of a mind to stick close to the man after that throw attempt. Once again... she braves damage against Dan with a mind to keep her eyes open for the one chance moment, rather *powerful* punches and kicks slamming into Sakura one after the other... This could kinda hurt in the morning!
"You finished yet?!" Sakura shouts, juuust as Dan seems to be rearing up for the finishing uppercut. And just before he actually begins it -- Sakura slams both hands forward with a rather loud cry: "HADOOOOUKEN!"
Just before blue flames spit out of her open palms, slamming into Dan. Bam!
Sean is still here! He's more or less just reclining in the mass of garbage cans, which is pretty high living considering the sitation! Also he's aching so, he'll just chill here for another minute or so. He's sad though, Sakura makes it look so easy. :(
Dan flies back, with half of his gi burned off by the proximity to the chi energy, and the violence of the attack. Unfortunately for you ladies out there, it's the top half of his gi, and that black mesh shirt is still perfectly fine. Pictures float down in flames everywhere, as Dan once again crawls to his feet, narrowing his eyes in a way that might just cause David Carradine and Stephen Segal to suddenly stop existing here, or anywhere.
Once again the man in the pink pants launches forward. "DAN!"
Oh, no, c'mon Dan, please...stop..
Seriously, you're just going to pull something man....
COMBATSYS: Dan can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Sakura 0/-------/=======|
COMBATSYS: Sakura dodges Dan's Dankuu Kyaku.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Sakura 0/-------/=======|
And to this, the unstoppable, the unknowable Dankuu Kyaku...
Sakura steps to the side, much like the sure-kill Shoryu Cannon was evaded so deftly moments before, with Dan whistling by like a baby carriage rolling down a loooong and steep hill.
At which point Sakura laces her fingers behind her head again, grinning that stupidly smug grin that gets her punched all the time by much more talented fighters! "Heh... don't feel *too* bad, Mr. Hibiki! It still took two of us to take you down, right?"
She's not =all= bad at least. And besides... with Sean lying not far away, Sakura decides to walk over and give him a hand. "Dude, you'll Seanihilate him next time, right? If it wasn't for me butting in, y'know, you'da had him!"
Dan, however, lands in a heap and passes out underneath a street lamp. Zzz Zzz.
Sean grunts, and with help from Sakura? He's back on his feet.. He glances a second to Dan, making sure he's out cold, and then cries, "Y. Yeah! I had that dude on the ropes! I uh... But hey, I can't blame you for wanting to help me out, but you gotta keep control of your emotions, girl." he coughs lightly into his fist, staggers a bit toward his schoolcase, and picks it up, "As punishment, I'm taking you out to ice cream. Lets roll."
Log created by Dan, and last modified on 16:48:45 09/08/2006.