Description: A spectacular SNF fight between two tenacious and somewhat unconventional fighters.
Spectators foreign and domestic line the steps leading up to the facade of the Cathedral of St. Paul, filing up the metalworked staircases and cobblestone walkways towards the towering, singular front wall of the once proud structure. Surrounding the popular attraction are newly assembled, quasi-portable bleechers, already quickly filling with fight fanatics and tourists alike. The setting sun begins to descend in the western sky, the few floating clouds doing little to dissuade its light, which casts elongated shadows at an angle across the makeshift battleground, the facade itself casting the longest, splitting the area where the two fighters are to meet.
Just beyond the facade, within the borders where the Cathedral once stood, surrounded by the remnants of the structure, and overlooking a tremendous vista of the Macau countryside, the announcer steps out to begin, "Ladies and Gentlemen! Children of all ages! Macau welcomes you to one of our most cherished sites for one of the world's favourite events! Saturday Night Fight will now begin! We have quite the matchup for you tonight... on one side, the very son of one of the world's foremost fighters and tournament hosts... an up and coming fighter with the ability to make his own legacy, Adelheid Bernstein!!!" The young Bernstein crests the resilient staircase as the announcer wraps up that part of the introductions, pausing before the facade as his dark eyes pan up the ruin, a gloved hand shooting forward with a sharp motion to flip a glimmering silver coin up, up, and away, the currency whirling through the facade's topmost window and onward, lost to the emptier hill beyond. For luck. Passing by the facade, Adelheid takes up position on one side of the ruin's foundation, stretching his neck with a bit of a crack. He could look better, his austere features bruised and cut up something fierce with freshly-healing injuries, but the youth still moves with grace and confidence, nothing but stoic, calm focus showing in eyes or features. The platinum blonde dresses simply... black military fatigue style pants, tucked into heavy, reinforced boots, and buckled in black leather and glimmering silver. His chest is covered by a simple, grey sleeveless shirt, which hugs his lithe musculature like a second skin.
"And facing Adelheid is one of China's own... a martial artist of uncompromising inner power and incredible speed... the dangerous, the enigmatic, Duo Lon!!!"
The Saturday Night Fights were indeed something that fans of the fighting circuits world wide enjoyed watching. The lights, the excitement, the thrill of watching two or more highly skilled individuals battle each other. It was like a Hollywood movie less the stunt doubles and with twice the excitement, for there was no choreography here. No one knew what would happen. If one needed proof of the popularity of these events, then one merely needed to look around a particular spot in Macau, China. Filled to the brim with both curious tourist and avid fans alike, the area was positively a bubbling cauldron of excitement.
So, given this, one might wonder why Duo Lon, the 'dangerous enigmatic fighter', as the announcer would be calling him in a few moments, would be here. He looks solitary. He looks like he could care less for the noise of the crowd around him. He was an assassin, one who lived in the shadows - so why was he involved in such a popular and well-televised event? Three reasons, actually. One: money. Pure and simple. Two: his search. If he gained popularity, not only would the people he approached for information be (hopefully) a little more forthcoming, the object of his search would know he hadn't given up, even after all this time. Three: skilled fighters. His recent fight with Chizuru, as one-sided as it may have been, had whet his appetite for good, honest fights. And here, he was sure, he'd find what he was looking for. In all three instances.
Duo was dressed no different than he normally was. Black robes, purple trim with gold dragon embroidery, and... makeup? Yes, he certainly was a male, but his appearance was quite off-putting, evidently reflected in the crowd as people seemed to get a bit more quiet here and there, taken aback by not only his appearance, but the calm, quiet, and rather cold demeanor he exuded. Simply put, he had a peculiar aura about him that made people pay attention, at the least. Robes quietly whispered on the ground as the tall Hizoku assassin took his place across from Adelheid. Giving a bow of his head in respect to his opponent, Duo gives no other outward reaction, even when the announcer gives him that odd label, merely standing in the square beyond the facade of the cathedral stoicly, hands tucked into his sleeves.
Odd labels and hype are really what fight announcing is all about, isn't it? Adelheid, for his part, pays the little speech little mind, his attention instead focused on the arrrival of his opponent. Who does indeed look the part of his impromptu moniker. Of course, Adel isn't exactly /pleased/ by his own introduction... his link to Rugal isn't exactly the trait which the platinum blonde is the most proud of. He lacks the makeup of his rival, but his skintone is only a few shades darker, the young Bernstein's pallor smoothly pale. A deep breath dismisses any concerns... he's not here to worry about his heritage, he's here for the same thing Duo Lon is... an honest, hard-fought battle. His lithe arms fold over his chest as he tilts his head slightly in consideration, gaze unflinching holding to the Hizoku assassin.
"Let's make this a good fight, and a strong show." Adel suggests with a ghosting of a smile, apparently looking forward to this. He gives a small half-bow to the assassin, before clenching his gloved fists at his side as the announcer backs out of the 'ring', ending with the all-important call of 'Fight!'. Rather than immediately charging the Chinese fighter, Adel flanks around him at an almost leisurely pace, fists rising to a rough stance that's hard to place with any particular style, but similar to something one would see from a military special forces sort, in this instance. He holds that forward guard, eyes locked on Duo Lon, as he waits, "I'm looking forward to seeing what you can do." He concludes, a fair bit more sporting than he seems, a lot of other times... but then, there's nothing to be gained from goading his opponent at this juncture. Duo Lon's already here to fight him all-out.
COMBATSYS: Adelheid has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Adelheid 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Adelheid focuses on his next action.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Adelheid 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Duolon has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Adelheid 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Duolon
The call to begin fighting - that universal call - is sounded, and no sooner than it does, the young Bernstein begins to move. Not towards him, but rather to the side, merely walking. Mirroring this movement, Duo begins to move along the same path, except away from Adelheid, the two of them beginning to circle about the ring in slow measure, the standard 'sizing one another up before a fight' warm up. Not only did it look impressive to the on-lookers (who indeed oohh and ahhh), it allows each fighter to examine the other's foot work from a safe distance. Duo, for his part, doesn't put up any form of 'stance', as Adel does, merely keeping his hands inside of his sleeves, walking that circle, at the opposite end of his opponent. Two full revolutions are completed before Duo moves, apparently taking the initiative. Stopping, he removes his hands from his sleeves with a strong flourish, and then turns towards the blonde. One step is given towards the man, and... then... Duo seems to disappear for a moment? There's a blurred streak of black that races towards the man from Duo's last known position, racing towards him. When it arrives, Duo seems to 'reppear', obviously having moved at a very fast clip - through the blurr was a strange thing, wasn't it? The Hizoku moves forward, intent on trying to take advantage of any surprise by driving his knee up into Adel's stomach with a swift motion.
COMBATSYS: Duolon successfully hits Adelheid with Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Adelheid 0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0 Duolon
Universal, and universally understood. The quasi-subdued roar of the impressed crowd is drowned out by intent focus on the fight, though all the study of Duo Lon's footwork in the world can't prepare him for the assassin's unconventional approach. Now that's impressive, and for all his own speed... not an effect Adel has managed to duplicate. It doesn't stop him from reacting with lightning reflexes, however, weaving aside as Duo Lon all but appears in front of him, the rising knee catching him in the side of his bruised ribcage, with painful results. He's staggered only a half-moment, however, shaking off the sting and righting himself with barely a misstep, suddenly reversing his posture and seeking to use the ninja's proximity against him, quite dramatically.
The platinum blonde's own left knee ascends suddenly, a flexing of his right leg sending him skyward in a small hop, just enough to bring his knee in for Duo Lon's jaw, and allow the hit to follow through. If he finds any sort of contact, it hardly ends there, a fluid rotation flowing from the same motion to swing him a nigh-instantaneous rotation in midair, roundhousing his right bootheel around for the Hizoku's skull. Twisting with the descent, Adelheid would land out of the potent spin-kick to deliver a third, a brutal axe-kick that flies in with the weight of his body behind it, twisting his frame in with the strike, adding speed and force to the finalizing blow.
COMBATSYS: Adelheid successfully hits Duolon with B's Destruction.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Adelheid 0/-------/----===|===----\-------\0 Duolon
Duo lands on his feet steadily after the attack is delivered. Unlike most fighters, he feels no satisfaction or ego in his successful attack, his gaze merely turning to follow his opponent as Adel moves to follow up with his own attack. The fighter is obviously not slow, but the proximity to each other makes dodging a little difficult, which is why the assassin's arms were in motion to attempt a block, which was a faster and safer bet - but he wasn't quite counting on Adelheid's strength, which he'd gauged to be fairly higher than his own, but not quite as much as the impacts of the man's legs tell him. His guard is broken fairly easily, knee slamming into his jaw, then another vigorous kick to the head, followed by an axe kick that sends the devestated chinaman flying backwards, off his feet.
His frail-seeming body apparently hurt very badly by Adel's vicious kicks, Duo lands on the ground with a solid thud. But it there that something odd happens, perhaps even odder than Duo's supposed 'teleportation'. Thin though his body may be, Duo seems to grow thinner very rapidly, appearing as skin and bones... and then literally, just bones with a robe wrapped around it, the skull bearing a hideous grin at Adelheid. Whatever kind of trick it is, the crowd's gasps are two-fold - one at the apparent instant death and decay of the man, and then another immediately following it, perhaps the only clue that something wasn't right. What they were gasping at was Duo's sudden reappearance, behind and above Adelheid, aiming a drill kick to the man's back.
COMBATSYS: Adelheid interrupts Genmu Hishou Keikou from Duolon with Futtobashi.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Adelheid 0/-------/-======|======-\-------\0 Duolon
Riding high after a single strike would be overconfidence in the extreme... and while the young Bernstein may be arrogant, he does recognize the skill, and unpredictability of his unusual opponent. The ghastly display is observed with only the slightest twitch of a flinch... he doesn't sense any departure of the Hizoku's remarkable chi signature, nor does he believe that an opponent of Duo Lon's calibre would be so easily dispatched, much less out and out killed. The illusion, delusion, whatever the heck it is doesn't distract Adel's focus on the battle, and as Duo Lon makes use of his remarkable offensive alacrity once again, Adelheid is twisting about almost the moment the assassin reappears, his head coming around first, and with quick instincts and honed skill, the platinum blonde drops low, planting one palm to the rocky ground and swinging both legs around the rest of his rotation.
Both booted feet swing high, launching the young Bernstein like a rocket upwards, at an angle that mirrors Duo Lon's descent. The spinning Hizoku's powerful kick graces off his knees, his ribs, with painful results... but his course holds true, and Duo Lon's sharp descent adds to the impact as both of Adelheid's bootheels meet soundly at the base of his ribs, the rising double-kick likely carrying more than enough force to reverse the potent offensive, Adelheid's own course culminating in a graceful arc, not unlike a cat righting himself in midair to land with surprising lightness on those heavy, booted feet, his knees bending ever so subtly to absorb the slight impact, dark eyes gazing intently at Duo Lon from below his now tousled blonde bangs.
Certainly, Duo isn't expecting such a quick reaction from the man. Most are so taken aback by his displays that they become momentarily distracted, enough for his attack to land without a hitch. But such wasn't the case here. No, Adelheid was more than the common fighter, and it had been a long time since Duolon had fought anyone with such skill. Were his face able to be seen as he descends to the ground below due to the kick delivered in mid-air (which earns QUITE the cheers from the crowd), the emotion passing over his face would be honest surprise. He impacts against the ground in a loud thud, though he himself makes no sound, except perhaps that which comes when his breath is knocked from him. He slowly rises afterwards, his back to Adelheid, eyes closed, the look of surprise gone. Taking a slow, deep breath, the Hizoku turns back around to face his opponent, and, surprisingly to some at least, gives a bow of his head. "An excellent counter," he intones, and then his feet slide apart. The front foot becomes angled, the pad of it the only part touching the ground, and his hands come up in a kind of boxing style, except with different hand placement, and his hands are held flat, fingers outstretched. He says nothing more, but instead looks to Adelheid, narrow eyes gauging him in a new light.
COMBATSYS: Duolon focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Adelheid 0/-------/-======|======-\-------\0 Duolon
When one grows up under the yoke of a man like Rugal, well... being taken aback by brutal or grotesque displays quickly becomes something categorized strongly under 'NOT an option'. The young Bernstein's calm focus is unaffected, he merely faces off against Duo Lon for the second time tonight, flanking the Hizoku's landing spot, and answering the assassin's respectful nod with one of his own. He may have been able to control things to this point, more or less, but he's far from dismissing the Chinese fighter... there's something about the pale-faced assassin, even beyond his eccentricity. Far from backing down, Adelheid does take the moment to take his own deep breaths, tensing and un-tensing one face, his own stance going looser, now, as Duo Lon's becomes more formalized, the platinum blonde almost seeming to drift between several possible stances as he moves, each set of steps bringing a slightly different positioning to hands and body, adding his own unpredictability to the mix.
COMBATSYS: Adelheid gains composure.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Adelheid 0/-------/--=====|======-\-------\0 Duolon
Duo's eyes follow the shifting stances... and eventually just forgets about attempting to keep up with them. It could mean the man has many different styles of fighting, it could simply mean that he's trying to fake Duolon out. All too familiar with the latter, Duo merely chooses to 'believe' that is so... and as such, takes the initiative again. This time, there is no blur, the man's movements clearly seen, even if he moves rather fast, long legs helping him to traverse the distance easily. No sooner than he arrives, than Duo launches his assault. His left hand lashes out, long fingers capped with long nails making a knifehand for Adel's head - and intentionally missing, pulling it to the side, just as his right hand lashes out for the man's stomach, and again, intentionally missing. This is meant to redirect his guard, a bit of misdirection to make Adel 'forget' about the left hand, as the Hizoku turns and attempts to hook that left hand around Adelheid's head, and then pull him into a quick over-the-shoulder throw.
COMBATSYS: Adelheid blocks Duolon's Quick Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Adelheid 0/-------/-======|======-\-------\0 Duolon
While Adelheid's style certainly does incorporate many different arts, and techniques, even those of other fighters... in truth, his shifting stance is done for an entirely different reason, in primary function at least. The one obvious edge Duo Lon has demonstrated is in his sheer unconventionality... Adel, despite having fought the assassin to this point, still has little idea entirely what the Chinese fighter is capable of. As such, it behooves him to be ready, alert, prepared and already in the efforts of shifting to adjust to whatever comes in at him. And if it faked Duo Lon out a little, well, the young Bernstein wouldn't complain.
The raking talons that stab in at him are reacted to quickly, Adelheid's head jerking backwards as he takes a half-step away from the assassin, though he doesn't overadjust, maintaining the proximity as best he can while ensuring the feint does not actually take out an eye. The slice to his ribs is similarly managed, a half-twist away his only response, and as he's grabbed, he's thus completely on-balance to deal with it, and as he's flipped upwards, his own legs kick with the momentum, quickly overshooting the assassin's own force and bring Adelheid down and around far closer, and far more smoothly than Duo Lon likely intended. Wrenching gracefully from the assassin's grip in midair, Adelheid pretends to be feline again, drifting sillhouetted against the facade for what seems to be a half-instant more than is natural, before dropping feet-first towards the earth. The platinum blonde lands harshly on one knee, and he's in on the assassin in the same breath, his left hand shooting out, intending to clench with painful, steely force around Duo Lon's throat, clenching the air from his windpipe. Should that grip be found, though, the choke would only be momentary, as Adel twisted around, bringing his right hand around in a surprisingly potent, swift straight aligned with the hopefully suspended assassin's ribcage, meaning to blast Duo Lon right out of his grip, and towards the other side of the facade.
COMBATSYS: Adelheid successfully hits Duolon with Scorpion Blow.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Adelheid 0/-------/=======|=======\-------\1 Duolon
Certainly, Duo was -not- expecting such a quick recovery, but fighters such as Adelheid and he have to adapt to shifting situations. That's what unscripted battles like these were like: almost pure chaos, and while to some degree you could follow it, it almost always turned out to be not the way you expected it. For instance, Adel gets onto his feet fast, but Duo's footing is a little uneasy due to the shifting weight of the larger man - namely, in him not being there any more. So even when Duo tries to shift into an evasive stance - by, you know, ducking - the man's hand is right there, grabbing him by the throat. The assassin's own hands come up to try and shake free, but by then it's too late. The fist punches him square in the ribs, sending the poor Hizoku assassin flying backwards, crashing into the tiles of the square some distance away hard enough to send chips flying. Fortunately for him... he's not out, yet. He's hurting, oh yes, but he's far from done. Rolling onto his feet in a smooth motion that looks like he's simply rolling with the force of the attack, Duo is up in a crouch in no time, and already preparing his rebuttal to Adel's fist. Namely, by clenching his own fist, and concentrating. A sickly-purple globe of energy begins to pool around his hand, and as he stands, he simply flings the projectile at Adel. A fireball of sorts, this comes with something extra: in-flight, the orb begins to twist and writhe, black eyes and mouths beginning to form on its surface, each 'face' uttering a kind of screech as the mass of 'souls' makes it way to the blond.
COMBATSYS: Duolon successfully hits Adelheid with Genmu Kyaku Uchikiba.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Adelheid 1/-----==/=======|=======\==-----\1 Duolon
Righting himself quickly after sending Duo Lon flying away, Adelheid's arm flexes back to his side, a deep breath exhaled with the exertion of his quick turnabout, and despite the hits he's taken, the Hizoku assassin proves to be the quicker, now, that eerie, shadowy blast of deathly chi catching him in the middle of a sidestep, crackling with searing agony into his shoulder and left breast, the blast exploding through him in tendrils of agonizing energy, spinning him about where he stands. Falling to one knee, his palm catching him as he drops, Adelheid's gaze snaps up to Duo Lon, and a slight smile draws across his face. Impressive, especially since his understanding of the assassin's style is beginning to expand. It's the platinum blonde's turn to offer a slow nod of respect.
Righting himself, Adelheid's eyes narrow, centering in on Duo Lon steadily as he evens out his focus from the pain he's feeling, both from that blast and his other recent injuries, until there's no screaming crowd, no pounding bruises, no soul-stealing wrath burning into his shoulder... just him, and the Hizoku.
COMBATSYS: Adelheid focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Adelheid 1/-----==/=======|=======\==-----\1 Duolon
Duo stands still throughout the entire fireball's flight, noting, with perhaps just a hint of satisfaction, both the hit, and how the crowd reacts to it. So he's a little bit into showmanship - can you really blame him? He doesn't smile, though, no. You'd have to be looking directly into his eyes to even see it. As it is, after the fireball hits, the Hizoku begins to walk, slowly, towards Adelheid as the man begins to focus, purely as a dramatic show. He then stops, a respectable distance from Adelheid, and seems to wait a moment, adopting no fighting stance. There's a pause, a lull in the crowd's cheering. A beat. Then two. And then finally, Duo acts. Rushing forward, the Hizoku races towards his opponent, and then jumps, clearly intending on arcing over his opponent to get to his back... but, strangely, there seems to be two Duolons? One making the jump, and one still on course, aiming a stiff knife-hand to the man's stomach. Should the move continue, -both- of the Duolons begin a series of knife-hands, elbow strikes and shoulder rushes, finishing off with a dual roundhouse to the side of Adelheid's head.
COMBATSYS: Adelheid reflects Ouji Tajiuu Genmu Ankei from Duolon with Dark Steel.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////// ]
Adelheid 0/-------/------=|==-----\-------\0 Duolon
A beat, then two, the roaring of the exhilerated crowd a dull, humming white noise to the tunnelvisioned Bernstein, expecting that when that lull in the action abates, his adversary will be coming in at him hard. To capitalize, and seize the advantage.... and the tremendous upsurge Adelheid senses within the assassin as Duo Lon suddenly rushes confirms that prediction, in the platinum blonde's mind, both hands thrusting out before him, palms opened, his thumbs and index fingers meeting to form an impromptu triad. The open-hand gesture seems to implore Duo Lon to stop, and for another passing beat, that's all there seems to be to it. But then, matching the outpouring of chi Duo Lon pours into his splitting of form and all-out assault, comes a surge from Adelheid.
Dark, grey-silver winds whirl up around the young Bernstein, ragged edges surrounding him and pouring out his arms, bursting from his palms and fingertips to coalesce into a tremendous wall, a half-dome crackling along the ground, up over the young fighter's head, swirling with dark energy. Bolts of blackest chi flux violently along the wall of silvery winds, and as Duo Lon rushes headlong into it, all of his gathered energy suddenly polarizes in opposition to his intent, the shield seeming to absorb, and almost simultaneously repel the deadly intent, waves of volatile chi exploding outwards over Duo Lon, and likely effectively disintegrating his double, as the impressive barrier explodes outwards over and around the Hizoku in a tremendous column of shearing, shadow-touched wind.
Both of the fighters are just full of tricks, aren't they? Up until now, there hadn't been much to suggest that his opponent had very much, if any, control over chi, unlike he himself. Certainly the hand motion might've given it away - for his opponent couldn't be asking for mercy in this kind of situation, could he? No. - but regardless, Duo went on, he and his chi-created double attacking, even through the dark vortex of chi, stiving to perhaps upset his concentration or merely blow right through it, even as impressively powerful as it seems. That's the mistake, however, as Adelheid seems to just be saying 'no' to his attack. By repelling it back at him. The clone - the one from behind - disintegrates, as expected, and the force of his own attacks blows back out towards Duo, lifting him up, into the air... but surprisingly, he manages to catch himself on his feet, the remainder of his momentum shown as he literally slides across the ground, feet spread to maintain his balance. "Not bad," he says, and then adopts his stance again, that one that looks so much like a kind of snake. "Seems I've misjudged your fighting style."
COMBATSYS: Duolon gains composure.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Adelheid 0/-------/------=|=------\-------\0 Duolon
One of the benefits to a style like that wielded by the Bernsteins is their sheer flexibility... while both father and son may excell in varying areas, both are well prepared for a variety of tricks. Both countering, and offering them. Adelheid absorbs the praise from his repelled opponent without comment, not prone to being distracted by flattery, either... though respect is nice, and a fight like this is the platinum blonde's preference. It's a pity not every fighter shares the Hizoku's odd sense of honour... though then again, what is it they say about honour among killers? The talented 'R' lieutenant doesn't pause to rest on his laurels, launching himself in at Duo Lon with a feinting stutter-step, his own form not seeming to teleport, but he certainly moves faster than most are capable of, and the crowd gasps as some of them fail to follow his darting form for a moment.
Stepping in on Duo Lon's flank, Adelheid's left fist snaps up from his waist in a quick, jarring uppercut aligned for the assassin's jaw. It's followed quickly by a step forward on his right foot, and in synchronous motion, a brutal right cross swings in level with Duo Lon's face.
COMBATSYS: Duolon dodges Adelheid's Strong Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Adelheid 0/-------/------=|=------\-------\0 Duolon
The spectators may have trouble following Adelheid's movements, but Duolon does not. If anything, he's used to moving that fast, so he has no trouble with it... perhaps a little less trouble than he should, really, as he's all ready for whatever Adelheid has for him. His stance shifts, slightly, and as the first punch moves in for his jaw, Duo takes a step back, feeling nothing but the wind along his jaw as he avoids it, then makes for a quick side step as the cross comes in, evading it, as well, but by mere centimeters. He's already moving as the cross finishes, pale, ghost-like hands coming up to attempt a grab on the man's arm, take a step back, and then literally pull Adelheid on top of him, while planting a foot into his stomach, rolling backwards in such a way in order to throw him a fair distance.
COMBATSYS: Adelheid parries Duolon's Medium Throw!
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Adelheid 0/-------/-----==|=------\-------\0 Duolon
The Hizoku is definitely quick, and it's not easy for Adelheid to match that when starting from the proverbial ground zero. In terms of acceleration and sudden motion, Duo Lon proves the superior, and his deft evasions leave Adelheid seemingly open for retaliation...
His outstretched arm grabbed, the young Bernstein wrenches his weight to the side as he's pulled, dropping low aside Duo Lon's seeking foot, the blonde crouching with surprising alacrity as a sharp twist and shove from his other hand frees his right arm. Rather than leaping away or some such defensive maneuver, both of Adel's hands snap right back in on the prone Hizoku, seeking to grab him right out of his rolling maneuver, and yank him harshly to his feet by the front of his robes. Should he find his grip, Duo Lon will be harshly jacked up, and suddenly, both fighters would launch forward, as if propelled by some unseen force. Adel's feet would leave the ground, and the breakneck velocity would hurtle both men forward, with the intent of crashing Duo Lon back-first harshly into a tall concrete wall holding back a section of the bank surrounding one of the landmark's well-landscaped overlooks. Between the concentrated chi behind the flight, and the force in Adelheid's deceptively strong frame, Duo Lon could be hitting the wall with cement-cracking force.
COMBATSYS: Duolon blocks Adelheid's God Press EX.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Adelheid 0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0 Duolon
This match was just full of surprises, most of all Adelheid's seeming ease of recovery from throws. Almost too fast, this time, even with Duo's ability to keep up, the young Bernstein gets into a prime position, leaving Duo in a very -bad- position, which is why he's more or less helpless, and all he can do is get grabbed by his opponent, his balance and body positioning way too off to even attempt a counter, and the likelihood of a complete dodge at that range was nil. And thus was Duo placed on a fast track to a world of hurt... and probably would be there right now if not for quick thinking. His long legs swing forward, and plant on the man's stomach. From there, he grabs the arms that hold him, and just as the two of them reach the cement blockade, Duo thrusts -backwards- with his legs, literally catching himself with his feet. It hurts, still, of course, but being able to bend your legs to absorb shock is a hell of a lot better than merely getting slammed into the concrete. Quickly from there, he begins to 'walk' backwards up the wall, and then presses off of it, moving into a jump, and still clinging to his opponent's arms. His intention is to go up, over, land on his feet, and then change all of his momentum into another throw, hopefully catching Adelheid off guard - his options otherwise are limited!
COMBATSYS: Duolon successfully hits Adelheid with Quick Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Adelheid 0/-------/--=====|===----\-------\0 Duolon
Duo Lon isn't the first to think up this particular tricky rebuttal to the powerful press, but it's not any less effective this time, and the Hizoku certainly makes good on his chance to capitalize on the hit with a quick rebuttal. Yanked backwards with a harsh twisting to his arm, Adelheid is flung quite effectively off his feet, skidding to the ground and rolling back to a crouch, his haphazard course throwing up a shower of dust behind and around him. He doesn't pause to worry over the dirt, or the cut that reopened on his cheek, trickling blood down his face. Instead, he immediately pushes out of his crouch, leaping up and in at Duo Lon with a sudden twist.
A flying spin-kick careens for the Hizoku's skull, following fluidly through as he lands anchored on the opposite foot, his frame turning about once more with blurring velocity to align a heel-led roundhouse that axes slightly downward in at the assassin's temple, looking to quite literally kick him into the dirt, in return.
COMBATSYS: Adelheid successfully hits Duolon with Double Tomahawk.
Glancing Blow
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////// ]
Adelheid 0/-------/=======|====---\-------\0 Duolon
Truth be told, Duo's stamina was beginning to wane, in just the slightest. While he could continue fighting for some time still, he has to pause after his throw, posture sagging just a little, taking a few steps to work the kinks out of his legs. Effective block it may have been, but painful still it was. Eyes close a moment, and the fighter breathes in, and then out, clearing his head - just in time to see Adelheid begin a new assault. Shifting his feet, Duo prepares to attempt his dodging, gauging, trying to predict where the blows where come. The first is successfully avoided, though the soles of the man's boots do scrape his face, just a little, a couple of very fine slices appearing on the man's face, reddening somewhat with the promise of blood. The second attack is a bit more successful, the roundhouse instead impacting on Duo's shoulder, the force enough to knock his already weakened knees' support out. Falling, Duo manages to tuck into a short roll, moving past Adelheid as he goes, but only far enough that he has room to rise back up into a crouch, turn, and then attempt to direct one of those deadly pale ghost-like hands into Adelheid's side, near his kidney, with a strong knife-hand.
COMBATSYS: Adelheid blocks Duolon's Medium Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////// ]
Adelheid 0/-------/=======|====---\-------\0 Duolon
Adelheid lands and raises his guard, his own weariness growing, but he's far from out of it... plenty of fight left in the young Bernstein, it seems, his defenses ready for Duo Lon's deft recovery, the knife hand slicing a shallow, grazing gash along a blocking forearm, the platinum blonde's hardened musculature proving resilient, partly thanks to the sideswiping deflection that sends the strike askew. Adelheid's right foot drops back with the guard, planting hard into the ground as he turns a slight rotation away from Duo Lon, before suddenly reversing it.
Hoping to catch the assassin overextended, Adelheid twists back in, driving a solid left fist in an efficient, snapping straight level with Duo Lon's solar plexus. The hit certainly packs a fair bit of strength behind it, but the quick, close strike seems meant more to further hamper the Hizoku's failing balance, along with the purchase of just a hint of breathing room for the young Bernstein.
COMBATSYS: Duolon dodges Adelheid's Quick Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////// ]
Adelheid 0/-------/------=|====---\-------\0 Duolon
In this situation, there was really only one thing to do: lose your balance intentionally. Adelheid indeed probably would've caught Duo in an overextended state, if the Hizoku assassin weren't a seasoned fighter. But he knows his own body well enough, and as it goes, he's fairly certain he knows Adelheid by now - at least, his fighting style, if not the young man himself. His supporting foot slides forward, the fighter's weight thusly being forced downwards, and then into a backwards roll, evading Adelheid's fist entirely as the Hizoku stands up, some distance away. There is indeed just a moment for the blonde to recover, but a moment is all he has, as the assassin seems intent on pressing the attack, launching a series of swift strikes, some being feints, others being actual rakes of his claw-like nails, and others merely being open-palmed hits.
COMBATSYS: Adelheid interrupts Jab Punch from Duolon with Reppukyaku EX.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///// ]
Adelheid 0/-------/------=|======-\-------\0 Duolon
Duo Lon's quick reactions aren't necessarily surprising... sure, it would have been nicer for Adelheid had the assassin been sent rolling away courtesy of his punch, but the breathing room factor is still granted by Duo Lon's graceful roll away. Drawing that opportunity for a deep breath, Adel steels his nerves, seeking to put a finalizing note on the impressive concerto this fight is becoming. The sharp talonlike nails graze him once, twice, as he weaves backwards under the blurring assault, a line of red drawn on his chest, a second on a defending forearm, and that's where the Hizoku's assault is stopped short.
Whipping his right leg up and around, Adelheid ascends a short distance as his evading momentum sharply reverses, a roiling gout of silvery energy cleaving a short ditch in the ground as that boot swings up, the suddenly-formed edge of luminescent wind energy washing outwards, and crashing like a wave into the attacking assassin. The chest-high blast of potent chi washes over, and past Duo Lon, rushing along the ground until it dissipates a short distance beyond.
He'd felt that something like this might've been tried... after all, unconventional as Duolon was, Adelheid had his own bag of tricks, to be sure. But it doesn't stop it from crashing down onto him, of course. The whirlwind of energy hits Duo squarely, sending him flying backwards a good distance. Surely the final blow had been struck, with such a close range, though powerful maneuver... and yet, the Hizoku assassin was not to be taken too lightly, it seems. One foot touches down, and then the man falls back to the ground into a crouch, knee planted right next to his foot, his hands out in front of him to help cushion the fall admist the chipped remains of the grounds that the Reppukyaku had ripped up. Breathing a bit labored, it would seem as though Duo were out... though were one to look, they'd see a familiar sickly-purple aura begin to rise up from his crouched form. It starts out nearly imperceptable against the afternoon sky, but then it quickly grows in intensity, the very air around the man becoming distorted... perhaps even tainted. The energy around Duo becomes bright, and then he holds out his hand. There are no words to follow the attack. What does happen is the aura around him begins to drain outwards, through his hand. The energy becomes a ball, a very BIG ball, looking almost like his fireball earlier, except much, much bigger. This energy is let go, and like before, the faces appear on that sick purple mist, the screams being much louder, much more agonized that before, as the large mass of 'souls' streaks towards Adelheid. Regardless of whether it hits or not, Duo's hand returns to supporting himself on the ground, breathing heavily. Obviously, that was the last bit of his energy.
COMBATSYS: Duolon can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Adelheid 0/-------/------=|
COMBATSYS: Adelheid reflects Hiden Genmu Juu Onshii Kon from Duolon with Dark Barrier.
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Adelheid 0/-------/------=|
Adelheid doesn't need to see the building energy to feel the tingling of its buildup... though by the aura Duo Lon's suddenly projecting, it's obviously going to be something /big/. Sure, the strike is somewhat telegraphed, but one should never underestimate huge hurtling fireballs, particularly when they're practically oozing with tainted chi and screaming like hundreds of people are being tortured within their luminescent confines. The powerful blast is met by the extension of one of Adelheid's hands, the young Bernstein turning to face the energy ball sidelong, as an outstretched palm crackles with his now-familiar, silvery chi. The grey-streaked storm that surges forth from his hand swirls into an oppositional disc, held in the path of the massive soulsphere.
With a crackling hurricane of conflicting energies, purple and silver shear off in ragged shockwaves, blossoming into the darkening surroundings like a fireworks display. The impact is impressive, continuing for several lingering moments as the Dark Barrier ripples and fluxes, but ultimately holds, the chi from both attacks exploding outwards in a tremendous ring that cleaves the ground, and sends silvery, purple fires drifting upwards towards the night sky. Adelheid himself drops a weary arm in the aftermath, breath coming heavily for the duration it takes for Duo Lon to be counted as 'down'. Eyeing his slouching opponent, Adelheid offers a singular nod, and a slight smile, "Well fought." He murmurs simply.
Certainly, the fight was spectacular. A long, though not drawn-out battle to give the tourists their money's worth. A beginning lead over the assassin, turned into what might've been an impressive comeback, with the two fighting on even terms in the later minutes of the fight, and it call finishes off with a large bang - silver and purple fires and sparks igniting in the slowly-darkening sky from the impact of Adelheid's Dark Barrier against Duolon's own wailing ball of chi. The crowd goes -wild- as Duo is counted out for being down too long, both fighters getting equal praise, for it was nothing short of an amazing match. Duolon eventually stands back up, brushing bits of dust and chipped cement from his robes, and noticing Adelheid's nod, he returns it. "Indeed," he responds, and then turns towards the announcer, who is in the process of shouting more nonsense, whipping up the crowd into one final frenzy. With that, Duolon nods once more, mostly to himself. While he didn't win, it was a well fought battle, and there was no shame in that. Turning, he begins to head to the event medics for a bit of patching up, and from there, back to his eternal search.
Log created by Duolon, and last modified on 15:18:52 08/13/2006.